Use of The RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm in CMS

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Use of the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm in CMS

1 Introduction
The RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm is a one-pass (store-and-forward) mechanism
for transporting keying data to a recipient using the recipient's RSA public key. Most
previous key transport algorithms based on the RSA public-key cryptosystem (e.g., the
popular PKCS #1 v1.5 algorithm [PKCS1]) have the following general form:

1. Format or "pad" the keying data to obtain an integer m.

2. Encrypt the integer m with the recipient's RSA public key:

c = me mod n

3. Output c as the encrypted keying data.

The RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm takes a different approach that provides higher
security assurance, by encrypting a _random_ integer with the recipient's public key,
and using a symmetric key-wrapping scheme to encrypt the keying data. It has the
following form:

1. Generate a random integer z between 0 and n-1.

2. Encrypt the integer z with the recipient's RSA public key:

c = ze mod n.

3. Derive a key-encrypting key KEK from the integer z.

4. Wrap the keying data using KEK to obtain wrapped keying data

5. Output c and WK as the encrypted keying data.

This different approach provides higher security assurance because the input to the
underlying RSA operation is random and independent of the message, and the key-
encrypting key KEK is derived from it in a strong way. As a result, the algorithm enjoys a
"tight" security proof in the random oracle model. It is also architecturally convenient
because the public-key operations are separate from the symmetric operations on the
keying data. One benefit is that the length of the keying data is bounded only by the
symmetric key-wrapping scheme, not the size of the RSA modulus.

The RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm in various forms is being adopted in several
draft standards including the draft ANS X9.44 [ANS-X9.44] and ISO/IEC 18033-2. It has
also been recommended by the NESSIE project [NESSIE]. For completeness, a
specification of the algorithm is given in Appendix A of this document; ASN.1 syntax is
given in Appendix B.

NOTE: The term KEM stands for "key encapsulation mechanism" and refers to the first
three steps of the process above. The formalization of key transport algorithms (or more
generally, asymmetric encryption schemes) in terms of key encapsulation mechanisms
is described further in research by Victor Shoup leading to the development of the
ISO/IEC 18033-2 standard [SHOUP].

2 Use in CMS

The RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm MAY be employed for one or more recipients
in the CMS enveloped-data content type (Section 6 of [CMS]), where the keying data
processed by the algorithm is the CMS content-encryption key.

The RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm SHOULD be considered for new CMS-based
applications as a replacement for the widely implemented RSA encryption algorithm
specified originally in PKCS #1 v1.5 (see [PKCS1] and Section 4.2.1 of [CMSALGS]),
which is vulnerable to chosen-ciphertext attacks. The RSAES-OAEP Key Transport
Algorithm has also been proposed as a replacement (see [PKCS1] and [CMS-OAEP]).
RSA-KEM has the advantage over RSAES-OAEP of a tighter security proof, but the
disadvantage of slightly longer encrypted keying data.

Underlying Components

A CMS implementation that supports the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm MUST
support at least the following underlying components:

* For the key derivation function, KDF2 or KDF3 (see [ANS-X9.44] [IEEE-P1363a])
based on SHA-1 (see [FIPS-180-2]) (this function is also specified as the key derivation
function in [ANS-X9.63])

* For the key-wrapping scheme, AES-Wrap-128, i.e., the AES Key Wrap with a
128-bit key encrypting key (see [AES-WRAP])

An implementation SHOULD also support KDF2 and KDF3 based on SHA-256 (see
[FIPS-180-2]), the Triple-DES Key Wrap (see [3DES-WRAP]) and the Camillia key wrap
algorithm (see [Camillia]). It MAY support other underlying components. When AES or
Camilla are used the data block size is 128 bits while the key size can be 128, 192, or
256 bits while Triple DES requires a data block size of 64 bits and a key size of 112 or
168 bits.
RecipientInfo Conventions

When the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm is employed for a recipient, the
RecipientInfo alternative for that recipient MUST be KeyTransRecipientInfo. The
algorithm-specific fields of the KeyTransRecipientInfo value MUST have the following

* keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithm MUST be id-ac-generic-hybrid (see Appendix


* keyEncryptionAlgorithm.parameters MUST be a value of type

GenericHybridParameters, identifying the RSA-KEM key encapsulation mechanism
(see Appendix B)

* encryptedKey MUST be the encrypted keying data output by the algorithm, where
the keying data is the content-encryption key. (see Appendix A)

Certificate Conventions

A recipient who employs the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm MAY identify the public
key in a certificate by the same AlgorithmIdentifier as for the PKCS #1 v1.5 algorithm,
i.e., using the rsaEncryption object identifier [PKCS1].

If the recipient wishes only to employ the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm with a
given public key, the recipient MUST identify the public key in the certificate using the
id-ac-generic-hybrid object identifier (see Appendix B) where the associated
GenericHybridParameters value indicates the underlying components with which the
algorithm is to be employed. The certificate user MUST perform the RSA-KEM Key
Transport algorithm using only those components.

Regardless of the AlgorithmIdentifier used, the RSA public key is encoded in the same
manner in the subject public key information. The RSA public key MUST be encoded
using the type RSAPublicKey type:

RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {

modulus INTEGER, -- n
publicExponent INTEGER -- e

Here, the modulus is the modulus n, and publicExponent is the public exponent e. The
DER encoded RSAPublicKey is carried in the subjectPublicKey BIT STRING within the
subject public key information.

The intended application for the key MAY be indicated in the key usage certificate
extension. If the keyUsage extension is present in a certificate that conveys an RSA
public key with the id-ac-generic-hybrid object identifier as discussed above, then the
key usage extension MUST contain the following value:


dataEncipherment SHOULD NOT be present. That is, a key intended to be employed

only with the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm SHOULD NOT also be employed for
data encryption or for authentication such as in signatures. Good cryptographic practice
employs a given RSA key pair in only one scheme. This practice avoids the risk that
vulnerability in one scheme may compromise the security of the other, and may be
essential to maintain provable security.

SMIMECapabilities Attribute Conventions

IETF RFC 2633 [MSG], Section 2.5.2 defines the SMIMECapabilities signed attribute
(defined as a SEQUENCE of SMIMECapability SEQUENCEs) to be used to specify a
partial list of algorithms that the software announcing the SMIMECapabilities can
support. When constructing a signedData object, compliant software MAY include the
SMIMECapabilities signed attribute announcing that it supports the RSA-KEM Key
Transport algorithm.

The SMIMECapability SEQUENCE representing the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm

MUST include the id-ac-generic-hybrid object identifier in the capabilityID field and
MUST include a GenericHybridParameters value in the parameters field identifying the
components with which the algorithm is to be employed.

The DER encoding of a SMIMECapability SEQUENCE is the same as the DER

encoding of an AlgorithmIdentifier.

Security Considerations
The security of the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm described in this document can
be shown to be tightly related to the difficulty of either solving the RSA problem or
breaking the underlying symmetric key-wrapping scheme, if the underlying key
derivation function is modeled as a random oracle, and assuming that the symmetric
key-wrapping scheme satisfies the properties of a data encapsulation mechanism
[SHOUP]. While in practice a random-oracle result does not provide an actual security
proof for any particular key derivation function, the result does provide assurance that
the general construction is reasonable; a key derivation function would need to be
particularly weak to lead to an attack that is not possible in the random oracle model.

The RSA key size and the underlying components should be selected consistent with
the desired symmetric security level for an application. Several security levels have
been identified in [NIST FIPS PUB 800-57]. For brevity, the first three levels are
mentioned here:

* 80-bit security. The RSA key size SHOULD be at least 1024 bits,
the hash function underlying the KDF SHOULD be SHA-1 or above,
and the symmetric key-wrapping scheme SHOULD be AES Key Wrap,
Triple-DES Key Wrap, or Camillia Key Wrap.

* 112-bit security. The RSA key size SHOULD be at least 2048

bits, the hash function underlying the KDF SHOULD be SHA-224 or
above, and the symmetric key-wrapping scheme SHOULD be AES Key
Wrap, Triple-DES Key Wrap, or Camillia Key Wrap.

* 128-bit security. The RSA key size SHOULD be at least 3072

bits, the hash function underlying the KDF SHOULD be SHA-256 or
above, and the symmetric key-wrapping scheme SHOULD be AES Key
Wrap or Camillia Key Wrap.

Note that the AES Key Wrap or Camillia Key Wrap MAY be used at all three of these
levels; the use of AES or Camillia does not require a 128-bit security level for other

Implementations MUST protect the RSA private key and the content-encryption key.
Compromise of the RSA private key may result in the disclosure of all messages
protected with that key. Compromise of the content-encryption key may result in
disclosure of the associated encrypted content.

Additional considerations related to key management may be found in [NIST-


The security of the algorithm also depends on the strength of the random number
generator, which SHOULD have a comparable security level. For further discussion on
random number generation, please see [RANDOM].

Implementations SHOULD NOT reveal information about intermediate values or

calculations, whether by timing or other "side channels", or otherwise an opponent may
be able to determine information about the keying data and/or the recipient's private
key. Although not all intermediate information may be useful to an opponent, it is
preferable to conceal as much information as is practical, unless analysis specifically
indicates that the information would not be useful.

Generally, good cryptographic practice employs a given RSA key pair in only one
scheme. This practice avoids the risk that vulnerability in one scheme may compromise
the security of the other, and may be essential to maintain provable security. While
RSA public keys have often been employed for multiple purposes such as key transport
and digital signature without any known bad interactions, for increased security
assurance, such combined use of an RSA key pair is NOT RECOMMENDED in the
future (unless the different schemes are specifically designed to be used together).

Accordingly, an RSA key pair used for the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm SHOULD
NOT also be used for digital signatures. (Indeed, ASC X9 requires such a separation
between key establishment key pairs and digital signature key pairs.) Continuing this
principle of key separation, a key pair used for the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm
SHOULD NOT be used with other key establishment schemes, or for data encryption,
or with more than one set of underlying algorithm components.

Parties MAY formalize the assurance that one another's implementations are correct
through implementation validation, e.g. NIST's Cryptographic Module Validation
Program (CMVP).


Normative References

3DES-WRAP Housley, R. Triple-DES and RC2 Key Wrapping. RFC

3217. December 2001.

AES-WRAP Schaad, J. and R. Housley. Advanced Encryption

Standard (AES) Key Wrap Algorithm. RFC 3394.
September 2002.

ANS-X9.63 American National Standard X9.63-2002: Public Key

Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry:
Key Agreement and Key Transport Using Elliptic
Curve Cryptography.

CAMILLIA Kato, A., Moriai, S., and Kanda, M.: The Camellia
Cipher Algorithm and Its Use With IPsec. RFC 4312.
December 2005

CMS Housley, R. Cryptographic Message Syntax. RFC

3369. August 2002.

CMSALGS Housley, R. Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)

Algorithms. RFC 3370. August 2002.

FIPS-180-2 National Institute of Standards and Technology

(NIST). FIPS 180-2: Secure Hash Standard. August
MSG Ramsdell, B. S/MIME Version 3 Message
Specification. RFC 2633. June 1999.

PROFILE Housley, R., Polk, W., Ford, W. and D. Solo.

Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure:
Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
Profile. RFC 3280. April 2002.

STDWORDS Bradner, S. Key Words for Use in RFCs to Indicate

Requirement Levels. RFC 2119. March 1997.

Informative References

ANS-X9.44 ASC X9F1 Working Group. Draft American National

Standard X9.44: Public Key Cryptography for the
Financial Services Industry -- Key Establishment
Using Integer Factorization Cryptography. Draft
D11, January 2006.

CMS-OAEP Housley, R. Use of the RSAES-OAEP Key Transport

Algorithm in the Cryptographic Message Syntax
(CMS). RFC 3560. July 2003.

IEEE-P1363a IEEE Std 1363a-2004: Standard Specifications for

Public Key Cryptography: Additional Techniques.
IEEE, 2004.

ISO-IEC-18033-2 ISO/IEC 18033-2:2005 Information technology --

Security techniques -- Encryption algorithms –
Part 2: Asymmetric Ciphers. ISO/IEC, 2005.

NESSIE NESSIE Consortium. Portfolio of Recommended

Cryptographic Primitives. February 27, 2003.
Available via

NIST-GUIDELINE National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Special Publication 800-57: Recommendation for Key
Management. Part 1: General Guideline. August 2005.
Available via

PKCS1 Jonsson, J. and B. Kaliski. PKCS #1: RSA

Cryptography Specifications Version 2.1. RFC 3447.
February 2003.

RANDOM Eastlake, D., S. Crocker, and J. Schiller.

Randomness Recommendations for Security. RFC 1750.
December 1994.

SHOUP Shoup, V. A Proposal for an ISO Standard for

Public Key Encryption. Version 2.1, December 20,
2001. Available via

Appendix A.
RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm
The RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm is a one-pass (store-and-forward) mechanism
for transporting keying data to a recipient using the recipient's RSA public key.

With this type of algorithm, a sender encrypts the keying data using the recipient's
public key to obtain encrypted keying data. The recipient decrypts the encrypted keying
data using the recipient's private key to recover the keying data.

Underlying Components

The algorithm has the following underlying components:

* KDF, a key derivation function, which derives keying data of a

specified length from a shared secret value

* Wrap, a symmetric key-wrapping scheme, which encrypts keying

data using a key-encrypting key

In the following, kekLen denotes the length in bytes of the key-

encrypting key for the underlying symmetric key-wrapping scheme.

In this scheme, the length of the keying data to be transported MUST

be among the lengths supported by the underlying symmetric key-
wrapping scheme. (Both the AES and Camillia Key Wraps, for instance,
require the length of the keying data to be a multiple of 8 bytes,
and at least 16 bytes.) Usage and formatting of the keying data
(e.g., parity adjustment for Triple-DES keys) is outside the scope of
this algorithm. With some key derivation functions, it is possible to
include other information besides the shared secret value in the
input to the function. Also, with some symmetric key-wrapping
schemes, it is possible to associate a label with the keying data.
Such uses are outside the scope of this document, as they are not
directly supported by CMS.
A.2 Sender's Operations

Let (n,e) be the recipient's RSA public key (see [PKCS1] for details) and let K be the
keying data to be transported.

Let nLen denote the length in bytes of the modulus n, i.e., the least integer such that
2^{8*nLen} > n.

The sender performs the following operations:

1. Generate a random integer z between 0 and n-1 (see Note), and

convert z to a byte string Z of length nLen, most significant
byte first:
z = RandomInteger (0, n-1)
Z = IntegerToString (z, nLen)

2. Encrypt the random integer z using the recipient's public key

(n,e) and convert the resulting integer c to a ciphertext C, a
byte string of length nLen:

c = z^e mod n
C = IntegerToString (c, nLen)

3. Derive a key-encrypting key KEK of length kekLen bytes from the

byte string Z using the underlying key derivation function:

KEK = KDF (Z, kekLen)

4. Wrap the keying data K with the key-encrypting key KEK using
the underlying key-wrapping scheme to obtain wrapped keying
data WK:

WK = Wrap (KEK, K)

5. Concatenate the ciphertext C and the wrapped keying data WK to

obtain the encrypted keying data EK:

EK = C || WK

6. Output the encrypted keying data EK.

NOTE: The random integer z MUST be generated independently at random for different
encryption operations, whether for the same or different recipients.

A.3 Recipient's Operations

Let (n,d) be the recipient's RSA private key (see [PKCS1]; other private key formats are
allowed) and let EK be the encrypted keying data.

Let nLen denote the length in bytes of the modulus n.

The recipient performs the following operations:

1. Separate the encrypted keying data EK into a ciphertext C of

length nLen bytes and wrapped keying data WK:

C || WK = EK

If the length of the encrypted keying data is less than nLen

bytes, output "decryption error" and stop.

2. Convert the ciphertext C to an integer c, most significant

byte first. Decrypt the integer c using the recipient's
private key (n,d) to recover an integer z (see Note):

c = StringToInteger (C)
z = c^d mod n

If the integer c is not between 0 and n-1, output "decryption

error" and stop.

3. Convert the integer z to a byte string Z of length nLen, most

significant byte first (see Note):

Z = IntegerToString (z, nLen)

4. Derive a key-encrypting key KEK of length kekLen bytes from

the byte string Z using the underlying key derivation function
(see Note):

KEK = KDF (Z, kekLen)

5. Unwrap the wrapped keying data WK with the key-encrypting key

KEK using the underlying key-wrapping scheme to recover the
keying data K:

K = Unwrap (KEK, WK)

If the unwrapping operation outputs an error, output

"decryption error" and stop.

6. Output the keying data K.

NOTE: Implementations SHOULD NOT reveal information about the integer z and the
string Z, nor about the calculation of the exponentiation in Step 2, the conversion in
Step 3, or the key derivation in Step 4, whether by timing or other "side channels". The
observable behavior of the implementation SHOULD be the same at these steps for all
ciphertexts C that are in range. (For example, IntegerToString conversion should take
the same amount of time regardless of the actual value of the integer z.) The integer z,
the string Z and other intermediate results MUST be securely deleted when they are no
longer needed.

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