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Muddy Waters, LLC

Director of Research: Carson C. Block, Esq.

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CCME: Taking the Short Bus to Profits

Company: Muddy Waters, LLC believes that CCME is engaging in a

massive “pump and dump” scheme whereby it significantly
China Media Express Holdings (CCME)
inflates revenue and profits in order to enrich management
through earn-outs and stock sales.
Outdoor Digital Advertising We estimate that CCME’s actual 2009 revenue was no more
than $17 million (versus $95.9 million it reported).
Strong Sell The data CCME provides to advertisers shows that it has
fewer than half of the 27,200 buses it claims to have.

Estimated Value:
The CTR reports that the Company uses to support its
$5.28 claims contain gross errors that we conclude are due to
manipulation by the management.
Report Date:
February 3, 2011 We estimate that over half of CCME’s network buses do not
actually play CCME content. Rather, drivers play DVD
movies that are often provided by passengers.
We caught CCME’s management telling a particularly
egregious lie – that its new website ( has
Market Cap: entered into an agreement with Apple (or one of Apple’s)
$559.3 million distributors. Neither is true.

Float: Similar to RINO, CCME is an obscure company in its

industry. Media buyers who would have to know it if
10.2 million CCME were to be believed have never even heard the
Company’s name before.
Avg Volume:
1.7 million CCME’s core audience is sub-Greyhound Bus demo-
    February  3,  2011  
CCME: Riding the Short Bus to Profits

Muddy Waters, LLC believes that China MediaExpress Holdings, Inc. (“CCME” or the
“Company”) is engaging in a massive “pump and dump” scheme. The Company is significantly
inflating its revenue and earnings in order to pay management earn-outs and inflate the stock
price so insiders can sell.

Management owns approximately $312 million worth of shares. An institutional investor

informed us that management was quite interested in selling him $50 million worth of their
shares. In October 2010, a party closely connected to management sold nine million dollars of

We estimate that CCME’s actual 2009 revenue was no more than $17 million versus reported
revenue of $95.9 million, an overstatement of over 464%. Note that the SAIC financial
statements of the operating company, Fujian Focus Media Co. Ltd., show 2009 revenue of
$760,000 (generating a net loss of $920,000), and 2008 revenue of $337,000 (generating a net
loss of $890,000).

We doubt that CCME would have been profitable on $17 million in revenue, but giving it the
benefit of the doubt, we would assume net income of $1.7 million, or basic EPS of $.05. We
place a 5x multiple on the earnings due to our belief that the real earnings could very well be
lower than $.05. This yields a value of $.25 per share. We add in the cash balance to value the
Company. If one assumes that the $169.9 million in cash on the balance sheet is accurate, which
is a large assumption considering we do not believe the reported income, one would value
CCME at $5.28 per share. However, to the extent that the cash balance is inflated, we would
value CCME at a lower price. Therefore our per share valuation is currently $5.28, but is subject
to change should we believe that the cash number is incorrect.

CCME: The Myth

CCME would have investors believe that it places televisions to show advertising and non-
advertising content on over 27,200 long distance buses. CCME would also have investors
believe that it has generated approximately $214 million in advertising revenue in 2010,2 with
much of it coming from large marketers such as The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) and
Lenovo (HKSE: 992). CCME also trumpets its airport express bus operation, which it claims
generated $15 million in revenue in Q3 2010 from only six airports.

The seller was Thousand Space Holdings Ltd., which is beneficially owned by Lin Ou Wen, who was an investor
in the business prior to the SPAC transaction.
See Global Hunter Securities, LLC “Continued due diligence on CCME reinforces our thesis; Reiterate Buy”
(February 1, 2011).

    February  3,  2011  
CCME states that its audiences consists of middle-income professionals with disposable income,
and is thus attractive to advertisers. CCME also paints a picture of these valuable travelers
dutifully watching the CCME’s content on one of two screens on the typical CCME bus.

CCME supports its contentions on bus network size, viewership, and demographics by citing
research it commissioned from CTR Media Intelligence (“CTR”). In an attempt to prove its
legitimacy and strong cash generation capability, it announced plans to pay a semi-annual
dividend equal to 5% to 10% of earnings.3

BUSted – a Small Advertising Company Creating a Lot of Wealth for Management.

CCME tells investors that it has over 27,200 buses in its network.4 However, it tells advertisers
that it only has 12,565 buses in its network. CCME management tells investors that its
utilization rate (minutes sold divided by minutes available for sale) is close to 100%. A 100%
utilization rate would be hard to achieve if it refrains from selling ads on more than half of its
buses. (As a side note, CCME’s China digital outdoor media comps have utilization rates in the
20% to 30% range.)

The CTR research upon which CCME relies to (re)assure investors contains gross errors. We
found that the largest operator in the report never had a business relationship with CCME. We
also found that the CTR research exaggerates the numbers of buses of 13 operators by a
collective 424%. We hold CCME management responsible for these errors.

The next issue is that over half of CCME’s network buses do not actually play CCME content.
Many of the buses in which CCME installs hard drives and screens also have DVD players
connected to the screens. We surveyed over 50 CCME buses, and the majority was playing
DVDs instead of CCME content. Often the passengers bring DVDs that they ask the drivers to
play. There is nothing unique or high tech about CCME’s hard drive systems. You can buy
them from CCME’s supplier on Alibaba– we were quoted US$320 for the same system CCME

We caught CCME’s management telling a particularly egregious lie. It recently announced it

had created an online shopping platform that has an agreement with Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:
AAPL – yes, THAT Apple) or one of AAPL’s distributors. AAPL made clear to us that it has no
such relationship with CCME’s subsidiary. Further, AAPL keeps tight control over its
distribution in China, with only two authorized online distributors (including’s
China subsidiary). None of AAPL’s China distributors have authority to sub-license.

See CCME press release “China MediaExpress Holdings, Inc. Announces Dividend Policy” (December 16, 2010).
See CCME press release “China MediaExpress Holdings, Inc. Announces Three New Contracts” (January 13,

    February  3,  2011  
Reminiscent of RINO, CCME is in reality an obscure company in its industry. None of the
major media buyers with whom we spoke – including several who represent CCME’s purported
customers – had even heard of CCME.

CCME’s core audience is a sub-Greyhound Bus demographic, which is largely unattractive to all
but local businesses (e.g., local restaurants and hotels). Much has been made about having
performed due diligence by seeing commercials from large advertisers on CCME’s network
buses. In this case, seeing is not believing.

It is not uncommon for small media companies in China to show ads from large prestigious
brands with which they have no contract or business relationship. Usually this is done in order to
impress potential advertisers. We suspect that CCME does this to a fair extent, but to impress

The purpose of this fraud is to generate earn-outs for management, and to increase the market
value their stock so they can sell it. An institutional investor informed us that CCME
management was quite interested in selling him approximately $50 million of their shares. In
October 2010, a party closely connected to management sold nine million dollars of stock.5

Management (including through companies owned by family and close associates) owns
approximately 18.3 million shares of stock (54.1% of the shares outstanding).6 At current
market value, that equals $312 million. There has been some fanfare around a 104,000-share
management purchase in December 2010. We view this purchase, along with the dividend that
the Company announced it intends to pay (essentially a partial return of investor funds), as
investor relations expenses.

Similar to RINO, there is an underlying business – it is just much smaller than reported. The
Company appears focused on Beijing inter-city buses and its airport express buses. However, we
suspect this focus has less to do with generating real profit, and more to do with projecting
credibility to investors.

CCME has far Fewer Buses in its Network than it Claims.

CCME has far fewer buses than it claims. In its most recent press release, the Company claimed
to have “over 27,200” buses under contract.7 However, the spreadsheet provided as part of its

The seller was Thousand Space Holdings Ltd., which is beneficially owned by Lin Ou Wen, who was an investor
in the business prior to the SPAC transaction.
Based on 33.8 million basic shares outstanding.
See CCME press release “China MediaExpress Holdings, Inc. Announces Three New Contracts” (January 13,

    February  3,  2011  
advertiser kit shows that CCME has only 12,565 buses.8 Approximately 700 of these buses are
not in scheduled service – they are actually charter buses. The salesperson with whom we spoke
stated that the spreadsheet we have is current and accurate.

Further, we identified substantial inaccuracies in the August 2008 CTR report that CCME relies
on to demonstrate the size of its network to investors.9 The inaccuracies we identified are: 1) the
largest operator in the report never worked with CCME, and 2) the report exaggerated the
numbers of buses of 13 operators by a collective 424%.

CCME’s Advertiser Kit Shows that it has Fewer than Half of the Buses it Claims

The most current spreadsheet CCME provides to prospective advertisers shows only 12,565
buses in its network.10 The Muddy Waters, LLC website contains PDF versions of CCME’s bus
network spreadsheet.11 The salesperson assured us that the spreadsheet is accurate and complete
as of January 2011.

Approximately 700 of the buses in this spreadsheet are not scheduled inter-city buses. Rather
they are charter buses available for rent by tour groups. Such audiences are almost valueless for
advertisers because of their unknown demographics and the impossibility of knowing when or
how often ads will be shown.

As we discuss in this report, we believe that fewer than half of the buses in CCME’s network
actually show CCME content. Thus the effective size of CCME’s bus network is far smaller
than what it shows prospective advertisers.

The CTR Report, on which the Company Asks Investors to Rely, Contains Gross Inaccuracies

The August 2008 CTR Report that CCME places on its website12 to support its claims about
network size is wholly inaccurate. It lists at least two – and possibly more – companies that are
not present in the advertiser kit.13 It exaggerates the number of buses owned by 13 companies by
6,347 buses (4.2x). We verified these surprising discrepancies through conversations with three
bus operators and internet searches.

We make this data available for download in PDF format at
The CTR report is available on CCME’s website (, and at
Supra FN 8.
Supra FN 9.
The reason for the uncertainty is that the advertiser kit does not break out all provinces by company.

    February  3,  2011  
Similar to RINO, we verified that CCME’s largest relationship does not exist. We spoke with
the largest operator in the CTR report, Shanghai Ba Shi about CCME. Ba Shi told us that it
never had a business relationship with CCME. This comports with the advertiser kit,14 but
wholly contradicts the CTR report. We spoke with Beijing A-er-sha Passenger Transportation
Co. Ltd. (“Alsa”) and Beijing Xiang Long A-er-sha Passenger Transportation Co. Ltd. (“Xiang
Long Alsa”). The CTR report claims Alsa and Xiang Long Alsa have 207 and 428 buses,
respectively. Alsa told us that it has only approximately 20 buses. Xiang Long Alsa told us it
has only approximately 60 buses. These numbers comport with the data in the advertiser kit.15
We provide screen shots of various operators’ websites below the table that also validate the
advertiser kit data where available, and additionally contradict the CTR report with respect to
two Fujian companies.

The table below compares the data in the CTR report to the data in the advertiser kit spreadsheet.
Following the table, we include screenshots from some of the bus companies’ websites that
validate the numbers in the advertiser kit and another table showing discrepancies by market.
We therefore believe that the reports CTR prepares for the Company are wholly unreliable. We
do not believe that CTR developed these inaccurate numbers in a vacuum. We therefore hold the
Company responsible for these misstatements.

Supra FN 8.

    February  3,  2011  

The CTR report says it owns 428 buses.

    February  3,  2011  

The CTR report says it owns 207 buses.

The CTR report says it owns 128 buses.

The CTR report says it owns 50 buses.

    February  3,  2011  

The CTR report says it owns 122 buses.

The websites above corroborate the data in the advertiser kit, and show that the CTR report is
valueless. The below is a comparison of discrepancies between the CTR report and the
advertiser kit by city.

    February  3,  2011  

The above-described issues reflect the potential problems in relying on market research
sponsored by the target company. Again, it is obvious to us that CTR did not develop these
inaccurate numbers in a vacuum, and we hold the Company responsible for these misstatements.

Approximately 25% of CCME’s Network Operator Buses are Independently Owned, and
Are Not Covered by Agreements with CCME.

According to the bus drivers and operators with whom we spoke, approximately 25% of the
buses in a given operator’s network are independently owned and operated. These buses are not
be covered by agreements between CCME and the operators. The independently owned buses
typically do not have CCME equipment. We need to conduct further investigation to see
whether this portion has already been excluded from the advertising kit spreadsheet.

We Believe that Over Half of the Buses on which CCME has Placed Screens do not
Actually Show CCME’s Content, which Makes CCME’s Revenue Claims More

Many of the buses in CCME’s network also have DVD players connected to the CCME-
provided screens. Based on our surveys of over 50 buses, we believe that fewer than half of the
buses in CCME’s network are actually showing CCME’s content. The drivers instead show
DVDs. (Passengers often lend DVDs to the drivers to show during the trip.)

CCME’s screens are connected to DVD players that can override CCME Content. CCME’s hard
drive players are installed in bus dashboards similar to the way one would install an aftermarket
car stereo. In many cases, the buses already had a DVD player installed in the dashboard.
CCME will then install its player in the slot above or below the DVD player. The following two
pictures show bus dashboards with CCME equipment.

CCME ad player on top, DVD player in middle, CCME ad player on top, DVD player below.
bottom hardware unknown.

Bus drivers generally have the option to play whichever option they choose – CCME content or
DVDs. We note that driver compliance is higher in Beijing though. According to one
    February  3,  2011  
driver in Beijing (confirmed in CCME’s network), his company removed the DVD players on its
buses because of copyright issues. We also learned the CCME is directly paying some of the
Beijing drivers to play its content. CCME seems to pay extra attention to Beijing operation
because it uses it as a showcase for investors.

Below is a picture of a CCME screen that is clearly connected to a bus DVD player.

Bus drivers often play DVDs that passengers bring onboard.

A CCME monitor with external connector visible.

    February  3,  2011  

Upsetting the Apple Cart

In an apparent attempt to confer legitimacy on itself, CCME states that it is doing business with
prestigious multinational brands, including Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL). This is a lie.

On December 28, 2010, the Company issued a press release in which it announced that it had
launched an online shopping platform, www.switow.com16 (“SWITOW”). In the release, it stated
that “[SWITOW] has already signed contracts with many prestigious global and Chinese
domestic companies or their distributors such as Apple…”

AAPL only has two online distributors in China, one of which is subsidiary Joyo
( AAPL does not have any agreement with SWITOW (or CCME). Further it
does not permit its China licensees to sub-license. Therefore, CCME is abjectly lying about this

CCME Claims that its Top 10 Advertisers Include Large Global Brands. We Doubt this is

Seeing is not believing in this case. It is not uncommon for small media companies in China to
show ads from large prestigious brands with which they have no contract or business
relationship. Usually this is done in order to impress potential advertisers. We suspect that
CCME does this to a fair extent, but to impress investors.

We surveyed six major buyers of outdoor digital media in China to understand their opinions of
CCME’s platform. This proved to be difficult because none of them had ever heard of CCME.
Strangely, these buyers represent some of the same advertisers that CCME trumpets as clients. It
is hard to imagine that the clients buy CCME media outside of the buyers – after all, CCME
claims that the large majority of its revenue comes through agencies, rather than directly.

See CCME press release “China MediaExpress Holdings, Inc. Launches New Shopping Platform – SWITOW”
(December 28, 2011). 12  
    February  3,  2011  

The following are the six buyers we surveyed (including the respondents’ titles), along with a list
of each company’s major clients.

Three of CCME’s Top Ten advertisers are represented by media buyers that have never heard of
CCME. Note that CCME claims three of its Top Ten advertisers are China Mobile, Master
Kong, and The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO).17Those advertisers are represented in the
above table respectively by Kinetic and Heartland.

It is particularly telling that Heartland has not heard of CCME. All of KO’s outdoor media
buying in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shenyang,
and Dalian is done by Heartland.18CCME claims to have sales centers in all but three of the
foregoing cities.19KO spends 20% to 30% of its annual China media budget through
Heartland.20Yet, the Associate Director at Heartland we surveyed had never heard of CCME.

Two of CCME’s other purported advertisers are also represented by media buyers that have
never heard of the Company. CCME claims that Toyota and Lenovo are advertisers. A CCME
investor presentation goes so far as attribute the following quote to Lenovo: “China

See Appendix.
See Appendix.
id. 13  
    February  3,  2011  
MediaExpress’ media is much lower cost than traditional media, which is the main reason we
chose CCME.”21

It appears the two media buyers that consider Lenovo to be a major client were unaware their
client had developed an interest in low cost media.

We asked these buyers how many hours of airtime they buy each month from AirMedia Group,
Inc. (NASDAQ: AMCN), Focus Media Holding Ltd. (NASDAQ: FMCN), VisionChina Media
Inc. (NASDAQ: VISN), and Bus Online Co. Ltd. (private). Note that VISN and Bus Online are
major operators of intra-city (as opposed to CCME’s model of inter-city) bus digital televisions.

Q: Approximately how many hours of airtime do you purchase for your clients each month on
the following platforms?

Again, none of the buyers had even heard of CCME, which is profound considering that three of
the buyers purchase slots on intra-city bus operators VISN and Bus Online.

Two Small Media Buyers That Buy Intra-City Bus Digital Media Had Also Never Heard of

We decided to test a theory that the most profitable outdoor digital media company in China
would be better known among smaller media buyers. Our results were no better. We spoke with
two smaller Shanghai-based media buyers that buy advertising on Bus Online’s platform.
Neither company – Shanghai Yun Xiang Advertising Co. Ltd. nor Shanghai Jun Zhe Advertising
Co. Ltd. – had ever heard of CCME.

Like RINO, CCME’s “Competitors” Do Not Know the Company.

We consider it to be a bad sign when a company’s reported financials would make it among the
largest in its industry, yet the competition does not know much – or anything – about it. This
was one of the most telling aspects of our work on RINO, and it is present again with CCME.

See Appendix. 14  
    February  3,  2011  
Management at VISN and AMCN told us that they have not been exposed to CCME through
industry circles. Rather, they first learned about CCME from investor queries. The person with
whom we spoke at Bus Online (privately owned) had not previously heard of CCME. (Note that
VISN and Bus Online operate intra-city bus digital advertising networks.) In contrast, AMCN,
VISN, and Bus Online are quite familiar with each other as well as with FMCN – both on
personal and business levels. We doubt that CCME could have flown under the radar to this
extent while being far and away the most profitable digital outdoor media company in China.

CCME Claims that the Beijing Airport Express Bus Contract will Generate $30 million to
$36 million per year. We Believe the Real Number is Many Millions of Dollars Lower.

We do not believe that the airport express buses – particularly the Beijing Capital Airport
express bus – generate anywhere near the revenue that CCME claims they do. CCME reported
that its airport express bus business generated about $15 million in Q3 2010 revenue.22
Management states that the Beijing Capital Airport express buses account for 50% to 60% of the
airport express bus revenue. On an annualized basis, Beijing Capital Airport express buses
would generate approximately $30 million to $35 million.

These numbers are beyond belief when compared to the $35 million to $40 million in digital
advertising annual revenue that AMCN generates at Beijing Capital Airport for the following

• CCME has televisions on approximately 100 Beijing Capital Airport express buses.
AMCN has 119 82” standalone digital frames, 58 108” digital frames in baggage claims,
418 52” TV-attached digital frames, and 418 46” digital TV screens. In other words,
AMCN has almost 1,000% more digital advertising points in the airport. (Note that all of
the 23 airport express buses we surveyed had only one TV screen each. We subsequently
discuss CCME’s misrepresentations about the number of screens per bus.)
• CCME’s televisions provide exposure to the traveler segment that is more cost conscious
because they eschew taking private cars and taxis to the airport. AMCN’s digital screens
cover every passenger in every terminal – including the highest income demographics.

Further AMCN, and then FMCN, used to operate the digital televisions on the Beijing Capital
Airport express buses. AMCN and FMCN, despite being far less profitable than CCME, were
evidently unmotivated to keep the routes. AMCN management could not provide us with the
historical figures (the airport express business was pre-IPO), but they stated categorically that
they generated far less revenue than $30 million. Given that AMCN and FMCN each generate
lower gross margins than CCME purports to generate, one wonders why they would leave such a
profitable business to CCME – particularly given that based on our surveys of media buyers,
AMCN and FMCN would seem to be in much better positions to sell the ads.

See CCME September 30, 2010 Form 10-Q. 15  
    February  3,  2011  
We have observed that out of its entire network, the airport express buses (particularly Beijing)
come closest to resembling the Company’s description – the only issue we identified with the
airport express bus operations is the probable gap between reported revenue and real revenue.

We Believe that the Revenue for the Five Other CCME Airport Express Routes is Similarly

AMCN offers another opportunity to put CCME’s reported numbers in perspective. CCME is
claiming that it generated $15 million in Q3 2010 from express buses operating at six airports.
This number is about 200% the Q3 2010 revenue that AMCN derived from its 2,200 digital
television screens in 38 airports, including in 26 of the 30 busiest airports in China.

CCME Has Little Presence in China’s Two Largest Media Markets in China: Beijing and

CCME Has Little Presence in China’s Two Largest Media Markets in China: Beijing and
Shanghai, Giving us Additional Reason to Doubt CCME’s Reported Numbers.

CCME’s spreadsheet lists only 296 buses in Shanghai, which is the second largest ad market in
China. Even worse, 278 of the buses are charter tour buses. In other words, they are not regularly
scheduled long distance buses. Major advertisers do not value advertising in charter buses
because the unknown demographics and the impossibility of knowing when and how often ads
will be shown. We doubt that CCME generates more than a de minimus amount of revenue from

CCME only operates 548 long distances buses that travel to Beijing, which is China’s largest ad
market. The 548 represents no more than 2.0% of the “over 27,200” buses claims to operate.
(We discuss the Beijing airport buses previously in this report.)

With such an insignificant presence in China’s two largest media markets, we do not believe
CCME’s reported revenue numbers.

CCME is also Lying to Investors about the Numbers of Screens on its Buses. We Interpret
this as Confirming the Business Model is not Very Profitable.

CCME tells investors that it has an average of over two LCD Screens per bus.23 This is not true.
CCME’s sales spreadsheet shows an average of 1.45 screens per bus.24 In our fieldwork, we
surveyed over 50 buses, and found that only buses on the Beijing to Qidong route had more than
one screen. Therefore we believe that the advertiser kit is fairly accurate with respect to screens.

See the CTR report at
This is based on the screen tallies for 5,864 buses. There are a number of buses in the spreadsheet for which the
Company does not list the number of screens. 16  
    February  3,  2011  
Lying about the screens is significant for two reasons: First, with only one screen per bus, it is
hard to hold the attention of many of the passengers, which implies that the platform delivers less
value to advertisers. Second, we believe that CCME’s unwillingness to spend $200 per bus more
on an extra screen (despite claiming it actually does) shows that the business is much less
profitable than CCME claims.

CCME is Lying About the Number of Bus Operators with which it does Business. In this
Case, we are Somewhat Impressed.

CCME claims that it deals with only 63 bus operators,25 which gives the impression that its
market consists of large players and is thus easier to manage. In reality, its sales spreadsheet lists
approximately 25026 bus operators. A number of these operators have only a handful of buses.
(Note that there are 5,222 buses – 41.6% – for which for which the sheet does not list operators,
so the total number of operators is likely a decent bit larger.)

The significantly larger number of operators means that it is harder to control whether the drivers
are playing CCME content or DVDs. A larger number of bus operators presumably makes
maintaining the equipment and updating the content more difficult. Kudos to CCME’s
management for anticipating that investors may look less favorably on the Company’s model if it
stated the true number of operators. This is clearly a more sophisticated management than those
on which we have written in the past.

CCME’s Target Audience is Mainly a Sub-Greyhound Demographic.

CCME’s claim that its typical inter-city bus passenger is a middle-income white-collar office
worker27 is wrong. Inter-city buses are the Greyhounds of China, except lower end. Unlike in
the United States (which has a similar land mass to China), China has an excellent rail network.
Its network consists of a range of travel options – high speed trains similar to those in Europe
and Japan to conventional multi-class and sleeper trains. There are ample affordable rail options
for middle-income office workers. Beyond trains, China has a first rate air transportation
network, and private car ownership is becoming common among middle-income families.

With the exception of routes into and out of Tier 1 cities (which are a small percentage of
CCME’s routes), the prevailing demographic on China’s inter-city buses is low-end, consisting
of migrant workers, students, maids, and subsistence farmers.

Make no mistake, China’s poor are much poorer and less educated than America’s poor. There
are myriad articles discussing the gap between China’s poor and middle class, so we will not
dwell on this point. Narrowing this gap is one of the government’s top priorities, but it will take
two or more generations to bring the gap in line with developed countries.

CCME Form 10-Q September 30, 2010 p. 16.
The ambiguity is due to some possible type-o’s in the advertiser kit spreadsheet.
See Appendix. 17  
    February  3,  2011  
VISN and Bus Online illustrate how low-end the CCME demographic is. VISN and Bus Online
operate live television broadcasts (inherently more valuable to advertisers than recorded content)
on intra-city buses. Intra-city buses typically serve daily commuters – many of who have office
jobs in the cities.

In our survey of media buyers, we asked them to rate and comment on the suitability of VISN
and Bus Online’s platforms for advertising i) a mass market beverage (e.g., Coca-Cola or Pepsi)
and ii) a personal computer (e.g., Lenovo). (We asked the same questions of CCME’s platform,
but none could comment because of their lack of familiarity with CCME.) The questions and the
buyers’ responses are as follows:

Q: Please rate the suitability of each platform for advertising a mass-market beverage (e.g.
Coca-Cola, Pepsi) from 1 to 5 (with 5 being highly suitable, 3 somewhat suitable, and 1
unsuitable). Provide an explanation for your answer.

Q: Please rate the suitability of each platform for advertising a personal computer (e.g., Lenovo)
from 1 to 5 (with 5 being highly suitable, 3 somewhat suitable, and 1 unsuitable) ” and provide a
brief explanation of the reason for your answer:

    February  3,  2011  
From the above responses, it becomes clear that rider demographics on intra-city buses are a
concern for higher price point products. There is a large gap between the income levels of intra-
and inter-city bus riders.

CCME’s Business Has Low Barriers to Entry (Aside from Lack of Attractiveness). That
Special Hardware? Fuggedaboutit.

To the extent that CCME does not have major competition, it is because the business model is
unattractive. CCME’s hardware supplier, Hangzhou Yusong (“Yusong”), sells its controllers and
screens to any willing buyer on Alibaba. According to our conversation with Yusong, a “long
distance bus ad player and screen” cost only $320 (RMB 2,100) together. There is a discount for
volume orders. The supplier also said that there are a lot of companies in Shenzhen that produce
such systems.

We understand that CCME is expecting to increase its capital expenditures. Unless it plans to
actually buy buses, we do not understand how there is such a need.

The hard disk advertising controller from CCME’s supplier. Note that anybody can buy this or similar products
from this supplier, as well as others who make similar equipment.

    February  3,  2011  


We estimate that CCME generated 2009 revenue no greater than $17 million. We base this
estimate on the metric of revenue per employee in sales and marketing. While advertising
revenue is not perfectly correlated to sales / marketing employees, we believe that the correlation
is strong.

The below table shows 2009 revenue, revenue by employee, and revenue by sales / marketing
employee for AMCN, FMCN, VISN, and CCME. Note that AMCN’s media is generally the
most expensive because it reaches the top tier market in China; therefore, it is unsurprising that
its revenue per sales and marketing employee is the highest by a decent margin.

CCME’s 10-K suggests that it has only seven sales people. Because we believe that CCME
likely has more than seven salespeople, we added the 63 “business operation” employees to the
seven client service employees. Based on our visit to CCME’s Fuzhou headquarters and Beijing
office, we believe that 70 salespeople is a fair estimate of the number of salespeople CCME has.

Because VISN has a somewhat similar business model to that of CCME, we chose VISN’s
revenue per sales and marketing employee as a baseline. For the numerous reasons outlined in
this report, we believe that the productivity of a CCME salesperson would be far less than that of
his counterpart at VISN. (Our dealing with a salesperson in CCME’s Fuzhou headquarters
reinforced that view.)

Regardless, we discounted the productivity of VISN’s salespeople only 25%. Multiplying that
by our estimate of 70 salespeople, we arrive at $17.2 million in revenue. We note that FMCN
had a 2009 net income margin of 9%. AMCN and VISN both lost money that year. To be
generous to CCME, if we assume it had a 10% net income margin, then it generated net income
of $1.7 million or diluted EPS of $.05.

    February  3,  2011  
CCME may respond that it has an army of agents serving as proxy salespeople, but that would
further call into question its gross margin. Agencies would clearly seek to earn a return on their
investments in staff.

    February  3,  2011  

Selected slides from the CCME November, 2010 investor presentation deck

Business Overview

 CCME operates an advertising media network targeting the travelling population

Network Target Audience

Inter­city Buses
• Connecting 1st­, 2nd­, • Average age 30 (majority male)
and 3rd­tier cities • Travel for business or tourism
• Average journey time • Mid­to­high income group
around 2.5 hours

Airport Express Buses

• Connecting airport to • PMEB group (Professional,
cities Management, Executives,
Businessman) is majority
• Average journey time
around 1 hour • High education level
• High income and consumption
level group

Sales Model
 CCME’s sales model is to further grow its agency sales channel, and
actively develop its direct sales channel
Sales Agencies • Clients who
• Over 30 agencies, 2­4 agencies in each
purchase regional
region (as of June 2010) media ads, such as
Aier Ophthalmology ,
• Cooperating for an average of 2.5 years Haier and China
Huhehot Beijing • All agencies are major regional Telecom provincial
Tianjin advertising companies subsidiaries
Changzhi • Annual media purchase contract, • 21 minutes of
Nanjing monthly settlement advertising time sold
Hefei Shanghai
Chengdu Wuhan
• Serve agents e.g., feedback on
every month
Chongqing broadcasting monitoring
Fuzhou • Visit each agent 2­3 times per week
Guangzhou • Clients who purchase
Direct Sales Team national media ads,
• 113 salespeople ­ stationed in 14 sales such as Industry Bank,
center (as of June 2010) Micoe, Alibaba
Agencies • Provides services to agencies, • 11.2 minutes of
Sales Centers meanwhile actively seeking direct advertising time sold
advertisers every month
Our target: to generate 50% sales from direct advertisers by 2013, while maintaining good
relationship with agencies

 Our advertising clients are national brands mainly: food & beverage (F&B),
telecom and apparel sectors
Selected Advertisers Top Ten Advertisers
Rank 2009 1H’ 10
Brand Sector Ad minutes Brand Sector Ad minutes
1 China
CMCC Telecom 40.28 Telecom 60
2 Coca cola F&B 36.33 CMCC Telecom 58.5
3 Unit­present F&B 36.08 Coca cola F&B 52.5
4 China
Telecom 36.08 Unit­present F&B 51.75
5 Pepsi F&B 33.33 Pepsi F&B 49
6 Master Kong F&B 27.42 Eratat Apparel 41
7 Eratat Apparel 20.25 Xiduoduo F&B 39.5
8 Xiduoduo F&B 18.00 Master Kong F&B 35.25
9 GuJingGong F&B 17.83 GuJingGong F&B 29.5
10 Health care
Rejiaman 17.33 Seven wolf Apparel 28.5
Advertiser’s Voice products
Pepsi: China MediaExpress promotes our products to tier 2 cities and towns by its large scale inter­city bus network, which is
highly helpful to our sales expansion.
CMCC: China MediaExpress’ network penetrates large target audience precisely. It fits our products very well.
Lenovo: ChinaMediaExpress’ media cost is much lower than traditional media, which is the main reason that we chose CCME

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