Techniques and Exercises Used in Team Building

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Techniques and Exercises Used

In Team Building

Presented To Presented By
Prachi Bajpai(1223)
Prof. Monika Srivastava
Pranoti Sau(1226)
 A number of techniques and exercises are used in team
building to facilitate team performance and to address
specific problematic issues.

 They are useful and powerful ways to structure the team’s

activities and energies in order to achieve understanding
of the issues and to take corrective action.
Exercises and Techniques
1. Role Analysis Technique
2. Interdependency Exercises
3. A Role Negotiation Technique
4. The Appreciations and Concerns Exercise
5. Responsibility Charting
6. Visioning
7. Force Field Analysis
8. Constructive Interventions.
Role Analysis Technique

 The role analysis technique( RAT or RAP) intervention is

designed to clarify role expectations and obligations of team
members to improve team effectiveness.

 The technique was developed by Ishwar Dayal and John M.

Thomas for clarifying the roles of top management in India.

 This technique is particularly applicable for new teams, but it

may also be helpful in established teams where role ambiguity
or confusion exist.
 The intervention is predicted on the belief that
consensual determination of role requirements for team
members, consisting of a joint building of the
requirements by all concerned, leads to more mutually
satisfactory and productive behavior. Hence Dayal and
Thomas called it as role analysis technique.

 The role being defined is called “focal role”.

 In new organization, it may be desirable to conduct a role
analysis. There are 4 steps involved in this process-

 The 1st step consist of the focal roles initiated by the focal role
individual with organizational goals kept in mind, these duties
and behavior are listed in chalkboard and then discussed by
the entire team.

 2nd step examines the focal role incumbent’s expectations of

others. The incumbent list his or her expectations, of the other
roles that most affect the incumbent’s own role. These
expectations are discussed, modified, and agreed upon by the
group and the focal role person.
 In 3rd step the group tells the incumbent that what they expect
from him in the focal role. Again it is discussed within the

 In this final step the focal person is asked to write summary of

the role as it has been defined this is known as Role Profile
and is derived from the results of discussion.
Interdependency Exercises
 An interdependency exercise is a useful intervention if team
members have expressed a desire to improve cooperation
among themselves and among their units.
 It is also useful for assisting people in getting better
acquainted, in surfacing problems that may be latent and not
previously examined, and in providing useful information
about current challenge being faced in others areas of
 It basically works well with approximately 10 people.
A Role Negotiation Technique

 “Role negotiation intervenes directly in the relationships of

power, authority, and influence within the group. The
change effort is directed at the work relationships among
members. It avoids probing into the likes and dislikes of
members for one another and their personal feelings about
one another.”

 The technique is basically an imposed structure for controlled

negotiations between parties in which each party agrees in
writing to change certain behaviors in return for changes in
behavior of the other.
 The technique was developed by Roger Harrison. He outlined
this technique into following steps-

1. Contract Setting- Here the consultant sets the climate and

establishes the ground rules. Here one party put their views
to other party that what change they require to make or not.

2. Issue Diagnosis- Individuals think about how their own

effectiveness can be improved if others change their behavior.

3. Influence Trade- It is also called the negotiation period in

which the two parties discuss the most important behavior
changes they want from other and the changes they are
willing to make themselves.
The Appreciations and Concerns
 The appreciation and concerns exercise may be appropriate if
interview data suggest that one of the deficiencies in the
interactions of members of a group is lack of expression of
appreciation and that another deficiency is the avoidance of
confronting concerns and irritations.

 Basically in this exercise each member of the group writes

appreciation as well as concerns for other members in the
paper and read out in front of others. This version is usually
 An appreciation can be a powerful and positive intervention in
the life of the group. when the concern segment is used, a mini
lecture from the facilitator on the nature of constructive
feedback is desirable.
Responsibility Charting

 Richard Beckhard and Ruben Harris gave this

 It is a simple, relevant, and effective technique for
improving team functioning.
 It helps to clarify who is responsible for what on
various decisions and actions.
RESPONSIBLE: Do The Job. Execute.
R: Responsible

 These are the individuals who actually complete the

task or activity and are responsible for action and/or
implementation. Responsibility is often shared, with
each individual’s degree of responsibility determined
by the individual with the “A”.
A: Accountable

C: Consult

I: Inform

ACCOUNTABLE: Make the Decision. Take Ultimate

R: Responsible

A: Accountable
 This is the individual who carries the “yes” or “no” authority
and has full veto power for an activity. It is important to
clarify the levels of accountability and to distinguish between
management accountability and operational accountability.
Only one “A” can be assigned to a task or activity and
authority must accompany accountability.

S: Support

I: Inform

CONSULT: Communication Before. In The Loop.

R: Responsible

A: Accountable
S: Support
 These are the individuals who are providing
logistical support and resources for the particular
I: Inform

INFORM: Need To Know. Do Not
Change The Decision.

R: Responsible

A: Accountable

C: Consult

I: Inform
 These are the individuals who need to be informed after a
decision or action is taken because they, in turn, may take
action or make a decision based on the output. “Inform”
implies only one-way communication.

RACI Chart Example
RACI – Vertical Analysis

Lots of R’s – does the individual

have too much work
No empty spaces – does the
individual need to be involved in
this many activities. Are they a
No R’s or A’s – should the role be
Too many A’s – is there proper
segregation of duties? Is this a
Qualification - Does the type or
degree of participation fit the
qualifications of the role?
RACI – Horizontal Analysis

No R’s – is the job getting done?

Too many R’s – is this a sigh of “over
the wall” activities? Just get it off my
No A’s – Why note? Who is
To many A’s – Is there confusion?
Who is doing what?
Too few A’s and R’s – Is the process
slowing down while activity is
performed on an “ad hoc” basis. Are
procedures outdated and need to be
Lots of C’s – are they necessary
Lots of I’s – should this be standard
or only on an exception basis.
All boxes full – Too many people
1. Assign responsibility to only one
2. Avoid having too many people with
an approval-veto function on an item.
3. If one person has approval- veto
involvement on most decisions, that
person could become a bottleneck for
getting things done.
4. Support role must be clarified and
clearly assigned.

 Ronald Lipitt has given this concept in 1949.

 This term used for an intervention in which group
members in one or more organizational groups
describe their vision of what they want the
organization to be like in future.
Force field Analysis
Force field analysis is a management technique developed by Kurt
Lewin, a pioneer in the field of social sciences, for diagnosing

Lewin assumes that in any situation there are both driving and
restraining forces that influence any change that may occur:

 Driving Forces
 Restraining Forces
 Equilibrium

FFA is an analysis technique to identify forces that either

drive or restrain planned change aimed at solving a
problem in an organization. It is a creative activity that can
be used by needs analysts as they focus on solutions which
will help an organization make a transformation from the
‘current (problem) state’ to the ‘desired (solved) state’ as
they identify interventions to improve performance.
Following steps are taken:

 Describe the current situation .

 Describe the desired situation .
 Identify where the current situation will go if no action is
taken .
 List all the forces driving change toward the desired situation
 List all the forces resisting change toward the desired
 discuss and interrogate all of the forces: are they valid?
Advantages of Force Field Analysis

 Brings into the open factors which will work for and
against the closing of a gap
 Identified by a needs analysis.
 Helps to recognize circumstances which can and
cannot be changed.
 Provides a means to analyze ways to minimize or
eliminate barriers to goal attainment.

 The basic team building process can generate both

negative and positive feedback.
 Negative feedback can create considerable
defensiveness, including denial, arguing or verbal
 Positive feedback can be awkward for some
recipients', as well as for the persons offering the
Managing the odds of such exercises

 Participants need to be informed of the nature of the

 Training should be given in giving constructive
 Training should be given which help in dealing with a
range of feelings
 The facilitator needs counseling and listening skills of
a high order

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