Values of Indian Managers

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How Fantastic We Humans are :-

If we hate someone , we tell it to everyone without any fear..........


If we love someone , we fear even to tell the loved one............!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be honest with you.... I don't have the words to make you feel better...but I do have the arms to give you a hug...ears
to listen to whatever you want to talk about.... and I have a heart.... a heart that's aching to see you smile again.....


�      Participated in National Level Annual NCC Republic day Camp and the
Prime Minister�s Rally held at New Delhi and received��NCC �A�

�      Received best cadet award in NCC from Chief Minister of Andhra


�      Got best student award in SSC.

Values of Indian Managers

There have been always challenges of transition of our
economy due to that the businessman are upgrading with
latest management techniques but forgetting the major
components of business ethics.
There are always 3 questions while a decision:
i. Will it work ? (Pragmatic Approach)
ii. Is it Right ? (Ethical Approach)
iii. It is Pleasant ? (Affective Approach)
The values which are likely to influence the managers are:
I. Service to customers
II. Honesty in dealing
III. Organisational efficiency
IV. Achievement and loyality to company
V. High productivity
Manager also needs to develop the following values :
a) Utilisation of available resources.
b) Attitude towards work
c) Work commitment
d) Vision
a) It is important to choose wisely and utilize optimally the
scarce resources.
b) Managers should develop a visionary prospective in their
work i.e. they should sense large vision in their work for
better world.
c) Managers should be dedicated in their work,results are
important but quality should not be compromised.Always
believe in Nishkamkaran because it prevents the ego and
mind from thinking about future gain or losses.The work
must be done with detachment i.e. we should hope for the
d) Managers should have long-term vision so that it is easy
for them to translate dreams into reality.Thus, managers
should cultivate the art of leadership build on innovative
organization develop human resources and make them
Thus, Values of Indian Managers should be as follows :
A. The Action should always be right.
B. Always have faith and self-confidence.
C. Do the action which not only benefit you but also society
at large.
D. Move from untruth to truth.
E. Take the best from western models but tune them into
Indian condition.
Cross culture study of value of managers:
According to GLOBE(Global leadership and Organisational
Behaviour Effectiveness)Research Programme of 1993,there are
nine dimentions by which national culture differs:
i. Assertiveness
ii. Future Orientation
iii. Gender Differentiation
iv. Uncertainity Avoidance which means society relies on
social norms and procedures.
v. Power distance which means the degree to which member
to society expect power to be equally shared.
vi. Individualism or collectivism
vii. Ingroup Collectivism
viii. Human Orientation
Values of western culture:
1. They are punctual and high respect for others time.
2. They follow proper code of conduct and there is no place
for modesity in their behaviour.
3. They like professional efficiency and work discipline.
4. They give priority to principles over their privelages.
5. Rules are secret for them.
6. They do not let personal relations ineterfere with
professional dealings.
7. Dignity of labour is valued.
8. Accountability is there.
9. They understand that they should be responsible for their
10. They combine two pillars of cultural values system i.e
loyality to family and community.
11. They have respect for public goods i.e parks and
streets should be free from liter.
Mrs. Swati Wadhwa

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