Human Nature

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ISLAMIC -CONe-. --·------·~E-,',P.: IIT--'.


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(A-'CRITiQ(,UB ON I:' THe" EI~ C--O""N'-_"C--~E'--i~ 0"--"-':,)- ,.

',: RfBOaNCRimALrrt £",




Pr - -if._~ D'-' -I 1.1"'1 ~,L - - -- ,_ ,-' 'd;' ,,,., ,L '. , '-" r., Q'I ~ , ,!ii' ,0, ', or, saunamma« ~ amr-u. '.1 "Q,,'I

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'I--D'ARA'-" MIN- '--::--'-10'· 1i 'IULQ-":URAN'-' .' . .',

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'I: .. ','i--j: eontr-~rt of H':W'l'I3R N~rture ulm_c _ --- _ "P- - - --- - --- -

Written, by:

C- _;la.:J b !O~,p~U, "y:

J 9iyaid, .. ul .. Qadri

P'&p' -

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Pks,t Edi,ti,on::

Second 'Bdj,tian,: l' t-'I;'I" rd 1":'1; id'-ll~ t, - io n

~ "_ '. II ~." .~ .. 1 •• ·JlI

. ~ ,. May, 1987 May, 99

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, .


WL" AM' .: I~C' CO·' . .'···N· ..... o O' Fl'R' ·"··AN·-·· N' A"m'R"S

.10_' """ J~' .: r·v..:..- i,: I ~ i~ ...,1,lllJ, :.' I I,~ ,ft ' .' "I:'

- _

Islam 'and 'Chii'stia'n.iZY','~, ~,e two, religious sy'stems with :ma:ssive f,oUowing~ 'p'rOject. 'polla.rized conceptions oif human, nature. The attitude of ICh:ristianity towards the creation of''man t. essentia Jl " _.~. wh"l"'I'e th ]')- ,-- ic attitud . ,;,_ o I ; ",<, "'.:.'~II. L! ~'y .negalu'V·'e':;I'" I i ~: ·.J.e .JS_.aJDJ.· ','Il.11 "c"e, IS

essentially P9sitive. C,h.aristi.ani.ty 'believes, "th'I:'t m an is the product of 'sin,:: 'he iSI ·g.e:netic·alUy tainted, he is IcongeoltaUy' flawed. But Islam ~j1ect8 this attitude. '11. believes 'that the

, oj, f ,. ... ,,~¥ h ;0 h" d '

creation -or man, I'S posrnve aen levem.ent; ne is created in


the- divine ima,ge. His· ,blirth. is ml.'m.aculate. and untainted. He

is, :8n _ accomplishment, riot, an a:bettatl,oD,;: he, is, "the fie al iza- - lion of' div:ine, will, not a deviatiolD from it; he .. s the materia-

" - oil I •

lisation of a p'u'rp()se', not a refraction from: it. This basic

pol31'rity' - in the two r-eli,giou'sl ,atti'tlJdes is reflected in the

. ,

",attitudes lof th.e practitioners of these ·re,·~igiO'n,s. In

1:llam'ie,· .. 'ph raseol 0 gy" I':al~fitrah t, (. :0: "LJJ 1 ) m eans ere at ion

( - ;, u;.i'- .. ).1 BuHtis n·~t creation in tbeaen-eric


, sense; it Is reduced to its, esse, ·'tialfy· human parameters,

. . ,

Thus it relates to the spercificaUy human, creation and ,ex''''

cludl6s, from its· orbit other fonn:s of cre,ati.o·n~'We are" there-: fore, primar~~.y co~ceded 'with'hu,'m,an nature, ,and not-with.,

- ;;;.-

.. other v arieties that m!Ry' itaJtc 'out their' Ic~taim.:S -1:8 natural

products, ',ap·pla"re~tly . with- a 'ma'c,hiog degree of, a.gress,i1on and innexiblirt.y~~ 'An eminent Mu.&lim scholar, Imam Raghib Asfah·ani robse~es': .. ~h' ~~ ~ u1,~rIIJ ~t .~L:!.i ,jA~ )u ... t ;;:J.,L'.J~

ll,·'-..III ~ ..... .:.1

.. J~,' ~ II ;rl . .;"r-'


"Nature Is th.e creation 'a'no origtnatiorr of 't~in,g


Thus,ao nature is, :~und,anle:ntainy the Icap',abUj,ty tOI

e -., .• 'il '. 't· ".-~ .. . d'l- . - - .- .. ~'."'~ .- . - ··-·c -'f""' 'th·· rt

opt ,fo:r anty partieular COil, uet, posmve 'Or ne:l,a.:we, iat

is 'ves:te,d-,in, a person ,at the, 'timle; ofhis creation .. ,


The ·te,on, ~fi,trah' literally' d,e,riv,es, from "fitr ('_

it me-,IDS, ~~to' open", Qur'an declares;

). ~


,. I. , .' ,~ I' J' '..;1' ," It,,. ,",I ~;IIi ,J' • _ .' Ii!'

. .. . _·~V' ~ I'_., r' ,. IWiIII

"Jy._; •. o.J $.1.' UD . ~,a -!I:.; ",,~'

~, .', .. --. .. . . ,II ,i.''';;'


"The heavens :sball rend thereby; his promise is

ave· br '. ouaht to fu rlfilm en ,t "",2'

'!IF'" I:c Ji. .", 'v _. ,9'11, '.' IL:: ... .. ,JL~, __ ,~.. t, . '.

~Fitr" (' ,)U ) and "IItar" ( J'IL,~; ~ ) share the: same

ety,m,o'iogical 'Origin:' They signify lobe act of eating and drinkin,g at the end of the fast. The action of If tar b.,a, twOIII' 'P": ronaed 'n;~Qn- '0-: ·m" ll;i;!;'n"o":"'ti'iiI - at ,0' ···D····e· .'. '~I~r;p·] h' C"'UI PD'~sft~, ,~L.Ii~ termin I' 'OJ ...

. _' '-""i.Laa~·' lrll~" " .. _ I ~,_,." ,.lLI.!I!- _ .. -,'- ,_,_, ~lvT'¥,_! A' i;r., __ 1~~.·'_·l.\g ,Ulw ~., I_I _I_'~

tion or an·1existin"g :Situ81tion and the initia.t~o,n of ,8 ,new 0'n,6. The period of time ex tending: upto the :S,1U,O''''Isct represents the exi.sting order, the order of restraint an,d prohibition ~ 'W· :h' . '1""[' e · the act 0';'1' (;,' Iftar re .. ' ere .. '. ~,Qn'I' toe, th ie ~C1I 'I'tft p: +1"' iilin' - 0 ..... : ·fi ea ti,-:";nIO'

. _,:'_ .~-".~ U,I·~ ~~, -_ ," 1 .I. ,_M . ,r-I "'~Y; ._1IIl! .!_ ... '_-g~I!Il,' -: .. ~ VI __ ' 1Iit _'. leI

and d,rin~king:: it is, in, fact: a, ,Ie,gan:y and m or,.Ul' pe'rm,i§~.ble, dlssolutlon of the prchibitorv checks and controls imposed

"by' the ,existing, order, ~'o're, clearly, ,it ,~s a replacement Oil' substitution of '3, previous condhion by a new condition. At ,,'th:,e second level, j:t is, :f,u:[flm,ent of ,A1lah~SI wiU, the pier ...

. '

fonnance .ot an ,obiligato:ry act as-He has ordered the Mus,Ulns,

~ .

to cO'Delude J,h,e tut 'by' sundown. Therefore, the tel1l1

.' - - """, . ,

"fatara (.' -'- 'L i' . ): .. OF ~''":itrnh':? (I', ~~~~J~ )" '0: Ie'· ''''';~'''I~~: O'·.·U' t a .. nor ,_,

1,, __ . -- .• ,.~ '.'. • . . it - _.' '. ~" wi!'" _' __ .~,:I!,~a ... __ ' .. ' .. ' ,1,1,0n

existing en~ti~y' :with, the reality and cOlPo:re,~Uty of ,9, form 10.1' 8, _s.h.ape and is an obvious fulfilment of tbue divine: w'~U", '


That 'is, "why the,' creatioa of hum am, beings is known ~ as




1'lt'.:r.~'4ft _ 7f'''1.1 i~ ~M" ,g(iI! ~ 1f.-i:lI§I:"" ~

''fi trah'

Qu:r'a,n has elalbol'81md the concept of creation of man-


kind at 'many places, For mstanee:


';'Tb;~n· set 'you:r face, 'S,t'ead:H,y' and 'truly to the

, . .

'~~i,t~' .'h .~, (es .fa'~li-i":sh·)· God's hi and' Il'"'wo-,,~'k accord ingi to 'the .. ,

. Jl.:w, , I, ,.., ",j":' ~. IU I .. , ': = V. ~ . .c._~,I__, .I,.,>~". ..- .... "-",v"" '[', v '.

,pla.ttem [on 'wh'ich, He has .m,ad~. mankind. There is, no

'.... . ,! - . A 'fl~ .... ,:I!I ~ . - 4!- 4 . . - ""Ii"I;. t ~ - ,~;", . - t - - dard

cnanse ,Ul. "rU._iln S . creation, 1",U~a,_" IS IUJl~ S am arc

relisi,on, (the :rigtit path), but most among mankind do

no[ - t 'fi'li'D-' d [~'fS- - . -:i'n. - - .d- ,; J'

" . -, u. ,. I .. "". . 1l.aJ.:1 'C_ •

Th B r'hl 'iiI J.[anl~ A al:if i"lii t-a'm' an 4!0 "s SUppll Bm-' en t, .... ~ 'b:y !I.".ii, p- "rorn''L~e ,*,~'""" ,~. "lul'~'--·· '~ .. 'V' state : I: em ,~'I'll iJi'~~ I:~',OO, 0. ~.I1 't"'lf.!t:!,:~

.-- rark '".:!ii;" ri'" 'd' b- " A ..... ,-·...41 'b-"'""_' S"_- ." • '

remarx repot _.e.·: .I_,y ,",w;a,u .-'In earee


",.. I. :... -, - " ,"'" _. "

It.. 't. :::i ~llj ,_ t~ }, ~ ,1i.J ~ _ .' :"' "

I!III",~ 'I t..r"" .Ji,J ~ir.. ",iA!!iW ~

, .


, "Everv t'!'h.~ 1j1Id' I ·~iEt'~· born w' :.·1~'~';;' .. he ''I:''t:l'Ij'h't n iIj;'fi'ir--~~;2

:..=-' _ ~.'; L; _·~Il.~ .~ ",-_ U_,- _. . -_: ~1~Jl. Li,!i.f .. ",~,ILt. .. uLU.· ~-li

. "

'I-:~I·'. ·_'ili'''_·c,·_.~. fu'f·t- .... er rein force .d '1).., ,::E,.. d- r- J' t...~ bin

I" ~ ,. II!;',. '- _ ,,-~,_ _ .", _ 'U'~I' ·~~Jlle .. W' ore'S ,~O!", _ a.olf .U

. ,




. _. "~:Ev'ery' child that is, born conforms to the true

plath~'~'3' '

1., 2., 3:.

j6:"".o,.-,i!'.,.i' I· ,'Ii<u"'_~A&'mloi'l)~~'" .;":IU.ifli"':"~ iri "'if"ri '~~1"1' ~ii.,~, K"iii; ~llla;Q' ~!o' .i~ I''l' l' '__ ;1'1 .4" '~'?

Jl~~·~J"-I~:u., IIIUf,~"r.ll~ ~ f."-'iMII!,~~ "I'M~I:~U' IRfIJ.i J!: "/~!~'~ .... U,lfrli· ·f!I:llk _ -c.:~_ ~I [v 'I, J.;i:' ~ r . ~!~

I Md.

( ... J~ ~J:L,- ; ') at the time O'f his brrth; he IS born, wlth tile' p o ten, tial capacity to t'h:ink ,a'D,d act :fairly. It is, im,mi8C~:rial, wh~ether his," blirth takes place in, 'the house of a :U'usUm, or that of' -'31 ~:on~M,uslim,~ Wha,t 'lre'a11y matters ;i$, the eonfigUra,,~

'tion, of' his',','n,a1ure ,art, 'the' juncture. oi his birth", And this" n~re" is 'potenttally patterned on the ridlt path" . This is, in -' fact, 'the birth -righ t _ 0 f a child t irrespe1cnve of his racial"

_ ... r. I I. ,.

tribal. and ,: ethnic affiliations. And, there is no- 'p1osslbi)ity of

- _ • r • r • -

m,lodi:ficatio(D or alteration, in this design because it is dtrill'e''''

. " -

Iy' ord.ain~d - and ' :0 o- ,h 8m an berEft,l, has the _ powe r to 'UP'8e t

th~, div~e,'nt. Human betngs POI8e:SS the latent fo~e to damage human schemes ~and, 'pro~ects b)lt ,d:ivin,e purpOS~'S .snd :ii1,te,ntions a:m ~eyl,?lld human sC~fUny and access,' afB'M'm'g" the, - utter - helplessness of humae beings."

r ,

Abu Huralrah has also narrated a Prophe tic declara'ti o'n, : which - lend s - fu'rt'her conceptual strength to the 'stat!e~" ment and ,clearly en d orses the dirvin,e articuIa,tion:

"No child Is bom, but foKlorws the ,ri~t, nature; the -- 'b- ls - are nts - m .... t ... - hhn - J' -w .. " - 'Ch-~st~' '- - -- . then -:,'_l~ parenta ~~-~'~~'_~ im 8l ' .. ew, or a .nns _1;3n or a

Ma.g:hul~ _as. a 'beas't is, -bo:m: with -,all its; ]im,bs .lntact (or

,wf:fla.ou t: a. defect); . diet, y ott -see one:" born m "aiIne,d and

'm- -- 'IQ. "tiJl_i 0 te :-d, I'" "tt,l '

, : <IlL.! Iii "

e ,

Th,e" bply "Prophet (peace' be upon him) " repeatedly

;;. II ;;;

.,,,,~~~ .... .4 - :t'h~! -'".-:0:-' ~o'n- t:: ' th - ~,'t·': -~'-ul'm-- -' ,~~ n :8:- tu-' .. -- '~l~~ pat .tern ned n.n- the

;.~·:L~~:atb"a:d ~n':~, -hu .. m~~·~;:n·-'~,-h~Q,~ thl~~' 'p'-o°-W:r':·' 't:' "6~t··~r·1 -:o·-":l";r_ m:dif;tbe-course~!I11c)ti:~;b~ IOAl.;h. -" ... - - .~ .... '1 cu."

)' "~"'h~'h' ,b.~khlWl v';:..i 1','· ,n ',1"G'if,

iii ~. _!IlI __ ' DU. " _ ~ _ V_I . ~ Yol!l'J ~.J

• I.,


- -

. Islam: -:has in,trod.uced- the' ·d·oC·trm~: o,r 'unity aDd.: equ.I]!i ...

.. -

'ty. of mankiri.d 'while.' -:im'pa'rts~ fbrthir ,cmdlbllitY ,.- ,to: 'the::

:id.ea. oifpositiveJ:"htuDail. creo.Uon:. -

- r-

. .

"'iO' ·P':;~iO. 'pllg,'~ De 'n','" n-·e·.·:g~:i'""'~.t (y""""~"iI',r d',-g' 't:'Q'-}'- 1tA'·'y,,"·:'o .. ·,u'·.'r''-

.. . " ~ '-", ".Wlli " _-.,'" I • ,. '. 'I. _.W~, -, __ ._ UlW\! .. - .. -;J' .... ' ~~ '_', - ,

. 1-

Lo-A ' ,'L· .. ted '. 'f'-' , ... '", .oJ ", 'b"'~'" ," iI'.

, '1,l,J,; WJl,~O:. ICJ'em~,· , you, !:rom a :sm5Jl,e ··.fUJl@h,

It ,r-I"' n1d;s 'a..'~id' ed - "S·'UP'·'P· "0': r t m'"' '4ft,o';t::L:p~r': state ·:m': ent:

II .. IIJIJ ~:I - . _:_) ~ u' . __ 'f _ '_ ' - I .: ~ ... " .. ,"' .', [ l'l.lllll·" ... ·IL~ I_~ _", I. __ . ,. . _.\1& ,~

, -

II!I . '.. • . . .. ,"'", ,III, -. " J.... . ,_ ' ... .' , , , .. ,' - ,it!": '. ,.p ~I '... '.'" .

~.' -' .... "_._ -'" ~ .. -"~" .• .... - ,1iI!!',., _,iii> _ .. " ' .... ", ',,",-!II ~

.... ~ [i_· .... I, .... !t [t"11! iI!' A _ .'~' ..... -- ~I,I AI .- ;!. 1_." .-.~' . - .: tJ '-," .~'.-':.--~

(~: .. I)I ~~,.J tJd.Ji&~,~ ~~ ~t ~'~ o~l.J ~, c.Y'WI'lJt("

, --, .. . ,,- - . ..' ~, • - T,;' ,", r,-/ . . I. '. -

'~I'~',AlI, 'people 'are (basJically a' singte nation, SOi' Allah raised prophets as 'bearers of good . news and as

''U!:r.a. "m' -" e··J"-l.u2 nr ... ,J .. at

The .h.o~y Pro"llet' (peace be, 'upon "H,Dtl) ;add'm,ssed the eeonle o·'n· hHi"3' t,...1I 'I I, -wida 1I.'"'n' these ·W" "0' .... ~'~ "!!'

l""j~, .......... , ,v . "I , .I'\W!., , . ..,.,., 'n'.,I!.: ,,~, ." ,II .. ;;:n,.o .. ·1,u'",,_

Ii 'iI!! .• iIi'~' 'III .} .~ito II iJ. e!!"'''' -"" '.!!'t~,~"".' is 'J'_ '.- ... .,.,~,

~t, ,}l ,~ ,,(~~,,;u~, ~W1' l&:!! ~ J.~ ,~IIL)!~ldll I~"'I

- __ " '. --,. • , - • I 'I _. _" - 1'.1 • II ~ ~


..... ~;.~ ~ .'. ;t: ~ r -!' I I O!"'i:.;:' ~ 'U~:"'~ }i t:~:t::_· ~ "JJ' ... ..;...;IJ "I~'I - _'," tiLl!, ',~J"' ... JiI.I..f L;~ ~~"

. ~

~~' '~':A,..~ trj" \.f,r~' ~~',"Jf. ~ ,.J ~ ~~ " rJii,.J r~i' ~ ~!I: ,f$~~,;J,y,~[I~,~"u~r:'· ~,,~~."',~:

,e '. """u ~ _'~\~ -dt.. Jil t~-,Jll irll~ ,I ~t y''_;' ~

. q:~'lS.- u_,~.lj: ..

"0 peoplel Allah ·'~ay:s.::- '101 mankind! - W"e:'cre'l,ted' :you from '3. male mnd' 'fem,ale couple 'and 'Sp,lft" 'y.oU ", m'to tribes ,and :l1atioli18 '~to ;d:i~tingui:sJh yOii·· ,[[,our: one "

I _ _ _ _ •

another .. "T:tuly', io- the: eyes -of God, the :mast"ridrteous,

am~onl Y'OD, .is the most honoured" of 'Y'oU.,~,~-;~'

., !Iii ..


1Ff'!'L_- 'U-: ·b""" .' ( .... , .... "'\~,e 'ib. U'p" ,'"','.' h-'~I')' ~fDti"!!'n··uAd-~ that ln

Ille L" OP "'" ~'!W' I_c on, .g,~, \o!V,_,_I_. ..!Iif- 'UJi..",,·:.

,,- .u~'~h' f:' iI..'=, Qu'""" - .--,t - ". ii, " ... -, -.. .' A. -- 'b' b- "..4 .- -, . . ': __ 'i!_ !:'"1'

the: J.,iI.,t, o· t-us I i-:L r ame vel'lli no ,t"1Jrl' ~ 1,lu 3'l1Y ~pe'no'n ",i

- --' rab . 'h<ll'te' ... b-' tOt 40\ ....

OYler ·1, 'ROn-'ri,.I,al,,_ nor .'was I, WJ'l .... , ,m any' w'ay '. -e,I_,_e,r 'ulan

- '.rt. black, The only criterion of superiority and resp·e,etabililty "

- .

H Hd~'

e,Ii:!!'.-:1 "',

~_ 0 _. ~,

"Adam is tbe root of AD created beinll ,and he

.' ~ranl," out of dust, Therefore, I have tram.p:le1d 'ulnde,r' m'y feet all. clainl S . of ,superio:h,tY base d. 'on blood. and. Po""'~a-'l" d, : .. l~I'iO,t'II'n" -'m,'" fn :i!!it]' .' ~~, '''~ 1ft"

-Ii ~'.I ... I- ,,~- __ ~, r ',-~_a.'1 'U'Ji,~ .. , ' •

These Prophetic 'W'OJ1ds c1,e,Hly' reveal the equal, 'unexcepltional and :ind~rimin,:at,ory attitude of Islam tow ards humSll' beings and their creation .. , 10, the Ugb't of this state-

•• ,11'1. • • ~

- ment it is absolutely baseless tOI :m,gges,t that some ()if the

human beings are, created with. b,ad nature or ,are bom 'with in:he:rent, . Qrimin,;al tend encies. This su,g;g'I:S'ti,QIl .. is :io, obtvii'ollls cJaSh 'w:fth the 'universally' accepted idea o,'f unity and equality of mankind. If' bum an, belngs are vested: w:ith, diff-oreot.

, inherent natures, the vleljf idea 10C' a, consistent and honour'3-' ,'b, ~e, svs .-tr~ 0.' .' f so f"1~:'Ii1iI" 11; ""~ d-il'" ~=;Q.AlnP' ~~ '~n' I' ... ·0··,·- th -- Ji"'l1. air -'-

I ,_,..I:' .. ' lJ.;J I .' ~I,II " .. ~ A I~I~ ' ... g--Ary'y.a&g ,~,_:_ ~, .. ' - - :__,_I U. ~

- . '

These:" V'C.fSeB, and tradltions :bDe: c,hlri':r~d 'the situ,attaR

- !! • - - -


'by\:' expressmg the ·Is]amic coaeept Df human 'nature, The

;. I. '. '

Quia,fI, and the Hadith.make it abundantly clear that human

nature is abslollutl~ly pu:rg,ed o:f aD ,evil 'r1lotential and aber-

- ,~

ran t ' tendencies, They also c:ate:go~\eally d:isc:aRJ 'the notion

f· ·81 '''11 ~

10" congenlt' ev,l~,': It_ simp.Iy' means that 'no ,hum,an, being

"" , ... ,t ~""~:- ~1 - __ 'I'. ··,. .... 1 'Q' .'. " - '1l... 01' .' 1i . ,", t . .01 tL''''

IS m _nl~caJLY enmmar .. ,;U.r an n,~S::_ear.lY en,\J,nCI8 tea '~U'.S,

~ , I, S- .... '1,\,. 'T"

VIew 'm suranrm;

'f.-'_' - ._" II, ~"l

''''Surely' 'We: have created .man in,·,.the best make, Then 'Wle render him the lowest of the low, e'x:oep~

. - ~ -- .

• !-

those _ who believe and do - ,SOIOO so 'that' th,ey ,sh,aJl

i!t~ve self~plerp:etu,a,ting: reWard ;',~l'

The obvious conclusion lone, C,ID, draw from the,IQ."ur;anic,

• I . II

and Prop:' 'hi''*e'" .'+~~, ~)I'id'· len ,~, ~~, that .m '~'i"' 'has been ere ':~!lIte:'- de' in t h'~

-.._~_ _ _ __ ~ .. ~ vY .. ~ ~ lUlU" j~"l' M~ lU. ~, , , .,.", . a.. .. 1 . , ~

best ,of :moulds' Le., wit~ - enormous ,capa,city for IOod and for a~'bieviRI the -hisbest -deg:rele"':of' exeeltence and] perfecDOD" both ·baternallY' and e'x,tem;~y ~ 'This, is ·8'9 eternal principle, imm,une, tlO a'U: 'fb,l ms of -exmO,p',til;Hl. and di:scr~,:ina~: tion, It is part of:m an's de sUn'))!" - to realize the: moral ideal _ _ which consists i'n the encouragement and prevalence of

mora] good.' and 'tlh,e, d:iscour.e~,ent and :rejection 'of 'm,of~'i ·evit But :man is; free 't,o'choo:se,,· No restraint is· Imposed ,on

'·, choice, God ope,n'l.y acknowledges 'lhe: freedom and independence of human -Ich,o:ice~ - If, he opts 'for the· p,ath of' evil and Immorality, he- i.1 reduced to the '!o'west· of the, 1.,9'W', and ifhe OP'~ fO'f the path of ri8h_teou~,e,n, and morality; his reward :is simply" infinite, He arrives at 'the stage of highest human perfection,

M:~"s, :memevement is neither dictated by ,aity genetic caaracterlstic nor 'by predetermination; it b 'the, lexc~.'sive upshot olr his !QW'n.' choiee and: aetien, l:I's, positive lor neaa-

•. I • ~

tiv'e orientation is motitva~d ·Jby - lPfu:reiy hum an . considera .. ,

.!I~.. I d '1 I • ~ .. -"" ' iii

tions, an .• , ,n ot, 'by any :Jm,e,ren,t tend enCles ..

,,' This Q[ .r'anic verdict est'8,bll:is'bes-' the, essentlal ,g;oodl,~

ness of' hum ,an nature. . Th.e QllF'" ante _ viie~w' contrasts, - wi1'h, ·

" "!! ,OJ I -

: the view propagated 'by the ide,ationaJ culture 'w'hieh, a.oei-

ates the. birth of.' man with,· ~e' stigm~, Q,f'·sm; it, .~o contrasts


'w-ith 'tbe :poaitivlstic vi.,w 'which presup,p'o&cs m an to' h;8YI

- . "

,.·It-,~)a, .. :~, re" ,,~,iift:"~, '''o"",:~~'d; IS ~ftl.~aliS·ic ,. behm!ous" ",IUd ,j,t

'_ "' ~.~,I.~ _ '_'.~~I~I,VII" ,_ 'P'"!II&... P-allj.l ... .a __ ." ., __ I'

fUrth- ,- ",;,'u --~t" '-, :~th, t'h'-Psy,ch.ololieaJ view 'whic'b presumes, " _l,_-, a,:';~ .~ ~!11 ~, ':~,' " :,'-.,:,_::' _, . ,,' , ," .'_ 'i',"",'-

IRan to have ·,iDJteti,t-ld, ,BQmB brad! mstineu, ,m,d dmesji,


""D on't b - '1- am e tim ne (-'1i'IiI l!\!iil*-. re .,' r i"'a~iSii':)'" '·m~' " ed n atu re

c__, lV.l~, I, _ ,I,,' ,: _~ __ ' ~' ,: ' __ ,~"I_,lil t.!,1Ii,1YI ~, ~'I - ,J '_ ':","", ~ __ ' _I ~'" ~,~ irfII, :' ' __ ' ::._,'

"'for, '"f': ii,''" 'G" "- 'd:' '('" ·t- h - ' "'-_n - --"' - 'h" tl ' ' . 'ted '~~

:~:,,,S~a . 1'1 __ '0 'll,t~jili' I:, I as, oeen ngm Y ~~ ..;'tej8 eo , 'vi

Alla,It ;; ",I'


This tmd.iti,on,· _ underscores 18 fund."m,ell~aI Islamic . JoeUef,! ·if a -person is, 'v:ictbn,~eid as, ,I consequence of his mlsehlef or malice, he sh,ould "not hoist the burden and

• e '~

re~pofn:sibility," on nature. The creation of nature ,is marked


by ,a~, exceptional die:gree of per:fifu:~tion, and n,lvll,l)sSnless ... ,

'~T~he:. eV:il tha:t man. faoos on this ,O ar tb. is, D10t a reflection of p~w'ersity: i't _is' m fae:t 'the consequence of :his- oW,o.

~ ; • II - • "J I I ~' • I.. •

',00)1(100\4' No external or Intemal predetermined eompul-

S,iOlf :is im:posed, 0:0 him, and he has, the fteedom to accept


OJ' re:ject the vani(JU1 Ch,rD,lices and, aI'~rna',tiYei he faces durin:g: :1111; bri,C" •. an of'tife~ He m-:8 these Im.loice:s independ,ently"

'!iiliii:i',i·.tli·: : "·,au··' t·-, .",,",,,, ',l;-"6~'.i:IlI, ,.iI!iAft .... , . ':,"~., G,',r in" "~" ,1!n.· •. A ."~~i~, 0,." f:," n'l '18·.···' .. fIi,..,

ty __ ,~. . Lila HI ~,rl~~I~g~ .. . flg .. ~~~~i.1 .. l . 'U-I-W-t

'Thu's, 'tItc CJfM,jDaJ ·'blbB,jour 'of a delinquen,1!: ,is neitlle" ,bihe,ril'ed, 'Dot ~n"~iD,-~ in :bis, HI'kIte,· The 'oon~:fmft' of' in,~

... , , .. , .IlI.lI,p .. ,G\lJ .' -, ,.... ... I . - .. -'.!r . --

bf;trn, cDn:inality is mCOR$ten't Wi,th 'the, 'basic philOsOphy'

aridl -JU~'-'-~ ,iif'illb~, ,o·~# ..... I~ti": ;". '.' '. ,: ,,-- - ~,- ... _A ~.- ,,"'~ ",'.' ,.' ."~,,,~ '.',' ~. 0- filii'l'~:d:l.d·

au, _ p,rpvlQl_: II crel_,OD 0, ftl.ui!!, anu ua,."e_~" as leK,P ~ ',","'!I!,_,Ii!',_.

,I ~

b~1r ~~:~'an.·'· 1'.- F~~ 'I·'~,·_,,,,c' inl-J'-:t': 0.·:',1 vi,,..,w ,'.~""" ~trD~'on'· •• ·.- of m Ian

1'7 'tIY,. . &,V"!I' ,R1.oiIIllid" . lrU,lJl - Mi!Il . -"t U~ VJl!'~GiU -

~~d 'unftte~ i,a' .'D~'·1.·- - ~~~~·A~'n .. ,-:t:' ,~O'- 'roo ·p"u·ft1~."lela'" The

".U/ . I. '_~~,.' :_ 'I!,~' ,.;~ ,~IUle:r ,aWlu~·.·~ 1;1,' .... ' =s '., I '_' rV~' ,:,_ ~ '- '--_~

.. - I ••• I _ "..

kfea of exiStence· "by:, 'ChBtiee" is .c- .~: exp";,leSS Reo'~tton ,oi~ the.

, '-", -.- "..."._. " , . ". ".. ". . JIjIlI '-'.,' ' .. '.' . .. ~.- . ., .'

fod: "J; 'til' ·f Id-· . ·[Dr'" I."~· ... ~.~ ... ,.. I AlIIh~·, th" "lie ,n ~,e:n .... s, 0, e- __ am,,,, ! _ e ex1S~,,&ce 0\_. ~_, _ '.. as e so ' ..

ca81or"-,0,,. the 'UDejy1erse· the m'issiORIIl'V' role of the 'p·~he'ts,·

_... ... ... __ [_- I •. I. ~ _. -,., - __ ~~. _", or. _.' -_ ••• :___:, . .iIII~r·1 - t

tho, G1'llidance of 1II,.aa1dn.d tbroB~~ diVine 'reVt -tltion· di.

..' ,D',~ , .. . - .. .. _. . . __ . '. . . , .' ,.11. .. . '_ _ ~ __ . _" " _ .

tin,ction betW.,o, aoed aJld eVil· the 'I-.-,o'tio-:- 0''- the, ,d:AV ,of

.-~- - -- - '.. .. cD .. . .. . '. ,I .._ D_ .. ,0 _ .' . -".

ltud~i,en1 8'nd 'the. eoneept 0" awUdsl ",ind, reward:s- ',all these

, II~'" - - -- .---- ..• .•. I . . [J • -'ii' _ _ "';; - - . I .• . __ .I"_ . , . J

'lillie 111- - 1'~' . . ...• .:..,., .. ''i .' '.' .' • ' ["'" .... • ,: -_Of' "[ f'. • .. ' "-', .•. .

'_<. . _:_;Ul1,J~ postulates and OO\118r • .ue' ,oolUfied 'by ~p_ ...

. , "

:UI~:'. 'the: 'concocted e~lp'~c"a' til :"on':-,~ .. 4If''re-:-, ,cAI:(~,n'·I!D~,4.iQi'¥d·": ~l'ftT.A.c;o.:.·ln··,

o - - - -" - A - Ill. _ . t. ~ HI iJ!W II ......... I D.&lI~.11IW "'Wtll ,,- ~ & iN. . I .•

" '.' ."" ,!',. • '- " ':. • • -' , ,- •

and,. wilfUl, miJUl~lljpre,tati,OR !O'ft'h:8 co~ceptt

M,an :is" I p'Ulplosive: tieing aDd the ul tiRI"I,te: 1981 of bis

II!:~ !i - - II I _- .- ill . ., . ~ . ~ . . -

.to, w,e: 111 'to ,accompllib ,the: ideal '0" l'R,QtIiI: :perfec,tioD, "th.rough·

. ';',nn tin' ~'u," I' a"-'" nfi,t1A· :,~ : .'. ~., *h' i J " " '. !t, .:!,., , ' ,I •... ,. A ',-- .:,;;oo;~i.~,:t[· I"'"

a, '_"V\liI, ... ,,_:OUS "_uu~ ."8,, " e !l1:1~US aou ,m.HAI,WI

ferees -if '1i~'1o ~fliJ'an.,··.. a··.t"~~~ ~e,' ·p:u:m:-~;"I!'-., b .,., , IS":ill: 'o:·.'f'~" hum 'O.w,

1'1- g_: VI, Ill~ '('1iI.I. _ ,IJ:,U~UA IIU .' ., ~rOii;N.'Ye_8,~ .. ",., ~iIi


I', -"': .,.- . '~

ega, on~

. .

• Iii .. ".. -'..,. iI ... ~' '.- _ .' I •. ,. .. - ... I' ....... ,tif>, .

. ",' ,r'!!II!' .. _, 'iJI!'.,...... - '''''_. .~ _, ,r 1iif.i!iI!!'ll!I!!" -',_ .,#!~ 1!If!! .•

11.,"- .' ~ iN," ~ Iii, '. II p$J.~ I: .. ." ~.-,~ _iil; II .~ ,1M' . "'1"1

'" .... lioJ ~ ~1 ... , •. Ilf .J .' .-' , .. :' ". "~ ,,:M1d I"

". -..iT~i;,-J'"' -- '--c_.·~ '-' ,._ . ,.--. -- .. - -- - """.-,

,#1;;.Hi!'tJlIIiIII "!ii"I· I' ,I' K~ ""'Ji .~,~ II "'iii

(I) Man",s -creation' is not an exercise, in v,ani,~ IUd iutUi~' 'ify'j _ The: cmation olf all :human ~inp, ~'i'thou,t any ,e:xoep'lion, ls geared *0 ,8 specific pUtpIOH; which ,is to be acccm-

'P,lishel'd, ~:urin8 'the\ir 6v'II't -


, e

(~)'" :Each :iDd~v:idua1, :fI1a_l -be. fe'tUmled, to his, Lo,BI, to, lace the, :flll-out of his deeds, . The~iON:" every" person is rii~,

• II I.

po,nsi'ble and accountable for his "toddly actlons,


'Ihus thle purpose of the creatlon ,0,' man ii, tb,e, "pursuit

of moral en,d'Si 'tOI 'achieve th,e highesJ s:tqe 0;( pe:rfectioD",,"

Q" , J '" 't! "~- '+h'is '~',' 'i, +'" ~ ~ 'ill 1-' - ----", '-..AI

0,1, an ex,pJlI.'m,s 'IL us vtew'lO tne I'o.lccowlng WOJfUS:

" "

""Wh," , , ", ' -- 4i;!I"I;d' ,,.4, ,-:- th "AI ,'""' '" 't'l),,;, ,t '-H"--:" -, , "L. 'k ' ','...' _0 cre:Olti' _ uc,a- ,I, IOu ille :90 -u3, , ,_-- ,13 :10 a;y c:uJecJ;

. wldch of you ,is best: in deeds; and He is 'the m,ighty,

the fo ro:n!'~ -- - ",,2' I •• ,j;;. li:,~s~Y,mg,", ,-

'Th'e same. pom't is e;mp,h_ed ,again in, tile context

I II • •

of' cl~A;!!i:t-io,n o-:f,? 41',L,1i:io 'un, I:~~~~:: " "

_ .''\;!IA __... JI,lL", .'__ "'!J iBsii:!Iv_

~, ~ . ' .iF .... , - P' .,. -. '~ , Iii '"I '.' ~ tiI!' ",~, • .0... , " ,

, J .." ji#" "'" _.' '.- 'III!.. ' ,#i,. -' !II 'I - ~ " •

:u:~ r:i(Jlld'l ~ @-;,~ JJ~I_' ~II",~I ".., f$:}H .J"":' ,

" ~ _ .I "~' • ,4,..., • "_-'-' ''''_ . --., -r. ~'

I: '~_ ~, ~:~ -pJJ.L!_~ ~~11 J-e

"And He is (the one) W,hio ere,a,ted 'title heaven's and the, [earth, in, six peri,oo,s (days~' and Hlsdominion ex tends


• i'

AUI'- . - ,~;"";",, 51., I: iiC

'!.e.i_ ~. III! (II!'JI _ ..... 1j,'J.U


2 Qur" . -- ~"7 .. "11

1 :aft" ~ ," .,,;Iij;


OV'~t 'the w'ate:r that :a'e·' micht -t.ry' which 'of you, 1'1;~~:, ..

i'n actjon., ,., 1 e

", 'Thle obje,ct of the c[e!ition 01' man: ,in.d. of th.e S.upipofrt~· mg .. :inftas,tmctun tb:at ,- exists 'for 'the reaUzat:ion of this

b'"' ,;; , "d'" h 'Il ~ : ~"b' ~ "j . Ii'

[0 ,~ect :is· to p!rovIJ~.e ~[~'Iuman l.~~mgsl Wltl.~ :inceftt~'e's to pertorm

,g'Qod deeds ~ecause' it lSI goodness, 'th'at" ~Uah' jovles ..

If. as' some of~ - the. western C;DIU in.o:l.o'o~sts claim .. ,· some

,.,. .. - "-" .. , . ' " . - ~. ' , .. _ -_,

people in~hre:rit 'bad nature and crim.inal p'r.ooiivities "whic)' contribute to tIl'ei" delinqumlcy' anc immorality, then' - the 'specific P -lP'0le of h,uBI.:an .. creation which is lexcbtsive.Jy foc'ulsed on .·th,e pl8.rfonnan1Qe cfnoble and virtuous deeds,

· " ' .. . ... I !Ii' ..411 'III 'd~' I,

:18' re·dfuced ronly' to :8 rhetoncal, 1D,UUJl.gcncl and a - ,·,·.iYJne,

- ' ,

irrelevanoe., God H:im.:self:·has 're'pea.ted'ly. declared that the

ve'ry purpose of 'the ereati,on _ of' the 'wo:rl;d. is the pursuit of 'm·"o-~r-'(I:··D'..nn·d···· b':"Y' m~'gn The unberse itself lS'~"1 ere s·.edl for me

I_ I. '." U ell"'" ' ".' , '-'_ "~.I.'1f , ,'.' . ~ 4,"-" ~,r~ ,.... ,. _ .,' . '. " '_' . ..

, . ,' ... ., .- . ,'" ." .~. . . [Qu'" '., '.;,_l... '~'. '\JiI'ii ... ,D, '. • •

'sam~ purpose. ../-.:.r [UI. S ,~s[~

.['Ii' ... · -~ 11,'-';'.",

L... '. I~--I i~1 -, ~. ,

- J "'J.,.rJ ~, .• ··_:···.[·t.' •... ,.:.,

, .;,'- ,.'. - -'. 'r.' :-. .

. .

,.; -

&,'_',~ - - _'......", .' ,.

. ':~ ~b i.p-I~ ~~ L.,I.t-l

"Do ,they' not: refi[ect within 'the:mse:lvef!d .Alialt did not - create the h1eavens, the [earth aD1d.· .. ~wh,a.t i's between the .. two but -,"with - truth, and. for 8 specific' reason .. "2

.,. ;".,-~.-..!' . is u,cr:u",al,lv' translated '~. ~,an"''''

ur U"":'" - . D... '_'V' ~ll!Ul; - , . ... ,...., . - _:

'8p'pointed term 'or. 'stipulated pe·nod.', but ,in :my" [op'inio:D, it stand.s for 'a . specific: Nason and purpose'. . 'My' .opinion is rein£oroea ,:by Qu",anic evid1eD,c[e as Qut'a'o !clanips 'rB simD.'r' interpretation.. on the term:

T,he term

1., Our;Q'R,. J I .. ,1

2~ QW ~IIJ!!. JtJ~iI.

,A, d,iBCuslion of. ,t'he ·un;ity.· o:f the P-'~IU'rnOse: of_ hUDtU.

• I _ !I!I:,r ~

CN8·UO.D .8·nd, Ute d,e~ji~ of the univlene :naturall·~ leadls to,

• .11' ~'~ I '!! • ~.. I

a disoussi.O.n 10(' the. rela'tiQDmiDni., between - mank'ind ';lI1d ,aU

other Q~_of ,the '1!Iftjverse. r . _..

,<!u:rag ~Iedal}el - that every' thin,1 on, 'the eafUt: ;md III the: qbjec.u:. o·r the .. ~DniVe;rse . are .D,O·t on'ly created for man,:"

"' ~ . - .

00- t 4f"~" 'J!lI~ .:",",:JI!!~ m'I' '8' "~d'A sub .. ePlftl'ioi!li·n.·' .t:· to h··I·riin - A::···· direct I\~~·k .. '-:·

_ H~,: R<Il "" -iilJY .I .1.... ~ ~,_ . ,1IiJIW.1, "Mio". .' . __ .u,,~ 'Ii '.' _ 1i'1IW'1I!i!!'. lII_oI,a

I ... -'b· .. ~·:=''"''''· .... -d' L_t--·· -- 'kl ,....... ·t·v,_fi1\.a;; -.- d' ~. . b t' . t'·· .. - f'~

s os,;a~J"le~· lUG"ween l:umI8.ll. SlU~ ,ID·· Ip,e: O·'IJec· s '0 I

~':he~ tlI.ivene ,to~' ·"CfIOalte ·.Ioosinic hannMy· ;';; 'n,-I~le p' ··umOte· 'Oif'

~ "_,- I •. . • _ • _ I . • ._ -EJ . ~ .. _ . _. _. _-__ . . .. - . I .• -_ .. I. -. - • _ _' I • ~ r'... -,. " r

_ m,lfQ~S ·'stru.u1_· .is to ::at.taio . dte., ~b~ish·e.s;t -1:n!pra1, id,em", ,and these: - . ~Q'b~~:'S ':b,eiP ~irn ~ .. ~' . ;,*.,_:. - a~JiieV:~e,ni- o( ~ this _ 'id-,a1:, 'They

=' ._ _ • II r - \ I - I.- - - I. II -

-d~,., tq-hi$'._.e$ ap4 -fa~Pi·~~te ~~c.· a~pliJhm,eftt, of Ids

• I r ::;II I •• ~I). 'l - .';.. -. r !.!; I '" • •

.idell,. 'The,), do not N\rv1e. IS harrierS or road, bl,ooles to check

hum. A·~"adOnI'~. Otey~ra·.r act II 'boosters tOI ac08le,a·te

• ": '_-_ '~-' .. -~ Ii ll"ri~~r;. I "I] "',; ,>,' ~~ ,11• ~ __ • ,.:" ." ~- [I' ,I. - _._ .' ,. I"' ,~, •. '.' .' . "I" ' "_ - II [ --_." ' .. -': .. 'j I' .'_

't\le~P.e:ce Qf\ ... ·:~',.erfoIU,', _.'s t.b, ;at:taiJuJ}!lnt of the·.w.,a]

.. W.h'~lh···, ;a: f~~: .~~~ ~1,i!MM! '·'0' ;,," 'b-'- ~ia ~~ag;on .. '- t'\Il'i'f·:.i~1 itiIR\l'S' 'I!o. --

;. Ij"'- - - 1.1 .... ,lU~ ~,I~.,r .. ~ ... r:v-~ .. ~ . '.' .p,~II .. Iiii:'._.~ ",' ~ '''(~ .. ~I· .""Y' . ~ .

- ' -

"'8. .it is - .0' created, for' ':yeu (for' 'your SIJ:rviee)1

~ .ni .. ' , 4i.1 ,2~

.. i: ~ v-- ~ iIIl ""!II,r;J.~ ..


o ;manldnd, all tha,t is in the e!3,,1

. .

, .

~.t aaother place j~ i'B.S~d:

" , .' ..,. . ,.,. . ,~, '.., . t. "'" ,JIll' ., '-_" .,. ... ,.. ~ 'fi/iiJ '

~;.:;!«.i~~ ~J~I 4 ~.J-9iJ""-,J14,.L, ~~~j~:~

. _ • ,I 'f. _. "iiI!Il I: # "It .1 ,J, - ,_' .tII'

« , iJ,,~~'l~ I" l~. ~~ ~~

I !i.

un m-' 1110- -_. 'L.='-d- r H,. Ie" has m ade '.: l!nub.' •• 'I'!D~~n· t·· to 'y,niul

U J ,I\JJJJ . _ , ' .. '. - . . I ,l -' ". ill. J • ~ra·" uly' .. ._ _ I " v~

'whatever' :is in the- h,e.a,lens and w hatever ~is :in the ~ e8rth·,~ :Su~IY in· tbi. tb,ere· are Siios, for. those Wh,o reneCt,~~,;~i

, ','

This accounts for "he, e~ceptionl1 Ilon~r and d,ignity. of lIJl.d. tbis i, the· ':reason thlat m,an ha,; heen ,sr..ted 'supe,riori.ty (Wor, ,aU ·,the ~;at,ures, olf the uOiivler&e,. Qu~';an, Gta'''e,G !II!I'

i:II 11- .. >D "Ill

• ,I ". tfiI_" • ,.., '. ,;ill -_ .' r1l t'.l1 II 1~_,!JIi!i .,.., ,Ii _'," ,.:1 ft/II'_. - '~_

~.",,~ r.J~.J /-,,11 -~, ~"l:",_ r.2' .~ .... .,;-f" ~~.

-,.. • ~ -.. _', _, ~ 1lIII!i":. l!t iIiI!' 1 _ ., t ' ' •. ;~. ._.. ~

I; .. - - I "iIi iiJIiii ~'A -~., ' I . ' . L··' -

1.- ._. u- l :; 1.-: "I ,j, ..... _:' •• ~, i'·· - ".,.a; '1 ,~ .'. 'II .~ -.

.. - 1 ..•• "" ", , .. -"'t> ..,.~";;; - ,!IIi .Jii-" . I'. fit ~.-. '. .. ,...,7" .I'~

, . ' + ... ' ..". ',. ",," ~'7.~

. '·~AIld· ·surelY . w. ha~e dignified' tbc("dsildre~' ~

Adam' ._. - ';'. ·anl ···d, 'We c· .. any;:.. 'thJ@.m·"in" I f~A L'an' - d·· :Oh"l..4 i"! ..... e·' Gala Dftd

' .. , ~I ,', ' I ..... " . !!Iiii'.' .,_1. lUI" _.' _....!_,, __ aU IUI._ 1IiIi\i!I1 .. " .......

We' have IIve.n them of'the ,I:ood'thin. ,,4 Wel b~aYe made th_ .. eel Ily ~ h,sn IdePoe o·f:~JC,~l~G8 m~~

0- 'f" 'tb·" .'. )"'!IJse'~ w· "h' 'om' .', . W·' . 'e' -' 'h"~e ~a·,"~A, 1.~S_

•• 1. _:1 U~. ~ _ .. J~ .'_' -; [!l J J ~ i ' ,;'~~~~~I I' ".lI~ ./ ... ~¥. or.

. God "ML ,m,~9p m • .' J~j:s, v:-i~J~._,t ~o elt.~~;_" ~,. ~iaNep.e. an~; :su.p~;lioii~ orer aU· - 'tb~!I~l~ Q~qr'@ll

:slta-.s ~ ,- - '! o'i - '


" _'. _. ........ '_'. .- II; --: II ,'.~~.. ~ _.' ijIIiP..

~~, ..flit :~ 4i~ ~~ ~ ~~ .. J~ l~:li .

"And '"ibn, 'yo au ... id, to the ,Ult.1:e1ls,: ,Sufl:~.f",:·1Ii am

I '"I I JI ~ .. I =!; .. = • I '! ,,!kr;- .. ! 1.8 ~ .. ..... .,., ~ I. :~~ I

t. .a!: .1

I : "LI

IQcir'cVJ, 4:~:'1'

,.._.... 1: 'fiJ'.,,"M1

.. ~ __ ....... 1'[1 ~u:

. '


God, has accorded man the :higlbe:st statu's amon;g His creatures, His extrae :tdin ary status is establish ed through

Q",:' r's "l'c:'-':;"id' .~ n J~~: 'which is absolutelv Incontrovertible.

D, apllC eVI cnve ,- - - - " , - _, " , _, .J --. - - - _ - - - _ - , -. _

'Th16 verse is an allegoric al description of the, preference and su'prenl.CY 0 f m an over the: entire crea tion ~

Some of .'be Mus.l:im, scholars beUeve fl1.I't the word ','K~ha[i:fa" here refers ·'tOI the child:ren of Adam i.e., the whole of mankind, The correctness of this view' is also corrobo-

. '

rated 'by the Qur'an :itself w'h'ich ~peatedly stresses the

surperi"ority' ofhuman beingsr

."" 1IiI!!' i ~ ,Ii!!i! , # ~ rIi" 'I!!!I'~, ... .. ~, ... iii ~ '}.;t!!";jiI'" 'I .' ,II

~Jl .,~ t.ijJl ~,tIJ';J .J '_;'J~t I~la:., ,~(11, .. ,,- LS'lJl ..... ,'

i ,I, ~v~~' '_ _I' " ~" ~'," ; ~ '#" ~"" "',

• " ~ ~" ,. , ~'I'P.',t;,

'~' ... 41 '. '" ~ .. _,,_,y' I '

« " "'_, ! ,w' LI, ," ,'~"

-.I '., I,' ,"""

"And He it is Wh,o has made you successors (vice-

geren t-t,) lin the land .and raised some of you above others by various grades" 'that He m,ight try' 'Y'ou by what He has give,n you~"",Z'

"Then WIt:: made ')lIOU, (tb,eir)' successers in the, lal1ld afte:r them 'so that we·,m:3_Y see ti'OiW"Y'OU, act:~~'

s. 2~ 3:.

.t'.h. i'",iAl iIIiI 't..,;lt A IleM !""~l ~ ~ ~'"

rL'J11"'Q' O&1,-·if!"'1 ,IC.J:, ~IK_ .lll!'~ ~'IiI:" QUI

:I1u:l"~ _" I·Ll l' ,.I '¥,_I" anj , . .,;, ' ...


Namal, 'V',,62 etc.), TItle: submission of angels to Adam Is

a further proof of man's superiority over other creatures, Qur'an has reported tbe fact in these WO"dSI~

...... , ........ 'II;. ... ,.,.# .~

" i_.I, 'l ..... ~ ,rt

,.L., ,I' !i .,~'.Jl~' ..,!r ~ . A.J J

I ~-- .'~~';. • ["'rt '",

up.···· .a ,'1-. '.111, "...11 h 'L d id th 11

'_, J to m 'nu 'W,·~ en your Lord saic to tr e angers:

I. am about to 'bring into being a' m,ID from d'Y ringin(t: ,clay' moukied from, black mud; so when I have perfected him ~and 'have,' infused my breath into him" 'You should all faU do wn in prostration along wi th him. In obedience to this command the ange ,8, ,aU fe:1l down

'_' II

in prostration tOlgether.",'t.l


We can draw' a number of conclusions from the whole


disc.u:ssion conducted in. the ligbt .of Qur'an and Hadtth:

- . ..

. .

(1) . All .human beings are created: on an egalitarian basis and. are vested with an id,entic:a' I nature at 'the time of birth.

(2) Human nature is plcrrectly good, Its genese is posltive and. :it is basically' free of' evil and malice ..

(3)1 'There is~ no, variation, ex cept ion, at all to til is p rineiple IQ f ere; tion, . eternal consistency', homogeneity hum an creatures.

or Id' ·l'·S~·c::··n-~'mina"'I'h'n

" ,".. '. •. ' _....2 ' lL. v, f

This signifi,es, the and "equality of

(4')1 The creation of man is not: an exer-cise :in futility - or absurdity ~ He has, in fact, been created for the realization and fulfibrient of a de:fini,1e purpose In this w'orld,.


, ,J,'I



"," :.

, ..

Th- .. _. --- - h- - .- id' -. '1- !lis t- .... , ~-.- ... t.._ b-- ,i'ft .... ,· ·S't·,

e prr,un:aJY' numan ,:Iel, :I~" ':0 acquire lum, i Il,.~e ._~ ~

. ,

le~~1 of D10~8J perfecti'on, 'by c:ond,uctiln,g :8 persismnt

,and unt1aOging'~-' battle wo;~#fi:'ns,t the forces· ··of'" imm oraJ~ "

'--- .. . !_.'_'-.,., ~ -.! • .. -::' ~~., ~ ._- ~ ~- ... -- . ;·-r


- (6.), TJI,e purpose 0"" creatw,. life and d,e:8,th il 'the evll1u.a~ 'l1.Q1n and esessment" iO" human be,in,p on, the, basis of

- - . -. - .

th,eir' actual performance and not en t'he basis, of any

abstract speClllation,,~ ",It is s, clear p'rOO,f' of" the: p:t8Ctj ... cal a:nd. goal-oriented approach of Islamic,., "

" "

(7)1 - The PUIPol€'-" of cma,fj,on of universe' and "th,e ,objelcts

! ~ • e • -

"W' rh .;;100····1--' 0:- o-'m1p" In~'1!i8 )""t I"is 'to In .ti1'll'm- .:~..,. • .;, ... fut al..ll-'. mi'.la··r~IMI'tAililliLCII,

_, . "'oL, _ ".. " , , ._ . _II iiJ-V I, -v liM, ' .HI,U:, ,U &.,,'1! 1- IUUw a.- 'I U!I.I ""'1Ii!!il~

o,f ,b,aDnooy and ,co,m,p'I,'tibiUty," in, the st11181le: for the :realizll.i"on lof the, hum"Ul, Ideal o,f moral' pe,rfeetion,,,


. '. "

i :~" : ,

._ ,","



M'ankind has, been accorded a nmfe'rential and exeen .. ,

- l. - •. ---- II' ...• )"' .. - I ....• r~ - _. . .. - '._, . vv.y

tion,ll,treatmien't ove:r .all creatures of tbe, 'uDiY,~,:,rse:: it is blesse d, 'with honour ,olt:l'rliJ' . di,M'II:it-:r.' and :sune·· :rlQI ," h:ji'

.- - ---, --- --, ,---, C-'''''I' ... ·,"1 ---' ,·j.r ,_,_,11,,,.1_

lri'-' th-,-II-. --I •... ". ,:,-c" 'I -- t of +:1Ir~, 1'--1 '.,'hl ... ~. _-:-,f,.' ·'."--d·:·1 ' -: : .....

o.c,r '., .em. on :IC_oun,. 0 U~ cqmpre, en,llVe an . ,POSl,

'lIYe ic:h,aracter 10lf Its n:lture~


On ~~~O' ,I~'I!,.-t·~ of th·) lie- su p' .,w.'ml-'O;i."!tI ~ft,dC-1 ~~Ill-\a'n, '1"": of hum I ··IIli.,.

. ~._.·Y.lI, ,., I I. • •.. , •. &~. I ~r""",'" 1~"'.h.l. _' ~1'-iV . ~"~ .'~" I .: .. _ .~·"".I

- 'I!jo - ,

n:l,m:m,., man _ :b,BS boon, Ic,a,tego,ri,c,aJly deCI~d D,I" SUC~

~ I - - !I" -

eessor an:d Yicege~rant ofGoll on, earth"

'(JO)I Therefore"· ,1n,Y-': intrinsical," 'evU olr inherent'l'" eliminl!l~

, . - - - - - - - 'I ._-- _ -_.- - _.- . _- - --.fl' _. -.-- - 1 .... ;' _ . . __ ~. __ I. -_._;-'. ...- 'I

is,tic plr-oc~~,i'.ties I~ 'te.ndencdJe:B jln~ utconPu-e,nt' \\!'itb (h,e ·,cre-ltiOIl O""h'unia,n natu:re, 'because it II '(ram,ed 'by' - IGQd ¢'II a~$ollu te~Jy :positlve, liines~i ..

'Tbe~' bilologie'al. theory of e,ri:ntin~'iJty' whicb, auress,~ely

--._,r; .:' - "'* ....- ' - ··-'·Ie· 'd' , th ho . ..,' - d'-I d' ~-. ,;,'f..::I" .. cr- - - 'kin~'- "d'-'

mJL,UB'~- ~O ,a~now ~., lIe _ _:e,·. onou'r ~' .•. 1.1 llDl,.) 0 I .man.._·: __ I . ':"

de,'Dves its: c,Rd,.ntuds, from the ove"'-s;tletched"" 'pe:rvene OMld h'ltn:h,l,v dis.,torted '''Jh,,G~ry·, '.' 0.,·.(···· ltu-1'II'!t'!'8D: :---:':V'O'- 'l~u··4r.i·~nli . ~"e ·lta·:.'·· .. ·,ti':

.. .Ii __ _ i!;JIil ~ .. _ _ _ _ "'~_vv, ., Jill ~il:iI _ e __ !II. Il\ U, __ " 1:.',1 _ I'.c

is that: 'the lex:ponents ~fi.d plmctiliOo'!lrs of' 'this" theory ,~:


them ;a18;L'"Ies- ..... e ''lid;ntJ'- '8 o·-f·- '11-''1'-'18''10-' illu'a~'l'i- AO-'" ,nrtr-- 'ad' - ':;~:"":O' 'MIS an' _.,j

~~, ''W l· •. ·I_I~,"y- ,T •• :'_' I HI', -.: ".W-'-U,II. '_ ._'.' "I~I~ .~"'_ ... ' JI,Y',: ... UICi' ~' -e ", ,". WU.: ,\11_: : ·_U

1~conslSlteR£18sli Q),nseqw,ft'Hy" t'be, have railed to e,vol¥e 8 . eoherent ,and, ·well.c:o.o'm:inated perspective: w:bicb. ean

lia~~~e' Q;ir 'fUn,dam.ntaliY· eJashbtarie~. iii "prepa~d to' ignol~ _ ,adv~titious d,iffemnees, 'bu't when, 'th:,e, ~lit borden Oft buics~ It is 'ike, hleigh't of :s,tUpidi,ty and

. -']'-U-"'-b· U'·· ,rIO. tv' ·0' :s-~w',a"'Uow"-:' the ·v-:'ie··w-:~Qi· 'w-·'I·'t}ho·-···Ui,t-mla-ic"-m~' 10' ,~;'1i...lam' '! under

,IU' ",----I' _'~-' Ii. 'J • _.' , '. _Ic_:__,:__ " ... ,' iii!!" . ,ri.::_',_' IQi '", -- - - - - '"r -' __ 1l1l':I" Il\U~, ,. '.-, - .. ,y-,

tllo leDS of m:icmsccp~c' ,. an~ysis.. Beud,es, the:i', conclusio,N,

,. - ".

:ara .quite:. 'tl,ntatirve ;and, are not sUpported 'by'. the, inepca.pabl •

. 'balllist of'e «vidmel~ ,illp.,t -{font :Lam,~arck.' ,.lel, Cb,ar~s" . ~Da'rWin, and D.\ew.e~es upto 'dt,e: :lat'eSt " e,Y'~llu.-tionisf Addaan" :I{or' Kland:t:~ the Dutch ·ZOO]IOSilt ,of the U:ni(Veni'fy'

~ !II II

lof Ams,terdan,_I", the 'fotmd;e,r OIl' "'th1omy the'o,y1t:;! none of Ul,em

:has -p,rove1d the vali,~:i'ty or aufhentm,i,ty olr"bir eonee pt-u al

h '.' AI.. "lIth'l 'ij;,~L.. rtl!;m- d . G1i,ft,C'! ~SleD'tiL· n l1u ·an·' ';;rn agio 'ary~ '1-· ::' blo "·Ib·; ," an-- - I d a

.UD~II '" .1~1I, "~; "I!IriUIIIQ W, _ . _' .'111"'_ ,uU_::-' , , ,-~,_ ' '_ _ __

"clumsy fietiO,D olf t'be:ir: eolourfu-I fan,cy,~

Th, ',Mi\p.: roach. of tkese :scientists is 'b~!'lf;ss1tl~, ,etV""-e,:ri~

, tel MJt!',__, .. -'-' -' -" - -_ . .... . - ,-.r' .... '- , . ~ . . ~r '

menlli-, TmouJli· 'they U~ke, to 'ltlauD't, their .,nlifie, detaeh-

, - ' ":.. -', • ~ I . ,I . ' .. ' . - .. , _'.. • -. . .. I . _.. .- -.. '. _.... ~. ,.. . .- .: . - - r

t - - .. - t-im . . at· , .. .-, ·t'l\,. ~ 4' - - - .. - - si n +;1.;; ~ t tit - - - - re

:me:D' :1' one:~ :somel- - ' __ eI ,I:&~,'!_:_ 'IJile BIIp'.res,-,O~,_ Il!,ua: ~ ey' a _ _:_'

,.... I I I

.... \:tiY>iil ~d . "*' 1-_J'1'SCleD,1ifi~, 'facIOrlS,i, It, is as ,if' 'the~ bear' an

;pto ,- ,a I W,'7 - - - --- .. - -- - - - - -- - -- -- !~.. ----

i- - . Ii--""- - - s·'·)-I,ilR't1!dl····lftA ~ita'i~s·t ;At\u'I""-e !!IiI. 'I th·· \An~'nr and 611"A ;h'-el!~liii

Ina,I .. 0,0-- ~1~::_-,1eY .• : .I!I.I_'_ U.Il.1', Iii,' ,ipU' 'v "_'I!I KIll·' '1fI,I~ .. 1 .. III,

I . I I ;;.

'Loft- :t-· to .• · •• '"~V'O: G,nd"S-·1 Irr _-·ation-1aJ--·I·',kr

~n_ ,l"',~", "" "¥-. ,. . -- - . - "'I'"

-;. 1-


I": ..

'~~er of' goodness is accident,a1 and aceretlonal. God Him

- -- I~

'self denies the idea, offn-bom crim,inality or atavistic rever-

,~,ion of 'm an towards anim,alistic ,prope,:nsi'iti.esl


The question of the nature of :man's, ins'linetu,aI urges

and drives and the, contexts 'or situations, in, w,hilch be: 'lis

,., -

SU:PRiOI8eld to eomply with them, is in fIlet concerned wlth

, ... - '"

,~'L. ... , ." al'" ."1., "f': hurr an-' '--on-r'ty-- Since m';' OJ'S" " "ite"'d to

,Ole an<' ySl,S O~I c-"um,, ,_, pem_ ,-_,lc.I_'" . .: 10::.._ c-_._ Ian ]l creaL.:.. ~ 0

-launch moral 'stru'SSl~ Dgmns't the imposing forces of evil,

11.. ... "bl' .. f" il!dojl,· . ... th '.". t" f"'" ri"· '0""· .. Ii!. "'k'" ..

[' ... ,' I ,',': ," ,":. 'j' I.', •• ,"( '11" If!:' '····1·.· . I'. ":1 .. ' j :."' if' _- ".: ,','j' '."'.: I. . ... :: '1,'1:

,8 .IS cap a, _ re 0,-> n :._,mg OD __ _cIS cre,s,_ or perrec __ on, 0,( lID, ,-,lUg

down to the trough of jm,p'lcrfecti,on,; he 'is c,ap-,a,b]e, of aehiev ... Ing the highest honours in his moral quest as. well 88 of' fallin,1 vi,c'tim. tOI the lowest ebb or d;as,ta~dlly dishonour,

• I •

God has declared: UCertainly 'We created man in the best

m ale" re Then m'~·· conseque .. nee-of wrona use " of his opportu-

ii' c__ . ....: .:' 4i .1. cc....: :",!I!, '. '_ '_· .. ·:cc • ...:.:. , ,. __ .,' ,....:.I[:_ ... _ ',_:', .',",' '.=' nl ~ .. _._:_ '"" ,.: ... 1 ._y ..... _",,,,I.. ',,_

nitiea and free will We render him the lowest of the low he

- '. 1_

hjmself having-· destroyed the, ori!~alJ pnri,ty M.d goodness, except those, who believe snd practice good:~" so they ~JiaIl have a reward never to be, cut off~,nl' This dual capacity for:

- ' ~~I

moral success and for moral fa'Uu:re is, grounded in human

nature which is absolutely free to choose either, W,hile God

has d leta ted his creation "H.' £Iii d': OiSiiS' not dictate h~;c ch'-' - '! - _

, A_' ...•.. ,(,.:; >' _.~_ _'_' _. ,I" JI'V':,', ", ,_l,._ ~ ., ~I ." "~:IlJ" ",:e ,11 J.o" IOIC~,.

- God has created h,hn :in'tr.oos:ically 10100 but He has :Ieft'i_t to man 'tOI C,hIOQl5e among alte:matives offered 'him during his practical existence. .The divine res:pon:sibUi'ty' ,is confined m,aJn'iy to the formation of hum-an nature 8D:d He h,IS formed it 'on ',inherently lood lines, ge,n@tic,ally elillnin,ating the

, .! . '"' '.'1' .. ' - '. .' .' '. '. "!ii, ,. . .' '. . .'..1 '", ,

pIOSS,JlbIIJJty of any' fiqw';m Itscompasition.: But what a. hum an .

~,ing does with hls' ilitrinsic;ally immaculate nature -,is entirely; his own :relPo,nsi'bility'~, He is free to choose between, good and, ,levit, and this freedom .. Is not d:iviniely' interfered with ..

The re, fore , in, order to understan d the various urges and, drives ingrained in, the nature ,of man, it is im,pe:~~·twe

,1 •

. '


. ' '- '

to come to 11·-ips with tbe lYlo aspe1c" of'h'uman ,person,ali.ty,~ 1he,se aspe'ct's correspond to two' pbase:s 0'( ,human, n-atu~re:


t,.11b L:

(I) Potential nature ,cr-l -.' ~~

U1b ')U' ii'

, " , 1 !I! , -,' "

*:.J - "~ ,.,/ ' , "

I(l) PoteDtial D,a~":.

It ,·',8 a ,barmonized complelt of 'hu:man conscience and a 'plurBli.ty of othe ttI,rives .'hleh are e,ss.entillly direc:te·d


towards, the 'puBui,t and 'achieve,ment of h.ip,est id,e~s'!I!

The·y are insrain.ed in, the human soul and, it j,l on the balls

~ I "_ •

.. -" "I • ~ h '" '. kno , ......

of the,lr ploSi'tive orchestration that man IS snown as "Ahs,8R-

~T '1(" ~,- ")'

r-raqweem' t f~ ~- r-

Eve,ry' human. being possesses an .. innate drive to. dis·lingo.ish between virtue and vice betw'een good and bad,

L.~ ·.W" ~.:e.' , en (' ,m,· .,' oral Oift,d':I. ~ftrn, m ,Q" ',r' ..... I and b e,~, ,t' we e" n ft-' 0' b' ile ,'~,'D'" 'd" 'II i Q'nO:,.,L lie, "I •

lJ'!C II, . g ,YI.,I~~~" PIA~ I , J"_ I all GIl _ yY' . ' . r J. • • 1& '_.' 10.lrl _" U . II!

. '

T,here(to,~" msn has recognized, eVe,11; in, morall'y ind.ifferen't

or neutral societies some ofthe noble Ideals which formed the :mo,'tive d.rive's of their effectiVe ftunc~,o,nin,g~ :Mor!e.,ovef'.,

tb' dl~': iii riIi. b ~ ~[ft~ d" . t _ .• . '8' k

t I, e u ]S:tlD,ICtiOD, I, ,:etwleen ,~~,I~t an., 'wrong IS, un.,lye·fSa~y 00,_"''''

.n,owledged, as, the ,foitm.da,tion stone forthe pur,luit 'ole moral

, ' J --

perfection. Pi ,hlenom.'e;n,on is, m aiD,Iy' . gOVremlod bv the

1 • -, I_' ._" ·1;Zrtl.

.~h,erent constitution '0'(' the nature of human beings,


A number of Q"~.,'u,r'anic references, substantiate this

~ 1 I, ~

thesis, One of them .is ad duced here to establish the valfd:i'ty ,

of the concept, Q\U;r'!,an states:


·'And 'the '(ham,an) mind .IR~ its pedeO:t1on~ :90 He . ~'~-tim':-:,,-:*d ,~, :I't ''_~ mm.ira'tioD its, Yke:' and :its virtue"l

.lD,.,. "I,,'CL_ w ,J, '*"¥ ~ -,r, , " "_ ,', , __ , _"-. _ ,

'The 'ttillles,t: ,of· 'the D,Obie ideals, insram,e,d in, th,e poten.tlal n,a,tureaf' m,;II1, js, ' the: a:ttahlm,ent ,of .,PrOx,bity ,to 'G,od

- ~

and, the lCqu'mti,o.'D 0," ':8'15 'pte,I8Om ,and, blesslnp. Qur'an,

. ,

aa-V'Goio ~.I~-

~',And belt of' all is .Allah's iood -'b, pleasure arid

that is the' ,grand ,aChieyllblent,,·'·Z. . ~ .

- ~

_. ~ lII" _':~ itf!'. _ , ,,.., '. _. _, ... _~ ~ _I. ,;. ."" ,~ ,,~,_,J' "eI ",iI!!Ii

,«Ill,.,» -al-IT!! S\.w cJ~~,_~, [~~- •• ~J-" ,.., ~I'

-, ijfi!' ,',. _.tI' • - '_' ~' ,iii, • -- 1,,.--#,

"''Y,c;»u . 'wm . see - a,eRt Jbo,wina down,,- proltrathlg themJe~es; 'aeekinc im» _d ':pleasure from J:\Ilah. 003 ,

This ., :idleal can. be achieVed on'Iy' 'J"jf the" .,n. of God",s

. ~ ._._._. --:,-- I~:' . __ .,_ -"<"~: .. ', . _. ~"-"/ ; .. ~!1-. : •. _:· rl

:e, ..... i·t-',A,iR~A - J~ IjWiji.lIl1ftAIIAd'i 'in~- 1..ru_ ;m- '!lin m---"-"m'"<"d' . ~_"""" -'#;-::' ,- -, ,"', "" ",'

_\A •• ~.~ ~m .,I~~"~ .. ' . ,,,"J! __ .. ~. '._ .. : I., IH,e:re,~,ore, eVI,ry

, ~ ~. .",.. ,- Ii' J, .. . I I

Chlld_ 'who',~ II bern :iftto 'th .• 'Un:W8:rse,. Plo_sses the ; Sense and

. -

d ,,- -

ac;kuQW'18 pmen;~ af, the .·existence·' of' 'tile: c .• a',tOr -as 'part

of',his'"in$tinc"u,aI mike~p~ " , -

".fl.~l'!illiflM Al ;0;'"1,' __ .0' W",,- [ __ Hi" ~::.._ .. I';~

0l~-ji ,'t~ 72 ,"'\i,",,"~'D' .. t'.A ~ "!~~ ~GI~'"

'i!'1IIil'5'~ ~.

,!; r

Th'R 'p,otential .warent,. of OOd'IS, existence is il. uD:ive,~

sal p.lbenoJnen·oa,~ . Bach human society, :m one, ro~. or the other; :b,as posited 'the notion or d:ivini,t;y'iJ' :BVen :in. 'tari;.ous' 'Wl--:Islunic' and,_ atheistic soeietles, :pCop,~e' an: ind:m,e~, to

. -

'11 .. _, ' le dl - 'th'I' ,- - , A PA'I" -- - - of" -- ~-- - atu rsl

1C,N;f'OW'''.I"p me presence ano Jj'\oi!leV'aRce~"I'- :SU:r1l!o"r--tl: __ '.',"'",f:_,_

and Imp:fHltionaJ, forces w,bleh .,tile,y are hei.1pl,ess, to eX,pliam,

,. - -

':y," 'p,~ e'~~p-~;t'u,,,,":11 stan ",d' ards, AI' ,_- thou .I IJ!h s ,0,', m :'_ 0' bstln ate :mi", 'd' 1I!I:'Ilt'ii_,

Ill.> I l_ul '._ I/~~' ..... _.Wl . ' .. ._-~ .. IY~. ,_._ .. ---lila ._ _ ,v _. i:I! 1 - ~ P 1 '.:"iiI]

duals 'w'oUld ,like, t10 d isa,pee, with, .this· con:ten'tioft, ;8 t: j,t fs common observation that a large number of instances. and happe,n:iftgs, w:b,ich form ,an IIlUld,enial,ie, part ,oif th'eir own lex~·rietnce:a . cannot be, mtern,fe,ted· lo,~cally.~·7 and. seientifi-

lr''W!7' ~r - .~ ,



Therefore, 'thley are :forced tOI :ratilonalize them, only

, '

as, em bodiments of chance or as supe,matulf,a) oceurrenoes.

This acknowledgement or rationaJization sometimes Ieads

- . ~

'them. to' the ,c'oltC'lusian that b,re is a s~per~ower' that

fttn~ti~~il ,indepen.dml.'t:ly' and operates; outside the scope of our po,roep,tu,at, and :m;telle(ltuat range,~

'Th,is, adm'iSBio.n :i8 also inhe,mn,t in human nature and

is, SUpfported. by IQu:ranic eviden,ee,: .

. .".' .',. 11-. - ,11 • - ,~' I J.. - .. , '"'... _,,' ~, ~, '-'#I-',rI' ,,0I!!l #'

'I .-.ii'" "'." ,J!I!""~& It '-,~ ~. ;t Ii.. ..,., i'~" ,-,'

, ....... Jtlc'IIJ, pf·:J1Ji ~'J'.J'" ,~, ,.~~ ItA t ~ .. '~J ~;I.l .. .JI

~--'" .' I, I - ,~, r~'- ji. - . " ~ • _ ;t' j." • '

1iII!i'. _. ~,~ _. - J ,,"' _., ,J '.,~, ." _ " ,#Iii !I. ~

.U~ ~ lyJij pSj:~ .:-,j ~j:!UI I~·

uA ... ·· .. ftJ:d·,,', 'W,':,'h'I"-'-- vour L'--o.·····.r·,~1 -brousht ~orth, from the

_ __ _. , en I-' 0 - . , :u u - ,51'1 ,II -, ..

Ic···lh .. ~'~Id" . n:Iin L'rt'~' Ad,,·1 am, ' --, 'I" ," 'f:I'~m', II tb.··: - ·~~r backs ~tb· h elr d',,~sOOnd,an,ts,

., _B, ,.~~, v,l, __ .' ,_",._ ,.Il.'U',. _'_' _ vt_, . ~Jl\,::t" . ,. _ v - -, ,

·,and made them bear' witness against their own, souls:

Am I not 'ylour Lord? They' said,: . Yes, 'we bear

wltnesl."J . ~,

Th~ p n eenle who 'd 0' no ,t n QIODI- .•. ··1 dy... reatize dta:t, IGlOO,

. .''''' "lII!;!O'-r'- '-. --' , '."- ' '- ',' - -.' " ",. -- -" ,- - _,

.'X,ists,. Of' ,who· pO~IS only a vque and neeting realization

n.·,bn 7:1 ~

,~M, .f. ,_ f.


o,f Hls rexis1en,ce, .are ~,etimes uDe,xl'ec:j'ed,1y and mvoluntady, led to ackr ow18d&~ His presence, especially whe:1l: theY face" en un'usu'ally problematic situatiop· and: 'c:ann,ot les_O,lve it within ~ I he, 1p1c,etrum, of thek rational and mtellecblal resources, In these circumstances tIley not o'DIy ~:~~~' th,eh~.' 'o~~ help-Je~~~~ssb'lJt are ~lso forced t() p, ,olit

.' ' c )

. .

the exi;sten,c'e of an autho.,rlty whose range' 0:( power is not

ctrcumseribed 'by human lim, itati,on " And they StuldenJy implo,te, God to help th,em out of 'their apparen tly imp'os-.

~';b" Ie p 'l'rad~~ ament Th I 'e" 1· f' d a~i*'D 'to ~ekl-: d IV"" -J·~n,aQs~;'s"'n->PD.

~,. ~" .. , ~:. . al,.j . &~~I& . .' ~tII ", [" _,~ [', ," . W.1J,II.I~ ~. ~I :~ . :~._~ I:' ,': _." f'-' U liD. . u.1Illl,V-~

is, an iQ.s·tincma~, call of thelr nature. Qur'.an •. akes an ex)"~icit reference.· to man's fundamental u:rge; when he is, driven. into a tight comer and cannot relly on the fragUe and unee rtaln pr~p:s of' :his reason and :inteU:ect~, .,

- -I ' -

!Iii' ._.- ~ [ ~ ifJl - rfi#' '. .. iii! tj#. ,f .;til' •• 'iii'

, I. "', . ' "" ,- .' - 'Ii,,',: '. - . -,jl ... I " ,.- .., -, ' I ~

IUi;.I ,Ji.&U·.J- 14,"'" UU,_,fI_:.. 'I uW'J.~.,~, l11 J.' ,-

_.!I'..iiI ". • !'" • jI ,,,,,.,. _"'.., ,/' ,

. ._ ,,. - .



"A:"', n , d - W,e hen af '~ilfi:ti";'O-":n ton 'C': -'he-s'" a m "i!!I''H he C' ,all": S'

" ,,' " ',' ""!II _ J JI.u,..; _' ',!I,I : : _ .. _i ,: ' " ,W.I,. Jl,1] _' I -'

on us, whethe;r lying on h:is side; or sitting or stand-

," ,', ,.,1' .

m,g ..


""And when distress aff@cts a man he calli, up(m·

h .. L d tu ~, " 'H" t' tly ;i12

__ IS __ o'r , . 1_'rn:lDl to, , un ;'.Mquen . __ ' 'i - ' ..


This i,g an leXpl!Tes'_on of man's, ootential nature and

~ j

he cannot muftle ,.or SUPP'fe,SS it no, m atter b,O\V hard he

tries, Any atteimp1t to musale .it wi'n increase his conflict ; and '.ension,:, h"is :rellef and remedy 'lies bi Its spon,'taneous

" .

expression an,d DOt. in its unnatural su.ppression,t. '


1.. Qa"~~ JI()::l2


.2, Q"'~"" 19 .. --8

0'" 'ihe -existen,ee efGod is, __ edin the nature o":m,ID,. It exists as a p'o,ten:tiat urge 'un:less "it is tr'ID,sifonned

toal' d' ~. th' .-, - gh d' •• d train"" •

8: '0'-' a'· ~ '. 'nv- _"',·e·,, "I"Grnl'l!': I' 1;0 I g. :f'I!"a" ' 1,1"00··' ". ;g,!Ii" •. "j., ." I'tn:o'

, . ,Y . _, ,',' ." ,I. 'V'Moj ~ , , 1Iiiii', ,', ,_ ~ , ',f . ,CWi.a, , , .. ' .... ' ..


Man Is p',erfeetht a,Wlre o:f the "roceIIN: IOf' 'h'''' , mjj;i'I(1.,

, -, !r.'I, - , "' , .. ". - _. r··· - _.. . lS __ m t

This is a ,logiCal conseqaenee of' the ope:ra'fwe dis,tinctio,n,

I _ I' 'II!!'

.......... oh-n~·a.n Vice'· an'" d . 'VI' lrtue Thl ' 'ia m'~' " ';~h ,t', la, j'n 'f' ~gp't, ii:'!'6 . ."

W'·W'~~I, _. I_.·~.I.:.I a .1;.:_.,_ I" ·1: ..... __ Vii ~I': ~m .,1 .i~""&, r ,m IIU.~, '_,W:I~ '~, "1.--

. - _.. -

consciousness w:hicb ,it'l the, Plr'in)ary 'basis of discrimination

'L-tw- ,. --- ,.'._.A ., ~.- _ .... 11 'Qu.::- - JI d 11··· -

~', .• ,,'een, man ,aBu, :1I1:mlaJ~ 11 •. ,'.~r :In, ••... ~lues:'



. It :m,eans man is 'qQi,te: oottsC1JOUS of , his desires, ,th'OOgb:tB and actions and he is 'Q,onditio.ed '.:0 retain, "8 consciousness

.; - .

of these pheoomeu,. 'till, the ,day olfJu,dgment. _ Qu:r"'an, 'SIYS,:

c; ''Bve ry" ISOu), sh,d, k'n,ow what: ,'~t: 'has $eD't. 'befo,fe, ,and held backi""z









1b1,ese: verses, c'ateloricaD,y ,e,stabUsh dte fact that m an

.. _ _ 10

ilat-.s, insight :in"'D 'the e.:u t ire, pmu,t 0(' IUs mentalproces·se's: and he" ~,i'u· ,catty' over this, msigh't. int,o- :the, :Hfe :he_reaftel'.

- .' . . - .

. The,refo~;, evell' man has in hits mind, the po~e,ir-to' 8Vahla~e:

:his, personal conduct and die ,abUity to dilscrim,inate, be.'tw/een I'DOd ,apd evil; m.d 00 tile, 'oasis ofbis. ·own 8Si"ssment,~ whose reliab~Hty Is divm,e~' endorsed, he: can mlBnd and re:fmm, his beblViour,~ Nothing 'CID resttain, him, in ,b:is Qjuest :for' self:" kn,pl-,wvtem,e:nt: and, moral rerOml.lti,on~ nis ~Iuali,ty- L:~ of seJf~

• - "1. ',,'

consciousness makes him superior ,: 't:OI :dl, other creatures,

. :M'aD is !CODICious, IOC his moral rtaplo,n;sib.Uity' that is conferred Oft kim d,urin\g: the struggle olf his life~, That is 'why 0,0 one. IC~ deny ~ounta;bility for his v'o1~,1aty acts, EvelY'one is 'bound by his own n~',ture to own the eonsequenees of his deeds ,and cannot ;m:u,:fOe this, m~onsibUm,ty

;.I, jI~ I ~r _

n'i'~:r to others .. , T- -:h~le···. VOlt-_dl~ii:I:S: of "~_a: "lbU"o- ~O··.in"Y- ,o-f~' d:!~,*t~~~

v~yv_, ... _ ... .. I ~ ~ ~ ~JI"" IJ:~IW If .~~ _. ~ ... :r1~1 . . v'~I;~

, . 'M

~ " II"., t "'.. t" ;10;1..;..... lib-' iI'- ,'I, h, f; 4IL ,II

mmlSID are ,JeJlIC: ·BDILI! 1,,0, aecep I' 'ILI~: NI;pO,OIILi.:Il'II;1 0: I' Ip,lelr

undesirable 'beha':i,our~ but their: :N:luc;tlnce :is more ,a;ppa .. ' 'rent than Je:al and they know that by disow:o'ins resp'Q,msi·,

;, - _. II

bility' they are, ,ordy deceiving 'them'Rilves: 'the,y 8M actually'

.'" -

neV'ler "satisfied 'with this self-created concept ·of immuniity,,~

The cOIDscilU'lce· of leve:r.:Y person lUlexrepuonally ,reeosn~s man ,IS a moral aaell't ,and he aecepts ;this :msponsibility ;U a, saered trust, O,n the buis,. of 'M, deep-rooted ! aW,are-'


ness, man I is :naturaUy mc:~ined to aceept resp,onnbiUty :fo:r'

his aets, 'both :i'R 'his eirttdy ;and ethereal existence.



"'Su:rely We ofre'red the trust (re~!onsibi1ity) to' the heavens, and the earth ,and 'the mountains; but th,ey'-: refused 'to' undertake it" beeause (they) _ 'were "'f',ra':'id~,' of It .. ·b'iU- .. t-' man 1i'~n·~·d.'~',r·~'to":;--:&.·ll'4;' 'h~ 1~,~ ce .... ~I~;n,'I.::.

a. ... .' '.', '_j' .:::_,. , __ .~:iL, 'liI< " e, " ,01\. '" IV' jJo "",. J[IL<~ , iLY

~u~t (to him.d,t, 'i{ hie does ~ot fultl, ' :ils msp~ns-, ib!iUty,) a.nd, iporant (if he does net :realize tile, evU,

consequences of not fulf,111ing; it,," 1 .


H . (~

. , . " 'I - ' I' . - '

ere trust ",',

). stands fa" mora] respons ..

. ,

ibl]jty,; it also means 'human sense: of' 8CcOurit:abil'ify for

all acts 6f·diou,gbtand. conduct


This aspect of human :re:sp~:sjbUi'ty fun.cti,ons "8$ a

natural urge to nourish and 's,ust:ain man's struggle against

- - II!!I

the: ,n,es,a.tive forces of ,evil,t

The combinanon of these four drive:! constitutes the potentia] ,bunian nature., This is knownasI JLL ~jtd '),. the, created -nato,tel of man w:hicb. is acknowledged by a ·cle;at:Qufan,j,c mjiuncti'on:


i' .!!!!II' .... ,_.. .- .,,, ,__. .- _, ,_. 'I__ .. ...,,'

• .. 1 ~ ~;',.1 ~ ~ ·"",WI' _,k.J ~I 1»1 ~JIa_ ~.

:1 • !!!II """ J#j!lli fi/!' 'II

i~~J'1 ~~n &UJ51

- ~ ,

"The :USltUJe ,', created by ,AI 1 aIll1 in which, - He has

- " .

m ad' ... 'm,Aft 'Ii' I ati'idt tlls n" 0' a']t' '.Q!rin"o· of; .. AI'·" lah 1 '8 h~a' t'I·O·";" th at

'. .e ,I, 1 i1Oii",U,;;1 I. ~ ~,I,'9 . .Ii ,I,. I. ,y:,A'''''''~o' .' " .;, 1, I.: '\i,,..l~,,. '&:.1 _'

:is, 'the right (i.e., mliaion of Islam),.",2

~ .~ ~'""" ~'"-. "'F~'+- .. ""-s" ··t .. '.' .' (.. .... I ,N. L I_ )" L'1i 'h'l

,I, J:Il,l1 same 18, ,'1 uS. I " :aleemal ,,'-'4Mi g . .J""-" .. ,: W J;lJ.C I _I-

. ~ -

.. I" " ..... L. li'ld'· , ,'," . '.' .'. t· .&:'L... tim" . t'· hI!'· . . tic s hi b"'.t'L

~:ry ~II"I .. POsteRS· a . IOu;. J .. e 0. IS CRa:1 on IS, IS! I :lJ,lI,u

. -

right and. this :is supported 'by' the words 'o'f Ute Prophet

.. (p~a.ce ~ upon :bim)_ as we:U: .

_ CI'Bvery cEtifd that is born conforms to the trae path that is his nature.1'J1;)..JJII! _~. ~_,. '!Itl lj1~ - ~i L,I"

The conclusion of the whole discussion ,i'l that the

- -


four drives are m,gradned in man's potential nature, at the

time of his bjr'll~. They are not acquired as a. result of his

., 1" hi.' ~..........: -~th"··- - - ---,~ - -- t ---

,orgaru.t(~ leVO.utlon or .. ·1S. :l'n~:racuo!n WL-" .envlron~en [ : or

other e xterna 1 factors: t·hey··~ are inte em -'8:-'(- ~y.,... Mafted· not

ULVJi ",~,)'-~_, ,'.-: 1111- :V. '. ''',.iI ._". i: : J'~' " I " l' . l..1 ~.: b"-l· ... ". " J ....

~ _111 I.' ft_;;o;,_AJ "". .. theref tu 1- [- - - - - - - - - - - d'-

exrernauy tm.:po~ ~ ~' ls,.-,er-e·iOfe, na ~_·'r,ac Y programme _.

to :follow p. ·_.osiUvle and noble .lSp- .. ~.irlti.on;s. and to au ltlvat e 81 m,of~ attitude d,u,ring:' his ·ex:istence on. this earth, These drives Cl'n collectlvely be termed as 'the - sense of' reamify" existing' as ;1, potentia] force in. 'the 'm'md of every person,

1II't·" th-;i I: h'~ h d '" · ~ *\ b .... ~It nd d: -- "'11

,iIL- :IS li':IS, rorce W_,IC.c.c uscnmmates eetween IO~. ana eVI1~

~'i'Ii''ht d-

'n~~- anc wrong,

The sub-conscious mind of man is dire,ctly in:fluen·ced by this force, Th~t.~s Why at the leVI:" oftb.e sub-conscious, they' Pio'ssess· greater- Iatitnde to exert their healthy influence and are not ea~_y moulded 1by the, ne,gative ,and i~o-ble force s, and man' s ,sain tty aspirations at th1s stSlge q'te a ele ar re'nec'tion lor hi,s coftge-nita~ It 0 bility which. is su\:J(sequen tJ.y tainted by man's erroneous options for which hie alone is, to blame,

C'2) Aetu,al. Datuie:



111. . . .... . d .. " .. ·t· ·f-- hu - .. ., .. rtu . ·L~·h - ..- "'iC' -t·

. e seCOR·:: .·pee- 0._, . ~umen na .. :I:~e;; WUJ,lC.,. manl~leS_-8

. .

itself through th1e. emergence and satsfactiol.n of v.arllous.

Aoo~'t'fQ~ ,~~ ·th····· ,. ,···· .. tul ·"1 - . tu ,... It'···· --' .... -Ai 10:'·-'·· .. '-- -.'- -. m--·- -'t ..... ~.

u~~lu;'o,1 ~ 1_-_ e 30·- a ; na . "re,t . 1 cor,mspOlluS ~. _ ~me, ._ al_-en~

allstic instincts and amJ,iHon:s ttl the opinion of Westeni

. - .

scholars . who advocate 'fIle . psych,o-anaIytioal theory of

. ,

II< iii U··:· - T'h-'" has thO. ... ') -+ 'I d-

cnrn~alty~ ._.:·,etr emp,.·am on ·-:1 cnmmar lSPe~ .. exereces

. - ,-, un -. 'd'-'e;'nD'--' . 'moo, . e.·'s tho he 'P···IQ';··'s~:.tiV;'"-:,:'e'·· as' 'Pl' "e,c- t·· '0- :f: hO, ·um· ··I·s·,n-:-' n- atu , I're' ~ 'T;.·_'b' I, "I,_·S·_-'

or I. 1,1 .. , •... 1 •. 1. .'., , .'''''. -.IIi .. ," , . "".".' - ' .. '. ".'. ' .. ' ,_. "_'.- .

• • ", ~ _, l ~ I ._. • • _ _ • ._ • ...- _ 1 __ •• _. • __ • __ • _ . ," •• 1

, . '

"unnatural 'tilt towards one ,aspe,ct clearly' be,tr~ts their' bias

and ind:ie a,.,es 'the d~startion of 'their :a:pjJ"oom, tQ hum,in

, . ",",ii - ,II I'Qu" " r'a _ st _.tiJ;;~.. . '

. n,.~~~ __ ~ _" I':' a.(,~_~",

- ,

.... ,_"" Jj .': ,I!I'....,~ !Ii' '. ,.,; I # II ill,,.. " ~ '. ,#!. ~

i')i~J~.n ~14I'l, O\-~-_~fJII.I &,LJjII ~,'Q:JI-:~III, !~' ':IIIi!l:Q UU'II

", ji"'''"',;!'' .. ,jiiI". . ~ j!' -",' iii' ' ,,~ ," I ',ii;.;,'.-

~ II!I!,~ !!O,411 ,""_ ... ~,,, P' j <jiIl,.;o '.' .... ' I!I' '. \"'"

~~IIIJ. :tL..J;~'t, :--;,14" Jlt I~;~JI!'" ~JIIJ ~liJII ~

.,~;,' ., 1j~1 f.' ",. _ ~ ;II ~ I' ~,; ,~ iii'

I ~IW" ~ .J!'=i, dtJ 'ty,..ull ;~II e~I~'

or. I

~'~:F,lir in the ley'es of men is t-he love ~or tl101gs

'Utey _ covet; women and sons; heaped'-up hoards, 'of gold, . and , sDve:r; 'hOIr8eSI brandied (fo,r blood and' excellence), and (wleiali'b o,f) cattle and w,e:U~tiUed land", Such am the 'Plosse,ssj,Otns of this, _ 'W' orld's life; but in. nearness tOI God is file best of 'the, go,aJJs~,,.',l


'Go d, affirms m I_D'S weaikne'ss .for the s~a'tisfacrtion, of 'his instinctual cra~nls 'but this weakness distances h'im;; from, iGod .. , Tb;e:fe:furl~', 'the best goal for hum an beings is to seek

, _.

d'ivin,iB prox:imity which is achieved: through the cu'l;ti"8'tion,

of nobler tenlden,cie's~ 'T,hes.e m:stin,ctiv'B 'Urlc,g or prQpens,j" ... '

tl b 'I·,' ,i, t~' te ,",

'-~. m ' . ~ '1 'iii ' I ', u·" " .. "...,. _.

_ .. ~eg; . ' __ ay .•. e, f!Jp_~,_ m,·o , :0 __ :r ca,g)onesli

'M:an,":s actual 'nature, wh'ich is determined 'by his desires,

: :, .... :' 'I 1-~ ~-, ,-;- -111f."~ ;'1-n.'~;"" .' ,,- -- d'i . t~' b rt h" .s., ., ,t""- _ U·aJll·- . ,,,,,. , 'to' ._,

resuns In serr re'gAllut'O,g con: UC".U is po I,e:n,~_, na. __ Rill

'whic:h'is de:tennin,ed 'btl' 'h-tiS innate drfv.,Bs-----sults t-; his social

. . _ _ _ _,... . _ . " ,ICP -, . .. . ,. ~, ., Fe . _ . .... m ,J ... .. _



n· ,f. ,:11.'4' :tt:u.- .. QIJ iii' .J",-~ ."

3' I".. ~

conduct, The self-regarding ~ conduct demonstrates the

tem 'p' :-t'!!llti/oo'" .. '. 'o"f' 1·Qj;~~·~"! -·b·· u' It' thr" ae ." ' socia I)' 1f'!!'O'!" nd "'I'-C··· t d' I~ onstretes

. ~ ""-. -. _ 0 "'... ' ". UllJ~Jl_I.\J,'1 .. ".. . ,IJ r.·.· OlYv.".: V .. _" 'J .". U.. ", .~.lII"", ~'. la~ ~I

.t.. __ ' c':IQ,'-'m"-lp' · .. ·U]'~I'·,on··:: -'.- of d. ':-''iI';fil Th" ·:·1·~' contl ;ji"!i<·t betwee .. :n, desire .. ··· __ atl'I--id:-1

IUIC- ,.-_ .. -.'\ ,''''. . rfil1 .... ~ .. I ,-,,' '-. ,IU'-.ll!ll .. , .. ~ ·,·v,n.[ J .IV . L1-ti J" _.- .1111, . "~_" .. _ -.

. ,. .

o·u·ty exists in, human mind on account o:f the: fURdam,e,ll,tal

duali tv' ': cd~ ·h.uM,an-" nature, Bu t thi:s, d'uaU ty: d '00$ not restrict man's to' choose. He is free to choose between

- ,

· ... L iii!II nro m' '. p .t.i~ n (JIC'! '0": If: I'" 'n'c~!-t"!; 4io and ,,.,,'IJ;,. Qjl ~oo- . C~'M ·lin: . ts '0" f 1»~,O" 'n' si

Ul~ . W' " I .. _~" .. ,,~P . , ~ IW!I'\;i' to, !Q.Ui· IW I~ ~.' 1>\1-& ,",il, -g . I, I. ":''!Ii!(IWl'y, 1 'i.'J\ :-

bility'", A .. :repbir human .conduet presumes 'the exercise of

. - ;;.. I _ _ .

choice . either in, the direction of' desire or ,in the: direction

'f"~' d' ftl.' C- 'Ii.. ~ t ,", +, "f]: . f' t' 'h- !. "'..,._ 'b

-(o' , .·:u:a.J'~' i. :u,QICe '. emunates eonr lei' W me I u 3l ... sence or

:pos'lPone,mlent' unnecessarily prolongs it and contributes

. . ..

to :h,1UDlaD, wn,sion,~ The' conflict can be resolved in five

W· '!!:IU' Ii!! ... ~~ ~~

(a) to follow 'the urges of :po-tenti-al nature 'by' :ne,p,eting tile other n ature completely;

(b) ,to foU,IUw - the, dIctates of actual nature by' 'lle,gilectin__g thc',"poten tial nature ~om,ple·te:ly;

I = - -

~ - I

(0) to deveIolp 'the potential nature to' a. level that it can

eady overshadow the ectual na'rure,;"

. • • I ,.

(d) to develop - t~e actual na,t1:1re' to a level th;at it OlD ea.siy overshadow the potential nature;

(e) to balance 'their' demands,

Th fl" t ii' • '" t d by ]' it .... ,-

__ e l~, opnon liS not encourage· :.'.,' ,Slam, I,Jt:icause

,",~ 1,.04 ;f, ::':_L,", ., - -," (' 'N' 'Il:-JI - ) f' f ·

Il !le,:EluS dl ,. !iWI uamvy- ·'1 t I. Iii· ~ 'r -- J: . - 10 . 'arm 0.' aseeti-

. . . .... . . . . -- '. .. . OJ .... -M¥~... . ~ . ,' .. ,...., . . _. .... .

'Cisni whicih, ·in fact amcunts to, ~ d1enla] IOf. U-f~.and a negation. of -, thl'- e' 'purp ri~ '0' ·fC-· 'k'UI 1""'1 ,J!!iiMl ·e· xlst '.:' .. '.' "

iii;;,!!' I . .<:. , .' . .~:__' ,. 11 L AJI~ .Ji" :tai' ence,~

The, second 'op t.j,o'n is, also di,sappr-oved .'by ISlam because it, 'leads to :a' com'p ...• lete "enretiion ,and distortio . of

I' ~. I: ~ ~. r' -,;; - - - - - .. -- I - .1_. .. . . 1 - ~n - r"

haman person,aJj'~,~,


The -,fourth optien - is . also UDllc[cep'tab:1e becaase It

. ~ , '

stresses the negative perspec tive,· of human pe'rso,naJi:ty In[1I

accelerates the, moral collapse of human - beings.

. -

The firth option does not provide a sound m,d Y'ia,b1e basis for the devel6pin1ent' of noble. 'v,aJues because balance

: e- - '. 't' - 'O;tj' 'f-' botl .. , . s- ' . '6" :aJ)1' - -I"'.

means eq u all. [~PPIO 'un. iea ror' l_j. ~-- UJl~ super 'lei ~, -.y :l'l m.,ay

'C.tunme,nd itself ,b1jt 'conipreihens'ively i.t does not help ;in the" - ~ieve.ment or' moral perfection - whieh is the coveted. goal

of'humart e;X'--ll<listen, ',~, -

,.Il. .. -- _ _ _ _ ~iI!

n "':t..·'rd ti' '.. th ''ht h- iI! ' tOO

e lI,il', O:P'- OrD J.8 1(,8, ODy' c,oml':re_~enSlVe: OP'lOD

that can resolve the conflict, It can trensform the 'potential

.. _ ~ .. ,," _ .' ~- I • _ "'Il. :_ .• .: _J', • • !!Ii'" .. .. _ . __ ~ . III _ '.. I

nature, mto a livln. force wh:lch can in turn dominate and .

control the .aetual nature, This, . will s~engtb8n the noble urges and moral propensitles of' potential nature and 'vitiate

, .,;. .,' - ',: .' ., _, . I,

tlb~ . se.~,f~regaldinl instt'n1cts· and ambltlonsof actual na~~ ,

The former .. in its more developed and, strengthened ~a~'~j manages to' ceter for 'the, needs and" requirements - of t~he,

, '

latter in a more, ,effectiVe, manner. Thus 'the conflict bet ...

'weent:h.e' 'Se·nse 'of-duty and ,·tIlle· 'telnptation of -ti'esire is

, _

~ .

'positivle:ly resolved: witJto'ut ~re,atin& any _ residue _of, frustra-

ti'o'n or repre,ssion,~ In thiS, way man is ·neftber robbed [of his

I Il III r -~ _ .1;1 - -J" J I ... " .! I ~ _. -! P .I! ., ,,' II ~

urge. to attam the goal: of m[oral perfeetion ~~r IS: he depnved

10f the Nlfiimen,t of his 'valild desire's and am,b[ition:s~' -

This process of"p:u:rific'ation of human -m:ind is knpw,n

aIG, 'tazkiu·y, ,; 811; ('': r,"": ,~ ) Qu_" >" an: ~ta'te- - ~ 's---' ~ ; - '- -. .. .' . •

~,_,-til ,. ~J;III~i',, 'j' __ J _,:_---',-'--~

- ", I P

• ~._ I

~;!P'_ . _' ,,... ~l .... .-. M'_ #!' I _,_. _ ~,r"'" .... ,~ ,,~ ..,. '. ,""".-

,.J.ill.~ • u'.;UJ 4J~ ~'U .•.. ~J-·~~~~.,···~:-_'~-_JI["

~ ! . I .. . ~II

, '-

. ,. - .

,JiIIi~"" ""'.. .! .-. P' _. It

. '~;). /' ... uu.. i.Y I[ 11_ .. _rJ-: .. +'_'

.- W'-.f. ~ ~J v

, .

"'B:'y~-- th:' Ie· $,- __ .11 ' . do; t'-h-: 'e' p-' 'ro' p- 0- --[rtil .'1- ·"'0:' n an' dl order mv-'-- ~ ---

,. . .:_. ·-uw, an... .... .._, _j., ., ',I"IL- .,. '1-IU ... ,~ en,

to· .it;. and its enlightenment as to its 'wrong and its rigb,t:~ Truly' he succeeds that -purifie:! i~t;" ,and he fails.


that corrupts it. nl

. Human nature is riven by' two opposmg demands. On the one hand there is excessive love of desire s:;, on the other hand there is the eq,u:all(y, Irrepressible urge - to pursue noble Ideals, This conflict between the .t:wo aspects of human na ture is. necessary because no moral simatiloiD will. crop up without a. conflicting set: of circumstances as: the absence o:f conflict wiU, automatically un,ply' the absence of choice, M,an.'s, supe,riolrity lies lex ae tly' in his, pos,itivie resol~ .. tion of the conflict because in this way' he can effectively and properly attain the goal. lof moral perfection which is the ultimate purpose of human struggle; and which if$, the .primaJY object of human, creation,

God. declared Adam, the first 'rna il 'OD, the surface of the, earth, to be His vlcegerant, lQur"an narrates the declaration in these words:

Cti.And whe,n y'lour' LOJ'id said to the: angel;s: I am going to place :in the earth. one w:h,o sh,aH rule [(it be·ing

M'Y vleegerant). u,2 .

. At: this juncture, the angels objected tOI the divine preference lof human beings oveD' other creatures in the words:

lQuf'..,:,; 91: 1~lt) Q;uI"Qn~ 2: JO


''They slid: Wha,t, ~ W:ill You, place in it such, as shall make; misehief in it and shed blood: and we celeb'rate Your p,raise and extol YIO[U'f' holiness?' 'He said:

S,urely you, do not know whatI kP.o"w,,,;'~.l'

Th- - -- 'J'- h 'd . - 'nI- -- ·th" A· k ··-~d· -- f'- l-h- - - .. ~. tu ..

ne ,an,le,_s, 18, seen 0.' ,y I~ l~~ ear Sl~:_,e 0_' " ne P,I,C':I,re'i

,. -

T---h- " '''~ obsei , .. ,t~i-"-I " -,',,' '-"fi?--'d .... ,_ii",; t ,C" th -: ctu al ,,';"ml" '._:, e,JI" 0 ·se,I_Vftlf..j,on was con meo Q,l,I)J:Y [1 ,I "e, aenn na , .. N

f- -- . . . - ... - ,t . r: the ~'. - '14'. - -. "',t· d: k- ... w;t A .. 'th' . 'W' . - .

o m,aD as, on, accoun , 0;:, merr _1011, ec snowieege, __ ,ey' were

unaware of h:is potentlal nature, They concentrated exelu ...

O'iuiD'I~JI" '0'::-"'0-:" m'" an's 'mo"" isch ~;a#-t"t:"'Iii ..... ;t..l'~'n··o 'Olft'~ bloo "d'! ..... '~,ad,d", 'm"; 10 ten 'd' IAil"liliiiO QIIT "W,~, .' ,I. ,I:, GI.I, '.' "Q\oi' _&"",l,',iI!,I,~ ,I'b A .. Uj,U!_"V'--_:-MI!!!iO<.'. _. I, 10 1J.'._'",",Ui

cies and could not appreciate the more positive aspects of

- ~~

''Iio;;;~- . to ", :T-h- '. -'''''1-'' -, ..... -.- . ':t" , -i/!!'.-. ,·t- bii!' ,', , .. ,.- _.. ''''':f'': th' ",.,-

,,1),1 IS, na I ire. r ne a:Rg,e,l,s were D'O,., perree III IWI,fe: 10 I I. ,1];8

. ...

Je,alityjj, ,M:an~s, evil in,c:Un,a,ti,QIDS' we:re_ of course not tOI 'be

. ,-·h· ... .'n, -,A b .~, "~ 'th:'~" or o ",d-I ~I'ji him odu 'lid n···· 0', t o 1,_,I,y.' neutral '-I';''''e'

Cau.engeu ",1lI1r I __ "e fiO ',,". iu" " \oi"', I,~ 1,:,Jl,U,: ,I,,",, ',",.,c.uo.:

hi'f;; ,evil propensities 'but utjliz:e them more effetrtiv,e,I,:y fOI,r

nobler ,PUrplose:S,~

:S,ince. ,Allah, knew the ,even,tull p;,revalence of '. good

-ov'lr evU., He said" to the; angels, '~'~'Surely 'I: know w'h,at: you do not k'DOW ~ ,; :Map, was expected to, achieve h:is moral 'superiority ove othe c:reatures not on'ly by confronting

t h. ae eo on fl 1'~ ~:~: ~: :-:(WI --'-'~;a;;'n- , d :e-o~~. ar,"'d-i-' d utv -b out al···· so by-": ,',' '1I1fUII- tt~m"': -; G' it·,,"

:w !Ij,;i'. ",,!Ii. _'ViC. ,,' '"''"'' . . ~,~ _",0.. .. __ 'f.J.. __ .' ' .. _'. ., t'" _IU _ .. f;ji .I,

'to his adrv',anlage:t This stm,ggje and, Its 'p'ositivle c:o.'nsequenees, are, the bai_s of human su:p1eriority',,,, :If' tbere 'was no s;t~lBIe, :18, it: '¥I'IS in the case of angels who pouessed, oD'ly the noble im,stmcts, no moral, si,tg,a,tio'n wDul,d bav1e 'p 'opp ed up, to test man's ex,cel'lence land: he wOluId· not h,lW8 eme.r_d as a Ill.penor 'bemg: to ju:s,tify' 'iii,s vicege,rimcy on earth, Th,u's 'the ,mam pUIJI'C'se of tile :stmg1e was to iesta'blish man's 'n~oral, ,uee,ndan~,y ove:r all othercreatures,

Therefore, man being a moraIJ ageD,I, is free to accept and deye:l·op the, ,In,flu,e,nc:, of e.ithe,r of th,ese: ,m,stin,e,ts., B'ut w:bateveI' course of action he o'pts, for) he, alone is, ;resp'o:Ds;i.ble

for the consequeaees 'that foU()'-w'. frem :i,t~, ,And if he, is 'stnVlp,ed of Ibis free cholee on account of some (t'b.y'sical

t 1 di b ;"~ ii t' b';o ,~.;, ai' 11 ~ b'il' ,,' iii h1 iii t" te- I

,or men ~ac_ '_Isa,' hf,,y, :1S cnmmai,~~, 1'~, IS, proper uonat :_;Y

attenuated or totally :suspcn,ded. Hence it does not make sense tOI accept c;rimi:n,ali.t.y as an iograin'od eharae teristic

of' 'h-um" - ran nature

_ " • :: f '.: '", ]- i·:.l~U\.I-""ii

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