Enfield Clubhouse Member Application Form

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Member Application Form PRIVATE &


How to apply to become a member

If you have visited Enfield Clubhouse already and you want to apply to become a
member, please complete the enclosed application form.

You will need to ask your Care Co-ordinator – your Social Worker or Community
Psychiatric Nurse (CPN) – to counter-sign on the last page and then return it to us
in an envelope marked Private & Confidential.

Completed applications should be returned to:

Enfield Clubhouse
41 Ridge Avenue
Winchmore Hill
N21 2RJ

When we receive your completed application form, we will invite you to attend an
informal interview where we will ask you a few questions about your application.
You may also wish to ask us some questions about Clubhouse.

At the end of the meeting, which generally will take 10 minutes to half an hour, if
you still want to join and we think you will benefit from becoming a member we will
agree with you a start date.

Your completed application form will be kept in a locked filing cabinet and you will
have access to it on request. Only Clubhouse staff will have access to your
application form and the data on the form will be entered into our secure,
password-protected database for monitoring and reporting purposes only.

By signing this application form you agree to your information being used in this
Enfield Clubhouse August
Member Application Form PRIVATE &

Contact Details

Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr)
First Name
Preferred Name

Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3

Home Phone

Contact preferences

Enfield Clubhouse August

Member Application Form PRIVATE &
Equal Opportunities Monitoring

This information will be treated in strict confidence and will be used only to monitor our Equal
Opportunities Policy and to provide generalised and non-identifiable information for reporting

If you do not feel comfortable giving any or all of this information, you do not have to and it will
not affect your application. Any information you can give, however, will help us to gain funding to
develop the Clubhouse to provide a better service for everyone.

Ethnicity (please tick or cross which best describes how you describe your ethnic origin)

Asian Not willing to say

Asian British Other Asian
Bangladeshi Other ethnic group
Black African Pakistani
Black British Unknown
Black British other White British
Black British: African White British-Spanish
Black British: Caribbean White European
Black Caribbean White Greek Cypriot
Chinese White Irish
Indian White Other
Mixed Race British White Turkish-Cypriot
Mixed White & Asian Mixed Race British
Mixed White & Black African
Mixed White & Black Caribbean

Enfield Clubhouse August

Member Application Form PRIVATE &
Equal Opportunities Monitoring

This information will be treated in strict confidence and will be used only to monitor our Equal
Opportunities Policy and to provide generalised and non-identifiable information for reporting

If you do not feel comfortable giving any or all of this information, you do not have to and it will
not affect your application. Any information you can give, however, will help us to gain funding to
develop the Clubhouse to provide a better service for everyone.

Personal information

Gender Male Female Transgender

(please tick or cross)

Date of birth Day Month Year


Disability Mental Health Physical Health Unknown
(please tick or cross)

(e.g., English)
(e.g., gay, straight etc.)
(is English your first or
natural language?)
(e.g., reading, writing,
seeing, hearing)

Enfield Clubhouse August

Member Application Form PRIVATE &
Application details – you must answer all the questions on this page

Date of Application
History of violent or aggressive
behaviour (yes or no)
Note on behaviour (to be
completed by Enfield Clubhouse
Risk assessment (to be
completed by Enfield Clubhouse
Care Co-ordinator


Funding source (to be completed

by Enfield Clubhouse staff)
(Enhanced, Standard or none)
Symptoms of illness or relapse

Coping strategies


General notes
(are there any things you want to
add or any other health
conditions we need to be aware
of – e.g., epilepsy, diabetes,

Mental Health diagnosis

Enfield Clubhouse August

Member Application Form PRIVATE &

Family relationships

Please let us know the name of someone we can contact in an emergency or if we are
unable to contact you in any other way. This could be a family member, carer or a friend.

Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr)
First Name
Relationship to you (e.g.,
friend, family member or

Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3

Home Phone

Enfield Clubhouse August

Member Application Form PRIVATE &
Personal circumstances – work history

This information will help us to offer you the right kind of support and to measure any
progress you make.

When did you last do any paid or voluntary work?

Currently working
Last employed - less than 6 months ago
Last employed - 6-12 months ago
Last employed - 1-3 years ago
Last employed - more than 3 years ago
Never worked before

How would you describe your level of skill to do

this work?
Unskilled worker
Semi-skilled worker
Skilled worker

How would you describe the work you do or did?

Sheltered or therapeutic work
Unpaid or Voluntary
Youth training scheme

If it is or was paid work, what's the rate of pay?

Less than about £10,000 a year (or £200 a
week, or £800 a month)
Between about £10-15,000 a year (or £2-300 a
week, or £800-1,200 a month)
Between about £15-20,000 a year (or £3-400 a
week, or £1,200-1,600 a month)
More than about £20,000 a year (or £400 a
week, or £1,600 a month)

Enfield Clubhouse August

Member Application Form PRIVATE &

Enfield Clubhouse August

Member Application Form PRIVATE &
Personal circumstances – education and accommodation

This information will help us to offer you the right kind of support and to measure any
progress you make.

What qualifications have you achieved?

Less than 5 GCSEs and/or ‘O’ Levels at grade C or above
5 or more GCSEs and/or ‘O’ Levels at grade C or above
NVQ Level 3 or ‘A’ Levels
Degree or HND or NVQ Level 4
Masters Degree or NVQ Level 5 or above
Other (please specify)

What kind of housing do you

currently live in?
Rented – Council
Rented - Housing Association
Rented – Private
Rented - Shared/Group Home
Home Owner
Family Home
Other (please specify)

Who do you live with?

With Parents / Family
With Partner
With Flatmate(s)
As part of a Group
Other (please specify)

Enfield Clubhouse August

Member Application Form PRIVATE &
Personal circumstances - goals and interests

This information will help us to offer you the right kind of support and to measure any
progress you make.

Health and fitness

Would you like help to lose weight?
Do you drink alcohol?
Would you like help to cut down or stop?
Do you smoke tobacco or cigarettes?
Would you like help to cut down or stop?
Do you take street drugs such as cannabis?
Would you like help to cut down or stop?

Social and leisure activities

What activities are you involved in now?
(Please state what and how often)
Are there any activities you would like to get involved in?
(Please state what and how often)

Education and learning new skills

What activities are you involved in now?
(Please state what and how often)
Are there any activities you would like to get involved in?
(Please state what and how often)

Employment and volunteering

What kind of work would you like to do?

How many hours would you like to work?

What kind of help or support do you think you would
need in order to work?

How much do you want to get paid?

Would you like help to find out what your options are?

Enfield Clubhouse August

Member Application Form PRIVATE &
Would you like advice about work and benefits?

Enfield Clubhouse August

Member Application Form PRIVATE &
Signed Declaration

Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions in this form

Please sign and date below to confirm that all the information you have provided is true and
correct. If you are completing this form electronically we will ask for your signature at the

Applicant's Signature

Care Co-ordinator's

Enfield Clubhouse August


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