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Name: ______________________ Date:_________________________

1. Willie had a beard and a moustache.

The beard was bushy.
The beard was long.
The moustache was droopy.

2. The man handed me a photograph of a woman.

He did this silently.
The man was old.
The woman was beautiful.

3. The man handed me a photograph of a woman.

The photograph was torn.
The photograph was faded.
The woman was young.

4. The photograph brought back memories.

The memories were brought back instantly.
The memories were fine.
The memories were old.

5. The photograph of the woman brought back memories.

The memories were brought back instantly.
The woman was beautiful.
The woman was young.
The photograph was torn.
The photograph was faded.
The memories were fine.
The memories were old.

©Enotes Education
Name: ______________________ Date:_________________________

A saxophone player stands on the sidewalk.

He stands there each afternoon.
He is in New York.
He is rather seedy.
He plays Danny Boy..

He plays in a sad way.

He plays in a sensitive way.
He soon has half the neighborhood peeking out of windows.
They toss nickels, dimes, and quarters at his feet. .

Some of the coins roll under parked cars.

Most of them are caught in his hand.
His hand is outstretched.

The saxophone player is a street musician.

He is named Joe Gabler.

He has serenaded every block in New York City.

He has been serenading for the past thirty years.
He has sometimes been tossed as much as $100 a day.
This $100 is in coins.


He is also hit with buckets of water.

He is hit with beer cans.
The cans are empty.
He is chased by wild dogs.


He is believed to be the last of New York's ancient street musicians.*

©Enotes Education
Name: ______________________ Date:_________________________

New York is a city of things unnoticed. It is a city with cats sleeping under parked cars, two stone

armadillos crawling up St. Patrick's Cathedral, and thousands of ants creeping on top of the

Empire State Building. The ants probably were carried up there by wind or birds, but nobody is

sure; nobody in New York knows any more about the ants than they do about the panhandler who

takes taxis to the Bowery; or the dapper man who picks trash out of Sixth Avenue trash cans; or

the medium in the West Seventies who claims, "I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsensuous."

New York is a city for eccentrics and a center for odd bits of information. New Yorkers blink

twenty-eight times a minute, but forty when tense. Most popcorn chewers at Yankee Stadium stop

chewing momentarily just before the pitch. Gum chewers on Macy's escalators stop chewing

momentarily just before they get off--to concentrate on the last step. Coins, paper clips, ballpoint

pens, and little girls' pocketbooks are found by workmen when they clean the sea lions' pool at the

Bronx Zoo.






From “New York is a city of Things Unnoticed” By Gay Talese

©Enotes Education
Name: ______________________ Date:_________________________

A mouse darted.
It darted across the salad bar.
This happened during the luncheon.

We traveled this summer.

We traveled by train.
We traveled from Sydney.
We traveled to Melbourne.

The convertible swerved, crashed, and caromed.

It swerved off the road.
It crashed through the guardrail.
It caromed off a maple tree.

Mick planted seeds.

He planted them in his garden.
He did this after the quarrel.
The quarrel was with Mr. Jimmy.

Grandpa dropped his teeth.

His teeth were false.
His teeth dropped into a glass.
There was prune juice in the glass.

©Enotes Education
Name: ______________________ Date:_________________________

Lucy played.
She was behind the sofa.
She was with her friend.
Her friend was imaginary.
They played for hours.

There was a man.

He wore a chicken costume.
He dashed across the field.
He did this before the ballgame.
The ballgame was on Sunday afternoon.

A man stood, looking down.

He stood upon a railroad bridge.
The bridge was in northern Wollongong.
He was looking down into the water.
The water was twenty feet below.
The water was swift.

The gray-flannel fog closed off the Moss Vale.

It was the fog of winter.
The fog was high.
The Moss Vale was closed off from the sky.
And Moss Vale was closed off from all the rest of the world.

©Enotes Education
Name: ______________________ Date:_________________________

I climbed to my perch.
I did this one night.
The night was hot.
The night was in the summer.
The night was in 1999.
It was my usual perch.
My perch was in the press box.
The press box was cramped.
The press box was above the stands.
The stands were wooden.
These were the stands of the baseball park.
The baseball park was in St. Kilda, Melbourne.


©Enotes Education
Name: ______________________ Date:_________________________

Nervous Norman

1. Mr. Elmo Norman was the principal.

He was the principal of the school.
It was my elementary school.

2. He was the most nervous man I have ever met.

3. He was a short man.

He was a pudgy man.
He was always overdressed.

4. In fact, he didn't just wear his clothes.

He hid inside them

5. His uniform consisted of a suit, a tie, a shirt, and shoes.

The suit was pin-striped.
The suit was neatly pressed.
The tie was thin.
The tie was black.
The shirt was white.
The shirt was starched.
His shoes were oxfords.
The oxfords were brown.
The oxfords were brightly polished.

6. He had gray hair.

His hair was receding.
His hair was always neat.
His hair was always trimmed.

7. His head was fat.

His head was wrinkled.
His head darted like a radar blip.
His head darted about on his neck.
His neck was flabby.

8. He paced the hallways.

The hallways were in the school.

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Name: ______________________ Date:_________________________

9. He was in perpetual motion.[br[ He was always twitching.

He was always fidgeting.
He was always twiddling.

10.In the space of a minute he would do several things.

He would wrinkle his nose.
His nose was little.
He would scratch his chin.
His chin was plump.
He would shrug his shoulders.
He would straighten his tie.
And he would glance at his watch.

11.He would never once look at the person he was with.

12.As he spoke, he would do several things.

He spoke in a drawl.
His drawl was lackadaisical.
He would glance at the ceiling.
He would inspect his knuckles.
And he would check the floorboards.
He checked for dust.

13.When the conversation was over, he would dash back.

He dashed like a bunny.
The bunny was frightened.
He dashed into his office.

14.He was probably praying.

He prayed that he could lock himself in his office forever.

15.For all I know he may be there today.

He may still be there.
He may be in his office.
He may be hiding.

©Enotes Education

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