4 2008-Estt. (A) - 1

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No.310 11/4/2008- Estt.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, the 3-r"June, 2009.

Subject:>Travel entitlement for the purpose of Leave Travel

;. Concession.

The undersigned is directed to refer to O.M. of even No. dated

23rd September, 2008 which says that the travel entitlements while on
LTC and official tour/transfer will be the same but no daily allowance
shall be admissible for travel on LTC. Subsequently, the Ministry of
Finance, vide their O.M. No. 7(1)/E.Coord./2008 dated lOth November,
2008, had stipulated that in the case of travel on LTC for those entitled
to travel by air, only the cheapest economy fare ticket will be allowed,
irrespective of their entitlements on tour. A number of references are
.being received in this Department to restore the travel entitlements as
per the O.M. dated 23rd September, 2008.

2. The matter has been examined in this Department in

consultation with the Ministry of Finance and it has now been decided
to restore the travel entitlements for LTC as stipulated vide O.M. dated
23rd September, 2008. The Ministry of Civil AviatioIl may bring out a
scheme on the lines of LTC 80 for travel by business class. The officers
and/or their families may chose to travel on LTC by any airline
provided the fare does not exceed the fares offered by NACIL (Air
India) under their new LTC scheme for business class.


All MinistriesjDepa.r:ttnent of the Government of India.

Click here For LTC Executive by AIR INDIA

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