Assignment 1 Heat Transfer
Assignment 1 Heat Transfer
Assignment 1 Heat Transfer
2. (10%) Air at 27oC (1 atm) flows at 10 m/s over 1 m long flat plate kept isothermally at
T=67oC. Draw the schematic diagram of the flow and calculate average heat transfer
3. Consider a cross flow of water (saturated water) that comes at 20oC with a velocity of
5 m/s on the surface of a cylindrical tube that has a diameter of 10 mm. The surface of
the tube is maintained at 50oC from end to end.
(a) (10%) Draw the schematic diagram of the flow and calculate average heat transfer
coefficient applicable to the conditions described above.
(b) (10%) Calculate rate of heat transfer-per-unit length of the tube
(c) (10%) If the Total length of the tube is 20 cm, calculate total rate of heat transfer
4. Fresh unused engine oil flows at a rate of 0.02 kg/s through (i.e. inside) a 30 m long
tube with a diameter of 3 mm. The oil has an inlet temperature of 60oC, while the tube
wall temperature was kept constant at 100oC by using condensing steam at 1 atm.
(a) (10%) Draw the schematic diagram of the flow system.
(b) (10%) Estimate the average heat transfer coefficient for the internal flow of the oil
inside the tubing.
(c) (10%) Determine the outlet temperature of the oil. (Hint: This will result in a
relatively complex equation that can be best solved using trial and error i.e. iteration, by
assuming a reasonable value of Temperature of oil at outlet)
(d) (10%) Calculate heat transfer based on energy balance of the flowing oil and based
on the heat transfer across the surface (note: as ruled out by our logic, the two values of q
should be identical).
Note: For the final exam, please study this assignment as well as all information and
problem set that was discussed in class.