PRDS Basics
PRDS Basics
PRDS Basics
In thermal power stations, the temperature at pressure reducing and desuperheating station (PRDS) header is sometimes
unable to contain within a specific limit. This causes instability in PRDS that leads to unsatisfactory performance of the
auxiliary systems, resulting in shut down. The cause of the problem is identified, analysed and remedial measures are
suggested that spray water for desuperheating the main steam supplied to PRDS can be tapped from the condensate
extraction pump discharge line instead of from the boiler feed pump discharge line being practiced. Analyses show that
a sum of Rs 20 744 can be saved per day in addition to a substantial saving in the layout cost.
INTRODUCTION A, inside area of the pipe through which the fluid flows; and v,
In thermal power stations, the requisite operating parameters the velocity, m/s. The steam has the velocity of 41.44 m/s
of PRDS is obtained by desuperheating the steam, which is flowing at a rate of 350 t/h. The steam is tapped usually by
tapped from main steam line. The water from boiler feed providing a T arrangement2. The entire arrangement of the
pump is utilised for desuperheating after reducing its pressure existing system is divided into five stages as it is seen in the
in an appropriate pressure control valve. The desuperheated Figure 1. The steam coming out of the pressure control valve is
steam is then distributed to different parts of the auxiliary at a temperature of 480° C with a pressure of 17 bar. The
steam consumption headers, such as, fuel atomising station, reduction in pressure from 135.1 bar (Stage I) to 17 bar (Stage III)
soot blowers steam consumption point, starting and main is obtained on the assumption that the 100% line is in service.
steam ejector lines. It is essential that there should not be any
It is noted that there is only about 11% reduction in
disturbances in the parameters, especially in temperature, in
temperature of steam. The high temperature steam is then
PRDS for efficient operation of thermal power stations. But
many a time it has been experienced that there is instability in admitted to the cooler where it is supposed to be
the values of parameters of steam in PRDS units, resulting in desuperheated to a little less than or equal to 200° C . The
failure to achieve the performance of the power station. The required quantity of water for desuperheating is tapped from
problem of instability can be overcome by tapping spray water the boiler feed pump discharge line. In 210 MW power
from the part where the pressure and temperature are stations, the spray water is supplied at a rate of 1.4 kg/s. The
conducive to the efficient operation of power stations. This desired temperature limits are normally between 180° C and
paper presents a useful suggestion to avoid the aforesaid 200° C but the maximum limit should not be greater than
problem by analysing the important parameters of PRDS in 200 ° C 3 . The pressure control valve (PCV-2) closes
210 MW power stations in India. The same can be extended to automatically if the temperature exceeds 200° C , causing no
higher capacity power stations too. supply of steam to the PRDS system.
The temperature at the PRDS header is not maintained within
A line diagram of the existing system of PRDS in 210 MW the desired limits and at times it goes up a few degrees Celsius
power stations is given in Figure 1. The superheated steam is beyond 200 ° C . The temperature could not be brought down
tapped from both the main lines that carry steam to the to a desired value even if the quantity of spray water supply
turbine. The pressure and temperature in each line are 135.1 bar from the boiler feed pump discharge line is increased to
and 540 ° C , respectively (Stage I). The velocity of the steam is maximum possible. The reason could be due to mixing of
given by the expression1, spray water at 167° C with steam at 480° C . Greater the supply
& = ρAv
m (1) of this water, less likely will it reduce the temperature. There
is thus an increase in the temperature at steam consumption
& is mass flow rate of fluid, m/s; ρ , the density, kg/m3;
where m headers, such as, soot blowers, oil heating station, fuel oil
Dr S Shanmugam is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, atomising station, main and starting ejectors lines, which
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, Tiruchirappalli 620 015;
while S Sakthivel is with Inspectorate of Boilers, PWD Compound, reduces the unit load. This has sometimes compelled entire
Kumarasamy Patty, Salem 636 007. power generation to be stopped. With great difficulty, the
This paper was received on April 22, 2004. Written discussion on the paper will temperature can be controlled manually too but it usually
be entertained until December 31, 2005. takes much time. Besides, in the existing system there must be
16 o g/s kg
Dimensions in mm
T - 1.4 k 3 kJ/ r
m 686. .4 ba
Not to Scale
73 ×
h - 180
in S
P : Pressure
T - 5 7.2 kg /kg
m -9 447 k ar
.4 b
40 o /s
h : Enthalpy
m : Mass Flow Rate
T : Temperature
EL 24500
EL : Elevation
SV : Safety Valve
EL 2
EL 2 Flow
2250 Nozz P - 19.62 bar
0 le h - 232 kJ/kg
m -1.01 kg/s
2300 P-1 S He
35 ader
h - 3 .1 bar
T - 55oC
409 k
m-4 J/
.2 kg kg
T - /s
530 o IV
f 15 II C
f 32 P-1
3.9 4
× 37 SV-1
SV-2 h - 2 .17 bar Existing
m& - 97 kJ/k
5 g Proposed
f 60 × 11
f 273
× 6.4 T - 2 .56 kg/
00 oC s
f 15
9× P - 17 bar III
EL 30 f 27
22 PCV-1 h - 3427 kJ/kg .4
0 m - 4.17 kg/s
EL 2
f 15 T - 480oC 2280
an exclusive pressure reducing station as the water pressure is same time, the temperature is also less (55 ° C ), which has the
to be reduced from 180.4 bar to about 20 bar4. The problem advantage of consuming less quantity of water. The enthalpy
can be avoided by introducing a little change in the spray of water is 231.9 kJ/kg and the heat content of the water in the
water tapping as explained here. proposed system is 454 kJ/kg less than that of the existing
system. The temperature at the PRDS header is always kept
below 200° C because the water at 55 ° C is sprayed to the
Careful studies of the layout of the piping and the parameters steam at 480 ° C . The supply of spray water also is not
of different lines have indicated that there is only one disturbed even when the plant is being shut down as the
possibility of tapping spray water at a very low pressure and running of the CEP is continuous and this facilitates efficient
temperature in the power station. It is the condensate operation of the auxiliary units.
extraction pump (CEP) discharge line in which the pressure
In the proposed system, there is no change in the first four
and temperature of the water are 19.62 bar and 55 ° C , stages of the existing system (Figure 1). In the fifth stage the
respectively5. The proposed system is denoted as dotted line in spray water is admitted to the cooler, taken from the CEP
the Figure 1 and this line is directly taken from the condensate discharge line. The diameter of the pipes is calculated using the
extraction pump (CEP) discharge line. Figure 2 depicts the equation (1). The values of diameter and properties6 are
proposed system. presented in Table 1. The diameter of the spray water line in
the fifth stage in the proposed system is about 42.2% less than
The spray water line in the existing system is modified with
that of the existing system, as the values of the parameters of
tapping from the CEP discharge line. By providing a suitable
the spray water admitted to the cooler are very much less. The
arrangement in the CEP discharge line the water is taken to spray water velocity before the cooler is 2.02 m/s which is
the cooler and sprayed for desuperheating the steam. The 17.4% greater than the velocity of water from boiler feed
water has a low pressure (19.62 bar) and therefore there is no pump discharge line. This will obviously facilitate the process
need for having a separate pressure reducing station. At the of mixing in the cooler.
P - 180.4 bar
h - 686 kJ/kg Condenser Condenser
& - 1.4 kg/s
m Main Steam Line
T - 167oC
20 m
Header '0' m