Trends in Power System Protection and Control
Trends in Power System Protection and Control
Trends in Power System Protection and Control
2.2. Voltage stability While the system frequency is a final result of the power
deficiency, the rate of change of frequency is an
Voltage stability is defined by the System Dynamic instantaneous indicator of power deficiency and can enable
Performance Subcommittee of the IEEE Power System incipient recognition of the power imbalance. However,
Engineering Committee [3] as being the ability of a change of the machine speed is oscillatory by nature, due to
system to maintain voltage such that when load the interaction among generators. These oscillations
admittance is increased, load power will increase, and so depend on location of the sensors in the island and the
that both power and voltage are controllable. Also, response of the generators. The problems regarding the
voltage collapse is defined as being the process by which rate-of-change of frequency function are [7]:
voltage instability leads to a very low voltage profile in a
significant part of the system. • A smaller system inertia causes a larger peak-to-peak
value for oscillations. For the larger peak-to-peak
It is accepted that this instability is caused by the load values, enough time must be allowed for the relay to
characteristics, as opposed to the angular instability which calculate the actual rate-of-change of frequency
is caused by the rotor dynamics of generators. reliably. Measurements at load buses close to the
electrical center of the system are less susceptible to
The risk of voltage instability increases as the oscillations (smaller peak-to-peak values) and can be
transmission system becomes more heavily loaded. The used in practical applications. A smaller system inertia
typical scenario of these instabilities starts with a high causes a higher frequency of oscillations, which
system loading, followed by a relay action due to either a enables faster calculation of the actual rate-of-change
fault, a line overload or hitting an excitation limit. of frequency. However, it causes faster rate-of-change
of frequency, and, consequently, a larger frequency
Voltage instability can be alleviated by a combination of drop.
the following remedial measures means: adding reactive
compensation near load centers, strengthening the • Even if rate-of-change of frequency relays measure the
transmission lines, varying the operating conditions such average value throughout the network, it is difficult to
as voltage profile and generation dispatch, coordinating set them properly, unless typical system boundaries and
relays and controls, and load shedding. Most utilities rely imbalance can be predicted. If this is the case (eg.
on planning and operation studies to guard against voltage industrial and urban systems), the rate of change of
instability. Many utilities utilize localized voltage frequency relays may improve a load shedding scheme
measurements in order to achieve load shedding as a (scheme can be more selective and/or faster).
measure against incipent voltage instability [4].
• Adaptive settings of frequency and frequency decisions have to be taken locally. The relay system is
derivative relays may enable implementation of a preferred to be adaptive, in order to cope with system
frequency derivative function more effectively and changes. To deal with out-of-step prediction, it is
reliably. This will be discused later. necessary to start with a system-wide approach, find out
what sets of information are crucial, how to process
3. Possible Improvements in Control and information with acceptable speed and accuracy.
3.2. Voltage Instability
Existing protection/control systems may be improved and
new protection/control systems may be developed to The protection against voltage instability should also be
better adapt to prevailing system conditions during addressed as a part of hierarchical structure.
system-wide disturbance. While improvements in the Decentralized actions are performed at substations with
existing systems are mostly achieved through local signals and signals obtained from slow
advancement in local measurements and development of communication with other substations and/or central level
better algorithms, improvements in new systems are based (e.g. using SCADA data). The higher hierarchical level
on remote communications. However, even if requires more sophisticated communication of relevent
communication links exist, systems with only local system signals and a coordination between the actions of
information may still need improvement since they are the various substations.
envisioned as fallback positions.
The recommended approach for designing the new
The modern energy management system (EMS) can generation of voltage instability protection is to first
provide system-wide information for the network control design a voltage instability relay with only local signals.
and protection. The EMS is supported by supervisory The limitations of local signals should be identified in
control and data acquisition (SCADA) software and order to be in a position to select appropriate
various power system analysis tools. The increased communicated signals. However, a minimum set of
functions and communication ability in today's SCADA communicated signals should always be known in order to
systems provide the opportunity for an intelligent and design a reliable protection, and it requires the following:
adaptive control and protection system for system-wide (a) determining the algorithm for gradual reduction of the
disturbance. This in turn can make possible full utilization number of necessary measurement sites with minimum
of the network, which will be less vulnerable to a major loss of information necessary for voltage stability
disturbance. monitoring, analysis, and control; (b) development of
methods (i.e. sensitivity analysis of reactive powers),
which should operate concurrent with any existing local
3.1 Angular stability
protection techniques, and possessing superior
Out-of-step relays have to be fast and reliable. The performance, both in terms of security and dependability.
increased utilization of transmission and generation
capacity as well as the increased distance of power 3.3. Power System Cascading and Load Shedding
transmission are some of the factors that cause an out-of- Strategies
step situation to develop rapidly. The interconnected
nature of power systems cause large geographic areas to Conventional load shedding schemes without
be affected by an out-of-step condition. The present communications are not adaptive to system conditions
technology of out-of-step tripping or blocking distance which are different from the one used in the load shedding
relays is not capable of fully dealing with the control and design. For the relays to adapt to the prevailing system
protection requirements of power systems. conditions, their settings should change based on the
available spinning reserve, total system inertia, and load
Central to the development effort of an out-of-step characteristics. These values may be periodically
protection system is the investigation of the multi-area determined at the central site from SCADA data and
out-of-step situation. The new generation of out-of-step provided to the relays using low speed communications.
relays has to utilize more measurements, both local and
remote, and has to produce more outputs. The structure of In addition, the actual load, which would represent an
the overall relaying system has to be distributed and assigned percentage for shedding at each step, may be
coordinated through a central control. In order for the periodically calculated at a central site based on the actual
relaying system to manage complexity, most of the load distribution. However, the system characteristics may
change depending on the separation points. If the
separation is controlled from a central site or can be degree of accuracy, (1) whether an out-of-step is
predicted, an algorithm may calculate the settings and imminent, and (2) the boundary across which this out-of-
assign the appropriate load in coordination with switching step will take place. This algorithm has been tested
actions. However, high speed communication may be thoroughly using a Monte-Carlo-type approach. At each
required to and from the central location for fast-developing test, random values are assigned to line impedances, load,
disturbances, such as multi-machine angular instability. generator inertias, as well as disturbance location. It is
Another aspect, may be adding a correction element to a found that the algorithm is capable of making accurate
scheme. If only slow speed communications are available, prediction.
a fast load shedding scheme may be implemented to stop
system degradation. When adequate information is To illustrate how the algorithm works, consider the power
available, corrective measures may be applied. system shown in Figure 1. This system is a modified
version of the IEEE 39-bus test system. In Figure 1, each
If the composite system inertia constant is known, the actual generator is marked with a circle, and each load with a
power imbalance may be calculated directly from the square; the size of each symbol indicates relatively the
frequency. This detection should be fast (to avoid a large power generated or consumed at the node. For example,
frequency drop) and done at the location close to the center Generator 34 supplies more MW to the grid than does
of inertia. High speed communications are required to Generator 38.
initiate load shedding at different power system locations.
Further, changes of load and generation, with frequency and 38 ● ● 34
in particular voltage, impact the power imbalance and 37 ● ◆ ◆ ◆
2 ◆
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
◆ ◆
● ◆ ●
◆ ●
reserve, total system inertia, and load characteristics and ◆ ◆ ◆ ● 32
x outage 31
distribution. In conclusion, sophisticated models and/or
high-speed communication may be required for accurate
estimation of the amount and distribution of the load to be
shed. If communications are available, it is easier and more
reliable to calculate the amount of load to shed from the Figure 1. Graph of the 39-bus test system.
switching information and the mismatch (based on data on
load and generation before the separation) in the island.
time simulation
To avoid disadvantages of the underfrequency load #37
shedding and difficulties with implementing the rate-of- 150
change of frequency function, the automated load shedding
that will reduce overloading or prevent system instability
before the system is isolated is proposed as an advantageous 50
strategy. rotor #36
angles, 0 #33
deg. #35
4. Example: Angular Stability -50
An algorithm for predicting the location at which an out-
of-step can take place following a disturbance in a large- -150 #31
scale system is shown as an example of the hierachical #39
protection and control strategies using communications.
To implement this scheme, one needs a central computer
0 1 2
that receives information from across the system. The sets
time, sec.
of crucial information that require fast communications
consist of: generator speeds, and changes in line status.
Other information needed by the algorithm are generation Figure 2. Time domain simulation of the system.
and load levels. Using these sets of information, a simple
and quick processing method is able to tell, with a high
A disturbance is introduced to the system where two 5.1. Power System Modeling and Spectral
lines are simultaneously removed (each line is marked by Characteristics
an 'x' in Figure 1). This information is fed to the
algorithm, which predicts that an out-of-step will occur We consider a generic N-machine, p-bus power system
across the line 2-25. Figure 2 reveals that the two described by the following swing equation:
generators 37 and 38 eventually separate from the other
generators. All line angles have been checked and none M i ∆ω i = − Di ∆ω i + Pai (t )
but line 2-25 indicate the boundary of the out-of-step.
The angle of critical line is shown in Figure 3. This ∆δ i = ω B ∆ω i
confirms the result of the algorithm.
where ∆δ i and ∆ωi represent the deviation of the rotor
angle of critical lines angle and its speed relative to the synchronous reference
0 frame, Pai(t) is the accelerating power, i.e. imbalance
between the mechanical and mechanical power, Mi is the
inertia constant for machine i, ω B is the synchronous
deg. -200 angular frequency, and Di is the damping factor
corresponding to the machine i. Swing equation can be
-300 linearized to obtain
0 1 2
∆x = A∆x + B∆u
descriptive quantity for a pattern recognition task. machine belongs. The phase data is summarized in Table
Algorithm we propose is following: 1. Indeed, machines 1 through 8 have the phase angle of
approximately 11 degrees, machines 11,12 and 13 have
• Collect machine speed data. phase angles of approximately 3 degrees, while phase
• Perform spectrum estimation on machine speed data. anlges of speed spectra of other machines do not belong
• Identify the frequencies of possible modes of inter-
area oscillations.
• Perform clustering on the phases of machine
spectrum data at inter-area frequencies.
Moreover, proposed type of control can be computed with • Above two tasks have to be performed with minimum
a cost of QR decomposition for the matrix of sensitivity change of the line admittances since the TCSC
coefficients and one matrix multiplication. In addition, devices have range typically limited to a certain
this type of the control guarantees the minimum energy percentage of the nominal line admittance, for a
solution, i.e. minimum per-sample change of line variety of reasons.
admittances. The stability of the control computation • Above considerations exclude the apriori knowledge
procedure, low computational cost, and easy of the fault location.
parallelization of the process this algorithm very
appealing for the real time applications on multiprocessor Taking into account the above consideration, selection
process may be based on an extensive sensitivity analysis
spanning a large number of situations, either by using
5.2. Minimum Energy Control
some form of a composite objective function, or by
It was stipulated that the changes in machine speeds are applying some effective means of combinatorial
an indicator of inter-area oscillations. Moreover, the optimization, such as genetic algorithms. The end result is
change of machine speeds indicates the direction of the the allocation of a limited number of TCSC controllers,
energy fluctuations. The reduction of machine speed which perform reasonably well over a finite set of
changes does therefore reduce the interarea oscillations.
Per-sample machine speed change can be written in different disturbance scenarios.
following form:
The results of some comparative tests, obtained by time
∆δ domain simulation on the system and fault used in Figure
∆ω k dt = ∆ω k +1 − ∆ω k = A' k + P∆y 4 are shown below.
∆ω k
P∆y = A' k
∆ω k
• Various and possibly multiple faults may happen. ……. Machine #16 speed with TCSC
• All machines need to be controlled at the same time modulation control.
to insure the control of all interarea modes (this
condition may be relaxed by adaptive tracking of the -.-.- Machine #16 speed with power system
interarea groups). stabilizer control.
• Since all machines participating in a certain interarea
mode will have similar angles and rates of change of solid line Machine #16 speed with both PSS and
angles (speeds), it is technically possible to use just a TCSC controls applied.
representative machine from a group. This may be
useful in speeding up the control processing to enable The presented scenarios involve situations when no
real-time control. control was applied to the system under disturbance, and
when group of 5 optimally selected and tuned PSS and 5 economical solution for the wide area disturbance problems
TCSC was used, both individually and together. are very attractive. Intelligent emergency control systems
(i.e. systems described in the paper) provide more secure
The opportunity to speed up processing in power system operation and better emergency responses, allowing utilities
stabilizing devices to enable real-time control is in the to operate at closer transmission and generation margins.
inclusion of the distributed architectures, which combine
low per-unit cost with high efficiency. The control 7. Acknowledgement
algorithm we have described in previous section can be
easily implemented in the parallel architecture with great Part of the work presented in this paper was funded by the
reduction of complexity and large parallel efficiency. National Science Foundation under Grant #ECS-9404895.
We gratefully acknowledge this assistance.
6. Conclusion
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