Baby Names

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The document provides a collection of over 800 Hindu names, primarily from the South Indian Saivite tradition.

The document is providing a collection of Hindu names for individuals seeking to choose a Hindu name when adopting or converting to Hinduism.

The names are primarily drawn from the South Indian Saivite tradition, but other traditions are also represented.

How to Become a Hindu, Chapter 8: A Collection of Hindu Names Page 1 of 82

How to Become a (Better) Hindu Chapter 8: A Collection of Hindu Names


A Collection of
Hindu Names

or individuals seeking to choose a Hindu name, we have

humbly assembled here a list of names primarily from the
South Indian Saivite tradition, favoring shorter names which
would be most easily pronounced in the West. Other very good
sources are 1) The Penguin Book of Hindu Names, by Maneka Gandhi, and
2) Pick a Pretty Indian Name for Your Baby, by Meenal Pandya and
Rashmee Pandya-Bhanot. Each book contains thousands of names from
many of Hinduism's rich traditions. There are also several wonderful
websites (listed on p. 428) with extensive lists of Hindu names.

As there is variety in traditions, there is variety in the pronunciation and

spelling of names. For example, Siva in the North of India may become
Sivan in the South. For this purpose, we have listed a number of
alternatives when multiple spellings and pronunciations exist. Names
marked with an (M) are masculine, and those marked with an (F) are
feminine. Names marked (M-F) are suitable for both genders. 5/6/2010
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If you are adopting or converting to Hinduism, we suggest that you select a

first name and a last name, and proceed with confidence. The diacritical
marks have been removed for web presentation purposes so confirm the
proper pronunciation with Hindus in the community you are joining. Begin
using your new name. Later it can be made legal.

Abhisheka (M): inauguration; sacred oblation

Acharya (M): teacher, scholar

Adhyaksha (M): the great presider; Ganesha

Adi (M): Primal Source; a name of Siva

Aditi (F): freedom; security; Earth

Aditya (M): name of seven Dieties of the heavenly sphere; a constallation; the
seventh lunar mansion; the plant Calotropis Gigantea

Adiyan, Adiyen (M): devotee, servant, slave

Agama (M-F): coming forth; arrival; birth; knowledge; wisdom

Agastya (M): thrower of mountains; one who humbles even the mountain; name of a
rishi; Siva

Agni (M): fire; gold; God of fire

Agnikumar (M): son of Agni; a name of Murugan

Agranya (M): first born; Ganesha

Aja (M-F): unborn; Ganesha

Ajita (F): invincible; irresistible; Siva and Vishnu

Alahan (M): beautiful one; Murugan

Amala (M-F): spotless; pure; shining; Lakshmi and Narayana; plant Hibiscus
Cannabinus and tree Emblica Officianalis

Amara (M): immortal; a God; the Rudraksha tree

Amba (F): mother; a good woman; DurgA 5/6/2010
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Ambara (M): circumference; sky; saffron; a kind of perfume

Ambika (F): mother; sensitive; compassionate; loving; Parvati

Ambikanatha (M): Ambika's lord; Siva

Ambu (M): water

Ambuja (M): produced in water; lotus; conch; the moon

Amiya (F): full of tenderness; nectar

Amrita (M-F): undying; immortal; imperishable; heaven; first kala of the moon;
beautiful; beloved; divine nectar

Anadi (M): eternal; immortal; Siva

Anamaya (M-F): the savior of all ills; Murugan

Anand, Ananda, Anandan (M): happiness; joy; blissful one; Siva and Gauri

Anandapriya (M): dear one who gives joy

Anandi (F): bestower of pleasure; Gauri

Anant, Ananta (M): unending, eternal; the Earth; Parvati

Anantamurti (M): of endless forms; Murugan

Anantashakti (M-F): the potent lord; Murugan

Anekatman (M): the plurality of souls; Siva

Anil Kumar (M): son of the wind; Hanuman

Anishvara (M): having no superior; Siva and Murugan

Anjali (F): prayerful

Appar (M): father; a famous Saivite saint

Aran (M): forest dweller; Siva

Arati (F): offering of fire; worship

Arul (M): grace

Arumuga, Arumugam (M): six-faced one; Murugan 5/6/2010
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Arun (M), Aruna (F): red; passionate; life-giving; dawn; Surya

Asha (F): hope; space; a quarter of the heavens

Ashok, Ashoka (M): without sorrow

Ashrita (F): the refuge; Ganesha

Ashtamurti (M): lord of eight forms; Siva

Asita (F): at rest; tranquil; at peace; Parvati

Atmabhuvi (M-F): the unborn Self; Murugan

Avyakta (M-F): the unmanifest; Siva

Babhravi (F): fire-clad; victorious; omnipresent; descendent of sage Babhru; Durga

Badarayani (F): new; young; pure; perfume

Bageshri (F): prosperity; beauty; a raga

Bahubhuja (F): many-armed; Durga

Bahudama (F): strong; powerful; a mother of Skanda's retinue

Bahugandha (F): strong-scented, very fragrant; jasmine; sandalwood; musk

Bahulika (F): manifold, magnified, multiplied, multifaceted personality, the Pleiades

Bahumati (F): extremely knowledgeable; a scholar

Bahupushpa (F): decorated with flowers; respected, venerated

Bakavati (F): having the qualities of a heron: attentive, patient, watchful, cautious

Bakul (F): a flower

Bakula (M), Bakuli (F): a kind of tree; the fragrant flower of Mimusops Elengi

Bala (M-F), Balan (M): young boy or girl; newly risen; simple; pure; jasmine

Balaganapati (M): infant Ganesha 5/6/2010
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Balaja (M-F): born of power; Arabian jasmine; grain; the Earth

Balakunda (F): young flower; jasmine

Balasarasvati (F): Goddess of knowledge

Balavati (F): powerful, strong; a daughter

Banashri (F): beauty of the forest

Bandhupriya (F): dear to friends and relations

Bandhura (F): rounded; lovely, charming

Banita (F): woman

Banshi (M): a flute; sweet-voiced; melodious

Barhayita (F): as beautiful as the eye on a peacock feather

Barhisha (F): kusha grass; ether; water; fire; sacrifice; light; splendor

Baruna, Baruni (F): wife of lord of the Sea; Durga

Basanti (F): of the spring; the yellow color associated with spring

Basantika (F): spring

Batika (F): flower

Beanta (M): without end, eternal

Bekuri (F): playing a musical instrument; an apsara

Bela (F): jasmine; wave; time

Beman (M): detached

Beni (M): plait of hair

Beniprasada (M): flowers sacred enough for offering

Bhadra (M-F): fair, auspicious, beautiful; fortunate, prosperous; happy; gentle; Siva

Bhadrarupa (F): of beautiful form

Bhadrashashti (F): form of Durga

Bhadrasoma (F): as noble and beautiful as the moon 5/6/2010
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Bhadravalli (F): beautiful vine; Arabian jasmine

BhadrikA (F), Bhadrika (M): noble; beautiful, virtuous; auspicious

Bhagada (F): bestower of wealth and happiness; an attendant of Skanda

Bhagavat (M-F): possessing fortune; happy; divine; venerable

Bhagavati (F): God and nature conjoined; the Creator

Bhakta, Bhaktar (M): devotee

Bhaktavatsala (M-F): lover of devotees; Murugan

Bhakti (F): devotion, homage, piety

Bhalla (M-F): auspicious; Siva

Bhallaka (M): a bear

Bhalli (F): arrow

Bhamini (F): shining, radiant, glorious; passionate

Bhanavi (F): descendant of the sun; shining like the sun; sacred; glorious,

Bhandila (F): fortune

Bhanuja (F): daughter of the sun; the Yamuna river

Bhanupriya (F): beloved of the sun

Bhanushri (F): glorious as the sun

Bharanda (M): one who fulfills; master; lord

Bharanyu (M): protector, master; fire, sun; friend

Bharatha (M): world protector

Bharati (F): descendant of Bharata; articulate; meritorious, virtuous

Bharga (M-F): the effulgent one; Siva

Bharita (M-F): green

Bhashat (M): the heart 5/6/2010
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Bhasmapriya (M): a friend of the holy ash; a name of Siva

Bhati (F): lovely, liked by all; perceptible; luminous; splendour

Bhatta, Bhattara, Bhatti (M): noble lord; prince; king

Bhattini (F): noble lady; a famous poet

Bhava (M-F), Bhavan (M): existence itself; Siva

Bhavabhuti (M-F): prosperity; the ashes of Siva

Bhavada (M-F): giving life; cause of existence

Bhavaja (F): born of the heart; beautiful; compassionate

Bhavanatha (M): lord of creation

Bhavani (F): noble, beautiful; Parvati

Bhavanikanta (M): Bhavani's husband

Bhavanti (F): charming; new; virtuous wife

Bhavarupa (M-F): handsome or beautiful

Bhavayana (M), Bhavayani (F): coming from Siva; GaMga

Bhavesha (M): Siva, lord of wordly existence

Bhavyakirti (F): of great fame; wise

Bhima (M-F): of awesome strength; Siva

Bija (F): germ, seed; element, source; the mystical root letter of a mantra

Bijakshara (F): the seed alphabet, Aum, the first syllable of a mantra; the atomic
alphabet; profound, omnipotent

Bijamati (F): a mind good at comprehending causes

Bijanjali (F): a handful of seeds; life-giving

Bijapushpa (F): a flower, maruvaka

Bijli (F): lightning, bright, illuminating, enlightening

Bijya (F): born of good parents 5/6/2010
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Bina (F): intelligence; lute, harmonious, melodious

Boddhri (M): a seer, one who knows, a preceptor

Bodha (M), Bodhana (M-F), Bodhi (F): knowledge, awakening; sermon; perception;

Bodhendra (M): lord of intelligence;

Brahmani (F): Brahma's beloved

Buddhi (F): intellect; Ganesha's consort

Buddhipriya (M-F): lover of intelligence; Ganesha

Ceyon (M): ancient Tamil name of Lord Murugan

Chachari (M): moving quickly, restless

Chaha (M): desire, desired, charming, loving

Chaidya (M): intelligent; an administrator

Chaitra (M): absorbed in pleasure; as pleasant as the spring

Chaitraratha (M): chariot of intelligence; Surya

Chaitrasakha (M): friend of the spring; one who incites love

Chakora (M): shining; content

Chakrin (M): Krishna and Siva

Chakroddhata (M): the Supreme

Chaksana (M): soothing to the eyes; appearance

Chaksas (M): look, sight; radiance; teacher

Chaksu (M): eye; Sun God, Surya

Chaksusa (M): preceptor, seer 5/6/2010
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Chala (M): ever-moving; Supreme Being

Chalaka (M): directing, driving; Supreme Soul

Chalameshvara (M): Siva

Chaman (M): garden

Chamar (M): a rod with a large tuft of hair used for fanning

Chamaraja (M): leader of an army

Chamasa (M): cup; vessel used for drinking soma at sacrifices

Chamikara (M): gold, golden color; the thorn apple

Champa (M): soothing

Champaka (M): Champaka tree

Chamundi (F): Durga as one of the seven mothers who destroyed the demons
Chanda and Munda

Chandana (M): sandalwood

Chandanin (M): anointed with sandalwood; Siva

Chandansu (M): hot-rayed, the sun

Chandesvara (M): attendant of Siva

Chandi (F): silver; fair, precious; cooling

Chandipati (M): lord of Chandi; Siva

Chandodeva (M): lord of the hymns

Chandra (F), Chandran (M): shining, radiant; the moon

Chandrabhala (M): bearing the moon on his forehead; Siva

Chandradeva (M): the moon personified as Deity

Chandrakin (M): wearer of the moon; the peacock, with moon-like eyes on its tail

Chandrakumar (M): youthful moon; Murugan

Chandramani (M): moonstone 5/6/2010
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Chandramohan (M): as attractive as the moon

Chandranatha (M): lord of the moon; Siva

Chandrapada (M): the feet of the moon; moonbeam

Chandraraja (M): born of the moon; the planet Mercury

Chandravarna (M): the moon's radiance; Murugan

Chandresa (M): lord of the moon; Siva

Chandrika (F): moonlight

Chandrila (M): possessing the moon; Siva

Charuvikrama (M): handsome hero; Siva

Chatresa (M): lord of the umbrella; Siva

Chaturbahu (M): Vishnu and Siva

Chaturveda (M): the four Vedas; the widsom of dharma, artha, kama and moksha

Chayana (M): moon

Chechanna (M): vivacious

Chedi (M): intelligent; pleasant, likeable

Chedipati (M): king of the Chedis; master of bliss; honorific of Shishupala

Chediraja (M): king of Chedi

Chekitana (M): intelligent; Siva

Chetana, Chetan (M): conscious; animated; distinguished, elegant; sentient, mind;


Chetas (M): intelligence, consciousness; splendor; soul; heart; mind

Chetrama (M): pervading conciousness

Chidambaram (M): hall of consciousness, Siva's shrine

Chinmaya (M): full of consciousness; the supreme spirit

Chitra (F): beautiful, wonderful; a picture; striking; excellent 5/6/2010
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Chitrajyoti (F): wonderfully glorious; shining brilliantly

Chitralata (F): wonderful vine

Chitralekha (F): beautiful outline; a picture

Chitrali (F): a wonderful lady

Chitramayi (F): full of wonders; like a beautiful picture

Chitrangada (F): with wonderful limbs; with bejewelled arms

Chitrangi (F): of charming body

Chitrapushpi (F): variegated blossom; Hibiscus

Chitrarati (F): grantor of excellent gifts

Chitrashri (F): with divine beauty

Chitrini (F): having marks of excellence; ornamented; talented

Chitta (F): thoughtful, intelligent; spiritual

Chudakarna (M): shaven head; mendicant

Chudala (F): having a lock of hair on the crown; a saintly queen

Chudamani, Chudika, Chudikadevi (F): most excellent, best; jewel

Chuhal (F): joyous

Chula (M): man; nucleus of a comet

Chulika (F): an introduction

Chulin (M): rishi; crowned; a crest

Chulitaka (F): a poet

Chuni (F): a small ruby; precious

Chuninda (M): chosen as the best

Chushini (F): female attendant of Durga

Chutaka (F): a mango tree

Chutalatika (F): woman of the mango tree 5/6/2010
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Dadhichi (M): a sage

Dahanapriya (F): beloved of fire; wife of Agni

Daksha (M-F): the skillful one; Ganesha

Dakshayani (F): gold, golden ornament; daughter of a perfect being; Durga

Dakshen, Dakshesh (M): clever; Siva

Daksheyu (F): striving for perfection; perfect

Dalaja (F): produced from petals; honey

Dalakosa (F): treasure of petals; jasmine flower

Dalapati (M): army commander

Damini (F): lightning; beauty

Danadada (F): giving generously; an apsara or gandharva

Danda (M): staff

Dandapani (M): carrier of a staff; Lord Murugan

Danta (F): tamed, mild; an apsara

Danti (F): patience, self-restraint

Danvir (M): generous

Darpan (M): a mirror

Darshan (M), Darshani (F): holy sight, blessing; Durga

Darshatashri (F): of obvious beauty

Das, Dasa, Dasan (M): devotee, servant of God

Dasrasu (F): mother of the ashvins

Dattadevi (F): Goddess of gifts; mother of Chandragupta II 5/6/2010
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Dattatreya (M): Given by Atri; the three-headed Divinity of BrahmA-Vishnu-Siva

Daya (F): compassion, sympathy

Dayal (M): compassionate

Dayamay (M): compassionate God

Dayananda (M): joy of compassion

Dayandhi (M): very compassionate

Dayanvita (F): surrounded by mercy; merciful

Dayashankar (M): source of compassion, Siva

Dayavati (F): full of mercy

Dayita (F): worthy of compassion; beloved, cherished

Dehini (F): of the body, corporeal; bearer of the body; the Earth

Desapali (F): protected by the country, belonging to the country, a native; a musical

Desna (F): gift, offering

Deva (M): a divine being or light; angel

Devabrata (M): brother of Gods

Devadasa (M): devotee of God

Devadatta (F): given by the Gods; the mother of Gautama Buddha's cousin

Devadhani (F): Indra's divine city

Devadutta (M): God-given

Devagarbha (F): the womb of the Gods; a river of ancient India

Devagiri (F): divine knowledge; a ragini

Devago (F): divine protectress; Shakti

Devahuti (F): invocation of the Gods

Devajami (F): sister of the Gods 5/6/2010
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Devajaya (F): wife of the Gods

Devajyoti (M-F): God's light

Devak (M), Devaki (F): divine, glorious; pious

Devakanchana (F): divine gold

Devakanya (F): celestial maiden

Devakiri (F): tongue of the Gods

Devakri (F): myth; a raga

Devakulya (F): divine pitcher; belonging to the Gods; the holy Ganga

Devakusuma (F): divine flower; cloves

Devala (F): attached to the Gods; music personified

Devalata (F): divine vine; the double jasmine

Devalekha (F): a divine line; with a divine outline; a celestial beauty

Devam (M): God; Siva

Devamala (F): divine garland

Devamani (F): jewel of the Gods

Devamata (F): mother of the Gods

Devamati (F): godly minded; virtuous; venerated

Devamatra (F): equivalent to a God; a mother in Skanda's retinue

Devamayi (F): divine illusion

Devamitra (F): friend of the Gods

Devamshu (M): part of God

Devanadi (F): river of the Gods

Devananda (M-F): God's joy

Devanangana (F): divine woman

Devanatha (M): king; lord of devas 5/6/2010
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Devanga (M): with God's limbs

Devansha (M): part of God

Devapratima (F): image of the Gods; an idol

Devapriya (M): loved by the Gods

Devaradhana (F): worship of the Gods

Devaraja (M): Indra, king of devas

Devaranjan (M): loved by the devas

Devarati (F): delight of the Gods

Devarupa (F): divine form

Devasena (F): with an army of Gods, Murugan's consort

Devasenapati (M): commander of the devonic army; Murugan

Devasmita (F): with a divine smile

Devavanchana (F): with divine speech

Devavani (F): divine voice

Devavarnini (F): describer of the Gods

Devavati (F): owned by the Gods

Devaviti (F): enjoyment for the Gods

Devayani (F): chariot of the Gods; invested with divine power

Devayosa (F): the wife of a God

Devayu (M): with divine life

Devendra, Deven (M): chief of the Gods; Indra

Devesi (F): a chief of the Goddesses; Durga

Devi (F): angel, a name of Parvati

Devika (F): minor Deity; God-like

Devikadevi (F): invested with divine qualities 5/6/2010
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Dharabhuja (M): earth enjoyer; a king

Dhama, Dhaman (M): ray; strength; splendour, majesty; house, place of pilgrimage;
a rishi

Dhamadhipa (M): lord of Rays; Surya

Dhamakesin (M): ray-haired; Surya

Dhamanidhi (M): treasure of splendour; Surya

Dhamavat (M): owner of a house; powerful, strong

Dhanadhipa (M): lord of wealth; Kubera

Dhanajita (M): wealth; winning

Dhanaka (M): avarice; a farmer; coriander; a Yayati king and son of Durdhama

Dhanapala (M): guardian of wealth; a king

Dhanapati (M): lord of wealth; Kubera

Dhanaraja, Dhanraj (M): king of wealth

Dhanavanta, Dhanavat (M): containing wealth; the sea

Dhanavardhana (M): increasing wealth

Dhanayush (M): with a rich life; a son of Pururavas

Dhanesha, Dhanesh, Dhaneshvara (M): lord of wealth; Kubera

Dhanin (M): wealthy; a messenger of the asuras; Kubera

Dhansukha (M): wealthy

Dhanu (M): the bow; the zodiac sign of Sagittarius

Dhanuraja (M): king of archers; an ancestor of Sakyamuni

Dhanurdhara, Dhanurgraha (M): bearer of a bow; the zodiac sign of Sagittarius; Siva

Dhanurvaktra (M): bow-mouthed; an attendant of Skanda

Dhanurvedin (M): knower of the bow; versed in archery; Siva

Dhanusha (M): the bow; a rishi 5/6/2010
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Dhanushaksha (M): bow-eyed; a sage

Dhanva (M): with a bow; a king of Kashi , father of Dhanvantari

Dhanvanta (M): wealthy

Dhanvantari (M): moving in a curve; the physician of the Gods; founder of ayurveda,
a river

Dhanya (F): virtuous; good; bestowing wealth

Dharamvira (M): protector of religion

Dharana (M): bearing, holding, keeping; resembling; Siva

Dharanija (M): born of the Earth

Dharen (M): one who supports

Dharendra (M): king of the Earth; the Himalayas

Dharma (M): path of life; virtue; religion; duty, observance; right

Dharmachandra (M): moon of dharma; religious; virtuous, venerated

Dharmachara, Dharmacharin (M): observing dharma; virtuous; upright; Siva

Dharmada (M): bestower of dharma; a follower of Skanda

Dharmadasa (M): one who serves religion

Dharmadeva (M): lord of dharma

Dharmagopa (M): protector of dharma

Dharmagosha (M): voice of dharma

Dharmamitra (M): nectar of dharma; friend of dharma

Dharmanandana (M): son of dharma; King Yudhishthira

Dharmandhu (M): well of dharma; deeply religious; venerated

Dharmanitya (M): constant in dharma

Dharmapala (M): guardian of dharma

Dharmaprabhasa, Dharmaprakasha (M): light of dharma; virtuous; religious;

venerated 5/6/2010
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Dharmaputra (M): son of dharma

Dharmaranya (M): grove of dharma; a Brahmin devotee of Surya

Dharmasakha (M): friend of dharma

Dharmasarathi (M): charioteer of dharma;

Dharmasavarni (M): resembling dharma

Dharmashoka (M): Ashoka the dutiful; Emperor Ashoka

Dharmasila (M): follower of dharma

Dharmasindhu (M): ocean of dharma

Dharmasingha (M): lion of dharma; one who guards, protects and practices dharma

Dharmasthavira (M): stable in dharma

Dharmasuta (M): son of dharma

Dharmasyas (M): glory of dharma

Dharmavahana (M): vehicle of dharma; Siva

Dharmavardhana (M): increasing dharma; Siva

Dharmavarna (M): colored in dharma; virtuous

Dharmavira (M): champion of dharma; defender of religion

Dharmavivardhana (M): promoter of dharma; a son of Ashoka

Dharmayu (M): one who lives for dharma; a Puru king

Dharmayupa (M): a pillar of dharma

Dharmendra, Dharmesha, Dharmeshvara (M): lord of dharma

Dharmendu (M): light of dharma

Dharmishta (M): staying in dharma; virtuous, righteous

Dharmottara (M): entirely devoted to dharma

Dharsanatman (M): with a fierce nature; Siva 5/6/2010
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Dharuna (M): bearing, supporting, holding; Brahma

Dhata (M): establisher, creator, founder; supporter; one of the twelve adityas

Dhataki (M): resembling the creator; a son of Vitihotra

Dhatri (M): establisher, creator, founder; supporter

Dhatriputra (M): Dhatri's son; Sanatkumara, son of Brahma

Dhaumya (M): smokey, grey; name of a rishi

Dhavak (M): runner; quick, swift, flowing

Dhavala (M-F): dazzling white; pure; handsome; beautiful

Dhavalachandra (M-F): white moon

Dhavalapaksha (M): white winged; the light half of the mouth

Dhavita (M-F): whitish; washed, purified, clean

Dhavlesh (M): lord of white; Siva

Dhira, Dheera (M-F), Dhiren (F): courageous; Ganesha

Dhyana (M): meditation

Didda (F): eyeball; a celebrated princess of Kashmir

Didhiti (F): firm, stable; devotion; inspiration; religious reflection

Didivi (F): shining, bright; risen as a star; Brihaspati

Didyotisu (F): wishing to shine

Digambara, Digvasas, Digvastra (M): sky clad; Siva and Skanda

Digangana (F): quarter of the sky identified as a young maiden

Digisha (M): lord of direction

Dikkanya (F): quarter of the sky, identified as a young maiden

Diksha (F): initiation; consecration, dedication

Dikshita, Dikshitar (M): initiated; consecrated

Dilipa (M): one who gives, accepts and protects; a righteous king 5/6/2010
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Dimbesvari (F): Goddess of creation; Durga

Dinabandhu (M): friend of the poor; Supreme Spirit

Dinakara (M): that which causes the day; the sun; an aditya

Dinakaratmaja (F): daughter of Dinakara; the river Yamuna

Dinamani (M): day jewel; the sun

Dinapati (M): day lord; the sun

Dinaraja (M): day king; the sun

Dinaratna (M): day jewel; the sun

Dinesha, Dinesh (M): day lord; sun

Dipa, Deepa (F): illuminating; light; a lamp, lantern

Dipaka (M): illuminating; kindling; inflaming; lamp; saffron

Dipakalika (F): flame of a lamp

Dipakarni (M): with shining ears; attentive

Dipakshi (F): bright-eyed

Dipali (F): a row of lights

Dipana (F): illuminating; impassioning; that which kindles

Dipanjali (F): a lamp for praying; waved before the Deity during ritual worship

Dipavali (F): row of lights

Dipavati (F): containing lights; a mythical river

Dipen (M): lord of the lamp; light of the lamp

Dipika (F): a small lamp, light, moolight; fire plant

Dipin (M): illuminating; exciting

Dipita (M): inflamed; illuminated; manifested; excited

Dipra (F): radiant, flaming, shining

Dipsikha (F): the flame of a lamp 5/6/2010
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Dipta (M): illuminated; blazing; hot; brilliant

Dipti, Deepti (F): brightness; light; illuminating; enlightening

Dirgha (M): lofty; long; tall; deep; Siva

Dirgharoman (M): long-haired; an attendant of Siva

Disa (F): region; direction; the point of the compass

Dishta (M): settled; directed, appointed, assigned, fixed

Disti (F): direction; good fortune; happiness; auspicious juncture

Diti (F): glow, brightness, light; splendor, beauty; a daughter of Daksha

Ditikara (M): bringing glow; irradiating, illuminating

Ditimat (M): possessed with a glow, bright; splendid; brilliant

Divakara (M): day maker, the sun

Divali (F): row of lights

Divapati (M): day lord; the sun

Divija (M-F): born of the sky; heaven born; celestial

Divoja (M): descended from heaven

Divolka (F): fallen from the sky; a meteor

Divya (F): divine, celestial, heavenly; charming, beautiful; an apsara

Divyadeha (M): with a divine body

Divyadevi (F): divine Goddess

Divyajyoti (F): divine light

Divyakrititi (F): of divine form; beautiful

Divyanari, Divyastri (F): celestial maiden; an apsara

Divyayamuna (F): the divine Yamuna river

Dodahi (F): flute

Dodiya (F): royal family 5/6/2010
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Doma (F): a singer

Dora (F): string of an instrument

Duhsadhin (M): door keeper

Dulal (M): dear one

Duradhara (M): invincible; inaccessible

Durantadeva (M): the God who removes difficulties, Ganesha

Durasan (M): one who opens or unlocks doors; giver, granter

Durgadas, Durgadasa (M): devotee of Durga

Durgesha, Durgesh (M): lord of durva, the sacred grass; Siva

Durjaya (M): invincible

Durodhara (M): door opener

Durvadeva (M): lord of durva, the sacred grass; Siva

Durvara (M): irresistable

Durvasas (M): a sage

Dushyantan (M): destroyer of evil; a lunar dynasty emperor

Duskala (M): destroyer of time; Siva

Dustara (M): invincible

Duvas (M): worship

Easan, Eashan, Eesan, Easvan, Eashvan (M): the Supreme Ruler

Edha (F): prosperity, happiness

Egattala (F): the Goddess of Chennai, India

Eka (F): singular; peerless, unique; Durga 5/6/2010
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Ekabhakti (F): the worship of one Deity

Ekachandra (F): the only moon; the best one; a mother in the retinue of Skanda

Ekacharini (F): a woman devoted to a single man; obedient; a loyal, chaste woman

Ekadanta (M): having one tusk; Ganesha

Ekadeva (M): the one great God

Ekaja (F): born alone; the only child

Ekajata (F): with a single twisted lock of hair; a tantric Goddess

Ekakini (F): lonely, alone

Ekala (M): solitary, solo singer

Ekamati (F): concentrated

Ekamukha (F): single-faced (rudraksha bead); with one mouth; extremely auspicious

Ekananga (F): lover; the daughter of Yashoda and foster sister of Krishna

Ekanayana (M): the planet Venus

Ekangika (F): made of sandalwood; fair; frequent; auspicious; dear to the Gods

Ekanta (F): a lovely woman; devoted to one

Ekantika (F): devoted to one aim

Ekaparna (F): single-leafed; living on a single leaf; the daughter of Himavana and
Mena, the sister of Durga, Aparna and Ekapatala and the wife of sage Devala

Ekarishi (M): chief rishi

Ekastaka (F): a collection of eight; the time for consecration; the eighth day after the
full moon in the month of Magha

Ekatala (M): harmony, unison

Ekavaktra (F): single-faced; a mother of Skanda

Ekavali (F): string of pearls

Ekavira (F): outstandingly brave; a daughter of Siva

Ekikarana (M): singularizing 5/6/2010
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Ekisa (F): one Goddess; the primal Goddess

Ekiya (M): a part of one whole, a friend

Eksika (F): eye

Ela (F): born of Ila; the Earth; cardamom

Elana (M-F): orange

Elavali (M-F): small delicate plant

Elika (M-F): small cardamom seed

Eloksi (F): with hair as thick as the cardamom creeper

Enajina (M): deer skin (sacred to lord Siva)

Enaksi (F): doe-eyed

Eni (F): a deer; spotted; a flowing stream

Enipada (F): with deer-like feet; fleet-footed

Esanika (F): fulfilling desire; a goldsmith's balance scale

Esha (F): wish, desire; aim

Eshana (M): wishing, seeking

Eta, Etaha (F): shining; flowing

Etaka (M): a kind antelope or deer

Etasa (M): many-hued; colorful

Ethari (M): now, this moment

Eti (F): arrival

Gagan (M): sky

Gajanan (M): Lord Ganesha 5/6/2010
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Gajapati, Gajendra or Gajaraja (M): lord or king of elephants

Gaman (M): speed; voyage

Ganadhara (M): chief of a group

Gananatha, Ganapati (M): lord of celestial attendants; Siva; Ganesha

Gandhika (M): fragrant

Ganesh, Ganesha, Ganesa, Ganesan (M): lord of the ganas or categories, Ganesha

Ganeshvara, Ganesvara, Ganesvaran (M): lord of categories; Ganesha

Ganga (F): Goddess of River Ganga

Gangala (M): precious stone

Gangesh (M): lord of the Ganga, Siva

Gangeya (M): Son of Mother Ganga; Murugan

Gauri (F): fair, brilliant, beautiful; Parvati

Gauriputra (M): the son of Gauri; Ganesha

Gayatri (F): phrased verse; a sacred Vedic mantra; a hymn to the sun; Sarasvati as
consort of Brahma and mother of the Vedas

Girapati (M): lord of speech; Brahma

Giratha (M): learned; Brihaspati

Giri (M): mountain; honorific title given to rishis; number eight; cloud; ball

Giribandhava (M): friend of mountains; Siva

Giridhanvana (M): the rainbow of mountains; Siva

Giridhvaja (M): with the mountain as its banner; Indra's thunderbolt

Girijanatha, Girijapati, (M): lord of Parvati; Siva

Girijavara (M): consort of Parvati; Siva

Giriksita (M): mountain dweller; Siva

Girilala, Girinandana (M): son of the mountain lord; Ganesha; Karttikeya 5/6/2010
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Girimana (M): mountain-like; a powerful elephant

Girinatha, Girindra, Giripati, Girish (M): lord of the mountains; Siva

Giripriya (M-F): lover of mountains; Siva

Giriraj (M): king of mountains; Himavana

Girisa (M): lord of speech; Brihaspati

Gita, Geeta (F): song

Gitapriya (M): lover of music; an attendant of Skanda; Siva

Gitavidyadhara (M): scholar of music; a gandharva who was a great musician

Godavari (F): granting water; bestowing prosperity; a river

Godhika (F): Sita's lizard; emblem of Goddess Gauri

Gomati (F): a famous river

Gopana (M-F): protected, secured

Gopta (M): guardian

Gora (M-F): fair skinned, handsome

Gorakh, Gorakhdeva (M): self-disciplined

Goral (F): beautiful; fair skinned

Gori (F): beautiful, Parvati

Grahapati (M): lord of celestial bodies; Ganesha

Gudapushpa (F): sweet flower

Gudiya (F): doll

Guha, Guhan (M): secret one; a cave; dweller in the heart's cave; Murugan

Guhanatha (M): lord of the spiritual heart, Murugan

Guhapriya (F): liking secret places; Indra's daughter

Gulab (M): rose

Gulabee (F): pink, rosy, pleasing 5/6/2010
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Gulal (F): auspicious, colorful powder used in the Holi festival

Gulika (F): ball; anything round; pearl

Gulmini (F): clustering; creeper

Gulshan (M): garden

Gunadhaya (M): rich in virtues

Gunaja (F): daughter of virtue; the Priyangu creeper

Gunakali (F): possessing virtues; a raga

Gunakara (M): endowed with all virtues

Gunal, Gunala (M-F): virtuous

Gunalakshmi (F): Lakshmi the virtuous

Gunamaya (F): endowed with virtues

Gunanidhi (M): a treasure house of virtues

Gunasundari (F): made beautiful with virtues

Gunatita (M): transcending all qualities; Ganesha, Siva

Gunavara (F): best in qualities; meritorious; virtuous;

Gunavati (F): virtuous; a river of ancient India

Gunavina (F): virtuous

Guncha (F): blossom; flower bud

Gunchaka (F): boquet of flowers

Guniyala (F): a virtuous woman

Gunja (F): a small red berry plant

Gunjana (F): buzzing of a bee

Gunratna (M): a jewel of virtue

Gunvan, Gunvanta (M): virtuous

Gurudasa (M): devotee, servant of the teacher 5/6/2010
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Guruparan (M): He who initiated His Father; Murugan

Guruprita (M): love of the teacher

Haima (M): snow, frost; dew; golden; the Himalayas; Siva

Hakesa (M): lord of sound

Hamsa, Hansa (M): swan; goose

Hamsika (F): beautiful swan

Hansaja (M): son of a swan; a warrior in Skanda's band

Hansanada (M): the cry of the swan

Hanugiri (M): the mountain of Hanuman

Hara, Harak, Haran (M): He who takes away; consumer; absorber; divisor; Siva and

Harachudamani (M): the crest gem of Siva

Haradeva (M): lord of Siva

Harahara (M): Siva's necklace

Haramanas (M): the mind of Siva; the soul of God

Haranetra (M): the eye of Siva

Hararupa (M): with the form of Siva

Harasekhara (M): the crest of Siva

Harasiddha (M): eternal of Siva

Harasunu (M): son of Siva; Karttikeya

Harasvarupa (M): in Siva's image

Haratejas (M): Siva's fiery energy 5/6/2010
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Harena (F): devotee of lord Siva

Haresvara (M): Siva and Vishnu conjoined, Hari-Hara

Harinakshi (F): eyes as beautiful as a doe

Harita (F): green

Harnita (F): deer-like

Harsha (F): joy, delight

Harshika, Harshila, Harshina (F): joyful

Haryasva (M): with bay horses; Indra and Siva

Hasanti (F): smiling

Hasini (F): laughter

Hastimukha (M): elephant-faced; Ganesha

Hatakesha (M): lord of gold, Siva

Havana (M): fire sacrifice, Agni

Havisha (M-F): worthy of oblation; Siva

Hema (M-F): gold; a dark horse

Hemabala (M): power of gold; the pearl

Hemachandra (M): golden moon

Hemadri (M): golden mountain

Hemaguha (M): golden cave

Hemakanta (M): bright as gold

Hemakeli (M): golden sport; Agni

Hemakesha (M): with golden hair; Siva

Hemakshi (F): with golden eyes

Hemal (M-F), Hemali (F): golden

Hemamalin (M): garlanded with gold; Surya 5/6/2010
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Heman (M): golden, yellow; the Jasmine blossom

Hemanatha (M): lord of gold, Siva

Hemanga, Hemanya (M): golden-bodied, a brahmin; a lion

Hemapushpam (M): golden-flowered

Hemavati (F): golden, Parvati

Hemendra (M): lord of gold, Indra

Hemina (F): golden

Hemlata (M-F): golden creeper

Henal (F): made from the henna powder

Heramba (M): son of wealth; Ganesha

Hetal (F): full of love

Himachala (M): abode of snow; the Himalaya mountain

Himadri (F): peak of snow; the Himalaya mountain; Parvati

Himajyoti (M-F): with snow-like light; Chandra

Himakara (M): snow-handed; causing cold; white; the moon

Himasaila (M): snow mountain; the Himalayas

Himatanaya (M-F): son of the moon

Himayati (M): one who favors; champion

Himmat (M): courage

Hinadosa (M): without fault

Hindi (F): wanderer; Durga

Hindika (F): astrologer

Hindikanta, Hindipriya (M): beloved by Durga; Siva

Hinduka (M): wanderer; Siva

Hingula, Hinguli (F): vermillion 5/6/2010
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Hinkara (M): chanting of hymns; the invocation of a Deity

Hinvati (F): to gladden; delight

Hira (F): diamond; Lakshmi

Hiradevi (F): queen

Hiranga (M): diamond-bodied; Indra's thunderbolt

Hiranya (M): gold; most precious

Hiranyavaha (M): bearing gold; Siva; the river Sona

Hiresa (M): king of gems

Hiroka; Hiroki (F): poet

Hitasha (M): He who consumes oblations; Agni

Hitesin (M): benevolent

Hitesvara (M): God of welfare; caring for others

Homa (M): oblation

Honna (M): to possess

Hosang (M): to be one's own self

Hotravahana (M): with the chariot of invocation

Hullura, Hulluri (M-F): king of the Nagas

Humbadevi (F): Goddess of jubilation

Hundana, Hundani (M-F): attendent of Siva

Hundanesa (M): a ram; tiger; Siva

Hushka (M): a king

Huta, Huti (M): one to whom an oblution into fire is offered; Siva

Hutapriya (F): beloved of fire

Hutasa, Hutasi (M-F): subsisting by fire; fire consumer

Hutasana (F): a yogini; having the nature of fire 5/6/2010
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Huvishka (M): a king

Iditri (F): one who praises

Ijana (M): one who has sacrificed

Ikshanika (M): a fortune teller

Ilina (M): from Ili, a weapon

Indivar (M-F): blue lotus

Indra (M): king of the devas

Irajan (M): born of the wind

Irilan (M): He who has no end

Isan, Isha, Ishan, Ishvan, Eesan, Eesha (M): Supreme ruler, Siva

Ishva (M): a spiritual teacher

Isi, Isani, Eesi, Eesani (F): ruler; Parvati

Isvaran, Eashvaran (M): lord of the Universe; a millionaire

Jagadagauri (F): fairest of the universe, Parvati

Jagadamba, Jaganmata (F): mother of the world, Durga; Lakshmi

Jagadambika (F): little mother of the universe; Durga

Jagadhatri (F): sustainer of the universe; Parvati

Jai, Jay, Jaya (M): victory

Jalabalika (F): maiden of water; daughter of the waters; lightning as the daughter of 5/6/2010
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the clouds

Jalada (M): giving water; raincloud

Jaladhi (F): living in water; ocean; a crocodile

Jaladhipa (M): lord of the waters

Jalaj; Jalaja (F): born of water, the lotus; Lakshmi

Jalakanta (F): beloved of water; the ocean; wind

Jalakusuma (F): water flower; the lotus

Jalal (M): glory

Jalalata (F): creeper of water; a wave; a watervine

Jalapushpa (F): water lily

Jambalini (F): maiden of water, name of a river

Janabalika (F): daughter of the people; very bright; lightning

Janak, Janaka (M): progenitor; a father; name of a famous king

Janaki (F): daughter of Janaka

Janamitra (M): people's friend

Janava (M): protector of men

Janesha (M): king of people

Jantananda, Jnatanandana (M): bliss of knowing

Japa (M-F): repetition of mantras; chanting; incantation

Japendra, Japesa, Japesha (M): lord of chanting; Siva

Jasarani (F): queen of fame

Jatarupa (F): beautiful, brilliant, golden

Jatin (M): pertaining to a mendicant

Jayapal (M): fruit of victory; a king

Jayendra, Jeyendra (M): lord of victory 5/6/2010
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Jayin (M): victorious

Jeman (M): possessing victory

Jenya (M): of noble origin; true

Jetasri (F): Goddess of gains; a raga

Jetva (M): to be gained

Jhankar (F): a sweet sound

Jhanvi, Janvika (F): Ganga, daughter of rishi Jahinu

Jharna (F): a small brook

Jiva, Jeeva (M-F): soul

Jivan, Jivana (M): source of life; the sun; Siva

Jivanatha (M): lord of life

Jivantha, Jivatha (M): long-lived; virtuous; life, breath; peacock

Jivini (M): the sun; a brahmin; praise

Jnanada (M): giver of knowledge

Jnanadarpana (M): mirror of knowledge

Jnanadatta (M): given by knowledge

Jnanadeva (M): being of knowledge

Jnanadipa (M): lamp of knowledge

Jnanadirgha (M): far-knowing; far-seeing

Jnanagarbha (M): source of knowledge

Jnanakara (M): maker of knowledge

Jnanaketu (M): light of wisdom

Jnanakirti (M): having marks of intelligence

Jnanameru (M): mountain of knowledge

Jnanamurti (M): knowledge personified 5/6/2010
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Jnanapati (M): lord of knowledge

Jnanaprabha, Jnanaprakasha (M): brilliant with knowledge

Jnanaraja (M): king of knowledge

Jnanasiddhi (M): master of knowledge

Jnanavajra (M): knowledge-thunderbolt

Jnanavapi (M): pool of knowledge

Jnani (M): enlightened one

Jnata (F): intelligent

Jnatri (M): knower

Jogendra, Jogindra (F): lord of yoga; Siva

Jogesha, Jogesh (F): king of yoga

Jogini (F): yogini

Jogisha (F): lord of yoga

Josha (F): pleased; force, power

Josika (F): cluster of buds; maiden

Josita (F): pleased

Jovaki (F): firefly

Jugnu (M): firefly; ornament

Juhi (F): jasmine flower

Juhu (M): tongue; flame; Brahma and Surya

Jurni (F): fire-brand

Jushka (M): lover; worshiper; meritorious

Jushta (M), Jushti (F): love; service

Jutika (F): a kind of camphor

Juvasdeva (M): divine quickness in thought, word and deed 5/6/2010
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Jyoti, Jyothi, Jothi (M-F): light

Kadhapriya (F): ever-loved; ever-friendly

Kailash, Kailas (M): Siva's sacred mountain abode

Kaileshvari (F): Goddess of water; the family Goddess; Durga

Kairavini (F): water-born; the white lotus plant

Kaivalya (M): established in liberation; Murugan

Kakalika (F): with a low and sweet voice

Kakubha (F): peak, summit; splendour, beauty; wreath of Champaka flowers

Kala (F): a small part of anything; a skill; ingenuity

Kaladhara, Kaladharan (M): wearer of the crescent; Siva

Kalamali (F): dispelling darkness; splendid; sparkling

Kalandika (F): bestower of art and skills; wisdom, intelligence

Kalapini (F): as blue as the peacock's tail

Kalavati (F): moonlight; well versed in the arts, kalas

Kali (F): blackness, the Goddess

Kalikantha (F): with a pleasing voice; the dove

Kallolini (F): always happy; a surging stream or river

Kalyanavati (F): full of virtue; princess

Kalyani (F): beneficial, lucky; excellent; propitious; a sacred cow

Kamakanta (F): beloved of Kama; jasmine

Kamakshi (F): lovely-eyed

Kamala (M-F), Kamal, Kamla (F): born of a lotus, spring; desirous, beautiful, 5/6/2010
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excellent; wealth; pale red; rose colored; BrahmA

Kamaladevi (F): lady of the lotus

Kamalini (F): lotus plant, collection of lotuses; beautiful; fragrant; auspicious; dear
to the Gods

Kamini (F): embodiment of love; Ganesha

Kamini, Kamra (F): desirable, beautiful; loving

Kanak, Kanchan (F): gold

Kanakambara (F): clad in gold, golden; a flower

Kanakasundari (F): as beautiful as gold

Kanda, Kandan, Kandiah (M): of integrated form; Murugan

Kandanatha (M): quick lord; Murugan

Kannaki (F): chaste and devoted wife, Sita

Kanti (F): glory, beauty; wish; decoration

Kanya (F): maiden

Kapil (M), Kapila (F): reddish; a great rishi

Karishma (F): miracle

Karpani (F): gladness

Karttikeya (M): giver of courage; Murugan

Karttiki (F): full moon in the month of Karttika; pious, holy

Karunya (F): merciful, compassionate; praiseworthy

Kashi, Kasi (M): shining, splendrous; Varanasi, Siva's holy city

Kashvi (F): shining; beautiful

Kathir, Katir (M): formless light, Murugan

Kathiresan (M): lord of light; Murugan

Kaumari (F): virginal 5/6/2010
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Kavita (F): poem; poet

Kavyamata (F): mother of poetry, mother of a brilliant one

Kedara, Kedaradeva (M): field, meadow; peak of Himalayan mountain; Siva

Kedaranatha (M): lord of fields and meadows; Siva as worshiped in Himalayas

Kedaresa (M): lord of fields and meadows; statue of Siva in Kashi

Kedarin (M): region of the Himalayas, Siva

Kekavala (M): peacock

Kekaya (M): chief of a warrior tribe; full of water

Kelaka (M): dancer, tumbler

Kelasa (M): crystal

Kenati (F): wife of Kama

Kenava (M): of a teacher

Kenipa (M): sage

Kerkhi (M): gold necklace

Kesara (M), Kesari (F): mane; saffron

Kesarin (M): having a mane; a lion; prince

Kesayanti (M): attendant of Skanda

Kesin (M): long-haired; lion, Rudra

Ketaka (M): banner, flag; gold ornament

Ketali (F): one with shelter

Ketana (M-F): house, shelter; flag, banner

Ketayan, Ketayitri (M): one who summons, counsels, advises

Ketu (M): a bright appearance; chief, leader, eminent person; the moon's south node

Ketubha (M): cloud

Ketubhuta (M): having a symbol 5/6/2010
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Ketumala (M): garland of light

Keturatna (M): a bright jewel

Ketusringa (M): with shining horns; a king of ancient Bharat

Ketutara (M): a comet

Ketuvarman (M): flag shooter; one whose flag flies everywhere

Keva (F): lotus

Kevala (M): alone; absolute, exclusive, pure, whole, perfect

Kevalin (M): seeker of the Absolute

Keya (M-F): monsoon flower; speed

Keyura (M): armlet

Keyuraka (M): one who wears an armlet

Kimaya (F): divine

Kinjala (F): brook; lotus

Kinjalk (F): essence of a lotus

Kinnari (F): female singer; stringed musical instrument; a singer in Indra's court

Kiranamalin (M): garlanded with rays; Surya

Kiranamayi (F): full of rays

Kiranapani (M): ray-handed; Surya

Kiranapati (M): lord of rays; Surya

Kirata (M): Siva in his form as a warrior of the Kirata tribe

Kirati (F): one who dwells in the mountains; Durga and Ganga

Kirin, Kirina (M-F): one who praises; poet, writer; speaker

Kirmi (F): an image of gold

Kirnali (F): beam of light

Kirtana (M): praise; repeating 5/6/2010
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Kirtenya (M): worthy of praise

Kirti (F): fame, glory; the Goddess of fame and reputation

Kirtida (F): giver of fame

Kirtideva (M): lord of light; lord of fame

Kirtidhara (M): bearer of fame

Kirtimalini (F): garlanded with fame; an attendant of Skanda

Kirtiman, Kirtimanta (M): famous

Kirtimukha (M): famous face; a gana born from the hair of Siva

Kirtisena (M): with a glorious army

Kishala (F): bud; blossom

Kishori (F): small girl

Kodandin (M): armed with a bow, Siva

Komala (M-F): tender, soft, delicate, sweet; handsome, beautiful

Kotijit (M): conquering millions; Kalidasa

Kotikasya (M): abode of millions

Kotira (M): horned; Indra

Kotishvara (M): lord of millions

Kovida (M): knowledgeable, wise

Kripa (F): compassion; grace; blessing

Kripalavi (M-F): the compassionate one; Murugan

Kritini (F): the skillful one; Ganesha

Kriya (M): action; temple worship

Kuhupala (M): lord of the moon; Siva

Kuja (M): the gana who wears the rudraksha mala

Kuladeva (M): Deity of the family 5/6/2010
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Kuladevi (F): family Goddess

Kuladipa (M): light of the family

Kulagan (M): beautiful one; Murugan

Kulamani (F): jewel of the family

Kulandai (M): beautiful one; Murugan

Kuleshvari (F): family Goddess

Kulishvara (M): family God; Siva

Kumar, Kumara, Kumaran (M): youth; prince; Murugan

Kumaradevi (F): Goddess of children; a princess who was the wife of Chandragupta

Kumari (F): maiden; virgin girl

Kumudanatha (M): the moon

Kundalin (M): wearing large earings; Siva

Kundan (M): glittering, sparkling; gold; pure, refined

Kunjeshvara (M): lord of the forest

Kuntanatha (M): lord of vegetation

Kusavarta (M): of a passage of the Ganga; of a muni; Siva

Kusha (F): a kind of sacred grass

Kusumita (F): flower in full bloom

Kuvala (M): enricher of knowledge; water lily; pearl; water

Kuvalayesha (M): lord of the Earth; ruler of waters; lord of lilies

Kuvalya (M): the blue lotus

Lakshmi (F): wealth, prosperity; Goddess of wealth 5/6/2010
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Lambodara (M): of large belly; Ganesha

Lekha (M): document; Deity, God

Lekhabhra (M): bright as light; shining

Lekharaja (M): lord of the Gods; the Supreme Being

Lelihana (M): darting out the tongue; serpent; Siva

Lesha (M): small portion; a short song

Lila, Leela (F): the divine play

Linika (F): absorbed, dedicated

Lochan, Lochana (M): eyes

Lokesh (M): lord of regions

Lokpriya (M): popular among all

Lomesh (M): a sage

Lubdhaka (M): hunter; the star Sirius

Lunadosha (M): sinless; an attendant of Siva

Lunakarna (M): with pierced ears

Lusha (M): saffron; name of a rishi

Madhu, Madhur, Madhuri (F): honey

Mahadev, Mahadeva, Mahadevan (M): Great God; Siva

Mahadevi (F): great Goddess

Mahakala (M): great time; Siva

Mahan (M): great one; Siva

Mahati (M-F): the consummation of glory; Murugan 5/6/2010
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Mahendra (M): supreme ruler

Mahesh, Mahesa, Mahesan, Maheshvara (M): great lord; Siva

Mahesvari, Maheshvari (F): great Goddess

Mala (F): rosary, prayer beads

Mallik (M): king; lord

Mallika (F): jasmine

Manasa (F): mental power; Parvati

Manesh (M): king of mind

Mangala (F): auspicious one

Mani (M-F): jewel

Manick, Manik, Manickan, Manickam (M): ruby-like

Manil (M): a beautiful bird

Manin (M): mind

Manish (M): intellect

Manjari (F): a bouquet

Manjeet (M): conqueror of mind

Manju (F): pollen grains; attractive

Manoj (M): born of the mind

Manu (M): intelligent; the first man

Mardav (M): softness; letting go of ego

Markendeya (M): winning over death; devotee of Siva

Maruti (M): son of the wind; Hanuman

Matta (M-F): the embodiment of happiness; Murugan

Mayil (F): peacock

Mayilvaganam (M): peacock mount; Murugan 5/6/2010
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Mayini (F): source of illusory power

Midhusha (M): bountiful; son of Indra

Midhushi (F): liberal; bountiful; Shakti

Midhushtama (M): most liberal; Surya

Mihika (F): mist, fog; snow

Mihikansu (M): mist-rayed; the moon

Mihira (M): causing heat, light and rain; sun, clouds, wind, air; a sage

Mihirakula (M): born in the solar dynasty; a king

Mihirana (M): born of the sun; Siva

Milana, Milan (M): union; meeting; contract

Milap (M): embrace

Milita (F): partly opened, as in a flower blossom

Mina, Meena (F): fish; gem; goblet of wine

Minaketana (M): fish-bannered; Kama

Minakshi, Meenakshi (F): fish-eyed; a species of Durva grass; Parvati

Minalaya (M): the ocean

Minanatha (M): master of fish

Minaraja (M): king of fish

Minesh, Mineshvara (M): lord of fish; Siva

Mira (F): ocean;

Mirata (M): mirror

Misraka (M): mixed; manifold

Misri (M): mixed; sweet

Mita (F): measured, gauged; tried and tested; a friend; established

Mitadhvaja (M): with a strong flag 5/6/2010
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Mitali (F): friendship

Mithi (M): knowledged; truthful

Mithilesa (M): lord of Mithila

Mithuna (M): forming a pair; the zodiac sign of Gemini; honey and clarified butter

Miti (F): friend

Mitra (M): friend, companion

Mitrabahu (M): helped by friends

Mitradeva (M): lord of friends

Mitradharman (M): with faith in friends

Mitragupta (M): protected by friends

Mitrajit (M): winning friends

Mitrajna (M): knower of friends; knower of the sun

Mitrakrit (M): friend maker

Mitrasaha (M): indulgent towards friends

Mitrasena (M): with an army of friends

Mitravaha, Mitravan, Mitravinda (M): having friends

Mitravardhana (M): cherished by friends

Mitravarman (M): warrior among friends

Mitrayu (M): friendly; attractive; prudent

Mitrodaya (M): sunrise

Mitula (M): measured, limited, moderate

Mitushi (F): with limited desires

Mivara (M): leader of an army

Moda (M): pleasure, enjoyment, joy; fragrance

Modaka (M), Modaki (F): pleasing, delighting; a sweet goodie 5/6/2010
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Modakara (M): one who accomplishes joy; full of joy, delighted; a rishi

Mohana, Mohi, Mohin, Mohita (M), Mohini (F): infatuating; beautiful; bewildering;
one of the five arrows of Kama; Siva or Krishna

Mohantara (M): very infatuating

Mohona (F): endearing

Moksha (M): emancipation, liberation; Mount Meru

Mokshadvara (M): gate of liberation; Surya

Mokshin, Mokshita (M): free, liberated

Mora, Morara (M): peacock

Moti (M): pearl

Motia (M): jasmine

Muchira (M): generous, liberal; virtuous; the wind; the Deity

Mudabhaja (M): desirer of happiness

Mudanvita (M): pleased, delighted, filled with joy

Mudavarta (M): surrounded by happiness

Muddaya (M): to be happy; to delight

Mudgala (M): ever happy

Muhurta (M): moment, instant

Mukesh, Mukesa (M): lord of liberation; Siva

Mukhachandra (M): moon face; with a face like the moon

Mukhaja (M): born of the mouth

Mukhakamala (M): with a face as lovely as a lotus

Mukhendu (M): with a face as lovely as the moon

Mukta (M): freed, emancipated, delivered; opened; a pearl

Muktaguna (M): qualities of a pearl 5/6/2010
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Muktananda (M): the joy of liberation

Muktapida (M): crowned with pearls

Muktapushpa (M): pearly flower

Muktaratna (M): pearl gem

Muktasena (M): with a free army

Muktesh, Muktesa (M): lord of emancipation

Mukunda (M): precious stone; one who liberates

Mukutesvara (M): lord of the crown

Mula (M): root or core

Mulaka (M): prince

Mulapurusha (M): male representative of a family

Mularaja (M): lord of creation; the original root

Mulashanti (M): a Vedic treatise

Mulika (M): principal, primary

Muni (M): silent one; sage; ascetic

Munichandra (M): moon among ascetics

Munikumara (M): young ascetic

Munindra (M): chief of munis; Siva

Muniratna (M): jewel among sages

Munisa (M): chief of munis

Munistuta (M): praised by sages; Ganesha

Murajaka (M): a drum; one of Siva's attendants

Murdhan, Murdhanya (M): the top or summit, beginning or first

Murthi, Murthy, Murti (M): form; temple image

Muruga, Murugan (M): beautiful; tender youth; the God of spiritual striving, lord of 5/6/2010
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ascetics; Karttikeya

Murugesa (M): lord of the detached; Murugan

Mushika (M): Ganesha's vahana, the mouse

Muthu (M): nice; gentle

Nabhan (M): heart center; Siva residing in the lotus of the heart

Nabhanyu (M), Nabhanya (F): springing forth from the heavens; ethereal, celestial,

Nabhasa (M), Nabhasi (F): misty; of the sky; celestial

Nabhashvati (F): born of the sky; lightning; thunder

Nabhasindhu (F): river of the sky; the Akashaganga or celestial Ganga, the Milky

Nachiketa, Nachiketan (M): not conscious; fire

Nada (M): sound

Nadabindu (M): seed sound; the primal sound, Aum

Nadinatha, Nadipati, Nadisha (M): lord of rivers; the ocean

Naga (M): mountain; serpent; elephant

Nagapati (M): overlord of the mountains; Himavan

Nagadhiraja (M): The paramount king of the mountains; Himavan

Nagamma (F): poetess

Naganandini (F): mountain-born; Parvati

Nagapushpika (F): flower of the mountains; yellow Jasmine

Nagaraja (M): king of serpents; Siva who wears serpents as a mark of immortality
and control of the instinctive mind 5/6/2010
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Nagarini (F): urban; sophisticated

Nagasri (F): princess

Nagendra (M): chief of serpents; Chief of mountains; Himavan

Nagesh, Nagesa, Nageshvar, Nageshvara (M): lord of serpents; lord of mountains;

Himavan, Siva; Maharishi PataNjali

Nageshvari (F): Goddess of serpents; Manasa

Nagija (F): blossom of the flower Mesua Roxburghii

Naka (M-F): vault of heaven; sky; Surya

Nakaloka (M): the heavenly worlds

Nakanadi (F): river of the sky; the Akashaganga or celestial Ganga, the Milky Way

Nakanari (F): heavenly woman

Nakanatha, Nakadhipa, Nakapati, Nakesa, Nakesh, Nakeshvara (M): lord of the sky;

Nakanayaka (M): God of Jupiter

Nakapala (M): sky guardian

Nakavanita (F): dwelling in the sky

Nakin (M): having heaven; a God

Nakshatra (M-F): one of 27 principle asterisms (star clusters, also called Lunar
Mansions) in the Hindu system of astrology, usually referring to one's birthstar

Nakula (M): mongoose; lord Siva who, like the mongoose, is immune to the venom
of serpents

Nala (F): made of reeds, a lotus flower

Nalada (F): nectar of a flower

Nalakini (F): multitude of flowers; lotus lake

Nalami (F): fragrant nectar; lute of Siva

Nalika (F): spear, arrow; lotus flower

Nalini (F): lotus-like; lotus; beautiful; fragrant; gentle; sacred 5/6/2010
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Nalita (F): Arum Colocassia

Namasya (M-F): worshipful, worthy of salutation

Namdeesh (M): the ocean

Namita (F): one who worships, devotee

Namya (F): venerable

Nanda (F): delight; prosperity

Nandadevi (F): Goddess of happiness; lofty Himalayan peak

Nandana (M): rejoicing; gladdening

Nandi, Nandikesh (M): happy, joyful; Siva's bull; Siva expressing his blissful nature

Nandika, Nandini, Nandanti (F): gladdening, delightful, blissful; a daughter; Durga

and GaMga

Nandirudra (M): joyful Rudra; Siva

Nandishvara (M): lord of Nandi; Siva

Nandita (F): one who pleases

Nanthakumar (M): eternal youth

Naradhara (M): supporter of mankind; Siva

Narapriya (M): beloved of mankind; favorable to mankind

Naravira (M): heroic man

Narendra, Naresh, Naresa, Nareshvara (M): chief of mankind

Nari (F): feminine; wife, mother; daughter of Mount Meru

Narika (F): spiritual; watery

Narishta (M): dear to women; Arabian jasmine

Naritirtha (F): five sacred bathing places for women

Narmada (F): giver of pleasure; a holy river

Narmadeshvara (M): lord of the river Narmada; Siva 5/6/2010
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Narmadyuti (F): bright with joy; happy, merry

Nartaki, Nataki, Natakiya (F): dancer

Narvakya (F): words of the wife

Narya (M): heroic; manly, human

Natana, Natya (M): dancing

Nataraj, Nataraja, Natarajan (M): king of dancers; Siva

Natesa, Natesh, Nadesan, Nateshvar, Nadeshvar (M): lord of dancers; Siva

Nateshvari (F): Goddess of dance; Parvati

Nath, Natha, Nathan (M): protector, master, lord, chief; blessing

Nathoka (M): a poet

Nati (F): bowing, humble

Natyapriya (M): fond of dance; Siva

Nava (M): shout of joy

Navamallika (F): the new creeper; jasmine

Navangi (F): new, fresh body; lovely, beautiful

Navika (M): captain, sailor; chief of a vessel

Navina, Naviya, Navya (F): new, fresh, young

Nayaja (F): daughter of wisdom

Nayaka (M-F): chief, leader, guide

Nayanapriti, Nayanatara (F): star of one's eye; beloved; very dear

Nayavati (F): bearer of prudence

Nayika (F): noble lady

Nehal, Nehanshu (M-F): affectionate, loving

Neman (M): of excellent conduct

Neminathan (M): lord of the thunderbolt 5/6/2010
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Nesan (M): devotee, friend

Nesarajan (M): king of affection

Neta (M): lord, leader, ruler

Netanatha (M): lord of leaders

Netra (M): eye; leader, guide

Netrakosha (M): treasure of the eye; bud of a flower

Netramusha (M): capturing the eye; beautiful; unusual

Nichita (F): full; flowing down; Ganga

Nidhra (M): moon; circumference of a wheel; the lunar mansion Revati

Niharika (F): Milky Way

Nika (M-F): tree; irrigation channel

Nikhil (M): the Sun God, Surya

Nila, Neela (M-F), Nilan (M), Nilani (F): dark blue; indigo; sapphire; Indian fig tree

Nilabha (F): of bluish hue; moon

Nilachandra (F): blue moon

Nilagala (F): blue-necked; Siva

Nilagiri Ternatea: mountain; blue variety of flower Clitoria

Nilaja (F): blue steel

Nilakamala (F): blue lotus or water lily

Nilakantala (F): blue earings

Nilakantha, Nilakanta (M), Nilakanthi (F): blue-throated; Siva

Nilalohita (M-F): red and blue; Siva and Murugan

Nilama (M): dark blue; sapphire; indigo

Nilapadma (F): blue lotus

Nilapushpa (F): blue-flowered; a species of Eclipta 5/6/2010
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Nilasi (F): Vitex Negundo flower

Nilata (F): blueness

Nili (F): indigo; a Goddess

Nilima, Neelima (F): blueness

Nilini (F): the indigo plant

Nilmani, Neelmani (F): blue diamond, sapphire

Niloda (F): with blue water; a river

Nina (F): ornamented; slender

Nira (F), Neera: consisting of water

Niraj, Niraja (M-F): illuminating

Nirajakshi (F): lotus-eyed; beautiful

Nirajayati (F): shining upon, illuminating

Niranjana (M): without blemish; Ganesha

Nirmala (M-F), Nirmalan (M): without impurity

Nirmalanatha (M): lord without bonds; Siva

Nirupa (M-F): formless; air; ether; a God

Nirvikar (M): flawless

Nisha (F), Neesha: night; dream

Nishasari (F): night bird; owl

Nishtha (F): faith; conviction; fidelity

Nita (F), Neeta, Niti: guided, correct, modest

Nitha (M): leader; a king of the Vrishni dynasty

Nitya (M-F): eternal, without end

Nivan (F): one of the ten horses of the moon 5/6/2010
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Odati (F): dawn; refreshing

Oghavati (F): a swift stream

Ojasvini (F): brave; bright

Omala (F): bestower of the root mantra, Aum

Omisa (F): Goddess of birth, life and death

Omkar, Omkara (M): the root mantra, Aum

Omvati (F): possessing the power of the root mantra, Aum

Pachata (M): cooked, boiled; Surya, Agni and Indra

Padma (F): lotus; lotus-hued one; Lakshmi

Padmabandhu (M): friend of the lotus; Surya.

Padmagarbha (M): born of a lotus; Brahma, Vishnu, Siva and Surya

Padmaja (F): born of a lotus; Lakshmi

Padmakara (M): holding a lotus; Surya

Padmala (F): lotus-seated; Lakshmi

Padmalochana (F): lotus-eyed

Padmamalini (F): lotus-garlanded; Lakshmi

Padmanjali (F): offering of lotuses

Padmaraga (M): lotus-hued; ruby

Padmashri (F): divine lotus; as beautiful as a lotus

Padmin (M-F), Padmini (F): lotus-like; one who plucks the lotus; one who likes the 5/6/2010
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lotus; elephant

Palaka (M): protector; prince, sovereign

Palaksha (M): white

Palani (M): renunciate; Murugan

Palin (M): protecting, guarding; keeping

Pallava (M), Pallavi (F): sprout, shoot; spray; bud, blossom

Panava (M): small drum; cymbal; prince

Panavin (M): possessing a small drum; Siva

Panchaka (M): consisting of five elements; an attendant of Skanda

Panchaksha (M): five-eyed; an attendant of Siva

Panchala (M): consisting of five; surrounded by five rivers; a raga; a naga; Siva

Panchama (M): dextrous, clever; beautiful, brilliant

Panchamukha (M): five-faced, Siva and Ganesha

Panchasya (M): five-faced; lion; Siva

Pandura (M): pale; yellow-white, an attendant of Skanda

Panika (M): hand; an attendant of Skanda

Panikarna (M): hands and ears conjoined; attentive, pro-active; Siva

Panita (M): admired, praised

Pannagesha (M): lord of the creeping ones; lord of serpents; Siva

Panshula (M): Siva's staff; Siva covered with sandalwood powder

Papuri (M): bountiful; liberal, abundant

Paraga (M): pollen of a flower; fragrant; fame, celebrity

Paraj (M): gold

Param (M): supreme; Siva

Paramaka (M): highest, best 5/6/2010
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Paramakshara (M): the supreme syllable; Aum

Paramani (M): excellent jewel

Paramesha, Parameshvara (M): supreme lord; Siva

Parameshvari (F): supreme Goddess

Paramika (F): highest, best, greatest; one who fulfills desires

Parimala (F): fragrance, perfume

Parinaha (M): circumference; width; Siva

Parisatya (M): pure truth

Parishruta (M): famous, celebrated; an attendant of Skanda

Parshupani (M): axe holder; Ganesha

Parvataja (M): born of mountains

Parvati (F): of all mountains; mountain stream

Pashunatha, Pashupati, Pasunatha, Pasupati (M): lord of cattle; lord of souls; Siva

Patanjali (M): worshipful; name of a rishi

Paturupa (M): very clever

Pavana, Pavanta (M): pious; sacred; pure; fire; incense; protecting

Peruman (M): the great one; Siva

Pesani, Peshani, Peshanidevi (F): well-formed; beautiful

Peshal, Peshala, Peshaladevi (F): delicate

Piki (F): Indian cuckoo

Pillaiyar (M): Ganesha, the noble child

Pinaki (F): Siva's box

Pinga, Pingala (F): of yellow hue, golden, fiery; turmeric, saffron; Lakshmi

Pingakshi (F): tawny-eyed, a Deity presiding over the family

Piroja (F): turquoise 5/6/2010
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Pitayuthi (F): an array of yellow; yellow jasmine

Pitika (F): saffron; yellow jasmine; honey

Pivanari (F): strong, robust, voluptuous

Piyushadyuti (F): nectar-rayed; the moon

Piyushakanika (F): nectar drop

Polami (F): consort of Indra

Pollavi (F): mango leaf

Ponnambalam (M): golden hall

Ponnamma (F): golden mother

Posha (M-F): thriving, prosperity, increasing

Poshaniya (F): to be protected

Poshayitri (F): one who nourishes, cherishes or rears

Poshita (F): cherished

Poshya (F): thriving; abundant, copious

Potriya (M-F), Potriyan (M): purifying

Poya (M-F): a kind of wind instrument

Prabha (F): lustre, radiance; Parvati

Prabhava (M-F), Prabhavan (M): lord Supreme; Murugan

Prabhavanatha (M): prominent, distinguished, powerful lord

Pradip, Pradeep (M): source of light

Prajapati (M): father of creation; Siva and Murugan

Prakash, Prakasha (M): light

Prakriti (F): nature; cosmos

Prana (M-F): the life of life; energy; Murugan

Prasad, Prashad (M): blessed offerings 5/6/2010
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Prasannatma, Prasannatman (M): effulgent, kindly-souled; Ganesha

Pratap (M): glory

Pravina, Praveena (F): sagacious; competent

Prem, Prema (M-F): love

Priya (F): darling, beloved

Puja (F): worship, honor, adoration,

Pundarika (F): lotus-like; white umbrella; a mark on the forehead; tiger

Pundarisraja (F): garland of lotuses

Punita (F): sacred; pious; holy

Punya (F): virtue, good work, merit; purity; holy basil

Punyavati (F): full of virtues, righteous; fortunate; happy; beautiful

Purani (F): fulfilling, completing, satisfying

Puranjani (F): understanding, intellegence

Purna, Poorna, Purnama, Purnima (F): full, complete; full moon

Purnamrita (F): full of nectar; a digit of the moon

Pushan (M): nourisher; protector; a Vedic God

Pushpa (F): flower; blossom

Pushpamanjari (F): flower boquet

Pushpendu (F): moon of flowers; white lotus

Pushpi (F): blossom; flower-like; tender, soft; beautiful; fragrant

Raga (F): act of coloring; feeling, passion; harmony, melody

Ragamaya, Ragavati (F): full of passion; full of love; beloved; dear full of color; red 5/6/2010
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Ragini (F): melody; attachment; love

Rahuratna (F): jewel of Rahu; the hyacinth flower

Raj, Raja, Rajan (M): king; Siva

Rajadeva (M): kind of devas; Murugan

Rajadhidevi (F): Goddess of the kings; queen; a daughter of Surya

Rajakala (F): a royal piece; a digit of the moon

Rajakanya, Rajakumari (F): daughter of a king; princess

Rajakesari (F): shining gold; lion among kings

Rajal (F): queenly

Rajamani (F): crown jewel; royal gem

Rajamukhi (F): royal countenance

Rajani, Rajni (F): dark one; night; turmeric; queen; a holy river in ancient India

Rajanvati (F): abode of kings; Earth

Rajapushpa (F): royal flower

Rajasri, Rajasi (F): royalty; grandeur; a gandharva

Rajesh, Rajeshvara (M): lord of kings; Siva

Rajeshvari (F): Goddess of a state; Parvati

Rajita (F): illuminated, resplendent, bright, brilliant

Rajivini (F): a collection of blue lotuses

Rajvi (F): ruling

Rajyadevi (F): Goddess of a state; royal woman; queen

Rajyalakshmi (F): wealth of a state; royal Lakshmi

Rakanisha (F): full-moon night

Rakesh (F): lord of the full moon

Rakhi (F): symbol of protection; full moon in Shravana 5/6/2010
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Rakini (F): night, a tantric Goddess

Rakta (F): painted; red; beloved, dear; pleasant

Raktahansa (F): red swan; contented soul

Raktapadma (F): red lotus

Rakti (F): redness; pleasing, loveliness; affection, devotion

Rama (M): enchanting; a great king

Rambha (F): lovable, pleasing, agreeable; staff

Rameshvara (M): lord of Rama; Siva

Ramita (F): pleasing; omnipresent

Ramya (F): enchanting, pleasing, beautiful, enjoyable

Rangabhuti (F): born of love; full-moonnight in the month of Ashvini

Rangaja (F): vermilion; born of love

Rani (F): queen

Ranjana (F): pleasing, to worship

Ranjika (F): one who pleases; exciting love; charming, pleasing; red sandalwood

Ranna (M): delight; sound; joy; quill or bow of a lute

Rashmi (F): a ray of light

Rasi (F): wealth, quantity, number; a star constellation

Rasika (F): with discrimination; aesthetic; sentimental; passionate; tasteful, elegant

Ratna, Ratnam (F): wealth; jewel

Ratnamalavati (F): with a necklace of jewels

Ratnavara (F): best among precious things; gold

Ratridevi (F): Goddess of night

Ratu (F): truthful; true speech; the celestial Ganga

Ravi (M): the Sun God 5/6/2010
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Ravichandrika (F): glory of the sun; moonlight; a raga

Ravichandra, Ravichandran (M): the sun and moon conjoined

Rebha (F): singer of praise

Reem (F): seed Goddess

Rejakshi (F): with eyes of fire

Rekha (F): line, streak

Renuka (F): born of dust

Resaman, Reshma (F): storm, whirlwind

Reva (F): agile, swift, quick

Revati (F): prosperity; wealth; 27th constellation

Ribhu, Ribuksha, Ribhwan (M): clever, skillful

Riddhi (F): wealth or good fortune personified; Parvati, Lakshmi

Riddhika (F): giver of wealth; Lakshmi

Ridhkaran (F): prosperity; Lakshmi

Rijhav (M): happy, pleased

Rijhayal (M-F): winsome; cultured

Rijhwar (M): lover, adorer

Riju (M): straight forward

Rijukratu, Rijumati (M): performing right sacrifices or works; sincere; Indra

Rijuta (F): honesty, sincerity

Riksh (M): fixed star, constellation

Rikshpati (M): lord of the stars; the moon

Rikshvan (M): forest of bears; a mountain in India

Rima (F): emancipated, released

Rishav (F): pertaining to a sage 5/6/2010
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Rishi (M): seer; sage

Rishit (M-F): happy, pleased, stout

Rishyamuk (M): beautiful mountain

Rit (F): season

Rita (F): flow; cosmic order; truth;

righteous; correct; brave; honest

Ritangoli (F): a strengthening medicine

Ritaparna (M): truth-winged

Ritayin (M): truthful

Ritayu, Ritayus (M): follower of the sacred law

Riti (M-F): stream

Ritika (M-F): brass; bell metal

Ritunatha (M): lord of the seasons; spring personified

Rocha, Rochaka, Rochan, Rochana, Rochita, Rochisa, Rochmana (M), Roshini (F):
shining, radiant; glorious; giving pleasure, agreeable, charming

Rochismat (M): possessing light

Rodas (M): heaven and earth

Rohaka, Rohana, Rohanta, Rohil, Rohin, Rohini (M): ascending, climbing; blossom;
mountain; tree; a nakshatra or star

Rohinibhava (M): a son of Rohini; planet Mercury

Rohinikanta, Rohiniramana (M): beloved of Rohini; the moon

Rohinisa (M): lord of Rohini; the moon

Rohit, Rohita, Rohitaka (M): red; ornament made of precious stones; rainbow;
blood; saffron; Surya

Rohitaksha (M): red-eyed; Surya

Rohitasva (M): red horse; possessor of red horses; Agni 5/6/2010
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Rola (M): painting

Roladeva (M): lord of painting

Roma (M): hair

Romaharsha (M): goose bumps

Romaharshana, Romir (M): causing goose bumps; causing the hair to stand erect

Romali (F): line of hair

Romani (F): romantic

Romika (M): salt; magnet

Rosana, Roshan (M): passionate; touchstone; quicksilver

Rosavaroha (M): diminisher of anger

Rudra (M): awesome; Siva

Rupa, Rupali (F): beautiful

Sabanatha, Sabanathan, Sabapati (M): lord of dance; Siva

Sabaratnam (M-F): jewel of dancers, Siva

Sachi, Sachideva (M): a friend

Sadashiva, Sadasiva, Sadasivam (M): eternally auspicious; Siva

Sagar (M): ocean; king of solar dynasty

Sahaja (M): natural

Sahil (M): guide

Sajan (M): beloved

Sakhi, Sakhila (F): sympathizer; friendly; companion

Sakti, Shakti (F): power, energy 5/6/2010
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Samapriya (M-F): lover of Sama Veda; Siva

Sambasiva; Sambasivam (M): Siva the benevolent

Sambhava (M): born, manifested

Sambu, Shambu, Shambo (M): causing happiness; Siva

Samudra (M): ocean; blue

Sanatan, Sanatana (M): eternal

Sangita, Sangeeta, Sangeet (F): music

Sanjay (M): completely victorious

Sanjiv, Sanjiva (M): possessed with life; vital

Sankara, Sankar, Shankara (M): causing prosperity; Siva

Sanmitra (M): a close friend

Santosha, Santosh (M), Santoshi (F): contentment; peace

Sarada, Sharada, Sharda (F): vina or lute bearer; Sarasvati

Sarasvati (F): a region abounding in pools; full of essences; Goddess of learning

Saravan, Saravana, Saravanan, Saravanabhava (M): a reed-filled pond; quietude of

mind; Murugan

Sarita (F): river, stream; Durga

Saroj, Saroja (F): found in lakes; lotus flower

Sarvatanaya (M): son of Siva

Sarvatmaka (M): the soul of all; Ganesha

Satika (F): water

Satina (F): real, essential; peace; water; bamboo

Satvan, Satvi (F): strong, powerful, living

Satvika (M-F): perfect goodness; purity; Siva

Satya (M-F): truth 5/6/2010
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Saumya (M-F): pleasant; Ganesha

Savar (M): water; Siva

Seduka (M): existent; a king of ancient India

Sekhara (M): crown of the head; crest, peak; best, chief

Selva, Selvan (M), Selvi (F): prosperous one

Selvamani (M): beautiful jewel

Selvaraj (M): handsome king

Sena (M): army; leader; body

Senabindu (M): pivot of the army

Senachitta (M): war-minded

Senahan (M): destroying armies

Senajit (M): vanquishing armies

Senaka (M): soldier

Senani (M): leader, general, chief; Murugan

Senapala (M): protector of the army

Senapati (M): commander of generals; leader of an army

Senaskandha (M): army of Skanda; a battalion

Sendan (M): red-hued; Murugan

Senika (M): soldier

Sentilnatha (M): red lord

Sephalendu (M): moon among the brave

Sephara (M): charming; delightful

Sevadhi (M): treasure receptacle; wealth; jewel

Seval (M): rooster; emblem of Lord Murugan

Sevara (M): treasury 5/6/2010
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Seya, Seyana (M): obtaining, achieving

Seyon, Ceyon (M): youthful; Murugan

Shabnam (F): dewdrop

Shaila (F): small mountain

Shaktidhara, Saktidhara (M-F), Saktidharan (M): wielder of power; Murugan

Shama (F): tranquility

Shambhava (M): the benevolent one; Siva

Shanmukha; Shanmuga, Shanmugan, Samugam (M): the six-faced one; Murugan

Shanmukhanatha, Shanmuganatha (M): lord of six faces; Murugan

Shanta, Santa (F): peaceful

Shanti (F): peace

Sharva (M-F): the archer; Siva

Shashishekhara, Shashishekharan (M): wearer of the moon in His hair; Siva

Shashvata (M): eternal, unchanging; Siva and Ganesha

Shinjini (F): an anklet

Shirali (F): peacock's crown

Shirina (F): sweet

Sivapriya, Sivapriya (M-F): the gracious beloved; Siva

Shrida, Shreeda (M-F): the bestower of wealth; Ganesha

Shripati (M): lord of wealth; Ganesha

Shubha (F): auspicious

Shubra, Subram (F): brilliance

Shuddha (M-F): the pure one; Ganesha

Shulapani (M): holder of a spear; Siva

Siddhama (F): blesssed mother; Durga 5/6/2010
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Siddhan (M): perfected one; Murugan

Siddhartha (M): one who has accomplished his aim

Siddhasena (M): with a divine army; Karttikeya

Siddhayogin (M): perfected or accomplished yogi; Siva

Siddheshvara (M): lord of blessed or accomplished ones; Siva

Siddheshvari (F): Goddess of the blessed

Siddhi (F): magical power; luck; accomplishment

Siddhida (F): conferring felicity or powers; Siva

Siddhima (F): one of achievement

Sikha (F): peak, pinnacle, crest; plume, topknot

Sikhandi (F): crested; yellow jasmine

Sila (F): calm, tranquil; good-natured

Silamban (M): mountain king; Murugan

Silavati (F): virtuous, moral

Silpi, Shilpi (M), Silpika, Shilpika (F): craftsman; scultor

Silpita, Shilpita (F): sculptured; well crafted and proportioned

Sindura (F): a kind of tree

Sita, Seeta (F): white

Sitara (F): star

Siva, Sivan, Siva (M-F): auspicious; with a long a it becomes feminine, meaning the
energy of Siva

Sivaji, Sivaji (M): auspicious one; Siva

Sivajnana (M), Sivajnanam: Siva's wisdom

Sivakanta (F), Sivakanta: beloved of Siva

Sivakumara, Sivakumaran, Sivakumara (M): son of Siva 5/6/2010
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Sivalinga, Sivalingam (M): Siva's holy mark

Sivananda, Sivananda (M): bliss of Siva

Sivanatha, Sivanathan, Sivanatha (M): Siva lord

Sivanesan (M): Siva's friend

Sivani, Sivani (F): beloved of Siva

Sivapadam (M): Siva's sacred feet

Sivaprakasha, Sivaprakasha (M): light of Siva; light of prosperity

Sivaprasada, Sivaprasada (M): given by Siva

Sivaraja, Sivarajan, Sivaraja (M): Siva the king

Sivarman, Sivarman (M): protected by Siva

Sivasambu (M): Siva the benevolent

Sivasankara, Sivashankara (M): Siva the prosperous

Sivasri, Sivasri (M): glory of Siva

Sivasundari, Sivasundari (F): Siva's beauty, Parvati

Sivasvamin, Sivasvamin (M): Siva as master, benign lord

Sivatmika, Sivatmika (F): soul of Siva, consisting of the essence of Siva

Sivavallabha, Sivavallabha (F): loved by Siva; Indian white rose; Parvati

Skanda (M): hopper; king; clever; quicksilver; Karttikeya; Siva

Skandanatha (M): quick lord; Karttikeya

Sobhaka, Shobhaka (M): brilliant; beautiful

Sobhana, Sobhan (M): handsome; excellent; Siva

Sohan (M): good-looking; charming

Sohil (M): beautiful

Sokkan (M): beautiful one, Siva

Soma (M-F), Soman: the moon 5/6/2010
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Somachandra (M), Somachandran: tranquil moon

Somadeva (M): God of the moon

Somadhara (M), Somadharan: moon-bearing; sky; heaven

Somaja (M): son of the moon, the planet Mercury

Somakanta (M): as lovely as the moon; beloved of the moon; moonstone

Somakhya (M): as virtuous as the moon, the red lotus

Somamshu (M): moonbeam

Somanandin (M): delighted by the moon; an attendant of Siva

Somanatha (M): lord of the moon

Somashekhara, Somasegaram (M): moon-crested, Siva

Somaskanda (M): warrior of the moon

Somasundara (M-F), Somasundaram (M): beautiful moon; Siva

Somendra (M): moon

Somesa, Someshvara (M): lord of Soma; the moon

Sona, Sonala, Sonali (F): redness; fire; gold

Sonam (M): gold-like, beautiful; lucky

Sopan (M): way to moksha

Sovala (M): powerful

Soven (M): beautiful

Srikantha (M-F): beautiful-throated one; Siva

Sthanavi (M-F): pillar of the universe; Siva

Subala (M): good boy

Subali (F): very strong, powerful

Subandhava (F): good friend; Siva

Subas (M): smile 5/6/2010
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Subbalakshmi (F): divine fortune

Subha (F): splendor, beauty; ornament, decoration; light, lustre; desire

Subhadra (F): glorious, splendid; auspicious; Durga

Subhaga (F): good fortune; wild jasmine; sacred basil; honored mother; beloved by

Subharya (F): prosperous; graceful

Subhash, Subhasha, Subhashana (F): eloquent

Subodh, Subodha (F): knowledgeable; wise

Subrahmanya, Subramanian, Subramaniam (M): effulgent radiance; Murugan

Subuddhi (F): of good intellect; understanding, wise; clever

Suchara (F): very skillful; good performer; with a beautiful gait

Suchaya (F): casting a beautiful shadow; splendid

Sudama (F): bountiful

Sudaralakshmi (F): Goddess of beauty

Sudarsha, Sudarshan (M), Sudarshini (F): lovely in appearance; easily seen,

conspicuous; beautiful

Sudhakara (M): receptacle of nectar; the moon

Sudhi (F): good sense, intelligence

Suditi (F): bright flame

Sugandha (M-F), Sugandhi (F): sweet smelling fragrance; sacred basil; lion;
virtuous; pious; Supreme Being

Suguna (M): with good qualities

Suhasini (F): smiling beautifully

Sukaksha (M): abode of good; a rishi

Sukanta (M): very handsome

Sukantha (M), Sukanthi (F): sweet-voiced 5/6/2010
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Sukha (F): piety, virtue; ease, comfort; pleasure

Sukhajata (M): happy; Siva

Sukratu (M): one who does virtuous deeds; benevolent; Siva

Sukumara (M), Sukumari (F): very tender; very delicate; with soft, delicate skin

Sula, Sulan, Shula, Shulan (M): Siva's trident

Suman (M-F): flower

Sumana (M): of good disposition; great-hearted; charming; handsome

Sumeru (M): vexalted, excellent; Siva

Sunartaka (M): good dancer; Siva.

Sundara, Sundaran, Sundaram (M), Sundari (F): beautiful, handsome, noble; a

Saivite saint

Sundareshvara (M): lord of beauty; Siva

Sunita (F), Suniti: well conducted, well behaved, polite, civil; wise

Suprasada (M): best offerings; auspicious; gracious; Siva

Surabhi (F): sweet-smelling; agreeable; shining; charming, pleasing; famous; good,

beautiful; beloved; wise, virtuous; Champaka tree; nutmeg

Suragana (M): with servants of God; Siva

Surala (F): one who brings the Gods; Ganga

Suramohini (F): attracting the Gods

Surananda (F): joy of the Gods; a river

Surapriya (F): dear to the Gods

Suravani (F): Earth as the mother of the Gods

Surendra (M): king of the Gods

Suresh, Suresha, Suresan, Sureshvara (M): king of the Gods; Brahma, Siva, Indra
and Murugan

Suri, Surina (F): wise; learned one 5/6/2010
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Surupa (M): well formed; handsome; wise, learned; Siva

Surya (M): the Sun God

Susaha (M): bearing well, Siva

Sushubha (F): very beautiful; very auspicious

Susmita (M): with a pleasant smile

Suvarna (M), Svarna: of beautiful color; gold; famous; of noble birth; Siva

Suvasa (M): well clad; Siva

Svaha (F): Goddess of fire

Swaminathan (M): lord of renunciates, Murugan

Tanuja (F): daughter

Tanuka (F): slender

Tanvi (F): young woman

Tara (F): star; destiny

Taraka (M-F): the great protector; Siva

Tarala (F): splendid; honeybee

Tarani (F): ray of light; boat

Tarika (F): belonging to the stars

Tarini (F): one who saves others, a raft; Goddess Tara

Taruna (M): young boy

Taruni (F): young girl; woman

Tejadeva (M): God of power; Agni

Tejapala (M): controller of power 5/6/2010
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Tejaschanda (M): very bright; sharp and powerful

Tejasinha (M): lion of power; a son of Ranadara

Tejasvat, Tejasvin (M): sharp edged; splendid; powerful; bright, beautiful; energetic,
spirited; strong, heroic; dignified, famous

Tejeyu (M): possessed with splendor

Tejindra (M): glorious chief

Tejistha (M): very sharp; hot; bright

Tejita (M): sharpened; whetted

Tejomurti (M): consisting totally of light

Tejonidhi (M): abounding in glory

Tejorasi (M): array of splendor; Mount Meru

Tejorupa (M): consisting of splendor; Brahma

Thakur (M): leader, God, lord

Thamby (M): little brother

Tilabhavani (F): beautiful dot; jasmine

Tilaka (M-F): mark on the forehead; ornament

Tirtha (F): passage; way; ford; place of pilgrimage; sacred object

Tirthadeva (M): lord of the pilgrimage; Siva

Tirthaka (M): sanctified

Tiru, Thiru (M-F): holy; often used as a prefix meaning "Mister."

Todara (M): removing fear

Todika (F): splitting; breaking; a ragini

Tokavati (F): woman with children

Tokaya (F): to present a new-born child

Tokini (F): having offspring 5/6/2010
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Tokma (F): fresh; young shoot; green

Tola (M-F): being very poised; with a deer skin belt

Tolana (M-F): lifting up

Tomadhara (F): a water cloud

Tomara (M-F): lance; vel; javelin

Tomaradhara (M-F): javelin thrower; fire

Torana (M): arch; a triangle supporting a large balance; Siva

Tosha (M-F), Toshan (M): satisfaction; contentment; pleasure; joy

Toshadeva (M): pleasant, contented God

Toshak (M): one who pleases

Toshashana (M-F): pleasing or gratifying others

Toshashaniya (F): pleasing

Toshin, Toshita (M): satisfied; pleased

Totala (F): repeating; Durga and Gauri

Toyadhi (M): containing water; water receptacle, the ocean

Toyalaya (F): a constellation

Toyanjali (F): cupped hands holding water

Toyaraj (M): king of waters, ocean

Toyesa, Toyesha (M): lord of water, Varuna

Toyika (F): a place that was made famous by a festival

Tudi (F): satisfying

Tuhara (M): remover of darkness, a soldier of Skanda

Tuhi (F): a cuckoo's cry

Tuja (F): thunderbolt

Tuka (M): young; boy; astronomer 5/6/2010
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Tula (M): balance; scale, the zodiac sign of Libra

Tuladhara (M): bearer of balance; poised; just

Tulakuchi (M): balanced; with a good heart

Tulasi (F): matchless; sacred basil

Tulini (F): cotton

Tumbavina (M): having the gourd for a lute; Siva

Tungabala (M): very strong

Tungabhadra (F): very noble; sacred

Tungavena (F): loving heights

Tungeshvara (M): lord of mountains, a temple of Siva

Tungishvara (M): lord of the night; Siva

Turni (M): quick, clever; zealous; expeditious; the mind

Turvasha (M): overpowering; victorious, hero king extolled in the Rig Veda

Turya (F): the fourth state; superconscious; superior powers

Tushara (F): frost, snow; cold

Tusharakanti (M): beloved of the snow mountains; Siva

Tushta, Tushya, Tusita (M): satisfied, pleased, contented

Tushti (F): satisfaction

Tuvijata (M): of powerful nature, Indra and Varuna

Tuvikshatra (F): ruling powerfully

Tuvikurmi (M): powerful in working; Indra

Tuvimanyu (M): zealous

Tyagaraj, Tyagaraja (M): king of renunciates; Siva 5/6/2010
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Udara (M-F): generous

Udaya (M-F): to rise; prosperity; sunrise

Udayana (M-F): rising; king of Avanti

Udbhava (M-F): source, origin; birth

Uddalaka (M): burnt open; a kind of honey

Uddara (M-F): liberation

Udita (F): grown; awakened; shining; risen

Udyana (F): garden, park

Ujala (F): bright

Ujasa (M): light

Uma (F): mother; Parvati

Umadevi (F): divine mother

Umapati (M): Siva, lord of Uma

Umeda (F): hope, wish

Upala (F): a jewel

Upamanyu (M): a devoted pupil

Upasana (M): adoration, worship; religious meditation

Usha (F): dawn

Utpala (F): lotus, water lily

Utsava (M-F): festival

Uttama (F): good, superior, best

Uttara (F): highest; uppermost

Uttarkumar (M): excellent son 5/6/2010
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Vadanya (M): bountiful; liberal

Vadishvara (M): God of disputants; peace maker

Vagindra (M): lord of speech

Vagisha (M), Vagishvara: lord of speech; master of language; Brahma, Ganesha

Vaidyanatha (M): lord of knowledge; Murugan

Vajrendra (M): lord of the thunderbolt; Indra

Vakrabhuja (M): crooked-armed; Ganesha

Vakrapada (M): crooked-legged; Ganesha

Vakratunda (M): with a curved trunk; Ganesha

Vallabhananda (M): rejoicing in being loved

Vallabhendra (M): Indra among the beloved; best beloved

Vallabheshvara (M): most beloved; God among the beloved

Valli (M): creeper, vine; lightening; Earth

Valmiki (M): name of a rishi

Vamadeva (M): noble lord; lovely lord; Siva

Vanadeva (M): forest God

Vananatha (M): controller of the forest; lion

Vandan (M): salutation

Vani (F): speech; praise; music; Sarasvati

Vanija (M): merchant, trader; the zodiac sign of Libra; Siva

Vaniprada (M): grantor of the power of speech; Ganesha

Varada, Varadan (M): benevolent; bestower of boons; Ganesha and Murugan 5/6/2010
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Varanatha, Vararaja (M): lord of the waters; Varuna

Varathanatha (M): most excellent lord

Varavriddha (M): eldest among the best; Siva

Varen (M): best

Varendra (M): lord of the nobles; chief, sovereign

Varesh, Vareshvara (M): best God; God of boons; Siva

Varin, Variyas (M): water; river; Siva

Varuna (M): lord of the sea; enveloping sky; guarding of the West; a Vedic God

Varuni (F): lord Varuna's consort

Vasant (M): spring; cupid

Vasanta (F): bestower of desires; companion of Kama

Vasanti (F): of the spring season; vernal

Vasishta (M): most excellent; a rishi

Vasu (M): dwelling in all beings; divine; precious; God; gem, gold; water; wealthy;
ray of light; excellent, good, beneficient

Vasuki (F): one who resides under earth; wife of Tiruvalluvar

Vasunanda (M): delighting the Gods

Vasurupa (M): of divine form; Siva

Vasvananta (M): infinite wealth

Vayu (M): air; God of wind

Vedadarshin (M): perceiver of knowledge; a seer

Vedagarbha (M): the quintessence of the Vedas; Murugan

Vedagatha (M): singer of the texts; rishi

Vedagupta (M): one who preserved the Vedas

Vedesa (M): lord of Vedas 5/6/2010
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Vedisa (M): lord of the wise

Vegin (M): hawk; falcon

Vel (M): lance

Velan, Veylan (M): lance-bearer, Murugan

Velmurugan (M): Murugan with lance

Venidasa (M): of a man; braid of hair

Venika (M): of a people; braid of hair

Vetaka (M): of a man

Vetrin (M): staff-bearer, Murugan

Vettri (M): one who knows the nature of soul and God; sage

Vibudheshvara, Vibudheshvaran (M): lord of the wise; Ganesha

Vidya (F): knowledge

Vighnaraja, Vighnarajan (M): the ruler of obstacles; Ganesha

Vijaya; Vijay (M-F): victorious, triumphant

Vimala, Vimali (F): stainless, pure; Sarasvati

Vina (F): an indian lute; lyre

Vinadevi (F): Goddess of the vina, Sarasvati

Vinadhara (M): carrier of the vina; Siva

Vinapani (F): vina bearer, Sarasvati

Vinay, Vinaya (F): guiding; modesty, control; taking away

Vinayaka, Vinayaga (M): remover [of obstacles]; Ganesha

Vinita (F): trained; modest

Vira (M-F): hero; brave, powerful

Virabhadra (M): foremost of heroes; Siva

Virupaksha (M-F): the all-seeing one; Siva 5/6/2010
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Visakan, Vishakan (M); Vishakha (M-F): branched, divided; a constellation;


Vishva, Vishvan (M): pervasive; world, universe

Vishveshvara (M): all-pervading ruler of the cosmos; Siva

Vodhavya (F): to be led home or married

Vodhri (M-F): one who bears or carries; guide; charioteer

Vola (M-F): myrrh

Vollaha (M): chestnut-colored horse

Vopula (M): a man

Voraka, Volaka (M): writer

Vorata (M-F): jasmine

Vovam (F): white lotus

Vovi (F): deer

Vrishanka (M): whose emblem is a bull; Siva

Vyaghrapada (M): tiger-foot

Yaganiya (M): to be worshiped

Yaja (F): worshiper, sacrificer; brahmin

Yajaka (M): worshiping; liberal

Yajamana (M): sacrificing; worshiping; patron of priests

Yajata (M-F): holy, divine; dignified; worthy of worship; adorable; the moon;
officiating priest of a sacrifice; Siva

Yajisnu (M): worshiping the Gods

Yajna, Yajnya, Yagna, Yagnya (F): sacred fire ritual 5/6/2010
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Yajnavaha (M): conducting the sacrifice to the gods; an attendant of Skanda

Yajnavahana (M): having sacrifice or worship as a vehicle; Siva and Vishnu

Yajnikadeva (M): lord of sacrifices

Yajnodaya (M): risen from the sacred fire

Yamajit (M): conqueror of Yama; Siva

Yamal (F): brace; pair, twin

Yamantaka (M): destroyer of Yama; Siva

Yami, Yamin (F): night; one who has curbed his passions

Yamika (F): moonlit night

Yamininatha (M): lord of the night; the moon

Yamuna (F): a sacred river in India

Yamunajanaka (M): father of Yamuna; the sun

Yasachandra (M): as famous as the moon

Yash, Yashil (F): glory, fame

Yashila (F): successful

Yashna (F): prayer

Yashomati (F): having fame

Yasksini (F): a celestial being

Yasodeva (M): lord of fame and beauty; a son of Ramachandra

Yati (F), Yatin, Yatish (M): restraint; control; guidance; ascetic; Siva

Yatinatha, Yatishvara (M-F): lord of ascetics; Siva as a forest sage

Yatu (M): going; traveller; wind; time

Yogadanda (M): staff of yogic striving

Yoganatha, Yoganathan (M): Siva, lord of union, yoga

Yogendra (M): Siva, lord of yoga 5/6/2010
How to Become a Hindu, Chapter 8: A Collection of Hindu Names Page 82 of 82

Yogesh, Yogeshvara (M), Yogeshvari (F): master of yoga; Siva, Durga

Yogin (M): ascetic; Siva

Yugandhara (F): the earth

Yuthika (F): white jasmine

Yuti (F): one who units

Yuvati (F): young girl 5/6/2010

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