Manual h0085

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LIS TOIES (hie HOO8S MRX-4X —2y b HOO8S MRX-4X CAR KIT FXGREARES INSTRUCTION MANUAL H0086-600/1909-0085/01 TECHNICAL INFORMATION eh E54 ZAWD (2Bel Drive AWD mso=nNF-90 PTZ 3-299 9F Double Shoe Type Clutch ‘seme Ya-8220-k¥ PRIA ‘Shoe Type 2 Speed Gear Box 262m RECRIL a YABTIEGE/RNE 4 VOY b Adjustable Body poston) F/R Body Mount 299" BRIRBAIOY 7 FO- Adjustable Angle) Front Anti-Rol Bar 216.2mn/202.5% JOY RAY IA RYT UND Y RA by THRE @ Adjustable Front Bump Stoo/Revound Stop 85-155 38 DAY IA bY 7: UNOY RA RY TRA Fy 2 BB A eta IK RLF VF y RIVET (AD Adjustable Rear Bump/Rebound Stoo Adjustable (Ackerman) Servo Saver Ventlated Brake Dise tst6.921/2nd 52:1 MEMOFRPR YF AI Low Gravity Battery Holder (FRP) m Technical Data & DRY ZIATU~ b ‘Carbon Radio Plate # Length ez HRA RY YY 2T- Front/Rear Carbon Damper Stay swan 262mm 5mm (AT0-75) yyy 575/m(A7O-75) Chases 2 Wines! Base 299mm 249 —PR8ee. 4 HERS YD AWEEYY T= DURF ILA 125cc Low Height Fuel Tank, Fiter-equipped ) 216.2mm/a02.5mm Belt Tensioner ‘Angle 8.5°~15.5: Adjustable Full all Gearing Gear Ratio =~ 1816.92 1/2nd 5.5251 (LotetcwEts 6) HS IALAT AE LYM LY FU (FM 219 5ABAWEEY YY / SI SALEM =I MEI ~2 418/27 TAO R UNF 4 BARS, Fy Ka MBRAOA FRR HMORET SLE DRUET. (ther necessary equipment. 2ch Prooo and 2 servo/Receiver Battery/21 Class Rear Exheust Engine /Muler/Marifold/Manifold Soring/Tee & Wheel/ Ii Ftter/ Engine Starter/Body aaint tools/Fuel, ‘BRAM MMAR T 274-0617 FRRMIONEATAEETIGOG. TEL : 047-420-1669 MUGEN SEIKI CO.,LTD. 1895 Takane-Cho, Funabash, Choa 274-0817, Jasan RATE! omic BROROOREC, RMTACMAOATE SHO CES, ATARI BRECECEAT, $y HABERML TOMA CS EHRAL ET CURT. NOTICE: The towing toms ae needed for completon ofthe MRXC-AX. “Tey are nol eluded wth isk unless noted ).and shoul be ebtaned rom your local hobby shop. Be sute to readihe instructions completely prior to assembly. Fy PU Additional items needed for completion. > aervanzon << 2 Channel reas os rat » ome: ‘ An nalne bats fr tanariter Bayene—n ) atten ae Sauer or rece ter == ant) 769— 16 910007 5/8! (6V) Bogie e9— 183 9 1000s 29M (BV) Bzt1 POWER PACK 1000 FUTABA ‘GV? ‘80212 POWER PACK 1000 SANWA (GV) 21 9 9RenR LY 21 Clas Rear Exhaust Engine Fy MCRL RR (= RED) Tools needed for assembly (S BBe — ES mo i— Hexagonal Wrenehas #2 0¥98) Screw loek ligula 7 ——l) 11 80R Ruder Glue = auaur Reedie nose prs > atytyrso4e ‘Shep ing sllers aa pute (Giaes ot Vinyl Tape LYTLE OD y \ (ate FA Fuel FostPume i 7 yoxs—s—Ri PRO STARTER, AB—5—Hty 9AM tH Ror OF \ ora Beseaxs (ore Kj vin 7oyho?-7-soML Hota7 Front Lower Arm co See JOYRTYFO—I— EB) - Fron Ariel ar (ight side) HoworaBias o1 HOTOPABE I ect oferta br Hora7a, i Rol Bar (Lo 3s) sicaxi2 avkag—7—nceee) Fron Lower Ar (et sie) pay beo-7—AteR) Fron ewer Aem (fight ie) Horak worsens ec Pa coe ater eet cro - \ 4 AR scxizeRouaET. T_TUnsoes ema poston toy wm on ‘dosxie both sides be same postion, then stew SiG 1 —5— WD ie aus-2 TD sxaxs D ivan -c0 saxo F IY 9789 (Opin Pars) i> botose Hoves 99X20 Pin Hoes jo 22s Heer SKoxs wove Dowor 12321) 7 yye Beans JOYET YN-F—LOWAIT Front Upper Arm 0135 (1mm) porsst ~y Hot350 (2mm) HOrS8E (3mm) Hote Hotase (am) JOY hI=aN-Hb yy 7 KOM Front Universal Shaft Horr: Aw Skoxs (RIA DMERHLED ep Scrom Lock Li go sea vos sesxiiaen =< San _ ROK A4 ATI RERELED BETA ZOYAT yYFIA ROM — opty Super ont Gresse. (Whe Cas) Front Upright eeRUTES ‘Assemble both right and ltt side Hor45it, OD105RAH 2 AA ZIRE Keane. BIS Seer Hots soos DOIN Te move smash This figure is let side aay et Hove (@aCER LET) (take sue he arection) Hov4s HorseLe Kmacem cay) faze sure the ‘rctor} oe01 (12x21) <7 927 Bearing — Please referto another gue, Fight side —6— Kit Bag - (Gem core 7O separate sect and aust ne drecton of alphabet as shown, 940» KOM ‘Assemble 2 sets PAN OMA Servo Saver Kit Bag - ¢,0 Hae 0605 6x10) <7) 9 7 sicext0 } J Hass H097240 RaweaDeer. 03728 S12 O-Ring 20805 (8x10) <7) Be sure ta poston of BORD 34 DRYER UET. ‘Apply Supe Jit Grosse. Haws 0987 botom ot Ha966 ana Dost may rare ae he figure eatetulnat tighten mach s4a9k \ renes \ F ‘suG4x10 Tek Ho181B Kit Bag -0,0 owas 10315) Soeeer ies Flange Searag wit Bas -€ 2Ae-Ka. 2 Speed Uni 2A KDE 2'Speed Clutch y ROR its siax14 i SKax5 oe a oat sos ET tid REVO Guide Pin Jeo 2nd. 7 467) ns. 5 oT) ft eaxz2Pin and. 7 2nd. Gear 0258 sax Sosxuonheconicabuer. ‘Aajas the tip of SG3% 14 wth spot $23— mi Famauesrneesiaxs +. emb2. SOR 4 VERS UteLBIR, SiGax een ey IAC Lists, SGaXTGE RD LAET. 3X gery untuk stall ga a Shitting wil be earer # SG3% 14 loosens and delay SG3X14 tightened oz56 Ae KOO 2 Speed Cuten & \ 29x1187h HoG08 (10X15) I9VZAT YT 63x22 Pin ® kites -e0 I s<0xs O co805 (9x10) <7 Bowing os02 x19) <7 92% Bearing © Kit Bag - E.0 [MD ss MEM sscox10 cos05 @x10) <7) 97 deaeng Dosc2 (exis) <4 >| ering turn TO%5 (H0188) fhe arecan oF @D iieas-e0 [ED sxsxs Brake (Assemble tists) Zb-FORH IT en varcen) SRPIODeD ehossORADERT. “Thvoe pins ao united wah the ole ot HOS69. owe X19) <7 0805 (8x19) <7 97 ‘ering we \io2ste (207) (Hoses eHosse-cie2 OMIA RF) (Assemble HO369 is inserted by H0359), me Wide | F porroM YRS AY KOM RUBE SBR Rear Bulk Head wide seth bokom, eam susaxi0 ors 0188) \ HoTasa 0901 (12x19 <7 92 — Hoa (arm) sieaxi0 HozBOA (87) Howor (12x18) <7 U2 Hoeen oes k oem eae : YG Haass 2Ae— Sor KOO Dy hEwRN Seu cMpaany. [Air untng the poston wits Ho280 and Ho2808, SKE%5 is ightonedn secrdance wis he D et ot Hezse 2 Speed Sat. YR FY FO-WA-ORT Rear Anti-Roll Bar sKaxs ‘o2ss 228. O07 FH me wenae (Tigtored in secoranee inthe B ew of Hoes 2 speed shat es” Doe02 x19) <7 ‘Bearing Moves Kit Bag - £0 (Gam carxe (Gea scoxie Nate the deen of H61470, kit Bag - EF (fam sox (DD exaxe HEED 10x12 kit Bag - € Pat ero YRYUN-AT—OMMIT Rear Damper Stay Rear Ar oe aaa t ER ow ‘avout 405mm roeer SKAXB (ey KT TE— bee: Vy RRC LET) 5) MNBEEI KO RUMI. MOS EMATT. Use SKAX: fer ajusmen of bound with Sel up Shoo. Rebound wil decrease ‘= tightened and ineease ft easens am ae Bo aN ReRUTEE ‘Assemble both right and lett side CRUST. op Sheet. skaxte Py 299 -7— somes Rear Lower Arm yxag—7— nem borate) 7 Benton ho i) Hore, HoT) AR Hote tseny i Hat tae yro9- 7-0 Rew'toverhem tose) Horstc-Horas (27—7—Ke 2 Ssmm) Hegnt of Am Pi: Sm) Hors4a.HoiaaD (7 —7 © om 345mm) (Hog! of Bum Pi 4 sn sucex10 —-HOTSBLHOTSHE (2 7—7—LE Sm S6mm) (Height at Am Pn 8 Sem) —10— Kit Bag - E IB siaxs \= su0sxt0 )o= wax BB ives -e BD kiveas-e TE sxaxs Rear Bulk Head Pig 227 2-7 ho Rear Upper Arm UES. ‘Assomble 2 sets 2 SD) Proverseew gf Ly’ . Vora was oes? Fevorse crew (Putts tom the ore where PI) 207 8-7 soit Rear Upper Arm PTY Yr ony Rome svoaxto 4 woome Ls ee SGOBFENALT ASA COATUERY RT, Make aserew tesa aaa oreo alec sin I) hantsoonoxs use aney) the hole of HOB i arge) skaxs suaaxto Bag - A,F Bows ED 50x10 econ 2x21) AP) o Beaeng axz2Piq oars Hove ‘Kax3 BB kit Bas - F B kit ea -F.0 Pi svcsxs (cam siasxt6 Hoe0a(sx10) Dery amet ‘Assomble 2 sets YRF TI bORESL Rear Upright =~. cuncey UXT YF94 KORE Rear Upright ozs ALF Y at— ORE Belt Tensioner Hore ‘mm Hexagonal Wrenches sKaxi8 Gime PRL BORK (Phase BORD a4 YAY AERALET, ‘Reply 80880 Super Job Greate, Hoes Hozss —Hosoatsx10) 252 E747 Flange Bearing owaxaxes: Oy, seaxi6 —2— it Bag AIL bY ORBIT [MD sxx / \\ seocemecey: / \\, iter insevrg Ho184 in Hone, testy Ske ja) sucext0 ( ew A \ Kit Bag - 6,0 S508 sisaxit © Damper snes poy kmatatey et yaemamtny e+ esemble2 sets for Front Assomble’? sets for Rear Oowessenos mensreaio rent aeons a oes ae oe ee eo (FP) e558 0 WAL owzsxexos =) <202 HM/Front> Doses, | he | hae | ye f0-8ng P3O-Rog waar ate oe a vee oy

Hore 207) Horse) fu ome BaD a4 VR ARRALET, (etre) ‘Important ‘Apply Super Jit Grease. (White Cap) » AREROBE ner. ores of D068 are deren, Aap larger bore side LYSYVOY hOWHIT Engine Mount soaxi2 i Li Morea 7548p aALy see BBLS. ComRDEH CREO, Make #070 ight win eross-ranch and ples. yore 47242 (Opn) Bosra oro FAD PoeR bmi Cites Spring ‘djs Tol yoo ansi49 39 Fx EERE 3 Lhorst ‘Wien 80516 utes the aawstment of HO? tan be done eaiy ume saicmmnaey | (Tighten as shown horer wether figure) ors Woe MERE LAT. ‘Apply Seem Lock Liu povean gsaxioxos 99S 4— Orfee eener @ ‘i cx soaxt6 ey ‘Bearing Horse 52x er0x01 Doe Washer aR HO7SSO ama DIYFOLVT FY ABB Adjustment for Clearlance of Clutch] COStI. O.6mm~1.onman HOTT? EH BSL Toke the measure A, pushing 777 inthe © Horr e e032 ecranindesteg wth big row, he BELET, ‘Take the measure B, pulling HO777 in the Adjustment of HOTS —A\5-0sn-vinmis l= cated visa oro EC rreoure should be eclucted 959 ye —ORMEMB LET. sone @SWashers to be in-between ~~ @ Kit Bag -K ja) sieax10 Kit Bag - K,0 [MD sxexs ® vivsas-1 MM sexe (222229 cocoon Engine ‘sus the backlash of gear, ‘ajut at and 2nd Gear fo became proper baciash IN \\ : meter sicaxe, & x7 o—fmeR Chay beta SUTOEER) 1 aches screw ‘ormtler (Netineldes inthe ke) ADy WY Yo — FORM Throttle Linkage ‘08026 SKBx8. ogo ‘coa02H covoes room sires. . t \sr20 ances ~20— Jor—vmamnonae SBC, mmowiTI-t5 20 ScaREmB LET. ‘gut each pao prevent he Inkage pat Bosrctng the ater pats operation. Aly bILY ye —SOR IT Throttle Linkage HP ORMRUA Chey RISER LEER) *Atached ser fg Sere (Notinehiod inthe ke) R LYSvay ho ye —S ORE ‘Adjust the Engine Control Linkage (eaten Neurea) 74 Ruy ADs. Taig Adjusting Seren ccosoat? wens prox. 05mm septee oh + ARBRIEMOA? YF EON TEATRO NYA SRS ILET. STU ROBE IL BMT EY VADER Gamer Coane OO REDUCE BROWS RNG CAL ZIM CMILTCESD, TS URROREBCRBLTCESD, ‘Turn on tne Transmitter and Receiver and {61 the Engine Control Serve Trin tothe neutral postion Aajust the ing sduting sere on ‘carburetor to be open approx. mm. Aajust bath of the #COBUZH Engine contol ang Brake linkage accordingly ‘Adjust he Engine we 1s not running (ane bene) Trot Hign) Fy ILS Mane SHR ORDEM ERE cay, SEnoiHony, Mame oweIZ ConoaH otim ERACCHEO. X MeW-ADy hUSD EATS b mm chewale so CRU TCHSU. ‘Adjust the Servo:Horn mounting poston forthe ureter to be full pen, *Change he pivot mounting positon on the servo horn in ease the Carburetr is net opening full ori ii opening excessively. ont the Transmiter, aust the Throttle high ens point. Gmenac chan, 2, Ate y DHRBMMENHU CO ORSIEES SCR LT ZU— SHG ARDOOADE MERE L EF, GUL shaban. Bebe: ‘Adjust # 008028 20 the brakes work smoothly ‘it the brakes apply too much or not ‘enough adjust #COBO02H accordingly. Orit ‘available onthe Transmitter, asjust the High-End Brake asjustment —21— GD kit Ba0- Boas 274040 0228 Air Fier O11 & (th ton pee Air Filter Rese Tre (Notircuded in the ki) L774 VS—OMH FY B67. Zoo ee some Pressure pe Fuel / Pressure Pipe KeZethEnOR EE Me masa Fuel Poe Waray Chey RICA LCRA) ERE P4059 FORELET, Fac with Non Sap 24 MB—IIBBEO Sa MBA MEBRLTREO, Use Air Fier Sponge ater boing soaked in A Fter Ol Nt need), Z\ 4 anntees R/ (trgeuded eo) —22— @ kit Bag -m a4 ext ony ensmeremic, pews Smaayieoyeseogns ower ee b 94 ORS OHM EME LT we aameicerse. ing se aking oe on sey png ly one Shanon pot (az; onw BEd ee penaony (em tnhnvcunce race Ector ping wath eh BHO1 > PORTASY TELE RUDRA ACRE LET. RO 7 KERTH, Wen paintings ae ded out ofmasing and protective fins ~) PPD Fe IBY TTC EM nLseer. Bera tv body pinto puter takeoff easy 0220 PRO STARTER R Il D898 B0220 PRO STARTER Rll Adjustment FAR —2—RD ERT SMO HOIST RLET, y se HorS3 for Pro Starter Ri. Se Uce SH, RRUCTSO, Adjust histo sua chassis worsae —23— LY YY OWAAK STARTING ENGINE At yFOMA ‘Switching on radio B. RIEMOT ITT ELoMORL TIS Bee, sumomer¢or er: Fy 7U5—onm BIBL LT TSO, 11 Aske sure artnna on Tranemiteris pulls eu and the antenna on receiver is exr7yvyomme ccc ean. Sraight Thon suten Trane on. Shasavee eM seMD #2 see sure ne earouretr sn te neta RUSHRLT CSO. positon won receivers tured on (@ck he Steorng raves sooty. Wel ehek Baers Transmiter ra Receher sett ttarenen, (C 2a GRE SES Setoenenn BD ee ED 258i Sie oom cy Wel check Bateres of Transm fa Recover try bI— a3 aN LyyyoORe ect Booster Starting Engine MHA DREAD TOS ERHRL, HID? Devo FELD RDS (eiewERO7a— LPT aRM CORRAL TREN.) JORSMAI ERB, HY RIMRI—ETIIEEM auer WADI 9(A4 LE AE—S—OY VOM ADE MER 9 cB LAGE CUTE EY EOS EET, Coe sRmRoADy hURILED, TRACE CE moLerees, SAD CED MTB LE LTA RUD Tess aH NY Ae EGRET. 2B) SRDLOMLS VERDLTRE, MkmLeTHAaYh eee S-AT CERES RTS, Pro Starter A Appl glow Engin uel prepared oly medels. Fasten Tank ap teh, her fuel files. Heat plug wih Booster Crd or Pocket Booster. Ialgnsa starters ang wen the hee ete ea, ana eso push he caro he sarer andan engre made sa Irerease totle wen 2or3 gasiaton or eazy stating, When suecesstly Sata, nevoase APM ul iings stale. The, ret imo nermal Note'Setearon stand and abn all wheels‘ otai ely, but noo totes, (Glow Pug enter teen) | LYPYObA Stopping Engine BB yokbwtes, ny ZyOmm—ET 4 RY>: 279 —F~ESRVTLT—ELBET, NIE, PII DERUOERIOTARELOET. CORLYSD, 27 7~RRMEOT, BELLELT, BHECRRLT REN, Placing leg pes, remove ar cleerer and else oa ako pong. Or lock evhaustng [Nee Use loves to protect hands os exhaust pipes very ht —24— hIDNF LIF TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE HORE BASERLEUA eunercconn, ahs TERE AN. wore Fa—7) anes aecoeU racers. anemia. Ore Froncs. Steicring oimecmers. Fo Fe Neti COs. Er aiad 03mm DIVINE Male enirins anes cos, ers 7e nur somnumeecLeHs TTB NNTB Ea hn. eI5cmON Bann Fy Ieee nee oy 155-9 Ga p0Ute) oa x syussommne See uclens emer vent praetiree end eens cena THEN unas 7emHe ANE yy Neogene eragoo Bia. hee Coc R ON TPs HSE HS Aan Bre igor ern. ta—=— enone FCCERS. 9h 503 ates 5 ocenkeoems ceeraea- tne somienao— Tye Ogg ap = Pom Tena seme LSE. 8s psares eee Obes ahia ry yyecs teenkictestoan exe, sano 7-78, mAMBUeEDMMME, — | SEROREUEA Cen Sever vomane Sretecseramce PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION, @Ftank is ompiy or carburetor isnot | @Fi lank wth uel and prime ote. ENGINE DOES NOT START. primed. (@Bad glow plug oF dead plug booster batory. uel nos, a loanor, or mute is logged. (@ Engine is ooded due to over priming @carburettoris not adjusted propary. (@Sorv0 linkage not acjusted propery (@Roplace glow plug and recharge ator. (@ciean or oplacs clogged parts). (@Fhomove glow plug and cischarge fuel, Aso test slowplug-eplace if defecve. (© ido and mainisiow needle adjusting serow ta standard starting postion, (@tfove servo to neutral then re-adjust. ENGINE START BUT THEN STALLS. ‘@F uel tanks ompy. uel ines ir cleaner, or muff is clogged. @ Carburetor isnot acjusted properly @Ergine is overheated (@F iol tank with tuo Clean or replace clogged parts). Fo -adust ie and mainstow noodle adjusting srow. (@ AoW engine to thoroughly coo! down and open main noodle adjusting sorew30"turns. BAD REACTION AND RESPONSE FROM ENGINE. @carburettoris not adjusted propery, (@Low tuo pressure fom mutter (@e-adjust mainéslow needle adjusting serow. Propet install prassure line trom muller to fue tank CAR IS HARD TO CONTROL. ‘@Weak vanciiter andor recover batterie. {@L0¥ rocoption from radio antonnas. (@ Servo linkage not adjusted propor, @Recharge or replace batteries. (@Fuly extend transmit and receiver antennas. {@H4ove servo to noutal then re-adjust. —25— WRUOEDERLE A KEDHRRETHREOREM LOK, ROCLEBTFRIY FEW. ZYVYYRCH—-ORY RUE LY VIR Cb—(IRIMUA E— ECR LEK ORVEMAT O—MHEER LET, HRBEDOAL BEBE RSC ENG, RETADRBI SURAT BART HEEUHY. MELT Y Bmw BOSE KI RABEL TA SET EBBLAC MMA CAGERLIES 1 RTMODSAPHOEH, SLORYTTEHODN Ce en, 2. RBG AAL— AIR < cE HE, 3, RIE, MBROAT YFEAN, ATTY YIG— EY SYA RON RAE MICE < CE EHR, BROS SOB CLETE URL ADBUETA, FUROES, HE FR. BREEORK, SHER. HREOC. BACRETSERL. BMORMAETSETL. CREO RIERA AGE ILS ES. REA, REROMMADTES, RCA-OWEMEM LIVES, mETSUSe aE ROFWMEP SBE RCAABICAY th Lt 0. HE Ute Y Bbwamals 272000 FF, 1, RRM, ARMORMARACAMENTHSREME, 2. ROA-BAB—S— iy DABEOLICOE. BAY BUDD SROUTRBET 3. RBROAL I FEANS. RIRMOAL Y FEARED, 5. REPU LIGHT YYAY ho AE, WICC CLAMBL. ELCMETS. HES IICANS IOS EARIS LOS, FSVEE—hEUS, 3-8 Ch-ORAEBLEY VEUBELS, (LY IUAROBATY IO DLS WARE EK MARC OTL DESLEAITRED. mETERA SL AL 1 LY SY ELS. MHS OM ESB ETS BD. YX WLP BD BRAS IFA hf ERED ECRMIBICIEDS, TU YUP IS— IEMA ODT, RECEHS LWT KF SRBMEVET. 2. REROAT FEDS, 3 BEMOAT Y FEMS, RETRO HME TERE ROT OMA. NERY Bees, GIFARELELS POT DDIM EEL, VIF-ABORRA 1 IRI, BPRCLOBHBLENICHS LS, BRT FASY LY aL RLOMMEBS, ATU LIE ERAT S. 8. DY SU Mahl SEATS. (RSC te (2b BMIROA LIL (AFFATT I) =z EVIY RC A—CMAENTOSRDA TOM, AF JaNy VELMRESMAT L. = hOASYREBALT HOENTOET, CREORIMICT AAA CREA HUY MUPRMIA ELT CHS. OH AHIIE CRI L TUS RMI OH SL TC by. BY LP ae LODOMHIE, BIL ERT (EY CEC, MBA LOBMOBAMGI ET. FIC LUT CHEE LY, OHS KIRA AROS TH, MORTARS Eves LAUT CHEE ORATOR, MHOMST ERS LOB LR TORMIE BAICLEUTCHESLY, ORHEAETH. MOY. MAO RASCH R IA Eo WADORBRTT. BHI LRT CHE. ORHORTERK, WAX, RR, Wey Low< eat ROL OMNZ PRIA EIB LT CES, OH RAROME Y POMS DIC AARC LE WEEE, MANES RRS ET. BROTHELS lente HERROATERL OS MGA y TERT LTDSIETTCEELY, SSGAPIRGTAELOT RSL, BRT SEBKEY EK LORR. 74 EY YA OMREREL TOS ChE, HOLL IVEGT LYS YOWSLE HoT HEL. @ EYL, VIF LACM LET CEL, @XFELIES (OM, TY YY eT I>z-OMDAMALT DTVSOTNT EF SREBMBY ET. ODS VFA, 254 1 —EE MATOS SHAE HCMAZUTC EEL. THEFT SRBKEVET. ORIN IMIS TURY RIEL TUBE, TYLA BB MEA ot YMA Y LT RICH, @LPAF 4 NF —HBTRY INTC HEO. T7-F4 BET I —I 4 WIAA VELABE ET EE CRA CHEE, ORATORY, HOkIAYOIK®THSIT—F4S— RMT SET UOU MO SED YBN SRBS EY at. BEMIS DUT RO TMHEMRA T LETS, SROKERE UME ik, TC ERMOBRERITT CHE, @MHMBIADTLE OS, ATE CLALIT CIS EROPRERNTCHSLY, OMI ABRIS DLS, BAKTE CRUMLT CRED — 26 — CAUTION: #In order to avoid accidents and personal injury, be sure to observe the following: HANDLING OF THE ENGINE RC CAI Engine RC car runs at a very fast, and uses expensive flammable glow fuel for the model, Exhaust sound becomes noise sometimes to the other people. Operate the model in the area with safety, no troublesome, rho personal injury, no property damage, and no accident. After assembling 1. Be sure to tight screws securely and install all parts, 2. Make sure whether the movable parts work smoothly. 3. Tum on the switch of the receiver and transmitters, and make sure whether the steering servo and engine control servo work normally, Do not operate it: Inthe place where many people around near children near the residential districts, school, and hospital near the road and railroad track indoors at early morning and at night at the same time when somebody uses the same frequency when the battery of receiver and transmitter weak when the model behave strangely Start to operate Be sure to observe the following process. Non-observance will make RC car start suddenly, and may lead the damage and unexpected accident 1, Make sure the battery charges fully. 2. Put the RC car on the starter box and float the tires from the ground 3. Turn on the switch of the receiver. 4, Turn on the switch of the transmitter. 5. Make sure the steering servo and engine control servo work normally and adjust them correctly. 6. Put the fuel in the tank, and close the cap securely. 7. Heat the plug. 8. Push the back of RC car on the starter box and start the engine. (| the engine is new, follow the instruction manuai and be sure to smooth new engine. If net, engine will break suddenly by the high rotation. Finish to operate 1. Stop the engine. (Use up the fuel in the tank or force to stop the flywheel that is seen from the bottom of the chassis by the sole of shoe, etc. 2. Tum off the switch of the receiver. 3, Turn off the switch of the transmitter Maintenance after running Do care after running to keep performance, and to notice the damage and the wear. 4. Do not leave the fuel in the tank. 2. Exhaust oil insides the muffler should go outside. 3. Clean up the sand and mud 4. Put the oil on the movable parts such as shaft carrier, suspension, ete and the bearing 5. Put the rustproof oil (maintenance oil) inside of the engine. CAUTION: FUEL The glow fuel for radio control models that is used for the engine RC car is made of the combination of the methyl alcohol, the oil or composition ol, nitro methane etc. The flammability of these elements is to be very high, have volatility, be fully careful of handling and the storage. @only use the glow fuel for radio control models the model shop sells. Other fuel, such as the gasoline and kerosene may break engine, and there is fear of explosion and accident such as a fire. Never use it. @ The flammability of the fuel is very high, Don't do the fuel lubrication and the preparation for operating near the fire. @Never do handling of the lubrication in the inside and mixing ofthe fuet in the place where ventilation is bad (@F uel is harmful, itis dangerous to drink and to inhale the volatile element of the fuel and exhaust. Never do. @Avoid fre, direct sunlight, high temperature, near battery and store the fuel in the cool, dry and dark places out of children’s reach @Don't leave the fuel in the fuel pump and the fuel tank. There is danger that fuel leaks out @Wipe out the spit fuel wth the useless cloth completely. @Remove a cap first and throw the empty fuel can away. Don't throw an empty can into the fire, There is danger of explosion CAUTION: ENGINE Confirm the position of needle and idling before running, Be sure to smooth new engine @Never remodel engine and mutfer. @There is danger that it gets burned because around the engine and the muffler generate high temperature for a while after use. @Do not touch the rotating parts at high speed such as clutch bell and flywheel. There is danger that it gets hurt @ifthe fuel pipe is choked or deteriorates, the engine may not start and there is danger the fuel leaks out. @8e sure to put the air fier, Use the fiter that is soaked air fiter oll @Engine may not start ifthe air fiter is dirty, choked with, the sand and dust, FIRST AID @if you drink fuel by accident, drink large quantities of water and emit it and right after that, see a doctor. @ if fuel is within eyes, wash it away with the water well, and right after that, see a doctor. @ if fuel is stuck to the skin, wash it with soap and water, well 27 Ay h SSSR dD EBA Kit Bag Details Kit Bag =A Kit Bag = QO © 2o||_¢ ose pe, IEE Ie » ) ‘pe. Woz Toe O ree toe Qo =~) 3 TTB) FLFLIF se Q as toe, © wees 2200 OQ TEE ce oe C3 HOE 2p GF) oct ee QO) amas GO = QO Hor28.8 tp. 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