Prefix and Suffix List 1 PDF

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BIOSOURCES ae BASIC SKILLS Class ——— 9. Words and Roots The challenge of understanding a new word can often be simplified by carefully examining the word. Many words can be divided into three parts: a prefix, root, and suffix. A prefix consists of one or more syllables placed in front of a word. ‘The root is the main part of the word. The suffix consists of one or more syila- bles at the end of a word. Prefixes and suffixes modify or add to the meaning of the root. _ A knowledge of common prefixes, roots and suffixes can give you clues to the meaning of an unfamiliar word and help make learning new words easier. For © example, each of the word parts in the chart below can be combined with the toot derm to form another word. Prefix | Root | Suffix derm_| -otology derm_| -otologist hypo- | derm | -ic derm | -atitis pachy- | derm Use the chart above to form five words using the root derm, Then use the list of word parts and their definitions below to write what you think is each word’s meaning. Word part | Definition Word part | Definition derm (root) _| skin of or perta -logy (suffix) | the study of “itis inflammation “ist (suffi) | one who practices or | pachy- ‘thick deals with something hypo- below or under ICSKILES | continued cs and Roots AJ-18" cereb- we Following is a chart of prefixes, suffixes, and roots commonly found in the study of biology. Each is followed by its usual meaning, an example of a word in which it is used, and a definition of that word, Examine the word-part definition and the example of its usage given. Then go down the first column and mark each word part with a P,an R, or an S for prefix, root, or suffix, depending on how the word part is used in the example given. | Prefix, root | or suffix | Definition | Example La not, without “1 asymmetrical, not symmetrical 2eab- | away, apart _| abduct, move away from the middle “3, -able able viable, able to live 4, ad- to, toward _| adduct, move toward the middle amphi- | both |__| amphibian, type of vertebrate, like a frog, v ‘that lives both on land and in the water 6. ante- before 1” | anterior, front of an organism 7. anti- ‘against. “~ | antibiotic, substance, such as penicillin, e capable of killing some disease-causing organisms *|’8. arche- ancient p"_ | Archaeopteryx, earliest known fossil bird Se arthro- | joint arthropod, jointed-| belonging to the phylum Arthropoda imbed organism | 39 auto- self, same, |/ | autotrophic, able to manufacture its own automatic "| food; autonomic, self-controlling, functionally independent as the autonomic nervous system (11. bi. two _¥_| bivalve, mollusk with two shells | (}12.0i0- | tife | biology, the study of fe | 33: blast embryo blastula, hollow ball stage in the development of an embryo (14. carcin cancer carcinogenic, causing cancer cerebrum, part of the vertebrate brain 16. chloro- | green | chlorophyll, green pigment in plants ro | necessary for photosynthesis | 17eghromo- | color chromosome, structure found in eukaryote aa | cells that contains DNA 18. chondro-_| cartilage Chondrichthyes, cartilaginous fish } 19. circ around circulatory, system for moving fluids { through the body ecticide, a substance that kills insects © by Hot, Rinehart and Winston, ne (BASIC SKILLS | continued Words and Roots Name Date Class Prefix, root or suffix Definition Example 21. co, con- | with, together! conjoined twins, identical twins physically joined by a shared portion of anatomy at birth 22, -oycle circle pericycle, layer of plant cells 2B. ot cell cytology, the study of cells 24. de- remove dehydration, remove water 25. derm- skin dermatology, study of the skin 26. di- two diploid, full set of chromosomes found in somatic cells ° 27. dia- ‘through dialysis, separating molecules using a membrane 28. ecol- dwelling, ecology, the study of living things and their house environments 29. ecto- outer, outside | ectoderm, outer germ layer of developing embryo 30.-ectomy __| removal | appendectomy, removal of the appendix 31, endo- _| inner, inside | endoplasm, cytoplasm within the plasma | [membrane 32. epi- upon, over _ | epiphyte, plant growing upon another plant 33, ex, exo- | outside of —_| exobiology, the search for life elsewhere in the universe 34, gastro-_| stomach gastropod, type of mollusk 35, -gen type genotype, genes in an organism 36. -gram write or dimatogram, depicting the annual | record precipitation and temperature for an area _| 37. hemi- half hemisphere, half of a sphere 38. hetero- | different heterozygous, different alleles inherited from parents 39. hist- | tissue histology, the study of tissues _ 40. homeo- | the same homeostasis, maintain the same conditions | in an organism as the environment changes 41. hydro- water hydroponics, growing plans in water L_ | | instead of soil - | above, over | hypertension, blood pressure consistently al higher than normal _| below, under | hypothalamus, partofthe brain | “ic | of or hypodermic, pertaining to under the skin 30 SKILLS ] continued rds and Roots Prefix, root or suffix Definition Example 45. inter- between, interbreed, breed within a family or strain among 46, Intra- within intracellular, inside a cell equal isogenic, having an identical set of genes someone who | biologist, someone who practices or | studies life deals with something | 49. -logy study of biology, the study of life 50. macro- | large macromolecule, large molecule such as DNA or proteins 51. mal. bad malnourished, poor nutrition 52. mega- large megaspore, larger of two types of spores produced by some ferns and flowering plants 53. meso- in the middle | mesoglea, jellylike material found between [outer and inner layer of coelenterates 54. meta- change | metamorphosis, change in form in insects 55. micro- small microscopic, too small to be seen with unaided eye 56. mono- one, single _| monoploid, one set of alleles 57. morph-_| form morphology, study of form of organisms 58. neo- new | neonatal, newborn 59. nephr- kidney nephron, functional unit of the kidney 60, neur- nerve | neurotransmitter, chemical released by a 7 neuron to stimulate or inhibit other neurons 61. 00- egg ‘oogenesis, gamete formation in female diploid organisms | 62. org fiving organism, living thing | 63, -oma swelling carcinoma, cancerous tumor 64, orth- straight orthodontist, dentist who straightens teeth 65. pachy- thick pachyderm, thick-skinned animal such as an elephant 66. para- near, on parasite, organism that lives on and gets __ nutrients from another organism |_87. path- disease pathogen, disease causing organism | 68. per around | pericardium, membrane around the heart q : 2 i a i BASIC SKILLS | continued Words and Roots Name Date Class Prefix, root or suffix Example 69. photo- light | phototropism, bending toward light by | plants 70. phyto- | plants phytoplankton, part of plankton consisting of plant life 71. poly- many polypeptide, sequence of amino acids joined together to form a protein foot pseudopod, false foot that projects from ‘the main part of an amoeboid cell before prediction, a forecast of events before they take place; the outcome, if a hypothesis is accepted 74. -scope instrument to | microscope, instrument to see very small see something] objects; telescope, instrument to see very distant objects 75. semi- partially semipermeable, allowing some particles to move through 76. -some body chromosome, structure found in eukaryotic cells and that contain DNA 77. sub- under substrate, molecule on which an enzyme acts above superficial, on or near the surface of a tissue or organ _ with synapse, junction of one neuron with another to cut appendectomy, to cut out the appendix across ‘transformation, the transfer of genetic material from one organism to another referring to. | urology, study of the urinary tract urine 83. visc- organ viscera, internal organs of the body cavity

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