Annie Besant - Study in Consciousness
Annie Besant - Study in Consciousness
Annie Besant - Study in Consciousness
Annie Besant
Reprinted 1915
THIS book is intended as an aid to student in their study of the growth and development
of consciousness, offering hints and suggestions which may prove serviceable to them. It
does not pretend to be a complete exposition, but rather, as its sub-title states, a
contribution to the science of Psychology. Far ampler materials than are within my reach
are necessary for any complete exposition of the far-reaching science which deals with
the unfolding of consciousness. These materials are slowly accumulating in the hands of
earnest and painstaking students, but no effort has yet been made to arrange and
systematise them into a co-ordinated whole. In this little volume I have only arranged a
small part of this material, in the hope that it may be useful now to some of the toilers in
the great field of the Evolution of Consciousness, and may serve, in the future, as a stone
in the complete building. It will need a great architect to plan that temple of knowledge,
and skilful master masons to direct the building; enough, for the moment, to do the
apprentice task, and prepare the rough stones for the use of the more expert workmen.
Origination of Monads
1. The Formation of the Atom
2. Spirit-Matter
3. The Sub-Planes
4. The Five Planes
1. The Meaning of the Word
2. The Monads
1. The Coming Forth of the Monads
2. The Weaving
3. The Seven Streams
4. The Shining Ones
1. The Attaching of the Atoms
2. The Web of Life
3. The Choosing of the Permanent Atoms
4. The Use of the Permanent Atom
5. Monadic Action on the Permanent Atoms
1. The Meaning of the Term
2. The Division of the Group-Soul
1. Consciousness a Unit
2. The Unity of Physical Consciousness
3. The Meaning of Physical Consciousness
1. The Development of the Mechanism
2. The Astral or Desire Body
3. Correspondence in Root-Races
1. The Third Life-Wave
2. Human Development
3. Incongruous Souls and Bodies
4. Dawn of Consciousness on the Astral Plane
1. Consciousness
2. Self-Consciousness
3. Real and Unreal
1. The Sub-Consciousness
2. The Waking Consciousness
3. The Super-Physical Consciousness
1. Building his Vehicles
2. An Evolving Man
3. The Pituitary Body and Pineal Gland
4. The Paths of Consciousness
1. The Great Self and the Little Selves
2. Changes in the Vehicles and in Consciousness
3. Memories
4. What is Memory
5. Remembering and Forgetting
6. Attention
7. The One Consciousness
1. The Nature of Desire
2. The Awakening of Desire
3. The Relation of Desire to Thought
4. Desire, Thought, Action
5. The Binding Nature of Desire
6. The Breaking of the Bonds
1. The Vehicle of Desire
2. The Conflict of Desire and Thought
3. The Value of an Ideal
4. The Purification of Desire
1. The Birth of Emotion
2. The Play of Emotion in the Family
3. The Birth of Virtues
4. Right and Wrong
5. Virtue and Bliss
6. The Transmutation of the Emotions
into Virtues and Vices
7. Application of the Theory to
8. The Uses of Emotion
1. The Training of Emotion
2. The Distorting Force of Emotion
3. Methods of Ruling the Emotions
4. The Using of Emotion
5. The Value of Emotion in Evolution
1. The Will winning its Freedom
2. Why so much Struggle
3. The Power of the Will
4. White and Black Magic
5. Entering into Peace
We have here, under Life, the primeval Point in the centre of the
Circle, the LOGOS as One within the self-imposed encircling sphere of subtlest
matter, in which He has enclosed Himself for the purpose of manifestation, of
shining forth from the Darkness. At once the question arises: Why three Logoi?
Though we touch here on the deepest question of metaphysics, to expound which
even inadequately requires a volume, we must indicate the answer, to be wrought
out by close thinking. In the analysis of all that exists, we come to the great
generalisation: [5]
“All is separable into ‘I’ and ‘Not I’, the ‘SELF’ and the ‘Not-Self’.
Every separate thing is summed up under one or other of the headings, SELF or Not-
Self. There is nothing which cannot be placed under one of them. SELF is Life,
Consciousness; Not-Self is Matter, Form.” Here, then, we have a duality. But the
Twain are not two separate things isolated and unrelated; there is a continual
Relation between them, a continual approach and withdrawal; an identification and a
repudiation; this inter-play shows itself as the ever-changing universe. Thus we have
a Trinity, not a Duality - the SELF, the Not-Self, and the Relation between them. All
is here summed up, all things and all relations, actual and possible, and hence Three,
neither more nor less, is the foundation of all universes in their totality, and of each
universe in particular.[2] This fundamental fact imposes on a Locos a triplicity of
manifestation in [6] a solar system, and hence the One, the Point, going forth in three
directions to the circumference of the Circle of Matter and returning on Itself,
manifests a different aspect at each place of contact with the Circle-the three
fundamental expressions of Consciousness: or Will, Wisdom, and Activity - the
divine Triad or Trinity.[3] For the Universal SELF, the Pratyag-atma, the “Inner-
Self”, thinking of the Not-Self, identifies Himself with it, thereby sharing with it
His Being; this is the divine Activity, Sat, Existence lent to the Non-existent, the
Universal Mind. The SELF, realising Himself, is Wisdom, Chit, the principle of
preservation. The SELF, withdrawing Himself from the Not-Self, in His own pure
nature, is Bliss, [7] Ananda, free from form. Every LOGOS of a universe repeats this
universal SELF-Consciousness: in His Activity, He is the creative Mind, Kriya -
corresponding to the universal Sat - the Brahma of the Hindu, the Holy Spirit of the
Christian, the Chochmah of the Kabbalist. In His Wisdom, He is the preserving
ordering Reason, Jnana - corresponding to the universal Chit - the Vishnu of the
Hindu, the Son of the Christian, the Binah of the Kabbalist. In His Bliss, He is the
Dissolver of forms, the Will, Ichchha - corresponding to the universal Ananda - the
Shiva of the Hindu, the Father of the Christian, the Kepher of the Kabbalist. Thus
appear in every universe the three Logoi, the three Beings who create, preserve, and
destroy Their universe, each showing forth predominantly in His function in the
universe one ruling Aspect, to which the other two are subordinate, though of course
ever-present. Hence every manifested GOD is spoken of as a Trinity. The joining of
these three Aspects, or phases of manifestation, at their outer points of contact with
the [8] circle, gives the basic Triangle of contact with Matter, which, with the three
Triangles made with the lines traced by the Point, thus yields the divine Tetractys,
sometimes called the Kosmic Quaternary, the three divine Aspects in contact with
Matter, ready to create. These, in their totality, are the Oversoul[4] of the kosmos
that is to be.
Under Form we may first glance at the effects of these Aspects as
responded to from the side of Matter. These are not, of course, due to the LOGOS of
a system, but are the correspondences in universal Matter with the Aspects of the
universal SELF. The Aspect of Bliss, or Will, imposes on Matter the quality of
Inertia - Tamas, the power of resistance, stability, quietude. The Aspect of Activity
gives to Matter its responsiveness to action - Rajas, mobility. The Aspect of Wisdom
gives it Rhythm - Satva, vibration, harmony. It is by the aid of Matter thus prepared
that the Aspects of Logic Consciousness manifest themselves as Beings. [9]
The LOGOS - not yet a first, since there is yet no second - is seen as
a Point irradiating a sphere of Matter, drawn round Him as the field of the future
universe, flashing with unimaginable splendour, a true Mountain of Light, as Manu
has it, but Light invisible save on the spiritual planes. This great sphere has been
spoken of as primary Substance: it is the SELF-conditioned LOGOS, inseparate at
every point with the Matter He has appropriated for His universe, ere He draws
Himself a little apart from it in the second manifestation; it is the sphere of SELF-
conditioning Will, which is to lead to the creative Activity: “I am This,” when the
“This,” the Not-Self, is cognised. The Point, speaking symbolically - in order to
make the suggestion of Form as seen from the side of appearances vibrates between
centre and circumference, thus making the Line which marks the drawing apart of
Spirit and Matter[5], [10] rendering cognition possible, and thus generating the Form
for the second Aspect, the Being we call the Second Logos, symbolically the Line,
or Diameter of the Circle. It is said of this in mystic phrase: “Thou art My Son; this
day have I begotten Thee”[6]; this relation of Father and Son within the unity of the
Divine Existence, of the first and Second Logoi, belongs, of course, to the Day of
Manifestation, the life-period of a universe. It is this begetting of the Son, this
appearance of the Second Logos, the Wisdom, which is marked in the world of Form
by the differentiation, the drawing apart, of Spirit and Matter, the two poles between
which is spun the web of a universe; the separation, as it were, of the neutral inactive
Electricity - which may symbolise the First Logos - into the dual form of positive
and negative - symbolising the Second - thus making the unmanifest manifest. This
separation [11] within the First Logos is vividly imaged for us in the preparation for
cell-multiplication that we may study on the physical plane, wherein we see the pro-
cesses that lead up to the appearance of a dividing wall, whereby the one cell
becomes two. For all that happens down here is but the reflexion in gross matter of
the happenings on higher planes, and we may often find a crutch for our halting
imagination in our studies of physical development. “As above, so below.” The
physical is the reflexion of the spiritual.
Then the Point, with Line revolving with it, vibrates at right angles to
the former vibration, and thus is formed the Cross, still within the Circle, the Cross
which thus “proceedeth from the Father and the Son,” the symbol of the Third
Logos, the Creative Mind, the divine Activity now ready to manifest as Creator.
Then He manifests Himself as the Active Cross, or Svastika, the first of the Logoi to
manifest outside the two highest planes, though the third stage of the divine
Unfolding. [12]
But before considering the creative Activity of the Third Logos, we
must note the origination of the Monads, or Units of Consciousness, for whose
evolution in matter the field of a universe is to be prepared. We shall return to their
fuller consideration in Chapter II. The myriads of such Units who are to be
developed in that coming universe are generated within the divine Life, as germ--
cells in organisms, before the field for their evolution is formed. Of this forthgiving
it is written: “THAT willed: I shall multiply and be born”[7]; and the Many arise in
the One by that act of Will. [13] Will has its two aspects of attraction and repulsion,
of in-breathing and out-breathing, and when the repulsion-aspect energises there is
separation, driving apart.
This multiplication within the One by the action of Will marks the
place of origin - the first Logos, the undivided Lord, the Eternal Father. These are
the sparks of the Supreme Fire, the “divine Fragments”[8], named generally
“Monads”. A Monad is a fragment of the divine Life, separated off as an individual
entity by rarest film of matter, matter so rare that, while it gives a separate form to
each, it offers no obstacle to the free inter-communication of a life thus incased with
the surrounding similar lives. The life of the Monads is thus of the First Logos, and
is therefore of triple aspect, Consciousness existing as Will, Wisdom, and Activity;
this life takes form on the plane of divine Manifestation, the second, or Anupadaka,
Sons of the Father even as is the Second Logos, but younger Sons, with [14] none of
their divine powers capable of acting in matter denser than that of their own planes;
while He, with ages of evolution behind Him, stands ready to exercise His divine
powers, “the First-born among many brethren”[9]. Fitly they dwell on the
Anupadaka plane, the roots of their life in the Adi, as yet without vehicles in which
they can express themselves, awaiting the day of “manifestation of the Sons of
God”[10]. There they remain while the Third Logos begins the external work of
manifestation, the shaping of the objective universe. He is going to put forth His life
into matter, to fashion it into the materials fitted for the building of the vehicles
which the Monads need for their evolution. But he will not be merged in His work;
for, vast as that work seems to us, to Him it is but a little thing: “Having pervaded
this whole universe with a portion of Myself, I remain”[11]." That marvellous
Individuality is not lost, and only a portion [15] thereof suffices for the life of a
kosmos. The LOGOS, the Oversoul, remains, the God of His universe. [16]
THE Third Logos, the Universal Mind, begins His creative Activity
by working on the matter drawn in from the infinite space on every side for the
building of our solar system. This matter exists in space in forms incognisable by us,
but is apparently already shaped to the needs of vaster systems. For we have been
told by H. P. Blavatsky that the atomic sub-planes of our planes make up the first, or
lowest, kosmic plane. If we think of the atoms of that kosmic plane as symbolised by
[17] a musical note. Our atoms, as formed by the Third Logos, may perhaps be sym-
bolised by the overtones in such a note. What seems clear is that they are in close
relation to the “atoms of space”, correspond with them, but are not, in their present
form, identical with them. But the seven types of matter, that become our “atoms”,
are indicated in the matter drawn from space to form the solar system, and are
ultimately reducible again to them. H. P. Blavatsky hints at the repeated seven-fold
division into atoms of lower and lower grade, when she writes: “The One Kosmic
Atom becomes seven atoms on the plane of matter, and each is transformed into a
centre of energy. That same atom becomes seven rays on the plane of spirit ...
separate till the end of the kalpa and yet in close embrace”.[12]
equilibrium, and therefore of continual motion in relation to each other. During the
life-period of a universe matter is ever in a condition of incessant internal motion. H.
P. Blavatsky says: “Fohat hardens and scatters the seven Brothers … electrifies into
life and separates primordial stuff, or pregenetic matter, into atoms”[14].
The formation of the atom has three [19] stages. First, the fixing of
the limit within which the ensouling life - the Life of the Logos in the atom - shall
vibrate; this limiting and fixing of the wave-length of the vibration is technically
called “the divine measure”[15]; this gives to the atoms of a plane their distinctive
peculiarity. Secondly, the Logos marks out, according to this divine measure, the
lines which determine the shape of the atom, the fundamental axes of growth, the
angular relation of these, which determines the form, being that of the corresponding
kosmic atom[16]; the nearest analogy to these are the axes of crystals. Thirdly, by
the measure of the vibration and the angular relation of the axes of growth with each
other, the size and form of the surface, which we may call the surface or wall of the
atom, is determined. Thus in every atom we have the measure of its ensouling life,
its axes of growth, and its enclosing surface or wall. [20]
Of such atoms the Third Logos creates five different kinds, the five
different “measures” implying five different vibrations, and each kind forms the
basic material of a plane; each plane, however various the objects in it, has its own
fundamental type of atom, into which any of its objects may ultimately be reduced.
shell of [22] kosmic matter (Mulaprakriti), or the atom of the first plane, is the spirit
of the second plane, and permeates the new shell, formed out of the lowest-grade
combinations of itself. These shells, thus ensouled, are the atoms of the anupadaka,
or second, plane. By the ever more complicated aggregations of these the remaining
six sub-planes are brought into being. Some of the atoms of the anupadaka plane, in
like manner, become clothed with the aggregations of their own lowest sub-plane,
and thus become the atmic atoms, the Spirit now being clothed with two shells,
inside its atomic wall of aggregations of the lowest sub-plane of the anupadaka, and
the original Spirit, or Life, plus its two shells, being called the spirit of the atmic
plane, while the wall of its atom is regarded as the matter. This atom, ensheathed
once more in the aggregations of the lowest atmic sub-plane, becomes the atom of
the buddhic plane, Spirit on the buddhic plane having thus three enclosing films
within its atomic shell of lowest atmic aggregations. On the mental plane the Spirit
has a fourfold sheath within the [23] atomic wall, on the astral plane a fivefold, and
on the physical a sixfold, with the atomic wall in each case in addition. But the Spirit
plus all its sheaths save the outermost is ever regarded as Spirit, and the outermost
sheath only as form or body. It is this involution of Spirit which makes evolution
possible, and complicated as the description may sound, the principle is simple and
can be easily grasped. Truly, then, may we speak of “spirit-matter” everywhere.
Now the ultimate atoms of the physical plane are not the “atoms” of
the modern chemist; the ultimate atoms are aggregated into successive typical
groups, forming “states of matter”, and the chemical atom may be in the fifth, sixth,
or seventh of these states, a gas, a liquid, or a solid. Familiar are the gaseous, the
liquid, and the solid states of matter, or, as they are often called, the gaseous, liquid,
and solid sub-planes; [24] and above the gaseous are four less familiar conditions,
the three etheric states of matter, or sub-planes, and the true atomic. These true
atoms are aggregated into groups, which then act as units, and these groups are
called molecules; the atoms in a molecule are held together by magnetic attraction,
and the molecules on each sub-plane are arranged geometrically in relation to each
other on axes identical with the axes of growth of the atom of the corresponding
plane. By these successive aggregations of atoms into molecules, and of simpler into
more complex molecules, the sub-planes of each plane are formed under the
directive Activity of the Third Logos, until the field of evolution, consisting of five
planes, each showing seven sub-planes - the first and second planes being beyond
this field - is completed. But it must not be supposed that these seven sub-planes, as
formed by the Third Logos, are at all identical with those which are now existing.
Taking the physical plane as an illustration, they bear something of the same [25]
relation to the present sub-planes as that which the chemist calls proto-hydrogen
bears to the chemical element said to be built up out of it. The present conditions
were not brought about by the work of the Third Logos only, in whom Activity
predominates; the more strongly attractive or cohesive energies of the Second
Logos, who is Wisdom and therefore Love, were needed for the further integrations.
think of the atomic sub-planes as being separated from each other by six sub-planes
of generally increasing density, but as being in immediate connexion with each
other. We may figure this in a diagram as follows: [26]
Now this relation is a most important one, for it implies that life can
pass from [27] plane to plane by the short road of the communicating atomic sub-
planes, and need not necessarily circle round through the six molecular sub-planes
before it can reach the next atomic sub-plane to continue its descent. As a matter of
fact we shall find presently that life-streams from the Monad do follow this atomic
road in their descent to the physical plane. If we now consider a physical atom,
looking at it as a whole, we see a vortex of life, the life of the Third Logos, whirling
with inconceivable rapidity. By the attraction between these whirling vortices,
molecules are built up, and the plane with its sub-planes formed. But at the limiting
surface of this whirling vortex are the spirillae, whirling currents, each at right
angles to the one within it and the one without it. These whirling currents are made
by the life of the Monad, not by the life of the Third Logos, and are not present at
the early stage we are considering; they develop one after another into full activity in
the course of evolution, normally one in each Round; their rudiments are indeed
completed by the Fourth [28] Round by the action of the Second Logos, but the life-
stream of the Monad circulates in only four of them, the other three being but faintly
indicated. The atoms of the higher planes are formed on the same general plan, as
regards the Logic central vortex and its enclosing currents, but all details are at
present lacking to us. Many of the practices of yoga are directed to bring about the
more rapid evolution of the atoms by quickening this spirillae vivifying work of the
Monad upon it. As these currents of the monadic life are added to the Logic vortex,
the note of life grows richer and richer in its quality. We may compare the central
vortex to the fundamental note, the whirling encircling currents to the overtones; the
addition of each overtone means an added richness to the note. New forces, new
beauties, are thus ever added to the seven-fold chord of life.
The different responses which the matter of the planes will later give
under [29] the impulse of consciousness depend on the work of the Third Logos, on
the “measure” by which He limits the atom. The atom of each plane has its own
measure, as we have seen, and this limits its power of response, its vibratory action,
and gives it its specific character. As the eye is so constituted that it is able to
respond to vibrations of ether within a certain range, so is each type of atom, by its
constitution, able to respond to vibrations within a certain range. One plane is called
the plane made of “mind-stuff”, because the “measure” of its atoms makes their
dominant response that which answers to a certain range of the vibrations of the
Knowledge Aspect of the LOGOS, as modified by the Creative Activity.[17]
Another is called the plane of “desire-stuff”, because the “measure” of its atoms
makes their dominant response that which answers to a certain range of the
vibrations of the Will[18] Aspect of the LOGOS. Each type of atom has thus its own
peculiar [30] power of response, determined by its own measure of vibration. In
each atom lie involved numberless possibilities of response to the three aspects of
consciousness, and these possibilities within the atom will be brought out of the
atom as powers in the course of evolution. But the capacity of the matter to respond,
and the nature of the response, these are determined by the original action of the
triple Self on it, and by the measure imposed on the atoms by the Third Logos; He,
out of the infinite capacity of His own multitude of vibratory powers, gives a certain
portion to the matter of a particular system in a particular cycle of evolution. This
capacity is stamped on matter by the Third Logos, and is ever maintained in matter
by His life infolded in the atom. Thus is formed the fivefold field of evolution in
which consciousness is to develop.
This work of the Third Logos is usually spoken of as the First Life
Wave. [31]
“As above, so below.” Again let the “below” help us; let us look at
consciousness as it appears when considered from the side of form, as we see it in a
universe of conscious things. Electricity manifests only as positive and negative;
when these neutralise each other, electricity vanishes. In all things electricity [34]
exists, neutral, unmanifest; from all things it can appear, but not as positive only, or
as negative only; always as balancing amounts of both, over against each other, and
these ever tending to re-enter together into apparent nothingness, which is not
nothingness but the source equally of both.
But if this be so, what becomes of the “gulf “? what need of the
“bridge”? Consciousness and matter affect each other because they are the two
constituents of one whole, both appearing as they draw apart, both disappearing as
they unite, and as they draw apart a relation exists ever between them.[19] There is
no such thing as a conscious unit which does not consist of this inseparate duality, a
magnet with two poles ever in relation to each other. We think of a separate
something we call consciousness, and ask how it works on another [35] separate
something we call matter. There are no such two separate somethings, but only two
drawn-apart but inseparate aspects of THAT which, without both, is unmanifest,
which cannot manifest in the one or the other alone, and is equally in both. There are
no fronts without backs, no aboves without belows, no outsides without insides, no
spirit without matter. They affect each other because inseparable parts of a unity,
manifesting as a duality in space and time. The “gulf” appears when we think of a
“spirit” wholly immaterial, and a “body” wholly material - i.e., of two things neither
of which exists. There is no spirit which is not matter-enveloped: there is no matter
which is not spirit-ensouled. The highest separated Self has its film of matter, and
though such a Self is called “a spirit” because the consciousness aspect is so
predominant, none the less is it true that it has its vibrating sheath of matter, and
that from this sheath all impulses come forth, which affect all other denser material
sheaths in succession. To say this is not to materialise consciousness, [36] but only
to recognise the fact that the two primary opposites, consciousness and matter, are
straitly bound together, are never apart, not even in the highest Being. Matter is
limitation, and without limitation consciousness is not. So far from materialising
consciousness, it puts it as a concept in sharp antithesis to matter, but it recognises
the fact that in an entity the one is not found without the other. The densest matter,
the physical, has its core of consciousness; the gas, the stone, the metal, is living,
conscious, aware. Thus oxygen becomes aware of hydrogen at a certain temperature,
and rushes into combination with it.
Let us now look out of consciousness from within, and see the
meaning of the phrase: “Matter is limitation”. Consciousness is the one Reality, in
the fullest sense of that much-used phrase; it follows from this that any reality found
anywhere is drawn from consciousness. Hence, everything which is thought, is. That
consciousness in which everything is, everything literally, “possible” as well as
“actual” - actual being that which is [37] thought of as existent by a separated
consciousness in time and space, and possible all that which is not so being thought
of at any period in time and any point in space - we call Absolute Consciousness. It
is the ALL, the ETERNAL, the INFINITE, the CHANGELESS. Consciousness,
thinking time and space, and of all forms as existing in them in succession and in
places, is the Universal Consciousness, the ONE, called by the Hindu the Saguna
BRAHMAN - the ETERNAL with attributes - the PRATYAG-ATMA - the
INNER SELF; - by the Christian, God; by the Parsi, HORMUZD; by the
Mussulman, ALLAH. Consciousness dealing with a definite time, however long or
short, with a definite space, however vast or restricted, is individual, that of a
concrete Being, a Lord of many universes, or some universes, or a universe, or of
any so-called portion of a universe, his portion and to him therefore a universe -
these terms varying as to extent with the power of the consciousness; so much of the
universal thought as a separate consciousness can completely think, i.e., on which he
can [38] impose his own reality, can think of as existing like himself, is his universe.
To each universe, the Being who is its Lord gives a share of his own indefeasible
Reality; but is ever himself limited and controlled by the thought of his superior, the
Lord of the universe in which he exists as a form. Thus we, who are human beings,
existing in a solar system, are surrounded by innumerable forms which are the
thought-forms of the LORD of our system, our ISHVARA, or RULER; the “divine
measure” and the “axes of growth”, thought by the Third Logos, govern the forms of
our atoms, and the surface thought of by Him as the limit of the atom and resistant,
offers resistance to all similar atoms. Thus we receive our matter, and cannot alter it,
save by the employment of methods also made by His thought; only so long as His
thought continues can the atoms, with all composed of them, continue to exist, since
they have no Reality save that given by His thought. So long as He retains them as
His body by declaring: “I am this; these atoms are My body; they share My life”; so
[39] long they will impose themselves as real on all the beings in this solar system,
whose consciousnesses are clothed in similar garments. When at the end of the Day
of Manifestation He declares: “I am not this; these atoms are no longer My body;
they no longer share My life”; then shall they vanish as the dream they are, and only
that shall remain which is the thought-form of the Monarch of a vaster system.
In matter far subtler than the physical - as mind-stuff - the creative
power of consciousness is more readily seen than in the dense material of the
physical plane. Matter becomes dense or rare, and changes its combinations and
forms, according to the thoughts of a consciousness active therein. While the
fundamental atoms - due to the Logic thought - remain unchanged, they can be
combined or dissociated at will. Such experiences open the mind to the metaphysical
conception of matter, and enable it to realise at once the borrowed reality and the
nonentity of matter.
We have seen that by the action of the Third Logos a five-fold field
has been provided for the development of Units of Consciousness, and that a Unit of
Consciousness is a fragment, a portion of the Universal Consciousness, thought into
separation as an individual entity veiled in matter, a Unit of the substance of the First
Logos, to be sent forth on the second plane as a separate Being. [45] Such Units are
called technically Monads. These are the Sons, abiding from everlasting, from the
beginning of a creative age, in the Bosom of the Father, who have not yet been
“made perfect through sufferings”;[20] each of them is truly “equal to the Father as
touching his Godhead, but inferior to the Father as touching his manhood”[21], and
each of them is to go forth into matter in order to render all things subject to
himself[22]; he is to be “sown in weakness” that he may be “raised in power”[23];
from a static Logos enfolding all divine potentialities, he is to become a dynamic
Logos unfolding all divine powers; omniscient, omnipresent, on his own second
plane, but unconscious, “senseless”, on all the others,[24] he is to veil his glory in
matter that blinds him, in order that he may become omniscient, omnipresent, on all
planes, able to answer to all divine vibrations in the universe instead of to those on
the highest only. [46]
individuality”, that H. P. Blavatsky speaks of, the dawning separateness. But still
there is no sense of “others”, needed to re-act as the sense of “I”. The three aspects
of consciousness, theirs as sharing the Logic life, are still, to use a figure of speech,
“turned inwards”, playing on each other, asleep, unaware of a “without”, sharing the
all-SELF-consciousness. The great Beings, called the Creative Orders,[26] arouse
them to “outer” life; Will, Wisdom, Activity awake to awareness of the “without”; a
dim sense of “others” arises, so far as “others” may be in a world where all “‘forms’
intermingle and interpenetrate,” and each becomes “an individual Dhyan Chohan,
distinct from others”.[27] [49] At the first stage, spoken of above, when the Monads
are, in the fullest sense[28] of the term, undetached, as “germ-cells in His body”, the
Will, Wisdom, and Activity in them are latent, not potent. His Will to manifest is
also their will, but theirs unconsciously; He, Self-conscious, knows His object and
His path; they, not yet Self-conscious, have in them, as parts of His body, the
moving energy of His Will, which will presently be their own individual Will to
Live, and which impels them into the conditions wherein a separate-Self-conscious,
instead of an all-Self-conscious, life is possible. This leads them to the second stage
in the life of the Second Logos, and to the Third. Then, comparatively separate, the
awakening by the Creative Orders brings with it the “dim sense of ‘others’” and of
“I”, and with this a thrill of longing for a more clearly-defined sense of “I” and of
“others”; and this is the “individual Will to Live”, and this leads them forth [50] into
the denser worlds, wherein such sharper definition alone becomes possible.
Some of the Monads, willing to live through the toils of the five-fold
universe, in order to master matter and in turn to create a universe therein, enter into
it to become a developed God therein, a Tree of Life, another Fount of Being. The
shaping of a universe is the Day of [52] Forth-going; living is becoming; life knows
itself by change. Those who will not to become masters of matter, creators, remain
in their static bliss, excluded from the five-fold universe, unconscious of its
activities. For it must be remembered that all the seven planes are interpenetrating,
and that Consciousness on any plane means the power of answering to the vibrations
of that particular plane. Just as a man may be conscious on the physical plane
because his physical body is organised to receive and transmit to him its vibrations,
but be totally unconscious of the higher planes though their vibrations are playing on
him, because he has not yet organised sufficiently his higher bodies to receive and
transmit to him their vibrations; so is the Monad, the Unit of Consciousness, able to
be conscious on the second plane, but totally unconscious on the lower five.
This hidden SELF it is which is called the Monad, being verily the
One. It is this which gives the subtle sense of unity [55] that ever persists in us amid
all changes; the sense of identity has here its source, for this is the ETERNAL in us.
The three out-streaming rays which come from the Monad - to be dealt with
presently - are his three aspects, or modes of being, or hypostases, reproducing the
Logoi of a universe, the Will, Wisdom, and Activity which are the three essential
expressions of embodied consciousness, the familiar Atma-Buddhi-Manas of the
organs (karmendriyas), Wisdom the cerebral hemispheres, Activity the organs of
sense (jnanendriyas).[31] [56]
WHEN the five-fold field is ready, when the five planes, each with
its seven sub-planes, are completed, so far as their primary constitution is concerned,
then begins the activity of the Second Logos, the Builder and Preserver of forms. His
activity is spoken of as the Second Life Wave, the pouring out of Wisdom and Love
- the Wisdom, the directing force, needed for the organisation and evolution of
forms, the Love, the attractive force, needed for holding them together as stable
though complex wholes. When this great stream of Logic life pours forth into the
five-fold field of manifestation, it brings with it into activity the Monads, the Units
of Consciousness, ready to begin their [58] work of evolution, to clothe themselves
in matter.
Yet the phrase that the Monads go forth is somewhat inaccurate; that
they shine forth, send out their rays of life, would be truer. For they remain ever “in
the bosom of the Father”, while their life-rays stream out into the ocean of matter,
and therein appropriate the materials needed for their energising in the universe. The
matter must be appropriated, rendered plastic, shaped into fitting vehicles.
Ruler, Immortal”, the Pilgrim who is to evolve, for whose evolution the system was
brought into being.
“As the mighty vibrations of the Sun throw matter into the vibrations
we call [60] his rays (which express his heat, electricity, and other energies), so does
the Monad cause the atomic matter of the atmic, buddhic, and manasic planes -
surrounding him as the ether of space surrounds the Sun - to vibrate, and thus makes
to himself a Ray, triple like his own three-fold nature. In this he is aided by Devas
from a previous universe who have passed through a similar experience before; these
guide the vibratory wave from the Will aspect to the atmic atom, and the atmic atom,
vibrating to the Will-aspect, is called Atma; they guide the vibratory wave from the
Wisdom-aspect to the buddhic atom, and the buddhic atom, vibrating to the
Wisdom-aspect, is called Buddhi; also they guide the vibratory wave from the
Activity-aspect to the manasic atom, and the manasic atom, vibrating to the Activity-
aspect, is called Manas. Thus Atma-Buddhi-Manas, the Monad in the world of
manifestation, is formed, the Ray of the Monad, beyond the five-fold universe. Here
is the mystery of the Watcher, the Spectator, the action-less Atma, who abides ever
in his triple [61] nature on his own plane, and lives in the world of men by his Ray,
which animates his shadows, the fleeting lives on earth. … The shadows do the work
on the lower planes, and are moved by the Monad through his Image or Ray; at first
so feebly that his influence is well-nigh imperceptible, later with ever-increasing
And now the nature, which was free in the subtle matter of his own
plane, becomes bound by the denser matter, and his powers of consciousness cannot
as yet function in this blinding veil. He is therein as a mere germ, an embryo,
powerless, senseless, helpless, while the Monad on his own plane is strong,
conscious, capable, so far as his internal life is concerned; the one is the Monad in
Eternity, the other is the Monad in time and space; the content of the Monad eternal
is to become the extent of the Monad temporal and spatial. This at present
embryonic life will evolve into a complex being, the expression of the [65] Monad
on each plane of the universe. All-powerful internally on his own subtle plane, he is
at first powerless, fettered, helpless, when enwrapped externally in denser matter,
unable to receive through it, or to give out through it, vibrations. But he will
gradually master the matter that at first enslaves him; slowly, surely, he will mould it
for Self-expression; he is aided and watched over by the all-sustaining and
preserving Second Logos, until he can live in it fully as he lives above, and become
in his turn a creative Logos and bring forth out of himself a universe. The power of
creating a universe is only gained, according to THE WISDOM, by involving within
the Self all that is later to be put forth. A Logos does not create out of nothing, but
evolves all from Himself; and from the experiences we are now passing through, we
are gathering the materials out of which we may build a system in the future.
But this spiritual Triad, this Jivatma, which is the Monad in the five-
fold universe, cannot himself commence at [66] once any separate self-directed
activity. He cannot gather round himself any aggregations of matter as yet, but can
only abide in his atomic vesture. The life of the Second Logos is to him as its
mother’s womb to the embryo, and within this the building begins. We may, in very
truth, regard this stage of evolution, in which the Logos shapes, nourishes, and
develops the germinating life, as being, for the Heavenly Man, or truly the Heavenly
Embryo, a period corresponding to the ante-natal life of a human being, during
which he is slowly obtaining a body, which is nourished meanwhile by the life-
currents of the mother and formed out of her substance. Thus also with the Jivatma,
enclosing the life of the Monad; he must await the building of his body on the lower
planes, and he cannot emerge from this ante-natal life and be “born”, until there is a
body builded on the lower planes. The “birth” takes place at the formation of the
causal body, when the Heavenly Man is manifested as an infant Ego, a true
Individuality, dwelling in a body on the physical plane. A little [67] careful thought
will show how close is the analogy between the evolution of the Pilgrim and that of
each successive rebirth; in the latter case the Jivatma awaits the formation of the
physical body which is building as his habitation; in the former the spiritual Triads,
as a Collectivity, await the, building of the systemic Quaternary. Until the vehicle on
the lowest plane is ready, all is a preparation for evolution, rather than evolution
itself - it is often termed involution. The evolution of the consciousness must begin
by contacts received by its outermost vehicle; that is, it must begin on the physical
plane. It can only become aware of an outside by impacts on its own outside; until
then it dreams within itself, as the faint inner thrillings ever outwelling from the
Monad cause slight outward-tending pressures in the Jivatma, like a spring of water
beneath the earth, seeking are outlet.
thoughts - abstract thoughts in the subtler matter, concrete thoughts in the coarser.
The combinations of the second and third higher sub-planes constitute the First
Elemental Kingdom; the combinations on the four lower sub-planes constitute the
Second Elemental Kingdom. Matter held in such combinations is called Elemental
Essence, and is susceptible of being shaped into thought-forms. The student must not
confuse this with Monadic Essence; one [70] is atomic, the other molecular, in con-
The second life-wave then rolls on into the sixth plane, the plane of
Water, or individualised sensation, of desire. The before-mentioned Devas link the
Jivatma - attached, or permanent, units of the fifth plane to a corresponding number
of atoms on the sixth plane, and the Second Logos floods these and the remaining
atoms with His own life - these atoms thus becoming Monadic Essence as explained
above. The life-wave passes onwards, forming on each sub-plane the combinations
fit to express sensations. These combinations constitute the Third Elemental
Kingdom, and the matter held in such combination is called Elemental Essence, as
before, and on this sixth plane is susceptible of being shaped into desire-forms.
The life-wave then rolls on into the seventh plane, the plane of Earth,
of individualised activities, of actions. As before the Jivatma-attached, or permanent,
atoms of the sixth plane are linked to a corresponding number on the seventh plane,
and the Second Logos floods these and the remaining atoms with His own life - all
these atoms thus becoming Monadic Essence. The life-wave again passes onwards,
forming on each sub-plane combinations fitted to constitute physical bodies, the
future chemical elements, as they are called on the three lower sub-planes.
Looking at this work of the second life wave as a whole, we see that
its downward sweep is concerned with what may fairly be called the making of
primary tissues, out of which hereafter subtle and dense bodies are to be formed.
Well has it been called in some ancient scriptures a “weaving”, for such it literally
is. The materials prepared by the Third Logos are woven by the Second Logos into
threads [72] and into cloths of which future garments the subtle and dense bodies -
will be made. As a man may take separate threads of flax, cotton, silk-themselves
combinations of a simpler kind - and weave these into linens, into cotton or silk
cloth, these cloths in turn to be shaped into garments by cutting and stitching, so
does the second Logos weave the matter-threads, weave these again into tissues, and
then shape them into forms. He is the Eternal Weaver, while we might think of the
Third Logos as the Eternal Chemist. The latter works in nature as in a laboratory, the
former as in a manufactory. These similes, materialistic as they are, are not to be
despised, for they are crutches to aid our limping attempts to understand.
desire-stuff, and out of this will be made later the desire body. That is to say, that the
combinations of matter formed and held together by the second life-wave have the
characteristics which will act on the Monad when he comes into touch with others,
and will enable him to act on them. So will he be able to receive all kinds of
vibrations, mental, sensory, etc. The characteristics depend on the nature of the
aggregations. There are seven great types, fixed by the nature of the atom, and
within these innumerable sub-types. All this goes to the making of the materials of
the mechanism of consciousness, which will be conditioned by all these textures,
colourings, densities.
In this downward sweep of the life-wave through the fifth, sixth, and
seventh planes, downward till the densest matter is reached, and the wave turns at
that point to begin its sweep upwards, we must think, then, of its work as that of
forming combinations which show qualities, and so we sometimes speak of this
work as the giving of qualities. In the upward sweep we shall [74] find that bodies
are built out of the matter thus prepared. But before we study the shaping of these,
we must consider the seven-fold division of this life-wave in its descent, and the
coming forth of the “Shining Ones”, the “Devas”, the “Angels”, the “Elementals”,
that belong also to this downward sweep. These are the “Minor Gods” of whom
Plato speaks, from whom man derives his perishable bodies.
The Life of the Logos, which is to flow into this matter, itself
manifests in seven streams, or rays.
proportions of the qualities within each type, and so on and on in [78] innumerable
variations. Into these we need not enter. It is enough to notice the seven types of
matter and the seven types of consciousnesses. The seven streams of Logic life show
out as the seven types of consciousnesses, and within each of these the seven types
of matter-combinations are found. There are to be seen seven distinct types in each
of the three Elemental Kingdoms and on the physical plane. Mme. Blavatsky, in The
Secret Doctrine, dealing with man, quotes from the stanzas of the Book of Dzyan,
the fact that there were: “Seven of Them [Creators] each on His lot”, forming the
seven types of men, and these subdivided: “Seven times seven shadows of future
men were born”[36]. Here is the root of the differing temperaments of men.
recognised the indispensable work they do in the worlds, and China, Egypt, India,
Persia, Greece, Rome, tell the same story. The belief in the higher of them is not
only found in all religions, but memories of those of the desire and of the ethereal
physical plane linger on in folklore, in stories of “Nature-spirits”, “Fairies”,
“Gnomes”, “Trolls”, and under many other names, memories of days when men
were [82] less deeply enwrapped in material interests, and more sensitive to the
influences that played upon them from the subtler worlds. This concentration on
material interests, necessary for evolution, has shut out the working of the
Elementals from human waking consciousness; but this does not, of course, stop
their working, though often rendering it less effective on the physical plane.
At the stage we are considering, however, all this work, except that
of the improvement of the elemental essence, lay in the far future, but the Shining
Ones laboured diligently at that improvement.
astral atom, adding this to itself, as its stable centre on the desire-plane. Round this
now gather temporary aggregations of elemental essence of the Third Kingdom,
scattering and regathering as before. [87] Similar results follow, as the countless
succession of forms ensheathes this stable centre, awaking it to similarly faint
responses, which in their turn thrill feebly upwards to the seed of consciousness,
producing therein, once more, vaguest internal movements. Thus, again, these
attached atoms become slowly possessed of certain qualities; that is, acquire the
power of vibrating in certain ways, which are connected with sensation, and will
hereafter make sensations possible. Here also the Shining Ones of the Third
Elemental Kingdom co-operate in the work, using their more highly developed
powers of vibration to produce sympathetically in these undeveloped atoms the
power of response, and, as before, giving them of their own substance. The
separating wall of each of the seven groups acquires a second layer, formed of the
monadic essence of the desire-plane, thus approaching a stage nearer to the wall of
the future Group-Soul.
Once more is the process repeated, when the great wave has travelled
onwards into the physical plane. The tiny thread of [88] buddhic-ensheathed life,
with its attached mental and desire units, pushes outwards once more, and annexes a
physical atom, adding this to itself as its stable centre on the physical plane. Round
this gather ethereal molecules, but the heavier physical matter is more coherent than
the subtler matter of the higher planes, and a much longer term of life may be
observed. Then - as are formed the ethereal types of the proto-metals, and later
proto-metals, metals, non-metallic elements, and minerals - the Shining Ones of the
Ethereal Physical Kingdom submerge these attached atoms in their sheaths of ether
into the one of the seven ethereal types to which they respectively belong, and they
begin their long physical evolution. Before we can follow this further we must
consider Group-Souls, which on the atomic sub-plane receive their third enveloping
layer. But it will be well to pause for a while on the nature and the function of these
permanent atoms, the tri-units, or triads, which are as a reflexion on the lower planes
of the spiritual Triads on the higher, and each of which is attached to [89] a spiritual
Triad, its Jivatma. Each triad consists of a physical atom, an astral atom, and a
mental unit, permanently attached by a thread of buddhic matter to a spiritual Triad.
That thread has sometimes been called the Sutratma, the Thread-Self, because the
permanent particles are threaded on it as “beads on a string”.[39]
It has been said that the connexion with the spiritual Triad is through
buddhic matter, and this is indicated in the diagram by the dotted line which
connects the atoms coming down from the line in the buddhic plane, and not from
the manasic atom. It is of buddhic matter that is spun the marvellous web of life
which supports and vivifies all our bodies. If the bodies be looked at with buddhic
vision, they all disappear, and in their places is seen a shimmering golden web of
inconceivable fineness and delicate beauty, a tracery of all their parts, in a network
with minute meshes. This is formed of buddhic matter, and within these meshes the
coarser atoms are built together. Closer inspection shows that the whole network is
formed of a single thread, which is a prolongation of the Sutratma. During the
antenatal life of the babe, this thread grows out from the permanent physical atom
and branches out in every direction, this growth continuing until the physical body is
full grown; during physical life the prana, the life-[91]breath, plays ever along it,
following all its branches and meshes; at death it is withdrawn, leaving the particles
of the body to scatter; it may be watched, slowly disentangling itself from the dense
physical matter, the life-breath accompanying it, and drawing itself together in the
heart round the permanent atom; as it withdraws, the deserted limbs grow cold - its
absence makes the “death-chill”; the golden-violet flame of the life-breath is seen
shining around it in the heart, and the flame, and the golden life-web, and the
permanent atom rise along the secondary Sushumna-nadi[40] to the head, into the
third ventricle of the brain; the eyes glaze, as the life-web draws itself away, and the
whole of it is collected round the permanent atom in the third ventricle; then the
whole rises slowly to the point of junction of the parietal and occipital sutures, and
leaves the physical body - [92] dead. It thus surrounds the permanent atom like a
golden shell - recalling the closely woven cocoon of the silk-worm - to remain
enshrouding it till the building of a new physical body again demands its unfolding.
The same procedure is followed with the astral and mental particles, so that, when
these bodies have disintegrated, the lower triad may be seen as a brilliantly
scintillating nucleus within the causal body, an appearance which had been noted,
long ere closer observation revealed its significance.
In the first place, it will be remembered that the matter of each plane
shows out seven main types, varying according to the dominance of one or other of
the [93] three great attributes of matter: inertia, mobility, and rhythm. Hence the
permanent atoms may be chosen out of any one of these types, but it appears that, by
a single Monad, they are all chosen out of the same type. It appears, further, that
while the actual attachment of the permanent atoms to the life-thread on the three
higher planes is the work of the Hierarchies before spoken of, the choice which
directs the appropriation is made by the Monad himself. He himself belongs to one
or other of the seven groups of Life already spoken of; at the head of each of these
groups stands a Planetary Logos, who “colours” the whole, and the Monads are
grouped by these colourings, each “being coloured by his ‘Father-Star’”.[41] This is
the first great determining characteristic of each of us, our fundamental “colour”, or
“key-note”, or “temperament”. The Monad may choose to use his new pilgrimage
for the strengthening and increasing of this special characteristic; if so, the
Hierarchies will attach to his life-thread atoms belonging [94] to the group in matter
corresponding to his life-group. This choice would result in the secondary “colour”,
or “keynote”, or “temperament”, emphasising and strengthening the first, and, in the
later evolution, the powers and the weaknesses of that doubled temperament would
show themselves with great force. Or, the Monad may choose to use his new
pilgrimage for the unfolding of another aspect of his nature; then the Hierarchies
will attach to his life-thread atoms belonging to the material group corresponding to
another life-group, that in which the aspect he wills to develop is predominant. This
choice would result in the secondary “colour”, or “key-note”, or “temperament”,
modifying the first, with corresponding results in the later evolution. This latter
choice is obviously by far the more frequent, and it tends to a greater complexity of
character, especially in the final stages of human evolution, when the influence of
the Monad makes itself felt more strongly.
As said above, it appears that all the permanent atoms are taken from
the same [95] material group, so that those of the lower triad correspond with those
of the higher; but on the lower planes the influence of these atoms in determining the
type of materials used in the bodies of which they are the generating centres - the
question to which we must now turn our attention - is very much limited and
interfered with by other causes. On the higher planes the bodies are relatively
permanent, when once found, and reproduce definitely the keynote of their
permanent atoms, however enriched that note may be by overtones, ever increasing
in subtlety of harmony. But on the lower planes, while the keynote of the permanent
atoms will be the same, various other causes come in to determine the choice of
materials for the bodies, as will be better seen presently.
To put this use into a phrase: The use of the permanent atoms is to
preserve within themselves, as vibratory powers, the results of all the experiences
through [96] which they have passed. It will perhaps be best to take the physical
atom as an illustration, since this is susceptible of easier explanation than those on
higher planes.
When the time for reincarnation comes, [98] and the presence of the
permanent atom renders possible the fertilisation of the ovum from which the new
body is to grow,[43] its keynote sounds out, and is one of the forces which guide the
ethereal builder, the elemental charged with the building of the physical body, to
choose the materials suitable for his work, for he can use none that cannot be to
some extent attuned to the permanent atom. But it is only one of the forces; the
karma of past lives, mental, emotional, and in relation to others, demands materials
capable of the most varied expressions; out of that karma, the Lords of Karma have
chosen such as is congruous, i.e., such as can be expressed through a body of a
particular material group; this congruous mass of karma determines the material
group, over-riding the permanent atom, and out of that group are chosen by the
elemental such materials as can vibrate in [99] harmony with the permanent atom, or
in discords not disruptive in their violence. Hence, as said, the permanent atom is
only one of the forces in determining the third “colour”, or “keynote”, or “tem-
perament”, which characterises each of us. According to this temperament will be
the time of the birth of the body; it must be born into the world at a time when the
physical planetary influences are suitable to its third temperament, and it thus is born
“under its” astrological “Star”. Needless to say, it is not the Star that imposes the
temperament, but the temperament that fixes the epoch of birth under that Star. But
herein lies the explanation of the correspondences between Stars - Star-Angels, that
is to say - and characters, and the usefulness for educational purposes of a skilfully
and carefully drawn horoscope, as a guide to the personal temperament of a child.
Truly, however, even the spatial difficulty is illusory, for there are no
limits to the minute any more than to the great. Modern science now sees in the atom
a system of revolving worlds, each world in its own orbit, the whole resembling a
solar system. The master of illusion, Space, like his brother master, Time, cannot
here daunt us. There is no limit of the possibilities of sub-division in thought, and
hence none in the thought-expression we call matter.
The permanent astral atom bears exactly the same relation to the
astral body as that borne by the physical permanent atom to the physical body. At
the end of the life in kamaloka – purgatory - the golden life-web withdraws from the
astral body, leaving it to disintegrate, as its physical comrade had previously done,
and enwraps the astral permanent atom for its long sleep. A similar relation is borne
to the mental body by the permanent mental particle during physical, astral, and
mental life; during the early stages of human evolution little improvement is made in
the mental permanent unit by the brief devachanic lives, not only on account of their
brevity, but because the feeble thought-forms produced by the [105] undeveloped
intelligence affect very slightly the permanent unit. But when thought-power is more
highly evolved, the devachanic life is a time of great improvement, and innumerable
vibratory energies are stored up, and show their value when the time arrives for the
building of a new mental body for the next cycle of reincarnation. At the close of the
mental life in devachan, the golden web withdraws from the mental body, leaving it
also to disintegrate, while it enwraps the mental particle; and the lower triad of
permanent atoms alone remains as the representative of the three lower bodies.
These are stored up, as before said, as a radiant nucleus-like particle within the
causal body. They are thus all that remains to the Ego of his bodies in the lower
worlds, when that cycle of experience is completed, as they were his means of
communication with the lower planes during the life of those bodies.
When comes the period for re-birth, a thrill of life from the Ego
arouses the mental unit; the life-web begins to unfold again, and, the vibrating unit
acts as a [106] magnet, drawing towards itself materials with vibratory powers
resembling, or accordant with, its own. The Shining Ones of the Second Elemental
Kingdom bring such materials within its reach; in the earlier stages of evolution they
shape the matter into a loose cloud around the permanent unit, but as evolution goes
on the Ego exercises over the shaping an ever-increasing influence. When the mental
body is partially formed, the life-thrill awakens the astral atom, and the same
procedure is followed. Finally the life-touch reaches the physical atom, and it acts in
the way already described on pp. 98-100.
The spiritual Triad is drawing most of his energy, and all the
directive capacity of that energy, from the Second Logos, bathed as he is in that
stream of Life. What may be called his own special activity does not concern itself
with all the shaping and building activity of the Second Life-Wave, but is directed to
the evolution of the atom itself, in association with the Third Logos. This energy
from the spiritual Triad confines itself to the atomic sub-planes, and, until the fourth
Round, appears to spend itself chiefly on the permanent atoms. It is directed first to
the shaping and then to the vivifying of the spirillae which form the wall of the
atom. The vortex, which is the atom, is the life of the Third Logos; but the wall of
the spirillae is gradually formed on the external surface of this vortex during the
descent of the Second Logos, not vivified by Him, but faintly traced out over the
surface of this revolving vortex of life. They remain - so far as the Second Logos is
concerned - merely as these [109] filmy unused channels, but presently, as the life of
the Monad flows down, it plays into the first of these channels, vivifying that
channel and turning it into a working part of the atom. This goes on through the
successive Rounds, and by the time we reach the fourth Round we have four distinct
streams of life from each Monad, circulating through four sets of spirillae in his own
permanent atoms. Now as the Monad works in the permanent atom, and it is put
forward as the nucleus of a body, he begins to work similarly in the atoms that are
drawn round that permanent atom, and vivifies in turn their spirillae; but that is tem-
porary vivification, and not continuous as in the case of the permanent atom. He thus
brings into activity these faint shadowy films, formed by the Second Life-Wave,
and, when the life of the body is broken up, the atoms thus stimulated return to the
great mass of atomic matter, improved and worked upon by the life which, during
their connexion with the permanent atom, has been vivifying them. The channels,
being thus [110] developed, are more capable of easily receiving another such life-
stream, as they enter another body, and therein come into relation with a permanent
atom belonging to some other Monad. Thus this work continually goes on, on the
physical and astral planes, and in the particle of mental matter on the mental plane,
improving the materials with which the Monads are permanently or temporarily
connected, and this evolution of atoms is constantly going on under the influence of
the Monads. The permanent atoms evolve more rapidly, because of their continuity
of connexion with the Monad, while the others profit by their repeated temporary
association with the permanent atoms.
During the first Round of the terrene Chain, the first set of spirillae
of the physical plane atoms becomes thus vivified by the life of the Monad flowing
through the spiritual Triad. This is the set of spirillae used by the pranic, or life-
breath, currents affecting the dense part of the physical body. Similarly in the second
Round the second set of spirillae becomes active, and herein play [111] the pranic
currents connected with the etheric double. During these two Rounds nothing can be
found, in connexion with any form, that can be called sensations of pleasure and
pain. During the third Round, the third set of spirillae becomes vivified, and here
first appears what is called sensibility; for, through these spirillae, kamic or desire
energy can affect the physical body, the kamic prana can play in them, and thus
bring the physical into direct communication with the astral. During the fourth
Round, the fourth set of spirillae becomes vivified, and the kama-manasic prana
plays in them, and makes them fit to be used for the building of a brain which is to
act as the instrument for thought.
When a person passes out of the normal, and takes up the abnormal
human evolution involved in preparing for and entering the Path which lies beyond
normal evolution, he has then, in connexion with his permanent atoms, a task of
exceeding difficulty. He must vivify more sets of spirillae than are vivified in the
humanity of his time. [112] Four sets are already at his service, as a fourth Round
man. He begins to vivify a fifth, and thus to bring into manifestation the fifth Round
atom while still working in a fourth Round body. It is to this that allusion is made in
some early theosophical books, in which “Fifth Rounders” and “Sixth Rounders” are
spoken of as appearing in our present humanity. Those thus designated have evolved
the fifth and sixth set of spirillae in their permanent atoms, thus obtaining a better
instrument for the use of their highly developed consciousness. The change is
brought about by certain yoga practices in the use of which great caution is required,
lest injury should be inflicted on the brain in which this work is being carried on,
and further progress along that particular line stopped during the present incarnation.
minerals formed from them. The laws of space, for instance - apart from the
specialisation of the contents of the Group-Soul, the permanent triads - may lead to a
division of it.
there will be a certain segregation going on within the Group-Soul, and presently a
filmy separating wall will grow inwards from the envelope, and divide these
segregated groups from each other; and so there will be an ever-increasing number
of Group-Souls with contents showing an ever-increasing distinction of
consciousness, while sharing fundamental characteristics.
system of Chains, and further appropriated and modified by the Spirit of the Earth -
[126] an entity wrapped in great obscurity. These kingdoms offer a field for the
evolution of the Jivatmas truly, but do not exist, apparently, wholly for this purpose.
We find permanent atoms scattered through the mineral and vegetable kingdoms, but
are unable to pierce to the reasons which govern their distribution. A permanent
atom may be found in a pearl, in a ruby, in a diamond; many may be found scattered
through veins or ore, and so on. On the other hand much mineral does not seem to
contain any. So with short-lived plants. But in plants of long continuance, such as
trees, permanent atoms are constantly found. But here again, the life of the tree
seems to be more closely related to the Deva evolution than to the evolution of the
consciousness to which the permanent atom is attached. It is rather as though
advantage were taken of the evolution of life and consciousness in the tree for the
benefit of the permanent atom; it seems to live there more as a parasite, profiting by
the more highly evolved life in which it is bathed. The fact is that our [127]
knowledge on these points is extremely fragmentary so far.
and obviously in no way depend upon it for life and growth, nor do they break up
when the permanent atom is withdrawn. They are hosts, not bodies formed around a
permanent atom. And it is noteworthy that, at this stage, the golden life-web in no
way represents the organisation of the host’s body, but merely acts as rootlets act in
the soil, attaching particles of soil to themselves and sucking therefrom nourishment.
The permanent atoms in the animal kingdom have received and stored up many
experiences, before they are used by the Shining Ones as centres round which forms
are to be built.
When the consciousness, turning its attention away from the external
physical world, ignores the denser part of the physical brain, and uses only the
etheric portions thereof, its manifestations at once change in character. The creative
imagination disports itself in etheric matter, and drawing on its accumulated
contents, obtained from the external world by its denser servant, it arranges them,
dissociates, and recombines them after its own fancies, and creates the lower worlds
of dream.
When it casts aside for a while its ethereal garment, turning its
attention away completely from the physical world, and shedding its fetters of
physical matter, it roams through the astral world at will, or drifts through it
unconsciously, turning all its attention to its own contents, receiving many impacts
from that astral world, which it ignores or accepts according to its stage [136] of
evolution, or its humour of the moment. If it should manifest itself to an outside
observer - as may happen in trance-conditions - it shows powers so superior to those
it manifested when imprisoned in the physical brain, that such an observer, judging
only by physical experiences, may well regard it as a different consciousness.
Still more is this the case when, the astral body being thrown into
trance, the Bird of Heaven shows itself soaring into loftier regions, and its splendid
flight so enchants the observer that he deems it a new being, and no longer the same
entity as crawled in the physical world. Yet truly is it ever one and the same; the
differences are in the materials with which it is connected, and through which it
works, and not in itself.
“With every day, the identity between the animal and the physical
man, between the plant and man, and even between the reptile and its nest, the rock,
and man, is more and more clearly shown, the physical and chemical constituents of
all being found to be identical. Chemical Science may well say that there is no
difference between the matter which composes the ox, and that which forms man.
But the occult doctrine is far more explicit. It says: Not only the chemical
compounds are the same, but the same infinitesimal invisible Lives compose the
atoms of the [138] bodies of the mountain and the daisy, of man and the ant, of the
elephant and of the tree which shelters it from the sun. Each particle - whether you
call it organic or inorganic - is a Life.”[46]
of sentiency should be found in all who share one life. The evidence for this was
lacking when H. P. Blavatsky wrote; it is available now; and it is from an eastern
scientist, whose rare ability has ensured his welcome in the West, that the evidence
appropriately comes.
A stimulant will increase response, and as large and small doses of a
drug have been found to kill and stimulate respectively, so have they been found to
act on metals. “Among such phenomena,” asks Professor Bose, “how can we draw a
line of demarcation and say: Here the physical process ends, and there the
physiological begins? No such barriers exist.”[47] [142]
In this more restricted and accurate sense, it would include (a) any
out-thrillings from the atoms and molecules ensouled by the life of the Third Logos;
(b) any [145] similar out-thrillings from organised forms ensouled by the life of the
Second Logos; and (c) any similar out-thrillings from the life of the Monad,
proceeding from the permanent atoms, in which the spirillae are not directly
concerned. When the spirillae are active, the “ordinary wakingconsciousness” is
affected. For instance ammonia sniffed up by the nose shows two results; there is a
rapid secretion; that is the response of the cells in the olfactory tract; there is also a
“smell”; that is the result of a vibration running up to the sense-centres in the astral
body, and there recognised in consciousness; the change in consciousness affects the
first set of spirillae in the atoms of the olfactory tract, and thus reaches the “waking-
consciousness” - consciousness working in the physical brain. It is only through the
spirillae that changes in consciousness on the higher planes bring about changes in
the “waking-consciousness”.
Now in the mineral, the astral matter connected with the permanent
astral atom is so little active, and consciousness is sleeping so deeply therein, that
there is no perceptible working from the astral to the physical. In the higher plants
there seems to be a sort of forth-shadowing of a nervous system, but it is too little
developed and organised to serve anything but the simplest purposes. The added
activity on the astral plane improves the astral sheath in connexion with the plant,
and the vibrations of the astral sheath affect the etheric portion of the plant, and thus
its denser matter. Hence the forth-shadowing of a nervous system above alluded to.
When we come to the animal stage, the much greater activity of the
consciousness on the astral plane causes more powerful vibrations, which pass to the
etheric double of the animal, and by the etheric vibrations thus caused, the nervous
system is builded. The shaping of it is due to the Logos through the Group-Soul, and
to the active assistance of the Shining Ones of the Third Elemental Kingdom,
directing the work of the ethereal Nature-Spirits. But the impulse comes from the
consciousness on the astral plane working in the permanent atom and the sheath of
astral matter attracted by it, roused to activity by the Group-Soul. As the first very
simple apparatus is formed, more delicate impacts from without can be perceived,
and these impacts also help in thy evolution. Action and reaction succeed each other,
and the mechanism continually improves in receptive and transmitting ability.
IN a very real sense the whole of the bodies of man form the
mechanism of consciousness, as organs for willing, thinking, and acting; but the
nervous apparatus may be called its special mechanism, as that whereby, in the
physical body, it controls and directs all. Every cell in the body is composed of
myriads of tiny lives, each with its own germinal consciousness;[51] each cell has its
[152] own dawning consciousness, controlling and organising these; but the central
ruling consciousness which uses the whole body controls and organises it, in turn,
and the mechanism in which it functions for this purpose is the nervous.
body, this complexity of the prana circulating in the nervous systems of the physical
body much increases, and it appears to become yet more enriched in the progress of
human evolution. For as the consciousness becomes active on the mental plane, the
prana of that plane mingles also with the lower, and so on as the activity of
consciousness is carried on in higher regions.
On the physical plane this prana, this [157] life-force, builds up all
minerals, and is the controlling agent in the chemico-physiological changes in
protoplasm, which lead to differentiation and the building of the various tissues of
the bodies of plants, animals, and men. They show its presence by the power of
responding to stimuli, but for a time this power is not accompanied by distinct
sentiency; consciousness has not unfolded enough to feel pleasure and pain.
When the current of prana from the astral plane, with its attribute of
sentiency, blends with that of the prana of the physical plane, it begins the building
of a new arrangement of matter - the nervous. This, nervous arrangement is
fundamentally a cell, details as to which can be studied in any modern text-book
dealing with the subject[56], and the development consists of internal changes and
of outgrowths of the matter of the cell, these outgrowths becoming sheathed [158] in
medullary matter and then appearing a threads or fibres. Every nervous system,
however elaborate, consists of cells and their outgrowths, these outgrowths
becoming more numerous, and forming ever multiplying connexions between the
cells, as consciousness demands, for its expression, a more and more elaborated
nervous system. This fundamental simplicity at the root of such complexity of
details is found even in man, the possessor of the most highly evolved nervous
organisation. The many millions of neural ganglia[57] in the brain and body are all
produced by the end of the third month of ante-natal life, and their development
consists in expansion, and the outgrowth of their substance into fibres. This
development in later life results from the activity of thought; as a man thinks
strenuously and continuously, the thought-vibrations cause chemical activity, and
the dendrons[58] shoot out from the [159] cells, making connexions and cross-
connexions in every direction, literal pathways along which prana pulsates - prana
which is now composed of factors from the physical, astral and mental planes - and
thought-vibrations travel.
Returning from this digression into the human kingdom, let us see
how the building of the nervous system, by vibratory impulses from the astral,
begins and is carried on. We find a minute group of nerve cells and tiny processes
connecting them. This is formed by the action of a centre which has previously
appeared in the astral body - of which something will presently be said - an
aggregation of astral matter arranged to form a centre for receiving and responding
to impulses from outside. From that astral centre vibrations pass into the etheric
body, causing little etheric whirlpools which draw into themselves particles of
denser physical matter, forming at last a nerve cell, and groups of nerve cells. These
physical centres, receiving vibrations from the outer world, send impulses back to
the astral centres, increasing their vibrations; thus the [160] physical and the astral
centres act and re-act on each other, and each becomes more complicated and more
effective. As we pass up the animal kingdom, we find the physical nervous system
constantly improving, and becoming a more and more dominant factor in the body,
and this first-formed system becomes, in the vertebrates, the sympathetic system,
controlling and energising the vital organs - the heart, the lungs, the digestive tract;
beside it slowly develops the cerebro-spinal system, closely connected in its lower
workings with the sympathetic, and becoming gradually more and more dominant,
while it also becomes in its most important development the normal organ for the
expression of the “waking consciousness”. This cerebro-spinal system is built up by
impulses originating in the mental, not in the astral plane, and is only indirectly
related to the astral through the sympathetic system, built up from the astral. We
shall see later the bearing of this on the astral sensitiveness of animals, and lowly-
developed human beings, the disappearance, of this sensitiveness with the [161]
development of intellect, and its reappearance in the higher human evolution.
The permanent atoms form the imperfect but only direct channel
between the consciousness manifesting as the spiritual Triad and the forms he is
connected with. In the case of the higher animals these atoms are exceedingly active,
and in the brief time between the physical lives considerable changes occur in these.
As evolution goes on the increasing flow of life from the Group-Soul and through
the permanent atom, as well as the increasing complexity of the physical apparatus,
rapidly augment the sensitiveness of the animal. There is comparatively little
sensitiveness in the lower animal lives, and little in fishes, despite their cerebrospinal
system. As evolution proceeds, the sense-centres continue to develop in the astral
sheath, and in the higher animal these are well organised and the senses are acute.
But with this acuteness there is brevity of sensations, and except with the highest
animals little of the mental element mingles to lend increased and longer continued
sensitiveness to sensation. [162]
consciousness - that is, for that part of the consciousness which functions normally
through the cerebro-spinal system. Five out of the ten serve to receive special
impressions from the outside world, and are the centres through which
consciousness uses its perceptive powers; they are called in Samskrit, Jnanendriyas,
literally “knowledge-senses”, [165] i.e., senses, or sense-centres, by which
knowledge is obtained. These set up, in the way before explained, five distinct
etheric whirlpools, and thus construct five centres in the physical brain; these, in
turn, severally shape and remain connected with their appropriate sense-organs.
Thus arise the five sense-organs: the eyes, ears, tongue, nose, skin, specialised to
receive impressions from the outer world, corresponding to the five perceptive
powers of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling. These are specialised ways in
the lower worlds by which part of the perceptive ability of consciousness, its power
of receiving external contacts, is exercised. They belong to the lower worlds and to
the grosser forms of matter which shut consciousness in, and prevent it, thus
enwrapped, from knowing other lives; they are openings in this dense veil of matter,
permitting vibrations to enter in and reach the shrouded consciousness.
Now in the first two Races there are visible the beginnings of
aggregations in the astral matter of the sheaths, arid if these could connect
themselves with appropriate physical matter there would be in the physical
consciousness sensations [168] of pleasure and pain. But the appropriate connexions
are lacking. The first Race shows a feeble sense of hearing, the second a vague
response to impacts, the dawning sense of touch.
THE middle of the Third Root-Race had been reached; the nervous
apparatus of animal man had been built up to a point at which it needed for its
further improvement the more direct flow of thought from the spiritual Triad to
which it was attached; the Group-Soul had completed its work for these, the higher
products of evolution, as the medium by which the life of the Second Logos
protected and nourished His infant children; it was now to form the foundation of the
causal body, the vessel into which the down-pouring life was, to be received; the
term of the ante-natal life of the Monad was touched, and the time was ripe for his
birth into the [170] lower world. The mother-life of the Logos had built for him the
bodies in which he could now live as a separate entity in the world of forms, and he
was to come into direct possession of his bodies and take up his human evolution.
We have seen that the Monads derive their being from the First
Logos, and dwell on the anupadaka, the second, plane during the ages over which
we have glanced. We have also seen that they appropriated to themselves with the
help of different agents the three permanent atoms that represent them as Jivatmas
on the third, fourth, and fifth planes, and also those which form the lower triad on
the fifth, sixth, and seventh. All the communication of the Monad with the planes
below his own has been through the Sutratma, the life-thread, on which the atoms
are strung, that life-thread - of second plane matter - passing from the atmic atom to
the buddhic, from the buddhic to the manasic, and from the manasic re-entering the
atmic, thus making the “Triangle of Light” on the higher planes. We have seen
further [171] that from the line of this Triangle on the buddhic plane comes forth a
thread, the Sutratma of the lower planes, on which the lower triad is strung.
enveloped in the remaining layer of the Group-Soul, as already described. The layer
is torn [172] asunder, and caught up into the vortex above, where it is disintegrated,
and the causal body is formed, a delicate filmy envelope, as the whirlpool subsides.
This downflow of life, resulting in the formation of the causal body, is called the
Third Life-Wave, and is properly ascribed to the First Logos, since the Monads
came forth from Him and represent His triune life.
The causal body once formed, the spiritual Triad has a permanent
vehicle for further evolution, and when Consciousness becomes able to function
freely in this vehicle, the Triad will be able to control and direct, far more effectively
than ever before, the evolution of the lower vehicles.
And this is clearly seen if we look at man as he was in his early days.
Those long-perished Lemurians - if we except those entities who had already
developed consciousness to a considerable extent, and who took birth in the clumsy
Lemurian bodies in order to lead human evolution - were very poorly developed as
to their sense organs; those of smell and taste were not developed, but were only in
process of building. Their sensitiveness to pleasure and pain was slight.
In the Atlanteans the senses were much more active; sight was very
keen and hearing was acute; taste was more developed than among the Lemurians,
but was still not highly evolved; coarse and rank foods were found perfectly
tolerable and even agreeable, and very highly-flavoured articles of diet, such as
decaying meat, were preferred to more delicate viands, which were considered [174]
tasteless. The body was not very sensitive to injuries, and severe wounds did not
cause much pain, nor were followed by prostration - even extensive lacerations
failing to incapacitate the sufferer - and healing very quickly. The remnants of the
Lemurian Race now existing, as well as the widely spread Atlantean, still show a
relative insensitiveness to pain, and undergo, with very partial disablement,
lacerations that would utterly prostrate a fifth Race man. A North American Indian
has been reported as fighting on after the side of the thigh had been slashed away,
and taking the field again after twelve or fifteen hours. This characteristic of the
fourth Race body enables a savage to bear with composure, and to recover from,
tortures that would prostrate a fifth Race man from nervous shock.
of the permanent atom, and increasing as [175] that development proceeds. As
evolution goes on, there is an increasing complexity of vibratory powers in the
physical permanent atom, a similar increase in the astral atom, and again in the
mental unit. As birth follows birth, and these permanent nuclei are put out on each
plane to gather round them the new mental, astral and physical encasements, the
more highly developed permanent atoms draw round them the more highly
developed atoms on the planes to which they belong, and thus build up a better
nervous apparatus through which the ever-increasing stream of consciousness can
flow. In this way is built up the delicately organised nervous apparatus of the fifth
Race man.
In the fifth Race man the internal differentiation of the nervous cells
is much increased, and the intercommunications are much more numerous. Speaking
generally, the consciousness of the fifth Race man is working on the astral plane,
and is withdrawn from the physical body except so far as the cerebro-spinal nervous
system is concerned. The control of the vital organs of the body is left to the [176]
sympathetic system, trained through long ages to perform this work, and now kept
going by impulses from the astral centres other than the ten, without deliberate
attention from the otherwise occupied consciousness, although of course sustained
by it. It is, however, as we shall presently see, quite possible to draw the attention of
consciousness again to this part of its mechanism, and to reassume intelligent control
of it. In the more highly evolved members of the fifth Race, the main impulses of
consciousness are sent down from the lower mental world; and work down through
the astral to the physical, and there stimulate the physical nervous activity. This is
the keen, subtle, intelligent consciousness, moved by ideas more than by sensations,
and showing itself more actively in the mental and emotional brain-centres than in
those concerned with sensory and motor phenomena.
The sense-organs of the fifth Race body are less active and acute
than those of the highest fourth Race in responding to purely physical impacts. The
eye, the [177] ear, the touch do not respond to vibrations which would affect the
fourth Race sense-organs. It is significant, also, that these organs are at their keenest
in early childhood, and diminish in sensitiveness from about the sixth year onward.
On the other hand, while less acute in receiving pure sense-impacts, they become
more sensitive to sensations intermingled with emotions, and delicacies of colour
and of sound, whether of nature or of art, appeal to them more effectively. The
higher and more intricate organisation of the sense-centres in the brain and in the
astral body seems to bring about increased sensitiveness to beauty of colour, form,
and sound, but diminished response to the sensations in which the emotions play no
The fifth Race body is also far more sensitive to shock than are the
bodies of the fourth and third Races, being more dependent upon consciousness for
its upkeep. A nervous shock is far more keenly felt, and entails far greater prostra-
tion. A severe mutilation is no longer a question merely of lacerated muscle, of [178]
torn tissues, but of dangerous nervous shock; the highly organised nervous system
carries the message of distress to the brain centres, and it is sent on from them to the
astral body, disturbing and upsetting the astral consciousness. This is followed by
disturbance on the mental plane; imagination is aroused, memory stimulates
anticipation, and the rush of mental impulses intensifies and prolongs sensations.
These again stimulate and excite the nervous system, and its undue excitation acts on
the vital organs, causing organic disturbance; hence depression of vitality and slow
man who plans a crime beforehand is more highly developed; the mere savage
commits a crime on the impulse of the moment, unless faced by another physical
embodiment, that of a force which he fears. And when the crime is committed, he is
impervious to all appeals to shame or remorse; he is susceptible only to terror.
As the truths of the Ancient Wisdom more and more colour modern
thought, they will inevitably, among other things, modify the treatment of the
criminal. Such criminals as are here spoken of will not be punished brutally, but will
be kept permanently under strict discipline; and will be, as far as is practicable, aided
to progress more quickly than would have been possible under the conditions of
savage life. But the further consideration of this would lead us too far from our main
study, and we must now return to the workings of consciousness on the astral plane,
as they show themselves in the higher animals and in the lower human types.
The impacts on the astral sheath from the astral plane produce
vibratory waves over the whole astral sheath, and the ensheathed consciousness
gradually becomes dimly aware of these surgings, without relating them to any
external cause. It is groping after the much more violent physical impacts, and such
power of attention as it has evolved is turned on them. The aggregations of astral
matter, connected with the physical nervous systems, naturally share in the general
surgings of the astral sheath, and the vibrations caused by these surgings mingle
with those coming from the physical body, and affect also the vibrations sent down
to it by the consciousness through these aggregations. Thus a connexion is
established between astral impacts and the sympathetic system, and they play a
considerable part in its evolution. As the consciousness working in the physical body
begins slowly to recognise an external world, [185] these impacts from the astral -
gradually classified under the five senses as are the impacts from the physical -
mingle with those from the physical plane and are not distinguished as being
different from them in origin. This recognition is the lower clairvoyance, that which
precedes the great evolution of mind. So long as the sympathetic system is acting as
the dominant apparatus of consciousness, so long will the origin, astral or physical,
of impacts remain as the same to consciousness. Even the higher animals - in whom
the cerebro-spinal system is well developed, but in whom it is not yet, save in its
sense-centres, the chief mechanism of consciousness - fail to distinguish between
physical and astral sights, sounds, etc. A horse will leap over an astral body as
though it were a physical one; a cat will rub herself against the legs of an astral
figure; a dog will growl at a similar appearance. In the dog and the horse there is the
dawning of an uneasy sense of some difference, shown by the fear of such
appearances often manifested by the dog, and by the timidity of the horse. [186] The
nervousness of the horse - despite which he can be trained to face the dangers of a
battle-field, and even, as with Arab mares, learn to pick up and carry away his fallen
rider through all the alarming surroundings - seems chiefly due to his confusion and
bewilderment as to his environment, and his inability to distinguish between what
later he will learnedly call “objective realities”, against which he can injure his body,
and “delusions”, or “hallucinations”, through which his body can pass unscathed. To
him they are all “real”, and the difference of their behaviour alarms him; in the case
of an exceptionally intelligent horse the nervousness is often greater, as he evolves a
dawning sense of difference in the phenomena themselves, and this at first, not being
understood, is yet more disquieting.
At the present stage of evolution this lower form of clairvoyance is
still found among human beings, but in persons of very limited intellect; they have
little idea as to its rationale, and little control over its exercise. Attempts to increase
it are apt to cause nervous disturbances of a very refractory kind, and these attempts
are against the law of evolution, which works ever forward towards a higher end,
and does not move backwards. As the law cannot be changed, attempts to work
against it only cause disturbance and disease. We cannot revert to the condition in
which the sympathetic system was dominant, save at the cost of health, and of the
higher intellectual evolution. [189] Hence the serious danger of following many of
the directions now published broadcast, to meditate on the solar plexus, and other
sympathetic centres.
The practices, a few of which have come over to the West, are
systematised into Hatha Yoga in India. Control over the involuntary muscles is
regained, so that a man can reverse peristaltic action, inhibit the beating of the heart,
vomit at will, and so on. Much time and trouble must be wasted ere the performance
of such feats becomes possible, and at the end the man has only brought back to the
control of the will muscles which have long since been handed over by it to the
sympathetic system. As that handing-over was done by a gradual turning away of
attention, so is it by a concentration of attention on the parts concerned that the
earlier achievement is reversed. As such performances impose upon the ignorant,
who regard them as evidences of spiritual greatness, they are often practised by men
who desire power, and are unable to obtain it in a more legitimate way. Moreover,
[190] they are the easiest form of Hatha Yoga; and are more easily cultivated, and
cost far less suffering, than holding an arm extended till it withers, or lying on a bed
of spikes.
as said, is the higher clairvoyance, the intelligent and self-directed exercise of the
powers of consciousness in the astral body.
When the vibrations of the outer world play on the physical sheath of
the infolded infant Self, the Jivatma, the Ray of the Monad, they at first cause
responsive thrills within that Self, a dawning consciousness within itself, a feeling,
unrelated by that Self to anything outside, though caused by impacts from outside. It
is a change outside the enveloping film of the Self, clothed in sheaths of denser
matter, which outside change causes a change within that envelope, and this change
causes an act of consciousness - consciousness of change, of a changed condition. It
may be an attraction, a drawing towards, exerted by an external object over the
sheaths, reaching to the envelope of the Self, causing a slight expansion in the
envelope, following an expansion in the sheaths, towards the attractive object; and
this expansion is a change of condition, and causes a feeling, an act of conscious-
ness. Or it may be a repulsion, a driving away, again exerted by an external object
against the sheaths, reaching to the envelope of the Self, causing a slight shrinking in
the envelope, following the shrinking [195] away of the sheaths from the repellent
object; and this shrinking is also a change of condition, and causes a corresponding
change in consciousness.
separating sheaths of matter, is “pleasure”, and the going out of the Lives towards
each other is “attraction”; however complicated pleasure may become, herein lies its
essence; it is a sense of “moreness”, of increased, expanded life. The more fully
developed the Life, the [196] greater the pleasure in the realisation of this moreness,
in the expansion into the other Life, and each of the Lives thus uniting gains the
moreness by union with the other. As rhythmical vibrations and corresponding
rarefactions and densifications make this interchange of life possible, it is truly said
that “harmonious vibrations are pleasurable”. When, on the contrary, the impact of
an external object causes a jangle of vibrations in the envelopes of the impacted
object - that is, when the materials are made to arrange themselves irregularly,
moving in conflicting directions, striking themselves against each other - the
contained Life is shut in, isolated, its normal out-flowing rays are checked, inter-
cepted, even turned back on themselves. This check to normal action is “pain”,
increasing with the energy of the in-driving, and the result of the driving-in process
is “repulsion”. Here, also, the more fully developed the Life, the greater the pain in
this violent reversal of its normal action, and in the sense of frustration that
accompanies the reversal. Hence, again, “inharmonious vibrations are [197] pain-
ful”. Be it observed that this is true of all the sheaths, although the astral sheath
becomes specialised as the recipient of the class of sensations later called
pleasurable and painful. Constantly, in the course of evolution, a general life-
function thus becomes specialised, and a particular organ is normally used for its
exercise. The astral body being the vehicle of desires, the need for its special
susceptibility to pleasure and pain is obvious.
To return from this brief digression into the state of the envelopes to
the germ of consciousness itself; we shall find it important to notice that there is
herein no “awareness” of an external object, no such awareness as is ordinarily
conveyed by the use of the word. Consciousness, as yet, knows nothing of an outer
and an inner, of an object and a subject; the divine germ is now becoming conscious.
It becomes consciousness with this change of conditions, with this movement in the
sheaths, this expanding and contracting, for consciousness exists only in, and by,
change. Here, then, for the separated divine germ is the birth of consciousness; [198]
it is born of change, of motion; where and when this first change occurs, there, con-
sciousness, for that separated germ, is born.
As the states of pleasure and pain become more definitely
established in consciousness, they give rise to the three aspects: with the fading
away of pleasure there is a continuance of the attraction in consciousness, a memory,
and this becomes a dim groping after it, a vague following of the vanishing feeling, a
movement - too indefinite to be called an effort - to hold it, to retain it; similarly
with the fading away of pain there is a continuance of the repulsion in
consciousness, again a memory, and this becomes an equally vague movement to
push it away. These states give birth to: Memory of past pleasure and pain,
indicating the germination o the Thought-aspect; longing to experience again
pleasure, or avoid pain, the germination of the Desire-aspect; this stimulating a
movement, the germination of the Activity-aspect. Thus Consciousness is
differentiated into its three aspects from its primary unity of Feeling, repeating [200]
in miniature the kosmic process in which the triple Divinity ever arises from the One
Existence. The Hermetic axiom is here, as always, exemplified: “As above, so
Desire, thus germinated, gropes after pleasure, not, as yet, after the
pleasure giving object; for consciousness is as yet limited within its own kingdom, is
conscious only in the within, is conscious only of changes in that within. It has not
yet turned its attention outwards, is not yet conscious even that there is an outwards.
Meanwhile that outwards of which it is not aware is continually hammering at its
vehicles, and most vehemently at its physical vehicle, the vehicle most easily
affected from outside, and with most difficulty from within. Gradually the persistent
and violent shocks from outside draw its attention in their direction; their
irregularity, their unexpectedness, their constant assaults, their unrelatedness to its
slow, groping [201] movements, their unexplained appearances and disappearances,
are in opposition to its dim sense of regularity, continuity, of being always there, of
slow surges of change rising and falling within what is not yet to it “himself”; there
is a consciousness of difference, and this grows into a sense of a something that
remains within a changing hurly-burly, a sense of a “within” and a “without”, or, to
speak more accurately, of a “without” and a “within”, since it is the hammering
outside that causes the difference of “without” and “within” to arise in
consciousness. “Without” comes first, if only by a fraction of time, because its
recognition alone makes possible and inevitable the recognition of “within”. So long
as there is nothing else, we cannot speak of “within”; it is everything. But when
“without” forces itself on consciousness, “within” rises up as its inevitable opposite.
This sense of a “without” arises necessarily at the points of contact between the
continuing consciousness and the changing hurly-burly; that is, in its physical
vehicle, its physical [202] body. Herein is slowly established the awareness of
“others”, and with the establishment of this “others” comes the establishment also of
“I”, over against them. He becomes conscious of things outside instead of being
conscious only of changes, and then he comes to know that the changes are in
“himself”, and that the things are outside himself. Self-consciousness is born.
This process of perceiving objects is a complex one. It must be
remembered that objects contact the body in various ways, and the body receives
some of their vibrations by the parts differentiated to receive such vibrations. The
eye, the ear, the skin, the tongue, the nose, receive various vibratory waves, and
certain cells in the organs affected vibrate similarly in response. The waves set up
pass to the sense-centres in the brain, and thence to the knowledge-senses in the
astral sheath; there the changes in consciousness take place which correspond with
them, as explained in Chapter II., and they are sent on as these changes, the
sensations of colour, [203] outline, sound, form, taste, smell, etc., still as separate
sensations, to consciousness working in the mental sheath, and are there combined
by it into a single image, unified into a single perception of an object. This blending
of the various streams into one, this synthesis of sensations, is a specialty of the
mind. Hence, in Indian psychology, the mind is often called “the sixth sense”, “the
senses, of which mind is the sixth”.[60] When we consider the five organs of action
in relation to the mind, we find a reverse process going on; the mind pictures a
certain act as a whole, and thereby brings about a corresponding set of vibrations in
the mental sheath; these vibrations are reproduced in the motor senses in the astral
sheath; they break it up, analyse it into its constituent parts, and these are
accompanied with vibrations in the matter of the motor centres; these, in turn, are
repeated in the motor centres in the brain as separate waves; the motor centres
distribute these waves through the nervous system to the various muscles that [204]
must co-operate to produce the action. Regarded in this double relation the mind
becomes the eleventh sense, “the ten senses and the one”[61].
evolution of the outer vehicle into a body well-organised for movement, for pursuit,
for capture. The desire for the absent, the search, the success or failure, all impress
on the developing consciousness the difference [206] between his desires and
thoughts, of which he is, or can be, always conscious, and the external objects which
come and go without any reference to himself; and with disconcerting irrelevance to
his feelings. He distinguishes these as “real”, as having an existence which he does
not control, and which affects him without any regard to his likings or objections.
And this sense of “reality” is first established in the physical world, as being the one
in which these contacts between the “others” and the “I” are first recognised by
consciousness. Self-consciousness begins its evolution in and through the physical
body, and has its earliest centre in the brain.
On other planes, the astral and the mental, he is, as yet, conscious but
not self-conscious; he recognises changes within himself, but does not yet dis-
tinguish between the self-initiated changes and those caused by impacts from
without on his astral and mental vehicles. To him they are all alike changes within
himself. Hence all phenomena of consciousness occurring on super-physical planes -
planes on which Self-consciousness is not yet definitely established - the normal,
average man calls “unreal”, “subjective”, “inside himself”, just as the jellyfish, if he
were a philosopher, would designate the phenomena of the physical plane. He
regards astral or mental phenomena as the result of his “imagination”, i.e., as forms
of his own creating, and not as the results of impacts upon his astral or mental
vehicle from external worlds, subtler [208] indeed, but as “real” and “objective” as
the external physical world. That is, he is not yet sufficiently evolved to have
reached self-realisation on those planes, and thus to have become capable of
objectivising there the external worlds. He is only conscious there of the changes in
himself, the changes in consciousness, and the external world is consequently to him
merely the play of his own desires and thoughts. He is, in fact, an infant on the astral
and mental planes. [209]
the sub-consciousness belongs to the Past, as the waking-consciousness to the
Present, as the super-consciousness to the Future.
“myself”. In the more advanced members of the human family, consciousness,
working on the astral and mental planes, is very rich and active, but its attention is
not yet turned outwards to the astral and mental worlds in which it is living, and its
activities find their outer expression in Self-consciousness on the physical plane, to
which all the outer attention in consciousness is turned, and into which is poured as
much of the higher workings as it is capable of receiving. From time to time,
powerful impacts on the astral or mental plane create so violent a vibration in
consciousness, that a wave of thought or emotion surges outwards into the waking
consciousness and throws it into such furious motion, that its normal activities are
swept away, submerged, and the man is hurried into action which is not directed or
[216] controlled by Self-consciousness. We shall consider this further when we
come to the super-physical consciousness.
which is working through its outermost vehicle, that is, which is manifesting on the
lowest plane then touched by that consciousness.
effect this, Self-consciousness in its higher vehicles must be at first [222] removed
from the physical body and made active on the astral plane; for until it knows itself
out of the dense body, it cannot separate out in the “dream”, the extra-physical
experiences from the chaotic fragments of physical experiences mixed up with them
in the brain. As clear water poured into a muddy bucket becomes mixed up with the
mud, so does an astral experience, poured down into a brain full of fragments of past
physical happenings, become blurred, confused, incongruous[64]. Eastern
psychology hence sought after methods of separating the Self-consciousness from its
physical vehicle, and it is interesting to observe that these methods, wholly different
as they are from those used in the West, and directed to the intensifying of
consciousness, reduce the body to the same state of quiescence as that induced by
physical methods in the West, when the western psychologist betakes himself to the
study of other-consciousness.
But when other than physical vision and physical tests are used, how
great is the difference between the super-physical conditions of consciousness in the
hypnotised subject and in the Yogi. H. P. Blavatsky has well described this
difference: “In the trance state the Aura changes entirely, the seven prismatic colours
being no longer discernible. In sleep also they are not all ‘at home’. For those which
belong to the spiritual elements in the man, viz., yellow, Buddhi; indigo, Higher
Manas; and the blue of the Auric Envelope, will be either hardly discernible or
altogether missing. The Spiritual Man is free during sleep, [226] and though his
physical memory may not become aware of it, lives, robed in his highest essence, in
realms on other planes, in realms which are the land of reality, called dreams on our
plane of illusion. A good clairvoyant, moreover, if he had an opportunity of seeing a
Yogi in the trance state and a mesmerised subject side by side, would learn an
important lesson in Occultism. He would learn to know the difference between self-
induced trance and a hypnotic state resulting from extraneous influence In the Yogi,
the ‘principles’ of the lower quaternary disappear entirely. Neither red, green, red-
violet, nor the auric blue of the body are to be seen; nothing but hardly perceptible
vibrations of the golden-hued Prana principle, and a violet flame streaked with gold
rushing upwards from the head, in the region where the Third Eye rests, and
culminating in a point. If the student remembers that the true violet, or the extreme
end of the spectrum, is no compound colour of red and blue, but a homogeneous
colour with vibrations seven times more rapid than those of the red, and that the
golden [227] hue is the essence of the three yellow lines from orange-red to yellow-
orange and yellow, he will understand the reason why; he [the Yogi] lives in his own
Auric Body, now become the vehicle of Buddhi-Manas. On the other hand, in a
subject in an artificially produced hypnotic or mesmeric trance, an effect of
unconscious when not of conscious Black Magic, unless produced by a high Adept,
the whole set of the principles will be present, with the Higher Manas paralysed,
Buddhi severed from it through that paralysis, and the red-violet Astral Body
entirely subjected to the Lower Manas and Kama Rupa”[65].
state. In the forcible closure of the avenues of the senses, through which its forces
pour out into the external world, these forces remain available as servants of the
superphysical consciousness. In the silence thus imposed on the physical plane, the
voices of the other planes can make themselves heard.
It has also been found that the results of deeper trance are not
identical with those of the more superficial. As the trance deepens, higher strata of
the super-physical consciousness manifest themselves in the brain. The famous case
of Leonie I., II. and III. is well-known; and it should be observed that Leonie I. knew
nothing of Leonie II. and III.; that Leonie II. knew Leonie I. but did not know
Leonie III.; that Leonie III. knew both Leonie I. and II. That is, the higher knows
the lower, while the lower does not know the higher - a most pregnant fact.
When we see that the exclusion of [231] the physical plane is the
condition for these manifestations of the super-physical consciousness, we begin to
understand the rationale of the methods of Yoga, practised in the East. When the
methods are physical, as in Hatha Yoga, the ordinary hypnotic trance is most often
obtained, and the subject, on re-awakening, remembers nothing of his experiences.
The method of the Raja Yoga, in which the consciousness is withdrawn from the
brain by intense concentration, leads the student to continuity of consciousness on
the successive planes, and he remembers his super-physical experiences on his
return to the waking state. Both in the West and in the East, the same cessation of
waking-consciousness is aimed at, in order to obtain traces of the super-physical
consciousness, or as the western psychologist would say, from the unconscious in
man. The eastern method, however, with thousands of years of experience behind it,
yields results incomparably greater in the realms of the super-physical
consciousness, and establishes, on the sure basis of reiterated [232] experiences, the
independence of consciousness as regards its physical vehicle.
The exstasy and the visions of Saints, in all ages and in all creeds,
afford another example of the irruptions from the “unconscious”. In these, prolonged
and absorbing prayer, or contemplation, is the means for producing the necessary
brain-condition. The avenues of the senses become closed by the intensity of the
inner concentration, and the same state is reached spasmodically and involuntarily
which the practiser of Raja Yoga seeks deliberately to attain. Hence we find that
devotees of all faiths ascribe their visions to the favour of the Deity worshipped, and
not to the fact that they have produced in themselves a passive brain-condition,
which enables the super-physical consciousness to imprint on that brain the sights
and sounds of the higher worlds.
modern civilisation. Hence, again, hysteria and other forms of nervous distress are
likely to accompany the visions.
But these facts do not take away from the importance of the
experiences, as facts in consciousness. Rather, perhaps, do they increase their
importance, as showing the way in which evolution works in the action of the
environment on an organism. The reiterated impacts of external forces stimulate the
growing organism, and very often temporarily overstrain it; but the very strain forces
forward its evolution. The crest of the evolutionary wave must always consist of
abnormal organisms; the steady, normal, safe, average organisms follow on behind;
they are most respectable, but perhaps not so interesting as the pioneers, and most
certainly not so instructive as regards the future. As a matter of fact, the forces of the
astral plane are constantly playing vigorously on the human brain, in order that it
may develop as a fuller [237] vehicle of consciousness, and a sensitive brain, in the
transitional state, is apt to be thereby thrown a little out of gear with the world of its
past. It is probable that a good many activities to which thought is at present
directed will, in the future, be carried on automatically, and will gradually sink
below the threshold of the waking consciousness, as have done various functions,
once performed purposively.
When we once recognise that forces subtler than the physical must
necessitate for their expression a more refined vehicle than the brain organised for
the reception of the physical, we shall cease to be troubled or distressed when we
find that the super-physical forces often find their readiest expression through brains
that are more or less out of gear with the physical plane. And we shall understand
that the abnormal physical symptoms accompanying their manifestations in no way
derogate from the value of these energies, nor from the importance of the part they
will play in the future of humanity. At the same time the wish must naturally arise to
find out some method whereby these forces may be enabled to manifest themselves
without risking the destruction of their physical instrument.
This way has been found in the East in the practice of Raja Yoga,
whereby the [239] safe exercise of the higher consciousness is sought by intense
concentration. This concentration, in itself, develops the brain as an instrument for
the subtler forces, working in the brain-cells in the manner already described in
connexion with thought.[68] Moreover, it slowly opens up the set of spirillae of the
atom, next in order to those now in activity, and thus adds a new organ for the higher
functioning. This process is necessarily a slow one, but it is the only safe way of
development; and, if its slowness be resented, it may be suggested as a reason for
patience that the student is endeavouring to ante-date the atomic development of the
next Round, and he can hardly expect to accomplish this with rapidity. It is,
however, this slowness of the Raja Yogic practices which renders them somewhat
unacceptable to the hurrying West; and yet there is no other way to secure a
balanced development. The choice lies between this and the morbid nervous
disturbances which accompany the irruptions of the super-[240]physical
consciousness into an unprepared vehicle. We cannot transcend the laws of Nature;
we can only try to understand, and then to utilise them. [241]
LET us now consider the work of the Monad in the shaping of his
vehicles, when he has, as his representatives - as himself on the third, fourth, and
fifth planes - Atma-Buddhi-Manas, with the causal body as the receptacle, the
treasure-house, of the experiences of each incarnation.
At the close of each period of life, that is to say, at the end of each
devachanic existence, he must stimulate into renewed activity the three successive
nuclei of the bodies he is to wear during his next life-period. First, he arouses the
mental nucleus. This arousing consists in increasing the flow of life through the
spirillae. It will be remembered that when the permanent units “went to [242] sleep”,
the normal flow of life in the spirillae lessened, and, during the whole period of
repose, this flow is small and slow.[69] When the time for reincarnation arrives, this
flow is increased, the spirillae thrill with life, and the permanent units, one after
another, behave as magnets, attracting round themselves appropriate matter. Thus
when the mental unit is stimulated, it begins to vibrate strongly, according to the
vibratory powers - the results of past experiences - stored up therein, drawing
towards and arranging round itself appropriate matter from the mental plane. Just as
a bar of soft iron becomes a magnet when a current is sent through a wire encircling
it, and as matter within its magnetic field will at once arrange itself round that
magnet, so is it with the permanent mental unit. When the life-current encircles it, it
becomes a magnet, and matter within the field of its forces arranges itself round it
and forms a new mental body. The matter attracted will be according to the
complexity of the permanent unit. Not only will finer or [244] coarser matter be
attracted, but the matter must also vary in the development of the atoms which enter
into the formation of its aggregations. The molecules attracted will be composed of
atoms the vibratory energies of which are identical with, or approach nearly to, or
are in tune with, those of the attracting unit. Hence, according to the stage of
evolution reached by the man, will be the development of the matter of his new
mental vehicle. In this way, incarnation after incarnation, a suitable mental body is
built up.
The man is thus clothed with new mental and astral bodies which
express his stage of evolution, and enable whatever powers and faculties he
possesses to express themselves duly in their own worlds.
But when we come to the shaping of the body on the physical plane a
new [245] element appears. So far as the Monad is concerned, the work is the same.
He vivifies the physical nucleus - the physical permanent atom - and it acts as a
magnet like its fellows. But now it is as though a man interfered with the attraction
and arrangement of matter within a magnetic field; the Elemental, charged with the
duty of shaping the etheric double after the model given by the Lords of Karma,
steps in and takes control of the work. The materials; indeed, may be gathered
together, as a workman might carry bricks for the building of a house, but the
builder takes the bricks, accepts or rejects, and sets them according to the plan of the
The next point in connexion with this building that we must consider
is the special work of organising the vehicles as expressions of consciousness,
leaving apart the general building by desire and thought, with which we are so
familiar. We are concerned here with details, rather than with broad outlines.
vehicles, he finds himself in possession of a form in which the sympathetic nervous
system is playing a very large part, and in which the cerebro-spinal has not yet
assumed predominance. He will have to work up a number of connecting links
between this sympathetic system which he inherits and the centres which he must
organise in his astral body, for his future independent functioning therein. But before
any independent functioning in any higher vehicle is possible, it is necessary to carry
it to a fairly high point as a transmitting vehicle, that is a vehicle through which he
works down to his body on the physical plane. We must distinguish between the
primary work of the organisation of the mental and astral vehicles that fits them to
be transmitters of part of the consciousness of the Spiritual Man, and the later work
of developing these same vehicles into independent bodies, in which the Spiritual
Man will be able to function on their respective planes. Hence there are two [248]
tasks to be performed: first the organisation of the mental and astral vehicles as
transmitters of consciousness to the physical body; secondly, the organisation of
these vehicles into independent bodies, in which consciousness can function without
the help of the physical body.
The astral and mental vehicles, then, must be organised in order that
the Spiritual Man may use the physical brain and nervous system as his organ of
consciousness on the physical plane. The impulse to such use comes from the
physical world by impacts upon the various nerve-ends, causing waves of nervous
energy to pass along the fibres to the brain: these waves pass from the dense brain to
the etheric, thence to the astral, thence to the mental vehicle, arousing a response
from the consciousness in the causal body on the mental plane. That consciousness,
thus roused by impacts from without, gives rise to vibrations, which flow down in
answer from the causal body to the mental, from the mental to the astral, from the
astral to the etheric and dense physical; [249] the waves set up electric currents in
the etheric brain, and these act on the dense matter of the nervous cells.
points of contact. When these links are made, the fiery current can flow through, and
observations of astral events can be transmitted fully to the physical brain. While
they can only be thus linked with the physical vehicle, the building of them as
centres and the gradual organisation [251] of them into wheels, can be begun from
any vehicle, and will be begun in any individual from that vehicle which represents
the special type of temperament to which he belongs. According as a man belongs to
one typical temperament or another, so will be the place of the greatest activity in
the building up of all the vehicles, in the gradual making of them into effective
instruments of consciousness to be expressed on the physical plane. This centre of
activity may be in the physical, astral, lower, or higher mental body. In any of these,
or even higher still, according to the temperamental type, this centre will be found in
the principle which marks out the temperamental type, and from that it works
“upwards” or “downwards”, shaping the vehicles so as to make them suitable for
the expression of that temperament.
became the appendage now called the pineal gland. As a Lemurian, he had been
psychic, the sympathetic system being largely affected by the surgings of the
undeveloped astral body. As an Atlantean, he gradually lost his psychic powers, as
the sympathetic system became subordinate and the cerebro-spinal grew stronger.
The pineal gland becomes connected with one of the chakras in the
astral body, and through that with the mental body, and serves as a physical organ
for the transmission of thought from one brain [257] to another. In thought
transmission the thought may be flashed from mind to mind, mental matter being
used as the medium for transmission; or it may be sent down to the physical brain,
and by means of the pineal gland may be sent, via the physical ether, to the pineal
gland in another brain, and thus to the receiving consciousness.
While the centre of activity lies in the dominant principle of the man,
the connexion of the chakras with the physical body must be made, as said, from the
physical plane. The object of this connexion is not to make the astral vehicle a more
efficient transmitter to the physical body of the energies of the Spiritual Man, but to
enable the astral vehicle to be in full touch with the physical. There may be different
centres of activity for the building up of transmitting vehicles, but it is necessary to
start from the physical plane in order to bring the results of the activities of bodies
functioning on other planes within the waking-consciousness. Hence the high
importance of physical purity in diet and other matters. [258]
The other reason for the lack of memory is the absence of the
connecting links with the sympathetic system before mentioned. A person may be
“awake” on the astral plane and functioning actively thereon, and he may be vividly
conscious of his surroundings. But if the connecting links between the astral and
physical systems have not been made, or are not vivified, there is a break in con-
sciousness. However vivid may be the consciousness on the astral plane, it cannot,
until these links are functioning, bring through and impress on the physical brain the
memory of astral experiences. In addition to these links, there must be the active
functioning of the pituitary body, [260] which focusses the astral vibrations much as
a burning glass focusses the rays of the sun. A number of the astral vibrations are
drawn together and made to fall on a particular point, and vibrations being thus set
up in dense physical matter, the further propagation of these is easy. All this is
necessary for “remembering”.
The question arises: Does consciousness always travel along the
same path to reach its physical vehicle? Transits, we know, are sometimes made
directly through the atomic sub-planes from plane to plane, and sometimes by
passing through each sub-plane from the seventh to the first before reaching the
atomic sub-plane next below. Which of these paths does consciousness follow In
its normal working, in the ordinary process of thinking, the wave comes steadily
down through each successive sub-plane, from the mental through the seven astral
sub-planes to the physical etheric, and so to the dense nervous matter. This wave sets
up electrical [261] currents in the etheric matter, and these affect the protoplasm of
the grey cells. But when the peculiar flashes of consciousness occur, as in flashes of
genius, or as in sudden illuminative ideas which flash into the mind - such a flash as
comes to the scientific man when out of a great mass of facts there suddenly springs
forth the unifying underlying law - then the consciousness pours downward through
the atomic sub-planes only, and thus reaches the brain. This is the illuminative idea
which justifies itself by its mere appearance, like the sunlight, and does not gain in
compelling power by any process of reasoning. Thus reasoning comes to the brain
by the successive sub-planes; authoritative illumination by the atomic sub-planes
only. [262]
Universal Self is present all which has taken place, is taking place, and will take
place in the universe; all this, and an illimitable more, is present in the Universal
Consciousness. Let us think only of a universe and its LOGOS. We speak of Him as
omnipresent and omniscient. Now, fundamentally, that [265] omnipresence and
omniscience are in the individualised Self, as being one with the LOGOS, but - we
must put in here a but - with a difference; the difference consisting in this, that while
in the separated Self as Self, apart from all vehicles, that omnipresence and
omniscience reside by virtue of his unity with the One Self, the vehicles in which he
dwells have not yet learned to vibrate in answer to his changes of consciousness, as
he turns his attention to one or another part of his contents. Hence we say that all
exists in him potentially, and not as in the LOGOS actually: all the changes which
go on in the consciousness of the LOGOS are reproducible in this separated Self,
which is an indivisible part of His life, but the vehicles are not yet ready as media of
manifestation. Because of the separation of form, because of this closing in of the
separate, or individualised, Self, these possibilities which are within it as part of the
Universal Self are latent, not manifest, are possibilities, not actualities. As in every
atom which goes to the making up of a vehicle, there are illimitable possibilities of
vibration, so in every [266] separated Self there are illimitable possibilities of
changes of consciousness.
Let us now see what happens as regards the physical vehicle in the
reception of an impression and in the subsequent recall of that impression, i.e., in the
memory of it.
A number of sense-impressions, coming through sight, hearing,
touch, taste, and smell run up from the physical vehicle through the astral to the
mental. There they are coordinated into a complex unity, as a musical chord is
composed of many notes. This is the special work of the mental body: it receives
many streams and synthesises them into one; it builds many impressions into a
perception, a thought, a complex unity.
Let us try to catch this complex thing, after it has gone inwards and
has caused a change in consciousness, an idea; the [272] change it has caused gives
rise to new vibrations in the vehicles, reproducing those it had caused on its inward
way, and in each vehicle it reappears in a fainter form. It is not strong, vigorous, and
vivid, as when its component parts flashed from the physical to the astral, and from
the astral to the mental; it reappears in the mental in a fainter form, the copy of that
which the mental sent inwards, but the vibrations feebler; as the Self receives from
it a reaction - for the impact of a vibration on touching each vehicle must cause a
reaction - that reaction is far feebler than the original action, and will therefore seem
less “real” than that action; it makes a lesser change in consciousness, and that
lessening represents inevitably a less “reality”.
vibrations initiated from outside on the astral plane by astral objects, these objects
grow “real”, and become distinguishable from the memories, the pictures in the
astral body caused by the reactions from consciousness.
Let us note, in passing, that with the memory of an object goes hand
in hand a picture of the renewal of the keener [275] experience of the object by
physical contact, and this we call anticipation; and the more complete the memory of
an event the more complete is this anticipation. So that the memory will sometimes
even cause in the physical body the reactions which normally accompany the contact
with the external object, and we may savour in anticipation pleasures which are not
within present reach of the body. Thus the anticipation of savoury food will cause
“the mouth to water”. This fact will again appear, when we reach the completion of
our theory of Memory.
Now, having noted the changes in the vehicles which arise from
impacts from the external world, the response to these as changes of consciousness,
the feebler vibrations produced in the vehicles by the reaction of consciousness, and
the recognition of these again by consciousness as memories, let us come to the crux
of, the question: What is Memory? The breaking up of the bodies between death
[276] and reincarnation puts an end to their automatism, to their power of
responding to vibrations similar to those already experienced; the responsive groups
are disintegrated, and all that remains as a seed for future responses is stored within
the permanent atoms; how feeble this is, as compared with the new automatisms
imposed on the mass of the bodies by new experiences of the external, may be
judged by the absence of any memory of past lives initiated in the vehicles
themselves. In fact, all the permanent atoms can do is to answer more readily to
vibrations of a kind similar to those previously experienced than to those that come
to them for the first time. The memory of the cells, or of groups of cells, perishes at
death, and cannot be said to be recoverable, as such. Where then is Memory
The brief answer is: Memory is not a faculty, and is not preserved it
does not inhere in consciousness as a capacity, nor is any memory of events stored
up in the individual consciousness Every event is a present fact in the universe-
consciousness, [278] in the consciousness of the LOGOS; everything that occurs in
His universe, past, present, and future, is ever there in His all-embracing
consciousness, in His “eternal NOW”. From the beginning of the universe to its
ending, from its dawn to its sunset, all is there, ever-present, existent. In that ocean
of ideas, all is; we, wandering in the ocean, touch fragments of its contents, and our
response to the contact is our knowledge; having known, we can more readily again
contact, and this repetition - when falling short of the contact of the outside sheath of
the moment with the fragments occupying its own plane - is Memory. All
“memories” are recoverable, because all possibilities of image-producing vibrations
are within the consciousness of the LOGOS, and we can share in that consciousness
the more easily as we have previously shared more often similar vibrations; hence,
the vibrations which have formed parts of our experience are more readily repeated
by us than those we have never known, and here comes in the value of the [278]
permanent atoms; they thrill out again, on being stimulated, the vibrations
previously performed, and out of all the possibilities of vibrations of the atoms and
molecules of our bodies those sound out which answer to the note struck by the
permanent atoms. The fact that we have been affected vibrationally and by changes
of consciousness during the present life makes it easier for us to take out of the
universal consciousness that of which we have already had experience in our own.
Whether it be a memory in the present life, or one in a life long past, the method of
recovery is the same. There is no memory save the ever-present consciousness of the
LOGOS, in whom we literally live and move and have our being; and our memory is
merely putting ourselves into touch with such parts of His consciousness as we have
previously shared.
sheath. The part of the consciousness of the LOGOS that we move through in our
physical bodies is far more restricted than that we move through in our astral and
mental bodies, and the contacts through a well-organised body are far more vivid
than those through a less-organised one. Moreover, it must be remembered that the
restriction of area is due to our vehicles only; faced by the complete event, physical,
astral, mental, spiritual, our consciousness of it is limited within the range of the
vehicles able to respond to it. We feel ourselves to be among the circumstances
which surround the grossest vehicle we are acting in, and which thus touch it from
“outside”; whereas we “remember” the circumstances which we contact with the
finer vehicles, these transmitting the vibrations to the grosser vehicle, which is thus
touched from “within”.
sub-conscious. Truly they remain ever unchanging in the Universal Consciousness,
and as we pass by them we become aware of them, because the very limited light of
our consciousness, shrouded in the physical vehicle, falls upon them, and they
disappear as we pass on; but as the area covered by that same light shining through
the astral vehicle is larger, they again appear when we are in trance - that is, in the
astral vehicle, free from the physical; they have not come and gone and come back
again, but the light of our consciousness in the physical [285] vehicle had passed on,
and so we saw them not, and the more extended light in the astral vehicle enables us
to see them again. As Bhagavan Das has well said:
As vehicle after vehicle comes into fuller working, the area of light
extends, and the consciousness can turn its attention to any one part of the area and
observe closely the objects therein included. Thus, when the consciousness can
function freely on the astral plane, and is aware of its surroundings there, it can see
much that on the physical plane is “past” – or “future”, if they be things to which in
the “past” it has learned to respond. Things outside the area of light coming through
the vehicle of the astral body will be within the area of that which streams from the
subtler mental vehicle. When the causal [287] body is the vehicle, the “memory of
past lives” is recoverable, the causal body vibrating more readily to events to which
it has before vibrated, and the light shining through it embracing a far larger area and
illuminating scenes long “past” - those scenes being really no more past than the
scenes of the present, but occupying a different spot in time and space. The lower
vehicles, which have not previously vibrated to these events, cannot readily directly
contact them and answer to them; that belongs to the causal body, the relatively
permanent vehicle. But when this body answers to them, the vibrations from it
readily run downwards, and may be reproduced in the mental, astral, and physical
The phrase is used above, as to consciousness, that “it can turn its
attention to any one part of the area, and observe closely the objects therein
included”. This “turning of the attention” corresponds very closely in consciousness
to what we should call focussing the eye in the physical [288] body. If we watch the
action taking place in the muscles of the eye when we look first at a near and then at
a distant object, or vice versa, we shall be conscious of a slight movement, and this
constriction or relaxation causes a slight compression or the reverse in the lenses of
the eye. It is an automatic action now, quite instinctive, but it has only become so by
practice; a baby does not focus his eye, nor judge distance. He grasps as readily at a
candle on the other side of the room as at one within his reach, and only slowly
learns to know what is beyond his reach. The effort to see clearly leads to the
focussing of the eye, and presently it becomes automatic. The objects for which the
eye is focussed are within the field of clear vision, and the rest are vaguely seen. So,
also, the consciousness is clearly aware of that to which its attention is turned; other
things remain vague, “out of focus”.
A man gradually learns to thus turn his attention to things long past,
as we measure time. The causal body is put into touch with them, and the vibrations
are then transmitted to the lower bodies. The [289] presence of a more advanced
student will help a less advanced, because when the astral body of the former has
been made to vibrate responsively to long past events, thus creating an astral picture
of them, the astral body of the younger student can more readily reproduce these
vibrations and thus also “see”. But even when a man has learned to put himself into
touch with his past, and through his own with that of others connected with it, he
will find it more difficult to turn his attention effectively to scenes with which he has
had no connexion; and when that is mastered, he will still find it difficult to put
himself into touch with scenes outside the experiences of his recent past; for
instance, if he wishes to visit the moon, and by his accustomed methods launches
himself in that direction, he will find himself bombarded by a hail of unaccustomed
vibrations to which he cannot instinctively respond, and will need to fall back on his
inherent divine power to answer to anything which can affect his vehicles. If he
seeks to go yet further, to another planetary system, he will find a barrier he cannot
overleap, [290] the Ring Pass-not of his own Planetary Logos.
everyday life as to the vast reaches alluded to in the above paragraph. For there is
nothing small or great to the LOGOS, and [291] when we are performing the
smallest act of memory, we are as much putting ourselves into touch with the
omnipresence and omniscience of the LOGOS, as when we are recalling a far-off
past. There is no “far-off”, and no “near”. All are equally present at all times and in
all spaces; the difficulty is with our vehicles, and not with that all-embracing
changeless Life. All becomes more and more intelligible and more peace-giving as
we think of that Consciousness, in which is no “before” and no “after”, no “past”
and no “future”. We begin to feel that these things are but the illusions, the
limitations, imposed upon us by our own sheaths, necessary until our powers are
evolved and at our service. We live unconsciously in this mighty Consciousness in
which everything is eternally present, and we dimly feel that if we could live
consciously in that Eternal there were peace. I know of nothing that can more give to
the events of a life their true proportion than this idea of a Consciousness in which
everything is present from the beginning, in which indeed there is no beginning and
no ending. We learn that [292] there is nothing terrible and nothing which is more
that relatively sorrowful; and in that lesson is the beginning of a true peace, which in
due course shall brighten into joy. [293]
Part II.
III. (Continued)
1. The 327
Vehicle of
2. The 333
Conflict of
Desire and
3. The Value 338
of an Ideal
4. The 342
Purification of
1. The Birth 348
of Emotion
2. The Play 354
of Emotion in
the Family
3. The Birth 361
of Virtues
4. Right and 363
5. Virtue and 365
6. The 367
of the
Emotions into
Virtues and
7. 371
Application of
the Theory to
8. The Uses 273
of Emotion
V. (Continued)
1. The 381
Training of
2. The 387
Force of
3. Methods 390
of Ruling the
4. The Using 399
of Emotion
5. The Value 405
of Emotion in
1. The Will 409
winning its
2. Why so 423
much Struggle
3. The Power 429
of the Will
4. White and 439
Black Magic
5. Entering 441
into Peace
IN the brief study of Origins which forms [points] 1., 2., of the
Introduction to this book, we saw that the Monad, coming forth from the First
Logos, showed in his own nature the tri-unity of his Source, the aspects of Will,
Wisdom, and Activity.
This is the secret, the motive power, of evolution. True, the great
Will traces the high road of evolution. True, spiritual Intelligences of many grades
guide the evolving entities along that high road. But too little attention has been paid
to the countless experiments, failures, successes, the little bye-ways and [301] twists
and curls, due to the gropings of the separate Wills, each Will to Live trying to find
Self-expression. The contacts from the outer world arouse in each Atma, the Will to
know what touches. He knows but little in the jellyfish, but the Will to know shapes,
in form after form, an ever-improving eye, that hinders less his power of perception.
As we study evolution, we become more and more conscious of Wills which shape
matter, but shape it by groping experiments, not by clear vision. The presence of
these many Wills makes the constant branching of the evolutionary tree. There is a
real truth in Professor Clifford’s playful story to the children about the great
Saurians of an early age: “Some chose to fly and became birds; others chose to
crawl, and became reptiles”. Often we see an attempt foiled, and then the attempt is
made in another direction. Often we see the most clumsy contrivances side by side
with the most exquisite adaptations. The latter are the results of Intelligences
knowing their aims and constantly chiselling the matter into [302] appropriate
forms; the others are the outcome of the strivings from within, still blind and
groping, but steadfastly set to Self-expression. If there were only outside designers,
seeing the end from the beginning, Nature would present us with insoluble puzzles
in her building, so many are the inadequate attempts, the ineffective designs. But
when we realise the presence of the Will to Live in each form, seeking Self-
expression, shaping his vehicles for his own purposes, then we can see alike the
creative plan which underlies all-the plan of the LOGOS; the admirable adaptations
which work out His plan - the labour of the building Intelligences; and the inapt
contrivances and clumsy expedients - due to the efforts of the Selves that will, but
have not yet the knowledge or the power to perform perfectly.
WHEN the Monad sends forth his rays into the matter of the third,
fourth, and fifth planes, and appropriates to himself an atom of each of these
planes,[73] he creates what is often called his “reflexion in matter”, the human
“Spirit”, and the Will-aspect of the Monad is mirrored in the human Atma, whose
home is on the third or atmic plane. That first hypostasis is indeed lessened in
powers by the veils of matter thus endued, but it is in no way distorted; as a well-
made mirror produces a perfect image of an object, so is the human Spirit, Atma-
Buddhi-Manas, a perfect image of the Monad, is, indeed, [305] the Monad himself
veiled in denser matter. But as a concave or convex mirror yields a distorted image
of an object placed before it, so do the further reflections of the Spirit in, or
involutions into, yet denser matter show but distorted images thereof.
Thus, when the Will, in its downward progress, veiling itself farther
on each plane, reaches the world immediately above the physical, the astral world, it
appears therein as Desire. Desire shows the energy, the concentration, the impelling
characteristics of Will, but matter has wrenched away its control its direction, from
the Spirit, and has usurped dominion over it. Desire is Will discrowned, the captive,
the slave of matter. It is no longer Self-determined, but is determined by the
attractions around it.
matter which arouses sensations, answers by impelling energy, and this energy,
aroused through and acting through astral matter, is Desire.
Rather does difficulty arise where desires are feeble, ere yet the Will
has freed itself from the trammels of astral matter; for in such case the Will to Live
is expressing itself but feebly, and there is little effective force available for
evolution. There is some obstacle, some barrier, in the vehicles, checking the
forthgoing energy of the Monad, and obstructing its free passage, and until that
barrier is removed there is little progress to be hoped for. In the storm the ship drives
onward, though there be peril of wreck, [309] but in the dead calm she remains
helpless and unmoving, answering neither to sail nor helm. And since, in this
voyage, no final wreck is possible, but only temporary damage, and the storm works
for progress rather than the calm, those who find themselves storm-tossed may look
forward with sure conviction to the day when the storm-gusts of Desire will be
changed into the steady wind of Will.
To the astral world we refer all our sensations. The centres by which
we feel lie in the astral body, and the reactions of these to contacts give rise to
feelings of pleasure and pain in consciousness. The ordinary physiologist traces
sensation of pleasure and pain from the point of contact to the brain-centre,
recognising only nervous vibrations between periphery and centre, and in the centre
the reaction of consciousness as sensation. We follow the vibrations further, finding
only vibrations in the brain-centre and in the ether permeating it, and seeing in the
astral [310] centre the point at which the reaction of consciousness takes place.
When a dislocation between the physical and astral bodies occurs, whether by the
action of chloroform, ether, laughing-gas, or other drugs, the physical body, despite
all its nervous apparatus, feels no more than if bereft of nerves. The links between
the physical body and the body of sensation are thrown out of gear, and conscious-
ness does not respond to any stimulus applied.
But the results of these contacts, long before the objects are
recognised, have caused, as above indicated, a division in, a forking of, Desire. We
may take as one of the simplest illustrations the craving for food in a lowly
organism; as the physical body wastes, becomes less, a sense of pain arises in the
astral body, a want, a craving, vague and indeterminate; the body, by its wasting, has
become a less effective vehicle of the life pouring down through the astral, and this
check causes pain. A current in the water that bathes the organism brings food up
against the body; it is absorbed, the waste is repaired, the life flows on unobstructed;
there is pleasure. At a little higher stage, when pain arises, there is the desire to
escape from it, the sense of repulsion arises, the contrary to the sense of attraction,
caused by pleasure. There results from this that Desire is cloven in twain. From the
Will to Live arose the longing to experience, and in the lower vehicle this longing,
appearing as Desire, becomes on the one [313] hand a longing for experiences that
make the feeling of life more vivid, and on the other a shrinking from all that
weakens and depresses. This attraction and repulsion are equally of the nature of
Desire. Just as a magnet attracts or repels certain metals, so does the embodied Self
attract and repel. Both attraction and repulsion are Desire, and these are the two
great motor-energies in life, into which all desires are ultimately resolvable. The Self
comes under the bondage of Desire, of Attraction-Repulsion, and is attracted hither
and thither, repelled from this or that, hurried about among pleasure and pain-giving
objects, as a helmless ship amid the currents of air and sea.
When a pleasure has been experienced, and has passed away, Desire
arises to experience it again, as we have seen. And this fact implies memory, which
is a function of the mind. Here, as ever, are we reminded that consciousness is ever
acting in its threefold nature, though one or other aspect may predominate, for even
the most germinal desire cannot arise without memory being present. The sensation
caused by an external impact must have been many times aroused, before the mind
will establish a relation between the sensation of which it is conscious, and the
external object which has caused the sensation. At last the mind “perceives” the
object, i.e., relates it to one of its own changes, recognises a modification in itself
caused by the external object. Repetitions of this perception will establish a definite
link in memory between the object and the [316] pleasurable or painful sensation,
and when Desire presses for the repetition of pleasure, the mind recalls the object
which supplied that pleasure. Thus the mingling of Thought with Desire gives birth
to a particular desire, the desire to find and appropriate the pleasure-giving object.
This desire impels the mind to exert its inherent activity. Discomfort
being caused by the unsatisfied craving, effort is made to escape the discomfort by
supplying the object wanted. The mind plans, schemes, drives the body into action,
in order to satisfy the cravings of Desire. And similarly, equally prompted by Desire,
the mind plans, schemes, drives the body into action in order to avoid the recurrence
of pain from an object recognised as pain-giving.
The third stage of the contact of the Self with the Not-Self is Action.
The mind having perceived the object of desire, leads to, guides and shapes the
action. Action is often said to arise from Desire, but Desire alone could only arouse
movement, or chaotic action. The force of Desire is propulsive, not directive.
Thought it is that adds the element of direction, and shapes the action purposively.
Since the Will to Live is the cause of the forthgoing, of the life
seeking [319] embodiment and appropriating to itself that which is necessary for its
manifestation and persistence in form, Desire, being Will on a lower plane, will
show similar characteristics, seeking to appropriate, to draw into itself, to make part
of itself that whereby its life in form may be maintained and strengthened. When we
desire an object, we seek to make it part of ourselves, part of the “I”, so that it may
form part of the embodiment of the “I”. Desire is the putting forth of the power of
attraction; it draws the desired object to itself. Whatever we desire, we attach to
ourselves. By the desire to possess it, a bond is established between the object and
the desirer. We tie to the Self this portion of the Not-Self, and the bond exists until
the object is possessed, or until the Self has broken off the bond and repudiated the
object. These are “the bonds of the heart”[76], and tie the Self to the wheel of births
and deaths.
These bonds between the desiror and the objects of desire are like
ropes that draw the Self to the place where the [320] objects of desire are found, and
thus determine its birth into one or another world. “On this runs the verse: He also
who is attached ever obtains by action that on which his mind has set its mark.
Having obtained the object of action he here performs, he comes again therefore
from that world to this world for the sake of action. Thus is it with the desiring
mind.”[77] If a man desires the objects of another world more than the objects of
this, then into that world will he be born. There is a continuing tension in the bond of
Desire until the Self and the object are united.
The one great determining energy, the Will to Live, which holds the
planets in their path around the sun, which prevents the matter of the globes from
scattering, which holds our own bodies together, that is the energy of Desire. That
which rules all is in us as Desire, and it must draw to us, or draw us to, everything
into which it has fixed its hooks. The hook of Desire fixes itself in an object, as a
harpoon in the whale at which it is flung [321] by the harpooner. When Desire has
fixed its harpoon in an object, the Self is attached to that object, has appropriated it
in Will, and presently must appropriate it in action. Hence a great Teacher has said:
“If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee … if thy right hand
offend thee, cut it off and cast it from thee”[78]. The thing desired becomes part of
the body of the Self, and, if it be evil, it should be torn out, at whatever cost of
anguish. Otherwise it will only be worn away by the slow attrition of time and of
weariness. “Only the strong can kill it out. The weak must wait for its growth, its
fruition, its death.”[79]
For the breaking of the bonds of Desire, recourse must be had to the
mind. Therein lies the power which shall first purify and then transmute Desire.
The mind records the results which follow the appropriation of each
object of [322] Desire, and marks whether happiness or pain has resulted from the
union of that object with the embodied Self. And when, after many appropriations of
an attractive object, it has found the result to be pain, it registers that object as one
which should be avoided in the future. “The delights that are contact-born, they are
verily wombs of pain.”[80]
Then arises strife. When that attractive object again presents itself,
Desire throws out its harpoon and seizes it, and begins to draw it in. The mind,
remembering the painful results of previous similar captures, endeavours to check
Desire, to cut, with the sword of knowledge, the attaching bond. Fierce conflict
rages within the man: he is dragged forward by Desire, held back by Thought; many
and many a time Desire will triumph and the object will be appropriated; but the
resulting pain is ever repeated, and each success of Desire arrays against it another
enemy in the forces of the mind. Inevitably, however slowly, Thought proves
stronger, until, at last, victory [323] inclines to its side, and a day comes when the
desire is weaker than the mind, and the attractive object is loosed, the attaching cord
is cut. For that object, the bond is broken.
Only by the Self as Thought can be mastered the Self as Desire; the
Self, realising itself as the life, overcomes the Self embodied and thinking itself to be
the form. The man must learn to separate himself from the vehicles in which he
desires, thinks, and acts, to know them as part of the Not-Self, as material external to
the life. Thus the energy that went out to objects in the lower desires becomes the
higher desire guided by the mind, and is prepared to be transmuted into Will.
As the lower mind merges itself in the higher, and the higher into
that which is Wisdom, the aspect of pure Will emerges [325] as the Power of the
Spirit, Self-determined, Self-ruled, in perfect harmony with the Supreme Will, and
therefore free. Then only are all bonds broken, and the Spirit is unconstrained by
aught outside himself. Then, and then only, can the Will be said to be free. [326]
DESIRE (continued).
Moreover, the lower sub-states of astral matter serve chiefly for the
manifestation of the lower desires, while the higher sub-states vibrate in answer to
the desires which have changed, by the intermixture of mind, into emotions. The
lower desires, grasping after objects of pleasure, find that the lower sub-states serve
as medium for their attractive force, and the coarser and baser the desires, the
coarser are the aggregations of matter that fitly express them. As the desire causes
the corresponding material in the astral body to vibrate, that matter becomes strongly
vitalised and attracts fresh similar matter from outside to itself, and thus increases
the amount of such matter in the constitution of the astral body. When the desires are
gradually refined into emotions, [328] intellectual elements entering into them, and
selfishness diminishing, the amount of finer matter similarly increases in the astral
body, while the coarser matter, left un-vitalised, loses energy and decreases in
Desire, as it builds in the coarser materials, must be checked by the
mind, the mind refusing to picture the passing pleasure which the possession of the
object would entail, and picturing to itself the more lasting sorrow it would cause.
As we get rid of the coarser matter which vibrates in answer to the baser attractions,
those attractions lose all power to disturb us.
because not understood. The man should understand that the dream shows that the
temptation is conquered so far as he is concerned, and that he is only troubled by the
corpse of past desires, vivified from outside on the astral plane, or if from within,
then by a dying desire too weak to move him in his waking moments. The dream is
a sign of a victory well-nigh complete. At the same time it is a warning; for it tells
the man that there is still in his astral body some matter apt to be vivified by vibra-
tions of the drink-craving, and that therefore he should not place himself during
waking life under conditions where such vibrations may abound. Until such dreams
have entirely ceased, the astral body is not free from matter that is a source of
The habit of grasping and enjoying has been established for hundreds
of lives, and is strong, while the habit of resisting a present pleasure in order to avoid
a future pain is only in course of establishment, and is consequently very weak.
Hence the conflicts between the Thinker and the Desire-nature end for a long time in
a series of defeats. The young Mind struggling with the mature Desire-body finds
itself constantly vanquished. But every victory of the Desire-nature, being followed
by a brief pleasure and a long pain, gives birth to a new force hostile to itself that
recruits the strength of its opponent. Each defeat of the Thinker thus sows the seeds
of his future victory, and his strength daily grows while the strength of the Desire-
nature diminishes.
Our knowledge of right and wrong grows out of experience, and is
elaborated only by trial. The sense of right and wrong, now innate in the civilised
man, has been developed by innumerable experiences. In the early days of the
separated Self all experiences were useful in his evolution, and brought him the
lessons needful for his growth. Gradually he learned that the yielding to desires
which, in the course of their gratification injured others, brought him pain out of
proportion to the temporary pleasure derived from their satisfaction. He began to
attach the word “wrong” to the desires the yielding to which brought a
predominance of pain, and this the more quickly because the Teachers who guided
his early growth placed on the objects which attracted such desires the ban of Their
disapproval. When he had disobeyed Them and suffering followed, the impression
made on the Thinker was the more powerful for the previous foretelling, and
conscience - the Will to do [336] the right and abstain from the wrong - was
proportionately strengthened.
Now the Thinker in his conflict with the Desire-nature calls to his aid
that very nature, and strives to awaken in it a desire which shall be opposed to the
desires against which he is waging war. As the attraction of a weak magnet may be
overpowered by that of a stronger one, so may one desire be strengthened for the
overcoming of another, a right desire may be aroused to combat a wrong one. Hence
the value of an ideal.
and that that which attracts one temperament by no means necessarily attracts
another. An abstract ideal and a personal one are equally good, regarded from a
general standpoint, and that should be selected which has, on the individual choosing
it, the most attractive influence. A person of the intellectual temperament will
usually find an abstract ideal the more satisfactory; whereas one of the emotional
temperament will demand a concrete embodiment of his thought. The disadvantage
of the abstract ideal is that it is apt to fail in compelling inspiration; the disadvantage
of the concrete embodiment is that the embodiment is apt to fall below the ideal.
Thus Thought may shape and direct Desire, and turn it from an
enemy into an ally. By changing the direction of Desire, it becomes a lifting and
quickening instead of a retarding force, and where desires for objects held us fast in
the mire of earth, desire for the ideal lifts us on strong wings to heaven.
There is also a danger in this latter method, since the coarser matter
in the vehicle of Desire is increased by this dwelling in thought on evil, and the
struggle is thereby rendered longer than when it is possible to throw the life into
good desires and high aspirations. Therefore it is the worse method of the two, only
to be accepted when the other is unattainable. [345]
With this triumph comes the ceasing of Desire. For then external
objects no longer either attract or repel the outgoing energies of Atma, and these
energies are entirely directed by Self-determined Wisdom; that is, Will has taken the
place of Desire. Good and evil are seen as the divine forces that work for evolution,
the one as necessary as the other, the one the complement of the other. The good is
the force that is to be worked with; the evil is the force that is to be worked against;
by the right using of both the powers of the Self are evolved into manifestation.
When the Self has developed the aspect [346] of Wisdom, he looks
on the righteous and the wicked, the saint and the sinner, with equal eyes, and is
therefore equally ready to help both, to reach out strong hand to either. Desire,
which regarded them with attraction and repulsion, as pleasure-giving and pain-
giving, has ceased, and Will, which is energy directed by Wisdom, brings fitting aid
to both. Thus man rises above the tyranny of the pairs of opposites, and dwells in the
Eternal Peace. [347]
Two savages are drawn towards each other by the attraction of sex; a
passion [349] to possess the other arises in each; each desires the other. The desire is
as simple as the desire for food. But it cannot be satisfied to the same extent, for
neither can wholly appropriate and assimilate the other; each to some extent
maintains his or her separate identity, and each only partially becomes the “Me” of
the other. There is indeed an extension of the “Me”, but it is by way of inclusion and
not by way of self-identification. The presence of this persisting barrier is necessary
for the transformation of a desire into an emotion. This makes possible the attach-
ment of memory and anticipation to the same object, and not to another object
similar in kind - as in the case of food. A continuing desire for union with the same
object becomes an emotion, thoughts thus mingling with the primary desire to
possess. The barrier which keeps the mutually attracted objects as two not one,
which prevents their fusion, while it seems to frustrate really immortalises; were it
swept away, desire and emotion alike would vanish, and the Twain-become-One
must then seek another external [350] object for the further self-expansion of
We have seen that Desire has two main expressions: desire to attract,
in order to possess, or again to come into contact [352] with, any object which has
previously afforded pleasure; desire to repel, in order to drive far away, or to avoid
contact with, any object which has previously inflicted pain. We have seen that
Attraction and Repulsion are the two forms of Desire, swaying the Self.
[353] Its ties are indeed more lasting, more complicated, are composed of more
numerous and more delicate threads interwoven into greater complexity, but the
essence of Desire-Attraction, the binding of two objects together, is the essence of
Emotion-Attraction, of Love. And so also does Hate seek to drive away from itself
the repellent object, or to flee from it, in order to be apart from it, to repulse, or be
repulsed by, it. It separates by pain, by unhappiness. And thus the essence of Desire-
Repulsion, the driving apart of two objects, is the essence of Emotion-Repulsion, of
Hate. Love and Hate are the elaborated and thought-infused forms of the simple
Desires to possess and to shun.
Sex-attraction is the first social bond, and the children born to the
husband and wife form, with them, the first social unit, the family. The prolonged
helplessness and dependence of the human infant give time for the physical passion
of parentage to ripen into the emotion of maternal and paternal love, and thus give
stability to the family, while the family itself forms a field in which the various
emotions inevitably play. Herein are first established definite and permanent
relations between human beings, and on the harmony of these relations, on the
benefits bestowed by these relations on each member of the family, does the
happiness of each depend. [355]
children and of children to parents, where physical superiority and inferiority are far
more strongly marked and persist for a considerable period of time, these love -
emotions will be continually manifested on both sides. Tenderness, compassion,
protection, will be constantly shown by the parents to the children, and trust,
confidence, gratitude, will be the constant answer of the children. Variations in the
expression of the love-emotion will be caused by variety of circumstances, which
will call out generosity, forgiveness, patience, etc., on the part of the parents, and
obedience, dutifulness, serviceableness, etc., on the part of the children. Taking
these two classes of love-emotions, we see that the common essence in the one class
is benevolence, and in the other reverence; the first is love looking downwards on
those weaker, inferior to itself; the other love looking upwards on those stronger,
superior to itself. And we can then generalise and say: Love looking downwards is
Benevolence; Love looking upwards is Reverence; and these are the [357] several
common characteristics of Love from superiors to inferiors, and Love from inferiors
to superiors universally.
The normal relations between husband and wife, and those between
brothers and sisters, afford us the field for studying the manifestations of love
between equals. We see love showing itself as mutual tenderness and mutual
trustfulness, as consideration, respect, and desire to please, as quick insight into and
endeavour to fulfil the wishes of the other, as magnanimity, forbearance. The
elements present in the love-emotions of superior to inferior are found here, but
mutuality is impressed on all of them. So we may say that the common characteristic
of Love between equals is Desire for Mutual Help.
bring about union, are of the very nature of Love. Hence Love is of the Spirit; for
sympathy is the feeling for another as one would feel for oneself; self-sacrifice is the
recognition of the claim of the other, as oneself; giving is the condition of spiritual
life. Thus Love is seen to belong to the Spirit, to the life-side of the universe.
We have thus far dealt with the play of Emotion in the family,
because the family serves as a miniature of society. Society is only the integration of
numerous family units, but the absence of the blood-tie between these units, the
absence of recognised common interests and common objects, makes it necessary to
find some bond which will supply the place of the natural bonds in the family. The
family units in a Society appear on the surface as rivals, rather than as brothers and
sisters; hence the Hate-Emotion is more likely to rise than the Love-Emotion, and it
is necessary to find some way of maintaining harmony; this is done by the
transmutation of Love-Emotions into virtues.
We have seen that when members of a family pass beyond the small
circle of relatives, and meet people whose interests are either indifferent or opposed
to them, there is not between them and the others the mutual interplay of Love.
Rather does [361] Hate show itself, ranging from the watchful attitude of suspicion
to the destroying fury of war. How then is a society to be composed of the separate
family units?
love, but not by love alone. There enter into it also contempt of the honour of
another, indifference to the happiness of another, the selfish grasping at personal
pleasure at the cost of social stability, social honour, social decency. All these spring
from hate-emotions. The love is the one redeeming feature in the whole transaction,
the one virtue in the bundle of sordid vices. Similar analysis will always show that
when the exercise of a love-emotion is wrong, the wrongness lies in the vices bound
up with its exercise, and not in the love-emotion itself.
Let us now turn, for a moment, to the question of Right and Wrong,
and see the [363] relation they bear to bliss and misery. For there is an idea widely
current that there is something low and materialistic in the view that virtue is the
means to bliss. Many thinly that this idea degrades virtue, giving it the second place
where it should hold the first, and making it a means instead of an end. Let us then
see why virtue must be the path to bliss, and how this inheres in the nature of things.
When the Intellect studies the world, and sees the innumerable
relations established therein, and observes that harmonious relations bring about
happiness, and that jarring relations bring about misery, it sets to work to find out
the way of establishing universal harmony and hence universal bliss. Further, it dis-
covers that the world is moving along a path which it is compelled to tread - the path
of evolution, and it finds out the law of evolution. For a part, a unit, to set itself with
the law of the whole to which it belongs means peace, harmony, and therefore
happiness, while for it to set itself against that law means friction, [364] disharmony,
and therefore misery. Hence the Right is that which, being in harmony with the great
law, brings bliss, and the Wrong is that which, being in conflict with the great law,
brings misery. When the intellect, illuminated by the Spirit, sees nature as an
expression of divine Thought, the law of evolution as an expression of the divine
Will, the goal as an expression of divine Bliss, then for harmony with the law of
evolution we may substitute harmony with the divine Will, and the Right becomes
that which is in harmony with the Will of God, and morality becomes permeated
with religion.
This fact is sometimes veiled by [365] another, i.e., that the practice
of a virtue under certain circumstances brings about misery. That is true, but the
misery is temporary and superficial, and the balance between that outer misery and
the inner bliss arising from the virtuous conduct, is in favour of the latter; and
further, the misery is not due to the virtue but to the circumstances which oppose its
practice, to the friction between the good organism and the evil environment. So
when you strike a harmonious chord amid a mass of discords, for a moment it
increases the discord. The virtuous man is thrown into conflict with evil, but this
should not blind us to the fact that bliss is ever wedded indissolubly to Right and
misery to Wrong. Even though the righteous may suffer temporarily, nothing but
righteousness can lead to bliss. And if we examine the consciousness of the
righteous, we find that he is happier in doing the right though superficial pain may
result, than in doing the wrong which would ruffle the inner peace. The commission
of a wrong act would cause him inner anguish outweighing the external pleasure.
Even in [366] the case where righteousness leads to external suffering, the suffering
is less than would be caused by unrighteousness. Miss Helen Taylor has well said
that for the man who dies for the sake of truth, death is easier than life with
falsehood. It is easier and pleasanter for the righteous man to die as a martyr, than to
live as a hypocrite.
Since the nature of the Self is bliss, and that bliss is only hindered in
manifestation by resisting circumstances, that which removes the friction between
itself and these circumstances and opens its onward way must lead to its Self-
realisation, i.e., to the realisation of bliss. Virtue does this, and therefore virtue is a
means to bliss. Where the inner nature of things is peace and joy, the harmony which
permits that nature to unveil itself must bring peace and joy, and to bring about this
harmony is the work of virtue.
We have now to see more fully the truth of what was said above, that
virtue [367] grows out of emotion, and how far it is true that a virtue or a vice is
merely a permanent mood of an emotion. Our definition is that virtue is a permanent
mood of the love-emotion, and vice a permanent mood of the hate-emotion.
intense spontaneous wish to make the beloved happy. This leads the one who can
give to supply what the other needs. In the fullest sense, “love is the fulfilling of the
law”[84]; there is no need for the feeling of an obligation, for love seeks ever to help
and to bless, and there is no need for “thou shalt”, or “thou shalt not”.
But when a person, moved by love to discharge all the duties of his
relation with another, comes into relation with those he does not love, how is a
harmonious relation with them to be established? By recognising the obligations of
the relation into which he has entered, and discharging them. The doings which grew
out of love in the one case present themselves as obligations, as duties, in the other,
where love is not present. Right reason works the [369] spontaneous actions of love
into permanent obligations, or duties, and the love-emotion, made a permanent
element of conduct, is called a virtue. This is the justification of the statement that a
virtue is the permanent mood of a love-emotion. A permanent state of emotion is
established which will show itself when a relation is made; the man discharges the
duties of that relation; he is a virtuous man. He is moved by emotions made per-
manent by the intellect, which recognises that happiness depends on the establish-
ment of harmony in all relations. Love, rationalised and fixed by the intellect, is
In this way may be built up a science of ethics, of which the laws are
as much an inevitable sequence as those on which any other science is built.
When the nature of virtue and vice is thus seen, it is clear that the
shortest way of strengthening the virtues and [372] eliminating the vices is to work
directly on the emotional side of the character. We can strive to develop the love--
emotion, thus affording the material which the reason will elaborate into its charac-
teristic virtues. The development of the love-emotion is the most effective way of
evolving the moral character, virtues being but the blossoms and the fruits which
spring from the root of love.
The value of this clear view of the transmutation of emotions into
virtues and vices lies in the fact that it gives us a definite theory on which we can
work; it is as though we were seeking a distant place, and a map were placed before
our eyes; we trace thereon the road which leads from our present position to our
goal. So many really good and earnest people spend years in vague aspirations after
goodness, and yet make but little progress; they are good in purpose but weak in
attainment; this is chiefly because they do not understand the nature in which they
are working, and the best methods for its culture. They are like a [372] child in a
garden, a child eager to see his garden brilliant with flowers, but without the
knowledge to plant and cultivate them, and to exterminate the weeds which
overgrow his plot. Like the child, they long for the sweetness of the virtue-flowers,
and find their garden overrun with the rank growth of the weeds of vice.
The uses of hate are not at first so obvious, but are none the less
important. At first, when we study hate and see that its essence is disintegration,
destruction, it may seem all evil; “He who hateth his brother is a murderer,” saith a
great Teacher[85], because murder is but an expression of hate; and even when hate
does not go so far as murder, it is still a destroying force; it breaks up the family, the
nation, and wherever it goes it tears people apart. Of what use, then, is hate?
Let us take the case of a man little evolved; he desires to avoid gross
sins, but yet feels tempted to them. The desire to avoid them will show itself as
hatred of those in whom he sees them; to check this hatred would be to plunge him
into temptations he is not yet strong enough to resist. As he evolves further and
further [377] from the danger of yielding to temptation, he will hate the sins, but will
pityingly sympathise with the sinner. Not till he has become a saint can he afford not
to hate the evil.
When the man has risen to the point where he hates neither sinner
nor sin, then the disintegrating force - which is hate among human beings - becomes
simply an energy to be used for destroying the obstacles which embarrass the path of
evolution. When perfected wisdom guides [378] the constructive and destructive
energies, and perfected love is the motive power, then only can the destructive force
be used without incurring the root-sin of the feeling of separateness. To feel
ourselves different from others is the “great heresy”, for separateness, when the
whole is evolving towards unity, is opposition to the Law. The feeling of
separateness is definitely wrong, whether it leads to one’s thinking oneself more
righteous or more sinful. The perfect saint identifies himself with the criminal as
much as with another saint, for the criminal and the saint are alike divine, although
in different stages of evolution. When a man can feel thus, he touches the life of the
Christ in man. He does not think of himself as separate, but as one with all. To him
his own holiness is the holiness of humanity, and the sin of any is his sin. He builds
no barrier between himself and the sinner, but pulls down any barrier made by the
sinner, and shares the sinner’s evil while sharing with him his good.
Those who can feel the truth of this “counsel of perfection” should,
in their [379] daily lives, seek to practise it, however imperfectly. In dealing with the
less advanced, they should ever seek to level the dividing wall. For the sense of
separateness is subtle, and endures till we achieve Christhood. Yet by this effort we
may gradually lessen it, and to strive to identify ourselves with the lowest is to
exercise the constructive energy which holds the worlds together, and to become
channels for the divine love. [380]
EMOTION (continued).
to measure the cause of pain and the cure, and then to apply a remedy which heals
[383] instead of perpetuating. Right season must govern and direct emotion, if good
is to result from its exercise. Emotion should be the impulse to action, but not its
director; direction belongs to the intelligence, and its guiding prerogative should
never be wrenched away from it. Where the consciousness thus works, having strong
emotion as the impulse, and right reason as director, there is the sympathetic and
wise man who is useful to his generation.
The student, who is studying his own nature in order to take his own
evolution [385] in hand and direct its future course, must carefully observe his own
strength and his own weakness, in order to regulate the one and correct the other. In
unevenly developed persons intellect and emotion are apt to vary in inverse ratio to
each other; strong emotions go with weak intelligence, and strong intelligence with
weak emotions; in one case the directing power is weak, in the other the motive. The
student, then, in his self-analysis, must see whether his intelligence is well-
developed, if he finds his emotions to be strong; he must test himself to discover
whether he is unwilling to look at things in “the clear dry light of intellect”; if he
feels repelled when a subject is presented to him in this light, he may rest assured
that the emotional side of his nature is over-developed in proportion to the
intellectual side. For the well-balanced man would resent neither the clear light of
the directive intelligence, nor the strong force of the motive emotion. If, in the past,
one side has been over-cultivated, if the emotions have been fostered to the detri-
ment of the intelligence, then the efforts [386] should be turned to the strengthening
of the intellect, and the resentment which arises against a coldly intellectual
presentation should be sternly curbed, the difference between intelligence and
sympathy being recognised.
The first and most powerful method for obtaining mastery of the
emotions is - as in all that touches consciousness - Meditation. Before contact with
the world has disturbed the emotions, meditation should be resorted to. Coming back
into the body after the period of physical sleep, from a world subtler than the
physical, the Ego will find his tenement quiet, and can take possession calmly of the
rested brain and nerves. Meditation later in the day, when the emotions have been
disturbed, and when they are in full activity, is not as efficacious. The quiet time
which is available after sleep is the right season for effective meditation, the desire-
body, the emotional nature, being more tranquil than after it has [390] plunged into
the bustle of the world. From that peaceful morning hour will stream out the
influence which will guard during the day, and the emotions, soothed and stilled,
will be more amenable to control.
it to one that is not ready. There is plenty to suit the needs of each, but discretion is
needed to choose wisely, and enthusiasm must not force a premature enlightenment.
[393] Many a young Theosophist does more harm than good by his over-eager
pressing on others of the treasures he prizes so highly. Lastly, the form of the
speech, the necessity or the usefulness of its utterance, should be considered. A truth
that might help may be changed into a truth that hinders by the way in which it is
put. “Never speak what is untrue, never speak what is unpleasant”, is a golden rule
of speech. All speech should be truthful, sweet and agreeable. This agreeableness of
speech is too often forgotten by well-meaning people, who even pride themselves on
their candour, when they are merely rude and indifferent to the feelings of those
whom they address. But that is neither good breeding nor religion, for the
unmannerly is not the religious. Religion combines perfect truth with perfect
courtesy. Moreover, the superfluous, the useless, is mischievous, and there is much
injury done by the continual bubbling over of frivolous emotions in chatter and
small talk. People who cannot bear silence, and are ever chattering, fritter away their
intellectual and moral forces, as well as give utterance to a hundred follies, [394]
better left unsaid. To be afraid of silence is a sign of mental weakness, and calm
silence is better than foolish speech. In silence the emotions grow and strengthen,
while remaining controlled, and thus the motive power of the nature increases and is
also brought into subjection. The power of being silent is great, and often exercises a
most soothing effect; on the other hand, he who has learned to be silent must be
careful that his silence does not trench on his courtesy, that he does not, by inappro-
priate silence among others, make them feel chilled and uncomfortable.
“But should I not follow my intuition?” some one may ask. Impulse
and intuition are too often confused, though radically different in origin and
characteristics. Impulse springs from the desire-nature, from the consciousness
working through the astral body, and is an energy flung outwards in response to a
stimulus from outside, an energy undirected by the intelligence, hasty, unconsidered,
headlong. Intuition springs from the spiritual Ego, and is an energy flowing
outwards to meet a demand from outside, an energy directed by the spiritual Ego,
strong, calm, purposeful. For distinguishing between the two, until the nature is
thoroughly balanced, calm consideration is necessary, and delay is essential; an
impulse dies away under such consideration and delay; an intuition grows clearer
and stronger under such conditions; calmness enables the lower mind to hear it, and
to feel its serene imperiousness. Moreover, if what [397] seems to be an intuition is
really a suggestion from some higher Being, that suggestion will sound the louder
for our quiet meditation, and will lose nothing of force by such calm delay.
Only he can use an emotion who has become its master, and who
knows that the emotions are not himself but are playing in the vehicles in which he
dwells, and are due to the interaction between the Self and the Not-Self. Their ever-
changing nature marks them as belonging to the vehicles; they are stirred into
activity by things without, answered to by the consciousness within. The attribute of
consciousness that gives rise to emotions is Bliss, and pleasure and pain are the
motions in the desire-vehicle caused by the contacts of the outer world, and by the
response through it to these of the Self as Bliss; just as thoughts are the motions due
to similar contacts and to the response to them of the Self as Knowledge. As the Self
knows itself, and distinguishes itself from its vehicles, it becomes ruler of the
emotions, and pleasure and pain become equally modes of Bliss. [399]
and address itself calmly to the work in hand. Then whatever comes is turned into
use. Out of pain is gained power, as out of pleasure are gained vitality and courage.
All become forces to help, instead of obstacles to hinder.
answer to unkindness. The steady, deliberate practice of answering thus the
vibrations of wrong emotions reaching us from outside [403] will establish a habit in
the emotion-body, and it will respond rightly automatically.
The teaching of all the great Masters of Ethics is the same: “Return
good for evil”. And the teaching is based on this interchange of vibrations, caused by
love and hate-emotions. The return of evil intensifies it, while the return of good
neutralises the evil. To stir love-emotions in others by sending to them a stream of
such emotions, so as to stimulate all that is good in them and to weaken all that is
bad, is the highest use to which we can put our emotions in daily human service. It is
a good plan to bear in mind a list of correspondences in emotions, and to practise
accordingly, answering pride by humility, discourtesy by compassion, arrogance by
submission, harshness by gentleness, irritability by calmness. Thus is a nature built
up which answers all evil emotions by the corresponding good ones, and which acts
as a benediction on all around, lessening the evil in them and strengthening the good.
We have seen that emotion is the motive power in man, and to turn it
into a helper in evolution we must utilise it to lift and not allow it to degrade. The
Ego, in his evolution, needs “points to draw him” upwards, as says the Voice of the
Silence, for the upward way is steep, and an attractive object above us, towards
which we can strive, is an aid impossible to over-estimate. Only too often we lag on
the way, and feel no desire to proceed; aspiration is inert, the longing to rise has fled.
Then may we summon emotion to our aid, by twining it around some object of
devotion, and thus gain the impetus we need, the lifting force we crave.
the help [406] our hero gives us as an inspiration and a measure of our own
achievement. No ordinary person can be turned into a hero; it is only when the Self
shines out with more than ordinary lustre that the inclination to hero-worship arises.
The man is a hero, though not yet super-human, and his weaknesses are but as spots
in the sun. There is a proverb which says: “No man is a hero to his valet-de-
chambre,” and the cynic reads this as meaning that the most heroic man owes his
greatness to distance. But is not the meaning rather that the valet-soul, intent on the
shine of a boot and the set of a necktie, cannot appreciate that which makes the hero,
having naught in him that can sound sympathetically with the notes the hero strikes?
For to be able to admire means to be able to achieve, and love and reverence for the
great is a sign that a man is growing like them.
That the pure light of the Self shines through none who walk the
miry paths of earth is true, but there are some through whom enough light shines to
lighten the darkness, and to help us to see where to plant our feet. It is better to thank
and honour these, to rejoice and be glad in them, than to belittle them because they
are not wholly of heaven, because some touches of human weakness still entangle
their feet. Blessed indeed are they who have in themselves the hero-nature and hence
recognise their elder kin; for them waits the open gate to the upper reaches, and the
more they love, the more they honour, the swifter will be their approach to that
gateway. No better karma comes to a man than to find the hero who may bear him
company to the entering; no sadder karma than to have seen him, in an illuminated
moment, and then to have cast him aside, blinded by an imperfection he is out-
growing. [408]
We have seen that this Will, the Power of the Self, becomes what we
call Desire on the denser planes of matter, and that, blinded by matter and unable to
see its way, its direction is determined by the attractions and repulsions playing upon
it from external objects. Hence we cannot say of the Self at this period that he is
Self-directed; he is directed by attractions and repulsions that touch him at his
periphery. We have further seen that as Desire came into touch with Intelligence,
and these two aspects of the Self played upon each other, emotions evolved,
showing traces of their parentage, of their Desire-mother and of their Intelligence-
father. And we, have studied the methods by [410] which emotion may be
controlled, put to its true uses, and thus rendered serviceable instead of dangerous in
human evolution.
We have now to consider how this Will, the hidden Power which has
ever moved to activity though not yet controlling activity, slowly wins to freedom,
that is to Self-determination. In a moment we shall consider what is meant by this
word “freedom”.
Self, not the Self matter, and this it does by virtue of the Self regarding matter as
himself, identifying himself with it; as he wills through it, thinks through it, acts
through it, it becomes to him verily himself, and deluded he cries: “I am this!” and
while it limits him and binds him, he, feeling it to be himself, cries: “I am free.” Yet
is this mastering of the Self by matter but a temporary thing, for the matter is ever
changing, coming and going, impermanent, [411] and is ever being shaped and
unconsciously drawn round and rejected by the unfolding forces of the Self,
permanent amid the impermanent.
will drop this weight or not”. But such argument is beside the question. No one
denies the power of a person, physically unconstrained, to leave a room or to stay
[414] in it, to drop a weight or to uphold it. The interesting question is: “Why do I
choose?” When we analyse the choice, we see that it is determined by motive, and
the determinist argues: “Your muscles can uphold or drop the weight, but if there is
a valuable and fragile article underneath, you will not choose to drop it. That which
determines your choice not to drop it is the presence of that fragile object. Your
choice is determined by motives, and the strongest motive directs it”. The question is
not: “Am I free to act”" but: “Am I free to will?” And we see clearly that the Will is
determined by the strongest motive, and that, so far as that goes, the determinist is
In truth, this fact that the Will is determined by the strongest motive
is the basis of all organised Society, of all law, of all penalty, of all responsibility, of
all education. The man whose will is not thus determined is irresponsible, insane. He
is a creature who cannot be appealed to, cannot be reasoned with, cannot be relied
on, a person without reason, logic, or memory, without the attributes we [415]
regard as human. I n law, a man is regarded as irresponsible when no motive sways
him, when no ordinary reasons affect him; he is insane, and is not amenable to legal
penalties. A Will which is an energy pointing in any direction, pushing to action
without motive, without reason, without sense, might perhaps be called “free”, but
this is not what is meant by “freedom of the Will”. That Will is determined by the
strongest motive must be taken for granted in any sane discussion of the freedom of
the Will.
motion of a part with regard to a part I shall be conscious, small and slow as it is,
while of the vast swift whirling that carries all parts eastwards and onwards ever, I
shall be utterly unconscious, and shall say in my ignorance: “Behold, I have moved
westwards”. And the high Gods might laugh contemptuously at the ignorance of the
fragment that speaks of the direction of its motion, were it not that They, being wise,
know of the movements within the motion, and of the truth which is false and yet
And yet again may we see how the great Will works onwards
undeviatingly along the path of evolution, and compels all to travel along that path,
and still leaves [418] to each to choose his method of going, and the fashion of his
unconscious working. For the carrying out of that Will needs every fashion of
working and every method of going, and takes up and utilises all. A man shapes
himself to a noble character, and nourishes lofty aspirations, and seeks ever to do
loyal and faithful service to his fellows; then shall he be brought to birth where great
opportunities cry aloud for workers, and the Will shall be wrought out by him in a
nation that needs such helping, and he shall fill a hero’s part. The part is written by
the great Author: the ability to fill it is of the man’s own making. Or a man yields to
every temptation and becomes apt to evil, and he uses ill such power as he has, and
disregards mercy, justice and truth in petty ways and in daily life; then shall he be
brought to birth where oppression is needed, and cruelty, and ill ways, and the Will
shall be wrought out by him also in a nation that is working out the results of an evil
past, and he shall be of the weaklings that tyrannise cruelly and meanly and shame
the nation that bears them. Again is the part written [419] by the great Author, and
the ability to fill it is of the man’s own making. So work the little Wills within the
great Will.
And truly this is freedom, for the greater Self in which he moves is
one with him: “I am That”; and the vaster Self in which moves that greater Self is
one with that vaster, and says also: “I am That”; and so on and on, in huger and
huger sweeps, if world-systems and universe-systems be thought of; yet may the
lowliest “I” that knows himself turn inwards and not outwards, and know himself as
one with the Inner Self, the [420] Pratyagatma, the One, and therefore truly free.
Looking outwards he is ever bound, though the limits of his bondage recede
endlessly, unlimitedly; looking inwards he is ever free, for he is BRAHMAN, the
can claim this freedom in any more than a small portion. Apart from the previously-
mentioned bondage to attractions and repulsions, we are bound within the channels
made by our past thinkings, by our habits - most of all by our habits of thought -by
the qualities and the absence of qualities brought over from past lives, by the
strengths and the [421] weaknesses that were born with us, by our education and our
surroundings, by the imperious compulsions of our stage in evolution, our physical
heredity, and our national and racial traditions. Hence only a narrow path is left to us
in which our Will can run; it strikes itself ever against the past, which appears as
walls in the present.
Along these lines of thought it is that some have found the ending of
the age-long controversy between the “freedom” of the Will and determinism, and,
while recognising the truth battled for by determinism, have also preserved and
justified the inherent feeling: “I am free, I am not bound”. That idea of spontaneous
energy, of forth-going power from the inner recesses of our being, is based on the
very essence of consciousness, on the “I” which is the Self, that Self which, because
divine, is free.
must be judged in relation to the end which those means are [424] designed to bring
about. In all cases the answer must be judged by its relevancy to the question asked,
and not by its not replying to some other allied question lying at the back of the
mind. Thus, the relevancy of any means found to exist in a universe must be decided
by an end found to be aimed at in that universe, and they must not be judged as
though offered as an answer to the further question: “Why should there be any
universe at all?” That question may indeed be asked and answered, but the proof of
the adequacy of a means in a universe to an end, seen to be aimed at in that universe,
will not be that answer. And it is no evidence that the answer to the original question
is inadequate, if the questioner replies: “Yes, but why should there be a universe?”
In replying to the question: “Why should there be all these mistakes and falls in
treading the path of evolution?” we must take the universe as existing, as a fact to
start with, and must study it in order to discover the end, or, at least, one of the ends,
towards which it is tending. Why it should tend thither-ward is, as said, [425] a
further question, and one of profoundest interest; but it is by the discovered end that
we must judge the means employed to reach it.
of its centre. By the troublous path along which we are climbing, we are being
prepared for all emergencies in the universes in the future with which we may have
to do, and that is a result well worth the trials to which we are exposed.
system by the Will, by a process of concentration of thought, is a retrograde and not
a forward step, even though it often brings [431] about a certain degree of
clairvoyance. This method, as already said, is much followed in India in the system
called Hatha Yoga, and the student learns to control the action of the heart, lungs,
and digestive apparatus; he can thus inhibit the beating of the heart, can stop the
lungs, can reverse peristaltic action, and so on. And when it is done, the question
arises: What have you gained by your success? You have brought again under the
control of the Will a system which, in course of evolution, had been rendered
automatic, to the great convenience of the owner of these lower functions, and have
thus taken a step backward in evolution. To do this means failure in the long run,
even though there may be, for the moment, a palpable result to show.
idea - that where the mind is pure the body should be healthy - that has led many to
adopt these mental methods of healing.
Apart from the question of the ways of working on the body by the
Will, another question arises in the thoughtful mind: Is it well to use the Will in this
fashion for our own helping? Is there not certain degradation in using the highest
power of the Divine within us in the service of our body, to bring about merely a
good condition of physical health? Is it well that the Divine should thus turn stones
into bread, and so fall under the very temptation resisted by the Christ? The story
may be taken historically or mythically, it matters not; it contains a profound
spiritual truth, and an instance of obedience to an occult law. Still remains true the
answer of the [436] tempted: “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word
that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”. This ethic seems to be on a higher plane
than that which yokes the Divine to the service of the physical body. One of the
dangers of the present is the worship of the body, the putting of the body on too high
a pinnacle - a reaction from exaggerated asceticism. By using the Will to serve the
body, we make the Will its slave, and the practice of continually removing little
aches and pains by willing them to go saps the higher quality of endurance. A person
thus acting is apt to be irritable under small physical discomforts which the Will
cannot remove, and the higher power of the Will, which can control the body and
support it in its work, even though it be suffering, is undermined. Hesitancy to use
the power of the Will for relief of one’s body need not arise from any doubt as to the
soundness of the thought, the reality of the law, on which such action is based; but
from a fear that men may fall under the temptation of using that which should lift
them to realms spiritual as the minister of the [437] physical, and may thus become
slaves of the body, and be helpless when the body fails them in the hour of need.
themselves must give up the divine mission of being Saviours of the world. They
must choose between the one and the other as they evolve. If in their [438] evolution
they choose the lower, and use the great powers they have won for the service of
themselves and of the body, then must they give up the higher mission of using them
for the redemption of the race. There is such an immense activity of mind at the
present time that the need is all the greater for the employment of its powers to the
highest ends.
Magic is the use of the Will to guide the powers of external nature,
and is truly, as its name implies, the great science. The human Will, being the power
of the Divine in man, can subjugate and control the inferior energies, and thus bring
about the results desired. The difference between White and Black Magic lies in the
motive which determines the Will; when that Will is set to benefit others, to help and
bless all who come within its scope, then is the man a White Magician, and the
results which he brings about by the exercise of his trained Will are beneficial, and
aid the course of human evolution. [439] He is ever expanding by such exercise,
becoming less and less separate from his kind, and is a centre of far-reaching help.
But when the Will is exercised for the advantage of the lower self, when it is
employed for personal ends and aims, then is the man a Black Magician, a danger to
the race, and his results obstruct and delay human evolution. He is ever contracting
by such exercise, becoming more and more separate from his kind, shutting himself
within a shell which isolates him, and which grows ever thicker and denser with the
exercise of his trained powers. The Will of the Magician is ever strong, but the Will
of the White Magician is strong with the strength of life, flexible at need, rigid at
need, ever assimilating to the great Will, the Law of the universe. The Will of the
Black Magician has the strength of iron, pointing ever to the personal end, and it
strikes against the great Will, and sooner or later must shiver itself into pieces
against it. It is the peril of Black Magic against which the student of occultism is
guarded by the law which forbids him to use his occult powers for [440] himself; for
though no man is a Black Magician who does not deliberately erect his personal Will
against the great Law, it is well to recognise the essence of Black Magic, and to
check the very beginnings of evil. Just as it was said above that the saint
harmonising the forces of disharmony within himself is truly the White Magician, so
is he the Black Magician who uses for his own gain all the forces he has acquired by
knowledge, turns them to the service of his own separateness, and increases the
disharmony of the world by his selfish graspings, while seeking to preserve harmony
in his own vehicles.
When the Self has grown so indifferent to the vehicles in which he
dwells that their vibrations can no longer affect him; when he can use them for any
purpose; when his vision has become perfectly clear; when the vehicles offer no
opposition, since the elemental life has left them, and only the life flowing from
himself animates them; then the Peace enfolds [441] him and the object of the long
struggle is attained. Such a one, Self-centred, no longer confuses himself with his
vehicles. They are instruments to work with, tools to manipulate at his will. He has
then realised the peace of the Master, the one who is utterly master of his vehicles,
and therefore master of life and death. Capable of receiving into them the tumult of
the world and of reducing it to harmony; capable of feeling through them the suffer-
ings of others, but not sufferings of his own; he stands apart from, beyond, all
storms. Yet is he able ever to bend down into the storm to lift another above it,
without losing his own foothold on the rock of the Divine, consciously recognised as
himself. Such are truly Masters, and Their peace may now and then be felt, for a
time at least, by those who are striving to tread the same path, but who have not yet
reached that same rock of the Self-conscious Divine.
That union of the separate Will with the one Will for the helping of
the world is the goal which seems to be more worthy of reaching after than aught the
world can [442] offer. Not to be separate from men, but one with them; not to win
peace and bliss alone, but to say with the Chinese Blessed One: “Never will I enter
into final peace alone, but always and everywhere will I suffer and strive until all
enter with me” - that is the crown of humanity. In proportion as we can realise that
the suffering and the striving are the more efficacious as we suffer only in the
sufferings of others and feel not suffering for ourselves, we shall rise into the Divine,
shall tread the “razor path” that the Great Ones have trodden, and shall find that the
Will, which has guided us along that path, and which has realised itself in the
treading of that path, is strong enough still to suffer and to strive, until the suffering
and the strife for all are over, and all together enter into Peace. [443]