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Tafseer of Ibn Abbas: '' Kufr Doona Kufr '' ("KUFR LESS THAN KUFR")

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”




: Ύϣ˵Ϭϧ˸ ϋ˴ ௌ ϲ˴ ο˶ έ˴ - αΎ͉ ˳ Αϋ˴ ϥ˸ ˶ Α΍ ϝ˶ ϭ˸ ϗ˴ Δ˵ γ΍έ

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©SalafiManhaj 2008
A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”


3 Introduction
16 The Status of the Illustrious Companion ’Abdullaah Ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu
’anhumaa) in Tafseer
20 The Route of Taawoos from ’Abdullaah bin ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhumaa) and a
Study of this Route of Transmission
29 The Route of ’Ali bin Abee Talhah from ’Abdullaah bin ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu
31 ’Ataa bin Abee Rabaah (rahimahullaah)
34 Taawoos al-Yamaanee (rahimahullaah)
35 A Classification of Reputable Scholars who have Clearly Authenticated the Tafseer of
’Abdullaah Ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhumaa) or have Used it as a Proof
45 Tafseel in the Issue of Tabdeel: “Dismantling the Sharee’ah” According to ’Abdullaah
Faisal al-Jamaykee, his Gross Errors and Misunderstandings of Tabdeel and his Claim
that the Salafis Have Gone Against an “Ijmaa’”
55 The New-Age Takfiri Activists and Khawaarij and their Fradulent Referral to Shaykh
Muhammad bin Ibraaheem (rahimahullaah)
58 al-’Allaamah, Dr Saalih al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah) on the Issue of Ruling by man-
Made Laws
59 Conclusion
63 Appendix 1: The Abominable Statements of ’Abdullaah Faisal Jamaykee: A Quick Re-
66 Appendix 2: ’Abdullaah Faisal al-Jamaykee and His Takfeer of Abu Usaamah adh-
Dhahabi and the Call for His Assassination
67 Appendix 3: From Hardcore Orthodox Hasidic Jew to Takfiri and Khawarij al-Qaeda
Sympathiser! The Odd Case of Yousef al-Khattaab (Joey Cohen) from Brooklyn, New
York, Head of the ’Abdullah (“el”) Faisal Fanclub!

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©SalafiManhaj 2008
A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

Indeed, all praise is due to AllĆh, we praise Him, we seek His aid, and we ask for His forgiveness.
We seek refuge in AllĆh from the evil of our actions and from the evil consequences of our actions.
Whomever AllĆh guides, there is none to misguide and whoever AllĆh misguides there is none to
guide. I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except AllĆh and I bear witness that
Muhammad is the servant and messenger of AllĆh.

ą ǷČ ǶĄƬǻƊƗȁă ōȏƛƎ ċǺƫĄȂĄǸƫă ȏƊ ȁă Ǿĉ ƫĉƢƊǬƫĄ Ǫċ Ʒă Ǿă ǴƐdzơ ơƒȂƌǬƫċơ ơƒȂĄǼǷă ƕ Ǻă ȇĉǀdzōơ ƢăȀČȇƊƗ Ƣăȇƃ
“O you who have believed, fear AllĆh as He should be feared and do not die except as
Muslims (in submission to Him).”
{ąli-ImrĆn (3): 102}

ōƮƥăȁă ƢăȀăƳąȁăǃ ƢăȀąǼǷĉ Ǫă ǴƊƻă ȁă ƧĊ ƾă Ʒĉ ơăȁ dž

Ɖ Ǩƒ ǻċ ǺďǷ ǶƌǰǬƊ ǴƊƻă ȅĉǀōdzơ ǶĄ ǰƌ ċƥǁă ơƒȂƌǬƫċơ Dž
Ą ƢċǼdzơ ƢăȀČȇƊƗ Ƣăȇƃ

Ƕą ǰƌ ȈąǴƊǟă ǹƊ ƢƊǯ Ǿă ǴƐdzơ ōǹƛƎ ǵă ƢăƷąǁȋÈ ơăȁ Ǿĉ ƥƎ ǹƊ ȂƌdzƔƢăLjƫă ȅĉǀōdzơ Ǿă ǴƐdzơ ơƒȂƌǬƫċơăȁ ƔƢăLjǻƎȁă ơĆŚưĉǯƊ ȏƆ ƢăƳǁƎ ƢăǸĄȀąǼĉǷ

“O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate
and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear AllĆh through whom you
ask things from each other, and (respect) the wombs. Indeed AllĆh is ever, over you, an
{an-NisĆ (4): 1}

ơĆƾȇĉƾLJă ƢƆdzȂą ǫƊ ơȂƌdzȂƌǫȁă Ǿă ōǴdzơ ơȂƌǬċƫơ ơȂĄǼǷă ƕ ăǺȇĉǀōdzơ ƢăȀČȇƗƊ Ƣăȇƃ

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©SalafiManhaj 2008
A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

ơĆǃȂą ǧƊ ǃă ƢƊǧ ƾą ǬƊ ǧƊ ĄǾdzƊȂĄLJǁă ȁă Ǿă ōǴdzơ Ǟą ǘĉ ȇĄ ǺăǷȁă Ƕą ǰƌ ƥăȂĄǻƿƌ Ƕą ǰƌ dzƊ ǂą Ǩĉ Ǥą ȇăȁă ąǶƌǰƊdzƢăǸąǟƊƗ Ƕą ǰƌ dzƊ ƶ

ą Ǵĉ ǐ
ą ȇĄ

“O you who have believed, fear AllĆh and speak words of appropriate justice. He will amend
for you your deeds and forgive your sins. And whoever obeys AllĆh and His Messenger has
certainly attained a great attainment.”
{al-AhzĆb (33): 70-71}

To proceed:
It appears that the deception of Abdullaah Faisal al-Jamaykee is still in full flight, we have come
across a video wherein ’Abdullaah Faisal al-Jamaykee, in his hatred for the manhaj of the Salaf, has
clearly demonstrated that his cantankerous views, along with his takfeeree temerity, have not changed
one iota. Indeed, as the saying goes: you can’t teach an old dog new tricks! What Faisal and his ilk
seem to be incapable of understanding is that it is the manhaj of the Salaf that is being defended not
corrupt oppressive rulers, this has never been the reality of the issue only within the unhinged mind
of the fake Shaykh of Jamaica, Abdullaah el-Faisal.
Like other new-age takfiri activists, Faisal al-Jamaykee has even stooped to the level of cursing
the illustrious Sahaabee’ Abdullaah Ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhu) and describing him as “having
many mistakes”!? 1 What is also strange is that Faisal’s new-found supporters, headed by the
ignoramus Yoosuf al-Khattaab 2 , see nothing wrong in this?
After 29 minutes into the video which was a recording of a “debate” between the decrepit
Abdullaah Faisal and a Salafi brother in Nigeria, which can be found Online, Faisal exclaims that:
“First of all, we do not worship Ibn ’Abbaas and if he said that dismantling the Sharee’ah is
kufr doona kufr it’s a mistake and Ibn ’Abbaas is known for making mistakes...so Ibn ’Abbaas
is known for making many many mistakes. So if he said that to dismantle the Sharee’ah is

1 This was actually asserted by Aboo Hamza al-Misree in his paper entitled Ruling by Man-Made Laws is Kufr Akbar,
wherein we find on page 15 that he makes the same conclusions about Ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhumaa) as Faisal
did in his video debate with the brother in Nigeria. Therefore, all Faisal has done is follow the folly of Aboo Hamza al-
Misree. The ‘paper’ by Aboo Hamza al-Misree is obviously poor in its academic standard and clearly has not emanated
from one who even has a inkling of Islamic scholarship.
2 Refer to: http://www.salafimanhaj.com/pdf/SalafiManhaj_YusufKhattaab.pdf
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

minor kufr we dismiss it as one of the mistakes of Ibn ’Abbaas. Because he was a young
Sahaabah and we stick to the fatwa of Ibn Katheer and Ibn Taymiyyah”
Another of the glaring proofs of his crazed Khaarijiyyah! Which his followers find nothing wrong
with?! The other stupendous contradiction within Faisal’s deranged (!) speech is that he claims that
Ibn Katheer mentioned a consensus that “whosoever dismantles the Sharee’ah is a kaafir”, yet
Ibn Katheer mentions in his own tafseer the narration of Ibn ’Abbaas regarding “kufr less than
kufr”!! So Abdullaah Faisal builds a straw man argument to knock down, but this is not what the
realm of the discussion is about. The realm of the discussion is regarding the narration of Ibn
’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhu) and its application to those who do not rule by what Allaah has revealed.
So after 16 minutes into the “debate” the Nigerian Salafi brother asks Faisal if he still holds to his
position that he stated in a past lecture entitled ‘Let the Scholars Beware’ 3 :
“I suggest you don’t embarrass yourself and promote the ‘aqeedah of kufr doona
kufr…because when you promote this dodgy ‘aqeedah and this is the ‘aqeedah of the Salafees,
may the curse of Allaah be upon them in this life and the hereafter, and anyone who promote
{sic} the ‘aqeedah of kufr doona kufr this person is an enemy of Allaah, His Rasool and al-
To which Faisal, may Allaah guide or give him what he deserves, states:
I stand by that statement anyone who says that to dismantle the Sharee’ah is kufr doona kufr
is an enemy of Allaah... 4
So Faisal twists his response, and adds “dismantle the Sharee’ah” but this is not the realm of
discussion, the realm of discussion is the narration of “kufr doona kufr” (“kufr less than kufr”).
So Faisal here is able to build a straw man and then knock it down. Also, when Faisal uses the term
“dismantle” he does not give specific examples of where in his deranged mind this has occurred,
more on this will be mentioned in a subsequent chapter insha’Allaah. Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn
Taymiyyah actually said, which ’Abdullaah Faisal (Fasheel!) al-Jamaykee avoids referring to, that:

3 The very title of this lecture is in itself interesting, as who on earth is Abdullaah Faisal al-Jamaykee to pronounce
statements such as “the scholars should beware” as indeed Allaah has stated that only the ’Ulama truly fear Allaah.
4 Faisal also stated after an hour and fifteen minutes into a lecture entitled Cancers in the Body of the Ummah (1):
“The statement of kufr doona kufr where did it come from? Qurtubi says it come {sic} from
Taawoos! A man who did not even meet the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam), a man by
the name of Taawoos came up with this statement kufr doona kufr. So as for the statement kufr
doona kufr Ibn ‘Abbaas did not make this statement!”

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

ϰϟΎόΗ ϝΎϘϓ ˭ϝϮγήϟ΍ϭ ௌ ϰϟ· ϩϭΩήϳ ϥ΃ ˯ϲη ϲϓ ΍ϮϋίΎϨΗ ΍Ϋ· ϢϬϠϛ ϦϴϤϠδϤϟ΍ ௌ ήϣ΃ Ϊϗϭ
Allaah has instructed all of the Muslims to refer back to Allaah and His Messenger, Allaah says,

Ȇĉǧ Ƕą ƬĄǟą ǃă ƢăǼƫă ǹƎƜǧƊ Ƕą ǰƌ ǼĉǷ ǂƎ Ƿą ȋÈ ơ Ȇĉdzȁą ƌƗȁă ƊDZȂĄLJċǂdzơ ơƒȂĄǠȈĉǗƗƊȁă Ǿă ƐǴdzơ ơƒȂĄǠȈĉǗƗƊ ơƒȂĄǼǷă ƕ Ǻă ȇĉǀōdzơ ƢăȀČȇƊƗ Ƣăȇ

ćǂąȈƻă Ǯ
ă dzĉƿƊ ǂƎ ƻĉ ȉơ ǵƎ Ȃą Ȉădzƒơăȁ Ǿĉ ƐǴdzƢƎƥ ƊǹȂĄǼǷĉ ąƚĄƫ ąǶĄƬǼƌǯ ǹƎƛ DZƎ ȂĄLJċǂdzơăȁ Ǿĉ ƐǴdzơ ȄƊdzƛƎ ǽĄ ȁČƽǂĄ ǧƊ ƔÇ Ȇą Njă

Ɔ ȇƎȁƘƒ ƫă ĄǺLj
ă ąƷƗƊȁă
“O you who have believed, obey Allaah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among
you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allaah and the Messenger, if you should
believe in Allaah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.”
{an-Nisaa (4): 59}

And Allaah says,

Ƕą ȀƎ Lj
Ê ƌǨǻƊƗ Ȇĉǧ ơƒȁĄƾƴ
Ǝ ȇă ȏƊ ċǶƯƌ Ƕą ȀĄ ǼăȈą ƥă ǂă ƴ
ă Njă ƢăǸȈĉǧ ǭă ȂĄǸŏǰƸ
ă Ąȇ Ȅă ċƬƷă ǹƊ ȂĄǼǷĉ ƚą Ąȇ ȏƊ Ǯ
ă ďƥǁă ȁă Ȑ
Ɗ ǧƊ ƃ

ą ƫă ơƒȂĄǸŏǴLj
ă ȇĄȁă ƪ
ă Ȉą ǔ
ă ǫƊ ƢċǸďǷ ƢĆƳǂă Ʒă
“But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O Muhammad],
judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within
themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing]
{an-Nisaa (4): 65}

ǹƢǯ ǺǷ ƢǷƗȁ ǺǷƚȇ ȏ ǾǻƗ ǾLjǨǻ ȄǴǟ ƅơ ǶLjǫƗ ƾǬǧ ǶȀǼȈƥ ǂƴNj ƢǸȈǧ ǾdzȂLJǁȁ ƅơ ǶȈǰŢ ǵDŽƬǴȇ Ń ǺǸǧ

ƨȇȉơ ǽǀǿȁ ƧƢǐǠdzơ ǺǷ ǾdzƢưǷƗ ƨdzDŽǼŠ ơǀȀǧ ǽơȂǿ ǞƦƫơȁ Ȅǐǟ Ǻǰdz ƆơǂǿƢǛȁ ƢƆǼǗƢƥ ǾdzȂLJǁȁ ƅơ Ƕǰū ƢƆǷDŽƬǴǷ

Ȃǿ ǶǿƽƢǬƬǟơ ǹƗ ǹȂǸǟDŽȇ Ľ ƅơ DZDŽǻƗ ƢŠ ǹȂǸǰŹ ȏ Ǻȇǀdzơ ǂǷȋơ Ƨȏȁ ŚǨǰƫ ȄǴǟ ƱǁơȂŬơ Ƣđ ƲƬŹ ƢŲ

ºǿơ"ƅơ ǶǰƷ

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©SalafiManhaj 2008
A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

So whoever does not abide by the judgement of Allaah and His Messenger in any disagreements which
arise among them, then Allaah has sworn by Himself that they do not believe. As for the one who
abides by Allaah and His Messenger’s judgements inwardly and outwardly, but he commits sins and
follows his desire, this case is the same as that of disobedience. This ayah is what the Khawaarij use
as a proof for making takfeer of the rulers who do not judge by what Allaah has revealed, then
they claim that they believe that it is Allaah’s judgement. 5
Imaam Ibn Battah in his book al-Ibaanah has a chapter entitled ‘Sins which lead a person to commit
kufr which expels from the religion’ and he mentions in the chapter:
.ΔϠϤϟ΍ Ϧϋ ϞϗΎϧ ήϴϏ ήϐλ΃ ήϔϛ Ϫϧ΃ ϰϠϋ ϦϴόΑΎΘϟ΍ϭ ΔΑΎΤμϟ΍ έΎΛ΁ Ωέϭ΃ϭ ˬௌ ϝΰϧ΃ Ύϣ ήϴϐΑ ϢϜΤϟ΍
Ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed – the narrations from the Companions and the
Taabi’oon highlight that it is minor kufr which does not expel a person from the religion.
Imaam ’AbdurRahmaan as-Si’dee (rahimahullaah) said in his tafseer of the verse:
ˬΎϬϠϛ ϦϳΪϟ΍ ΐΗ΍ήϣ ϞϤϜΘγ΍ ΪϘϓ ˰ ϢϴϠδΘϟ΍ϭ ΝήΤϟ΍ ˯ΎϔΘϧ΍ϭ ϢϴϜΤΘϟ΍ ϲϨόϳ ˰ ΐΗ΍ήϤϟ΍ ϩάϫ ϞϤϜΘγ΍ ϦϤϓ "
Ϧϣ ϪϟΎΜϣ΃ ϢϜΣ ϪϠϓ Ϫϣ΍ΰΘϟ΍ ϊϣ ϪϛήΗ Ϧϣϭ ήϓΎϛ ϮϬϓ ˬϪϟ ϡΰΘϠϣ ήϴϏ ˬέϮϛάϤϟ΍ ϢϴϜΤΘϟ΍ ΍άϫ ϙήΗ Ϧϣϭ
. "ϦϴϴλΎόϟ΍
Whoever fulfils this level, meaning he renders judgement accordingly, and has no resistance, accepting
with full conviction, then he has completely fulfilled the necessary level of religion. And whoever
leaves this rendering of judgement mentioned, not abiding by it, then the ruling for him is similar to
that of the disobedient.
As for the ijmaa’ that he is talking about, then this it is hard to ascertain what ’Abdullaah Faisal is
actually quoting as he rarely quotes accurately and from the original Arabic, yet we thing that Faisal
(al-Fasheel!) is referring to:
ˬϪϴϠϋ ϊϤΠϤϟ΍ ωήθϟ΍ ϝΪΑ ϭ΃ ˬϪϴϠϋ ϊϤΠϤϟ΍ ϝϼΤϟ΍ ϡήΣ ϭ΃ ϪϴϠϋ ϊϤΠϤϟ΍ ϡ΍ήΤϟ΍ ϞϠΣ ϰΘϣ ϥΎδϧϹ΍ϭ "
:ϦϴϟϮϘϟ΍ ΪΣ΃ ϰϠϋ ϪϟϮϗ ϝΰϧ ΍άϫ ϞΜϣ ϲϓϭ ˬ˯ΎϬϘϔϟ΍ ϕΎϔΗΎΑ ˱΍ΪΗήϣ ˱΍ήϓΎϛ ϥΎϛ
When a person makes halaal whatever is haraam by consensus, or prohibits whatever is halaal
by consensus, or changes whatever is from the Divine Legislation by consensus - is a
disbelieving apostate by agreement of the fuqahaa. With regards to the likes of these people
Allaah revealed,

ƂǹƊ ȁĄǂǧĉ ƢƊǰdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă ƃ

ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƘƌǧƊ ǾĄ ƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ

5 Minhaaj us-Sunnah, vol.5, p.131

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

“And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are
{al-Maa’idah (5): 44}

˰ϫ΍ "ௌ ϝΰϧ΃ Ύϣ ήϴϐΑ ϢϜΤϠϟ ϞΤΘδϤϟ΍ ϱ΃

Meaning: the one who makes it lawful to rule by other than what Allaah has revealed. 6
So the mere ruling by man-made law which opposes the Divine Legislation is not kufr which expels
from the religion, except if it is said that such man-made laws are better than the Divine Legislation
of Allaah, or if a person views that it is permissible to rule by it, even if he says that the rule of the
Divine Legislation is better, because he has made lawful what Allaah has prohibited or prohibited
what Allaah has made lawful. As for if a person does that (i.e. rules by man-made law) due to
following his desires and he knows that he is disobeying Allaah by doing that, then such a person is
of the disobedient people of major sins and he is considered to have committed minor kufr, minor
dhulm and minor fisq. Primarily such a person is not a disbeliever if the laws are common and
customary and not acts of worship, such as the laws and regulations that Abdullaah Faisal (Fasheel!)
al-Jamaykee himself submits to and lives within! Furthermore, al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer transmitted
in his tafseer that there was an ijmaa’ of the Muslims on the kufr of the Mongols due to their
application of Yaasiq (Yasaa). He stated in his Tafseer ul-Qur’aan il-Adheem, vol.2, p.68:

Ƃ ǹƊ ȂĄǼǫĉȂĄȇ ǵƉ Ȃą ǬƊ dzŏ ƢƆǸƒǰĄƷ Ǿĉ ōǴdzơ Ǻă Ƿĉ ĄǺLj

ă Ʒą ƗƊ Ǻą Ƿă ȁă ǹƊ ȂĄǤƦąȇă ƨĉ ȈċǴĉȀƎ ºăƴdzƒơ Ƕă ƒǰĄƸǧƊƗƊƃ
“Then is it the judgement of [the time of] ignorance they desire? But who is better than AllĆh in
judgement for a people who are certain [in faith].”
{al-Maa’idah (5): 50}
Allah criticizes those who ignore Allah’s commandments, which include every type of
righteous good thing and prohibit every type of evil, but they refer instead to opinions, desires
and customs that people themselves invented, all of which have no basis in Allah’s religion.
During the time of Jahiliyyah, the people used to abide by the misguidance and ignorance that
they invented by sheer opinion and lusts. The Tatar (Mongols) abided by the law that they
inherited from their king Genghis Khan who wrote Al-Yasiq, for them. This book contains

6 Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.2, p.267

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

some rulings that were derived from various religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and
Islam. Many of these rulings were derived from his own opinion and desires. Later on, these
rulings became the followed law among his children, preferring them to the Law of the Book
of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger. Therefore, whoever does this, he is a disbeliever
who deserves to be fought against, until he returns back to Allah’s and His Messenger’s rule,
so that no law, minor or major, is referred to except by His Law. 7
So primarily it is in referral to the Mongols and the evidence is that Ibn Katheer (rahimahullaah)
stated towards the end of his speech:

"ήϓΎϛ ϮϬϓ [ ϢϬϨϣ] ϚϟΫ Ϟόϓ ϦϤϓ "

“Whoever from them 8 does that is a disbeliever”.
So as for ’Abdullaah Faisal’s ridiculous use of Ibn Katheer (rahimahullaah), then Ibn Katheer himself
refers to “kufr doona kufr” in his tafseer and accepted it?! So Ibn Katheer himself attested to the
narration of “kufr less than kufr” and did not consider it false as the likes of ’Abdullaah Faisal al-
Jamaykee and the new-age takfiri activists and Khawaarij do! ’Ajeeb! Faisal also claims that the Salafis
“go against the ijmaa’ of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Katheer” (!!?) and deceptively quotes Ibn
Taymiyyah saying (according to Abdullah Faisal’s distorted translation):
It is known of Islam by necessity and it is the agreement of all the Muslims that if you
dismantle the Sharia it makes you become a kaafir. 9
Abdullah Faisal then quotes the source for the above quote as being from: Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmoo’
al-Fataawaa, vol.8, p.524. Ok, now let’s quote the actual Arabic text from Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn
Taymiyyah from Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa:

ϦϳΩ ήϴϏ ωΎΒΗ΍ ύϮ͉ γ˴ Ϧϣ˴ ϥ΍ ϦϴϤϠδϤϟ΍ ϊϴϤΟ ϕΎϔΗ˶ΎΑ ϭ˴ ϦϴϤϠδϤϟ΍ ϦϳΩ Ϧϣ˶ έ΍ήτ˶ ˸οϻΎΑ ˶ ϡ˲ ϮϠ˸όϣ˴ ϭ˴
˶ ϛ˴ ϭ˴ ή˶ϓΎϛ Ϯ˴ ˵Ϭ˴ϓ :ϢϠγ ϭ˴ Ϫ˶ ϴϠϋ ௌ ϰϠλ ΪϤΤϣ Δόϳήη ήϴϏ Δόϳήη ωΎΒΗ΍ ϭ΃
Ϧ˴ ϣ˴ ΁ Ϧϣ˴ ήϔϜ ˸ ϡϼ˸γϻ΍˶
Ώ ˶ ό˴Β˶Α ή˴ ˴ϔϛ˴ ϭ˴ Ώ
˶ ΎΘϜ˶ ϟ΍ ξ˸ ˶ ΎΘϜ˶ ϟ΍ ξ˸
˶ ό˴Β˶Α

7 For Online English version of this refer to:
8 However, Aboo Baseer at-Tartoose for example, in his book at-Taaghoot omits these words “...from them (min
hum)...” as he and those like him usually do in their tadlees and cutting up the texts, see at-Taaghoot, p.84 For a
further detailed critique of Aboo Baseer at-Tartoosee and his errors in understanding taaghoot and takfeer refer to the
translated book by Aboo Noor bin Hasan bin Muhammad al-Kurdee:
9 Abdullah (“El”) Faisal mentioned this is an email to a brother in Jamaica which was forwarded to the
salafimanhaj.com team recently.
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

It is well-known frm the deen of the Muslims, and with the agreement of all of the
Muslims, that whoever permits (sawwagha) following a deen other than Islam or
following a Sharee’ah other than the Sharee’ah of Muhammad (sallallaahu ’alayhi
wassallam) – is a disbeliever and is like the kufr of one who believes in some of the
Book and disbelieves in some of it…
This is from: Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmoo’ al-Fatawaa (KSA: Tarteeb of ’AbdurRahmaan Qaasim, 1997
CE/1418 AH), vol.8, p.524. So we can see that Abdullah (“El”) Faisal translates the word
“sawwagha” as “dismantle” and totally misquotes Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
(rahimahullaah). This is clear khiyaanah and a lack of amaana which deceives the Ummah. The word
“sawwagha” means: ‘ajaaza’ and ‘abaaha’ which means: ‘to be or become permissible’, to be
permitted’, to be allowed’ etc. Firstly, these terms have totally different connotations to “dismantle”;
secondly, Faisal did not transmit fully what was mentioned by Ibn Taymiyyah and thirdly, the Salafis
totally accept what has been mentioned by Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah)!
Ibn Qayyim, in his book Hukm Taarik Salaah, explains what the Salaf were upon, he says:
.ΩΎϨϋϭ ΩϮΤΟ ήϔϛϭ ˬϞϤϋ ήϔϛ :ϥΎϋϮϧ ήϔϜϟ΍ ϥ΃ :Ϯϫϭ ˬήΧ΁ Ϟλ΃ ΎϨϫ Ύϫϭ "

ˬϪΗΎϔλϭ Ώήϟ΍ ˯ΎϤγ΃ Ϧϣ ˭˱΍ΩΎϨϋϭ ˱΍ΩϮΤΟ ௌ ΪϨϋ Ϧϣ ϪΑ ˯ΎΟ ϝϮγήϟ΍ ϥ΃ ϢϠϋ ΎϤΑ ήϔϜϳ ϥ΃ :ΩϮΤΠϟ΍ ήϔϜϓ
.ϪϣΎϜΣ΃ϭ ˬϪϟΎόϓ΃ϭ

.ϪΟϭ Ϟϛ Ϧϣ ϥΎϤϳϹ΍ ΩΎπϳ ήϔϜϟ΍ ΍άϫϭ

:ϩΩΎπϳ ϻ Ύϣ ϰϟ·ϭ ϥΎϤϳϹ΍ ΩΎπϳ Ύϣ ϰϟ· ϢδϘϨϴϓ :ϞϤόϟ΍ ήϔϛ Ύϣ΃ϭ

.ϥΎϤϳϹ΍ ΩΎπϳ ϪΒγϭ ˬϲΒϨϟ΍ ϞΘϗϭ ˬϒΤμϤϟΎΑ ΔϧΎϬΘγϻ΍ϭ ˬϢϨμϠϟ ΩϮΠδϟΎϓ

Ϣγ΍ ϪϨϋ ϰϔϨϳ ϥ΃ ϦϜϤϳ ϻϭ ˱ Ύότϗ ϲϠϤόϟ΍ ήϔϜϟ΍ Ϧϣ ϮϬϓ ˭Γϼμϟ΍ ϙήΗϭ ˬௌ ϝΰϧ΃ Ύϣ ήϴϐΑ ϢϜΤϟ΍ Ύϣ΃ϭ
. ϪϴϠϋ ϪϟϮγέϭ ௌ ϪϘϠρ΃ ϥ΃ ΪόΑ ήϔϜϟ΍

ௌ ϝϮγέ κϨΑ ˰ ήϓΎϛ Γϼμϟ΍ ϙέΎΗϭ ˬ ήϓΎϛ ௌ ϝΰϧ΃ Ύϣ ήϴϐΑ ϢϛΎΤϟΎϓH ήϔϛϻ ˬ ϞϤϋ ήϔϛ Ϯϫ ϦϜϟϭ ˰
ௌ ϝϮγέ ϲϤδϳϭ ˬ ˱΍ήϓΎϛ ௌ ϝΰϧ΃ Ύϣ ήϴϐΑ ϢϛΎΤϟ΍ ˰ ϪϧΎΤΒγ ˰ ௌ ϲϤδϳ ϥ΃ ϊϨΘϤϤϟ΍ Ϧϣϭ ˬ ΩΎϘΘϋ΍H ϙέΎΗ
ௌ ϝϮγέ ϰϔϧ Ϊϗϭ ˬ ήϔϜϟ΍ Ϣγ΍ ΎϬϴϠϋ ϖϠτϳ ϻϭ ˬ ˱΍ήϓΎϛ Γϼμϟ΍H ΏέΎηϭ ˬ ϕέΎδϟ΍ϭ ˬ ϲϧ΍ΰϟ΍ Ϧϋ ϥΎϤϳϹ΍
ήϔϛ ϪϨϋ ϰϔΘϧ΍ϭ ˬ ϞϤόϟ΍ ΔϬΟ Ϧϣ ήϓΎϛ ϮϬϓ ˬ ϥΎϤϳϹ΍ Ϣγ΍ ϪϨϋ ϲϔϧ ΍Ϋ·ϭ ˬ ϪϘ΋΍ϮΑ ϩέΎΟ Ϧϣ΄ϳϻ ϦϤϋϭ ˬ ήϤΨϟ΍
.˰ϫ΍ "ϞϤϋ ήϔϛ ΍άϬϓ (ξόΑ ΏΎϗέ ϢϜπόΑ Ώήπϳ ˬ˱΍έΎϔϛ ϱΪόΑ ΍ϮόΟήΗ ϻ ) :ϪϟϮϗ Ϛϟάϛϭ ˬΩΎϘΘϋϻ΍ϭ ΩϮΤΠϟ΍
Here there is another foundation which is that kufr is of two types: Kufr ’Amalee (Kufr of action) and
Kufr ul-Juhood (rejection) and ’inad (stubbornness). Kufr ul-Juhood is: disbelieving in what is known to be

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

from what the Messenger came with out of rejection and stubbornness and of the Names of the Lord
and His Attributes, Actions and Regulations. This type of kufr contradicts eemaan. As for Kufr ’Amali
(kufr of actions): it is divided into whatever contradicts eemaan and what does not. Therefore, sujood
(prostrating) to idols, disrespecting the Qur’aan, killing the Prophet and abusing him all contradicts
eemaan. As for ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed and leaving the prayer then it is definitely
Kufr ’Amalee and it is not possible to negate the title of kufr from the person except after Allaah and His
Messenger have absolutely applied it. The one who rules by other than what Allaah has revealed is a
disbeliever and the one who abandons the prayer is a disbeliever, according to the text from the
Messenger of Allaah, however it is kufr of actions (‘Amalee) not Kufr ’I’tiqaad (kufr of belief). It is not
possible that Allaah would name the one who rules by other than what Allaah has revealed as being a
“kaafir” and the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) named the one who leaves the prayer
as being a “kaafir” when the title of kufr was not absolutely applied to them. The Messenger of Allaah
(sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) negated eemaan from the one who commits zinaa, the thief, the one who
drinks alcohol and the one whose neighbour is not safe from his harm. So if the title of having eemaan
was negated for an individual who falls into such things then he is a disbeliever from the angle of
action but the Kufr of Juhood (rejection) and ‘I’tiqaad is not applied to them. Likewise, the hadeeth (which
is agreed upon): “Do not return to being disbelievers after me, by some of you hitting the necks of (i.e. killing) others.”
This is kufr of action. 10
We therefore see that Faisal, in keeping with the way of the people of innovation, twists the words
of the ’Ulama to suit him hence his lack of a detailed referral to their actual words, Shaykh ul-Islaam
Ibn Taymiyyah stated about this procedure:

ξϐΒϳϭ ˬΎϬπϐΒϳϭ ϪϔϟΎΨΗ ϲΘϟ΍ ιϮμϨϟ΍ ϥΎϤΘϛ ϲΤϳ Ϯϫϭ ϻ· ˱ ΎϋΪΘΒϣ ςϗ ΪΠΗ ϼϓ "
ΪΣ΃ ωΪΘΑ΍ Ύϣ :ϒϠδϟ΍ ϝΎϗ ΎϤϛ ˬϚϟΫ Ϟόϔϳ Ϧϣ ξϐΒϳϭ ˬΎϬΑ ΙΪΤΘϟ΍ϭ ΎϬΘϳ΍ϭέϭ ΎϫέΎϬο·
."ϪΒϠϗ Ϧϣ ΚϳΪΤϟ΍ ΓϭϼΣ Ζϋΰϧ ϻ· ΔϋΪΑ

You will not find an innovator except that he hides the texts which oppose him and he will
hate those texts. He will also hate bringing these texts up, narrating them, mentioning them
and he hates acting by them. Just as the Salaf said: “One does not begin an innovation except that the
sweetness of hadeeth is removed from his heart.” 11

10 As-Salaat wa Hukm Taarikuhu, pp.72-78
11 Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.20, p.161
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

So as for “not ruling by the Sharee’ah” then Abdullaah Faisal (al-Fasheel!) al-Jamaykee, neatly avoids
referring to what Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) stated in the fifth volume of
Minhaaj us-Sunnah on page 112:
ϞΧΩ ΎϤϧ· ϞΑ ϡϼγϹ΍ ϲϓ ϝϮΧΪϟ΍ ϲϓ ϪϣϮϗ Ϫότϳ ϢϠϓ ϯέΎμϨϟ΍ ϚϠϣ ϥΎϛ ϥ·ϭ Ϯϫ ϲηΎΠϨϟ΍ Ϛϟάϛϭ
ϢϠγϭ ϪϴϠϋ ୯ ϰϠλ ϲΒϨϟ΍ ϪϴϠϋ ϰϠμϓ ϪϴϠϋ ϲϠμϳ Ϧϣ ϙΎϨϫ ϦϜϳ Ϣϟ ΕΎϣ ΎϤϟ ΍άϬϟϭ ϢϬϨϣ ήϔϧ Ϫόϣ
ϥ· ϝΎϗϭ ΕΎϣ ϡϮϳ ϪΗϮϤΑ ϢϫήΒΧ΃ϭ ϪϴϠϋ ϰϠλϭ ΎϓϮϔλ ϢϬϔμϓ ϰϠμϤϟ΍ ϰϟ· ϦϴϤϠδϤϟΎΑ ΝήΧ ΔϨϳΪϤϟΎΑ
ϩΰΠόϟ ΎϬϴϓ ϞΧΩ ϦϜϳ Ϣϟ ΎϫήΜϛ΃ ϭ΃ ϡϼγϹ΍ ϊ΋΍ήη Ϧϣ ήϴΜϛϭ ΕΎϣ ΔθΒΤϟ΍ Ϟϫ΃ Ϧϣ ΎΤϟΎλ ϢϜϟ ΎΧ΃
ϡϮμϳ ϻϭ βϤΨϟ΍ Ε΍ϮϠμϟ΍ ϲϠμϳ ϦϜϳ Ϣϟ Ϫϧ΃ ϯϭέ Ϊϗ ϞΑ ΖϴΒϟ΍ ΞΣ ϻϭ ΪϫΎΠϳ Ϣϟϭ ήΟΎϬϳ ϢϠϓ ϚϟΫ Ϧϋ
ϪϨϜϤϳ ϻ Ϯϫϭ ϪϴϠϋ ϪϧϭήϜϨϴϓ ϪϣϮϗ ΪϨϋ ήϬψϳ ϥΎϛ ϚϟΫ ϥϷ Δϴϋήθϟ΍ ΓΎϛΰϟ΍ ϱΩΆϳ ϻϭ ϥΎπϣέ ήϬη

And likewise an-Najaashi who was a Christian king of his country would not have been
obeyed by the people whom he ruled over in accepting Islaam and only a few people accepted
Islaam with him. For this reason, when he died there were no Muslims to pray over him in his
country. The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) in Madeenah prayed over Najaashi, the
people went out to a musalla and arranged rows in order to pray the janazah for an-Najaashi
and the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) prayed over him. 12 He then informed them that
an-Najaashi had died saying “Indeed, your righteous brother from the people of Habasha
(Ethiopia) died today.” Many of the symbols and institutions of Islaam, or most of them, were
not established in Habasha due to his (an-Najaashi’s) inability to implement them there. He
did not make hijra, he did not make jihaad, he did not make Hajj, indeed it is even stated that
he did even pray the five daily prayers, fast or give the Divinely Legislated Zakat! Because if all
of that was made apparent to his people and they saw all of that and that he was doing all of
that they would have rejected him and objected and thus it would not have been possible for
him to have opposed them.
Shaykh ’Ali Hasan al-Halabee al-Atharee stated about this:
This is a very precise point as an-Najaashi therefore was aware of many of the symbols and institutions
of Islaam and knew about them yet was unable to implement and apply them. I stopped and appended
some notes at this point here as some people confuse the story of an-Najaashi wherein it is stated that
an-Najaashi had not been made aware of the regulations of the Divine Legislation and did not know

12 Shaykh ’Ali stated: This indicates that Salaat ul-Janaazah (the funeral prayer) is to be prayed in a musalla and not
in a Masjid. It is permissible to pray Salaat ul-Janaazah in a Masjid but it is better if it is prayed in a musalla (a wide
open area wherein the people go out to pray).
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

about any of the symbols and institutions of the Divine Legislation, but this is clear in the text from
Shaykh ul-Islaam who stated: ‘Many of the symbols of Islaam, or most of them, were not
established in Habasha due to his (an-Najaashi’s) inability to implement them there.’ 13
Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah continues:
ϥ΁ήϘϟ΍ ϢϜΤΑ ϢϬϨϴΑ ϢϜΤϳ ϥ΃ ϪϨϜϤϳ ϦϜϳ Ϣϟ Ϫϧ΃ Ύότϗ ϢϠόϧ ϦΤϧϭ
ϩέάΣϭ Ϫϴϟ· ୯ ϝΰϧ΃ ΎϤΑ ϻ· ϢϬϨϴΑ ϢϜΤϳ Ϣϟ ΏΎΘϜϟ΍ Ϟϫ΃ ϩ˯ΎΟ ΍Ϋ· Ϫϧ΃ ΔϨϳΪϤϟΎΑ ϪϴΒϧ ϰϠϋ νήϓ Ϊϗ ୯ϭ
ΕΎϳΪϟ΍ ϲϓϭ ϢΟήϟ΍ ΪΤΑ ϦμΤϤϠϟ Ύϧΰϟ΍ ϲϓ ϢϜΤϟ΍ ϞΜϣ ΍άϫϭ Ϫϴϟ· ୯ ϝΰϧ΃ Ύϣ ξόΑ Ϧϋ ϩϮϨΘϔϳ ϥ΃
ϚϟΫ ήϴϏϭ ϦϴόϟΎΑ Ϧϴόϟ΍ϭ βϔϨϟΎΑ βϔϨϟ΍ ϊϴοϮϟ΍ϭ ϒϳήθϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ˯ΎϣΪϟ΍ ϲϓ ΔϳϮδΘϟ΍ϭ ϝΪόϟΎΑ
ϚϟΫ ϰϠϋ ϪϧϭήϘϳ ϻ ϪϣϮϗ ϥΈϓ ϥ΁ήϘϟ΍ ϢϜΤΑ ϢϜΤϳ ϥ΃ ϪϨϜϤϳ ϥΎϛ Ύϣ ϲηΎΠϨϟ΍ϭ
We know absolutely that it was not possible for him to rule amongst his people with the
Qur’aan 14 and Allaah obligated His Messenger in Madeenah that if the People of the Book
come to him he should not judge between them except with what Allaah had revealed and
warned him from the fact that the People of the Book swerve him away from some of what
Allaah has revealed. For example, the punishment and ruling upon zinaa, blood-money, the
recompense for killing another soul, an eye for an eye etc. So an-Najaashi was not able to rule
with the rule of the Qur’aan as his people would not have accepted that.
Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah mentions all of this in regards to dealings between Muslims and
Mongols wherein a Muslim is not able to implement the Sharee’ah totality due to the Mongols
preventing this and threatening the Muslims against this. Shaykh ’Ali Hasan therefore highlights:
We can say now, and I do not intend to make it easy or to make excuses without right however, we are
speaking about the reality which is that most of the rulers in this era, if not all of them unfortunately,
from the Muslims not to mention the non-Muslims, rule for the sake of a greater state! They are not
able to behave and are not able to do anything which opposes them (that greater state). Therefore, they
do not reject Islaam and they do not reject the rule of Islaam rather, they rule according to some of the
regulations of Islaam. All praise is due to Allaah as masaajid are widespread, the institution of the
month of Ramadaan is widespread and we see that there is stern opposition if one breaks the fast to eat
and the restaurants are all closed during the daytime in Ramadaan, therefore the main symbols and
institutions of Islaam are clearly apparent and present. We see that the institution of Hajj has a great
importance in all of the countries of the Muslims along with establishing support for the people who
make Hajj. We also see the collection boxes for Zakat even if it is made obligatory upon the people
strictly by these Muslims countries, it is still coordinated, arranged and organised along with

13 In a class given at the Imaam al-Albaanee Centre ’Ammaan, Jordan on Thursday 16th March 2006 CE
14 Meaning: to rule with what Allaah has revealed.
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

exhortation to pay it. Indeed, in some Muslim countries they want to make it obligatory to give Zakat.
All of this indicates that the main symbols and institutions of Islaam are apparent and are present along
with importance attached to Islaam, but do they apply all of Islaam? So they fall into the same as that
an-Najaashi did before them. They (the leaders) are not able to rule totally according to what Allaah
has revealed because their people do not agree with that. As the greater states, the hypocrites and the
people who do not want the Divine Legislation of Allaah - do not agree with their leaders in this and
doing it would lead to tribulations and dangerous affairs. We do not say all of this out of defending
them, making light of the matter or out of making light of their condition, rather we make this clear in
order for the Divinely Legislated ruling on the issue to be clear. So to make takfeer of such leaders is
not permissible along with the excuses which we have just mentioned and Allaah knows best.
So if all of these regulations have been verified in theory and practice, and the narrations regarding
an-Najaashi (radi Allaahu ‘anhu) are apparent as the correct foundation of this issue then we must go to
another important related issue. It is an issue which the opposers try to utilise, as they try to utilise the
other issue yet without really taking full account of either of them, and it is the issue of revolting
against the rulers. Most of those who make takfeer of the Muslim rulers are the very same people who
revolt against the Muslim rulers, incite and rouse the people against the leaders and talk about them so
as to destabilise the trust, security and eemaan of the ummah. Few of them seek to ascertain if such a
ruler may be a sinner and thus revolting against him is permissible as those who seek this type of
research in reality are not the people to debate with as they are few in these times. Rather, those who
have become popularised during this era are those who make takfeer of the leaders and legitimise
revolting against them based upon making takfeer of them. Revolting against the Muslim rulers is an
affair which according to the consensus of the ummah is not permissible and we will speak initially
about the Muslim rulers who oppose the Divine Legislation in a small portion, or a large portion, yet
they are still within the fold of Islaam as they have not expelled themselves from the religion and they
have not become kuffaar due to what they have done or due to actions that they have committed. The
texts from the scholars regarding this issue are plentiful and very abundant, I will highlight some of it
which is stronger than if it comes merely from my own self, as if statements emerge from the scholars
they are stronger proofs and evidences and especially if there is a consensus (of the Muslim scholars)
mentioned within them.
As for the detailed study of “kufr doona kufr” (“kufr less than kufr”) as stated by Ibn ’Abbaas
(radi Allaahu ’anhumaa) and documented from his main students (rahimahumullaah), then that will
mainly be based on the research of Shaykh Saleem bin ’Eeid al-Hilaalee from his outstanding work
on the matter entitled Qurrat ul-’Uyoon: Fee Tas-heeh Tafseer ’Abdullaah Ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhu)

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

li-Qawlihi ta’ala “Wa man lam yahkum bimaa anzala Allaah fa oolaa’ika hum al-Kafiroon” (’Ajmaan, UAE:
Maktabat ul-Furqaan, 1422 AH/2001 CE).

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”


From ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhumaa): I was in the house of Maymoonah bin al-
Haarith and I prepared some water for the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) to make
tahaarah with. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) said: “Who prepared this?”
Maymoonah said: “Abdullaah did.” The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) said: “O Allaah, grant
him understanding of the deen and teach him the interpretation.”
Reported by Ibn Abee Shaybah, al-Musannaf (vol.12, pp.111-112, no.12273); Ahmad in al-Musnad
(vol.1, pp.266, 314, 328 and 335) and in Fadaa’il us-Sahaabah, vol.2, pp.955-956, no.1856, p.956,
no.1858, pp.963-964, no.1882; Ibn Sa’d, at-Tabaqaat ul-Kubraa, vol.2, p.365; al-Fasawee, al-Ma’rifah
wa’t-Taareekh, vol.1, pp.493-494; at-Tabaree, Tadheeb ul-Aathaar, p.168, no.262, p.169, no.263 –
Musnad Ibn ’Abbaas; at-Tabaraanee, al-Mu’jam al-Kabeer, vol.10, p.238, no.10587; Ibn Hibbaan,
Saheeh, vol.15, p.531, no.7055; Ibn Abee ’Aasim, al-Aahaad wa’l-Mathaanee, vol.1, p.287, no.380; al-
Haakim, vol.3, p.534; al-Bayhaqee, Dalaa’il un-Nubuwwah, vol.6, pp.192-193 via ’Abdullaah ibn
’Uthmaan bin Khuthaym. Also reported via Daawood bin Abee Hind by at-Tabaraanee: in al-Mu’jam
al-Kabeer, vol.10, p.263, no.10614 and in al-Mu’jam as-Sagheer, vol.1, p.197. And via Sulaymaan al-
Ahwal as reported by: at-Tabaraanee in al-Mujam al-Kabeer, vol.12, p.55, no.12506 and in al-Muj’am al-
Awsat, vol.3, p.345, no.3356; and Aboo Taahir adh-Dhuhalee in Fawaa’id as in al-Isaabah, vol.2,
p.331. The third narration is from Sa’eed bin Jubayr from Ibn ’Abbaas. I say: its chain of
transmission is Saheeh and its narrators are thiqaat (trustworthy).
Al-Bukhaaree reported in his Saheeh, vol.1, p.169, no.75 and vol.7, p.100, no.3756, vol.13, p.245,
no.7270 – via Khaalid al-Hidhaa from ’Ikrimah from Ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhumaa) – in a
marfoo’ form 16 : “O Allaah grant him knowledge of the Book” and in another narration: “wisdom.”
Bukhaaree reported in his Saheeh, vol.1, p.244, no.143 as did Muslim in his Saheeh along with others –
via ’Ubaydullaah bin Abee Ziyaad from Ibn ’Abbaas in marfoo’ form: “O Allaah grant him understanding
of the deen”, Muslim however did not mention the word “deen”.

15 From Shaykh Aboo Usaamah Saleem bin ’Eeid al-Hilaalee as-Salafee, Qurrat ul-’Uyoon: Fee Tas-heeh Tafseer
’Abdullaah Ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhu) li-Qawlihi ta’ala “wa man lam yahkum bimaa anzala Allaah fa oolaika
hum al-Kafiroon” (’Ajmaan, UAE: Maktabat ul-Furqaan, 1422 AH/2001 CE), pp.36-38.
16 A marfoo’ hadeeth is a hadeeth which has been reported by a companion and due to what is within the hadeeth is
elevated to a saying of the Prophet (sallallŅhu alayhi wassallam).
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

Via ’Amru bin Deenaar from Kurayb from Ibn ’Abbaas that he said: “I went to the Messenger
of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) and he supplicated for me that I be increased in knowledge and
understanding.” Reported by: Ahmad, Fadaa’il us-Sahaabah, vol.2, p.956, no.1857; al-Fasawee, al-
Ma’rifah wa’t-Taareekh, vol.1, p.518; at-Tabaree, Tahdheeb ul-Aathaar, p.169, no.264, Musnad Ibn
’Abbaas; Aboo Nu’aym, al-Hilyah, vol.1, pp.314-315; Abu’l-Fadl az-Zuhree, Hadeeth, vol.1, p.394,
no.393. The wording of Abu’l-Fadl az-Zuhree is: “O Allaah grant him knowledge of ta’weel” but the
wording of the majority is the most authentic. Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar stated in al-Fath (vol.1, p.170):
This supplication was assured to be responded to on account of what the Prophet supplicated
for as he knew the condition of Ibn ’Abbaas in gaining understanding of tafseer and fiqh of the
deen, radi Allaahu ’anhu.
Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer stated in Tafseer ul-Qur’aan al-’Adheem, vol.1, p.4, when mentioning who to
be referred back to in regards to tafseer of the Qur’aan:
And from them are: al-Habr al-Bahr (the scholar and vast ocean), ’Abdullaah bin ’Abbaas, the
cousin of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) and the Commentator of the
Qur’aan based on the blessed supplication of the Messenger of Allaah for him, wherein he
stated: “O Allaah grant him understanding of the deen and of ta’weel.”
’Abdullaah bin ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhumaa): “If Ibn ’Abbaas lived at the time of the likes of our
age then no man would be able to compete with him (in knowledge)” and Ibn Mas’ood also stated:
“What a blessed commentator of the Qur’aan is Ibn ’Abbaas.” This was reported by: Ibn Abee
Shaybah, al-Musannaf, vol.12, pp.110-111, nos.12268, 12269; Ahmad, Fadaa’il us-Sahaabah, vol.2,
p.957, nos.1860, 1861 and 1863; Aboo Khuthaymah, 17 al-’Ilm, p.120, no.48; Ibn Sa’d, at-Tabaqaat al-
Kubraa, vol.2, p.366; at-Tabaree, Tahdheeb ul-Aathaar, p.172, no.268, p.173, nos.269, 270, 271 –
Musnad Ibn ’Abbaas; at-Tabaree, Jaami’ ul-Bayaan, vol.1, p.31; al-Fasawee, al-Ma’rifah wa’t-Taareekh,
vol.1, pp.494-495; al-Aajurree, ash-Sharee’ah, vol.5, p.2271, no.1755 (Daar ul-Watan edition); al-
Haakim, vol.3, p.537; al-Bayhaqee, Dalaa’il un-Nubuwwah, vol.6, p.193; al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee,
Taareekh Baghdaad, vol.1, p.174. Others also reported this narration via al-’Amash from Uslim bin
Sabeeh Abi’d-Duhaa from Masrooq from Ibn Mas’ood. The chain of transmission is Saheeh
according to the conditions of Shaykhayn as mentioned by al-Haakim and adh-Dhahabee. Al-
Haafidh Ibn Katheer stated in Tafseer ul-Qur’aan il-Kareem, vol.1, p.5: “This chain of transmission is
authentic up to Ibn Mas’ood that he used this expression for Ibn ’Abbaas.” Al-Haafidh Ibn
Hajar stated in Fath ul-Baaree, vol.7, p.100: “Ya’qoob bin Sufyaan narrated in his Taareekh with

17 Aboo Khuthaymah Zuhayr bin Harn an-Nasaa’ee (d. 234 AH).
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

an authentic chain of transmission from Ibn Mas’ood that...” then he mentioned the narration.
Al-Mizzee also verified this narration in Tahdheeb ul-Kamaal, vol.15, p.155.
Mujaahid bin Jabar al-Makkee the successor and Imaam, rahimahullaah, 18 stated: “Ibn ’Abbaas
(radi Allaahu ’anhumaa) was called ‘al-Bahr’ (‘the ocean’) due to his vast knowledge (vast like an
ocean).” This was reported by: Ahmad in Fadaa’il us-Sahaabah, vol.2, p.975, no.1920; Ibn Sa’d, at-
Tabaqaat ul-Kubraa, vol.2, p.366; al-Fasawee, al-Ma’rifah wa’t-Taareekh, vol.1, p.496; at-Tabaree,
Tahdheeb ul-Aathaar, p.176, no.276 – Musnad Ibn ’Abbaas; Aboo Nu’aym, Ma’rifat us-Sahaabah, vol.3,
p.1700, no.4251 and in Hilyat ul-Awliyaa’, vol.1, p.316; al-Haakim, vol.3, p.535 and al-Khateeb al-
Baghdaadee, vol.1, p.174. The chain of transmission is Saheeh from al-’A’mash from Mujaahid. He
also said: “I did not see a gathering like the gatherings of Ibn ’Abbaas, the day he died a
great scholar of the Ummah died.” Reported by: ’Abbaas ad-Dooree in Taareekh, vol.2, p.316,
no.377; ad-Dinawaree, al-Majaalisah, vol.4, p.62, no.1125 and al-Haakim, vol.3, p.535 – via Sufyaan
bin ’Uyaynah from Ibn Abee Najeeh from Mujaahid. The chain of transmission is Saheeh.
Muhammad bin al-Hanafiyyah stated when Ibn ’Abbaas died: “Today an ’Aalim Rabbaanee
of this Ummah has died.” This was reported by: Ahmad, Fadaa’il us-Sahaabah, vol.2, p.951,
no.1842; ’Abbaas ad-Dooree, Taareekh, vol.2, pp.315-316; al-Haakim, vol.3, p.535 and others with an
authentic chain of transmission. Aboo Nu’aym al-Asbahaanee stated in Ma’rifat us-Sahaabah, vol.3,
He was named ‘al-Habr al-Bahr’ due to his vast amount of knowledge and his sharp
understanding, he was the scholar and faqeeh of the Ummah...du’a was made for him by the
tongue of the message for him to be granted fiqh of the religion, knowledge of interpretation
and commentating on the Qur’aan......
Imam adh-Dhahabee stated in Ma’rifat ul-Quraa’ al-Kubraa’, vol.1, p.46:

18 He is Mujaahid bin Jabar al-Makkee, the freed slave of as-Saa’ib bin Abee as-Saa’ib al-Makhzoomee. He was born
in 21H and learned the tafseer of the Qur’aan from Ibn ’Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him. Ibn Ishaaq reported
from him that he said: “I reviewed the entire mus-haf – from its beginning to its end – with Ibn ’Abbaas on three
separate occasions, stopping at each ayah and asking him about it.” Sufyaan Ath-Thawree said: “If the
interpretation (of an ayah) comes to you from Mujaahid, then it is sufficient for you.” Ash-Shaafi’ee
relied on his tafseer (of the Qur’aan), as did al-Bukhaaree who quoted often from him in his “Saheeh.” In the last part
of his biography of him, adh-Dhahabee said: “The ummah is in unanimous agreement that Mujaahid is an
Imaam and that his tafseer is to be relied on as proof.” He died in Makkah while in the state of prostration in
the year 104H at the age of 83.
See: http://www.al-ibaanah.com/articles.php?ArtID=117
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

The merits of Ibn ’Abbaas are plentiful, his knowledge is vast abd there was none on the face
of the earth during his time more knowledgeable than him.

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”


From ’Abdullaah bin ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhumaa) in regards to Allaah saying:

ƂǹƊ ȁĄǂǧĉ ƢƊǰdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ

ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƌƘǧƊ ĄǾƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ
ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă ƃ
“And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are
{al-Maa’idah (5): 44}
It is not the kufr that you are going towards (in your minds).
And in another narration:
It is not the kufr that you are going towards (in your minds), it is not the kufr that
expels one from the religion,

ƂǹƊ ȁĄǂǧĉ ƢƊǰdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ

ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƌƘǧƊ ĄǾƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ
ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă ƃ
“And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are
{al-Maa’idah (5): 44}

...is kufr less than kufr.

This is reported by: Sa’eed bin Mansoor, Sunan, vol.4, p.1482, no.749; Ahmad, al-Eemaan, vol.4,
p.160, no.1419 via Ibn Battah in his al-Ibaanah, vol.2, p.736, no.1010; Muhammad bin Nasr al-
Marwazee, Ta’dheem Qadr us-Salaah, vol.2, p.521, no.569; Ibn Abee Haatim, Tafseer, vol.4, p.1143,
no.6434 (al-Baaz edition); Ibn ’AbdulBarr, at-Tamheed, vol.4, p.237; al-Haakim, vol.2, p.313; al-
Bayhaqee, vol.8, p.20. The chain of transmission is via Sufyaan bin ’Uyaynah from Hishaam bin
Hujayr from Taawoos from Ibn ’Abbaas.
Al-Haakim said: “This hadeeth has an authentic chain of transmission and Shaykhayn did
not transmit it.” Adh-Dhahabee agreed with him. Our Shaykh, the lion of the Sunnah, al-’Allaamah
al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) stated in as-Saheehah, vol.6, p.113:

19 Abridged from Shaykh Aboo Usaamah Saleem bin ’Eeid al-Hilaalee as-Salafee, op.cit., pp.44-65
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

It would have been more deserving that they said: “...on the conditions of Shaykhayn” as the
isnad is of this type. Then I saw that al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer transmitted in his Tafseer, vol.6,
p.163 from al-Haakim that he said: “the hadeeth is Saheeh on the conditions of Shaykhayn.” It
is apparent in the manuscript copy of al-Mustadrak that there is an error. Ibn Katheer ascribed
the narration as being transmitted by Ibn Abee Haatim also yet with some abridgment.
The sanad is as has been mentioned yet there is some discussion over Hishaam bin Hujayr’s
narration from Taawoos, yet this does not decrease the hadeeth below the level of hasan. The issue
of Hishaam bin Hujayr in this narration has been seized upon by the new-age bohemian takfiri
activists, yet Faisal al-Jamaykee does not attack the narration of “kufr less than kufr” from this angle,
due to his lack of knowledge of the controversy surrounding the sanad. However, other new-age
takfiri activists, have tried to attack the sanad in following Sulaymaan al-’Ulwaan and others. 20
Let’s look at what the scholars stated about Hishaam bin Hujayr: Ibn Shabramah said: “there is no
one in Makkah like him”, al-’Ijlee said: “he was thiqah (trustworthy) and a man of the

20 So for example the juhaal from the website ‘Islamic Thinkers’ who slander the Salafee scholars and equate them
with the Sufis, have a simplistic and futile article entitled ‘The Apostasy of the Rulers’ which was authored on 22
October 2005 CE. They try to mention that the sanad of “kufr less than kufr” is weak due to the presence of
‘Hishaam ibn Hajar’ getting the name wrong, as it is Hishaam ibn Hujayr not ‘Hajar’!! An article entitled ‘6
reasons why all the Rulers are Murtad’, originally written by the cult followers of Omar Bakri Muhammad under the
name ‘al-Muhaijiroun’, also claim that “kufr less than kufr” is a weak narration due to Hishaam bin Hujayr being
in the sanad. This article, by the cult followers of Omar Bakri was placed onto the takfiri ‘Salafiyyah Jadeedah’
website which is a compilation of intellectually bankrupt articles against the Salafi Manhaj. In terms of other than
Sulaymaan al-’Ulwaan trying to weaken the narration of “kufr doona kufr” then there is also the likes of Hassaan
ibn ’AbdulMannaan who Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee refutes in his book Qurrat ul-’Uyoon. Hasan ’AbdulMannaan is
the author of al-Qawl al-Mubeen fee Tad’eef Maqoolat Ibn ’Abbaas “kufr doona kufr”, the book is introduced by
none other than Muhammad Ibraaheem Shaqrah!? Imaam al-Albaanee wrote a book refuting Hassaan
’AbdulMannaan entitled an-Naseehah bi’t-Tahdheer min Takhreeb (Ibn ’AbdulMannaan) li-Kutub al-A’immah ar-
Rajeehah wa Tad’eefuhu li-Mi’aat il-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah [An Advice with a Warning: Against the Distortion of
the Imaam’s Books and the Authentic Hadeeth by Ibn ’AbdulMannaan]. Within the book Imaam al-Albaanee
highlighted how Hassaan ’AbdulMannaan would use a fake pen-name (“Abu Suhayb al-Karaamee”) in order to hide
while propagating his intellectual inconsistencies. One of Hassaan ’AbdulMannaan’s books, as-Suraqaat al-
’Ilmiyyah: Diraasatan wa Taqseeman wa ’Ilaajan [Academic Plagiarism: Studies, Categories and Solution] was
introduced by Muhammad al-Ghazzaalee as-Saqaa! Imaam al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) said about this: “birds of a
feather flock together!” Imaam al-Albaanee wrote an entire book on this individual due to his rejection of huge
amounts of the Sunnah, his aim to question the Sunnah and his intellectual bankruptcy. Hassaan ’AbdulMannaan
would thus quote from those who throw doubt upon the Sunnah such as al-Qaradaawee, Muhammad al-Ghazzaalee
as-Saqaa’ and even from Rawaafid such as ’AbdulHusayn Sharafuddeen and other philosophers such as al-Qaseemee.
This is the same one who then proceeds to author a book on the authenticity of “kufr doona kufr”!?
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

Sunnah.” Ibn Ma’een stated: “Saalih (acceptable in narrating)”, Aboo Haatim ar-Raazee said:
“his hadeeth are to be documented (i.e. accepted)”, Ibn Sa’d said: “he is thiqah and has
narrated ahaadeeth.” Ibn Shaaheen said: “he is thiqah” and Ibn Hibbaan also deemed him to be
thiqah. Zakariyyah bin Yahyaa as-Saajee (d.307 AH), 21 one of the students of Imaam al-Muzanee,
stated: “Sudooq (truthful and thus acceptable)” and adh-Dhahabee said: “he is thiqah” and al-
Haafidh Ibn Hajar said: “he is Sudooq but he does have some errors.” Yahyaa al-Qattaan,
Imaam Ahmad and Ibn Ma’een (in one narration) 22 deemed Hishaam bin Hujayr to be weak. So as
Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee stated:
A narrator whose condition is like this is not decreased below the level of hasan and
Shaykhaan transmitted from him and utilised his narrations wherein he was not the only single
narrator and where there were other narrators (who reported the hadeeth).
Those who weaken this route of the narration allegedly do so on the basis of what was stated about
Hishaam bin Hujayr by Imaam Ahmad who said “he is not strong” and “laysa bi dhaak” (a
criticism of a narrator); and they also utilise the tad’eef of Hishaam bin Hujayr by Ibn Ma’een and
Yahyaa al-Qattaan. However, the wording “he is not strong” is not necessarily deeming the narrator
to be weak and rejected, as what the Muhadditheen intend by this is that: his memory and acumen
became weak and it is also a negation of complete strength. The statement “he is not strong” is not
however a complete negation of a narrator’s basis. What indicates this is what was stated by Shaykh

He has a creed which has been transmitted by: adh-Dhahabŝ in al-’Uluww, p.150; Ibn Qayyim in IjtimŅ’ ul-Juyoosh
al-IslŅmiyyah, p.245. Adh-Dhahabŝ stated:
As-SŅjŝ was the Shaykh of Basra and its HŅfidh and Abu’l-Hasan al-’Ash’arŝ took hadeeth from
him and articles of creed from Ahl us-Sunnah. He travelled to al-Muzanŝ and ar-Rabŝ’ and
increased his understand from them both.
Ibn Abee Haatim stated in Jarh wa’t-Ta’deel (vol.3, p.601):
He was trustworthy, knew hadeeth and fiqh had authored good works on narrators, the
different views of the ’Ulama and Ahkaam ul-Qur’aan.
Adh-Dhahabee stated in Siyar A’laam un-Nubalaa’ (vol.14, p.199) and Tadhkirat ul-Huffaadh (vol.2, pp.709-710):
As-Saajee was an excellent classifier in regards to the ’ilal of hadeeth which shows his vastness and memorisation. So
as-Saajee was an Imaam and hadeeth critic known for his ijtihaad and opinions, so how can it be said about him, as is
said by some, that he was Mutasaahil?! 
22 Refer to al-’Ijlee, Jarh wa’t-Ta’deel, vol.9, pp.53-54 and Taareekh uth-Thiqaat, p.457, no.1729; Ibn Shaaheen, ath-
Thiqaat, p.250, no.1536; Tabaqaat Ibn Sa’d, vol.5, p.484; Ibn Hibbaan, ath-Thiqaat, vol.7, p.567; Tahdheeb ul-
Kamaal, vol.30, pp.179-181; al-Kaashif, vol,2, p.335, no.5958; Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb, vol.11, p.33 and at-Taqreeb,
vol.2, p.317.
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) in regards to Iqaamat ud-Daleel [Establishing the Evidence] as
found in al-Fataawaa al-Kubraa, vol.3, p.243, in discussing ’Utbah bin Humayd ad-Dabbee al-Basree:
It has been relayed from Imaam Ahmad that he said: “he is weak and he is not strong”
however, the intent of this term of expression (for a narrator) is that: his hadeeth are not
saheeh but rather is hadeeth are hasan. So they (some of the early scholars) would name such
hadeeth as being “da’eef” yet still utilise them because they were hasan.
May Allaah reward Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) with good for this beneficial
point. Imaam al-Haafidh adh-Dhahabee stated in al-Muqaddimat ul-Muqidhah (p.319 – with the
explanation of Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee) that: “It has been stated about a group of narrators
that “he is not strong” yet they have been utilised.” An-Nasaa’ee stated about many narrators
“he is not strong” and clarified his use of this by mentioning in his Kitaab that: “Our use of ‘he is
not strong’ is not a negative disparagement.” He also said (p.322):
What is established when Aboo Haatim says: ‘he is not strong’ is that he intends by this that:
this Shaykh (narrator) does not reach the (top) level of strong verification.
The adh-Dhahabee of his time, Shaykh al-Mu’allimee al-Yamaanee (rahimahullaah) stated in at-Tankeel
(vol.1, p.240):
The words ‘he is not strong’ negates absolute strength even if absolute weakness is not
affirmed; and the words “he is not strong” only negates a complete level of strength.
Imaam al-Albaanee stated in (p.183):
Aboo Haatim’s statement: “he is not strong” does not mean that the narrator is weak because
weakness is not the meaning of the terms “he is not strong”. So between both (i.e. saying “he
is not strong” and deeming a narrator as weak) is a manifest difference according to the
people of knowledge.
Imaam al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) also said (p.254):
The statement of Ahmad and an-Nasaa’ee: “he is not strong” does not negate the narrator as
only absolute strength is negated from a narrator described with this as is apparent to those
with understanding of this science.
This very clearly indicates that Imaam Ahmad did not absolutely weaken a narrator when he
described such a narrator with the words: “he is not strong” (“laysa bi Qawi’”). Rather, the
hadeeth of such a narrator are considered to reach the level of hasan not saheeh and this agrees with
what was mentioned by Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah. Furthermore, ’Abdullaah bin Ahmad
reported from his father in al-’Ilal (vol.1, p.130) that his father said: “Hishaam bin Hujayr Makkee
is da’eef” and then he transmitted from Ibn Shabramah: “there is no one in Makkah who has
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

more understanding than him.” So this has to be understood in light of what Shaykh ul-Islaam
Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) mentioned previously so there is nothing problematic here and all
praise is due to Allaah. There is also a shubhah that people refer to which is that ’Abdullaah bin
Ahmad said: “I asked Yahyaa bin Ma’een about him and he said that he is very weak.” Yet
this has been cut, for the remainder of Yahyaa bin Ma’een’s words on Hishaam reveal that Yahyaa
bin Ma’een had different views about him. For ’Abdullaah bin Imaam Ahmad said:
“I asked Yahya ‘Is Hishaam bin Hujayr more beloved to you than ’Amru bin Muslim?’ Yahya
replied: ‘Na’am (‘yes’).’”
Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee emphasises that as for ’Amru bin Muslim, who is al-Janadee, then there is
a difference of opinion over him. For Ibn Ma’een weakened him in the narration of ad-Dooree and
’Abdullaah bin Ahmad, yet in the narration of Ibn ul-Junayd Yahyaa ibn Ma’een said about ’Amru:
“there is no problem with him”. In at-Taqreeb it is reported that Yahyaa bin Ma’een stated about
’Amru: “he is sudooq yet has some errors.” So based on the testimony of Yahyaa bin Ma’een,
Hishaam bin Hujayr is stronger than ’Amru bin Muslim about whom Imaam Ibn Ma’een said:
“there is no problem with him.” Therefore, his hadeeth are not to be considered as having severe
weakness. It is claimed that Imaam Yahyaa bin Ma’een intended a severe weakness of Hishaam bin
Hujayr, yet he described Hishaam in the narration of Ishaaq bin Mansoor as being “Saalih
(acceptable in narration)” and this is a commendation. Therefore, this great Imaam, Yahya bin
Ma’een, has two narrations on Hishaam, one in which he weakens him and the other wherein he
commends him. In this instance we are to refer to the views of other scholars in order to ascertain
the correct view on the narrator. As for the claim of the likes of Hassaan ’AbdulMannaan that the
term “Saalih” does not mean that the narrator is considered trustworthy then this is false, Imaam
adh-Dhahabee stated in al-Mughnee fi’d-Du’afaa (vol.1, p.4):
I do not mention herein those about whom it has been said: “his station is that of
truthfulness”; “his hadeeth are to be documented”; “there is no problem with him”; “Shaykh”
or “Saalih ul-Hadeeth (acceptable hadeeth)” – as these are all from the door of ta’deel
Imaam al-Haafidh adh-Dhahabee stated in al-Muqaddimat ul-Muqidhah (pp.318-319 – with the
explanation of Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee) that:
So and so is “hasan ul-hadeeth”, so and so is “Saalih ul-Hadeeth” or so and so is “sudooq” –
then by the will of Allaah all of these expressions and the likes are good and do not weaken the
condition of the Shaykh (narrator). Yes, they may not reach the level of absolute complete

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authenticity however many of those whom we have mentioned fluctuate between utilisation
and avoidance.
Adh-Dhahabee stated in Meezaan ul-I’tidaal (vol.1, pp.3-4) that:
I have not resorted to refer to those about whom it has been said “his station is that of sidq
(truthfulness)”, “there is no problem with him”, “Saalih ul-Hadeeth”, “his hadeeth are to be
documented” or “Shaykh” – for these terms of expression and the likes indicate the lack of
absolute weakness.
Shaykh Burhaanuddeen Ibraaheem bin Moosaa bin Ayyoob al-Abnaasee as-Safee, 577-643 AH,
(rahimahullaah) stated in ash-Shadhah al-Fayyaah min ’Uloom Ibn is-Salaah (vol.1, p.268) 23 : “The phrase
“Saalih ul-Hadeeth (acceptable in hadeeth)” is one of the levels of commendation.” So this
is the condition of Hishaam bin Hujayr, for he was deemed credible and trustworthy by Ibn Sa’d, al-
’Ijlee, Ibn Hibbaan, Ibn Shaaheen and adh-Dhahabee who stated in al-Kaashif: “Hishaam bin
Huajyr is thiqah (trustworthy).” Al-Qattaan weakned him and al-Haafidh (Ibn Hajar) stated about
him: “Sudooq, yet he has some errors.” Therefore, there is a difference of opinion over him with
some deeming him weak and more deeming him credible and trustworthy, so what are we to do?
Are we to annul his credibility and give the jarh precedence? Or are we to reach an agreement
between the two? Is the one about whom it is said: “Sudooq” or “his station is that of sidq
(truthfulness)” or “there is no problem with him” – mentioned among the Du’afaa?! Glory be to
Allaah from the sinful falsifiers! Ibn Abee Haatim stated in al-Jarh wa’t-Ta’deel, vol.2, p.37:
If it is said about a narrator: “Sudooq”, “his level is that of sidq (truthfulness)” and “there is
no problem with him” – then his hadeeth are documented and looked at and this is of the
second level. If it is said about a narrator “Shaykh” then he reaches the third level and his
hadeeth are to be documented and investigated except for that it is lesser than the second
level. If it is said about a narrator “Saalih ul-Hadeeth” then his hadeeth are to be documented
with consideration (of other transmissions).
So you see here that Ibn Abee Haatim considers the terms and phrases: “Sudooq”, “Shaykh” and
“Saalih ul-Hadeeth” as that which renders a narrator as having his hadeeth documented and
recorded. So are those who have their hadeeth documented and recorded to be considered “da’eef”
and the likes?! So Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee emphasises that: therefore, this emphasises to the reader
that whenever Ibn Abee Haatim says about a narrator that he is “Saalih ul-Hadeeth” this means that

23 This has been edited by: Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ali Samak, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1998, 1st Edn.;
also by Salaah Fathi Halal Abee Hunayb, Riyadh: Maktabat ar-Rushd, 1998.
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the narrator is Sudooq, the hadeeth is hasan, his hadeeth are to be documented and this is the final
level of commendation. Aboo Haatim stated in al-Jarh wa’t-Ta’deel (vol.4, p.2) in regards to the
biography of Sa’eed bin Iyaas al-Hareeree:
His memorisation changed before his death (i.e. due to old age) yet there are those who wrote
from him in the past.
Hishaam bin Hujayr is not the only one via whom reports “kufr less than kufr”, rather ’Abdullaah
bin Taawoos also transmits it and he is thiqah (trustworthy), for he reported via his father:
Within him is kufr, but it is not like the kufr of one who disbelieves in Allaah and the
Last Day.
This is reported by Sufyaan bin Sa’eed ath-Thawree (d.161 AH) in his Tafseer (vol.101, p.241) via at-
Tahaawee in Mushkil ul-Aathaar, vol.2, p.317. The chain of transmission is authentic and the
narrators are thiqaat and are utilised by Shaykhayn and deemed authentic based on the conditions of
Shaykhayn. Sa’d bin ’Abdullaah Aal Humayd, in his edit of Sunan Sa’eed bin Mansoor (vol.4, p.1484),
has claimed that this narration has a defect due to a severance of the narrations between ath-
Thawree and Ibn Taawoos. Yet this is an error because ath-Thawree heard from ’Abdullaah bin
Taawoos and ath-Thawree narrated from him as documented in a hadeeth in Saheeh Muslim! So
how can it be said that ath-Thawree did not hear from ’Abdullaah bin Taawoos?! This error is due to
the fact that ath-Thawree one time narrated via Ma’mar from Ibn Taawoos. Yet this is not a
problem as ath-Thawree narrated from Ibn Taawoos directly on one occasion and on another
occasion via Ma’mar, so this would be considered an additional narration as is apparent to those
who work in this field. This narration is from: Wakee’ and Aboo Usaamah both from ath-Thawree
from Ma’mar bin Raashid from ’Abdullaah bin Taawoos:
Within him is kufr, but it is not like the kufr of one who disbelieves in Allaah, His
angels, His Books and His Messengers.
The chain of transmission is Saheeh and was documented and reported by:
Imaam Ahmad in al-Eemaan, vol.4, pp.158-159, no.1414; Muhammad bin Nasr al-Marwazee,
Ta’dheem Qadr us-Salaah, vol.2, p.521, no.571, p.522, no.572; al-Fareeyaabee, Tafseer as documented in
ad-Durar al-Manthoor, vol.3, p.87 and at-Tahaawee also records it via him, vol.2, pp.317-318; at-
Tabaree, Jaami’ ul-Bayaan, vol.6, p.166; Ibn Battah, al-Ibaanah, vol.2, p.734, no.1005; Imaam al-
Albaanee (rahimahullaah) also authenticated it in his commentary on the book al-Eemaan (p. 307) by
Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah. Another narration is from Ma’mar from ’Abdullaah bin Taawoos:
“it is kufr”, Ibn Taawoos said:
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It is not like the kufr of the one who disbelieves in Allaah, His Angels, His Books and
His Messengers.
This is reported by Imaam Ahmad in al-Eemaan, vol.4, p.160, no.1420; Ibn Nasr al-Marwazee,
Ta’dheem Qadr us-Salaah, vol.2, p.521, no.570; at-Tabaree, Jaami’ Bayaan, vol.6, p.166; Ibn Abee
Haatim, Tafseer, vol.4, p.1143, no.6435; Qaadee Wakee’, Akhbaar ul-Qudaat, vol.1, p.41; Ibn Battah,
al-Ibaanah, vol.2, p.736, no.1009 – and all of them from ’AbdurRazzaaq in his Tafseer, vol.1, p.1,
no.191. Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (rahimahullaah) in his Hukm Taarik us-Salaah (p.74) mentions
the narration of Ibn ’Abbaas via the narration of ’AbdurRazzaaq:
Within them is kufr and it is not like the kufr one who disbelieves in Allaah, His
Angels, His Books and His Messengers.
And in another narration: “It is the kufr which does not expel one from the religion.”
As for those who try to throw doubt on transmission of Sufyaan ath-Thawree from Ma’mar bin
Raashid then the following questions have to be asked: what is the evidence that ath-Thawree heard
from Ma’mar in other than Yemen (as is claimed by some)? What is the proof that Ma’mar’s
narrations in other than Yemen are not accepted (as is claimed by some)? All of these academic
questions have to be asked and there also have to be answers from those who deny “kufr less than
kufr” via this narration. For the narration of Sufyaan ath-Thawree from Ma’mar is well-known and
acceptable within the books of Sunnah, like for example:
9 Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, hadeeth nos. 4749, 5944 and 7083
9 Saheeh Muslim, hadeeth nos. hadeeth 977, 979, 1628
9 Sunan at-Tirmidhee, hadeeth nos.140, 858, 1346, 1444
9 Sunan an-Nasaa’ee, hadeeth no.5381
9 Sunan Abee Daawood, hadeeth no.1576
9 Sunan Ibn Maajah, hadeeth no 3797
9 Musnad Imaam Ahmad, vol.1, p.220, vol.3, p.185 and vol.6, pp.38, 40 and 387
Al-Haafidh al-’Ijlee stated in Taareekh uth-Thiqaat (p.435, no.1611, Daar ul-Kutub il-’Ilmiyyah print):
Ma’mar bin Raashid Aboo ’Urwah, a Basree who lived in Yemen and was a righteous man
who reported from Ibn ul-Mubaarak. He lived in Sanaa’ and got married there, Sufyaan ath-
Thawree travelled to him and heard from him there and he heard from Sufyaan.
This is a clear text from this Imaam that Sufyaan ath-Thawree heard from Ma’mar in Yemen and
that Imaam ath-Thawree travelled to him. So he is of Saheeh hadeeth, and for this reason his
narrations were depended upon in the books of the Sunnah, particularly Sufyaan ath-Thawree from
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Ma’mar. Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee therefore concludes that whatever Ma’mar narrates outside of
his country, Yemen, may have some errors therein however not in all of his narrations. Furthermore,
we also have to have a clear text from the knowledgeable scholars and critics in regards to his errors
and this is absent in any case. Moreover, Ma’mar from his Shaykh ’Abdullaah bin Taawoos, then this
is totally acceptable and credible. For Ibn Abee Khuthaymah stated in Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb (vol.10,
p.245), also in Hadi us-Saaree (p.571 – Daar ul-Manaar print):
I heard Yahyaa bin Ma’een say “If Ma’mar narrates to you from any of the Iraqis then oppose
him in that except if he narrates from az-Zuhree and Ibn Taawoos. For his hadeeth from these
two are well-established and upright.”
For this reason a group of scholars verify and report his narrations from Ibn Taawoos, this is one
thing. The other thing is that Ma’mar’s alleged errors, mistakes and confusion is in what he narrated
from Thaabit al-Bunaanee, ’Asim bin Abee an-Najood and Hishaam bin ’Urwah, Qataadah and al-
’A’mash. 24 As for his narrations from Ibn Taawoos, which is what we are discussing here, then these
are verified, established and upright as Imaam al-Haafidh Yahyaa bin Ma’een clearly stated.
Furthermore, the ascribed and alleged errors of Ma’mar are they to be taken absolutely or is there
some explanation of this based on what the scholars have stated? For this reason, Imaam adh-
Dhahabee stated about Ma’mar in Meezaan ul-I’tidaal (vol.4, p.154):
He was one of the trustworthy scholars, he has some well known errors which are questionable
yet he is still known for his precision.
This is a clear text which shows that the errors of Ma’mar are well-known yet few within the entirety
of all he narrated.

24 See Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb, vol.10, p.245 and Hadi us-Saaree, pp.571-572
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’Ali bin Abee Talhah agreed with the Taawoos’s narration from ’Abdullaah bin ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu
’anhumaa) by saying:
Whoever rejects what Allaah has revealed has disbelieved, whoever acknowledges it
yet does not rule by it is a sinful transgressor.
Reported by at-Tabaree in Jaami’ ul-Bayaan, vol.6, p.166; Ibn Abee Haatim in his Tafseer, vol.4,
p.1142, no.6426 and p.1146, no.6450 – from al-Muthanaa bin Ibraaheem al-Aamilee and Aboo
Haatim ar-Raazee both via ’Abdullaah bin Saalih from Mu’awiyah bin Saalih from ’Ali bin Abee
Talhah. The chain of transmission is hasan and the narrators are all thiqaat (trustworthy) and even
though there is some slight discussion regarding Mu’awiyah bin Saalih and ’Ali bin Abee Talhah, it
does not decrease the level of the hadeeth from being hasan. Some have claimed that there is a
severance between ’Ali bin Abee Talhah and Ibn ’Abbaas, that Ali bin Abee Talhah is deemed weak
and that there is discussion surrounding ’Abdullaah bin Saalih. As for the allege severance then al-
Haafidh Ibn Hajar stated in Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb, vol.7, p.339:
’Ali bin Abee Talhah narrated from Ibn ’Abbaas but he did not hear from him, Mujaahid is in
between them both.
Ibn Hajar also said in al-’Ujaab fee Bayaan il-Asbaab, vol.1, p.207 (Dammaam: Daar Ibn Jawzee, 1997
CE): 26
’Ali is Sudooq, he did not meet Ibn ’Abbaas rather he took from the thiqaat from his
companions and for this reason al-Bukhaaree, Ibn Abee Haatim and others depend upon this
copy. 27
Adh-Dhahabee stated in Meezaan ul-’I’tidaal, vol.3, p.134:
He took the tafseer of Ibn ’Abbaas from Mujaahid yet he did not mention Mujaahid rather he
hurried it (mursal) from Ibn ’Abbaas.
Adh-Dhahabee also said: “Mu’awiyah bin Saalih narrated much in the way of tafseer from him from
Ibn ’Abbaas.” Aboo Ja’jar an-Nahaasee stated in an-Naasikh wa’l-Mansookh (p.75):
The one who attacks this chain of transmission says ‘Ibn Abee Talhah did not hear from Ibn
’Abbaas, he only took the tafseer from Mujaahid and ’Ikrimah’, yet this fact should be a cause

25 Abridged from Shaykh Aboo Usaamah Saleem bin ’Eeid al-Hilaalee as-Salafee, op.cit., pp.71-72
26 Edited by ’AbdulHakeem Muhammad al-Anees
27 If one wishes they may refer to Fath ul-Baaree, vol.8, pp.438-439
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for attack, because Ibn Abee Talhah took from two trustworthy men. He himself is thiqah and
As-Suyootee stated in al-Itqaan, vol.2, p.188:
A people have said that: ‘Ibn Abee Talhah did not hear tafseer from Ibn ’Abbaas, rather he
took from Mujaahid or Sa’eed bin Jubayr.’ Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar said: after I realised the route
of the transmission, which is thiqah (trustworthy), (I saw that) there s no problem in it.
Ibn Hajar also stated in Hadee us-Saaree (p.414):
What is apparent from the words of those Imams is that his hadeeth at the beginning were
sound and then he began to get confused. This demonstrates that: what he narrated from the
Ahl ul-Hadhq (such as Yahyaa bin Ma’een, al-Bukhaaree, Aboo Zur’ah and Aboo Haatim) are
authentic hadeeth. As for what other Shaykhs have narrated from him then these are to be
withheld (from accepting or rejecting).

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This narration has been authenticated by a group of noble Taabi’een including those who took
knowledge from Tarjumaan ul-Qur’aan, ’Abdullaah bin ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhumaa). This
indicates that the Taabi’een were in agreement with understanding the Book and Sunnah as the
Companions did, and their narrations. ’Ataa said: “Kufr less than kufr, dhulm less than dhulm
and fisq less than fisq.” It was relayed via the route of Sufyaan ath-Thawree from Ibn Jurayj from
’Ataa’. This has been recorded by: Imaam Ahmad, al-Eemaan, vol.4, pp.159-160, no.1417 and p.161,
no.1422; Imaam Ahmad, Masaa’il Abee Daawood, p.209; at-Tabaree, Jaami’ ul-Bayaan, vol.6, p.165, 166;
Muhammad bin Nasr al-Marwazee, Ta’dheem Qadr us-Salaah, vol.2, p.522, no.575; Ibn Battah, al-
Ibaanah, vol.2, p.735, no.1007 and pp.736-737, no.1011; Ibn Abee Haatim, Tafseer, vol.4, p.1149,
no.6464 and al-Qaadee Wakee’, Akhbaar ul-Qudaat, vol.1, p.43. This chain of transmission has
narrators who are all thiqaat and Imaam al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) authenticated it in as-Saheehah,
vol.6, p.114.
However, those who throw doubt upon this narration, such as Hasan ’AbdulMannaan (one of
the prime architects in throwing doubt upon “kufr doona kufr”), have claimed that Ibn Jurayj made
tadlees on ’Ataa and did not actually hear from him. Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee highlights that: while
Ibn Jurayj is well-known for tadlees, with all his nobility and trustworthiness, the scholars make an
exemption for his narrations from ’Ataa’ bin Abee Rabaah. Ibn Abee Khuthaymah reported with an
authentic chain of transmission from Ibn Jurayj that he said: “If I say: ‘’Ataa says’ then I have
heard from him, even if I do not say ‘I heard’.” 29 Imaam al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) stated in
Irwaa’ ul-Ghaleel, vol.4, p.244 that:
This is a very important benefit which indicates to us that the ’an’ana of Ibn Jurayj from ’Ataa’
takes the hukm of hearing.

28 Abridged from Shaykh Aboo Usaamah Saleem bin ’Eeid al-Hilaalee as-Salafee, op.cit., pp.77-79
’AtŅ ibn Abŝ RabŅh (rahimahullŅh) was described by adh-Dhahabŝ as being “a freed-slave, black skinned with a flat
nose and curly hair.” See adh-Dhahabŝ, Tadhkirat ul-HuffŅdh (Hyderabad, 1333 AH/1915 CE, vol. 1, p.84). He was a
freed black slave of the Abź Khuthaym al-Fihrŝ al-Qurashŝ. He was a faqeeh of Makkah and heard directly from Jaabir
ibn ’AbdullŅh al-AnsŅrŝ, Ibn ’AbbŅs, Ibn ’Umar, Abź Hurayrah, ’AbdullŅh ibn Zubayr and other companions (radi
AllŅhu ’anhum). He is cited as an authority by ’Amr bin DeenŅr, az-Zuhrŝ, MŅlik bin DeenŅr, al-’A’mash, al-AwzŅ’ŝ and
others (rahimahumullŅh). During his time he was the main Muftŝ of Makkah who was to whom people referred. See
Ibn Khallikan’s Biographical Dictionary, [WafayŅt ul-’A’yŅn] – (Paris: Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain
and Ireland, 1842), trans. Baron MacGuckin de Slane, vol.2, pp.203-205.
29 Mentioned by al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar in Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb, vol.6, p.406
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Imaam al-Albaanee also said (vol.5, p.202):

This is a mighty benefit so memorise it! For I was heedless of this for a long time and then I
paid attention to it and all praise is due to Allaah for His success.
Imaam al-Albaanee also said in Sifat us-Salaat un-Nabee (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) in regards to Ibn
He is Mudallis, however it is authentic from him if he says…(then he mentioned what has
preceded) – so if it is mentioned from him (i.e. Ibn Jurayj): ‘…from ’Ataa’’ then it is like as if
he has said: ‘’Ataa’ said…’ So the lack of a clear mention of hearing is no harm at all, as is
apparent. It may be that this was of the excuses for Shaykhayn verifying his hadeeth which
were mu’an’an from ’Ataa’.
Imaam al-Albaanee also stated in as-Saheehah, vol.1, p.86:
This is an important benefit, does his (Ibn Jurayj’s) saying: ‘…from ’Ataa’…’ have one ruling
or does it differ? The former appears to be correct to me, and Allaah knows better.
Yet again however (!?), those who throw doubt upon this narration, such as Hasan ’AbdulMannaan
(one of the prime architects in throwing doubt upon “kufr doona kufr”), have claimed that: “Imaam
Ahmad said: All of what Ibn Jurayj says which includes ‘’Ataa said…’ or ‘…from ’Ataa’’
indicates that Ibn Jurayj did not hear from ’Ataa’.” This transmission from Imaam Ahmad is
mentioned by Ibn ’AbdulHaadee in Bahr ud-Damm (p.278). Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee notes however
Firstly: Imaam Ahmad did not specify who this ‘’Ataa’ is! Is it Ibn Abee Rabaah or Ibn Abee
Muslim al-Khurasaanee? Yet it is more evident that it is the latter, because it has been said about him
that Ibn Jurayj did not hear from him, as opposed to Ibn Abee Rabaah. For Imaam Ahmad affirmed
the narration of Ibn Jurayj from ’Ataa’ ibn Abee Rabaah and that Ibn Jurayj studied under him for
some years, all of this makes Ibn Jurayj one of the most trusted people who reports from Ibn Abee
Rabaah. ’Ali bin al-Madanee said:
I asked Yahyaa bin Sa’eed about hadeeth of Ibn Jurayj from ’Ataa’ al-Khurasaanee and he
replied: ‘Weak’. I said to Yahyaa: ‘He says though: ‘He informed me…’ Yahyaa said: ‘This is
nothing for all of it is da’eef! It is just from a book which was presented to him.’
This was mentioned by al-Haafidh in at-Tahdheeb, vol.6, p.406. This is a clear text which proves that
Ibn Jurayj’s hearing from ’Ataa’ al-Khurasaanee has issues with it and that he relayed from a book
which as presented to him.
Secondly: Ibn Jurayj himself informed that if he transmits any report from ’Ataa’ Ibn Abee Rabaah
then indeed he has heard from him even if he does not frankly mention hearing. How can this not
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be the case when he studied with ’Ataa bin Abee Rabaah for more than fifteen years. Furthermore, a
man knows his own condition better than anyone else. So the words of Ahmad, even if for
arguments sake he intended ’Ataa’ Ibn Abee Rabaah, do not annul the words of Ibn Jurayj about his
own self, and there is no doubt that Ibn Jurayj knows about his own self more than Imaam Ahmad.
Thirdly: The words of Ibn Jurayj confirm hearing while the words of Imaam Ahmad negate any
hearing, yet what is confirmed takes precedence over what negates, as is well known. This is all the
more the case when Ibn Jurayj’s ahaadeeth from ’Ataa Ibn Abee Rabaah have been utilised in the
Two Saheehs, and in these ahaadeeth he did not clearly mentioned that he heard them from ’Ataa Ibn
Abee Rabaah.

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”


He said: “It is not like the kufr of one who disbelieves in Allaah, His Angels, His Books and
His Messengers.” 31 He also said: “It is not the kufr which expels one from the religion.”
Narrated via the route of Wakee’ from Sufyaan ath-Thawree from Sa’eed al-Makkee from Taawoos
and reported by: at-Tabaree, Jaami’ ul-Bayaan, vol.6, p.166; Imaam Ahmad, Masaa’il Abee Daawood,
p.209 and al-Eemaan, vol.4, p.160, no.1418; al-Marwazee, Ta’dheem Qadr us-Salaah, vol.2, p.522,
no.574 and Ibn Battah, al-Ibaanah, vol.2, p.735, no.1006.
Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee stated: this hadeeth is Saheeh and the narrators are thiqaat and as for
Sa’eed al-Makkee then he possibly is Ibn Hassaan al-Qurashee al-Makhzoomee or Ibn Ziyaad ash-
Shaybaanee, both of which are from Makkah and have both been mentioned as of the students of
Taawoos. Yet what is more accurate is that he is Ibn Hassaan al-Qurashee al-Makhzoomee, within
his biography is mentioned that Sufyaan ath-Thawree narrated from him as opposed to have
narrated from ash-Shaybaanee, Allaah knows better. Ibn Ziyaad ash-Shaybaanee is thiqah and Yahyaa
ibn Ma’een deemed him trustworthy, as did Ibn Hibbaan and al-’Ijlee and a group of scholars
narrated from him. The narration was authenticated by Imaam al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) in as-
Saheehah (vol.6, p.114).

30 Abridged from Shaykh Aboo Usaamah Saleem bin ’Eeid al-Hilaalee as-Salafee, op.cit., pp.82-
31 The verification of this narration has been mentioned prior.
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”


It will suffice the respected reader that Ahl us-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah from the people of hadeeth and
narration, and the followers of the Salaf us-Saalih, are agreed on accepting this narration from the
faqeeh of the Ummah, Ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhumaa) and they have concurred its authenticity
and acting in accordance with it.
1 - al-Haakim (rahimahullaah ) said in al-Mustadrak, vol.2, p.393: “This hadeeth has a Saheeh isnad
and Bukhaaree and Muslim did not transmit it.” Adh-Dhahabee agreed.
2 – al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer (rahimahullaah) transmitted in Tafseer ul-Qur’aan ul-Adheem, vol.2, p.64: “It
is Saheeh according to the conditions of Shaykhayn.” He utilised it as a proof.
3 – The Shaykh of the Mufassireen, at-Tabaree (rahimahullaah) stated in Jaami ul-Bayaan, vol.6,
The first of these statements is correct according to me, which is the view of the one who says
that: “These verses (from al-Maa’idah) were revealed in regards to the kuffaar Ahl ul-Kitaab”.
Because the verses which come before and after it were revealed in regards to them and they
are the ones intended. The context of these verses are informing about them firstly. If
someone says: “Allaah, exalted is His mention, informed of this generally about all who do not
rule by what Allaah has revealed, so how can you make it specific?” Then it is to be said (in
response): “Allaah made the report general in regards to a people who used to reject what
Allaah judged in His Book. So He informed of those people that due to their abandonment of
the judgement are disbelievers.” Such is the view of all who do not rule by what Allaah has
revealed while rejecting it, such a person is a disbeliever as Ibn ’Abbaas stated.
4 – The Imaam Muhammad bin Nasr al-Marwazee (rahimahullaah) stated in Ta’dheem Qadr is-Salaah
vol.2, p.520:
Unto us in this is a precedent in what has been reported from the Companions of the
Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) and the Taabi’een, in that they considered
kufr had branches less than the main foundation which do not expel one from the religion of
Islaam. Just as they affirmed for eemaan branches of actions from the main foundation which
if left do not expel one from the religion of Islaam. From these reports is the statement of Ibn
’Abbaas in regards to Allaah’s saying,

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ƂǹƊ ȁĄǂǧĉ ƢƊǰdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă ƃ

ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƘƌǧƊ ǾĄ ƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ
“And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are
{al-Maa’idah (5): 44}

5 – Imaam Aboo Madhfar as-Sama’anee (rahimahullaah) stated in Tafseer ul-Qur’aan, vol.2, p.42:
Ibn ‘Abbaas said “The verse is about the Muslims and intends kufr less than kufr and I know
that the Khawaarij make deductions from these verses and say that: “whoever does not rule by
what Allaah has revealed is a disbeliever” but the people of Sunnah say: “he is not to be
considered a disbeliever due to leaving off judgement. The ayah has two interpretations:
First meaning: Whoever does not rule by what Allaah has revealed out of apostasy and
rejection then those are disbelievers.
Second meaning: Whoever does not rule entirely by what Allaah has revealed then those are
disbelievers. The disbeliever is the one who abandons ruling by all of what Allaah has revealed
as opposed to a Muslim.
6 – Imaam al-Baghawee (rahimahullaah) mentioned in Ma’aalim ut-Tanzeel, vol.3, p.61:
Ibn ’Abbaas and Taawoos stated: “It is not the kufr which expels one from the religion. Rather
if one does it then he is a disbeliever yet he is not like the one who disbelieves in Allaah and
the Last Day.”
7 – Aboo Bakr bin al-’Arabee (rahimahullaah) stated in Ahkaam ul-Qur’aan, vol.2, pp.624-625:
The Mufassireen have differed over this, for some of them say: “The Kaafiroon, Dhaalimoon
and Faasiqoon – are all to be ascribed to the Yahood.” Yet some of them say: “The Kaafiroon
are the Mushrikeen, the Dhaalimoon are the Yahood while the Faasiqoon are the Nasaaraa.”
The latter is what I say because this is what is apparent from the verses. This is also the choice
of Ibn ’Abbaas, Jaabir bin Zayd, Ibn Abee Zaa’idah and Ibn Shabramah. Taawoos and others
said: “It is not the kufr which expels from the religion, however it is kufr less than kufr.” This
may differ if he rules by his own self claiming that it is from Allaah, this is tabdeel and
necessitates kufr. Yet if one rules by his own (rules) out of desire and disobedience then this is
a sin and the person will be forgiven according to the basis of Ahl us-Sunnah in regards to the
belief that the sinful will be forgiven.
8 – al-Qurtubee (rahimahullaah) stated in al-Jaami’ li-Ahkaam il-Qur’aan, vol.6, p.190:
As for the Muslim then takfeer is not to be made of him even if he commits a major sin

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Meaning: whoever does not rule by what Allaah has revealed has out of apostasizing from the
Qur’aan and rejecting the saying of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) is
a disbeliever, as stated by Ibn ’Abbaas and Mujaahid.
9 – al-Baqaa’ee (rahimahullaah) stated in Nudhm ud-Durur, vol.2, p.460:
Leaving ruling by the Book is due to: disregarding it; out of fear of ruling by it; hope or
desires. The end of the verses connected kufr, dhulm and fisq. Ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu
’anhumaa) said: “Whoever rejects the rule of Allaah has disbelieved and whoever does not rule
by what Allaah has revealed while acknowledging that it has to be ruled by, is a dhaalim and a
10 – al-Waahidee stated in al-Waseet, vol.2, p.191:

ˬήϔϛ ϪΑ Ϯϫ :ϝΎϗˮήϓΎϛ ϮϬϓ ௌ ϝΰϧ΃ ΎϤΑ ϢϜΤϳ Ϣϟ Ϧϣ :αΎΒϋ ϦΑϻ ΖϠϗ :ϝΎϗ αϭϭΎρ Ϧϋ
ήΧϵ΍ ϡϮϴϟ΍ϭ ϪϠγέϭ ϪΒΘϛϭ ϪΘϜ΋ϼϣϭ ͿΎΑ ήϔϛ ϦϤϛ βϴϟϭ
Taawoos said: I said to Ibn ’Abbaas: “Whoever does not rule by what Allaah has revealed is he
a disbeliever?” Ibn ’Abbaas replied: “Within him is kufr, yet it is not like the kufr of the one
who disbelieves in Allaah, the Last Day, His Angels, His Books and His Messengers.”
11 – Siddeeq Hasan Khaan (rahimahullaah) stated in Nayl ul-Maraam min Tafseer Aayaat il-Ahkaam,
vol.2, p.472:
Al-Fareeyaabee, Sa’eed bin Mansoor, Ibn ul-Mandhoor, Ibn Abee Haatim and al-Haakim all
authenticated it. Al-Bayhaqee in his Sunan reported that Ibn ’Abbaas stated about the ayah
(al-Maa’idah: 44) that: “It is not the kufr that you are going towards. It is kufr which does not
expel one from the religion, rather it is kufr less than kufr.”
12 – Shaykh Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee (rahimahullaah) stated in Adwaa’ ul-Bayaan, vol.2,
It is reported from Ibn ’Abbaas that he said in regards to this verse: “It is not the kufr that you
are going towards”. This is reported from him by Ibn Abee Haatim and al-Haakim who said:
“It is Saheeh according to the condtions of Shaykhayn, and Shaykhayn did not report it, as
stated by Ibn Katheer.”
13 – Aboo ’Ubayd al-Qaasim bin Sallaam (rahimahullaah) stated in al-Eemaan (p.45):
As for what is mentioned in the revelation,

ƂǹƊ ȁĄǂǧĉ ƢƊǰdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă ƃ

ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƘƌǧƊ ǾĄ ƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ

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“And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are
{al-Maa’idah (5): 44}
Then Ibn ’Abbaas stated: “It is not the kufr which expels one from the religion” and ’Ataa’
said: “kufr less than kufr.” It therefore becomes clear to us that if it does not expel one from
the religion of Islaam then the person’s deen remains, yet if he mixes some of this then this is
sinful. So the meaning is nothing except the characteristics of the kuffaar and their ways
because ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed is from the ways of the kuffaar.
14 – Aboo Hibbaan (rahimahullaah) stated in al-Bahr ul-Muheet, vol.3, p.492:

ƂǹƊ ȁĄǂǧĉ ƢƊǰdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă ƃ

ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƘƌǧƊ ǾĄ ƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ
“And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are
{al-Maa’idah (5): 44}
It is apparent that this is general and includes this Ummah and others who were before him.
What is apparent is: that it is in the context of addressing the yahood and generally applies to
them and others. However, Ibn Mas’ood, Ibraaheem, ’Ataa and a group of scholars said that
the ayah means: “kufr less than kufr, dhulm less than dhulm and fisq less than fisq.” Which
means that if a Muslim commits the kufr (as mentioned in the ayah) then it is not like the kufr
of the disbeliever, likewise his dhulm and fisq do not expel him from the religion as Ibn
’Abbaas and Taawoos.
15 – Aboo ’Abdullaah bin Battah included a chapter in al-Ibaanah, vol.2, p.723 on ‘sins which lead
the one who committed them to kufr but do not expel him from the religion.’ Then he mentioned
(in vol.2, pp.733-734): ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed, and mentioned the narratons
from Ibn ’Abbaas, Ibn Mas’ood and the Taabi’een which indicate that ruling by other than what
Allaah has revealed is minor kufr which does not expel one from the religion.
16 – Ibn ’AbdulBarr (rahimahullaah) stated in at-Tamheed, vol.4, p.237:
It has arrived from Ibn ’Abbaas, who is one of those from whom takfeer of the one of
abandons the Salah has been reported, that he said about the ruling on the unjust ruler: “kufr
less than kufr”.
Then he mentioned its chain of transmission.
17 – al-Khaazin stated in his Tafseer, vol.1, p.310 (of the abridged version):

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A group of scholars from the Mufassireen stated: “The three verses were revealed in regards to
the kuffaar and those who change the rule of Allaah from the yahood.” Because even if a
Muslim falls into a major sin it is not to be said about him: “he is a kaafir”. This is the view of
Ibn ’Abbaas, Qataadah and ad-Dahhaak. What indicates the accuracy of this view is what has
been reported from al-Baraa’ bin ’Aazib.
18 – Jamaaluddeen al-Qaasimee (rahimahullaah) stated in Mahaasin ut-Ta’weel, vol.6, p.1998:
The one who rules by other than what Allaah has revealed has disbelieved if he disregards ot
rejects (ruling by what Allaah has revealed). This is what many adhere to and narrate it from
’Ikrimah and Ibn ’Abbaas.
19 – Imaam as-Si’di (rahimahullaah) stated in Tayseer ul-Kareem ur-Rahmaan, vol.2, pp.296-297:
Ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed is from the actions of the people of kufr. It can
be kufr which expels one from the religion, if he believes that it is halaal and permitted for him
to rule by it; or it could be a major sin. Of the actions of kufr are that which deserve a severe

ƂǹƊ ȁĄǂǧĉ ƢƊǰdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă ƃ

ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƘƌǧƊ ǾĄ ƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ
“And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are
{al-Maa’idah (5): 44}
Ibn ’Abbaas said: “Kufr less than kufr, dhulm less than dhulm and fisq less than fisq.” It is
major dhulm when there is istihlaal and a major sin when the person does it without making
20 – Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) stated in Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.7, p.312:
Therefore, from the statements of the Salaf were: “A person can have within him both eemaan
and kufr” and likewise within their saying: “that one can have within him eemaan and kufr, it
is not the kufr which expels one from the religion.” Just as Ibn ’Abbaas and his companions
(students) stated in regards to the saying of Allaah,

ƂǹƊ ȁĄǂǧĉ ƢƊǰdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă ƃ

ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƘƌǧƊ ǾĄ ƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ
“And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are
{al-Maa’idah (5): 44}

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They said it means: “They disbelieved with a type of kufr which does not expel one from the
religion”, and Ahmad and other Imaams of the Sunnah followed him in that.
Ibn Taymiyyah also said in Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.7, p.522:
Ibn ’Abbaas and others from the Salaf stated in regards to Allaah’s saying,

ǹƊ ȁĄǂǧĉ ƢƊǰdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ
ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƌƘǧƊ ĄǾƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ
ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă
“Whoever does not rule by what Allaah has revealed, then they are the disbelievers.”
{al-Maa’idah: 44}

ǹƊ ȂĄǸdzĉƢōǜdzơ ĄǶĄǿ Ǯ
ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƘƌǧƊ ǾĄ ƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ
ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă
“Whoever does not rule by what Allaah has revealed then they are the transgressors.”
{al-Maa’idah: 45}

ǹȂƌǬLJĉ ƢƊǨdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ
È ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƘƌǧƊ ǾĄ ƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ
ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă
“Whoever does not rule by what Allaah has revealed then they are the sinful.”
{al-Maa’idah: 47}

It is: “kufr less than kufr, fisq less than fisq and dhulm less than dhulm. Imaams Ahmad, al-Bukhaaree
and others mentioned this.
Ibn Taymiyyah also said in Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.7, p.350-351:
He could be Muslim yet within him is kufr less than kufr which does not expel him from
Islaam absolutely, as the Companions said, such as Ibn ’Abbaas and others: “kufr less than
kufr” this is the saying of the generality of the Salaf and this is what Ahmad and others
documented. This is also what al-Bukhaaree bore testimony to in his Saheeh. 32

32 He intended by this (rahimahullaah) Imaam al-Bukhaaree’s chaptering in his Saheeh: ‘Chapter: Kufr Towards
Spouses and Kufr Less than Kufr.’ Al-Qaadee Ibn al-’Arabee al-Maalikee stated in Fath ul-Baaree, vol.1, p.83:

ΚϴΣ ϦϜϟ ˬ˱΍ήϔϛ ϰϤδΗ ϲλΎόϤϟ΍ Ϛϟάϛ ˱ ΎϧΎϤϳ· ϰϤδΗ ΎϤϛ ΕΎϋΎτϟ΍ ϥ΃ ϦϴΒϳ ϥ΃ [ϱέΎΨΒϟ΍ ] ϒϨμϤϟ΍ Ω΍ήϣ"
.˰ϫ΍"ΔϠϤϟ΍ Ϧϣ ΝήΨϤϟ΍ ήϔϜϟ΍ Ω΍ήϳ ϻ :ήϔϜϟ΍ ΎϬϴϠϋ ϖϠτϳ
The intent of the classifier (i.e. al-Bukhaaree) is to explain that acts of obedience are named
‘eemaan’ and likewise acts of disobedience are named ‘kufr’. However, when kufr is applied in
this instance the intent is not the kufr which expels from the religion.
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Ibn Taymiyyah also said in Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.7, p.67: “Ibn ’Abbaas and his companions
said: “kufr less than kufr and dhulm less than dhulm.”
Ibn Taymiyyah also said in Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.11, p.140: “More than one of the Salaf said:
‘kufr less than kufr, nifaaq less than nifaaq and shirk less than shirk.’”
21 – Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (rahimahullaah) stated in Madaarij us-Saalikeen, vol.1, pp.335-336:
As for kufr then it is of two types: major and minor. Major kufr necessitates eternity in the
hellfire. Minor kufr necessitates a threat but not eternity in the hellfire, like in the hadeeth of
the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam): “Two from my Ummah have kufr within them, the
one who abuses the lineages and the one who wails over the dead.” 33 And like when the
Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) said: “Whoever approaches a woman in her anus has
disbelieved in what has been revealed to Muhammad.” And like in another hadeeth when the
Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) said: “Whoever goes to a soothsayer or magician and
believes in what he says has disbelieved in what allaah revealed to Muhammad.” 34 And like in
another hadeeth when the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) said: “Don’t return after me
as kuffaar striking the necks of each other.” 35 This is the interpretation of Ibn ’Abbaas and the
generality of the Companions in regards to the Allaah’s saying,

ǹƊ ȁĄǂǧĉ ƢƊǰdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ
ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƌƘǧƊ ĄǾƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ
ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă
“Whoever does not rule by what Allaah has revealed, then they are the disbelievers.”
{al-Maa’idah: 44}
Ibn ’Abbaas said: “It is not the kufr which expels from the religion, rather if one does it he has
kufr within him but it is not like the kufr of the one who disbelieves in Allaah and the Last
Day”, as Taawoos said. ’Ataa’ said: “It is kufr less than kufr, dhulm less than dhulm and fisq
than fisq.” There are those who interpreted the verses in regards to the one who abandons
ruling by what Allaah has revealed out of rejection. This is the view of ’Ikrimah and is the
accurate interpretation, so if a person rejects it (i.e. ruling by what Allaah has revealed)
whether he rules by it or not. Also from them are those who interpret these verses as
abandoning all of what Allaah has revealed. Included within this is the ruling of tawheed and
Islaam and this is the interpretation of ’Abdul’Azeez al-Kanaanee, yet this is also far (from

33 Saheeh Muslim (67) from the hadeeth of Aboo Hurayah (radi Allaahu ’anhu)
34 Reported by Aboo Daawood (3904); at-Tirmidhee (135), an-Nasaa’ee in al-Kubraa, vol.10, p.124 (Tuhfat ul-
Ashraaf); Ibn Maajah (639) and others. Via the route of Aboo Hurayrah (radi Allaahu ’anhu) and it is Saheeh.
35 Reported by al-Bukhaaree in his Saheeh (121); Muslim in his Saheeh (65) from the hadeeth of Jareer bin ’Abdullaah
al-Bajalee (radi Allaahu ’anhu).
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being accurate). Also from them are those who interpret the verses as applying to those who
oppose the text purposefully not out of ignorance, error or interpreting. This is what al-
Baghawee relayed from the ’Ulama generally. Also from them are those who interpret the
verses as being applicable to Ahl ul-Kitaab and this is the view of Qataadah, ad-Dahhaak and
others, yet this is far (from being accurate) as it opposes what is apparent from the text. Also
from them are those who deem these verses as meaning: kufr which expels one from the
What is Saheeh is: that ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed goes between the two
types of kufr, minor or major depending on the condition of the ruler (or judge). If he believes
in the obligation of ruling by what Allaah has revealed in this situation yet averts from ruling
by it, along with his admittal that he deserves punishment for this, then this is minor kufr. Yet
if he believes that ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed is not an obligation or that he
has a choice in ruling by it, while accepting that it is the rule of Allaah, then this is major kufr.
If he is ignorant or errs then he is mistaken and takes the ruling of those who fall into error.
The intent of this is: all of disobedience is a type of minor kufr that is against shukr.

22 – Imaam al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) stated in as-Saheehah, vol.6, pp.109-116:

It has arrived from the Salaf what supports this and this is found in regards to what they said
about “kufr less than kufr” and this has been authenticated from Tarjuman ul-Qur’aan Ibn
’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhu), and some of the Taabi’een and others documented this from
him. There has to be mention of what has been made easy to deduce from them and maybe
this will enlighten the path in front of those who have been misguided today in this dangerous
issue and traversed the way of the Khawaarij who make takfeer of the Muslims who have
committed disobedience, even if such Muslims pray and fast.
Then he (rahimahullaah) mentioned some narrations verifying them and explaining their authenticity.
23 – Imaam Muhammad bin Saalih al-’Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) stated in his commentary on at-
Tahdheer min Fitnat it-Takfeer, pp.68-69:
However, due to this narration those who have been tested with takfeer have not been pleased
and begin to say “this narration is unacceptable! It is not authentically relayed from Ibn
’Abbaas!” so it can be said to them: “How can it not be authentic when those who are more
virtuous and greater in knowledge than you in hadeeth have accepted the narration?! Yet you
say “we don’t accept it!”!?
Let’s say the matter was as you say and the narration of Ibn ’Abbaas was not authentic,
unto us are other texts which indicate ‘kufr’ is applied yet does not mean the kufr which expels

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

one from the religion, like the aforementioned verses. As the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu
’alayhi wassallam) said: “there are two people that have kufr within them: the one who abuses
lineages and those who wail over the dead.” Yet this is not the kufr which expels one from the
religion, however as is said: “A small amount of knowledge coupled with a small amount of
understanding of the general Shari’ principles necessitates misguidance.” Another matter that
can be appended to that is: evil intent necessitates evil understanding, because when a person
wants and intends something this necessitates a person transmitting his understanding in
accordance to what he wants and intends, and then he distorts the texts accordingly. From the
well-known principles of the ’Ulama was that they used to say: deduce then believe, don’t
believe and then deduce and be misguided. The three reasons are:
1 – Lack of Shari’ knowledge.
2 – Lack of fiqh of Shari’ principles
3 – Evil undertsnading resulting from evil intent and desire.
In relation to the narration of Ibn ’Abbaas, then it is sufficient for us that the noteworthy
scholars such as Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Qayyim and others have all received
the narration with acceptance and relay it as being an authentic narration. 36
24 – Ibn Abi’l’Azz al-Hanafee (rahimahullaah) stated in Sharh ul-’Aqeedah at-Tahawiyyah, pp.323-324:
Here there is a matter which has to be understood and that is: ruling by other than what
Allaah has revealed can be kufr which expels one from the religion; it can be disobedience,
major or minor. So this all depends on the condition of the ruler: if he believes that ruling by
other than what Allaah has revealed is not an obligation, or that he has a choice in a matter, or
that he mocks it while admitting that it is the rule of Allaah, then this is major kufr; if he
believes that it is an obligation to rule by what Allaah has revealed and this is his knowledge of
the situation, yet he does not rule by it, along with his admittance that he deserves
punishment, then this is disobedience and such a person is a disbeliever for committing kufr
in the figurative sense or has committed minor kufr; if he is ignorant of the rule of Allaah,
while he exerts great efforts in trying to know the ruling yet errs, then this is one who has
erred. He has a reward for his ijtihaad and his error is forgiven.

36 From his notes to the book Tahdheer min Fitnat it-Takfeer, pp.68-69, also see for additional info, Qurrat ul-
‘Uyoon fee Tasheeh Tafseer ‘Abdullaah Ibn ‘Abbaas ‘alaa Qawlihi Ta’ala “Wa man lam yahkum bi ma Anzala Allaah
fa Oolayika hum ul-Kaafiroon”pp.87-94 by Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee.
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”


One of the main matters that ’Abdullaah (“El”) Faisal al-Jamaykee regurgitates ad nauseam, is what
he obscurely refers to as “dismantling the Sharee’ah”. He neither gives the Arabic and Islamic
terminologies for this area of discussion nor does he embellish his ideas with concise evidences or
proofs from the ’Ulama, so Faisal either suffices with what he has blindly pieced together from other
takfiris (such as Aboo Qataadah, Aboo Hamza al-Misree, Aboo Baseer and others) or conjures up
his own explanations about which he has not been preceded by any of the scholars. We have already
observed that ’Abdullaah Faisal, in his ‘criticisms’ of the illustrious companion ’Abdullaah ibn
Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhumaa), regurgitated exactly the same as Aboo Hamza al-Misree did on page
15 of the latter’s book Ruling by Man-Made Law is Kufr Akbar, which can be referred to here:
Due to ’Abdullaah Faisal’s inability to concisely explain what he means by “dismantling the
Sharee’ah” it is difficult for us to assess whether he is actually referring to what the ’Ulama have
called ‘tabdeel’. We also witnessed previously that Faisal translates the word “sawwagha” as
“dismantle” and totally misquotes Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah), when the word
“sawwagha” actually means: ‘ajaaza’ and ‘abaaha’ which means: ‘to be or become permissible’, to be
permitted’, to be allowed’ etc. Firstly, these terms have totally different connotations to “dismantle”;
secondly, Faisal did not transmit fully what was mentioned by Ibn Taymiyyah and thirdly, the Salafis
totally accept what has been mentioned by Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah)! Yet this
area is not as simple as any form of tabdeel being kufr rather the scholars have explained this in detail
and we will try and look at this issue here. Tabdeel in the Arabic language is:

. ϩήϴϴϐΗ ϭ΃ ˯ϲη Ϧϣ νϮόϟ΍ ϰϨόϤΑ Ώήόϟ΍ Δϐϟ ϲϓ ϞϳΪΒΘϟ΍ ΔϤϠϛ ϥ·

. ϝΪΑ ΪϘϓ ϞϳΪΒΑ Ε΄ϳ Ϣϟ Ϯϟϭ ˯ϲθϟ΍ ήϴϏ Ϧϣ ΍άϛϭ ˬ ϝΪΑ ΪϘϓ ϩήϴϐΑ ˱ ΎΌϴη ϝΪΒΘγ΍ ϦϤϓ
To replace something or change it; so whoever seeks to replace something by changing it has
replaced it; and likewise whoever changes something, yet does not bring a replacement, has
replaced it.

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

Ibn Faaris 37 said:

. ΐϫ΍άϟ΍ ˯ϲθϟ΍ ϡΎϘϣ ˯ϲθϟ΍ ϡΎϴϗ Ϯϫϭ ˬ ΪΣ΍ϭ Ϟλ΃ ϡϼϟ΍ϭ ϝ΍Ϊϟ΍ϭ ˯ΎΒϟ΍"
ϝΎϗ ˬ ϝΪΒΑ Ϫϟ Ε΄Η Ϣϟ ϥ·ϭ ϪΗήϴϏ ΍Ϋ· ˯ϲθϟ΍ ΖϟΪΑ :ϥϮϟϮϘϳϭ ˬ ϪϠϳΪΑϭ ˯ϲθϟ΍ ϝΪΑ ΍άϫ :ϝΎϘϳ
{ϲδϔϧ ˯ΎϘϠΗ Ϧϣ ϪϟΪΑ΃ ϥ΃ ϲϟ ϥϮϜϳ Ύϣ Ϟϗ} :ϰϟΎόΗ
Baa, daal and laam has one basis which is to establish something in place of anothing thing
which has gone. So it is said: ‘this replaces something and is its substitute’ and they say: ‘You
have replaced something if you change it and do not bring something as its replacement.’
Allaah says,
“Say, [O Muhammad], “It is not for me to change it on my own accord.””
{Yoonus (10): 15} 38

Al-Qurtubee stated in regards to Allaah’s saying,

“So woe to those who write the “scripture” with their own hands, then say, “This is from
AllĆh,” in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have
written and woe to them for what they earn.”
{Baqarah (2): 79}

ϝΪ͉ Α Ϧϣ ϞϜϓ ˬ ωήθϟ΍ ϲϓ ΓΩΎϳΰϟ΍ϭ ήϴϴϐΘϟ΍ϭ ϞϳΪΒΘϟ΍ Ϧϣ ήϳάΤΘϟ΍ ΎϬϠΒϗ ϲΘϟ΍ϭ Δϳϵ΍ ϩάϫ ϲϓ
ˬ ΪϳΪθϟ΍ ΪϴϋϮϟ΍ ΍άϫ ΖΤΗ ϞΧ΍Ω : Ϫϴϓ ίϮΠϳ ϻϭ ϪϨϣ βϴϟ Ύϣ ௌ ϦϳΩ ϲϓ ωΪΘΑ΍ ϭ΃ ˬ ή˴ ͉ϴϏϭ
ϲϓ ϥϮϜϳ Ύϣ ϢϠϋ Ϊϗ ΎϤϟ ϪΘϣ΃ -ϢϠγϭ ϪϴϠϋ ௌ ϰϠλ– ௌ ϝϮγέ έάΣ Ϊϗϭ ˬ ϢϴϟϷ΍ Ώ΍άόϟ΍ϭ

37 He is Abu’l-Husayn Ahmad bin Faaris bin Zakariyyah al-Qazweenee al-Lughawee (d. 395 AH/1004CE). He studied
in Qazween, Hamadhaan and Baghdad and became a specialist in Arabic lexicography, grammar and syntax. His
works focus much on morphology, etymology and the function of particles within the grammar. His three notable
works are Mu’jam Maqaayees ul-Lugha, al-Mujmal fi’l-Lugha (these two being dictionaries) and as-Saahibi fee Fiqh
il-Lugha wa’s-Sunan al-’Arab fee Kalaamihaa. He also authored Awjaz as-Siyar li-Khayar il-Bashar, printed in
1993 by Daar ur-Rashaad.
Mu’jam Maqaayees ul-Lugha has been edited by A.S.M. Haroon (Cairo, 1947-52), along with prints by Daar Kutub
ul-’Ilmiyyah and Daar ul-Fikr in Beirut, while al-Mujmal has been edited by Hammoodee (Kuwait: 1985) and Sultaan
(Beirut: 1984), and as-Saahibi fee Fiqh has been edited by Mustaphaa Shu’aymee (Beirut: A. Badraan, 1964) and laso
by Sayyid Ahmad Saqr, Cairo: Eesaa al-Baabee al-Halabee, n.d.
38 Abul-Husayn Ahmad Ibn Faaris, Mu’jam Maqaayees ul-Lughah, p.119 – this was edited by A.S.M. Haroon in 1947-
52 (printed in Cairo) and has subsequently been published in Beirut by Daar ul-Fikr in 1979 and also in Iraan by Daar
Kutub al-’Ilmiyyah, n.d.
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Within this ayah, and those before it, is a warning against tabdeel (replacement), taghayyeer
(change) and ziyaadah (addition) in regards to the Shar’. So all who replace, change or
innovate in Allaah’s deen that which is not from it and is not permissible: is entered within the
severe threat (in the ayah) and the painful torment. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu
’alayhi wassallam) warned his Ummah about what would happen towards the end of time
when he said: “Those before you from Ahl ul-Kitaab split into seventy-two sects and indeed
this Ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of which will be in Hellfire except for one.”
So the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) warned the Ummah of adding into Allaah’s
deen new things from their own accord which oppose Allaah’s Book, the Prophet’s Sunnah or
the Sunnah or his companions and misguide the people. 39

So the innovator is considered a form of ‘tabdeel’. So tabdeel is divided into three types by the ’Ulama:
First type: Whoever replaces the Shar’ [Divine Legislation] and attaches it to the Shar’ out ijtihaad or
interpretation. Such a person intends the rule of Allaah yet errs and is ignorant, such an individual is
excused and is not deemed as sinful if he is a person of ijtihaad. This type of individual is what
Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn ul-Qayyim called “ash-Shar’ al-Mu’awwil”.
Second type: Whoever replaces the Shar’ [Divine Legislation] intentionally yet does not attach this
to the Shar’ and his replacement is not out of arrogance or obstinancy to the Shar’, rather he believes
that it is haraam to do that yet due to a weakness in him such as bribery, position, hatred of a person
or the likes he does it. This type of individual is a sinful criminal and has ruled by other than what
Allaah has revealed, yet takfeer is not to be made of him except if there is a proof of his istihlaal
(believing it to be lawful), istikbaar (arrogance towards Allaah’s rule) or mu’aanadah (obstinancy to
Allaah’s rule).
Third type: Whoever replaces the Shar’ [Divine Legislation] intentionally, neither out of an error
nor an interpretation and attaches this to the Shar’, this type of individual is an apostate and
disbeliever according to the consensus of the Muslims. Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said:

39 Al-Qurtubee, al-Jaami’ li-Ahkaam il-Qur’aan, vol.2, p.9
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

ωήθϟ΍ ϝΪΑ ϭ΃ ˬ ϪϴϠϋ ϊϤΠϤϟ΍ ϝϼΤϟ΍ ϡήΣ ϭ΃ ˬ ϪϴϠϋ ϊϤΠϤϟ΍ ϡ΍ήΤϟ΍ ϞϠΣ ϰΘϣ ϥΎδϧϹ΍ϭ"
:ϦϴϟϮϘϟ΍ ΪΣ΃ ϰϠϋ ϪϟϮϗ ϝΰϧ ΍άϫ ϞΜϣ ϲϓϭ ˬ ˯ΎϬϘϔϟ΍ ϕΎϔΗΎΑ ˱΍ΪΗήϣ ˱΍ήϓΎϛ ϥΎϛ ϪϴϠϋ ϊϤΠϤϟ΍
ௌ ϝΰϧ΃ Ύϣ ήϴϐΑ ϢϜΤϠϟ ϞΤΘδϤϟ΍ Ϯϫ ϱ΃ {ϥϭήϓΎϜϟ΍ Ϣϫ ϚΌϟϭ΄ϓ ௌ ϝΰϧ΃ ΎϤΑ ϢϜΤϳ Ϣϟ Ϧϣϭ}
: ǹƢǠǷ ƨƯȐƯ ȄǴǟ DžƢǼdzơ ǥǂǟ Ŀ DZƢǬȇ "ǝǂnjdzơ" ǚǨdzȁ

ΖΒΟϭ ϪϔϟΎΧ Ϧϣϭ ϪϋΎΒΗ΍ ΐΠϳ ΍άϫϭ ˬ ϝϮγήϟ΍ ϪΑ ˯ΎΟ Ύϣ Ϯϫϭ : "ϝΰ͉ ˴ϨϤϟ΍ ωήθϟ΍"
ˬ ϩϮΤϧϭ ϚϟΎϣ ΐϫάϤϛ ΎϬϴϓ ϦϳΪϬΘΠϤϟ΍ ˯ΎϤϠόϟ΍ ˯΍έ΁ Ϯϫϭ : "ϝϭ͉ Ά˴ Ϥϟ΍ ωήθϟ΍" :ϲϧΎΜϟ΍ϭ
. ϡήΤϳ ϻϭ ˬ ΐΠϳ ϻϭ ˬ ϪϋΎΒΗ΍ ύϮδϳ ΍άϬϓ
.ϪϨϣ αΎϨϟ΍ ϡϮϤϋ ϊϨϤϳ ϻϭ ˬ ϪΑ αΎϨϟ΍ ϡϮϤϋ ϡΰϠϳ ϥ΃ ΪΣϷ βϴϟϭ
Ε΍ΩΎϬθΑ αΎϨϟ΍ ϰϠϋ ϭ΃ ˬ ϪϟϮγέϭ ௌ ϰϠϋ ΏάϜϟ΍ Ϯϫϭ : "ϝ͉Ϊ˴ΒϤ˵ ϟ΍ ωήθϟ΍" :ΚϟΎΜϟ΍ϭ
ϦϤϛ ˬ ω΍ΰϧ ϼΑ ήϔϛ ΪϘϓ ௌ ωήη Ϧϣ ΍άϫ ϥ· :ϝΎϗ ϦϤϓ ˭ ϦϴΒϟ΍ ϢϠψϟ΍ϭ ˬ ΎϫϮΤϧϭ έϭΰϟ΍
. ˰ϫ.΍ ".ϚϟΫ ϮΤϧϭ ϲΒϫάϣ ΍άϫ :ϝΎϗ Ϯϟϭ ϝϼΣ ΔΘϴϤϟ΍ϭ ϡΪϟ΍ ϥ· :ϝΎϗ
When a person makes halaal whatever is haraam by consensus, or prohibits whatever is halaal
by consensus, or replaces whatever is from the Divine Legislation by consensus - is a
disbelieving apostate by agreement of the fuqahaa. With regards to the likes of these people
Allaah revealed,

ƂǹƊ ȁĄǂǧĉ ƢƊǰdzƒơ ǶĄ ǿĄ Ǯ ą ȇă Ƕą ōdz ǺăǷȁă ƃ

ă ƠĉºƊdzȁą ƘƌǧƊ ǾĄ ƐǴdzơ DZƊ DŽă ǻƊƗ ƢăǸƥƎ ǶƌǰƸ
“And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are
{al-Maa’idah (5): 44}
Meaning: the one who makes it lawful to rule by other than what Allaah has revealed. The
term ‘Shar’’ according to the custom of people refers to the following three meanings:
First: ash-Shar’ al-Munazzal (the revealed legislation), and this is what the Messenger
(sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) came with, this has to be followed and whoever opposes it has
to be punished.
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Second: ash-Shar’ al-Mu’awwal (the interpeted legislation), and this is in regards to the views
of the Mujtahid scholars such as the madhhab of Maalik and the likes. These can be followed
yet it is neither obligatory nor impermissible. It is neither for anyone to obligate the people to
follow it nor prevent the generality of the people from it.
Third: ash-Shar’ al-Mubaddal (the altered legislation), and this is lying against Allaah and His
Messenger, or lying against the people with false testimonies or the like; and clear oppression.
So whoever says: “Indeed this (type of altered and distorted legislation) is from Allaah” has
disbelieved without dispute, just as the one who says: “Eating the blood and dead flesh of an
animal are halaal” even if he says: “this is my madhhab” and the likes. 40
So Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) clearly explains that the Shar’ al-Mubaddal is not
one type which is ‘ruling by man-made laws taken from the West’, rather there are types, Ibn
Taymiyyah said:
ϰΘϟ΍ ΔϠπϤϟ΍ ωΪΒϟ΍ϭ ˬ ΔΑϮϠϘϤϟ΍ ήϴγΎϔΘϟ΍ϭ ˬ ΔΑϭάϜϤϟ΍ ΚϳΩΎΣϷ΍ ϮϬϓ "ϝΪ͉ ΒϤϟ΍ ωήθϟ΍" Ύϣ΃ϭ"
"ϪϋΎΒΗ΍ ΪΣϷ ϞΤϳ ϻ : ϩϮΤϧϭ ΍άϬϓ ˬ ௌ ϝΰϧ΍ Ύϣ ήϴϐΑ ϢϜΤϟ΍ϭ ˬ ϪϨϣ Ζδϴϟϭ ωήθϟ΍ ϰϓ ΖϠΧΩ΃
As for ash-Shar’ al-Mubaddal then it is: false ahaadeeth, corrupt tafaaseer, misguided
innovations which have entered the Shar’ and are not from it and (a judge) ruling by other
than what Allaah has revealed – these and its likes are not permissible for anyone to follow. 41
Likewise, the ruling on tabdeel is not merely one ruling or ijmaa’ rather the rulings depend on the type
of tabdeel according to Ahl us-Sunnah. It is also well known that when a judge (or ruler) replaces and
alters the Shar’ and thus rules by other than what Allaah has revealed obligates he the oppressed one
with his ruling, yet the ijmaa’ of the ’Ulama does not make takfeer of such a judge (or ruler) unless he
deems and believes this as being lawful (istihlaal) for him to do. Ibn ul-Qayyim (rahimahullaah)
mentions in Kitaab ur-Rooh (p.267):

ύϮδϳ ϻϭ ˬ ϪΑ ϞϤόϟ΍ ϻϭ ˬ ϩάϴϔϨΗ ϞΤϳ ϼϓ ௌ ϝΰϧ΃ Ύϣ ήϴϐΑ ϢϜΤϟ΍ Ϯϫϭ ϝΪ͉ ΒϤϟ΍ ϢϜΤϟ΍ Ύϣ΃ϭ"
"ϢϠψϟ΍ϭ ϕϮδϔϟ΍ϭ ήϔϜϟ΍ ϦϴΑ ϪΒΣΎλϭ ˬ ϪϋΎΒΗ΍
As for al-Hukm al-Mubaddal [the replaced and altered law], which is ruling by other than
what Allaah has revealed, then it is neither permissible to apply it nor act according to it or
follow it. The one who commits this (ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed) is
between kufr, fisq and dhulm.

40 Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.2, p.267
41 Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.11, p.507
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

So Ibn ul-Qayyim deems “al-Hukm al-Mubaddal”, which is ruling by other than what Allaah has
revealed, as something which can be kufr, fisq or dhulm in ruling on the one who replaces it, applies it
or follows it. Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah stated in Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.7, p.70-71:

ƢǷ ʼnǂŢȁ ƅơ ǵǂƷ ƢǷ DzȈǴŢ Ŀ ǶǿȂǟƢǗƗ ƮȈƷ ǶĔƢƦǿǁȁ ǶǿǁƢƦƷƗ ơȁǀţơ Ǻȇǀdzơ Ɣȏƚǿȁ"

:śȀƳȁ ȄǴǟ ǹȂǻȂǰȇ ƅơ DzƷƗ

ƅơ ǵǂƷ ƢǷ DzȈǴŢ ǹȁƾǬƬǠȈǧ DzȇƾƦƬdzơ ȄǴǟ ǶĔȂǠƦƬȈǧ ƅơ Ǻȇƽ ơȂdzƾƥ ǶĔƗ ơȂǸǴǠȇ ǹƗ :ƢŷƾƷƗ

ǾǴǠƳ ƾǫȁ ǂǨǯ ơǀȀǧ DZȂLJǂdzơ Ǻȇƽ ơȂǨdzƢƻ ǶĔƗ ǶȀǸǴǟ ǞǷ ǶȀƟƢLJƙǂdz ƢƆǟƢƦƫơ ƅơ DzƷƗ ƢǷ ʼnǂŢȁ

ǥȐƻ Ŀ ǽŚǣ ǞƦƫơ ǺǷ ǹƢǰǧ ǶŮ ǹȁƾƴLjȇȁ ǶŮ ǹȂƐǴǐȇ ơȂǻȂǰȇ Ń ǹƛȁ ƆƢǯǂNj ǾdzȂLJǁȁ ƅơ

DzưǷ ƢƆǯǂnjǷ ǾdzȂLJǁȁ ƅơ ǾdzƢǫ ƢǷ ǹȁƽ ǾdzƢǫ ƢǷ ƾǬƬǟơȁ Ǻȇƾdzơ ǥȐƻ ǾǻƗ ǾǸǴǟ ǞǷ Ǻȇƾdzơ


Ŀ ǶǿȂǟƢǗƗ Ǻǰdz ƢƆƬƥƢƯ ǵơǂūơ ʼnǂŢȁ DZȐūơ DzȈǴƸƬƥ ǶĔƢŻƛȁ ǶǿƽƢǬƬǟơ ǹȂǰȇ ǹƗ :ňƢưdzơ


.ºǿơ "ƣȂǻǀdzơ DzǿƗ ǺǷ

Those who took their scholars and monks as lords obeyed them in making lawful what Allaah had
prohibited and prohibited what Allaah had made lawful, and this has two aspects:
Firstly: That they know that they have substituted the deen of Allaah and then followed them in that
change and believed in the making lawful of what Allaah had prohibited and in the prohibition of what
Allaah had made lawful. So they did this following their leaders while knowing that it opposed the deen
of the Messenger and this is kufr and Allaah and His Messenger have classified such an individual a
disbeliever, even though they do not pray or prostrate to them. Whoever follows other than Allaah

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

in opposing the deen, while knowing that it opposes the deen and believes in what other than
Allaah and His Messenger have stated is a Mushrik.
Secondly: That they have firm belief and eemaan about legalising the halaal and prohibiting the haraam,
however they obeyed them in disobedience to Allaah. This is like a Muslim who commits an act of
disobedience which he firmly believes it is wrong and disobedience, they have the same ruling as them
as being sinful.
So here Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah mentions two types of those who commit tabdeel:
Firstly: Those who believe in the ’aqeedah of the Mubaddaleen in tahreem and tahleel, these have the
ruling of having committed kufr and apostasy.
Secondly: Those who do not believe in the ’aqeedah of the Mubaddaleen in tahleel and tahreem and in
fact believe that what is halaal is that which Allaah and His Messenger made halaal and believe that
which is haraam is that which Allaah and His Messenger made haraam. However, they obedyed them
in disobedience to Allaah due to desires or something else, these people are not kuffaar rather they
are sinners. So based on this it is clearly evident that tabdeel is of two types:
One: That which expels from the religion and this has a number of manifestations
Two: That which does not expel one from the religion like when one commits tabdeel out of bribery,
desire, fear of others and the like. This is fisq if the one who commits it does not include with it:
obstinancy to the Shar’, intentionally averting from the Shar’, hatred of the Shar’, arrogance to the
Shar’, rejection of the Shar’ or istihlaal of tabdeel of the Shar’.
There are two clear evidences of this in Islamic history, firstly with the great Sultaan and Mujaahid,
adh-Dhaahir Baybars al-Bunduqadaree who conquered many cities and liberated lands from the
encroaching Crusader forces, absolutely crushing the forces of King Louis the Ninth during the
Seventh Crusade. Baibars also had a large role to play in the defeating the Mongols at the great battle
of ’Ayn Jaaloot (the Spring of Goliath) 42 in 1260 CE wherein the Mongols were decisively defeated
in close combat for the first time in Mongol history, from which the Mongols were never able to
regroup and thus the historical impact of this defeat is no doubt significant even for today. The
Mamluk slave army of heavy cavalrymen (comprised of Turkish and Circassian European slave
soldiers purchased in Constantinople) effectively destroyed the Mongol military machine which had
menaced the medieval world for years. This also heralded the reign of the Mamluk dynasty and

42 It was from the will of Allaah that the Mongols were defeated and crushed at the place where Prophet David
defeated Goliath, the seemingly lower one gaining power of the bigger one, as again happened with the Muslims over
the Mongols after years of Mongol dominance.
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established their military dominance in Egypt, Hulagu Khan (grandson of Genghis Khan) of the
Mongols in the meantime never got over the defeat at ’Ayn Jaaloot. The Battle of ’Ayn Jaaloot is
also the first recorded battle in history wherein explosive hand cannons were used, the Mamluk army
utilised these explosives in order to frighten the Mongol horses and cause chaos in their ranks.
These explosive compounds were later mentioned in Arabic literature. 43 The famous historian Yusuf
bin Tughree Birdee (874 AH/1470 CE) stated in his beneficial book an-Nujoom az-Zaahirah fee Mulook
Misr wa’l-Qaahirah [Flourishing Stars Among the Kings of Egypt and Cairo] 44 , vol.7, p.182:

ǂǷƗ ǺǷ ǹƢƻDŽǰǼƳ ǵƢǰƷƗ ƤdzƢǣȁ ǁƢƬƬdzơ ǭȂǴǷ ƧƾǟƢǫ ȄǴǟ ŚLjȇ -ƅơ Ǿŧǁ- ǂǿƢǜdzơ ǮǴŭơ ǹƢǯ"

.""ơǁȂƬdzơȁ ǪLjȈdzơ"
King adh-Dhaahir (rahimahullaah) slightly followed the rules of the Tartars and most of the
ahkaam of Genghis Khan in regards to Yaasiq and Toora (aka ‘Ture’ or ‘Tura’).
This was also emphasised by al-Maqrizi (rahimahullaah) in Kitaab us-Sulook li-Ma’rifat Duwal ul-Mulook
and al-Khutat, in fact the only historians to reject that this was the case (i.e. that the Mamluks
implemented aspects of Yaasiq) have been modern non-Muslim Western historians such as David
Ayalon! 45 Yet it is not known that any of the ’Ulama made takfeer of Baibars on account of that.
Secondly, Muhammad Fareed Beg mentioned in his book Taareekh ad-Dawlat al-’Uthmaaniyyah
[History of the Ottoman State], pp.177-178 in regards to the conqueror of Constantinople Sultaan
Muhammad al-Faatih bin Muraad Beg (b. 835 AH/1432 CE, aka Mehmed the Second), that he used
to rule by Yaasiq (which included an amalgamation of political ideals inherited from the Byzantine
Caesars) and made tabdeel of much of the Shar’! Muhammad Fareed Beg states that Muhammad al-
Faatih bin Muraad:

43 Refer to the following paper on this topic: http://www.history-science-technology.com/Articles/articles%202.htm
44 It was published in Cairo in 1929 CE
45 For more on this historial discussion on the importance of Yasiq (Yasa) within the Mamluk State refer to the
following paper by Dr Robert D. McChesney entitled The Legacy of Genghis Khan in Law and Politics, dated March
28 1997 based on a lecture given at the University of New York:
Also refer to:
9 A.N. Poliak, “The Influence of Genghis Khan’s Yasa upon the General Organization of the Mamluk State” in
Bulletin of SOAS, vol.10 (1940-42), pp.862-76
9 George Vernadsky, “The Scope and Content of Chingis Khan's Yasa.” Printed in the Harvard Journal of
Asiatic Studies, Vol. 3, 1938, pp. 337-360
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

ǂǯƿ ƾǼǟ (178-177/Ǎ) "ƨȈǻƢǸưǠdzơ ƨdzȁƾdzơ ƺȇǁƢƫ" ǾƥƢƬǯ Ŀ ȆǷƢƄơ Ǯƥ ƾȇǂǧ ƾǸŰ DZƢǫ

:ƶƫƢǨdzơ ƾǸŰ ǹƢǘǴLjǴdz ƨȈǴƻơƾdzơ ƩƢƦȈƫǂƬdzơ

ǺLjdzƢƥ ǺLjdzơ ȅƗ ƨȈǻƾƦdzơ ƩƢƥȂǬǠdzơ DZƾƥƘǧ ƩƢƥȂǬǠdzơ ǹȂǻƢǫȁ ňƾŭơ ǹȂǻƢǬdzơ ƝƽƢƦǷ DZȁƗ ǞǓȁȁ"

ňȂǻƢǬdzơ ǹƢǸȈǴLJ ǹƢǘǴLjdzơ ƢȀŤơ ƨƸǓơȁ ƨȈǨȈǰƥ ƨȇƾǬǼdzơ ƩƢǷơǂǤdzơ ƢȀǓȂǟ DzǠƳȁ śǠdzƢƥ śǠdzơȁ

."ǽǂǯƿ ļȉơ

Implemented the principles of the civil law canon and also that of the punishments, he
changed (fa abdala) the capital punishments (i.e. chopping off the hand etc.) and replaced
them with monetary fines. The following Sultaan, Sulaymaan al-Qaanoonee completed this
legislative process. 46
So Sultaan Muhammad al-Faatih lived in the ninth Islamic century after the Hijrah and it is not
known that anyone made takfeer of this Sultaan of the Ottoman Empire, despite his tabdeel which
included implementing castration upon rapists and others. These examples indicate that there are
different categories of tabdeel along with respective rulings, which are totally neglected by the new-
age takfiri activists such as Abdullaah Faisal, Aboo Baseer, Aboo Qataadah, Omar Bakri, Sulaymaan
al-’Ulwaan and others.

46 Also refer to page 29 of the following:

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Another glaring contradiction is how they refer to the Mufti before Imaam Bin Baaz, Shaykh
Muhammad ibn Ibraahem (rahimahumullaah), as if he was somehow in agreement with their takfiri
and khaarijee views. Never at any stage whatsoever did Shaykh Muhammad bin Ibraaheem declare
Saudi Arabia to be an “apostate state”, or as “being in the pocket of the kuffaar”, or as “a state that
does not rule by what Allaah has revealed”, or as being a “puppet state” or “the state of Shaytaan”
or by any other crass and cantankerous terms of reference which drool from the unhinged tongue of
the likes of ’Abdullaah Faisal al-Jamaykee and the cult followers of Omar Bakri Muhammad et al. So
we ask these new-age takfiri activist to show us any evidence that the noble Shaykh Muhammad bin
Ibraaheem (rahimahullaah) made takfeer of Saudi Arabia, considering that most of those who refer to
him are precisely just those who make takfeer of Saudi Arabia! Let’s refer to’Abdullaah Faisal al-
Jamaykee’s views on Saudi Arabia, he stated after an hour and three minutes into the lecture The
Devil’s Deception of the Saudi Salafis:
“The British were the greatest enemies of Islaam and the Muslims and they are the ones who
set-up Saudi Arabia, they are the ones who formulated the government of Saudi Arabia, they
are behind the kingship of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia is a puppet government governed by the
Here then, Faisal agrees and shares the exact same manhaj of the Brailwees, Soofees and Tahreerees in
regurgitating the nonsense that the British supported Saudi Arabia, when the reality is that in the
early stages of the state and of the da’wah of Imaam Muhammad Ibn ’AbdulWahhaab (rahimahullaah),
the British were against it with a passion! What indicates that the British were opposed to the
“Wahhabi movement” is the fact that they sent Captain George Foster Sadlier 47 to “congratulate
Ibrahim Pasha on his success against the Wahhabis” – during the war of Ibrahim Pasha in
Dir’iyyah – and also to find out to what extent he was prepared to cooperate with the British
authorities to reduce what they called “Wahhabi piracy in the Arabian Gulf.” Indeed, this clearly

47 An officer of the 47th Regiment in the India British army at a time when securing sea routes to India was Britain’s
main interest. The British were concerned about the rise of the da’wah of Imaam Muhammad ibn ‘AbdulWahhaab
and branded any opposer to British colonial rule in India as being a “Wahhabi”, this thus contributed to the
scaremongering against the da’wah of Imaam Muhammad ibn ‘AbdulWahhaab (rahimahullaah).

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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

expressed a desire to establish an agreement between the British government and Ibrahim Pasha
with the aim of destroying the “Wahhabis” completely. Sadlier made an arduous journey from India
to Riyadh to see the ruins in Dir’iyyah, which was razed to the ground by Ibraheem Pasha. 48
Furthermore, one should not forget that Faisal says all of this yet he himself studied in Imaam
Muhammad bin Saud University in Riyadh!! So according to his own extremist reasoning and
arguments, his own Islamic education from whence he began to utilize in order to promote himself
as a ‘Shaykh’ is in question! As Faisal studied in Saudi Arabia and used that as his main proof to call
himself a ‘Shaykh’!
As for the issue of the Shaykh’s book Tahkeem ul-Qawaaneen then the Shaykh never intended by it
a criticism of Saudi Arabia wherein he was the Mufti, for Saudi Arabia implements the Sharee’ah,
even though there are shortcomings in some areas, commands the good and forbids the evil, aids
the needy Muslims, supports the da’wah to tawheed, establishes the hudood and tries to follow the
correct manhaj. Secondly, despite what is mentioned in Tahkeem ul-Qawaaneen the book, like all books
except for the Qur’aan, is not free of errors for Imaam Bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) was asked:
There is a fatwa of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem Aali-Shaykh, the people of takfeer use
it to prove that the shaykh did not differentiate between the one who rules by other than the
Law of Allaah - making it halaal, and the one who is not like that, as the differentiation which
is well known from the scholars.
Imaam Bin Baaz replied:
This matter is affirmed by the scholars - as has preceded - that whoever makes that halaal then
he has indeed disbelieved. As for the one who does not make that halaal, such as the one who
does it due to bribes or something similar, then this is disbelief less than disbelief. As for the
Islamic State which possesses power, then upon them is to struggle against the one does not
rule by what Allaah revealed until that is established.
The questioner then asked:
They use this fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Ibraaheem as a proof!?
Imaam Bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) replied:
Muhammad Ibn Ibraaheem was not infallible, he was a scholar from amongst the scholars and
he made mistakes at times and he was correct at (other) times, he was neither a prophet nor a
messenger. Also like that were Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn ul-Qayyim, Ibn Katheer,

48 Jalal AbualRub, Alaa Mencke (ed.), The Biography of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (Orlando, Florida: Madinah
Publishers, 1424 AH/2003 CE), pp.224-231.

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and other scholars. All of them made mistakes at times and were correct at (other) times.
Whatever from their statements agrees with the truth is to be taken and whatever opposes the
truth is to be returned onto the one who utters them. 49

49 Refer to Majallat ul-Furqaan, no.82
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”


The respected Shaykh, al-’Allaamah Dr Saalih al-Fawzaan was asked:
May Allaah show goodness to you O virtuous Shaykh, of the most difficult issues which has
been problematic for the youth, or for some of the youth, (is the issue) for example of ruling by
man-made laws. We request clarity in regards to this.
Answer from al-’Allaamah Saalih al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah):
The ’Ulama have clarified this, and the closest thing (to being correct) is the tafseer of Ibn
Katheer wherein it is stated that the one who rules by other than what Allaah has revealed then
if he views that as being better than the Book of Allaah, or that his rule is better than the rule
of Allaah, or that ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed is the same as the rule of
Allaah or that he has a choice to rule by what Allaah has revealed or not based on choice –
then such an individual is judged with kufr. There is no doubt that such an individual is a
disbeliever according to the ijmaa’.
As for the individual who believes that the rule of Allaah is the truth and that the man-
made law is baatil but he rules by it due to desire (hawaa) or due to a temptation (tama’a) that
has overcome him – then such an individual is sinful and a transgressor (dhaalim wa faasiq)
yet is not judged with kufr. This is because he believes that the rule of Allaah is obligatory and
ruling by other than it is baatil but he done it in order to obtain a career or due to a
temptation. In this instance his ’aqeedah remains, as he still has his belief in the Book of
Allaah and that it is the truth and has to be ruled by, then in this case his ’aqeedah remains.
Such an individual is judged to be sinful and not judged with having kufr because this is kufr
’amali (kufr of actions). 51 52

50 From the question and answer session of a recent lecture entitled ‘Takfeer: Between Excess and Neglect’ delivered
at Masjid ar-Raajihee in Hayy ul-Jazeerah, Riyadh, KSA dated: 10/10/1428 AH corresponding to 21st October 2007
CE. The lecture can be heard here: http://salafi.ws/faris/alfozan-thkeem-alqwaneen-salaf.mp3
and fully here: http://www.liveislam.net/browsearchive.php?sid=&id=43368
51 i.e. kufr less than kufr.
52 Shaykh ’Ali Hasan al-Halabi al-Athari has commented on these words by Shaykh Fawzaan and praised them for
demonstrating the Shaykh’s agreement with the three Imams of the era, Imam al-Albani, Imam Bin Baaz and Imam
Muhammad bin Saalih al-’Uthaymeen (rahimahumullaah). See the article by Shaykh ’Ali Hasan al-Halabi entitled al-
Burhaan ’alaa Muwaafaqat ish-Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan li-Kibaar Mashaay’ikh il-’Asr wa’l-Awaan fee Mas’alati
Takfeer Hukaam iz-Zamaan [The Clear Proof of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan’s Agreement with the Senior Scholars of
the Era Regarding the Issue of Takfeer of the Rulers of the Era]: http://asaala.net/viewWord.php?wordID=1 and:
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

All praise is due to Allaah, this study not only hopes to have demonstrated the lack of precision,
research and knowledge of ’Abdullaah Faisal al-Jamaykee in regards to the narration of the illustrious
Companion ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbaas (radi Allaahu ’anhumaa), “kufr less than kufr”; but also it should
be evident that ’Abdullaah Faisal is not trustworthy in his source-referencing. As Shaykh ul-Islaam
Ibn Taymiyyah stated about the people of innovation:

ξϐΒϳϭ ˬΎϬπϐΒϳϭ ϪϔϟΎΨΗ ϲΘϟ΍ ιϮμϨϟ΍ ϥΎϤΘϛ ϲΤϳ Ϯϫϭ ϻ· ˱ ΎϋΪΘΒϣ ςϗ ΪΠΗ ϼϓ "
ΪΣ΃ ωΪΘΑ΍ Ύϣ :ϒϠδϟ΍ ϝΎϗ ΎϤϛ ˬϚϟΫ Ϟόϔϳ Ϧϣ ξϐΒϳϭ ˬΎϬΑ ΙΪΤΘϟ΍ϭ ΎϬΘϳ΍ϭέϭ ΎϫέΎϬο·
."ϪΒϠϗ Ϧϣ ΚϳΪΤϟ΍ ΓϭϼΣ Ζϋΰϧ ϻ· ΔϋΪΑ

You will not find an innovator except that he hides the texts which oppose him and he will
hate those texts. He will also hate bringing these texts up, narrating them, mentioning them
and he hates acting by them. Just as the Salaf said: “One does not begin an innovation except that the
sweetness of hadeeth is removed from his heart.” 53
We have also observed that Faisal is either absolutely ignorant of the asaaneed and turuq of the
narration “kufr doona kufr” or he is hiding it intentionally. Either way, this paper has
demonstrated that his claims in regards to “kufr less than kufr” and his odd disregard for it has
no precedent whatsoever from the ’Ulama.
’Abdullaah Faisal is not a “Shaykh” as he called himself while he was in London in order to
gain followers, writing on his own tapes “Sheikh Faisal” and then promoting such audios?! Is this
the way of Shaykh? Not to mention, as we have seen his knowledge is questionable to say the
least, and those who have preceded him in his views are negligible. Indeed, like many of the hasty
and partisan takfiri activists of London, Faisal promoted Safar al-Hawali and Salman al-’Awda!
And the folly of this promotion was not only evident then but even more so now for these takfiri
activists who praised them in the 1990s; as the latter is an open ikhwani preacher who praises
’Amr Khaled and ’Ali Jifri, while the former has had a number of peculiar outlooks which have
included writing a letter to George Bush Jnr on 15 October 2001 saying:

53 Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.20, p.161
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“We Muslims desired to see you elected and we have proof that the votes which gave
you victory were our votes, and I personally advised Muslims to vote for you.” 54 !!?
So much for ruling by what Allaah has revealed and baraa’ form the kuffaar! The Shaykhs of
’Abdullah Faysal and the takfiri activists seemingly need to take their own advice! Faisal stated
after the first minute into the lecture The Devil’s Deception of the Saudi Salafis:
“Now the reason why we say “Saudi Salafis”, as the term ‘Salafi’ is used to describe a person
who practices Islaam the way it was practiced by the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam)
and his companions, the Sahabahs aswell as the other two generations that come after. There
are two types of Salafis, the ‘classical Salafi’ 55 and the fake Salafi which we classify, which we
call the “Saudi Salafis.” The Muslims this like {sic}, the classical Salafis are like Salmaan al-
Awdah and Safar Hawaalee who are sincerely practicing Islaam the way it was practiced by
the Sahabahs and the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam), 56 these are the classical Salafis. 57
So if you say that the topic is the ‘Devil’s Deception of the Salafis’ you have misled the
people….So we have gathered here today to expose one of the greatest fitna to ever emerge in
the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wassallam).”
Al-’Allaamah, Shaykh, Dr Saalih al-Fawzaan stated:
It is obligatory for the jaahil (ignoramus) to not speak and to keep quiet and fear Allaah, The
Exalted and Majestic, and to not speak without knowledge, Allaah says,

ơƒȂƌǯǂƎ nj
ą Ąƫ ǹƊƗȁă ďǪƸ
ă dzƒơ ǂƎ Ȉą Ǥă ƥƎ Ȇă Ǥą Ʀădzƒơăȁ Ƕă ƯƒȍÊ ơăȁ Ǻă ǘƊ ƥă ƢăǷȁă ƢăȀǼą Ƿĉ ăǂȀă ǛƊ ƢăǷ NJ
ă Ʒĉ ơăȂǨƊ dzƒơ Ȇă ďƥǁă ǵă ċǂƷă ƢăǸċǻƎƛ Dzƒ ǫƌ ƃ

ƂǹƊ ȂĄǸǴƊ Ǡą ƫă ȏƊ ƢăǷ Ǿĉ ƐǴdzơ ȄƊǴǟă ơƒȂƌdzȂƌǬƫă ǹƊƗȁă ƢĆǻƢƊǘƒǴĄLJ Ǿĉ ƥƎ DZƒ ďDŽǼăȇĄ Ƕą dzƊ ƢăǷ Ǿĉ ƐǴdzƢƎƥ
“Say, My Lord has only forbidden immoralities – what is apparent of then and what is
concealed – and sin, 58 and oppression without right, and that you associate with Allaah that

54 http://www.sunnahonline.com/ilm/contemporary/0025.htm
55 Where on earth did Faysal get this division from? Which scholar has preceded Faysal with this division of ‘a
classical Salafi’ and a ‘fake Salafi’ and then from this only including the likes of Safar and Salmaan within that
56 As for Salmaan al-Awdah he praises extremist soofees like Ali Jifri and also Amr Khaalid!
57 Notice how Faisal only includes these two as being those “who are sincerely practicing” as Faisal knows what is in
the hearts! Faisal only mentioned these two due to the fact that they were in prison at the time. So out of all of the
scholars in the world, only these two are the “sincere ones”!!?
58 Any unlawful action
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for which He has not sent down authority, and that you say about Allaah that which you do
not know.”
{al-’A’raaf (7): 33}
So it is not permissible for the jaahil to speak in issues of knowledge especially in regards to
major issues such as takfeer, jihaad and al-walaa wa’l-baraa’. As for slander and backbiting in
regards to the honour of the people in authority and the honour of the scholars, then this is the
most severe type of backbiting and as a result is not permissible. As for current events which
have passed or are taking place then these are affairs for the people in authority to research
and seek counsel over and it is for the scholars to explain its Divinely Legislated ruling. As for
the general and common people and beginning students it is not their issue. Allaah says,

Ƕą ȀĄ Ǽą Ƿĉ ǂƎ Ƿą ȋÈ ơ ȆĉdząȁƌƗ ȄƊdzƛƎȁă DZƎ ȂĄLJċǂdzơ ȄƊdzƎƛ ǽĄ ȁČƽǁă Ȃą dzƊȁă Ǿĉ ƥƎ ơƒȂĄǟơƊƿƗƊ ǥ

ĉ Ȃą Ƽ
ă dzƒơ ȁƎ ƗƊ ǺƎ Ƿą ȋÈ ơ Ǻă ďǷ ćǂąǷƊƗ Ƕą ǿĄ ƔƢăƳ ơƊƿƛƎȁă ƃ

Ɔ ȈĉǴǫƊ ōȏƛƎ ǹƊ ƢǘƊ Ȉą ċnjdzơ ĄǶĄƬǠą ƦăċƫȏƊ ĄǾĄƬǸă Ʒą ǁă ȁă Ƕą ƌǰȈą ǴƊ ǟă Ǿĉ ƐǴdzơ ƌDzǔ
ą ǧƊ ȏƊ Ȃą dzƊȁă Ƕą ȀĄ Ǽą Ƿĉ ĄǾǻăȂƌǘƦƎǼăƬLj
ą ȇă Ǻă ȇĉǀōdzơ ĄǾǸă Ǵĉ Ǡă dzƊ
“And when there comes to them something (I.e. information) about (public) security or fear,
they spread it around. But if they had only referred it back to the Messenger or to those in
authority among them, then the ones who can draw correct conclusions from it would have
known about it. And if not for the favour of Allaah upon you and His mercy, you would have
followed Satan, except for a few.”
{an-Nisaa (4): 83}
So it is incumbent to refrain the tongue in speaking about the likes of such issues, especially
takfeer, allegiance and disavowal. And humans are mostly ignorant of its application and can
apply it incorrectly and thus judge a person with misguidance and kufr, and the ruling could
thus return upon the claimant. So if a person says to his brother “O kaafir, O faasiq” and the
man is not like that (i.e. neither a kaafir nor a faasiq) the ruling can return upon the one who
said it, and Allaah’s refuge is sought. This is a very dangerous issue, so it is upon the one who
fears Allaah to refrain his tongue except if he is from those who are entrusted to deal with such
issues, from the people in authority or the scholars. It is these who look into issues and find a
solution to it, as for one who is from the common people or from the minor students (of
Islamic knowledge) they do not have the right to issue rulings on people and slander the
honour of people while he is an ignoramus (jaahil) who backbites and speaks about issues
regarding takfeer, tasfeeq and other matters, this only harms the one who does this. So it is for
the Muslim to withhold his tongue and not get involved in what does not concern him. Such a
person should make dua’ for the Muslims for them to be victorious and make dua against the

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kuffaar for them to be punished, this is obligatory. As for discussing rulings of the Divine
Legislation, falling into error and speaking about the honour of people in authority and the
scholars and judging them with kufr or misguidance this is very dangerous for you O speaker.
Those you speak about will not be harmed by your speech, and Allaah knows best. 59

59 Shaykh, Dr Saalih bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan, Muhammad bin Fadh al-Husayn (editor and compiler), al-Ijabaat al-
Muhimmah fi’l-Mashaakil al-Mumilah (Riyadh: Mataabi’ al-Humaydee, 1425 AH/2004 CE, Second Edition), pp.56-

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In a lecture by Faisal entitled Challenges Facing the Youth, he says:
“If he is a supporter of kufr, a Saudi Salafi, you have to kill him and chop of his head…”!!
In the same lecture Faisal says in the so-called ‘question and answer session’:
“You’re allowed to take all these benefits that these kaafirs offer you, because everything that
the kaafir owns is yours. Every single thing that the kaafir owns is yours so you’re allowed to
take all the benefits that they offer you and you’re even allowed to have four wives and put
them on benefit, so hope that they give you a mansion in Hampstead Heath!”
Faisal says, after an hour into the lecture Let the Scholars Beware:
“The Jews love Judaism more than the Muslims love al-Islaam, this is why they have a Jewish
state and we don’t have an Islamic state. The Jewish Rabbis are more sincere to their false
religion more than our Islamic scholars who are not sincere to our religion…Islaam is a
religion without scholars…”
After forty minutes into the lecture entitled Rejecting the Taaghoot, Faisal says:
“So today the Muslims are like the kaafirs of Quraysh…”
Faisal says in the lecture Treachery from Within:
“The Saudi Salafis, they are your enemies, in fact they are your greatest enemies because they
guise themselves, they hide themselves, in clothing of righteousness and piety with a beard
and a white thowb, some of them speak Arabic, yet they use their knowledge of Arabic to
cement the throne of the apostate leaders…these are the nine enemies who you have to fight
in this world today.”
After 50 minutes into the lecture entitled Knowledge, Faisal says:
“So the Muslims in this country (i.e. the UK), the majority of them, they have no eemaan and
no taqwaa, the average Muslim you meet on the street he has no eemaan and no taqwaa…”
In the lecture entitled Jihad (which was available of the takfeeree website ‘Inshallah Shaheed’) Faisal says
agter twenty-six minutes:
“So you want to go to jannah, put up your hands those who want to go to jannah. It’s easy just
kill a kaafir, just kill a kaafir!”!!
Faisal says in the same lecture, after 49 minutes into it:

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“Every Muslim would like to kill the kuffaar, unless you’re a munaafiq and you have no al-
walaa wa’l-baraa’ in your heart or you love kaafirs. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you love
Hindus and Sikhs and Buddhists and Christians, only munaafiqoon love kuffaar.”
In the lecture al-Walaa wa’l-Baraa (a) 60 Faisal says after forty-five minutes:
“This drives home to you the importance of the Islamic Sharee’ah, the importance of hating
the taaghoot, the importance of hating those who dismantle the Sharee’ah, the importance of
condemning the system, the importance of killing the taaghoot…”
So if Faisal has already described certain Muslim governments as being “taaghoot governments”
what is the logical deduction to be made from this, if not to incite and endorse assassinations of
Muslim governments or others who Faisal defines as being “a taaghoot”? He continues, in his
injustice (after forty-five):
“And if you are living in this country and a person approaches you and ask you “what do you
think about the system” and you say to yourself, or you say to the person, “Alhamdulillaah, it’s
not a bad system, it’s a good system, even though my name is Muhammad I’m allowed to sign
on and on top of that I live in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, I can’t
complain.” Now you are in this system and you can’t see anything wrong with the system you
say “it’s okay”! Just to give that answer “it’s okay” you become a kaafir!” (!!!)
Faisal also states after one hour, 13 minutes and 50 seconds into the same lecture:
“Kaafirs will always be kaafirs, every kaafir will always find a time to make you feel ashamed
of your religion, every kaafir!...Kaafirs will always be Kaafirs!”
What a pathetic remark from one who used to be “a kaafir” himself! Indeed, from one who used
to be in the Christian Salvation Army!? Faisal says after an hour and fifteen minutes into the
lecture Cancers in the Body of the Ummah (1):
“So the Jews they immediately changed their tune, so the Salafees because they are the yahood
of the ummah, they have all the qualities that the Jews have.” !!!
After an hour and twenty-seven minutes into the lecture The Devil’s Deception of the Saudi Salafis:
“The verdict on the Salafis, I’ve given you their descriptions, I’ve given you their ’aqeedah, I
will now give you the verdict…”
Before we proceed, here Faysal is giving a fatwa now, an Islamic ruling, even though he is not
qualified to give this at all, so beware! He continues:

60 See the lecture here: www.archive.org/stream/alwala1/alwala.rmvb 

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“…Salafis are major hypocrites, there’s no difference between a Salafi and a disciple of
Musaymlimah, Musaylimah exchanged the Sharee’ah and he had people who helped him,
supported him, aided him and fought for him. Salafis will fight and kill for King Fahd who has
dismantled the Sharee’ah…therefore you’re not allowed to pray behind a Salafi, your salah
behind them is baatil because they’re major hypocrites, they’re mega hypocrites. Now you
know why I delayed the speech for four years because I make sure you can handle the verdict
before I deliver the verdict on you!”
Faysal delivers another incredulous and vile ‘verdict’:
“Any woman that is married to a Salafi, she has to disassociate herself from him and make
baraa’ from him! How can she co-habit with a man who betray {sic} Allaah Ta’ala, His
Messenger and the Muslims. She should abhor such a man just to look into his face should
make her feel upset and sick. So how can she co-habit with a man, marry man, that a man
{sic} and cohabit with him?”
La Hawla wa la Quwwata ila billaahi!

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Faisal says in the vile lecture The Devil’s Deception of the 21st Century House Niggers (!!?):
“Anyone who listens to this tape, of this man and doubt that he’s a kaafir you become a kaafir!
If you listen to this person Aboo Usaamah trying to put Islaam down and Muslims down and
jihaad down, if you have an atom’s weight of doubt in your heart that he’s a kaafir, you
yourself become a kaafir.” !!!
In the same lecture, The Devil’s Deception of the 21st Century House Niggers, Faisal says to the audience,
“What do you think we should do with this person (i.e. Aboo Usaamah adh-Dhahabi)?”
Audience: “Kill him!”
Faisal: “I can’t hear you?”
Audience: “Kill him!”
Faisal: I still can’t hear you?
Audience: “Kill him!”
Faisal: “OK that makes sense.” (!!!)
It seems that our brother Aboo Usaamah has unfortunately had his (un)fair share of takfeer and
tabdee’, may Allaah guide him and keep him firm upon the Sunnah and forgive us and him of our

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Firstly, for him to call himself “al-Khattaab” is incorrect as he is neither from a family with this
name nor from a tribe with such a title, so rather it is actually more Islamic for his name to be
“Yousef Cohen”, yet due to his inferior complex he tries to hide his name and roots; within this
study therefore we wll refer to him by the correct Islamic usage.
According to his interview with the US magazine Details in September 2003 Yousuf Cohen
claimed that at “one point he joined Satmar”. 63 The background of Yousuf Cohen is dubious to say
the least, he allegedly embraced Islaam after interactions via the internet with an “Emirati Sheikh”
and thus learnt about Islaam predominantly “over the web”?! Similar in many ways to Azzam
Amreekee (Adam Gadahn), yet without the same command of the Islamic texts, Yousuf Cohen is
fanatical in his support for the contemporary Khawaarij of the era. With such a dubious history such
an individual is really in no position whatsoever to then begin to slander the Salafis, yet this “Ibn

61 When we say that he is a sympathiser to Bin Ladin and the likes then this is from Cohen’s own words from many of
his interviews and Youtube broadcasts and should not be seen as an attempt by us to implicate Khattaab in anything.
Rather we totally denounce, discard and detest his manhaj which is one which will not lead to any beneficial fruits
and this coupled with takfeer and hatred of one of the Imams of the era is also a path to destruction. Indeed, Abu
Hamza al-Misree, the former head of the Finsbury Park Mosque in London wrote an article on his ‘Supporters of
Shariah’ website after the death of Imam Bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) entitled ‘The Death of an Evil Scholar’!! La hawla
wa la quwwata ilabillaah! Then people wonder why they are going through difficulties.
63 Satmar is a Hasidic anti-Zionist Jewish community which originated from mostly Hungarian Hasidic Jews who fled
Europe after the Second World War. It was founded by Rabbi Teitelbaum (1887-1979 CE) who was the official “Rav”
of Satu Mare, Romania and is based on following “the Honorable zealots”. Their main followers are to be found in
various parts of New York such as Williamsburg, but they are also to be found in parts of London, Manchester,
Montreal, Buenos Aires and Antwerp. Many Satmar Hasdic Jews were killed during the Holocaust.
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Saba of the era” is not one who can even dare to accuse the Salafi scholars of treachery, selling-out
and kufr. Of the dubious aspects of Yousuf Cohen are:
9 Making unrestricted takfeer of Imaam ’Abdul’Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) and agreeing
with Abdullah Faysal’s takfeer of the noble Imaam.
9 Appearing with his young children while brandishing shotguns?!
9 Openly mocking the kuffaar war dead and injured in order to cause incitement.
9 Poor command of Arabic (yet fluency in Hebrew?!)
9 Biased partisanship to Sayyid Qutb and his ideas, refer to Yousuf Cohen’s ‘Radical Review’
“magazine” (particularly volume 2) which can be seen at www.revolutionmuslim.com – we
warn that the website bombards you with an irritating voice as soon as you enter it yet this
can be stopped by pressing the ‘stop’ button which is featured on the Uzi machine gun
9 Making references to kuffaar who were brutally murdered by takfeerees and wallowing in this.
9 Inciting khurooj against the Muslim leaders along with ignorant and fanatically promotion of
Haakimiyyah among the Muslim youth.
9 New-found love and hasty support for Abdullah Faisal al-Jamaykee and thereby claiming to
know more about Faisal than those who witnessed his development in Brixton from the
1990s. So the Salafis were dealing with Abdullah Faisal al-Jamaykee when Yousuf Cohen was
still at the Yeshiva sporting a Payot and Tzitzit, studying the Mesillat Yersharim with the
Hasidic Rebbes of Brooklyn, New York! Cohen has even taken to assuming responsibility of
his da’wah affairs and revamping the old ‘Street Da’wah’ website into
9 Contradictory stances with regards to the matters related to what he defines as “rejecting
the taaghoot systems”. As we shall see with Cohen’s open use of the police from the 79th
Precinct in Brooklyn, New York to defend him while he was giving out his flyers advertising
his takfeeree website outside a Mosque in Brooklyn on Friday 29th February 2008 CE. Indeed,
Cohen boldly says three times: “Yes, I bought them (i.e. the police), I bought them, I
bought them. Yes, I bought them (i.e. the police) because this brother threatened
that he was going to hit me.” 64 (!?) So beware! Yousuf Khattab cries to the police with no

64 The video of this event was posted by Cohen, posting under the name “Yousef al Khattab” on a thread entitled
‘Masjid ‘Taqwa’s’ Security Thug Team’ on Saturday 1 March 2008 on the English language Qutbee-takfeeree forum
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shame when his takfeeree chips are down! Furthermore, it is ironic that police from “New
York city’s finest” defend this Yousuf Khattaab and his takfeeree frolics and agitation and yet
at the same time NYPD complain about the spread of radicalisation within New York,
America, Canada, UK and Europe and accuse the Salafis as being the cause!!? See here for
more in this regard: http://www.salafimanhaj.com/pdf/SalafiManhaj_NYPD.pdf The
exactly same method, of running to the NYPD when the Muslims have had enough of their
frolics, can be seen in a video which Cohen and his followers entitled ‘Siraj Wahhaj’s Para
Military Khawarij Militia at the Muslim Day Parade’, dated Octobe 2008 wherein one of Cohen’s
followers, ‘Younes Abdullah Muhammad’ from the ‘Islamic Thinkers Society’ (!!?), after 1
minute and 58 seconds into the video blatantly calls the police for help! He exclaims, as can
be seen in the video: “Officer! I’m getting assaulted! Please send the police, please!
These guys (i.e. from Siraj Wahhaj’s masjid) are threatening me!.... They’re trying to
suppress our constitutional right to freedom of speech…. Shoot this on video in case
they assault us, they’re terrorists.” 65 Blatant snitching caught on camera! Then they accuse
the Salafis of snitching!? They need to take their own advice, indeed this is like a man telling
another man that his button is undone, yet the man himself has his trousers undone!
Furthermore, do they seriously expect us to believe that they are calling to the Sharee’ah
when they at a drop of a hat they are so quick to plead for their “constitutional rights to
freedom of speech” which if these are not based on jibt and taaghoot then we don’t know
what is!? As for Younes Abdullah Muhammad then he is the same ignorant individual who
gave a ‘Press Release to the Media’ for the ‘Islamic Thinkers Society’ and could not even pronounce
the khutbah ul-haajah correctly! Indeed, after 18 minutes into the ‘Press Release to the Media’
Younes Abdullaah Muhammad states: “that’s why we fight against Allaah”, in his

‘Islamic Awakening’. We have not provided the link to the site however due to the overall filth levelled against the
scholars and the Salafis that the moderators allow on the forum in the name of Ihkwani notions of “free independent
Islamic thought”!!? Oddly enough, the forum claims to have a zero tolerance policy against “vulgar language”,
“insults” and a “lack of Islamic etiquettes and manners”, yet when it comes to the Salafis and the scholars of Ahl us-
Sunnah all of these rules and regulations evidently go out of the window and takfeer, slander and backbiting of the
’Ulama is allowed?! This is absolutely evident to anyone who merely browses the forum. Furthermore, the forum has
become nothing but a conglomeration of rants from intellectually bankrupt internet chameleons that hide behind fake
names and pseudonyms as they swarm the cesspit like vermin.
65 See: http://www.revolutionmuslim.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=119:siraj-wahhajs-
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enthusiasm not realizing what he is saying!? This video has since been removed, no doubt
due to the errors and jahl found therein and the embarrassment of utilizing such a foolish
video. Not to mention a whole host of other errors and jahl that can be found with this
merger of the Islamic Thinkers Society and Yousef Cohen. Moreover, the fraudulent behavior
of Younes Abdullah Muhammad can be witnessed in an interview he conducted with Press
TV in October 2008 CE wherein he styled himself as the ‘Political and Economic Analyst
for Revolution Muslim.com’!!!?
9 There are other ridiculous arguments that Yousuf Cohen tries to bring yet all of them are
weaker than a spider’s house.
So what many have found concerning is his blatant promotion of the above yet seems to be able to
do this with absolute freedom, while others have been known to have been imprisoned for less?! In
the UK we have had the cases of those who have merely fantasised about terrorism or have gained
cheap thrills from watching “jihadi” tapes and yet they have received hefty sentences, while Yousuf
Cohen can do all of the above with no kind of concern from the authorities whatsoever?!


Yousuf Cohen has been very quick to delete his videos from Youtube after some of the Salafis had
exposed him, however Cohen has recently been posting on other takfeeree forums wherein his
ignorance can be referred to by all, this also made it much easier to gather his calamitous statements
without him having the easy capacity to erase them as he has done with his other Youtube videos. 66
Indeed, even the forum members of one particular forum did not even fall for the nonsense of
Yousuf Cohen! We will note the dates and times of such postings lest we be accused of fabricating
these sample quotes.
In a thread entitled ‘Juhayman al-’Utaybi’ on a takfeeree forum 67 dated: 26 February 2008 (time: 04:21
AM) Cohen said:
I take from Shaikh Faisel, Wajdi Ghunaym, Abu Qatada, Abu Muhamed al Maqdesi, Sheikh
Ashour, & many others some with beards and some w/o that is far and wide between and
VERY non extreme.

66 We have not however provided the link to the forum due to the preponderance of vile statements about the Salafi
’Ulama that are generally allowed and encouraged on the forum.
67 Ibid.!

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So he takes from those who have no beards and see there being no problem in this?! Indeed, Cohen
has been bold in his infatuation with the writings of Sayyid Qutb. Let’s continue to assess his
nonsensical writings, he continues with a statement which clearly indicates his Kharijiyyah:
I am however VERY radical when it comes to the subject of ruling by ANYTHING other than
shari3a... {sic}!
Despite this seemingly brave stance by Cohen, the reality is that Yousuf Cohen is the first to run
crying to the police when his inability to defend his own self on the streets of Brooklyn, New York
is exposed! As happened outside Masjid at-Taqwa in Brooklyn, New York on Friday 29th February
2008 CE. So here we see nothing but a mere continuation of the excesses of the yahood transferred
over into an Islamic framework. Indeed, the mockery of the Prophets and hatred of them as was
exhibited by some the yahood mentioned in the Qur’aan is also exhibited with Cohen in his mockery
of the scholars of Ahl us-Sunnah, who are but the inheritors of the Prophets. Allaah says,

ǹƊ ȁĄǂǨƌ ǰƒ ȇă ơƒȂĄǻƢƊǯ Ƕą ĄȀǻċƘƊƥƎ Ǯ

ă dzĉƿƊ Ǿĉ ōǴdzơ Ǻă Ƿď Ƥ
Ɖ ǔ
ă Ǥă ƥƎ ơȁÉƔƖăƥȁă ƌƨǼăǰƊ ąLjǸă ƒdzơăȁ ƌƨōdzŏǀdzơ ĄǶȀƎ ąȈǴƊǟă ąƪƥăǂƎ ĄǓȁă ƃ

ƂƊǹȁĄƾƬăǠą ȇă ơƒȂĄǻƢƊǯȁċ ơƒȂăǐǟă ƢăǸƥƎ Ǯ

ă dzĉƿ Ǫď Ƹ
ă dzƒơ ǂƎ ȈąǤă ƥƎ ś
ă ȈďƦƎǼċdzơ ƊǹȂƌǴĄƬƒǬăȇăȁ Ǿĉ ōǴdzơ ƪ
ĉ ºăȇƖƎƥ
“And they were covered with humiliation and poverty and returned with anger from AllĆh
[upon them]. That was because they [repeatedly] disbelieved in the signs of AllĆh and killed
the prophets without right. That was because they disobeyed and were [habitually]
{Baqarah (2): 61}
Ibn Katheer stated within his tafseer of this verse:
Allah’s anger that descended on the Children of Israel was a part of the humiliation they
earned, because of their defiance of the truth, disbelief in Allah’s Ayat and belittling the
carriers of Allah’s Law i.e. the Prophets and their following. The Children of Israel rejected the
Messengers and even killed them. Surely, there is no form of disbelief worse than disbelieving
in Allah’s Ayat and murdering the Prophets of Allah.
The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wassallam) said “Indeed the ’Ulama are the inheritors of the Prophets.” 68

68 Al-Bukhaaree mentioned in his Saheeh in the Book of Knowledge, ‘Chapter: Knowledge precedes Speech and
Action’, the part from it: “The scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets.” Also the hadeeth is reported by
Aboo Daawood, Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah and Ibn Hibbaan – hadeeth hasan.

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Yusuf Cohen says in his post:

So, in short I am sorry I let you down about the fact that I hate ibn Uthaymene, Bin
Baz,& Muqbil...
La hawla wa la quwwata ilabillaah! So we notice in the statements of Yousuf Cohen that even the
kuffaar do not receive as much enmity as the Salafi scholars do. This is what we have to bring
attention to, Yousuf Cohen’s vehemence in condemning the scholars and the scholars of Ahl us-
Sunnah particular as if he is qualified to do this.
With regards to his ’aqeedah, then Yousuf Cohen is absolutely ignorant in regards to understanding
the correct ’aqeedah of the Salaf, he stated in the thread:
The truth is most Muslim Arabs are Ashari
in aqeedah. 69 The fact is we learn the books of many Ashari scholars Ibn Hazm,Imam
Asqalani, Imam Nawawi so in that regard I love my ashari brothers just as much as I love
those Scholars of old. On the straight up when i meet a Muslim brother in Moghreb or
Falestine or Libya they never tell me Allah is in kul mekaan. 70 You wont find the Asharis
turning you into the Police like the 'Salafis' in Arab lands do to me. You wont find Asharis
riding in the Mokhabarat van in north Africa pointing out who is Ikhwan Muslimeen as we
HAVE seen them do. I hope that explains where I stand inshallah.
First of all Ibn Hazm was not an ’Ash’ari in the slightest, so how on earth Cohen manages to
construe this is beyond us. Secondly, to say “most Muslim Arabs are Ash’ari” is a foolish and
incorrect assertion which is nothing but an argumentum ad numerum. It is rather similar to the
statement of the extreme fanatical polemicist Zaahid al-Kawtharee 71 who said boasted that the
Hanafis, and by extension the Maturidis were the majority among the Muslims. Shaykh Shams as-
Salafi al-Afghani said:
Because women, common people, farmers and others are not MĆturĩdĩs at all and they merely ascribe
themselves to the MĆturĩdĩs apparently. And who from among them claims that that “Allaah is neither
outside, nor inside the world, neither connected nor disconnected to the world, neither above nor
beneath”? Who from among these (ordinary common people) says “The Speech of Allaah is internal
and not with letters or a sound and this Arabic Qur’aan is created and not the Speech of Allaah

69 For a further refutation of this notion see: http://www.salafimanhaj.com/pdf/SalafiManhaj_RefuteAsharees.pdf
70 Interestingly, within Hasidic Judaism, pantheism is taught! So according to Hasidic Jews the Creator is
71 For more on him and his takfeer of Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn al-Qayyim see, pp.17-25 here:
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

rather it indicates the Speech of Allaah”? Who from among these (ordinary common people) says
“Moosaa (’alayhis-salaam) did not hear the Speech of Allaah rather he heard a created sound in the
tree”? To the end of such foolish ideas of MĆturĩdĩ kalaam! All of these (ordinary common people) in
reality are upon their natural disposition (fitra), so it is not correct to think that the MĆturĩdĩs and
’Ash’arees are Ahl us-Sunnah and are the majority. 72 Rather, the reality is that the MĆturĩdĩs and
’Ash’arees are small in number and whoever contradicts this is contradicting the actual reality of the
situation. 73
So it is absolutely ridiculous for Cohen to suggest that the “majority of Muslim Arabs are Ashari”
and is just another demonstration of his lack of knowledge of Islaam and Muslims. Then we come
across Yousuf Cohen’s pseudo-bravery:
You wont find the Asharis turning you into the Police like the ‘Salafis’ in Arab lands do to me.
You wont find Asharis riding in the Mokhabarat van in north Africa pointing out who is
Ikhwan Muslimeen as we HAVE seen them do.
So Cohen says “like the Salafis in Arab lands do to me” as if he is some sort of kingpin?! On the
contrary is must be asserted that Cohen has been apparently getting up to his frolics (and travelling
to and from Morocco) with no pressure whatsoever, posting his addresses and pictures of him and
his children with armed weapons and no one seems to battering an eyelid!? Hmm, very strange
indeed. As for Cohen foolishly claiming that the ’Ash’aris in some way do not inform the police then
what nonsense is he talking about here? Some of the world’s hardcore ’Asha’ri preachers, like al-
Kabbaanee for example, are well known for their pandering to neo-con security think tanks and
laying all blame against the Salafis, so what he is chatting about!? For examples of where Salafis have
been accused by Ash’ari Sufis of terrorism, extremism and radicalisation refer to:

72 Al-’Ilm ush-Shaamikh, pp.271-72; Dr Bakr Abź Zayd, at-Ta’aalim, pp.106-07; Dr Hawalee, Manhaj ul-’Ashaa’irah,
73 See pp’63-64 here: http://www.salafimanhaj.com/pdf/SalafiManhaj_Maturidi.pdf
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A Study of the Tafseer of ’Abdullaah ibn ’Abbbas (radi Allahu ’anhu) “kufr doona kufr”

Thirdly, recently in Brooklyn outside a Masjid known as ‘Masjid Taqwa’ Cohen called on the police to
protect him while he was calling to takfeer and the manhaj of the Khawaarij!? So much for fanatical
calls to reject the taaghoot, when it suits him Cohen rushes to the NYPD, and more specifically the
79th Precinct police, for protection!!? Indeed, within the frolics with some of the worshippers from
the mosque, Cohen then suddenly presented a positive view of the police who were present? What
happened to Cohen’s:
You wont find the Asharis turning you into the Police like the 'Salafis' in Arab lands do to me.
Quite simply, Yousuf Cohen has not been Muslim long enough to even dare question the Salafi
scholars who were seeking Islamic knowledge when Cohen was preparing for his Barmitzvah! As
for Cohen’s support for Abdullah Faisal then this in itself is ironic, didn’t Faisal have a lecture
entitled ‘Jewish Traits in the Ummah’ and didn’t he refer to his enemies as being “Jews of the
Ummah”? Only for Abdullah Faisal to take as a co-ordinator of his affairs in the West an ex-
Hasidic Jew?! Irony in its most vivid form!

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