HRD Concepts
HRD Concepts
HRD Concepts
Organizations that implement HRD treat Human Resources as asset and not expense.HRD
departments motivate, support employees to learn continuously. HRD needs and use strategies to
motivate the work force.
Human resource development in the organization context is a process by which the employees of
an organization are helped, in a continuous and planned way to:
1. Acquire capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their present or
expected future roles.
2. Develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and exploit their own inner
potentials for their own and organizational development purpose.
3. Develop an organizational culture in which supervisor-subordinate relationship
teamwork, and collaborations among sub-units are strong and contribute to the
professional well being, motivation, and pride of employees.
4) Entrepreneurship Increase:
Education, clean environment, good health, investment on the human resource, will all have its
positive effects. Job opportunities would be created in the country. And even business
environment will flourish in the state which creates many job opportunities.
5) Social Revolution:
Because of Human Resource development the socio economic life of the peoples of a country
changes drastically. Over all look changes thinking phenomena changes, progressive thoughts
are endorsed in to the minds of peoples.