160m Top Band Endfed Antenna-G3yeu Iss1.1
160m Top Band Endfed Antenna-G3yeu Iss1.1
160m Top Band Endfed Antenna-G3yeu Iss1.1
5 BandEnd-Fed 160m
1/4 wave Top Band Antenna
Telescopic Antenna
As long as possible
Up to a ¼ wave
Ferrite Bead
To Shack RG58
AMU and
Earth Rods
G3YEU Notes:-
The 100ft end-fed has a 22ft central support and a 12ft end support. With this length of wire a coil of 11 turns is
required, resonating the antenna on 1.950MHz with an SWR of 1.5:1. The SWR was adjusted using the tapping point
on the coil near the feeder. The central support is aluminium tube with top 1 metre fibreglass extension.
The coil is basically a square section solenoid, which is made from two intersecting pieces of acrylic sheet with shallow
saw cuts for the copper wire at 3.5TPI. An SWR analyzer ( e.g.MFJ-259B ) is useful for adjusting the coil’s tapping
DON’T expect to work masses of DX. NVIS theory suggests no more than 400 miles, but it is only theory.
6 Ft
22Ft coax
Coil Details:-
Number of turns depends on the length of the antenna. I used 3.5 TPI to
make tapping easier and to keep the losses down, 11 turns were sufficient.
The two taps on the coil will need to be soldered, and the end of the coax
Installation Notes :-
The outer of the coax is connected to second earth rod (about 8ft from the rig in my shack) and a ferrite choke
is employed to keep the RF out of the shack. The choke is simply a number of large ferrite beads ( n.b. RG58
external diameter is 5mm).
Since constructing the antenna a few more earth rods and radials have been laid around the weed patch, this
has reduced the resonant frequency slightly, but not enough to make it worthwhile to mess around with the
loading coil. An SWR of 1:1 can still be obtained using an antenna matching unit. (AMU).