Parliamentary Elections in India (Elections 2009) : Selection of A Candidate by Parties
Parliamentary Elections in India (Elections 2009) : Selection of A Candidate by Parties
Parliamentary Elections in India (Elections 2009) : Selection of A Candidate by Parties
Elections take place regularly in a democratic country like India. Elections is a decision
making process where people choose its representative to holds the formal office. This
is the usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy fills offices in the
parliament. Elections are held every five years.
Candidate selection is the process by which parties decide that who will be on ballot
papers their candidates. In India there is no proper system followed by parties but all the
parties have their own system of selecting a candidate. All parties have their own rules
and procedures in selecting a candidate. Parties are doing favoritism in selecting a
candidate for elections. All big leaders of parties only decide to whom they have to
bring on the ballot papers as a candidate for elections. There is like a circus created in
selecting a candidate.
The following points were included in the selection criteria of a candidate by political
Political parties select first their old members as a candidate because of their
They also checks that if the new candidate is selected than what is his image in
his area. Either he wins the elections or not.
If the person is from a political family background then he is easily selected as a
candidate in elections.
As we know that in congress the candidate selection is done by the Gandhi
There are many political parties in election 2009 but the main fight is between the two
big political parties. i.e. Indian National Congress and Bhartiya Janata Party. Mainly 7
national political parties are in a fray.
Parliamentary Elections in India (Elections 2009)
National Parties:
Regional parties:
Regional parties are parties whose main holds are in one certain state and mostly they
participate within the state. Sometimes they do participate in the neighboring state if the
culture is same.
Parliamentary Elections in India (Elections 2009)
Election campaigning:
The Election campaign is the period when the political parties put forward their
candidates and arguments with which they hope to persuade people to vote for their
candidates and parties. It is a way by which the candidate can reach the voter.
Candidates are finding different and technical ways for campaigning and reach in the
heart of voter. Candidates are given a week to put forward their nominations. Validly
nominated candidates can withdraw within two days after nominations have been
scrutinized. The official campaign lasts at least 2 weeks from the drawing up of the list
of nominated candidates, and officially ends 48 hours before polling closes.