Management Information System1
Management Information System1
Management Information System1
Information System is interaction of Man and
CBIS:- Computer based information system
categories as.
Choice phase:
One of the alternatives developed in design phase is
selected and is called decision. For example The
decision maker in the choice phase may reject all
alternative and return to the design phase for
developing more alternatives.
Type of decisions: They also affect the
design of information system support for
decision activities.
Purpose of decision making: Robert B.
Anthony(1965) has differentiated organizational
decision into three category
Strategic Planning decisions are those decision in
which the decision-maker develops objectives and
allocates resources to achieve these objectives.
Management control decisions are taken by
management control level (middle level) mangers and
deal with the use of resources in the organization.
Operation control decisions deal with the day to day
problem that affect the operation of the organization.
For example, production scheduling decision.
Level of programmability: Simon(1965) on the
basis of the level of the programmability of
decision, proposed two types of decision:
Programmed and non programmed, also known
as structured and unstructured decisions
Programmed/Structured Decisions Programmed or
structured decisions are those decision, which are well defined and
some specified procedure. More modern techniques for making such
decision involve operations research (OR), Mathematical analysis etc.
Non- programmed/ unstructured decisions: decisions which
are not well defined and have no pre-specified procedure or decision
rule are known as unstructured or non programmed decisions.
Unstructured decisions tend to solved through judgment. Modern
approaches to such decisions include special data analysis on
Structure of MIS
Organization and
1. Behavioral Science Technique
Technique of Management 2. Quantitative Technique
3. Decision Technique
Function of
4. Experience Rule
Resource Flows
Man Power Money Material M/c Facilities
Structure of MIS:
Structure of MIS is a difficult concept to understand
because there is no standard or universally accepted
framework for describing management information
system. For example , A car may be perceived in a
number of different way; by describe the physical
characteristics, i.e. its shapes, colour, seating capacity,
door etc. MIS structure be described by following a
variety of different approaches:
Physical components,
Information system processing functions,
Decision support
Levels of management activities
Organizational functions
MIS Structure Based on Physical components:
Structure of MIS may be understood by looking at the
physical components of the information system in an
Hardware: Hardware refers the physical data
processing equipment and peripheral devices.
Software: software is broad term given to the
instruction or program that direct the operation
of the hardware.
Database: the data base consist of all data
utilized by application software.
Input and output: various physical input and
output from the information system, existing in
the form like printout, report etc.
Information system processing functions:
Information system structure can also be understood in
term of its processing functions. The main processing
functions of information system are described below:
MIS etc.
Strategic planning
Management control
Operational control
Transaction processing
Information: Definition
The word ‘information’ is used commonly in in our
day to day working.
”Information is necessary and vital input in any
decision- making process in an organization”.
Information in its unprocessed form is called data,
which generated as a by product of transaction
taking place in the organization.
Data Access Interdependent
or Sequential 4
12 Modeling and DSS
Analysis Support
Intelligence 5
Ease of Design
by End Uses Support Variety of 6
Decision styles
10 and processes
Humans Control
the Machine
Interactive Adaptability 7
Ease of Use 8
9 Effectiveness and Flexibility
not Efficiency
Type of decision support system
System Input Source System Hardware User
1.Inquiry (a) Database Query PC Servers Clerk,
(b) Conventional System and Clients Assistants
User inference
User Interface
Knowledge Management Systems
Knowledge management system are information
systems that are knowledge based and, thus,
support the creation, organization and
dissemination of business knowledge to
managers. For example Intranet access to the
best practices and solution various business
They are developed to provided quick feedback
to knowledge workers, encourage behavior
change by employees and improve business
Top Management Decision Supporting System
CBIS in an organization context
Planning controlling / Decision making
Decision making
Receipts TPS OAS Clerical
bills etc Task
OAS:-OAS is most rapidity expanding CBIS.
They are being used in most of the organization with expectation that
the will increased the efficiency and productivity of office workers.
The input to the MIS comes from TPS and may come from the other
source also( different changes in environment).
The out of MIS is in two forms
1. summary reports
2. Special reports.
A summary report accumulates data from several transaction and presents
the result in compact form.
For Ex. A bank manger may get a summary report listing the total money
deposited and withdraw made on the previous day.
A special report is a report that outline any deviator from expected results.
The primary purpose of these special report is to draw the attention to any
significance difference between actual performance ad expect performance.
Summery report
Transaction Data TPS MIS
Special report
There are three major difference between TPS and MIS.
3. The TPS helps managers day to day operation, while the MIS
help managers to make tactical design over a large period of time
such as year or six month
DSS (Decision Supporting
DSS are interactive computer based information system that use
designing modules and specialized data bases to assist the
designing making process of managerial ad users.
TPS Transaction related Procedures and rules Summary of Low level Monthly
data transaction Managers reports,
MIS Output from TPS Measures and monitors Summary Middle Planning
and external For operations reports special Managers reports for
performance reports month , Year
Very Refine
We will develop a MIS according to very refined plan.
MIS Planning is iterative process.
This is a time table for each activity. It may be consist of time for the work
The master plan schedule provides the calendar dates for each major tasks as
well as minor tasks, for a small MIS Project this may be a very small chart,
consist of date and allotted time.
If a big MIS Project is there that may be a network structure.
Budgeting is the most important for any project development, the
two things must be made clear about the budgeting the project
(1) Resources:- From where the budget will be available
(2) Cost of Individual item:- (A) Reporting and Controlling:- The
basic for reporting and controlling must be on the basic P\C\T
(Performance, Cost, and Time). These all three elements must
reported in such way that they provides the information together,
which makes reporting useful.
MIS Development
Management System
Needs Requirement Planning
+Objectives and Objectives
Development Development
Schedule Cost
Evaluation Implementation Design
If we securitizes this picture conceptual Design is the centre point
in the MIS development. Once the conceptual design has been
made, The answer of question that how successful The MIS
project will be can be answered.
The most important aspect is that what are the key task performed
in the conceptual design.
Internal constraints
Internal constraints are those constraint which are in the origination. The
following are the internal constraints.
1.Top Management Support
A good environment for information system must be setup and there is a one
essential things is the approval and support of the top management. These
constraints definitely influences the kind of the system which will be used by the
2. objective and policy The organizational and policy The
organizational and policy considuration frequently set limit on the objectives
and modify the aapproach to design a system.
The structure of the organization and managers occupying the various
positions influences the information flow and the use of system output.
The organization polices frequently define and limits the approach to system
The policy may be about the service, R & D( Research and Development)
marketing, finance, personal etc.
3. Man Power The personal needs and the personal and personal
availability is a major limiting factor in both the design and utilization of the
information system.
Computer and system skill is most critical. The automation , the computer
system and system design after change the people, responsibilities and their
facilities, organization changes etc.
6. Self Imposed The self imposed restrictions are those which are
placed on the design by designer itself.
These limitation may also be imposed by the manager to get the objectives.
External Constraints
External constraints are those constraints which are outside of the organization.
There are three possibilities from where the external constraints may apply on
the designer during the designing of the information system.
(1) customer
The most important external constraints is the customer.
The interface of the customer to system must be in the mind of the designer.
It’s demand, It’s acceptance to the output must be considered.
(2) Govt. and legal A variety of limitation and constraints are always imposed
by the government. They must be consider always.
(3) Other The other may consist of social environment constraint. They may be
considered also.
Once the project manager and the project personal have been designated the
two important aspect of project management comes ie project planning and
project control.
The amount of efforts in each step will depend on the MIS project.
Project Planning
The objective of the design is to find a set of sub system that satisfies the
performance requirement specified by conceptual design.
The such information consist of
1. Dominant and tradeoff criteria for the operation of MIS as a whole system.
2.Available resources.
3. Required activates.
4.Necesary controlled position in the system
5.Management decision points.
6. specific output required by system.
Obtaining information
The designer utilizes four major source for the design of MIS.
1. Task Force Meeting
2. Personal Interview.
3. Observation of operation and communication.
4. There may be another source in term of external and internal documents.
1.Task Force Meeting
For the design of large system, The task meeting are very important. The task
force for the major activities should consist of the managers and designers as
well as specialist in term of area. The designer should chair the task of once
meeting. The designer function is to draw idea and information from their
decisions. The task force meeting bring out the groups information, The
operation need etc.
After several meeting the design of the subsystem may be created.
2.Personal Interview
Beside the task force meeting the designer should conduct interviews the
designer should conduct interview with key manager of top level and a simple
operating peoples.
In the interview with managers the designer should seek information about the
objective of the organization, major policies, category of information, speed
getting the information, style of decision, degree of managers, involved in the
decision etc.
3. Internal and External documents These may be several
internal document by which the information can obtain and depending upon
these information is available.
The internal document may be organization policy guides, processor manuals,
account structure, marketing, purchasing employees etc.
Search the detailed of operational subsystem and
information flow
The development in the detailed design first carry out for the subsystem. In MIS
design the scratches are flow chart. Generally there are three type of flow
The software design should be done in proper attention and it should be done
prior the implementation phase and when the actual implementation take place.
The software are ready. There are some step which are necessary for s / w
development and they are
The following item should be guide the designer in their hardware selections.
1. Initial Installation
2. Test a system as a whole.
3. Maintains and control of a system.
Control and Maintain of the system
Control and Maintain of the system are the responsibility of the line managers.
Control of the system means ,We control the system and makes the system
operational. Some people make the unauthorized change to improve the
system i.e. the change that are not approved or documented.
It is the duty of the management at reach level in the organization to provide
spot checks of system for control purposes. The maintains is closely related to
In other words maintain of MIS is directed towards reducing errors due to
design reducing error environment and improving the system scope and
These activities are classified in four categories.
1.Emergency maintains.
2. Route maintains
3.Request for special maintains.
4.System improvements.
Maintenance may be applied to the following activities.
1. Change in policy statements
2. Change in reports.
3. Change in forms.
4. Change in operating system.
5.system control and security needs.
Internal Problems related to MIS Maintains
Several problem may arise in the area of maintain also. They may
be summarized as follows.
Characteristics of ERP:
an enterprise.
(f) ERP has many features like security, authorization,
referencing, responsibility and the implementation business of
Benefits of ERP :
(a) ERP systems employ best practice business
(b) ERP enables organizational standardization
across different location.
(c) ERP eliminates information asymmetries
because all the information is put into the
same underlying database.
(d) ERP systems reduce the delivery cycle,
customer satisfaction increases. They also to
maintain closer contact with customers.
(e) ERP system make the business operation
transparent between business partners