Bye Child Presentation

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Seamus Heaney
The Story Behind ‘Bye-Child’
‘Bye-Child’ is a poem written by Seamus Heaney
featured in his ‘Wintering Out’ selection. It
was also then developed into a film.
The poem is based on a true story of a young
boy neglected by his parents, who confined
him to a henhouse in the back yard.
When he was discovered he was incapable of
saying anything at all.
When the lamp glowed, We don’t know who ‘they’ are
yet, no names are mentioned,
A yolk of light
In their back window,
The child in the outhouse Chink – a small
narrow opening
Put his eye to a chink --

Almost like a cruel

nickname. Possible
given by the media? Little henhouse boy,
Simile – idea of his face being Sharp-faced as new moons
like the moon, conveys the idea
that the boys face is pale Remembered, your photo still

Simile – a rodent on the floor of Glimpsed like a rodent

their mind relates back to the
boys living conditions, possibly On the floor of my mind
rodents running around
Another cruel name, also suggesting a pale face,
Little moon man, due to illness? Alliteration of ‘moon man’

Kennelled and faithful Animal imagery – like a dog

Triple – appeal to readers emotions about the
At the foot of the yard, boys condition, ‘frail’, ‘luminous’, ‘weightless’

Your frail shape, luminous, Idea of this triple could be the

idea that he is a ghost. As
Weightless, is stirring the dust, though he doesn’t exist.

Imagery of terrible living conditions, appeal

to readers emotions

The cobwebs, old droppings

5 senses – 1) ‘dry smells’ - smell
2) ‘scraps’ – taste Under the roosts
3) ‘cobwebs, old droppings’
– what you see And dry smells from scraps
She put through your trapdoor
imagery – fed through a trapdoor
like an animal or prisoner Morning and evening.
5 senses – 4) ‘footsteps, silence;’ – what you hear

A period of time,
especially at night, Period of
when you stay After those footsteps, silence; time where
quietly in one place you don’t eat
Vigils, solitudes, fasts, food

To do with fear of Unchristened tears, State of being

something alone
approaching, A puzzled love of the light.
connecting to the As though he
footsteps and silence doesn’t know
But now you speak at last what it is

Due to his limited language. Was Lives in the

this when he was discovered, or dark, relate to
him standing up for himself, or a dark life?
crying in fear?
Enjambment between stanza’s
With a remote mime
Of something beyond patience,
Your gasping wordless proof
Of lunar distances
Travelled beyond love.
• About a real life situation, young boy neglected
by parents, and confided him to a henhouse.
• Heaney enters the life and situation of the boy to
give voice to his suffering.
• Main themes – pain, cruelty, neglect and family
• Spends little time looking at the mother or her
motives and focuses on the boy, this teases the
audience as they want to know more.
• No rhyme
• Alliteration – ‘little moon man’ (3rd stanza)
• Talks about 4 of the 5 senses

• Tone/Mood – negative and sinister. Appeals to
audiences emotions and makes them feel
sorry for the boy.
• Uses a lot of animal imagery regarding the
boy, this shows neglect and disregard for him
as a human and a child.
• Heaney describes him as an inhuman
creature, lurking in the dark.
• Uses similes such as ‘sharp-faced as new
moons’ (2nd stanza)
• 6 stanzas, each 5 lines.
• Formal and structured layout.

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