C1B003692-01 Qu
C1B003692-01 Qu
C1B003692-01 Qu
Date of Quotation
9 February 2011
Valid Until 9 March 2011
Dear Mr Watchorn
Quote Number
Thank you for giving Budget Direct in association with A&G Insurance C1B003692
Services the opportunity to provide a quote for your car insurance. We
are happy to present you with the following quote, which is based on Insurer
what you have told us. Auto & General Insurance Company Ltd
And we provide all this and more to you with our fast and friendly Other Insured Drivers
service! Any Driver
What to do now Private and Commuting
Call our priority number below to start your insurance cover.
Check that all the details in this document are correct. This Cover
information was used to calculate your quote. Comprehensive
No Claims Discount
We are committed to offering you outstanding value, quality cover and None (Rating 6)
the highest level of service possible. This is why so many motorists are
switching to us every day. Policy Excesses
Standard Excess $550
If you have any questions or need any advice please give us a call. Window Glass Only $550
Age: Drivers under 21 $700
This is a summary only. This quote is subject to meeting the insurer's Age: Drivers 21 - 24 $500
underwriting criteria and may change due to other factors. Licenced less than 2 years $300
Unlisted Driver $500
Annual Premium
Total Payable
Single payment of $1251.91, which
includes all taxes and levies
A&G Insurance Services Pty Ltd ( ABN 61 003 617 909, AFS License 241411 ) PO Box 342, Toowong QLD 4066