Andy Collins
Eytan Bernstein Frank Brunner
Owen K.C. Stephens John Sneadtroduction s 3
hhapter 1: Armor a
mot Properties, é
‘5c Armorand Shields 16
rand Shield Augment Crystals a
hhapter 2: Weapons............- 27
Properties 7
fc Weapons M6
pon Agent Cystle a
hapter 3: Clothing 2 Pek lmao te
hhapter 4: Tools. Weekes A
hapter 5: Magic Item Sets.-........0.0...000 494
ofthe Watching Mast wb
ofthe Mamticore bs
Se Warriors Arty 7
‘he Hunting Cat 198
is Monae Ars. 280
uments ofthe Blood Gif an
iment ofthe Four 2m
ent ofthe Stormvalker 20s
sis ofthe Hero 20
sms are an integral part ofthe DuxcEoxs & Dracoxs*
perience. As long as D&D has been around, there have
2 +t swonisand potions of healing—theyte as inextricably linked
gums identity ax 1Sth-love fighters and mag
Every fighter saves up for his frst magic weapon, and no
played a paladin hasnt dreamed abour wha it would
eto wield a holy avenger
iemsalso make upacrucal paraf every D&D characters
bilities. A magic weapon can slice through a crearure’s
eduction, a ring of pratacton diverts otherwise deadly
anda handy potion orscrllean tipthe balance in aeritical
cer A character without magic items slike a wizard with
her spells propared ora fighter who hasn't bothered to
his feats—he' simply incomplete.
ompared to spells and feats, magic items haven'treceived
"quality time’ i che current edition ofthe game, Not
they scattered acrossdovensat books with litle sense of
ation or theme, bu their effets ae often poorly defined
frequently—some might even say usually—ovee
xrunderwhelming. As result, only a handful of magic
«actually widely used ranging from the humble + long
the renowned ring ofinvisiily
no longer the case
tam Compendium ushers in a brave new world of magic
a world with clearly defined effects and activation times,
teresting items at every price point and with exciting,
wvely priced options for every class and character lev!
ng hundreds ofrevised and repriced items from previow
wajvuload uf beanlaiew, severbeforescenor
agined magic items, chs book is your D&D character's
the candy store
jon just take our word for it Go ahead, starr turning the
heck out che revarmped armor and weapon propertiesin
‘and 2, Marvelatall the swifeation-acrvation gloves,
Regalia af the Phoeni 208
Seven Veil 20
Vestments of Divinity 23
Wratis Woe
‘Chapter 6: Using Magic Items.
Ideniyng ems
Body Slot.
Suze and Shape
Activating Mage lems
Special Magic tem Rules
Augment Crystals
Synergy Properties
Magic Item Sets
tem Level.
Placing Male ems
Buying and Selling Magic Teens,
Cratlng Magi es
Appendix 1: Magic Items by Price...
Appendix 2: Random Treasure...
‘Magic Item Record Sheet .
boots, and belts in Chapter3. Drool over the handy adventuring
tools in Chapter4 and imaginehow cool your charecter will lool
‘when he's decked out in one ofthe item sets in Chapter S. And
that doesn'teven cover the book's exciting new take on relics the
immensely handy augment crystals the array of ‘sorcerers best
friend? runestaf®, and 30 on
Traditionally, magic temshavebeen divided into categories based
parcallyon form and partially on function, creating system chat
doesnt always help the reader know were ta gol
hing. An item holding SO uses ofpartcslarist-r4eh-evel spell
iscalled a wand, but a similarly shaped ine that has an unusual
onspell effece chat it ean generate a few times per day might be
you weir that provides a
but i
ing for some
ara or even a wondrous tem. An item
continuous magical effect is probably a wondrous item
might be rine or even suit af soe
This book instead divides magic items into four basic catego
ries—armot, weapons, clothing, and rools—with each category
receiving 2 separate chapter. This classification has no effect on
game play—you still use Forge Ring to craft an item deseribed
254 ring (ot, more important, an item that has Forge Ring a5 &|
pretequisite)—but it should make ie bt easier for you to find
‘Armor (Chapter 1) This category includes both specific, pre
constructed magic suits of armor or shields as well asthe various
properties thar can be added to any appropriate suit of armor or
shield Guch as fortification or acid sesistance). I doesit include
robes (or other items worm in the sime body sl as atmo since
most ofthose toms don offer the sime kinds of effets, nor does
itinclude bratysofarmor or other tems that provide situiar pro
tection—those are both clothing items,
‘Weapons (Chapter 2) This category includes both specific
preconstructed weapons as well as the various properties that
can be added to any appropriate weapon, I also inclades rods