The Industrial Revolution began in England due to favorable conditions including natural resources like coal and iron as well as a flexible social system. This led to growth in industries like textiles and iron which boosted the British economy. As conditions improved, the population and cities expanded rapidly. New transportation methods such as roads, canals, and railways were developed to help move goods and people during this period of economic and social change.
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The Industrial Revolution began in England due to favorable conditions including natural resources like coal and iron as well as a flexible social system. This led to growth in industries like textiles and iron which boosted the British economy. As conditions improved, the population and cities expanded rapidly. New transportation methods such as roads, canals, and railways were developed to help move goods and people during this period of economic and social change.
The Industrial Revolution began in England due to favorable conditions including natural resources like coal and iron as well as a flexible social system. This led to growth in industries like textiles and iron which boosted the British economy. As conditions improved, the population and cities expanded rapidly. New transportation methods such as roads, canals, and railways were developed to help move goods and people during this period of economic and social change.
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The Industrial Revolution began in England due to favorable conditions including natural resources like coal and iron as well as a flexible social system. This led to growth in industries like textiles and iron which boosted the British economy. As conditions improved, the population and cities expanded rapidly. New transportation methods such as roads, canals, and railways were developed to help move goods and people during this period of economic and social change.
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Chapter 21 Cornell Notes Jacqueline Lockwood
Economic Advance and Social Unrest February 1, 2011
Industrial Revolution o The Industrial Revolution began in England because of a
Begins in England combination of favorable conditions that existed there. o Economists called these conditions the “Factors of Production.” Land: good supply of coal and iron ore Labor: changes in agriculture provided a good labor for factories. Capital: due to trade, England had surplus funds to invest in new enterprises. Management: English society was not rigid allowing for both nobility and commoner to rise in business. Government: favored commercial interests and provided stability that stimulated expansion. British o The British textile trade was a major source of revenue for England. o These revenues along with those from the iron industry and shipbuilding gave Britain world economic dominance during the 1900s. o The rest of Europe and eventually the United States will make use of the resources available in their regions and begin their own industrial revolutions, modeling the English example. Population Growth o For centuries before 1750, the population of Europe had grown very little. o When the Industrial Revolution began, it totaled about 140 million people, but by 1850, it stood at 266 million. o The greatest population growth took place in such industrialized regions as England and Western Europe. City Growth o Changes in agriculture, industry, and transportation, with the resulting increase in trade, produced another striking result – the rapid growth of cities. o The greatest spur to city growth was the factory system. Many early factories were located in already established cities, which grew tremendously. When factories were located in rural areas, cities grew up around them. Urban living became the typical way of Moving Men and Goods o The changes in the Industrial Revolution made better transportation necessary. o John McAdam worked a new way of building roads which was a layer of large stones, covered by smaller stones— Macadamized roads. o Was great era of canal building. o George Stephenson perfected a moving steam engine that propelled itself on rails. Railways o In 1829, Stephenson’s famous engine, the Rocket, pulled a string of cars from Liverpool to Manchester at a speed of 29 miles per hour.