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University of Calicut: Sl. No

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Price Rs. 15/- Exam.

Write whether Regu / PT/

B. Tech.
Semester Suppl./Impt./Lateral entry Sl. No. Downloaded


Candidates are expected to give correct information in each column. Failure to do so will result in the application
being rejected without further notice. Read the instructions before filling up the application forms.
Details of fee remitted Name of Treasury
Amount Chalan No. Date of remittance

Passport size Photograph Signature of the Candidate

(To be signed in the presence of the identifying officer)

Name and Designation of

the identifying officer

Dated Signature of the Identifying Officer (To be signed on the Photograph)


Specify whether Regular/P.T./Suppl./
Specify the Semester in Words Specify Month & Year of the Exam.
Impt/Lateral entry

1. Centre of Examination

2. Name of the Candidate In English

(Women Candidates should (in block letters)
add the word “Woman” after In Malayalam/in
their names) Mother-tongue
3. Name of Father /Mother and his/her Occupation

4. Date of Birth (in figures and words)

5. Elective subject under the Semester applied for
(In the case of V, VI, VII, & VIII Semesters)
6. Whether Regular appearance?
If not, furnish the following :
* Reg. No. , Month and year of first appearance
in the case of improvement
(a) Subjects which the Candidate wishes to
improve without cancellation
(b) With Cancellation
Reg. No., Month and year of last appearance
in the case of Supplementary

7. Subjects (Papers) for which the candidate is

appearing now (Use Subject Code No.)

8. Present Address (in block letters) Permanent Home Address (in block letters)

Phone No. Pin Phone No. Pin

*Candidates who apply for Impt. and Suppl. exam in the same semester simultaneously should submit separate applications and
it should be mentioned on top of both the applications.
CUP 4510/06/50,000
9. Community to which the Candidate belongs, specify
whether SC/ST/OBC
10. Fill in all the columns and appropriate rows to show:-
For I & II to VII Semester, (a) Details of previous Exam. in the Semester applied for and (b) Last appearance
in all previous Semesters.
For VIII Semester, (a) Details of previous exam. if any and (b) details of all appearances including those for
Improvement, if any, in all the previous Semesters.
Total Marks secured
Semester Centre Reg. No. Month & Year
Theory Sessional

Ist & IInd






I hereby declare that all the relevant columns have been filled in and that the entries made above are correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief and that they have been made in my own handwriting.

Station : Date : Signature of the Candidate

I hereby certify that the entries made have been certified by me, and that I have found them to agree with those in the
records of this college. Certified that Sri/Smt.............................................................................................................................................
has secured 75% of attendance and his/her progress of study is found satisfactory/is applying for shortage of
attendance and his/her shortage of attendance is within the condonable limit.

Date : College Seal Signature of the Principal

This is to certify that Sri/Smt.................................................................................................................................................................
belongs to S.C./S.T./O.B.C.and he/she belongs to.................................(specify the Community) and enjoys fee concession
and that he/she is appearing for the Examination for the First/Second consecutive chance (strike off whichever is not
applicable). His/Her Examination Fee of Rs...... ...............will be claimed by me from the concerned District Development
Officer for SC and the chalan for the same sent to the Controller of Examinations at an early date.

Date : Office Seal Signature of the Principal

Reg. No.
Month Year
B. Tech. Examination (Regular/PT/Suppl./Impt/Lateral entry)
Semester Branch
(To be carefully filled in by the candidate)
Centre of Examination
Name of Candidate in English
(in block letters)
Date of birth
Elective (In the case of
V, VI, VII & VIII Semesters)

Details of Papers for which the Candidate is appearing now :

Code No. Name of Subject
Theory Papers Paper 1 ................................................................................................................
Paper 2 ................................................................................................................
Paper 3 ................................................................................................................
Paper 4 ................................................................................................................
Paper 5 ................................................................................................................
Paper 6 ................................................................................................................
Paper 7 ................................................................................................................
Paper 8 ................................................................................................................
Paper 9 ................................................................................................................
Practicals Paper 1 ................................................................................................................
Paper 2 ................................................................................................................
Paper 3 ................................................................................................................
Paper 4 ................................................................................................................


Identifying Officer’s  ................................................................................................................

Passport size
Name, Designation
and Address
 ................................................................................................................
to be affixed here
 ................................................................................................................
(Members of the Teaching Staff not below the rank of a Lecturer of University teaching Departments
and affiliated Colleges, Gazetted Officers, Head Masters / Head Mistresses/Principals of Govt. High
Schools & Higher Secondary Schools and Members of the Senate, State Legislature and Parliament
are authorised to sign the identification form)
Signature of Identifying Officer with Seal
(To be signed on the Photograph) Signature of the Candidate...........................................................
(To be signed in the presence of Identifying Officer)

Pareeksha Bhavan,
Calicut University P. O. Controller of Examinations
673 635 University of Calicut
(For Instructions to candidates appearing for the exams. please see overleaf)
1. ADMISSION TO THE HALL iii) Communicating with person outside or inside the
Candidates are advised to take their allotted seats in the examination room.
examination hall at least five minutes before the time fixed for iv) Disobedience of the instructions of the Chief
the commencement of examination. Candidates shall not re- Superintendent or Additional Chief Superintendent or
main in the verandah or anywhere near the examination hall Invigilators or flouting their authority in any other
after the bell for commencement of examination. manner/ non-observance of any of these instructions.
2. BOOKS/ NOTE BOOKS ETC., v) Intimidation, assault, use of abusive language or any
Before entering the hall they should deposit all books, kind of misbehaviour towards Superintendents/
and other papers outside the hall and make sure that notes or Invigilators either within the premises or outside the
other materials are not in their pockets or anywhere else on examination centre.
them. vi) Taking away written answer book, blank answer book
3. CONDUCT IN THE HALL and additional books.
Strict silence should be maintained in the examination vii) Any other act violative of the integrity and proper
hall. conduct of examination.
Candidates who are undoubtedly suffering from infec- ALLOWED
tious diseases will not be admitted to the examination hall. The use of Mathematical instruments and mathematical
5. HALL TICKET and Physical Tables by candidates are allowed while answer-
Candidates should enter the hall with the Hall Tickets. ing questions in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Statis-
The Hall Tickets should be produced for inspection on tics, Engineering subjects etc. The candidates should
demand by invigilators. provide themselves with their own Tables if the college does
6. ANSWER BOOK not provide them. The Tables so used should be free from
As soon as the answer book is given, candidates should writing or drawing of any kind. Candidates should also
read the instructions on the cover page and then write the provide themselves with pen, pencil, eraser etc. required. Only
name of examination , month and year, subject of the day’s bllack or blue ink should be used for writing answers.
examination and Register Number in the space provided on 12. SMOKING IN THE HALL
the front page only. Candidates are strictly prohibited from Smoking in the examination hall is strictly prohibited.
writing their Reg. Nos. on any other part of the answer books. 13. PRACTICAL EXAMINATION
Answer books containing Register Nos. in places other than Candidates for examination in science subjects are required
the space provided for the purpose will not be sent for to submit their laboratory note to the examiner concerned on
valuation and action will be taken against those candidates. the first day of the Practical examination and to get them back
7. QUESTION PAPERS at the close of the examination.
As soon as the question paper is received, the candi- 14. GENERAL INFORMATION :
dates should write his/her name and Reg. Number thereon. a) Duly filled in application with Examination fee and
Nothing else should be written on the question papers. other enclosures should reach the Controller of Examinations,
8. LEAVING THE HALL University of Calicut, P. O. Calicut University on or beofore
No candidate will be allowed to leave the hall until after the last date fixed.
the expiry of 30 minutes after the commencement of the b) No application will be accepted thereafter in the
examination. Doors will be closed 15 minutes before the close normal course.
of the examination. Candidates will remain in their seats until c) The amount should be remitted in the University Fee
the papers are collected from them and the doors are opened. Collection Centre in the Campus/in any of the Govt. Trea-
Candidates wishing to hand over their answer books and suries, Branches of S.B.T. (Where the University Chalans
leave the hall after 30 minutes of the commencement of the are accepted) and Janaseva Kendras in the Kerala State.
examination and before 15 minutes of the close of the d) O.B.C./S.C./S.T. and OEC cnadidates eligible for
examination should stand in their place until the invigilator fee concession for thier first/second consecutive chance
goes to him. The invigilator will collect the answer book as should forward their applications through the Head of the
well as the question paper. The question paper can be Institution where they underwent the course.
received back by the candidates from the invigilator when e) Examination fee once remitted will lnot be refunded or
the doors of the hall are opened after close of the adjusted towards a subsequent examination.
examination for the session. f) Enquiry regarding receipt of applications will not be
9. ASKING QUESTION entertained. Candidates must obtain their hall tickets from
Candidates are forbidden to ask questions of any kind the centre of examinations during the three days prior to the
either to the invigilators or to the fellow candidates when date of commencement of examination.
examinations are going on, Borrowing of Mathematical g) Marklists of all candidates (who have remitted a fee of
Instruments, pencil, rubber etc. from neighbours should be Rs. 5/- for the issue of marklist) will be sent to the Heads of
avoided. the Institutions where the candidates appeared for the
10. MALPRACTICE examination, soon after the publication of results.
Candidates indulging in any kind of malpractice in the h) The Time-Table for the examination will be issued along
examination hall will be dealt with as per the rules. If they with the Hall Ticket from the centre of examination.
wish to continue to write the examination they will be given i) Candidates should forward separate application for
a fresh answer book and allowed to write the examination each semester.
provisionally. The answer books of such candidates will be j) HEAD OF ACCOUNT.
kept separately. 8443-00-106 P.D. Account of Calicut University for
Any one of the following will be deemed to be remittance in the Treasuries in Malappuram District and
malpractice and action will be taken against candidate 8658-00-102-96 (02) CUS for remittance in other Treasuries in
indulging in them.
i) Bringing to the exam. hall any book, manuscript, slate, the state.
photograph or other materials except authorised ones. Examination Fee—Rs. 10/- for each Theory Paper and
ii) Copying from the neighbour’s answer book or from notes, Rs. 15/- for each Practical.
books and other materials or/and allow others to copy Fee for Centralised Valuation Camp — Rs. 100/-
from one’s answer books. Fee for the Marklist Rs. 5/- for each appearance.

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