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This subject is an applied engineering subject. Diploma holders in Civil Engineering will
be required to supervise RCC construction. He may also be required to design simple
structural elements, make changes in design depending upon availability of materials
(bars of different diameters). He must be able to read and interpret structural drawings of
different elements. This subject thus deals with elementary design principles as per BIS
code of practice BIS: 456 – 2000 and their relevant drawings.



1. Introduction: Concept of Reinforced Cement Concrete (3 hrs)

2. Reinforcement Materials: (2 hrs)

2.1 Various types of reinforcing materials

2.2 Suitability of steel as reinforcing material

2.3 Properties of different types of steel (mild steel, medium tensile steel, and
deformed bars)

3. Theory of R.C.C. Beams: (12 hrs)

3.1 Assumption in the theory of simple bending for RCC beam

3.2 Flextural strength of a singly reinforced RCC beam

Position of the Neutral axis, concept of balanced, under reinforced and

over reinforced sections moment of the section

3.3 Shear strength of singly reinforced RCC beam, Assumptions made,

permissible shear stresses as per IS code of practice, actual average shear
stresses in singly reinforced concrete beam, concept of diagonal stirrups
and inclined bars, shear strength of RCC beam section

3.4 Bond in RCC beams:

3.4.1 Concept of bond

3.4.2 Permissible bond stresses for plain and deformed bars as per BIS
code of practice, minimum length, standard hook

4. Singly Reinforced Concrete Beam (8 hrs)

4.1 Loads and loading standards as per IS:875 (Part I-V)

4.2 Design of singly reinforced concrete beam as per BIS-456 code of practice
from the given data such as span, load and properties of materials used.

4.3 Design of lintel with and without chajja

4.4 Design of a main/secondary beam for RCC roof and floor

4.5 Design of a cantilever beam/slab

5. Doubly Reinforced Concrete Beams: (6 hrs)

5.1 Doubly reinforced concrete beam and its necessity

5.2 Design of a doubly reinforced concrete beam

6. T-Beams: (8 hrs)

6.1 Structural behaviour of beam and slab floor laid monolithically

6.2 Rules for the design of T-beams

6.3 Economical depth of T-beams

6.4 Design of simply supported T-beams using IS code of practice

7. RCC Slabs: (8 hrs)

7.1 Structural behaviour of slabs under UDL

7.2 Type of Boundary conditions

7.3 Design of one way slab

7.4 Design of two way slab with the help of tables of IS:456

8. RCC Stairs (6 hrs)

8.1 Generator principles for design of RCC stairs

8.2 Design of horizontally spanning stairs


8.3 Design of dog legged RCC stairs

9. Columns and Isolated Footings (10 hrs)

9.1 Concept of long and short columns

9.2 IS specifications for main and lateral reinforcement including spiral


9.3 Behaviour of RCC columns under axial load

9.4 Design of Axially loaded short and long columns with different end

9.5 Design of isolated footings to determine depth and width of foundation

10. Basic concept of limit state design method and prestressed concrete – introduction
to pre and post tensioning methods (4 hrs)


1. Details of reinforcement in a simply supported RCC beam (singly reinforced and

doubly reinforced) with the given design data regarding the size and number of
bars, stirrups their size and spacing.

2. Details of reinforcement for a RCC square and circular column with isolated
square footing

3. Details of reinforcement for a cantilever beam with given data regarding the size
of the beam and the reinforcement

NOTE: Exercises on bar bending schedules for each of the three above items will
be prepared

4. Details of reinforcement in plan and section for a simply supported RCC one way
slab with intermediate support and two-way slabs from the given data. Bar
bending schedule should be prepared

5. Details of reinforcement in a two storeyed RCC internal and corner column. In

this, the details of reinforcement at the junction with beams must be shown from
the given design data

6. Details of reinforcement of the junction of a secondary beam with the main beam
with the given data


Teachers are expected to give simple problems for designing various RCC structural
members. For creating comprehension of the subject, teachers may prepare tutorial
sheets, which may be given to the students for solving. It would be advantageous if
students are taken at construction site to show form work for RCC as well as placement
of reinforcement in various structural members, practice of reading structural drawings is
another important feature of this course.


1. Jai Krishna and Jain, OP; "Plain and Reinforced Concrete", Vol. I, Roorkee,
Nem Chand and Bros

2. Handoo, BL; Mahajan, VM and Singla, DR; "Elementary of RCC Design", New
Delhi, Satya Prakashan

3. Mallick, SK; and Gupta, AP; "Reinforced Concrete", New Delhi, Oxford and
IBH Publishing Co

4. Punmia, BC; "Reinforced Concrete Structure Vol I", Delhi Standard Publishers

5. Sushil Kumar, "Treasurers of Reinforced Concrete Design", Delhi Standard

Publishers Distributors

6. Ramamurtham, S; "Design and Testing of Reinforced Structures", Delhi

Dhanpat Rai and Sons

7. Dayaratnam, P; "Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures", New Delhi,

Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.

8. Gambhir, M.L., "Reinforced Concrete Design", Macmillan India Limited

9. Structural Analysis and Design, STAAD – PRO; Research Engineers - USA

10. STRUDC – Softtech – Pune

11. Verghese “Reinforced Concrete Design”

12. Ram Chandra “Reinforced Concrete Design”



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Construction of roads is one of the area in which diploma holders in Civil Engineering
get employment. These diploma holders are responsible for construction and maintenance
of highways. Basic concepts of road geo-metrics, surveys and plans, elements of traffic
engineering, road materials, construction of rigid and flexible pavements, special features
of hill roads, road drainage system and various aspects of maintenance find place in
above course.

1. Introduction (2 hrs)

1.1 Importance of Highway transportation;

1.2 Functions of IRC, CRRI, MOST&H

1.3 IRC classification of roads

1.4 Organization of a state highway department

2. Road Geometrics (8 hrs)

2.1 Glossary of terms used in geo-metrics and their importance: Right of way,
formation width, road margin, road shoulder, carriage way, side slopes,
kerbs, formation levels, camber and gradient

2.2 Design and average running speed, stopping and passing sight distance

2.3 Curve necessity, horizontal and vertical curves including transition curves
and super elevation. Methods of providing super elevation

2.4 Sketch of typical cross-sections in cutting and filling on straight alignment

and at a curve
(Note: No design/numerical problem to be taken)

3. Highway Surveys and Plan (6 hrs)

3.1 Designation of a topographic map, reading the data given on a topographic


3.2 Basic considerations governing alignment for a road in plain and hilly area

3.3 Highway location; marking of alignment; importance of various stages viz

a) Reconnaissance survey: Conduct reconnaissance and prepare

reconnaissance report

b) Preliminary survey: Object, organizing, conducting and

information to be collected

c) Location survey

d) Standards for preparing the highway plans as per Ministry of

Surface Transport (MOST)

4. Road Materials (6 hrs)

4.1 Different types of road materials in use; soil, aggregate, binders

4.2 Function of soil as highway subgrade

4.3 California Bearing Ratio; method of finding CBR value and its

4.4 Testing aggregates: Los Angeles Abrasion test, impact test, crushing
strength test, water absorption test and soundness test

4.5 Aggregates: Availability of road aggregates in India, requirements of road

aggregates as per IRC specifications

4.6 Binders: Common binders; cement, bitumen and tar, properties as per IS
specifications, penetration and viscosity test of bitumen, procedures and
significance, cut back and emulsion and their uses, Bitumen modifiers

5. Road Pavements (8 hrs)

5.1 Road pavement: Flexible and rigid pavement, their merits and demerits,
typical cross-sections, functions of various components

5.2 Sub-grade preparation:

Setting out alignment of road, setting out bench marks, control pegs for
embankment and cutting, borrow pits, making profiles of
embankment, construction of embankment, compaction, stabilization,
preparation of subgrade, methods of checking camber, gradient and
alignment as per recommendations of IRC, equipment used for subgrade

5.3 Flexible pavements: sub base necessity and purpose, stabilized sub base;
purpose of stabilization. Types of stablization:

a) Mechanical stabilization
b) Lime stabilization
c) Cement stabilization
d) Fly ash stabilization

5.4 Base Course:

* Preparation of base course: Prime coat, Tack coat

(a) Water bound mecadam
(b) Wet mix macadam
(c) Bituminous macadam

*Methods of construction as per Ministry of Surface Transport (MOST)

5.5 Surfacing:

*Types of surfacing

a) surface dressing
b) open graded premix carpet
c) semi dense bituminous concrete
d) mix seal surfacing
e) seal coat
f) bituminous Penetration Macadam

*Methods of constructions as per Ministry of Surface, Transport,

specifications and quality control; equipment used for above.

5.6 Rigid Pavements:

Construction of concrete roads as per IRC specifications: Form laying,

mixing and placing the concrete, compacting and finishing, curing, joints
in concrete pavement, equipment used

6. Hill Roads: (6 hrs)

6.1 Introduction: Typical cross-sections showing all details of a typical hill

road in cut, partly in cutting and partly in filling

6.2 Special problems of hill areas

6.2.1 Landslides: Causes, prevention and control measures
6.2.2 Drainage
6.2.3 Soil erosion

6.2.4 Snow: Snow clearance, snow avalanches, frost

6.2.5 Maintenance of plant and machinery

7. Road Drainage: (4 hrs)

7.1 Necessity of road drainage work, cross drainage works

7.2 Surface and subsurface drains and storm water drains. Location, spacing
and typical details of side drains, side ditches for surface drainage.
Intercepting drains, pipe drains in hill roads, details of drains in cutting
embankment, typical cross sections

8. Road Maintenance: (4 hrs)

8.1 Common types of road failures of flexible pavements: Pot hole, cracks,
rutting, corrugation, fatty surface upheaval - their causes and remedies

8.2 Maintenance of bituminous road such as seal-coat, patch-work and


8.3 Maintenance of concrete roads-filling cracks, repairing joints,

maintenance of shoulders (berms), maintenance of traffic control devices

9. Construction Equipment: (4 hrs)

Output and use of the following plant and equipment

9.1 Hot mix plant

9.2 Tipper, tractors (wheel and crawler) scraper, bulldozer, dumpers, shovels,
grader, roller, dragline

9.3 Asphalt mixer and tar boilers

9.4 Road pavers


i) Determination of the california bearing ratio (CBR) for the sub-grade soil
(demonstration only)

ii) Determination of penetration value of bitumen

iii) Determination of softening point of bitumen

iv) Determination of impact value and crushing value of the road aggregate

v) Determination of abrasion value (Los Angeles’) of road aggregate

vi) Determination of ductility of bitumen

vii) Determination of viscosity of tar/bitumen


While imparting instructions, it is recommended that emphasis should be laid on

constructional details and quality control aspects. Students should be asked to prepare
sketches and drawings, clearly indicating specifications and constructional details for
various sub components of a highway. It will be also advantageous to organize field visits
to show the actual construction of roads at site.


i) Khanna, SK and Justo, CEG, "Highway Engineering" Roorkee Nem Chand and

ii) Vaswani, NK, "Highway Engineering" Roorkee, Roorkee Publishing House.

iii) Priyani, VB, "Highway and Airport Engineering" Anand, Charotar Book Stall

iv) Sehgal, SB; and Bhanot, KL; "A Text Book on Highway Engineering and
Airport" Delhi, S Chand and Co

v) Bindra, SP; "A Course on Highway Engineering" New Delhi, Dhanpat Rai and

vi) Sharma, RC; and Sharma, SK; "Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering",
New Delhi, Asia Publishing House

viii) Duggal AK, Puri VP., "Laboratory Manual in Highway Engineering",

Delhi, New Age Publishers (P) Ltd

ix) Rao, GV’ Transportation Engineering

x) Duggal AK, “Maintenance of Highway – a Reader”, TTTI, Sector 26, Chandigarh

IRC Publications

i) MOST Specifications for Road and Bridge Works Latest Edition

ii) MOST Pocket book for Highway Engineers, 2001

iii) MOST Manual for Maintenance of Roads, 1983




a. To impart intensive training in the use of surveying instruments

b. To train the students to appreciate practical difficulties in surveying on the field

c. Making the students conversant with the camp life

d. Training the students to communicate with the local propulation

e. Providing an opportunity for the students to develop team spirit

f. To train the students for self management


Preparation of topographical plan of a given area

Sub Tasks:

1. Reconnaissance of the area and fixing control stations

2. Traversing for the establishment of the control stations

3. Adjusting and plotting the traverse (office work)

4. Carrying the BM from any available reference BM to the site of work

5. Planimetric detailing and contouring

6. Fair plotting of the contours and other details (office work)

7. Finalisation of the group sheet (office work)



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Computers play a very vital role in present day life, more so, in all the professional life of
engineering. In order to enable the students use the computers effectively in problem
solving, this course offers various engineering applications of computers in civil



1. Introduction and use of AutoCAD

2. Development of various drawing elements e.g. line, rectangle, circle, surfaces etc.

3. Develop plan, elevation, section of single storey building by using AutoCAD

4. Development of 3D view of building

5. Development of various layouts like electrical, sanitary, water filling using layers


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The subject will cater to the needs of those technicians who would like to find
employment in the construction of railway tracks, bridges and tunnels. The subject aims
at providing broad based knowledge regarding various components and construction of
railway track, bridges and tunnels

PART – A: RAILWAY (28 hrs)

1. Introduction – brief history of railways, advantageS of railways, Indian railways

and its salient features

2. Railway surveys: Factors influencing the railways route, brief description of

various types of railway survey

3. Rail Gauge: Definition, types, practice in various countries and India, Uniformity
of gauge, unigauge project of Indian Railways

4. Rails – permanent way and its requirements, types of rails, steel for rails,
corrugation, corrosion of rails, welding of rails, wear, methods to reduce wear,
failure, coning of wheels, hogged rails, buckling, their cause and remedies creep:
definition, causes, effects and remedies

5. Rail Fastenings: Rail joints, types of rail joints, requirements of an ideal fastening,
fastenings for rails, fish plates, brief idea of spikes, fang bolts, hook bolts, chairs
and keys; bearing plates

6. Sleepers: Functions of sleepers, types of sleepers, requirements of an ideal

material for sleepers. Brief idea of timber and steel sleepers, concrete and pre-
stress type sleepers: their salient features and advantages

7. Ballast: Function of ballast, requirements of an ideal material for ballast, various

methods used, size and quantity of ballast

8. Plate laying: meanings of the terms, methods of plate laying, tram line method,
telescopic method, American method, material required per unit length of track,
ballast train, relaying a track

9. Maintenance of track: necessity, maintenance of track, inspection of soil, track

and fixtures; maintenance and boxing of ballast maintenance gauges, tools

10. Earth work and Drainage: Forms of cross-section, features of rail road, bed level,
width of formation, side slopes, drains, methods of construction, requirement of
drainage system.

PART-B: BRIDGES (28 hrs)

11. Introduction

Bridge – its function and component parts, difference between a bridge and a

12. Classification of Bridges

Their structural elements and suitability:

12.1 According to life-permanent and temporary

12.2 According to road way level – Deck, through and semi-through

12.3 According to material –wooden, steel, RCC, pre-stressed and masonry

12.4 According to structural form;

- Beam type –RCC, T-Beam, steel girder bridges, plate girder and
box girder, balanced cantilever. Trussed bridges, N and warren
- Arch type – open spandrel and filled spandrel barrel and rib type
- Suspension type – unstiffened sling type, its description with
- According to the position of highest flood level submersible and
non submersible

13. Site Selection and Collection of Data

Factors affecting the selection of site for a bridge, data to be collected

14. Foundations

14.1 Depth of foundation, types of foundations, well foundation and caisson

(open type only), their details of construction with sketches

14.2 Laying of foundations (i) dry soil (ii) soil charged with water (iii) under
water, coffer dams their types and construction

15. Piers, Abutments and Wingwalls

15.1 Piers-definition, parts; types –solid (masonry and RCC), open; cylindrical
and abutment piers. Definition of the terms: height of pier, water way
(natural and artificial); afflux and clearance

15.2 Abutments and wing walls – definition, types of abutments (straight and
tee), abutment with wing walls (straight splayed, return and curved)

16. Bridge bearings

Purpose of bearings; types of bearings – fixed plate, sliding plate, deep cast base,
rocker, rocker and roller, thier functions with sketches

17. Temporary bridges

Necessity, description with sketches of pontoon and boat bridges

18. Maintenance of Bridges

19.1 Inspection of bridges

19.2 Routine maintenance

PART - C: TUNNELS (8 hrs)

19. Definition and necessity of tunnels

20. Typical section of tunnels for a national highway and single and double broad
gauge railway track
21. Transfer of centre line of tunnel by shaft method
22. Method of construction of tunnels in soft rock by needle beam method
23. Method of construction of tunnels in hard rock with full face method and safety
precaution to be taken, other methods of tunneling (names only)
24. Lining of tunnels with concrete
25. Ventilation –necessity and methods of ventilation, by combination of blowing and
26. Drainage method of draining water in tunnels
27. Lighting of tunnels
28. Shafts, mucking, hauling

Notes: Field visits may be organized to Bridge construction site or a bridge/Tunnel

construction site/Railways tracks to explain the various components


This subject is of practical nature. While imparting instructions, teachers are expected to
organize demonstrations and field visits to show various components and their
construction of railway track, bridges and tunnel.


1. Vaswani, NK; “Railway Engineering”, Roorkee Publishing House

2. Rangwala, SC; ‘Railway Engineering”, Anand, Charotar Book Stall

3. Deshpande, R: “A Text Book of Railway Engineering”, Poonam United Book


4. Algia, JS “Bridge Engineering”, Anand Charotar Book Stall

5. Victor Johnson, “Essentials of Bridge Engineering” Oxford and IBH

6. Rangwala, “Bridge Engineering”, Aand, Charotar Book Stall

7. IRC Bridge Codes

8. MOST drawings for various types of bridges

9. MOST pocket books for bridge Engineers, 2000 (First Revision)



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Diploma holders in civil engineering have to supervise the construction, repair and
maintenance of canals, head works, river training works, cross drainage works, regulatory
and other works. Some of diploma holders are also engaged for preventing water logging
and irrigation by tubewells. This subject imparts knowledge regarding hydrology, flow
irrigation – storage and distribution system, constructional features of head works, river
training works, cross drainage works, causes and prevention of water logging and
construction of tube wells.


1. Introduction: (2 hrs)

1.1 Definition of irrigation

1.2 Necessity of irrigation

1.3 History of development of irrigation in India

1.4 Major, medium and minor irrigation projects

1.5 Planning of irrigation project

2. Water Requirement of Crops (3 hrs)

2.1 Principal crops in India and their water requirements

2.2 Crop seasons – Kharif and Rabi

2.3 Soil water, soil crop and crop water relationships, Duty, Delta and Base
Period, their relationship

2.4 Gross command area, culturable command area, Intensity of Irrigation,

Irrigable area

3. Rainfall and Run-off (3 hrs)

Rainfall , definition rain-gauges – automatic and non-automatic, methods of

estimating average rainfall (Arithmatic system); catchment area runoff, factors

affecting rainoff, rainoff formulae - Dicken's, Ryve's and Rational formulae

hydrograph, basic concept of unit hydrograph.

4. Methods of Irrigation (6 hrs)

4.1 Surface methods and their advantages and limitations

4.2 Sprinkler irrigation conditions favourable and essential requirements for

sprinkler irrigation, sprinkler system – classification and component parts,
design consideration

4.3 Drip irrigation, suitability of drip irrigation, layout, Component parts,


5. Design of Irrigation Canals (4 hrs)

5.1 Classification, apurtenancs of a canal and their functions, sketches of

different canal cross-sections

5.2 Design of irrigation canals – Chezy’s formula, Manning’s, Kennedy’s and

Lacey’s silt theories and equations, comparison of above two silt theories

5.3 Use of Garrets charts

5.4 Various types of canal lining - Advantages and disadvantages, sketches of

different lined canal, x-section with drainage behind lining

6. Tube Well Irrigation (4 hrs)

6.1 Introduction, occurrence of ground water, location and command,

advantages and disadvantages, comparison with canal irrigation

6.2 Tube wells, explanation of terms: water table, radius of influence,

depression head, cone of depression, confined and unconfined aquifers.
Yield of a well-simple problems

6.3 Types of tube wells and their choice-cavity, strainer and slotted type;

6.4 Method of construction boring, installation of well assembly, development

of well, pump selection and installation and maintenance Testing of tube-
well and rehabilitation of a tube-well

7. Dams ( hrs)

7.1 Classification, earth dams - types, causes of failure; cross-section of zoned

earth dam, gravity dams – types, labeled cross-sections of a dam

7.2 Spillways and energy dissipators

7.3 Concept of small and micro dams

8. Canal Head Works and Regulatory Works (4 hrs)

Definition, object, general layout, functions of different parts of head works.

Difference between weir and barrage

9. Cross Drainage Works (5 hrs)

9.1 Functions and necessity of the following types: aqueduct, siphon, super
passage, level crossing, inlet and outlet

9.2 Constructional details of the above

10. Design of Hydraulic Structures (4 hrs)

10.1 Falls

10.2 Gross and head regulators

10.3 Outlets

10.4 Energy dissipators and canal excepes

11. River Training Works (3 hrs)

Methods of river training, guide banks and their design, approach embankments,
afflux embankments, groynes and spurs

12. Water Logging and Drainage and Ground Water Re-charge (3 hrs)

12.1. Definition, causes and effects, detection, prevention and remedies

12.2 Surface and sub-surface drains and their layout

12.3 Concept and various techniques used for ground water re-charge


1. Typical cross-section of a channel

- L-section of a channel for given data

- Typical cross section of an unlined and lined channel in cutting, partly

cutting and partly filling and fully in filling with given design data

2. Plan and cross-section of an aqueduct

3. Details of guide banks

4. Distributory falls: Plan, cross section and L-section of a typical fall with details
of wing wall, pitching, flooring and toe wall

5. Details of canal head works

6. Details of an outlet


The teaching of the subject should be supplemented by field visits at regular intervals of
time to expose the students to irrigation works. Students should be asked to prepare
drawings of various irrigation works.


1. Singhal, RP; `A Text Book on Irrigation Engineering', Singhal publications

2. Bharat Singh, `Fundamentals of Irrigation Engineering', Roorkee, Nem Chand

and Bros

3. Garg, Santosh Kumar, `Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulics Structures', Delhi,

Khanna Publishers

4. Punmia, BC; and Pande Brij Bansi Lal, `Irrigation and Water Power Engineering',
Delhi, Standard Publishers Distributors

5. Sharma, RK; `Text Book of Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulics Structures',

New Delhi, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company

6. Sharma, SK; `Principles and Practice of Irrigation Engineering', New Delhi,

Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.

7. Asawa, CL, “Irrigation Engineering”


8. Varshney RS, Gupta SC, Gupta RL etc. “Theory and Design of Irrigation
Structures”, Vol. I and II

9. Saharsabudhe SR, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”

10. Priyani BB, ‘The Fundamental Principles of Irrigtion and Water Power

11. BIS Codes

12. Wan. E. Houk, “Irrigation Engineering” Vol. I and II



3 1 -

Diploma holders in Civil Engineering are supposed to prepare material estimates for
various Civil Engineering works namely; buildings, irrigation works, public health works
and roads etc. In addition, they must have basic knowledge regarding analysis of rates,
contracting principles of valuation. Therefore, this subject has great importance for
diploma holders in Civil Engineering.


1. Introduction to quantity surveying and its importance. Duties of quantity surveyor

(2 hrs)

2. Types of estimates (4 hrs)

2.1 Preliminary estimates

- Plinth area estimate
- Cubic rate estimate
- Estimate per unit base

2.2 Detailed estimates

- Definition
- Stages of preparation – details of measurement and calculation of
quantities and abstract

3. Measurement (4 hrs)

3.1 Units of measurement for various items of work as per BIS:1200

3.2 Rules for measurements

3.3 Different methods of taking out quantities – centre line method and long
wall and short wall method

4. Preparation of Detailed and Abstract Estimates from Drawings (20 hrs)

4.1 A small residential building with a flat roof

4.2 Pitched roof with steel truss

4.3 Timber structures


4.4 Earthwork for unlined channel

4.5 Water supply lines

4.6 Sanitary and water supply fittings i.e. septic tank for a domestic building

4.7 WBM road and pre-mix carpeting

4.8 Single span RCC slab culvert

4.9 Earthwork for plain and hill roads

4.10 RCC work in beams, slab, column and lintel

4.11 Stone masonry in retaining walls

4.12 Arches

5. Calculation of quantities of materials for (12 hrs)

5.1 Cement mortars of different proportion

5.2 Portland cement concrete of different proportion

5.3 Brick masonry in cement mortar

5.4 Plastering and pointing

5.5 White washing

5.6 Cement concrete flooring

5.7 Terrazo flooring

5.8 Stone masonry – random rubble and Ashlar

6. Analysis of Rates (14 hrs)

6.1 Steps involved in the analysis of rates. Requirement of material, labour,

sundaries, contractor’s profit and overheads

6.2 Analysis of rates for finished items when data regarding labour, rates of
material and labour is given:

- Earthwork in excavation hard/ordinary soil and filling with a

concept of lead and lift
- Cement concrete in foundation
- RCC in roof slab
- Brick masonry in cement mortar
- Cement Plaster
- White washing

6.3 Running and maintenance cost of construction equipment


This is an applied engineering subject. Teachers are expected to provide working

drawings for various Civil Engineering works and students be asked to calculate the
qauantities of materials required for execution of such works. Teachers should
conceptualise making analysis of rates for different items of works. It will be
advantageous if students are given valuation reports for reading.


1. Pasrija, HD; Arora, CL and S. Inderjit Singh, “Estimating, Costing and Valuation
(Civil)”, Delhi, New Asian Publishers

2. Rangwala, BS; Estimating and Costing”. Anand, Charotar Book Stall

3. Kohli, D; and Kohli, RC; “A Text Book on Estimating and Costing (Civil) with
Drawings”, Ambala Ramesh Publications

4. Chakraborti, M; “Estimating, Costing and Specification in Civil Engineering”,


5. Dutta, BN; “Estimating and Costing

6. STAAD – Research Engineers - USA

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