NASA Great Observatories
NASA Great Observatories
NASA Great Observatories
NASA’s Great
NASA’s Great Observatories: Paper Model is available
in electronic format through NASA Spacelink—one of
the Agency’s electronic resources specifically devel-
oped for use by the educational community.
ASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, the first of the great 48,000 solar cells. The pointing control system aims the tele-
observatories, was deployed from the Space Shuttle scope to a desired position and locks it in place within 0.01 arc
Discovery into Earth orbit in April 1990. It is a product of second through a series of gyroscopes, star trackers, momen-
two decades of research and development by 10,000 sci- tum wheels, electromagnets, and fine guidance sensors. In addi-
entists and engineers at various NASA Centers, private compa- tion, computers, high-gain antennas, and an electrical power
nies, universities, and the European Space Agency. The purpose system allow the Hubble to receive commands and transmit data
of the Hubble, the most complex and sensitive optical telescope back to scientists on Earth.
ever made, is to study the cosmos from low-Earth orbit for
15 years or more. The optical telescope assembly contains two secondary and one
larger primary mirror (2.36 meters) to collect and focus light from
Scientific Objectives selected celestial objects. The mirrors are housed near the cen-
ter of the telescope. Light hits the primary mirror and bounces to
Scientists designed the Hubble Space Telescope to provide fine the secondary mirror—to a focal plane where the scientific
detail imaging, produce ultraviolet images and spectra, and instruments are located.
detect very faint objects. The Hubble is meeting these three
objectives, even though the spacecraft experienced a shaky The scientific instruments include the Wide Field/Planetary
start. Camera, the Faint Object Camera, the Goddard High Resolution
Spectrograph, the Faint Object Spectrograph, and the High
Two months after its deployment in space, scientists detected a Speed Photometer. The find guidance system also performs sci-
2-micron spherical aberration in the primary mirror that affected entific measurements. The instruments are positioned about
the telescope’s ability to focus faint light sources into a precise 1.5 meters behind the primary mirror. The goals of these five
point. This imperfection was very slight, one-fiftieth the width of a instruments are as follows:
human hair.
• The Wide Field/Planetary Camera 2 is designed to investi-
Computer processing overcame much of the defect, but a gate the age of the universe and to search for new plane-
scheduled Space Shuttle servicing mission in 1993 permitted tary systems around young stars. It takes pictures of large
scientists to correct the problem. During four spacewalks, new numbers of galaxies and of closeups of planets in our solar
instruments were installed into the Hubble that had optical cor- system.
rections. A second servicing mission in 1997 further upgraded
the instruments on the telescope. • The Space Telescope Imaging Spectograph will spread out
light into its component colors so that the properties of
Key Features celestial objects, such as chemical composition, radial
velocity, rational velocity, and magnetic fields, can be meas-
The Hubble Space Telescope is approximately the size of a rail- ured. The spectograph is able to record the spectrum of
road car, with two cylinders joined together and wrapped in a sil- many locations in a galaxy simultaneously.
very reflective heat shield blanket. Wing-like solar arrays extend
horizontally from each side of these cylinders, and dish-shaped • The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer
antennas extend above and below the body of the telescope. is a cryogenically cooled instrument that provides the capa-
The design is modular so the Space Shuttle can easily replace bility of infrared imaging and spectroscopic observations of
malfunctioning units. astronomical targets. The instrument detects light with
wavelengths longer than the human eye limit.
The telescope has three major sections: the support systems
module, the optical telescope assembly, and the scientific instru- • The Faint Object Camera, a contribution of the European
ments. The support systems module holds the optical telescope Space Agency, focuses on smaller areas than the other
assembly and scientific instruments in place and insulates them camera and is used for producing sharp images at great
from extreme temperature highs and lows, when the satellite is distances. The data produced from this camera will help
in full light or darkness. determine the distance scale of the universe and peer into
centers of globular star clusters, binary stars, and other faint
The support system includes the European Space Agency’s phenomena.
solar arrays, which consist of two “wings” containing
he Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) is the sec- The Gamma Ray Detectors
ond of the great observatory series of four spacecraft NASA
plans to launch. Launched in 1991, the CGRO is a complex The four different kinds of gamma ray detectors on the CGRO
spacecraft fitted with four different gamma-ray detectors, are the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE), the
each of which concentrates on different but overlapping energy Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE), the
ranges. The instruments are the largest of their kind that have Imaging Compton Telescope (COMPTEL), and the Energetic
ever flown in space; each instrument weighs about 6 tons, and Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET). The following are
three of them are about the size of a subcompact car. Size is brief descriptions of these detectors:
important because gamma rays can only be detected when they
interact with matter. The bigger the masses of the detectors, the • BATSE consists of eight detectors, placed on the corners of
greater the number of gamma rays they can detect. the spacecraft, which monitor as much of the sky as possi-
ble for gamma ray bursts, because gamma-ray bursts are
Outer space is filled with electromagnetic radiation that tells the brief, random events. These bursts are in the lower energy
story of the birth and death of stars and galaxies. A small portion range of gamma rays. However, because BATSE is the
of that radiation is visible to our eyes. The rest can be detected instrument with the widest view range when it detects higher
only with special instruments. In a chart of the electromagnetic range gamma rays, it signals the other instruments.
spectrum, gamma rays fall at the far right end after visible light,
ultraviolet light, and x rays. Gamma rays have very short wave- • OSSE uses four very precise crystal detectors primarily for
lengths and are extremely energetic, but most of them do not plotting radioactive emissions from supernovae, pulsars,
penetrate Earth’s atmosphere. The only way for astronomers to and novae. This experiment provides such information as
view these waves is to send instruments into space. temperature, particle velocities, and magnetic field strength.
The process for gamma-ray detection is similar to the way fluo- • COMPTEL studies gamma rays with a higher energy range
rescent paints convert ultraviolet light to visible light. When than OSSE. COMPTEL is a liquid detector that acts like a
gamma rays interact with crystals, liquids, and other materials, camera. Gamma rays enter through an initial detector,
they produce flashes of light that are recorded by electronic sen- which is similar to a lens, and then pass through a second
sors. Astronomers can determine how energetic a particular ray detector, which acts like film. In this way, COMPTEL recon-
is from the intensity of the flash—the brighter the flash of light structs wide-field-view images of the sky. COMPTEL
from the interaction, the higher the energy of the ray. observes point sources, such as neutron stars, galaxies,
and other diffuse emissions.
Scientific Objectives
• EGRET detects the highest energy gamma rays, which are
The CGRO helps astronomers learn about the most powerful associated with the most energetic processes that occur in
celestial bodies and events in the universe. It observes momen- nature. EGRET was designed to collect data on quasars,
tous gamma-ray bursts, such as those near the large Magellanic black holes, stellar and galactic explosions, matter and anti-
Cloud, which radiate more gamma rays in 0.2 second than our matter annihilation, and high-energy portions of gamma-ray
Sun does in 1,000 years. The CGRO gathers data to test theo- bursts and solar flares. The highly sensitive instruments of
ries on supernovae and the structure and dynamics of galaxies. EGRET can observe fainter sources than previously possi-
The data collected on pulsars will allow scientists to explain how ble and with greater accuracy.
pulsars can produce more energy over their lifetime than the
explosion it took to create them. The CGRO also monitors
quasars, the luminous bodies with unusually high-energy outputs
commonly found in the center of galaxies. In addition, the obser-
vatory views very high-temperature emissions data from black
holes, which will reveal information on the origin of the universe
and matter distribution.
ASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) is the most continually monitored and reported back to mission control.
sophisticated x-ray observatory ever built. It observes The electrical power system generates electrical power from the
x-rays from high-energy regions of the universe, such as solar arrays, stores it in three banks of batteries, and distributes
hot gas in the remnants of exploded stars. This observa- it in a carefully regulated manner to the observatory. The solar
tory has three major parts: (1) the x-ray telescope, whose mir- arrays generate approximately 2 kilowatts of power for the
rors will focus x-rays from celestial objects; (2) science instru- heaters, science instruments, computers, transmitters, and so
ments, which record the x-rays so that x-ray images can be pro- forth.
duced and analyzed; and (3) the spacecraft, which provides the
environment necessary for the telescope and the instruments to The communications, control, and data management system is
work. the nerve center of the observatory. It keeps track of the position
of the spacecraft in its orbit, monitors the spacecraft sensors,
CXO will be boosted into an elliptical orbit by a built-in propul- receives and processes commands from the ground for the
sion system. Two firings by an attached Inertial Upper Stage operation of the observatory, and stores and processes the data
(IUS) rocket and three firings of its own onboard rocket motors from the instrument so that they can be transmitted to the
after separating from the IUS will place the observatory into its ground. Typically, the data are transmitted to the ground during
working orbit. The onboard rocket motors, called the Integral contacts with the NASA Deep Space Network about once every
Propulsion System, will also be used to move and aim the 8 hours.
observatory. The orbit will take the spacecraft more than a third
of the way to the Moon before returning to its closest approach The pointing control and aspect of determination system has
to Earth of 10,000 kilometers. The time to complete an orbit will gyros, an aspect camera, Earth and Sun sensors, and reaction
be 64 hours and 18 minutes. wheels to monitor and control to very high accuracy where the
telescope is pointing at any given moment. It is as if one could
The spacecraft will spend 85 percent of its orbit above the belts locate the bull’s eye on a target 1 kilometer away to the precision
of charged particles that surround Earth. The radiation in these of 3 millimeters—about the size of a pinhead. This system can
belts can overwhelm the observatory’s sensitive instruments. also place the observatory into various levels of inactive, quiet
Uninterrupted observations as long as 55 hours will be possible, states, known as “safe modes” of operation, during emergencies.
and the overall percentage of useful observing time will be much
greater than for the low-Earth orbit of a few hundred kilometers Scientific Instruments
used by most satellites.
The function of the science instruments is to record as accurately
CXO’s sensitivity will make it possible for more detailed studies of as possible the number, position, and energy of the incoming x-
black holes, supernovae, and dark matter. It will also increase our rays. This information can be used to make an x-ray image and
understanding of the origin, evolution, and density of the universe. study other properties of the source, such as its temperature.
Spacecraft System The High Resolution Camera (HRC) will be one of two instru-
ments used at the focus of CXO, where it will detect x-rays
The spacecraft system provides the support structure and envi- reflected from an assembly of eight mirrors. The unique capabili-
ronment necessary for the telescope and the science instru- ties of the HRC stem from the close match of its imaging capa-
ments to work as an observatory. For example, the sunshade bility to the focusing of the mirrors. When used with the CXO
door is one of most basic and important elements of the space- mirrors, the HRC will make images that reveal detail as small as
craft system. This door remains closed until CXO has achieved one-half an arc second. This is equivalent to the ability to read a
pointing control in orbit. After being opened, it shadows the newspaper at a distance of 1 kilometer.
entrance of the telescope to allow it to point as close as 45
degrees to the Sun. The primary components of the HRC are two Micro-Channel
Plates. They each consist of a 10-centimeter-square cluster of
The thermal control system consists of a cooling radiator, insula- 69 million tiny lead-oxide glass tubes that are about 10 microns
tors, heaters, and thermostats to control the temperatures of criti- in diameter (one-eighth the thickness of a human hair) and
cal components of CXO. It is particularly important that the tem- 1.2 millimeters long. The tubes have a special coating that caus-
perature near the x-ray mirrors be well controlled to keep the mir- es electrons to be released when the tubes are struck by x-rays.
rors in focus. The temperature in many parts of the spacecraft is These electrons are accelerated down the tube by a high volt-
1. Use the punch to make four small holes in the side of the
FORWARD SHELL and LIGHT SHIELD at the places indi-
cated. (Look for the ⊕.)
2. Carefully insert the two dowel rods into the holes so that each
extends through to the opposite side. The ANTENNA rod is
inserted through the holes closest to the AFT SHROUD. The Shroud
SOLAR ARRAY rod is inserted through the holes closest to the OTA
APERTURE end of the FORWARD SHELL and LIGHT SHIELD. Equipment Section
Tab Slots
Cut out circle
Section here.
Color these
features yellow
End cap attaches here
BAY 10
Assembly tabs
Assembly tabs
Tab slots
Color these
features yellow
Glue tabs
Assembly tabs
Tab Slots
Glue aluminum
foil here
Glue Tabs
Color blue
Color blue
Color orange
Back Back
Front Front
Tab slots
Color these
features yellow
Compton Gamma Ray
Observatory Model
Materials and Tools #3 Assembling the OSSE
Sharp paper scissors 1. Punch out the two holes indicated in the OSSE cradle.
Razor blade knife (Look for the ⊕.)
Dull knife 2. Begin joining each cradle by inserting tabs into the corre-
Straight edge sponding slots nearest the center folds. Work your way
Sharp punch (such as an ice pick or nail) toward the upper end of the “U” shape.
Glue stick or rubber cement 3. Slide the cradles into their proper positions on the BUS. To
Cellophane tape make this easier, bend the assembly tabs upward, and gen-
Cutting surface (such as a wooden board) tly push them into the corresponding slots. The tip of the
Silver paint or gray, yellow, and blue marker pens razor blade knife can be used to assist in the insertion.
Dowel rod (1/16-inch diameter) 4. To provide extra strength to the model, glue the surfaces of
Two Ping-Pong balls the cradles and the PROPELLANT TANKS that touch
General Assembly Tips 5. It is easiest to assemble the OSSE by folding around the
curved side pieces before folding in the bottom.
• Copy all model pieces on heavy weight paper.
• Color all pieces as indicated before cutting any parts out. #4 Assembling the COMPTEL and EGRET
• Cut out only those pieces needed for the section being
assembled at the time. 1. After joining each cylinder, glue and insert a Ping-Pong ball
• Use a cutting surface such as a wooden board to protect into the upper end of each. The Ping-Pong balls should
the table or desk from scratches or gouges. form a dome at the upper end of each cylinder.
• Cut out pieces along the solid exterior lines. 2. Insert the EGRET cylinder into the model first. Use a short
• Using the dull knife, lightly score all dashed fold lines to piece of cellophane tape to anchor it in place. Insert the
make accurate folds possible. tape through the COMPTEL hole. Next, insert the COMP-
• Apply glue to the insertion tabs on the pieces and flaps TEL cylinder. Bend the assembly tabs on the BUS upward,
where the slots are located. If using rubber cement, apply and slip them into the cylinder slots as it is pushed down-
cement to both surfaces to be joined, and permit them to ward. For a better looking model, have the cylinder seams
dry before assembling. Using a double coating of rubber face each other.
cement makes a stronger bond. After the pieces are assem-
bled, lightly rub pieces to remove excess cement. #5 Assembling the BATSE
• Some pieces may require small holes to be punched through
them. These places are indicated with the ⊕ symbol. 1. Score the fold lines before cutting out the pieces. After mak-
ing all eight BATSE pieces, glue each to the model in the
#1 Assembling the Bus places indicated in the completed model diagram.
1. Be sure to punch out the holes for the SOLAR ARRAY rod #6 Assembling the Solar Arrays
out of the side of the BUS (look for the two ⊕ symbols), and
cut out the holes for the OSSE, COMPTEL, and EGRET. 1. Be sure to punch the holes indicated in each array before
2. This component is easiest to assemble by joining edge A to cutting them out. (Look for the ⊕.)
edge B. Follow with the assembly of the other sides. 2. Coat the back side of each array with glue, and fold them
3. Try to keep the joints square at all times, and smooth out together along the dashed fold lines.
any curves that might be produced. 3. Cut one piece of dowel rod 45-centimeters long.
4. Slip the rod through the holes in the BUS.
#2 Assembling the Propellant Tanks 5. Carefully slide one array onto each end of the rod. The rod
is inserted through the holes cut open in step 6-1.
1. After forming the PROPELLANT TANKS, slip the four
assembly tabs into the four slots in the bottom of the BUS.
The notched end of the piece should be aligned with the
OSSE end of the model. The ANTENNA rod will slide
through this notch.
Propellant Tanks
Cradle Cradle
#7 Assembling the ANTENNA 4. Cut a 14-centimeter piece from the remaining dowel rod.
Slide the ANTENNA onto one end of the rod. Slip the other
1. Cut out both forms. Be sure to punch the holes first. (Look end of the rod through the holes in the bottom of the cradle
for the ⊕.) on the OSSE end of the spacecraft.
2. Curl and glue the large form onto itself to form a shallow
cone. Hold this piece together until the glue starts drying. The NASA Compton Gamma Ray Observatory model is now
3. Coat the inside of the center of the cone and the back side complete. You can display it by suspending it from the ceiling by
of the smaller circle with glue. When dry, press the smaller a piece of thread or monofilament fishing line or by creating a
circle into the center of the cone. base for it.
Assembly slot
Color silver or
gray within
this grid
Color silver or
gray within
Glue this grid
Glue Glue
Cut out square Cut out hole Cut out hole
Glue Glue
Color silver or
gray within
this grid
Color silver or
gray within
this grid
Assembly slot
Glue Glue
Assembly slot
B Glue Glue
Color rectangle and Glue
sides silver
or grey
Glue and
Color center
silver or grey
Glue Glue Glue Glue
tabs tabs tabs tabs
Bus Tab Slot
Color silver or
gray within
Fold around curve this rectangle
before folding bottom
Bottom rear
Tab Slot
Cut out hole
Tab Slot
Tab Slot Tab Slot Tab Slot Tab Slot Tab Slot
Color circle
and partial
circle yellow
Color circle
and partial
circle yellow
Color circle
and partial
circle yellow
OSSE end
Color circle
and partial
circle yellow
Sharp paper scissors 1. Cut out the SPACECRAFT MODULE, and score the fold
Razor blade knife lines for the module. Also cut out the assembly slots.
Dull knife Remember to cut the 16 assembly slots in the front end.
Straight edge 2. Punch out the holes (⊕).
Sharp punch (such as an ice pick or nail) 3. Fold the module into a box shape. Use glue wherever pos-
Glue stick or rubber cement and white glue sible to strengthen the structure.
Cellophane tape
Cutting surface (such as a wooden board) #3 Joining the TELESCOPE and
Silver paint or gold and blue marker pens SPACECRAFT MODULE
Dowel rod (1/16-inch diameter)—if a 1/16-inch dowel is not
available, use a piece of thin wire coat hanger 1. Slip the narrow end the TELESCOPE through the large hole
Round toothpick in the front end of the SPACECRAFT MODULE.
2. Align the tabs in the module with the four slots in the TELE-
General Assembly Tips SCOPE. The holes in the module should be in a straight
line with the holes in the TELESCOPE. A dowel will be
• Copy all model pieces on heavy weight paper. inserted through both model pieces. The tip of the razor
• Color all pieces as indicated before cutting any parts out. blade knife is a useful aid in slipping the tabs into the slots.
• Cut out only those pieces needed for the section being
assembled at the time. #4 Assembling the INTEGRATED
• Use a cutting surface such as a wooden board to protect SCIENCE INSTRUMENT MODULE
the table or desk from scratches or gouges.
• Cut out pieces along the solid exterior lines. 1. Cut out the INTEGRATED SCIENCE INSTRUMENT MOD-
• Using the dull knife, lightly score all dashed fold lines to ULE, open the six slots with the razor blade knife, and score
make accurate folds possible. the fold lines.
• Apply glue to the insertion tabs on the pieces and flaps 2. Fold the box together. The “arrowhead”-shaped ends will
where the slots are located. If using rubber cement, apply stick out from the completed part.
cement to both surfaces to be joined, and permit them to 3. Cut the toothpick into two 1-centimeter-long pieces. Put a
dry before assembling. Using a double coating of rubber dab of white glue on each end of the pieces, and stand
cement makes a stronger bond. After the pieces are assem- them up inside the “arrowhead” ends, as shown in the “ISIM
bled, lightly rub pieces to remove excess cement. COMPLETED” diagram. Set the part aside to dry.
• Some pieces may require small holes to be punched through
them. These places are indicated with the ⊕ symbol. #5 Assembling the HIGH RESOLUTION
MIRROR ASSEMBLY and joining it
#1 Assembling the TELESCOPE Tube to the TELESCOPE
1. Color the tube gold where indicated. 1. Cut out the HIGH RESOLUTION MIRROR ASSEMBLY.
2. Punch out the holes (⊕). One hole is lined up on the seam. Lightly fold downward the small triangles that extend to the
3. Cut out the part, and use the razor blade to open the five sides of the small squares.
slots along the left side, six slots at the wide end of the 2. Coat the edge of the open end of the TELESCOPE with
TELESCOPE, and the slot in the piece marked “1.” glue.
4. Score the fold lines with the dull knife. 3. Push the mirror assembly onto the end of the TELESCOPE.
5. Curl the tube in your hands to shape it. Inset the tabs into Align the assembly so that the small black circle is at the
the slots. position corresponding to 2:00 on a clock while the seam of
6. Close off the small end of the tube by folding inward piece the TELESCOPE is at the position corresponding to 6:00 on
1, and insert the tab from piece 2 into the slot. a clock.
4. Set the piece aside to dry. Check it occasionally to make
sure the pieces are together.
1. Cut out the SUNSHADE DOOR, and glue the back sides
2. Fold the door where indicated.
3. When this piece is dry, glue it to the HIGH RESOLUTION
MIRROR ASSEMBLY at the position corresponding to 12:00
on a clock.
#10 Assembling the SOLAR ARRAYS Model Builder Note: NASA is planning a fourth great observatory
to study infrared wavelengths. When the Space Infrared
1. Color the SOLAR ARRAYS blue and gold where indicated. Telescope Facility (SIRTF) is near launch, a model of this space-
2. Cut out and score the two arrays for folding. craft will be added to the set.
1 2
Back End
Front End
Cover Outside
Fold Halves
and Glue
Fold Glued
Pieces Along
This Line
Sunshade Door
looks like this
when finished
Cover Inside
Color inside
white areas
Color gold
Color gold
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