AMS - Branson - CH Tanks TDS

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TRANSDUCERIZED CLEANING TANKS: Branson manufactures five standard size transducerized 25 and 40 kHz, tanks thac range from a 2.5 10 a 50 gallon capacity (10 co 190 liters). All have drains and fils. ‘Type 316L. bright-annealed stainless steel construction throughout ly acidic, or ncutral aqucous solutions. ppotmics the use of alkaline, Bulletin SB-002 TRANSDUCERIZED CLEANING TANKS AND IMMERSIBLE TRANSDUCERS Branson tanks are available with or without integral heaters. Heated models are available to maintain solution temperatures up to 170°F (76°C). All models are available with a stainless stel parts basket and/or tank cover. ‘STANDARD FEATURES © Bortom-mounted positive drain connection * Fully shielded internal components. OPTIONS * Stainless stel basket for parts handling, Stainless steel tank cover. © Thermostatically-controlled heat. NUMBERING SYSTEM Each Branson transducerized tank has a model number winich contains important information to guide the selection of a properly rated comparison power supply. When making a selection, note the frequency. For example: H1012-40-12 HEATED TANK SPECIFICATIONS ‘This model number, stamped on the cank nameplate, indicates whether the tank has a) hhcater (H = heated), the length of the tank in ches, lefe to right (10"), the width of che tank: in inches, front co back (12"), the operating frequency 40 kHr), and the number of attached) pictoclectric transducer elements (12). The “_" would contain either a C, indicating an 8300/8500 Series Power Supply, or an S, indicating a 7000 Power Supply. POWER SUPPLY SELECTION "To select the correct power supply for your trans- uccrized tank, add the coral number of tans- ducer elements involved by using the information from the model number as explained. Then, select a power supply whose last two numbers exactly match the number of trans- ducer elements by referring co the power supply specifications on Bulletin SB-001 (Series 7000) ‘or Bulletin $-1044 (Series 8500). ‘Model 610" | Model 1012 | Medel 1216 | Model 1620. | Model 2028 | Model 2032" a) Sa Ts x eis? | Waa ale Ware | Warr Tanke Dimensions” | 15952543 284mm) | @s4x 36x24 mn | 04406 x3 mn) | U6 SDH Adem) | E6102 md | GO B12 58 md (254.0395. 396 mm) | 6554-496 406 mm) | (45 308 x 497 mb | 610 609.599 mm) | 608 «7x Aram | GA 94x 694 md 25 pls 0.4 ers) | 5.0 gallos 18.9 lee) | 10 gules 78ers [3 alone 787 er) |W plone SLs! | gill 1992 Kies ‘id Wars To Wars 20 Ware 000 Wars 3000 We 00 We TOWAG/42 amps | ROWS | 20 WATS Sapa | OWI BOWS amps | BOWIGB amp ‘Approx. Shipping WE | 35 Ue ST A TBST. WO ae ath nel Naf “+48 poe sainlew weet i ome aed pb Ale 6 ic (133mm) lane an fn-bick dimension fr ‘STVIISLYH SAY aE RRR Wer Hy, 801LS-ZL2-998 IMMERSIBLE TRANSDUCERS. Branson immersible ultrasonic transducers can be placed wherever you reed them in your existing cleaning tanks. ‘These units give you the complete freedom to design specialized cleaning, setups or to upgrade soak tanks with ultrasonics. Each immersible transducer is fabricated from 316L bright annealed stainless steel with welded seams and stainless stel fittings. These hermetically sealed modular components are available in standard sizes startingat 6” x 18° all 3.25” deep, Other sizes can be custom-built for spe- cial applications. Chrome plating is available to reduce cavitation erosion, Branson offers three transducer configurations which vary according «© their mounting style and electrical connections. This allows for maximum, versatility of transducer placement on tank bottom or walls co permic ‘optimum ultrasonic energy transmission. Whatever the configuration, Branson supplies all necessary interconnecting components NUMBERING SYSTEM Each Branson immersible ransducer has a model number which concains, important information useful for selection of a properly rated companion power supply: For example: __ 618-40-12 IMMERSIBLE TRANSDUCER CONFIGURATIONS Branson offers three transducer configurations, Types FC, CB, and EB, which vary according to their mounting means and electrical connections, ae x ma ‘Type CB - The most come mon style for side or inthe tink, May beside or botom mounting. One oF hortom mounred using two bullthead figs incegral mounting Manges depending on ansducer Wererigh 3’ led in ables sine. Supplied with 8 RE “Type FC ~ Mort versie ype does noc require holes Type EB - Tor bosom - cunting, epi when sinder-tonk preven use of Type CB. May be affixed 10 cauk bortom using incegel clearance required. Special cable cable, which allows master — mounting flange, Standard lengths avalable ao righ junction bor robe remotely 1A" mounting Biting angle fing fortigh adius located. Special length supplied: oxber leaghs ure ‘cols ssl, ovale This model number, samped on the wansducer nameplate, indicates , a type FC mounting, the size of 6” wide by 18” long. the operating frequency (40 KHz), and that it contains 12 POWER SUPPLY FREQUENCY SELECTION Branson immersible transducers may be used singly or in muleiples, powered by 2 Branson generator of suitable capacity. The power supply and all transducers must operate at the same frequency. To. select the correct power supply for a cleaning setup, add the voral number of transducer elements involved by using the information from the model number as explained. Then, selecea power supply whose last two numbers exactly match the number of rans- ducer elements. Multiple power supplies may be required. Refer to the power supply specifica- tions chart on the front of this sheet. electric elements, IMMERSIBLE TRANSDUCER MOUNTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. MS Mode! 610-6 | Model 618-12 Dimensions esl or (Width Leng) | 1152255 nm) | (152957 eo “Approx. Shipping WE. | 1s lbx Wks) | 30 bu. 4p) + All sranacers ave 3-144" (82 mmm) deep. Stated dimen sions do no inchude mounting anges on pes FC and EB, Other sizes or curom-mae raducers ae avilable upon rope, Chrome plating and high-fequency unis are abo available, Note: Opposed side- mounted ransduc- fr wuld have at tase 12" space Between radiating fies BRANSON ULTRASONICS CORPORATION 41 Eagle Road, Danbury, CT 06813-1961 + (203) 796-2240 /2298 + FAX (205) 796-0320 + Branson SE Asis Hong Kong Branson Europe Branson UK Gone, Saicesand Brann Japan Tokyo, pan {© Branson Ukesonics Conporton 1994 Landon, Eagan Matha, Onan Bsnson de Mexico Nuvo ta, Meso {$B.002 Revised and primed in USA, 5105 ‘STVIISLYH SAY is R iS Wer Hy, 801LS-ZL2-998

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