A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 1: I. Objectives
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 1: I. Objectives
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 1: I. Objectives
I. Objectives:
a. Identify specific sounds heard from different animals.
A. Materials:
Picture of different kinds of animals
Big Book/Story Book
Laptop (for video)
Visual Aids
B. References:
Book 1
Title: Quack
Author: Rafael de Jesus
Illustrator: Jomar S. Montinola & Larry A. Diolola
Colours: Lloyd Guiller D. Ybera
Book 2
Title: Fun in English 1
Pages: 25-27
Title: Old McDonald Had a Farm
Author: Unknown from Ireland
Source: Youtube.com
C. Subject Integrated:
Science: Identify sounds produces by animals.
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Singing of a song.
2. Checking of attendance.
3. Standard to follow inside the classroom.
a. Drill/Spelling:
Kindly get a one whole sheet of paper for our spelling.
1. farmer
2. rice
3. fruits
4. vegetable
5. field
b. Review:
Yesterday, we studied about the animals in where they live. Can you tell
me where the bees live? How about the ants?
Very Good!
B. Developmental activities:
1. Motivation:
Who has a pet in the house such as dog and cat?
Who has animals in the farm?
Very Good! Because our lesson for today is all about animals. Do you
want to watch a music video about the animals?
The teacher will present/play the music to the pupils.
*** Animal Action and Old McDonald Had a Farm
3. Lesson Proper:
The teacher will read the story carefully and ask the pupils to identify
what sounds did duck could make.
Why So duckling is lost? What made him cry? How many ducklings did
Mama and Papa duck have? What are the names of the ducklings?
Very Good!
And what are the good lessons that we can take from the story?
Very Good!
A. Importance of Animals:
There are animals at home. We call them pet animals such as dog and
cat. They help us to ease our stress if we are tired. There are also farm animals
such as carabao, cow, chicken, duck, horse, pig, and goat. They give us meat,
eggs, and milk. They help the farmers too when planting time. In the farm, we
can see many animals also such as frog and snake. So let us all be kind to
them because God made them for you and me.
B. Comprehension Check-up:
1. What do you call the animals at home?
2. What do you call the animals in the farm?
3. How does a pet animal like dogs and cat help us?
4. In what ways do farm animals help us?
5. Who gave them to us?
C. Exercises:
Select the sounds to the correct animals by putting on the side of it.
a. Bird ___________________
b. Frog ___________________
c. Dog ___________________
d. Cat ___________________
e. Goat ___________________
f. Chicken ____________________
g. Duck ____________________
h. Cow ____________________
i. Horse ____________________
j. Pig ____________________
Meow! Meow! Meow! Arf! Arf! Arf!
IV. Evaluation:
Moo! Moo! Moo! Mee! Mee! Mee!
Connect the animals to the sounds they make on the opposite side.