BCA (Sem.Y3'a V: Total No. of Questions: 071
BCA (Sem.Y3'a V: Total No. of Questions: 071
BCA (Sem.Y3'a V: Total No. of Questions: 071
Section- A
QI) (10x2:20)
life cycle.
of softwareengineering
a) Namevariousphases
of software.
b) Explainthevariouscharacteristics
c) Differentiatebetweenverificationandvalidation.
d) What is GANTT chartusedfor?
e) Whatis the needof SRS?
0 Whatarekey featuresof gooduserinterface?
g) Whatis alphatesting?
h) Whatis ER-Diagram?
of prototyping
r) Write aboutthe advantages
) Whatis Rayleighcurveusedfor?
Section- B