Service Hint: Keep This Hint With The Respective Service Manual

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Product: Plasma TV

Service Hint Number: SH-B34-08-03

Date: April 2008
Panasonic Service and Technology Company Models:
Product Engineering Division TH-42PZ700U TH-42PZ700UA
50 Meadowland Parkway, Secaucus, NJ 07094
Division of Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company TH-42PZ77U
A Division of Panasonic Corporation of North America

Keep this Hint with the respective Service Manual

Subject: How to diagnose power LED blinks 7 times symptom.

Possible 1. Conduction between the sustain and scan electrodes causes the output ICs to fail on either the
Causes: SD or SU board, depending on the location of the damaged pixels. -OR-

2. FET transistors on the SC board fail, preventing the delivery of scan pulses to the panel.

Instructions: Follow the flowchart on page 2. Based on the results, you may:

1. Replace the SC board and update the D-board firmware. -OR-

2. Replace the panel and failed drive board (SD or SU) and update the D-board firmware.

Notes: 1. Models TH-42PZ700U and TH-42PZ700UA are similar, but their board part numbers are
different. Therefore, when ordering parts, use the manufacturer ID number as the model
number. The manufacturing ID is printed on the large silver sticker on the back cover, to the
right of the serial number.

2. Upon completion of the repair, perform “D Board Firmware Upgrade” according to the
instructions in Service Hints SH-B34-08-01 for model TH-42PZ700U and SH-B34-08-02 for
models TH-42PZ77U and TH-42PZ700UA. Firmware and instructions can be found at:

WARNING! This Service Hint is designed for experienced repair technicians only and is not designed for use by the general public. It does not
contain warnings or cautions to advice non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to service a product. Products powered by
electricity should be serviced by experienced professional technicians. Any attempt to service or repair the product or products dealt with in this
Service Bulletin by anyone else could result in serious injury or death.
©2008 Panasonic Corporation of North America. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law.
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Troubleshooting flowchart for 7 blinks symptom
Physically disconnect the SU board and the SD
board. (See precaution # 2)
Plug in the TV and turn it on.

Reconnect the SD board only. Does the TV With the SU board and the SD board still
(See precaution # 2)
No shut down and Yes disconnected, remove connectors SC2 and
the power LED SC20 from the SC board (See precaution # 3)
Plug in the TV and turn it on.
blink 7 times? Plug in the TV and turn it on.

Does the TV
No shut down and Yes
the power LED Does the TV
blink 7 times? No shut down and Yes
the power LED
blink 7 times?
Replace the Panel Disconnect the SD board and
and the SU board. reconnect the SU board. (See
precaution # 2)
(See precaution #5) Plug in the TV and turn it on.

Replace the SC board. Replace the D board.

Does the TV (See precaution #5) (See precaution #5)
No shut down and Yes
the power LED
blink 7 times?

Replace the Panel and Replace the Panel, SD,

the SD board. and SU board.
(See precaution #5) (See precaution #5)

Precautions: 1. Disconnect AC Power prior to making or removing any connections!!

2. It’s not necessary to remove the panel’s flex-cables from connectors SU1~SU4 on the SU
board or SD1~SD4 on the SD board when isolating these 2 drive boards.

3. It is necessary to discharge P2/SC2 or P11/SS11 before re-connecting them in order to

prevent arcing that may be stored by VSUS voltage.

4. Make sure all the connectors on the SU, SD, SC, and the P boards are seated properly.

5. Upon completion of the repair, perform “D Board Firmware Upgrade” according to the
instructions in Service Hints SH-B34-08-01 for model TH-42PZ700U and SH-B34-08-02 for
models TH-42PZ77U and TH-42PZ700UA. Firmware can be found here:

WARNING! This Service Hint is designed for experienced repair technicians only and is not designed for use by the general public. It does not
contain warnings or cautions to advice non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to service a product. Products powered by
electricity should be serviced by experienced professional technicians. Any attempt to service or repair the product or products dealt with in this
Service Bulletin by anyone else could result in serious injury or death.
©2008 Panasonic Corporation of North America. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law.
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