Cyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases
Cyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases
Cyanotic Congenital Heart Diseases
heart diseases
Cyanosis: is blue discoloration of the
skin & mucous membranes & requires
a concentration of deoxygenated
haemoglobin of >5g/dl; of 2 types
(1) central: cyanosis of mucous membranes &
tongue ; often due to circulatory or ventilatory
problems (hyperoxia test)
Common causes :
Peripheral : blue tint in finger &
All of central Causes of central
Raynuads phenomenon
HF , hypovolemia
Hypo glycaemia
CHD produce cyanosis due to deoxygenated blood
bypassing the lungs & entering the systemic
circulation , this can be caused by:
– Rt ventricular out flow obstruction with Rt – to -
Lt shunt
– Bidirectional shunt
– Malposition of the great arteries
CCHD account for 25% of all CHDs include :
1. 1 tetra logy of fallot (T O F)
2. Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
3. Transposition of great arteries
4. Truncus arteriosus
5. Tricuspid atresia
6. Pulmonary atresia
7. Interrupted aortic arch
8. Hypoblastic Lt heart syndrome
9. Epstein's anomalies
Tetra logy of fallot (T O F )
Consist of:
1. Pulmonary stenosis( Rt V outflow obstruction)
2. VSD
3. Over-riding of the aorta )
4. Rt V hypertrophy