Introduction To The Old Testament
Introduction To The Old Testament
Introduction To The Old Testament
Yahwist (Southern Kingdom) > It deals about the
Elohist (Northern Kingdom)
Priestly (Exilic/Post exilic,
beginning of the
priest/s and scribe/s traditions, universe, the world
the final editor and origin of
Date of composition: mankind.
>9th – 5th century BC
2. EXODUS – the departure
Yahwist, Elohist & • Content
Priestly traditions > It continues narrating
Date composed the Book of Genesis
9th cenutry AD, but about the Israelites’
edited by priestly descendants in Egypt.
redactor in the 6th It deals with the
century Israelites’ deliverance
from slavery in Egypt
3. LEVITICUS – “Levitical” laws
• Author: • Content
priestly tradition Continues narrating
what has been left in
• Date: the book of Exodus.
To tell the Israelite
Sometimes in 5th
after their exile about
century, after the
the holiness of God;
return from the exile;
the He is utterly
but the holiness code
different from us. He
was compose before
is the living God
the exile
4. NUMBERS – deals with the
census of Israel
• Author • Content
J, E, P traditions A Transitional work,
predominate. connecting link in the
However, P tradition epic of Israel’s
has given Numbers redemption from
its final form Egypt and her
Date settlement of Canaan
9th – 5th century BC The story of 40 yrs
from Mt Sinai until the
border of the
Promised land
5. DEUTERONOMY- “2 law” nd
• Author • Content
E, D, P traditions > A series of discourses
of Moses when they
• Date were at Moab i.e., in
the wilderness east of
Sometimes in the 7th
the river Jordan when
century they were about to
enter Canaa.