Mantra Siddhi
Mantra Siddhi
Mantra Siddhi
Om aravidhe swaha
10. Take water in the right palm and pledge that you are chanting the Panchanguli Mantra for gain
of divine vision. Next with a Sfatik rosary chant one round of the following Mantra.
Om Namo Panchaanguli Panchaanguli
Pishaachmadhye Jhontingmadhye
Daakinimadhye Shankhinimadhye
Yakshinnimadhye Doshinnimadhye
Shokanimadhye Gunneemadhye
If some foe is proving to be a great threat to your life, reputation, position, family or job or if you
are caught in some court case then he can be subdued through this powerful ritual. Place a Bajrang
Yantra before yourself and on its right hand side make a mound of rice grains. Then smear
vermilion on a Baalaadikam Dand and place it on the mound. Then chant 11 rounds of the
following Mantra with a Red Coral rosary.
Om Poorva Kapimukhaay Panchmukh Hanumate Tam Tam Tam Tam Tam
Sakal Shatru Sanhaarannaay Swaahaa.
Repeating this for eight consecutive days brings forth amazing results. On the ninth day leave all
the articles in some secluded spot under the open sky.
Divine Beloved
In Mahabharat era, Sanjay had accomplished Divya Drishti Sadhana through which he could
visualise events occurring hundreds of miles away. Dhritrashtra, the father of Kauravs was keen to
know about the goings-on in the battle and as he was blind he could only hear about the
proceedings. Through the power of his Sadhana, Sanjay was able to see the battle of Mahabharat
going on in Kurukshetra and narrate the events to Dhritrashtra, while he sat in the palace in
Hastinapur (Delhi).
Door Shravan or Divya Shravan Sadhana is similar, in it no telephone or scientific equipment is
needed and a person can convey his thoughts to his friend staying far away from him and can also
obtain messages from him.
Just imagine that you are sitting in Delhi and are talking to your wife who is in Bombay. You are not
talking on phone but are receiving the sounds through the powers of the Sadhana. Isn't it amazing?
You wouldn't have to resort to the help of any instrument or wait for the call to be linked and neither
shall anyone be able to interrupt or overhear your conversation. Then you can contact anyone - even
when you are far from civilization where there are no modern facilities like phones or wireless.
Once you have accomplished the Sadhana you can hear any conversation going on anywhere in the
world. However in order to converse with someone it is necessary that the other person too, is
perfect in this Sadhana. If this happens, exchange of thoughts would be child's play.
This Sadhana is not too difficult, but to accomplish it full faith and determination are absolutely
necessary. You have but to try it once and if you succeed then the world shall be before you to
explore and nothing shall remain a secret for you. You shall then be able to hear anything going on
anywhere in the world.
This Sadhana can be started from any Sunday and it lasts for eleven days. One has to remain in
Sadhana for about one hour daily.
4 to 6 am is the right time for this ritual, for the atmosphere then is peaceful and there is no
disturbance. It is easy to communicate telepathically during this period.
The Sadhak should get up early in the morning and take a bath with fresh water. He should wear
yellow clothes and sit on a yellow mattress facing the North. He should then light a lamp with a
cotton wick immersed in clarified butter (Ghee).
In the Sadhana three articles are required - picture of the Guru, Door Shravan Yantra and Door
Shravan Mala.
The Yantra and the rosary should be consecrated & enlivened through special Mantras composed by
Shankaracharya. These Mantras are used to form a link of the rosary and the Yantra with the ether
present everywhere.
The Sadhak must take a plate and draw a Swastik on it with red saffron. Then the Yantra should be
placed over the Swastik.
After this the Sadhak should place the picture of the Guru next to the Yantra. The picture should be
wiped clean and a mark of vermilion should be made on the Guru's forehead. Flowers and prayers
should be offered to the Guru.
Then the Sadhak should chant the Mantra
|| Om ||
three times. Next he should chant one round of the following Door Shravan Mantra -
|| Om Bram Brahmaand Vei Bram Phat. ||
This Mantra is short but very effective and by its chanting the inner conscience of the Sadhak is
awakened and thus the soul becomes free to move anywhere.
After the chanting of the Mantra is complete the Sadhak should sit peacefully for ten minutes and
try to establish a contact with Gurudev. In the beginning just speak out your feelings or any message
which you want to send to him.
During the time period from 4am. to 6a.m. Gurudev in an invisible form reaches all his disciples
and the Sadhak's wish spoken at this time is surely conveyed to him.
Repeat this whole practice regularly for eleven days. Your inner conscience shall slowly become
awakened. And the day you ask something of Gurudev and are able to receive an answer know that
you have become perfect in telepathy. Then you can easily contact any person living anywhere in
the world and read his or her thoughts. You can even know about remote events sitting at home.