Instrumentation Engineers Handbook
Instrumentation Engineers Handbook
Instrumentation Engineers Handbook
Prepared by
LIST OF TABLES...........................................................................................................................x
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................... xi
This handbook is intended to give the instrumentation engineer the necessary background
to understand the operation of an instrumentation system. Although this document identifies the
main components and techniques of a typical instrumentation system, it is not intended to give
an all-inclusive treatment of every possible instrumentation system scenario. Subsystems and
topics include signal sources, signal conditioning, data collection, data formatting, telemetering,
recording, and data reconstruction which includes demodulation, demultiplexing, and display.
Also addressed are calibration and the related issues of measurement uncertainty and operational
considerations. Each of the above subsystems is explained in detail as to its function and utility.
This handbook will treat those portions of the instrumentation system not specifically
addressed in the following Range Commanders Council (RCC) documents:
The Telemetry Group would like to acknowledge production of this document for the
RCC by the Vehicular Instrumentation/Transducer Committee. Specific credit is issued to:
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DIN Deutsche Institute fuer Normung (German based manufacturer)
DITS Digital Information Transfer System
DLT Digital Linear Tape
DoD Department of Defense
EIA Electronic Industries Association
EIA RS-170 RS-170 is the EIS standard black and white video format used in the U.S.
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
FM Frequency Modulation
FQPSK Feher’s Patented Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
FS Full Scale
G Gauss (A unit of magnetic induction) per square centimeter)
GAMA General Aviation Manufacturers Association
GaAs Gallium Arsenide
GByte Gigabyte (= 1x109 bytes)
GF Gage Factor
GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus
GPM Gallons per minute
GPS Global positioning system
GUI Graphical User Interface
HDPE High Density Polyethylene
HMI Human/Machine Interface
HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
Hz Hertz (a measure of frequency; one Hertz equals one cycle per second)
Hz Hertz
I/O Input/output
IC Integrated component
ICD Interface Control Document
ICP integrated circuit piezoelectric
ID Inside diameter
IDE Integrated Drive Electronics
IEPE Integrated Electronics Piezoelectric
IEST Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology
InAs Indium Arsenide
IQ Refers to IQ modulator approach and baseband I and Q data paths
IRIG Inter-Range Instrumentation Group
ISA Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation (Society)
JBOD Just a Bunch of Disks
LAN Local Area Network
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LSB Least significant bit
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer
MARS Multiple Application Recording System
Mbps Megabits per second
MBps Megabytes per second
MEMS micro-electro-mechanical system
Mpa Megapascal
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group (The moving picture coding system)
MSB Most Significant Bit
msec Millisecond; one thousandth (10-3) of a second
NAV navigation systems
NAVSO Navy Staff Office
NEP Noise Equivalent Power
NISPOM National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NRZ-L Non-return-to-zero, level
NSA National Security Agency
NSN National Stock Number
NTSC National Television Standards Committee
OEM original equipment manufacturer
PAL Phase Alternation by Line
PC Personal Computer
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PD Positive Displacement
PE Piezoelectric
PFA Perfluoroalkoxy
PID Proportional-Integral-Derivative
PIN Positive Intrinsic Negative
PLC Process Logic Controller
PN Positive-channel, Negative-channel
PPS Pulse per Second
psi Pounds per square inch
PSID pounds per square inch differential
PSIG Pounds Per Square Inch gauge
PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
PVDF Polyvinylidene diflouride
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
R/D Resolver to Digital
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RF Radio Frequency
RMS root-mean-square
RP Recommended Practice
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RPS Revolutions Per Second
RSL roughness sub-layer
RT Remote Terminal
RTD Resistive Temperature Device
RVDT Rotational Variable Differential Transformer
RZ Return-to-zero
S/D Synchro To Digital
SDI Source/Destination Identifier
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCFM Standard cubic feet per minute
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
SDI Source/Destination Identifier
SG Specific gravity
Si Silicon
SOQPSK Shaped Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
SOQPSK-TG Shaped Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, Telemetry Group
SSM Sign/Status Matrix
T/R Transmit/Receive
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDR Time Domain Reflectometer
TEMPEST Telecommunications Electronics Material Protected from Emanating
Spurious Transmissions
TFE Tetrafluoroethylene
TIA Trans-Impedance Amplifier
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
UK (BS) United Kingdom, Brown & Sharp (Manufacturer)
VSTOL Vertical and short takeoff and landing
WSU Wright State University
In the broadest terms, an instrumentation system performs the functions of acquiring and
presenting data to the user. A functional instrumentation system is a product of hardware,
software, and processes employed to orchestrate the subsystem interactions to acquire and
deliver data and/or information relating to a specific test or measurement event. The specifics on
how an instrumentation system performs its functions will be covered in this handbook. In the
context of the instrumentation system environment, the instrumentation engineer’s product is
In many arenas, the terms instrumentation system, measurement system, and telemetry
system are used synonymously, while in other arenas the terms are treated very differently. The
broadest of these terms is perhaps the instrumentation system, which incorporates the
measurement system and the transmission/reception system. A telemetry system is defined in
the dictionary as any device for transmitting measurements of physical phenomena such as
temperature and radiation to a distant recorder or observer. In practical terms, the telemetry
system transmits the acquired data from one point to another usually using a wireless data link.
Process &
Demultiplex Display
To deliver quality data, the system definition generally begins with the design of a
quality measurement system. The design and/or selection of the measurement devices are often
the most difficult/challenging tasks in the design of an instrumentation system. The source
signal may exist in a variety of forms such as electrical, mechanical, acoustical, and thermal.
Since measurement systems are designed to process electrical signals, the non-electrical source
information must be converted to an electrical form by using transducers. The transducer output
and other forms of electrical source information are converted to more standard output forms
using various types of signal conditioning equipment. Typically, more than one measurement is
required and these are multiplexed prior to transmission or recording. Although many
techniques are available, the most common are frequency domain and time domain multiplexing.
The multiplexed (composite) signal is then transmitted to the processing station and/or recorded.
Multiplexing Data
System Recording
The left side of Figure 1-2 illustrates the types and sources of information typically
monitored and captured by an instrumentation system. In the last 20 years, the monitoring of
information on data buses has become increasingly important. Some examples are
MIL-STD-1553, Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and proprietary data buses and digital interfaces. The
old adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words” is applicable in the instrumentation
The data being monitored and measured, such as data bus interfaces, transducer outputs,
and time, is sent to the multiplexing system. The multiplexing system takes the numerous data
inputs and multiplexes them in frequency or, more commonly, in time. The multiplexed data is
then suitable for transmission to a remote location or for recording. In general, the data sent to
the recorder will be in a different format than that sent to the transmitter. Recorders can either
have analog or digital data inputs. When transmitting data over a wireless link, two types of
transmitters currently exist; these are frequency modulation (FM) transmitters and those
transmitters based on quadrature modulation techniques. FM transmitters accept filtered digital
data (analog data) while the quadrature modulation transmitters accept digital data.
Upon reception and/or demultiplexing, data may be sent to a data display for real time
viewing. The data display can take several forms from a common computer monitor, strip chart,
environmentally hardened Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) for use in extreme environments, to
large and complex mission control rooms. The common purpose of the various forms of data
display is to present the data in an accurate and easily understood manner.
Almost anything one can think of is a source for a measurement. Temperature, battery
voltage, vehicle speed, altitude, heart rate, wind speed, and rudder position are all examples of
sources of measurement signals. For most of these sources, a sensor (or transducer as they are
commonly called) must be used to convert physical energy into electrical energy. The electrical
signals, whether it is current, voltage, or frequency are proportional to the physical energy they
monitor. Serial information and MIL-STD-1553 data bus information can also be considered
signal sources.
Selecting the right sensors from among the wide variety of sensors available on the
market today depends on the particular need for the parameter being measured. Before selecting
the sensor, the instrumentation engineer should address the following questions for each
measurement task:
Initial planning should include a review all the above questions to determine which ones
are applicable, and to identify the relative importance of some over others. For example, speed
and accuracy usually come with a price, so knowing what is needed can help keep costs to a
minimum. Special operating parameters and conditions may also dramatically increase costs, so
determining how parameters are to be measured, in addition to what is to be measured, should be
considered in the initial plan. The final determination of measurement requirements is usually a
compromise of several parameters to fit within a specified budget. Knowing the exact measuring
requirements is critically important to the selection of the correct sensors.
This handbook covers the most common types of signal sources and will provide
advice/assistance in the selection process for the proper transducer(s). Common pitfalls and a
discussion of a transducer data sheet will be discussed.
Signal conditioning is the modification of a signal from a signal source to some final
form. Modification steps can include amplification, filtering, sampling, digitization, data
compression, digital formatting, modulation, correction factors, and conversion. This handbook
will address signal conditioning for test instrumentation systems and use the definition that
signal conditioning is any signal conversion between the signal source and the data capturing
system. An example would be adding gain and offset to a resistive temperature device (RTD)
before it is time-sampled. Another example would be the capturing of a data word in a MIL-
STD-1553 message stream and adding a time stamp before it is placed in a pulse code
modulation (PCM) stream.
PCM formats, referred herein simply as formats, identify the manner in which data is
organized and/or provided by an instrumentation system. Because formats may be recorded or
transmitted for data analysis, the format of a data collection system must be programmed into the
data collection system as well as provided to the data reduction analysts. After receiving the
data requirements list from the project team, the instrumentation engineer needs to create a
format in which all data is sampled at a high enough rate to prevent loss of information. Bus
data should be acquired at a rate just above the bus data rate. Analog data should be sampled at
different rates depending on the type of data; for example, vibration data will generally be
sampled at a higher rate than temperature data. When the format has been created, it is then
programmed into the data collection system for testing. Following satisfactory completion of
testing, the format is provided to the data reduction analysts.
1.6 Calibration
The purpose of a measurement system is to accurately measure the state of the unit under
test. Measurements are accomplished by using a transducer to convert energy from some given
form (such as force, displacement, or acceleration measurements) to an electrical signal that is
conditioned for input to a data collection device. The transducer usually comes with a transfer
(function) characteristic or sensitivity. The signal conditioner can be set up to receive a signal
with a known input type and range and to convert that signal to a standard required by the data
collection unit. Using information provided by the manufacturers of transducers and signal
conditioners, an output could be calculated based on specific inputs.
If a transfer function of the system can be calculated, then the need for calibration might
be challenged. The response is that the need to calibrate is based on the requirements for data
accuracy. Because data accuracy is directly proportional to data acquisition cost, most system
designers try to make the most of the system they have by applying known values to the unit
under test (under specified conditions) and recording the results. There are two types of
calibrations as described below:
a. Unit calibrations. Unit calibrations are done on each piece of equipment to verify
they perform as the transfer function describes. If the results deviate from the transfer
function, a new transfer function may be defined for that unit; in some cases, the
device may be reset to conform to the original transfer function.
1.7 Telemetering
Telemetry is the method used for sending information from one place to another.
Examples of this method are cable modems (modulator/demodulator), Ethernet, and even point-
to-point serial communications. In the world of instrumentation, a telemetry (TM) system deals
with the transmission of test data to some receiving station. The transmission method medium
can be air or wire depending on the application. For this handbook, the system shall be defined
as everything required to convert data from baseband to radio frequency (RF) and back again.
The TM actions include modulation of the baseband data (information signal), transmission,
acquiring, receiving and demodulation of the signal back into its original baseband form. On the
test platform side, the telemetry system includes the information signal, any required encryption
or pre-modulation filtering, telemetry transmitter, power splitter, and antenna(s). On the
receiving side, the telemetry system includes the reception antenna, telemetry receiver,
demodulator, decryptor, and bit synchronizer (referred to as “bit sync”).
Modulation is the process of attaching information to a carrier wave that involves the
variation of one of the carrier-frequency characteristics. Traditional systems have used the
method of Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying (CPFSK), more commonly referred to as
PCM/FM, to attach the information to the RF carrier. Another method utilizes a variation of
Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) modulation techniques, which reduces the transmitted
spectrum. The QPSK technique is mainly used in applications requiring higher bit rates.
a. Link margin
b. Error probability
c. Pre-modulation filtering
d. Transmitter deviation
e. Antenna location and patterns
f. Power split between antennas
g. Data rate
h. Antenna-tracking loops
i. Receiver set-up
Although this handbook does not address all of the above parameters, it will familiarize
the reader with some of them and how they affect a telemetry system.
The discussions in the following chapters address each of the TM subsystems, common
design practices, and related pitfalls. Examples of typical systems will be presented to help
the reader understand how a telemetry system is assembled and functions.
1.8 Recording
Determining the requirements for the recording device is an important step in selecting
the correct type and unit for the instrumentation system. When selecting a recording device for
an instrumentation system, the following issues must be taken into account:
a. Recording time
b. Data rate
c. Number of data streams
d. Space availability
e. Environmental conditions
f. Availability of funds
g. Playback capabilities of the customer
This handbook addresses the current types of recording devices and gives the advantages
and disadvantages of each type.
a. Advisory Group on Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD) FTI Series, Vol. 1,
Basic Principles of Flight Test Instrumentation Engineering.
b. AGARD FTI Series, Vol. 17, Analog Signal Condition for FTI.
c. AGARD FTI Series, Vol. 19, Digital Signal Conditioning for Flight Test.
d. Telemetry Applications Handbook, Law and Hust, 1987.
e. Introduction to Communication Systems, Stremler, Addison-Wesley, 1982.
f. Instrumentation Society of America — Measurement Devices and Transducers.
g. Instrument Engineers’ Handbook — Process Measurement and Analysis, Bela G. Liptak,
3rd Edition, 1995.
h. Encyclopedia of Instrumentation and Control, Considine, 1971.
i. Handbook of Measurement and Control, Herceg, Schaevitz Engineering, 1976.
j. Handbook for Dynamic Data Acquisition and Analysis, Himelblau and Pierson, DTandE
Division of.
Though a typical instrumentation system may not exist, this chapter gives a broad
overview on what constitutes a vehicular and laboratory system. The purpose of this chapter is
to provide an example of the design of a typical instrumentation system. As previously
described in paragraph 1.2 of the introduction section, a typical instrumentation system is
composed of several elements. The reader is referred to the “Notional instrumentation system”
shown at Figure 1-2.
When a new test is in the planning stages, it is common to have at least a few meetings or
teleconferences before testing begins. The number of meetings and how soon they are held is
usually dictated by the scope and complexity of the test. During the meetings, topics such as
time schedule, test plans, range support, and system operation, will be discussed. If the
instrumentation engineer is able to attend the meetings or be given copies of the minutes, then he
will be better able to design and implement an instrumentation system to acquire the necessary
data to meet the test requirements. All ranges have at least some of the components that make up
the typical instrumentation system. Early planning will provide the instrumentation engineer
with enough preparation time to acquire assets the range does not typically have.
The instrumentation engineer needs to know the answers to several key questions as soon
as possible because early planning is the key to the successful deployment of an instrumentation
system. Sometimes he may have to use his education, experience, and common sense to
“suggest” the right solution to questions such as:
a. What measurements are desired and how often (i.e. sample rate)? Many times, the
answer may not be known by the program manager or even the lead test engineer.
b. How soon does the data need to be available to the customer? Depending on the
scope of the test, the data might be needed in real-time (immediately), post-test
(perhaps within a day), or much later as with a final report (several days to weeks).
c. Can vehicle power be used for instrumentation purposes?
d. Where can the instrumentation be mounted?
e. How much space is available?
f. Is there a weight limitation?
g. In what type of environment will the instrumentation and transducers be exposed?
h. Will access to the test item be provided prior to test in order to take measurements,
make drawings, acquire sample data, etc.?
i. Are interface control documents available pertaining to the test item electronic
systems, in particular any describing data busses? These two questions are
particularly important since long lead items such as mechanical fixtures and
instrumentation cables may need to be fabricated. In addition, if there are any data
busses on the test item, we need to make sure our instrumentation system can
interface to them. This may require some long lead times if new hardware and/or
software must be designed and/or procured.
j. Are there any communications systems that will be used on the test item?
k. Can an instrumentation antenna be mounted on the test item?
l. Is there a real-time requirement for system control?
2.1.1 Hypothetical system design. For our example design, we will assume that you were
invited to a test planning meeting to discuss the test requirements of test item “XYZ.” Several
topics discussed during the meeting are outlined in the following subparagraphs.
2.1.2 Measurements. The following measurements were noted as desired for the test:
2.1.3 Video camera output. We also learned that the system has a sighting system with a
standard RS-170, National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) camera installed. The
video camera output must be recorded during the test and the output will be available from a test
jack for this purpose.
2.1.4 Initial questions. After asking the questions in paragraph 2.1 above, we were given the
following answers and information.
a. Power. Yes, +28VDC vehicle power can be used for instrumentation purposes – as
long as it’s “reasonable”. Reasonable is obviously a relative term. In the context of a
classical voltmeter, we want the instrumentation system to influence or affect the test
item to a minimum. So if the test item has several auxiliary power outlets, rated at
various load capacities, it is probably fine to attach to one of them suited for the
current required by the instrumentation system. On the other hand, if the test item
power budget is tight, and there is little power to spare, then batteries or some other
auxiliary power source may need to be used to supply part or all of the power
required for the instrumentation system.
b. Storage. A storage area (approximately 3ft x 2ft x 1ft) inside the test item can be
used for instrumentation mounting purposes. We will need to assemble our
instrumentation system components on a bench (or use a three dimensional
representation) to make sure this space is adequate. If it is not, can some of the items
be possibly re-packaged or combined? Will there be enough air space around the
components for heat dissipation? Are heat sinks required? Is there any airflow
between our compartment and the rest of the test item? Will we need to think of
some auxiliary airflow, perhaps a fan? Is there enough space for connectors and
cables to be routed? Do we need to provide shock mounts for our instrumentation
c. Storage weight. The storage weight is not to exceed 30 lbs. We will need to weigh
our instrumentation system components and make sure the total weight does not
exceed 30 lbs. If we do exceed 30 lbs., can the instrumentation enclosures be made
of lighter weight materials, like aluminum instead of steel? High-impact plastic
instead of aluminum?
d. Monitoring and display. A parameter that needs to be monitored in real-time for test
safety purposes is “SPEED.” Real-time display of the other parameters is not critical.
At a minimum, we will need to provide a real-time dedicated channel to display the
speed of the test item. If the RF channel bandwidth permits, we’ll attempt to display
all of the data, even though it will be at a much-reduced rate for visual check (perhaps
around 2Hz). Display can be accomplished via a dedicated PCM-FM telemetry
package, through a serial RF Modem, or possibly through an 802.11x wireless
Ethernet transceiver. The method of RF connectivity varies depending on the
capability of the instrumentation system and the ground station infrastructure of the
test center. For testing of aeronautical systems, telemetered data utilizing PCM-FM
methods is preferred.
e. Data recording. RF connectivity, spectrum availability, and the test center’s policies
are all factors that need to be considered for data recording. We also need to decide if
we need to record all of the data immediately on the “ground” or if we can record the
data on-board and just transmit what’s needed to be viewed in real-time. The term
“ground” is used here as a relative term and generally refers to the place where the
data is received, viewed, and possibly archived.
The data needs to be recorded at 500Hz. When a statement like this is made,
people generally mean that they want to be able to look at data that is presented at a
rate of 500Hz (i.e. every 2msec). Now, armed with our knowledge of the Nyquist
criterion from, we know this means we’ll have to sample the accelerometer data at
least twice that fast, 1000Hz, and probably should consider 2000Hz or even higher,
especially if peak acceleration or spectral information is of interest. If only peak
information is required, we will then employ a Butterworth low pass filter in our
signal conditioner and set it to 500Hz. Now, we also know (or will be told by the
local senior technician rather sternly) that recording the engine intake temperature at
500Hz is ludicrous. Except for special circumstances, temperature is among the least
dynamic of all measurements of concern to the instrumentation engineer. If our
instrumentation system will accommodate different sample rates (also sometimes
called scan rates or scan groups) for our data channels (and most will) we will record
this temperature at 1Hz. If using a PCM encoder, this can be accomplished with
subframes or supercommutation of particular data words. IRIG-106 should be
consulted for issues pertaining to the format and structure of PCM data.
f. Data turnaround-time. All recorded data should be available to the customer within a
week of when it was originally acquired. We need to ensure that the data collection
process within our organization can accommodate this. Hopefully, some of our
instrumentation already has some smarts built-in, such as limit checking, etc. A time
h. Recording data bus traffic. There are situations where the complete data bus traffic
including overhead bits and bytes must be recorded in its entirety for possible
reconstruction during post processing. IRIG-106, Chapter 8 is a standard, for
example, which describes the complete capture of data from a MIL-STD-1553B bus
type. The test requirements will dictate to what extent the bus traffic is captured.
i. System voltage. The system voltage at the test jack is a direct, unfiltered signal. It
will need to be attenuated prior to sampling with our analog to digital A/D converter.
Currently, most A/Ds on the market are setup for +10 volt input, with 12 bit
resolution. Therefore, we’ll need about a 3:1 attenuator (gain of 1/3) to get the +28
volt signal to work with our A/D. A 4:1 attenuator may be a better choice to
accommodate any slight overvoltage or transient conditions. The attenuation is
accomplished within our signal conditioner via a resistor voltage divider. Remember
the Nyquist sampling criteria when setting the filters and sampling the voltage.
The test jack connector part number is supplied along with a connector pin-
out functional description. We can see if these connectors are ones normally stocked
by our local supply room. If not, then we need to get these on order. If a national
stock number (NSN) is noted for the connectors, they can be ordered through the
government supply system. If no NSN is available, then these connectors will need
to be procured from a commercial vendor. Sometimes these can be long lead time
items and quite expensive, your local electronics store will not have these on the
2.1.5 Additional questions. After we initially learn of what measurements are desired for the
test, there are still a few more issues that we need to resolve, such as:
b. Let’s assume the test item will be operated at ground level at our test center in
CONUS in the summertime. A temperature range of 40oF to 120oF should cover the
expected range. Our instrumentation system has interface cards to accommodate K
and T type thermocouples. For this rather low temperature range, we’ll go with a
T type thermocouple.
For the vertical acceleration channel, we will use a piezoresistive or variable capacitance
type accelerometer from our supply room, rated at 10g’s maximum, with a “flat” frequency
response out to >500Hz.
Let’s assume for this example that our accelerometer has a stated sensitivity of 15mV/g.
Recall that our A/D has a range of +10V. Also, let’s assume that our signal conditioner has
binary gain steps, i.e., 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, …2048. This is a fairly common situation. Unless you
want to build custom instrumentation amplifiers for each channel, you will have a discrete
number of gain choices - and filter choices for that matter – to choose from. If we do the math,
we can see that the largest gain we can use and not risk clipping would be 64.
If we assume for a moment, that our A/D is perfect over the entire range and that we are
setup for a 2’s complement output format, then
Which means for a 9.6V input we should see: 9.6 volts * 204.8 counts/V = 1966 counts
We don’t really care to see raw counts, so we will calculate the engineering units scale
factor as follows:
This is our theoretical analog to digital (A/D) resolution in terms of engineering units for
this channel.
We are off to a good start, and if we’re lucky, the A/D converter resolution is fairly
accurate. However, the A/D is probably not exactly 204.8 counts/volt, the gain is not exactly 64,
and the output from the signal conditioner may not be exactly 0 volts when there is no
acceleration. So what do we do? This is where the cal resistor comes into play. On the cal
sheet, the resistor value will be shown representing a particular g level when placed across two
pins of the accelerometer. This may be an actual shunt resistor placed across one leg of a
Wheatstone bridge, or it may be part of an internal circuit of the accelerometer designed
specifically for calibration. In either case, we can place this value, using a precision resistor,
into our signal conditioner. If the accelerometer is a Wheatstone bridge type device, the bridge
should be balanced through the signal conditioner.
In the past 5 years or so, many signal conditioners incorporate auto balance circuits for
such purposes. In either case, the end result is that with zero acceleration, we ideally want to see
zero g’s displayed. Anything other than that will be treated as an offset. This is akin to the y-
intercept of a line. This goes hand in hand with the scale factor we came up with earlier. Now,
if we place the resistor across the specified leads of the accelerometer we should see a simulated
g level according to our cal sheet. For this example, let’s say according to the cal sheet, it is a
50k resistor and it simulates an 8g level. When we command our signal conditioner to make this
connection, we see 7.5g’s displayed. If we go back to displaying raw A/D counts, we can
adjust our scaling factor accordingly to obtain 8g’s on our display. We see 1471 raw counts.
Re-scaling yields 8 g’s/1471 = 0.00544 g’s/count.
Now when we simulate 8g’s, we indeed get very close to 8g’s. If we now switch our
signal conditioner back to normal operating mode, with the accelerometer at rest, we should see
zero g’s displayed. If not, we can try re-balancing, or live with it, and take it into account as an
offset. We have now essentially completed a two-point calibration of our instrumentation
system for this channel, using zero g and a simulated 8g as our two points. We could also refine
our calibration further by adding a few more calibration points by either adding one or more
calibration resistors, and/or conducting a simple 1g flip check by using earth’s gravity. The flip
check will only work for accelerometers that have a DC response. Also note that the sensitivity
will probably be a little higher at DC than out on the curve. Check the calibration frequency
response curve for this data. The majority of transducers that the instrumentation engineer will
use do have a linear response. One of the exceptions is the thermocouple.
The T type thermocouple we have chosen to measure the engine intake air temperature
has a non-linear voltage/temperature response. Thermocouples are dealt with in detail in the
Signal Sources section of this document. Suffice it to say that thermocouples have a very low
output level and are non-linear in nature. To account for this, there are specialized thermocouple
signal conditioner modules developed for the vast majority of instrumentation systems available.
These modules provide gain, filtering, and sometimes even linearization prior to the A/D.
There are different modules for the different types of thermocouples and usually several
choices of gain to accommodate various temperature ranges. We will choose a gain that will
provide a range to cover our 40oF to 120oF measurement requirement. Keep in mind that there
probably will not be a gain setting available to exactly match this range. This is true for just
about every analog channel we have to set up. If our thermocouple conditioner module does not
provide a linearized output, then our engineering unit scaling factors will be comprised of a
series of coefficients, usually 5 to 7 in total, to satisfy the non-linear function. These are
standardized for each type of thermocouple and are readily available.
The instrumentation engineer must choose what is available (or design and/or procure
something new) to best fit the situation. The gain choice should provide adequate “headroom” in
the case of an unexpected (but possibly very important) out of range value. However, the
tradeoff is resolution. There is no hard and fast rule here. Organizations tend to develop their
own rules of thumb over time. Generally, allowing for 20 – 50 percent above expected values is
typical. If we exceed the limits of our A/D (in this example +10V) then we will “clip” the
signal and our A/D output would be saturated at its limit (2047 or –2048 counts respectively, for
a 2’s complement output format; 4095 or 0 counts respectively, for an offset binary output
To record the video from the test item sighting system, we’ll either need to put a VCR
on-board the test item or telemeter the video with a telemetry transmitter. We may also have
access to a digital video device, in which we can use a trigger event to capture only a segment of
video about a specific test event. In either case, since the video will be used with the rest of the
data we’re recording, we’ll want to use time information to synchronize the two. If an IRIG time
source is available from our instrumentation system, we can either insert this into the video
directly, or record it on one of the audio soundtracks for conversion later at playback. It may be
that we use a GPS time receiver and use this as our master clock. This will give us
synchronization across many test items. This is particularly useful when multiple, independent
test items are interacting during a given test.
Note in the diagram shown for our typical instrumentation system example that there are
several places where arrows point both ways. This is because it is becoming more common that
an instrumentation system is networked, and information does not just flow one direction. Our
RF link may not just provide the data we need to view and/or record in real-time, but also allows
us to command and control the signal conditioner and the multiplexer configurations on-the-fly.
A networked instrumentation system provides the most flexibility in this regard.
Figure 2-1 below depicts what we assembled to accomplish this simulated requirement.
T type thermocouple
RF telemetry
transmitter or
RF Modem or
Signal 802.11x device
Conditioner Multiplexing system
Gain, PCM encoder and/or
attenuation, Networked
filtering, Instrumentation
Bridge Package
GPS time
Data bus interface card or module
networked module
2.2.1 Application requirements. Current and new technology has provided the instrumentation
engineer with a proven way of transforming the way test data is collected, displayed, processed
and reported in a laboratory environment. New technologies in communications, process
control, test production, graphical displays and data acquisition have enabled test data and
reports to be collected, processed and disseminated in a timelier manner and with increased
assurances of the produced data. These new technologies have also provided the user with the
capability to monitor and disseminate this test data in real-time through advancements in the
Internet, Intranet and through the continuing evolution of the wireless Ethernet.
2.2.2 Operational requirements. Current chemical, biological and other laboratory test mission
requirements dictate the real need for testing a wide variety of material to be used by both the
Armed Services and Civilian authorities in as near or actual environment as is possible. This
requires the use of certified laboratory and chamber infrastructures specifically developed for
this type testing. Process Logic Controllers (PLC), Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Data
Acquisition for these chambers and laboratories and the test processes is achieved in most cases
by utilizing state-of-the-art, off-the-shelf technology already developed and widely used by
private industry in areas of chemical processing, nuclear and fossil fuel electrical generating
plants and the oil and petroleum industries. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
system incorporates new technological advancements in software control and data acquisition
which also utilizes Process Logic Control technology. These same systems are designed to
integrate with advanced hardware specially designed to mate and communicate between a wide
variety of instrumentation including “smart transducers.” Because many tests in the laboratory
arena are not strictly Department of Defense (DoD) sponsored, a greater amount of flexibility is
required in the data acquisition, display and process control method.
2.2.3 SCADA requirements. The SCADA systems used to perform this type of testing must be
a full function Human/Machine Interface (HMI) SCADA package capable of industrial process
monitoring and control applications and it must be an event driven system based on peer-to-peer
client/server technology. This means that individual functions are divided into two subsystems,
servers (data acquisition, data generation and data storage) and clients (data display and
presentation). Any number of clients and servers can operate independently and simultaneously
on the same computer or on several computers linked by a high-speed network. SCADA
systems have built in drivers that offer several different types of interfaces to connect to third
party I/O systems such as OPTO-22, Allen Bradley, and Moore. Clients also use Active X
controls and Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) to link data to and from other applications. They
can be designed for both small and large-scale process monitoring and logic control schemes.
Industry SCADA systems are ideal for applications that require several GUI screens and remote
terminals for monitoring and Man/Machine interfacing.
2.2.4 Software and hardware architecture. Current technologies, both software and hardware,
offer a wide range of capabilities and future technology will greatly increase these capabilities,
thereby expanding the Instrumentation Engineer’s ability to further test current and future DoD
and civilian material. Present and future test requirements dictate SCADA systems be capable of
controlling test environment parameters, such as pressure, temperature, humidity, airflow, motor
control, valve control, fluid levels and agent dissemination. These same SCADA systems at the
same time must provide the capability to perform complex algorithm formulas and math
functions, while simultaneously collecting, processing, displaying and archiving large amounts
of test information over extended periods of time. These SCADA systems often require the
ability to manage and collect information from an excess of 300 instruments/sensors with a
processed output in excess of 500 channels of information. In addition, test parameters may
dictate other instrumentation needs such as instrument control, optical alignment/positioning,
high-speed (snapshot) data collection, and initiating third party programming routines. The total
instrumentation package also must have the ability to change program definitions, add or delete
instruments, add or delete and modify channel information and modify test control parameters,
all with little or no lead time and causing no effect to the laboratory or chamber environments.
2.2.5 Components and usability. Present testing standards require Ethernet compatibility with
data transfer, communications, and operability from remote test stations. Real time data
monitoring and viewing, large test infrastructure processes with a process controller requiring
little or no human interface for precise control of environmental parameters is also a high
priority. The SCADA system must also provide precise data acquisition for desired data points,
the capability of either remote operability via Ethernet and/or a stand-alone capability, electronic
data transfer, data processing, a data archival ability, security programmability, and
communications with a wide variety of industry standard instrumentation.
System components would include the components listed below. Each of the
components should be able to be upgraded independently of each other without affecting the
other components as new technologies are developed.
In addition, current and future field laboratory testing standards will require the use of
Wireless Ethernet which allows real time monitoring and process control from remote locations,
electronic data transfer, and the ability to merge various Data Acquisition systems into a central
command location the same as a LAN. This all allows for tighter control of the test process.
These Data Acquisition systems include Meteorological information systems, Video and Audio
data collection systems, GPS, Timing, TSPI, and any status information or data channel
information contained within the SCADA system.
These SCADA systems, along with their associated hardware and architecture also must
have the added benefit of being reusable for future testing. Once installed, these systems must
have the capability to be easily modified to accommodate the multitude of different test
requirements, parameters, instrumentation, and test devices. They must also be easily relocated
from one test site to another, be installed in a relatively short time period and take up a minimum
of space which enables the greatest of cost efficiency and use of test resources.
2.2.6 Templates and Indirect Tags. Industry SCADA packages are required to have “cells”
which are graphical objects that can be used over and over in an application or copied to another
application. Changing the links in a cell needs to be fast and very easy. In addition to smaller
graphical objects, entire windows can be used for multiple purposes by using scripting and
indirect tags. In the case of an environmental control, for example, one window can be created
and used as a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) tuning window for all the different PID
loops with another window for data monitoring only.
2.2.7 Scripting. In industry standard SCADA systems, scripting is a powerful tool and is used
for performing calculations or logic functions. Scripting gives more functionality with one
button than just standard links. Scripting provides the user with much more functionality with
recipes, alarms, redundancy, etc. Security features can also be programmed with scripting.
Industry standard SCADA package drivers are interrupt-driven and do not use as much of
the CPU time for communications. By configuring one CPU as a data server, data is read from
the controller more efficiently than most other types of data acquisition systems.
2.2.9 Redundant displays. In a properly configured SCADA system, with scripting, the user
has complete control over the behavior of redundant stations.
2.2.10 Historical trend data. Within industry SCADA packages, historical trending is
accomplished very efficiently, with smaller files and with little or no loading of the CPU. This
efficiency is a prime reason for the development of the SCADA system by private industry.
2.2.11 Recipes. SCADA packages have tools and utilities built for creating and using recipes.
The recipes are in a comma separated variable file, which can be easily edited using Excel.
SCADA package recipe files are easier to create and manage than the standard data acquisition
systems. With the SCADA package scripting ability, there is a greater control over recipe
2.2.12 Alarming. The SCADA systems alarms are generated from data in the database and do
not cause an increase in communications to the CPU or controller. There is a greater alarm
functionality in SCADA packages, more that can be done to display and report the alarms and
scripting can access alarm information, so actions can be performed on alarm conditions. This is
especially important where testing can cause life-threatening situations.
a. Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD): Basic Principles
of Flight Test Instrumentation Engineering, AGARDograph 160 Flight Test
Instrumentation Series – Vol 1 (Issue 2), NATO, 1994.
b. Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD): PRACTICAL
Flight Test Instrumentation Series – Vol 13, NATO, 1994.
The initial point in an instrumentation system is usually the signal to be measured. This
signal can be from a transducer, a voltage, a current, etc. This section will introduce a few
common types of signal sources found in both vehicular and laboratory instrumentation systems.
Experimental stress analysis has been employed in the development of practically every
mechanical assembly since about 1940. This is due to the advent of the bonded wire strain gage.
Today, the vast majority of strain gages are constructed from etched metallic foil. Gages can
also be constructed from doped semiconductor materials. These produce a relatively large
output signal; however they are also sensitive to temperature changes. In any case, the strain
gage is used to measure mechanical strain from which mechanical stress can be calculated. In
addition, strain gages can be applied in configurations to measure load, torque, pressure, and
vibration. This section will act as an introduction to the typical uses and configurations of strain
gages that the instrumentation engineer is likely to encounter and use in the testing of various
mechanical structures. Several excellent texts and web sites exist with more in-depth coverage.
These are listed at the end of the section. A discussion on the types of stresses and their
relationship to strain follows.
3.2.1 Strain and stress. Strain is the amount of linear deformation of a body in a given
direction divided by the original length in that direction due to an applied force as shown in
Figure 3-1.
Strain = ∈ = L / ΔL
Therefore, 0.001 inch/inch is usually written as 1000μ∈. Strain values may be tensile (positive)
or compressive (negative).
As discussed to this point, strain is the fractional change in length and is directly
measurable. Strain of this type is also referred to as normal strain. Another type of strain is
shearing strain. Shearing strain is most easily visualized by applying a force to the topside of a
book laying on a countertop and observing the net change in the position of the top edge with
respect to the bottom edge of the book. As shown in Figure 3-2, the shearing strain γ is defined
as the angular change in radians between the two line segments that were orthogonal in the un-
deformed state. Since this angle is very small for most metals, the tangent of the angle
approximates the shearing strain.
As a material is strained along one axis, another occurs transversely. The result is that
for a tensile (or compressive) force which strains one dimension, the corresponding transverse
strain reduces (or increases) the girth of the material in proportion. This phenomenon is known
as Poisson strain (Figure 3-3. Interestingly, there is no stress associated with Poisson strain.
This will be explained shortly.
The amount of this contraction (or expansion) is a basic property of the material being
strained, and is known as the Poisson ratio ν (expressed as ν = -∈t / ∈1). The value for ν is in
the neighborhood of 0.3 for most metals and is dimensionless.
Stress is the term used to compare the loading applied to a material with its inherent
ability to carry that load. Since it is usually desirable to keep parts as small and light as possible,
they should be designed to withstand stress in service to the highest permissible level without
permanent deformation. For most applications, this would be just short of the yield point of the
material also known as the proportional limit, where further strain will result in a permanent
deformation (or strain) in the material.
The stress-strain relationship of most metals is shown at Figure 3-4. The linear portion
described by Hooke’s Law is the desired service range of the material and the slope is equal to
the modulus of elasticity (also known as Young’s modulus) of the material.
Yield Strength
Stress σ Point
∈ Strain
The equation for the linear portion is σ = E x ∈ where E is Young’s modulus (also
known as the modulus of elasticity) for the material and σ is stress. E and σ are usually
expressed in units of pounds per square inch (psi). Most metals have E values in the range of
10,000,000 to 30,000,000 psi. Normal stress is defined as the force per unit area or σ = F/A.
Normal stress is perpendicular to the cross sectional plane of the material and is tensile (see
Figure 3-5). No stress exists in the orthogonal direction since there is no force component in that
direction. Only Poisson strain exists in that direction.
Area (A)
σ = F/A
Figure 3-5. Normal stress.
Shear stress is a direct result of shear strain. Where normal stress is perpendicular to the
plane of interest, shear stress is parallel and is represented by the symbol τ.
In Figure 3-6, the plane of interest is no longer perpendicular to the direction of the
applied force. Therefore, the applied force can be broken down into vector components with Fn
being normal to the plane of interest and Ft being parallel to it. The plane of interest has a cross
sectional area of A′ and has both normal and shear stresses applied. The stress values are:
t Y n
Ft Area
Figure 3-6. Shearing stress.
It should be noted that the force was broken down into vector components, not the
stresses, and that the resulting stresses are a function of the orientation of the section. Stresses
and strains have both magnitude and direction, but are not vectors and hence do not follow the
laws of vector addition. Stresses are not directly measurable, but are derived quantities
computed from measurable strains and known intrinsic properties of the material under stress.
The stresses discussed to this point have been the result of uniaxial applied force and
could be computed using standard statics equations (equations of statics) without the need of
measuring strain. In the real world, most stresses are biaxial in nature. Furthermore, the
directions of the applied forces and the resultant stresses are usually unknown. The simple
relationship of Hooke’s law no longer applies since Poisson strains now exist in all directions.
Another set of equations must be developed to quantify these stresses. In the previous stress-
strain diagrams, the x-y axes are also the principal axes. The principal axes are by definition the
axes of maximum and minimum normal stress. The maximum and minimum values of stress
will always be found at right angles to each other. The principal axes also have zero shear stress
for planes that are parallel to them. The principal axes are very important in stress analysis since
the magnitudes of the maximum and minimum normal stresses are usually the quantities of
interest. Once the principal stresses are known, the normal and shear stresses in any orientation
may be computed.
Figure 3-7. Bi-axial strain.
Fortunately, if the strains are measured in any three directions at a point, the principal
axes (p, q) can be determined and hence the normal and shear stresses. For the case in which the
directions of principal strain are known, such as in Figure 3-7 above, two gages will suffice. For
the least error in determining the directions of the principal axes, the gages should be oriented so
that a relatively large angle exists between them; for accomplish this, prefabricated two and three
gage assemblies, known as rosettes, are used. Typical examples, shown below, are magnified for
Figure 3-8 shows a Tee rosette [gage elements at 0-90° orientation, aligned with principal
axes (p, q)].
∈p = ∈1
∈q = ∈2
σp = [ E / (1 - ν2 )](∈1 + ν∈2)
σq = [ E / (1 - ν2) ](∈2 + ν∈1)
Figure 3-9 shows a rectangular rosette (gage elements at 0-45-90° orientation). For use
when orientation of principal axes is unknown. Typical setup is for each gage element to
become an active arm in separate Wheatstone bridge circuits (i.e. a Wheatstone bridge for each
gage element of the rosette).
Maximum (σp) and minimum (σq) normal stress are calculated from:
3.2.2 Bonded resistance strain gage. The term “bonded resistance strain gage” can apply either
to the semiconductor gage or to the wire or etched metallic foil type gage. The etched metallic
foil type gage will probably be the one the instrumentation engineer will have to be concerned
with and will be referred to as “the strain gage” or simply “the gage.” Strain gages are made in a
printed circuit card process using conductive metallic foils and base carrier materials.
A grid pattern is etched on a patch of foil in a compact fashion to permit higher gage
resistance in a smaller area. Figure 3-10 is a photo of a gage magnified approximately 10 times.
End Loops
Grid Alignment
Lines Marks
Gage resistance values range from 30 to 3000 ohms, with 350 ohms being the most
commonly used. The carrier material and the adhesive must work together to faithfully transmit
the strains from the test material to the grid. The grid can be made of many different alloys. The
alloy type of the gage is chosen to match the characteristics of the test material. When the
material is stressed, a strain occurs, and the strain is sensed by the strain gage. The grid is also
strained and the net effect is a very small resistance change. This change in resistance is due to
the cross sectional area of the grid line elements changing and hence, changing the resistance of
the gage from the static, unstrained condition. The amount of resistance change per unit strain is
known as the gage factor (GF), and is calculated as:
The GF for most foil gages is around GF=2. The exact value of the GF should be
supplied with the gage in its package from the manufacturer. Ideally, the strain gage would only
respond to strain parallel to the grid lines, along the longitudinal axis of the gage. However,
since the grid is composed of many loops, the ends of the loops respond to strain as well,
although transverse to that of the grid lines. For this reason, the end loops are made thicker to
desensitize them as much as possible. This end loop material however still gives the gage some
amount of transverse sensitivity. This amount of transverse sensitivity is specified by the
transverse sensitivity factor (Kt) and is usually expressed as a percentage in the range of 0 to 10
Kt = GF (transverse) / GF (longitudinal)
Temperature also adversely affects the strain gage, acting as another source for error.
Fortunately, temperature compensation is available by a number of techniques. First, gages can
be manufactured for most common materials so that differences in thermal expansion
coefficients between the test material and the gage itself are nullified. However, the
compensation is only effective over a limited temperature range. The gage manufacturer should
supply a data sheet with a plot of the apparent strain versus temperature with the type of material
it was tested on and the lot number in which the gage was produced. Other techniques for
temperature compensation will be covered shortly.
3.2.3 Electrical measurement considerations. Since the change in resistance of the gage being
strained is on the order of a few ohms at most, a sensitive device capable of detecting this small
percentage of resistance change is required. Such a technique exists by using the Wheatstone
bridge circuit (Figure 3-11).
The basic setup is to have the strain gage occupy one arm of the bridge while precision
fixed resistors complete the rest of the bridge. This is known as a quarter bridge arrangement.
The bridge is said to be balanced when all arms have equivalent resistance which results
in Vo = 0v. When a strain causes the gage resistance to change, the bridge will become
unbalanced and Vo will now be non-zero. The relationship is:
Slight variations in the values of the fixed resistors (also known as bridge completion
resistors) as well as the gage resistance can cause the bridge to become unbalanced and therefore
V0 ≠ 0. To adjust and balance the bridge to return Vo to zero, a relatively high resistance
variable resistor (or trim pot as it is commonly known) is typically placed in parallel (shunted)
with R2. This balance pot will generally reside in the signal conditioning equipment. The
constant voltage Vex is usually supplied by a precision voltage source from within the signal
conditioning hardware. The value of Vex is typically 3, 5 or 10 volts DC. Higher excitation
voltage will result in a proportionately higher bridge output per unit strain. However, adverse
self-heating effects can occur if either the gage or the base material has relatively poor heat
transfer characteristics. Power supply current capacity must also be considered if the same
source is used to excite many bridges, as is often the case. Typically, a three-wire setup is
employed to connect the strain gage to the signal conditioning equipment (Figure 3-12). This
configuration has the benefit of lead wire temperature compensation.
The strain gage may not be located close to the signal conditioning equipment. The
location may dictate the use of relatively long lead wires to make the necessary electrical
connections between the gage, the bridge completion resistors, and the signal conditioning
equipment. Unfortunately, the lead wires can adversely affect the strain measurement due to
their own resistance, Rl. The lead wires are in series with the gage so that the total resistance of
the gage bridge arm ends up being Rg + Rl. The overall effect is to desensitize the bridge. For
example, if 100 feet of 24 gauge copper wire is used to connect a 350-ohm gage to the signal
conditioning equipment, and if the lead wire resistance is ignored, there will be a 0.75 percent
lower output than expected. This output may be acceptable depending on the desired overall
accuracy of the measurement, but there are some solutions to the problem. First, the resistance
of the lead wires can be measured and their values can be used in the strain equations. Second,
the resistance of the lead wires can be reduced by using larger diameter wire such as American
Wire Gage #22 (AWG #22) wire instead of AWG #30. Third, the signal conditioning and/or
bridge completion resistors can be moved closer to the strain gage. The test item and the
location provided for instrumentation may dictate which of these options, if any, is chosen. The
instrumentation engineer must consider the above items when deciding upon a course of action.
Careful attention to proper grounding and shielding techniques is also critical to maintaining
measurement accuracy. Remember, the signal levels are generally in the range of millivolts.
Shielded twisted pair cable is often used for the lead wires. The shielding is beneficial in
keeping out unwanted noise, but can also be a source for ground loops if not properly terminated.
3.2.4 Calibration. Calibration is required to convert the millivolts output from the strain gage
to microstrain, and there are direct and indirect methods for accomplishing this. The direct
method is the most desirable; however, in the case where the strain gage is part of a transducer
such as a load cell, the direct method is usually impractical if not impossible. Therefore, the
indirect method, often called shunt calibration, is sometimes the only choice. For shunt
calibration, a known resistance is placed in parallel (shunted) with the active gage thereby
simulating a compressive strain by slightly reducing the resistance in that arm of the bridge.
Simulated strain values up to about 2000μ∈ with shunt resistance values in the range of 50k to
500k are typical. Larger strains can of course be simulated with lower shunt resistor values, but
then non-linearity inherent to the Wheatstone bridge becomes an issue. If larger strains must be
simulated, the non-linearity can be accommodated by using equations in the references at the end
of Chapter 3.
Tensile (positive) strain can also be simulated in similar fashion by shunting the adjacent
arm of the bridge (R3 as shown in Figure 3-13), as long as the simulated strain is, once again,
fairly small. In this case, the sensitivity to the non-linear effects of the Wheatstone bridge is
essentially doubled. There are generalized equations for these non-linear effects exist in the
references at the end of this chapter.
3.2.5 Strain gage installation. Proper strain gage installation is necessary to obtain accurate
experimental stress results. Skilled technicians usually install strain gages after attending a
strain gage school or training course. The decision on locations of the desired stress
measurements is usually made by the test sponsor or mechanical design team of the test item.
The instrumentation engineer must then ensure the following items are addressed. Failure to
proceed in this fashion will result in poor gage adhesion, faulty data, and engineer frustration.
a. The supplies should be on hand for the technicians to apply the gages when the time
b. The type of gage, the material to which the gage is to be mounted, and the
environment in which the gage will be exposed.
c. Are the principal axes known (many times they are not)?
d. How long do these gages need to be used?
e. Will the gages be submersed in a liquid?
f. Will the gages be exposed to temperature extremes?
g. How long will the lead wires need to be?
h. Can the bridge completion resistors be co-located at the site of the strain gage?
Once all of the supplies are on hand and the desired locations of the gages known, the
installation process can begin. The following steps should be followed.
a. Surface preparation. The surfaces to which the gages are to be applied must be free
of paint, oil, grease, etc. The surface preparation usually involves paint stripping,
sanding, and degreasing.
b. Install gage or rosette. The gage (or rosette) is applied to the surface with an
adhesive. Adhesives exist for a variety of environments and desired lifespan. Cure
times vary from a few hours to several days. Cure temperatures can vary from room
temperature to several hundred degrees Fahrenheit. During the curing process,
evenly distributed pressure is usually required on the applied gage(s). This is
accomplished by using clamps, weights, fixtures, etc.
c. Install bridge. The bridge completion resistor assemblies and small wire terminals or
solder tabs may be bonded near the gage. Small gauge wire is typically used to
connect the gage to the bridge completion packs and to the wire solder tabs. The
larger gauge lead wires are then soldered to these tabs and completion networks (not
directly to the gage itself).
d. Epoxies and sealants. Finally, depending on the test environment, several additional
coatings of specialized epoxies and sealants may be needed to protect the gage(s),
bridge completion packs, and/or wire tabs.
e. Patience and skill. Skipping steps or trying to shorten the cure times is a formula for
3.2.6 Common strain gage configurations as transducers. Strain gages can be used for many
purposes as was stated in the introduction. To this point, the focus has primarily been finding
the stresses at a point on a material. However, there may be a need to know the bending or axial
load on a column or tension member, or to measure the torque on a propeller shaft or torsion bar.
To obtain these quantities, there are several ways that strain gages can be used and electrically
configured in Wheatstone bridges. Often times it is also possible to obtain temperature
compensation concurrent with increased signal output. A single strain gage or quarter-bridge
arrangement is rarely used to measure loads, torques, pressures, etc. Half and full bridge
arrangements offer temperature compensation and increased signal output. If both sides of a
beam or column are accessible, full bridge arrangements should be used. Half bridge
arrangements are used primarily when only one surface is readily accessible for gage installation.
The diagrams and circuit drawings of the most common configurations are illustrated on the
following pages.
Note: Values of N for shunt calibration resistor calculations and the net output from the bridge
circuits are included with each application.
R1 R1 Rg1 Rg1
∈ ∈
Ve Vo
R2 Rg2
Vo = Ve x [(GF ∈) / 2]
Note: This half-bridge configuration measures pure bending loads, has temperature
compensation, and has twice the output of a single gage arrangement. In addition, all axial loads
are cancelled.
R1 Rg1
Vex Vo
R2 Rg2
Note: This half-bridge bending beam configuration (one gage aligned with applied strain;
the other with Poisson strain) provides about 25 percent greater output than the single
gage configuration and has temperature compensation.
Rg4 Rg1
-∈ ∈
Vex Vo
∈ -∈
Rg3 Rg2
N=4 -∈
Vo = Vex x (GF / ∈)
Note: The full-bridge bending beam configuration has four times the output of a single
gage and has temperature compensation. Axial loads are cancelled.
Rg4 Rg1
-ν∈ ∈
Vex Vo
∈ -ν∈
Rg3 Rg2
N = 2(1 + ν)
Rg4 Rg1
Vo = Vex x [GF x ∈(1 + ν)] / [2 + GF x ∈(1 - ν)]
Note: This full-bridge, axially loaded column has augmented output level with temperature
compensation. Bending loads are cancelled.
Rg4 Rg1
-∈ ∈
Vex Vo
∈ -∈
Rg3 Rg2
T Rg2 Rg1
-∈ ∈
Rg4 Rg3
-∈ ∈
3.3 Thermocouples
When the two junctions are at different temperatures, a millivolts potential is formed.
Knowing the thermocouple type, the millivolts level, and the temperature of the reference
junction allows the user to determine the temperature at the measurement junction. The
millivolts potential created is a function of the materials in the conductors. Some materials
create stable, repeatable potentials and have been given type-names such as Type E, J, K, N, T,
B, R, and S thermocouples.
Thermocouples can be broken down into the two categories of base metal and noble
metal. Base metal thermocouples are made from copper, nickel, aluminum, iron, chromium, and
silicon and are known as Types E, J, K, N, and T. Noble metal thermocouples are Types R, S,
and B and are made from platinum and rhodium. Noble metal thermocouples are used when the
environment dictates that base metal thermocouples cannot be used (temperature, corrosion,
Thermocouples can be used to measure a very wide range of temperatures (up to 3100oF)
in very demanding environmental conditions. Because the junction consists of two wires, case
material is not a limiting factor when determining the application. In addition, the thermocouple
can be tailored to provide a very fast response time. However, care must be taken when routing
thermocouple wire from the measurement junction to the reference junction and measurement
3.3.1 Thermocouple Theory. When two wires composed of dissimilar metals or alloys are
connected together and the two junctions are exposed to different temperatures, a current will
flow due to a thermoelectric electromotive force (EMF). This effect is known as the Seebeck
effect, named after the German physicist who discovered it.
The Seebeck effect has been exploited for temperature measurement for years. Cable
assemblies comprised of two dissimilar conducting metals are produced and available for a wide
range of temperatures and purposes. When this cable is stripped of its insulation at one end and
the two conductors are bonded together, we have what is known as a thermocouple (See
Figure 3-19 and Figure 3-20.
Ni I
T1 ≠ T 2
To measure the EMF or Seebeck voltage produced by the junction of the dissimilar
metals, we must break the loop and measure the potential of the open ends without affecting the
quantity of interest (Figure 3-20 above). Taking this measurement turns out to be a non-trivial
task since the EMF generated is typically on the order of microvolts, and any dissimilar metal
junctions, not just the one we intend to measure, will generate Seebeck voltages. Therefore, we
cannot simply use our voltmeter with a length of thermocouple wire. However, if we provide an
intermediate reference junction of known temperature, we can accomplish the task. Originally,
this was done with an ice bath at zero degrees Celsius. Today, it is usually accomplished with a
semiconductor integrated circuit block with terminals provided for the thermocouple wire and
the measurement system leads (Figure 3-21). The device will usually be part of the
instrumentation system signal conditioning and will act as an electronic ice point reference.
Cu Ni
Cu T
Cu Ni
Measurement 0 deg C
System Reference T
Junction Fe
The most common thermocouples have been standardized for metal and alloy content by
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and are known as types E, J, K, and T
thermocouples. Each type of thermocouple is composed of different pairs of dissimilar metals
and/or alloys and each type has a useful temperature range and environment in which it is best
suited. Generally, the thermocouple wire, as it is commonly called, is comprised of the two
conductors, generally in the range of AWG #20 to 30, each conductor having its own color
coded insulation surrounded by an overall outer jacket of plastic or Teflon. The references at the
end of Chapter 3 contain additional information in detail.
Once the voltages are obtained by the measurement system, they need to be converted
from microvolts to units of temperature. Unfortunately, unless the range of temperatures is
relatively small, the relationship is not linear. However, for each type of thermocouple, there are
lookup tables of measured values recorded by the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST). From these tables, coefficients have been determined for up to a ninth order
polynomial equation to convert the outputs of the various thermocouple types. The polynomial
equation is:
Often, the location of the temperature measurement is in a hot or cryogenic caustic fluid
or pressurized gas. To prevent any intermediate thermocouple junctions, (i.e., short circuits)
sheathing material can be used to protect the thermocouple wire insulation from extreme
temperatures. In the case of immersion in a caustic fluid or gas, the thermocouple can be placed
inside of a small diameter tube known as a thermowell. The thermowell transfers the heat from
the surrounding fluid while protecting the thermocouple inside. The thermocouple may be
bonded directly to the interior of the thermowell or may be suspended within it. The
construction technique chosen depends on the intended application.
The method to connect the thermocouple ends is also an issue. The ends may be brazed,
welded, or silver soldered. Soldering is fine if the temperature to be measured is known to be
below the melting point of the solder and the environment in which the thermocouple will be
exposed will not chemically react with the solder. Welding provides the highest heat tolerance
but can also cause problems if precautions are not taken to prevent overheating of the
thermocouple wire. Overheating and reaction with the welding gas can alter the composition of
the thermocouple and change its characteristics. The wire is made to conform to the NIST
tables. Loss of calibration can result from annealing of the thermocouple wire or from cold
working effects caused by stress. This loss of calibration can be especially insidious since the
thermocouple will continue to provide an output, but the output will no longer conform to the
NIST tables. Therefore, preparation and installation of the thermocouple should be done with
care. The thermocouple junction can be several feet or more from the signal conditioning
equipment. The extension wire used to make the connection between the thermocouple junction
and the signal conditioner needs to be protected. Cable routing should be made to minimize
stress points and exposure to extreme hot or cold temperatures. When such exposure(s) are
unavoidable, protective sheathing composed of metal braiding or ceramic fiber should be used.
Thermocouple wire is manufactured and color-coded per the ANSI types aforementioned.
ANSI types always use red-colored insulation for the “-” conductor. The “+” conductor color is
type specific. However, it is important to note that other countries have established other color
codes. For example, UK (BS) thermocouples use blue for negative while German (DIN)
thermocouples use red for positive. These differences must be taken into account on test items
that may have instrumented components from other countries.
Connectors, contacts, and terminal strips consistent with the ANSI type metals and alloys
are all commercially available to aid in the layout and installation of thermocouples on a test
vehicle. Thermocouples can be connected in parallel to acquire the average temperature over an
area, or connected in series (known as a thermopile) to provide for increased temperature
measurement sensitivity at a location.
As with other low level signals, good signal conditioning prior to sampling is key to
obtaining reliable data. High quality instrumentation amplifiers with high common mode
rejection ratios are especially desirable since the thermocouple junction itself may be grounded.
Such is the case with surface temperature thermocouples.
Having advanced knowledge of the expected range of temperatures and the environment
in which the measurement is to be made will also help the instrumentation engineer choose the
best thermocouple type. Several different types and styles of thermocouples may reside on the
same test vehicle. Thermocouples can provide a simple, inexpensive method of temperature
measurement when planned for and utilized properly.
3.4.1 RTD Theory. RTDs operate on the inherent fact that when metallic materials are heated
and cooled, their electrical resistances change. The resistance, R is directly proportional to the
length of the metal wire, L, and inversely proportional to its area, A.
R = ρL / A
RTDs are manufactured from materials whose resistances increase with temperature.
Within a certain temperature range, this relationship is linear:
ρ t = ρ o [1 + α (t − t o )]
If the two preceding equations are combined and rearranged, the result is
R / Ro = α t + 1
From the above equation, it is easy to see that resistance versus temperature is linear with
a slope equal to α.
RTDs usually contain a coil of wire (wire-wound element) or a grid of conductive film
(thin film element) with a conductor pattern cut into it. Extension wires are attached to the
sensing element in order to sense the electrical resistance from some external measurement
device. RTDs can be made of any material but the one most widely accepted is platinum.
Platinum is highly corrosive resistant and very stable over a wide temperature range and can be
made very pure for consistent sensors.
Care must be taken when mounting RTDs. Some things to keep in mind are:
a. Wiring configuration. Lead wire resistance errors can be induced if the proper wiring
configuration is not selected. As long as the wire resistance stays constant, there are
no measurement errors. However, when the lead wire experiences temperature
gradients, the resistance will change and affect the temperature measurement.
Therefore, three and four-wire RTDs are available. Refer to paragraph 4.5 for a
discussion of Wheatstone Bridges.
b. Self-heating effects. To measure the resistance of the RTD, a current must be passed
through it. When this is done, the RTD heats up and the reading is slightly higher
than the actual temperature. Self-heating is affected by the amount of current passed
through the RTD and the environmental conditions in which the RTD is placed.
c. Strain considerations for thin film RTDs. Thin film RTDs act much like strain gages,
the resistance of the RTD changes as strain is applied; if this occurs, a measurement
error will result. Care should be taken when choosing a mounting location that is free
from large amounts of strain for a thin film RTD.
Hall effect devices measure magnetic field strength. Magnetic flux lines are generally
viewed as flowing from the north pole of a magnet to the South Pole. The total number of flux
lines flowing through a given area is known as flux density, or B. A gauss (G) is one flux line
passing through one square centimeter. A tesla (T) is 10,000 lines per square centimeter and,
therefore, a T = 10,000 G. The force that produces the flux lines is the magnetic field strength,
H. It is then obvious that flux density and magnetic field strength are not equal but related. The
characteristics of the magnetic material must be considered. Only in free space are flux density
and field strength considered equal.
The Hall effect device senses the magnetic field flowing through its sensing material
(usually a thin film of gallium arsenide, (GaAs) or indium arsenide (InAs)) and outputs a voltage
proportional to that magnetic field. The output of the Hall device is greatest when the magnetic
flux lines are perpendicular to the sensor. Conversely, if the magnetic flux lines are parallel to
the device, little or no output is observed. This device can also be used to measure the direction
of flux travel.
Ideally, the device would output zero volts in the absence of a magnetic field, but in
practice, this is not the case. In practical devices (real-world devices), there is a positive or
negative offset voltage, referred to as the Hall offset voltage, that must be taken into account.
There is a temperature dependency associated with this offset usually specified in +μV/oC. In
addition, the device would ideally have a constant sensitivity over a range of flux density, but in
practical devices, this is not true. Specifications in the range of +0.1 percent to +2.0 percent are
the normally expected range of values. The sensitivity is also temperature dependant. As the
temperature goes up, sensitivity decreases and vice versa for both materials (i.e. gallium arsenide
(GaAs) or indium arsenide (InAs)). Typical values range from 0.04 % per degree Celsius to 0.2
percent per degree Celsius.
A Hall effect sensor produces a positive voltage for flux line traveling in one direction
and a negative voltage for flux line traveling in the opposite direction. Ideally, these voltages
would be equal for fields of equal strength traveling in opposite directions but this is not true for
a practical device. This phenomenon is known a reversibility error that causes the voltages to be
slightly different. This error, as large as 1 percent, is caused by material inconsistencies and
differing sizes off the electrical connections to the material.
3.6 Angular Position Sensors (Synchros and Resolvers)
3.6.1 Synchros. Synchros and resolvers come under the general classification of rotary
transformers. In the case of the synchro used for instrumentation purposes, it is usually in the
form of a synchro transmitter as illustrated in Figure 3-22.
The three stator windings, which form the secondary portion of the rotary transformer,
are mechanically located 120o apart. The stator windings can be connected in a “wye” or “delta”
fashion. An AC carrier or reference (typically 115VAC or 26VAC, 60Hz or 400Hz) is supplied
through leads R1 and R2 to the rotor coil that forms the primary portion of the rotary transformer.
The rotor is mechanically linked by a flexible coupling, belt, chain, or other device to the item
for which the angular measurement is to be acquired. The induced AC voltage outputs from the
stator windings (S1, S2, and S3) are in time phase with the applied rotor winding input, but will
vary in amplitude with respect to rotor position. Therefore, there is only one set of S1, S2, S3
output amplitudes for a given rotor position. These outputs can be connected to another synchro
in the form of a synchro receiver for direct display (see Figure 3-23).
Analog meter
R1 R2
Error Voltage
The receiver synchro stator windings induce a torque on the receiver rotor until the
position matches that of the transmitter rotor. The windings on the receiver rotor will have an
induced output “error” voltage that will go to zero as the rotor position matches that of the
transmitting synchro. An arm attached to the receiver rotor can then be used as a pointer for a
traditional analog meter or as a mechanical link for some other process.
The instrumentation engineer will want to record a time history of the transmitting rotor
position rather than providing a remote analog meter display. The S1, S2, S3 synchro transmitter
outputs are sent to the synchro to digital (S/D) converter along with the rotor AC supply voltage
(see Figure 3-24). The S/D converter “knows” the unique rotor position for the given set of
input amplitudes and outputs the angular value in a parallel digital word format. The output
resolution (12, 14, 16 bit) in degrees or radians is determined by simply dividing the desired
engineering units of measurement for a complete circle (360o, 2π radians, etc.) by the total
number of output counts available (212, 214,216, etc.).
Dn (MSB)
To 12 to 16
Rotor Stator typical
R1 R2
(S/D) D1
Supply Converter D0 (LSB)
AC Reference
3.6.2 Resolvers. Resolvers differ from synchros, in that they have a pair of output wires from
two isolated stator windings that are mechanically located 90o apart (Figure 3-25). As with the
synchro, the rotor winding is excited with a reference AC supply voltage. Each pair of stator
windings has induced voltages in time phase with the input reference. The amplitudes of these
induced voltages are proportional to the sine and cosine of the rotor angle with respect to the
stator windings. Resolvers have historically been used in systems to perform electrical
computations. These computations have historically been used to perform coordinate system
transformation between polar and rectangular coordinate systems. Resolver to digital (R/D)
Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) are commercially available to convert the
resolver outputs to an absolute angular measurement. Similar to the S/D converter, the output
resolution is typically on the order of 12 to 16 bits.
S2 cos θ S4 Dn (MSB)
12 to 16
Stator Windings typical
S1 D2
R1 R2 D1
sin θ Converter
AC Supply ASIC D0 (LSB)
AC Reference
3.6.3 Absolute shaft encoders. Absolute shaft encoders use an optical-electronic method of
measuring angular position (see Figure 3-26). The absolute shaft encoder is constructed with an
input shaft to which a disc is attached. The disc is etched with encoded strips of transparent and
opaque sectors. The number of concentric strips determines the output resolution of the device
(i.e. the number of bits). The encoded strips pass between light sources such as LEDs and
photodiodes or phototransistors. The encoded pattern on the disc can be arranged in various
schemes. The most basic scheme is binary coded decimal (BCD). Others such as Gray code
limit the number of bits that can change state simultaneously. In Gray code, only one bit at a
time changes state as the input shaft is rotated. The output, then, is a parallel digital word,
typically 12 to 16 bits wide, that directly represents the shaft angle. The zero position is set at
the factory when the device is constructed. Power supply requirements range from +5 to
Dn (MSB)
12 to 16
5 to 28 VDC typical
power input
D0 (LSB)
3.6.4 Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT). An LVDT is a common type of
electromechanical transducer that can convert the linear motion of an object to which it is
mechanically coupled into a corresponding electrical signal (Figure 3-27). There are LVDTs
readily available that can measure movements as small as a few millionths of an inch up to
several inches. There are also LVDTs capable of measuring positions up to ± 20 inches.
Secondary Coil
Inside a Transformer
Primary Coil
During operation, the primary winding of the LVDT is energized by alternating current
(AC) of appropriate amplitude and frequency, known as the primary excitation. The LVDT’s
electrical output signal is the differential AC voltage between the two secondary windings,
which varies with the axial position of the core within the LVDT coil. Usually, this AC output
voltage is converted by suitable integral electronic circuitry to high level DC voltage or current
that is more convenient to use.
Secondary Coils
Primary Coil
S1 S1
E1 E1
Vin Vin
E2 E2
Figure 3-29, above, illustrates what happens when the LVDT’s core is in different axial
positions. The LVDT’s primary coil is energized by a constant amplitude AC source, Vin. The
magnetic flux developed is coupled by the core to the adjacent secondary windings, S1 and S2.
If the core is located midway between S1 and S2, equal flux is coupled to each secondary so the
voltages, E1 and E2, induced in each winding are equal. At this midway core position, referred
to as the null point, the differential voltage output, (E1-E2), is effectively zero. As shown here,
if the core is moved closer to S1 than to S2, more flux is coupled to S1 and less to S2, so the
induced voltage E1 is increased while E2 is decreased, resulting in the differential voltage (E1-
E2). Conversely, if the core is moved closer to S2, more flux is coupled to S2 and less to S1 and
E2 is increased as E1 is decreased, resulting in the differential voltage (E2-E1).
Supplying this excitation power for an LVDT is one of several functions of the support
electronics, which is also sometimes known as LVDT signal conditioning equipment. Because
the LVDT is an electrical transformer, it is designed for AC power of specific amplitude and
frequency (typically 3Vrms at 2.5kHz). The output of an LVDT is an AC waveform. The
magnitude of the output of the transducer rises regardless of the direction of movement from the
electrical zero position. In order to know in which half of the displacement transducer coil the
center of the armature is located, one must consider the phase of the output as well as the
One of the most important features of an LVDT is its low friction operation. In normal
use, there is no mechanical contact between the LVDT’s core and coil assembly, and there are
minimal sources of friction such as rubbing, dragging, or binding. This feature is particularly
useful in materials testing, vibration displacement measurements, and high-resolution
dimensional gauging systems. Because there is normally no contact between the LVDT’s core
and coil structure, no parts can rub together or wear out. This means that an LVDT features
unlimited mechanical life. This factor is especially important in high-reliability applications
such as aircraft, satellites, space vehicles, and nuclear installations. It is also highly desirable in
many industrial process control and factory automation systems. Additionally, since an LVDT
operates on electromagnetic coupling principles in a friction-free structure, it measures
infinitesimally small changes in core position. This “infinite” resolution capability is limited
only by an LVDT’s signal conditioner. These same factors also give an LVDT its outstanding
The LVDT has only one axis of sensitivity. In other words, the LVDT responds to
motion of the core along the coil’s axis, but is generally insensitive to cross-axis motion of the
core or its radial position. Thus, an LVDT can usually function without adverse effect in
applications involving misaligned or floating moving members, and in cases where the core
doesn’t travel in a precisely straight line.
3.6.5 Rotational variable differential transformer (RVDT). The RVDT is used to measure
rotational angles and operates under the same principles as the LVDT sensor. Whereas the
LVDT uses a cylindrical linear core, the RVDT uses a rotary core (see Figure 3-30).
3.6.6 Potentiometers. Potentiometers are probably the simplest, cheapest way to acquire
angular position. The reader is referred to the circuit design at Figure 3-31 and the potentiometer
photo at Figure 3-32. However, potentiometers are not as durable and generally not as accurate
as the devices discussed previously. Temperature drift, for example, is a large error source for
potentiometers (see RTD section in Chapter 3, paragraph 3.4). For short-term measurements
where high accuracy is not of paramount importance, the potentiometer is a good economic
solution. Potentiometers with linear taper are used; in other words, a given displacement of
wiper position is proportional to a change in resistance between the wiper and the end terminals.
The electrical configuration is also simple. The potentiometer winding can be excited with
virtually any level DC voltage within the current capacity of the device. If necessary, the voltage
at the wiper can then be directly input to analog signal conditioning equipment for gain and
filtering. Often, this signal will be a high-level analog signal that will not require any
amplification. In cases where the range of angular displacement is very small, the potentiometer
can be wired into a Wheatstone bridge configuration to increase sensitivity. However, the
number of turns of wire used to construct the potentiometer will ultimately determine the
resolution that can be obtained. For this reason, potentiometers are better suited for measuring
relatively large angular displacements. Potentiometers have historically been constructed with
turns of wire with a maximum shaft rotational range of about 300 degrees. Today, additional
construction techniques are available such as thin-film deposition. Such developments also
permit full 360 degree measurement ranges without the need for end stops.
DC excitation R
3.7 Rotational Speed
Some of the methods for sensing rotational or angular speed are discussed below. These
methods include magnetic pickup and optical methods.
3.7.1 Magnetic Pickups. One of the most common transducers for measuring the angular
speed of a rotating member (gear, shaft, pulley, etc.) is the magnetic pickup. The magnetic
pickup is comprised of a permanent magnet with a coil of wire wrapped around it. The coil ends
are then attached to connector pins. The entire assembly is usually hermetically sealed because
it is often located in environmentally challenged surroundings. Basic operation. The basic theory of magnetic pickup operation is as follows. A coil of
wire is magnetically coupled to a permanent magnet around which it is wrapped. When a ferrous
material disturbs the magnetic field, the coil senses a change of flux and a small-induced voltage
appears at the coil output wires. The rate of change of the flux (the speed of the rotating
member), the “strength” of the magnet, and the size of the air gap will affect the output
amplitude. The frequency of the output signal will be directly proportional to the rotational
speed of the member. Typically, the air gap is on the order of a few millimeters. The shell of
the magnetic pickup is often threaded so that it can be mounted and adjusted as needed.
The output from the magnetic pickup is usually processed one of two ways.
a. The first method is to convert the low level AC output from the magnetic pickup to a
high level DC analog signal. This is done by a frequency to voltage converter. These
devices are readily available from a number of vendors in an integrated circuit (IC)
package. The frequency to voltage converter will be specified by the maximum
frequency input in Hz, the minimum input level in millivolts and the corresponding
high-level voltage output per Hz.
b. The second method results in a digital value representing pulses per minute or
second. This is described as an event or pulse counter. Minimum trigger levels may
need to be determined for what constitutes a valid pulse. There are also pulse-
conditioning modules which may be employed for “cleaning up” the signal prior to
being counted. This will usually prevent random noise spikes from being counted as
valid pulses. In any case, the output can be scaled to revolutions per minute (RPM)
or second (RPS), radians or milliradians per second, etc.
The mounting position of the magnetic pickup is important to obtain reliable results. The
pole piece of the pickup must usually be located within a couple millimeters of the gear teeth to
obtain an acceptable output level. Of course, if the pickup is too close, gradual bearing wear of
the rotating member or small foreign objects temporarily lodged in the gear teeth can result in
damage to the pole piece of the pickup. It is safer to start out with a gap which is too wide and
adjust accordingly than to start with a gap that is too narrow. Since the output level at low
speeds can be on the order of a few millivolts, shielding of the output wires may be required in
the presence of high EMI sources. The basic magnetic pickup design and operation is illustrated
in Figure 3-33.
Permanent Electrical
magnet connector
3.7.2 Optical Methods. In addition to magnetic pickups, there are a few optical methods used
to obtain rotational or angular speed. With the use of light emitting diodes (LEDs) and
photodiodes, non-contact optical speed sensing transducers can be constructed. Light reflective
tape or paint can be applied to a portion of a rotating item. If a light source, such as a lamp or
LED is positioned to illuminate the marked section and coincidentally, a reverse-biased
photodiode is aimed at the same section, then each time the reflective portion of the rotating item
is aligned with the light source and the photodiode, the photodiode will be forward biased. This
change in bias can be detected by measuring the voltage drop across a resistor placed in series
with the photodiode as illustrated in Figure 3-34 below.
Pre-packaged assemblies with LEDs and photodiodes are commercially available in a
number of sizes and shapes (an example is at Figure 3-35). They are often grouped under the
heading “proximity sensors” for which they are also suited. The operating range from the
transducer to the rotating item can typically be from a few centimeters up to a few meters. The
physical constraints of available mounting locations and the surrounding environment usually
dictates a few operating ranges within the sensor’s limits. The width and number of reflective
strips to be placed on the rotating item can be determined to set the duty cycle and frequency of
the sensor output. These can be adjusted to optimize the measurement resolution within the
bounds of the detector and the rest of the instrumentation system. The minimum and maximum
anticipated speeds to be measured should be known to help make these choices.
Another optical device for acquiring rotational or angular speed is an incremental shaft
encoder (Figure 3-36). In this case, however, the optical components are entirely housed within
an enclosure and a shaft or coupling is provided to attach the device to the rotating item to be
measured. A disc within the device etched with alternating opaque and transparent sectors
passes between a light source and a detector (photodiode or phototransistor). The device is
usually excited with +5VDC and outputs a Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) compatible pulse
train with a duty cycle of 50 percent when the shaft is rotated. These devices are commercially
available with a typical range of 1 to 1000 pulses per revolution. The incremental shaft encoder
is also available with an additional output that will allow the user to determine which direction
the item is rotating. A second set of alternating transparent/opaque sectors is etched on the
rotating disc, 90o out of phase with the original set. This second pattern is sensed by another
photodetector and output as another pulse train. This technique is known as quadrature
encoding. Pulse counter/timer circuit modules are available to acquire this quadrature output and
provide speed and direction (velocity) information. The minimum and maximum speed of
interest, the mechanical linkage required between the transducer and the rotating item, and
directional information if desired must all be taken into account when choosing this type of
with shaft
One revolution
3.8 Photodetectors/Photodiodes
In a generic PIN photodiode, light enters the device through the thin p-type layer.
Absorption causes light intensity to drop exponentially with penetration depth. Any photons
absorbed in the depletion region produce charge carriers that are immediately separated and
swept across the junction by the natural internal bias. Charge carriers created outside the
depletion region will move randomly, many of them eventually entering the depletion region to
be swept rapidly across the junction. Some of them will recombine and disappear without ever
reaching the depletion region. This movement of charge carriers across the junction upsets the
electrical balance and produces a small photocurrent, which can be detected at the electrodes.
The thickness of the depletion region can be modified by varying the semiconductor
doping levels. However, the easiest way to expand this layer is to apply an external electrical
bias (voltage). This is referred to as photoconductive operation, since the signal is detected as a
current. Conventional unbiased operation is referred to as photovoltaic operation, because the
signal is detected as a voltage. The latter is preferable for applications requiring high linearity of
response and/or low dark noise.
3.8.2 Device optimization. It is very important that the Instrumentation Engineer have a
complete understanding of requirements because manufacturers produce photodiodes in a wide
range of shapes and sizes, with each design optimized to meet the specified parameters. The
most important performance characteristics are response speed, quantum efficiency at the
wavelength of interest, size and shape of the active area, response linearity, spatial uniformity of
response, and dark noise or other noise sources that impact the sensitivity. Photodiode
sensitivity is very important in low-light applications and is typically quantified by noise
equivalent power (NEP), defined as the optical power that produces a signal-to-noise ratio of
unity at the detector output. NEP is usually specified at a given wavelength and over a
frequency bandwidth of 1Hz and is therefore expressed in units of W / Hz .
Because the various performance parameters are interrelated, device design often
involves careful tradeoffs to achieve optimum performance. For example, an application based
on the detection of an unfocused source of light may require a detector with a large active area.
If this application also requires high speed, then some compromise will have to be made because
increasing device area raises capacitance, thereby increasing the R-C time constant, which slows
device response. As a result, the majority of successful original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
applications use application-specific photodiodes.
Most performance parameters, particularly speed and noise, also are strongly influenced
by the design of the signal-processing electronics. The electrical characteristics of even a simple
photodiode can be remarkably complex, however, so engineers often represent the photodiode
with an equivalent circuit. This is a virtual circuit consisting of multiple components whose
overall behavior matches that of the photodiode. Certain photodiodes can be represented as a
current source in parallel with a diode, a capacitor, and shunt resistance, in addition to series
resistance, for example. In more complex devices, the various noise sources (shot noise,
Johnson noise, and 1/f noise) can be represented as additional current sources in parallel to the
signal current source.
There are a number of types of signal processing electronics regularly used with
photodiodes, but by far the most common is the trans-impedance amplifier (TIA). Normally,
generating a highly amplified voltage from a given input current requires high input impedance.
The downside of high input impedance is that it increases the R-C time constant. The TIA uses
an operational amplifier to circumvent this problem and to deliver high effective input
impedance while maintaining a circuit time constant several orders of magnitude lower than a
conventional amplifier with the same impedance. Moreover, a well-designed TIA delivers
several orders of magnitude of linear response and therefore does not compromise the inherent
high linearity of a photodiode. Some assemblies also include sophisticated signal processing to
ratio or normalize signals from a multi-element photodiode, for example. They may also
incorporate optical elements to condition the light before it reaches the photodiode active area.
3.9 Piezoelectric (PE) Transducers
3.9.1 Description of operation. The piezoelectric effect causes a realignment and accumulation
of positively and negatively charged electrical particles, or ions, at the opposed surfaces of a
crystal lattice, when that lattice undergoes stress. The number of ions that accumulate is directly
proportional to the amplitude of the imposed stress or force. PE transducers use a spring-mass
system to generate a force proportional to the amplitude and frequency of the input measurand.
The force applied to a PE element produces a charge on its terminal that is proportional to the
mechanical motion. The stress imposed upon the piezoelectric material is the direct result of a
physical input such as acceleration, force, or pressure. To accomplish this, a mass is attached to
the crystal, which, when accelerated, causes force to act upon the crystal. The mass, also known
as a seismic mass, creates a force directly proportional to acceleration according to Newton’s
law of motion, F=ma. Thin metallic electrodes collect the accumulated ions. Small lead wires
interconnect the electrodes to an electrical connector or feed-through, to which cabling is
attached. An advantage of PE materials is that they are self-generating and require no external
power source. Two categories of piezoelectric material used in transducer designs are quartz and
polycrystalline ceramics.
Quartz crystals are naturally piezoelectric when properly cut, but they have low
sensitivity. Quartz is a naturally occurring crystal; however, the quartz used in sensors today is
produced by a process that creates material free from impurities. Quartz is known for its ability
to perform accurate measurement tasks such as time and frequency measurements, such as
wristwatches, radios, computers, and home appliances. Transducers benefit from several
characteristics of quartz. Because quartz is naturally piezoelectric, it has no tendency to relax to
an alternative state and is considered the most stable of all piezoelectric materials. Therefore,
quartz-based sensors make consistent, repeatable measurements and continue to do so over long
periods. Also, quartz has no output occurring from temperature fluctuations; this fact provides a
formidable advantage when placing sensors in thermally active environments. Because quartz
has a low capacitance value, the voltage sensitivity is relatively high compared to most ceramic
materials, making it ideal for use in voltage-amplified systems. Conversely, the charge
sensitivity of quartz is low, limiting its usefulness in charge-amplified systems, where low noise
is an inherent feature. The useful temperature range of quartz is limited to approximately 600 °F
(315 °C).
Ferroelectric materials are more commonly used. They are man-made ceramics that are
given piezoelectric properties by a process of artificial polarization. Through the art of ceramics
formulation, much higher charge sensitivity and operating temperature are attainable. The
material shape can be easily configured to achieve special transducer characteristics. Special
attention is given to output stability. Different specific ingredients yield ceramic materials that
possess certain desired sensor properties. Each material offers distinct benefits, and material
choice depends on the particular desired performance features. A wide variety of ceramic
materials is used for transducers, and selecting material to use depends on the requirements of
the particular application. Ceramic materials are manmade to become piezoelectric by a
polarization process. This process, known as “poling,” exposes the material to a high intensity
electrical field, which aligns the electric dipoles, causing the material to become piezoelectric. If
ceramic is exposed to temperatures exceeding its range or to electric fields approaching the
poling voltage, the piezoelectric properties may be drastically altered or destroyed.
Accumulation of high levels of static charge also can have this effect on the piezoelectric output.
Several classifications of ceramics exist. First, there are high-voltage-sensitivity ceramics used
for accelerometers with built-in, voltage-amplified circuits. There are high charge- sensitivity
ceramics used for charge mode sensors with temperature ranges to 400 °F. (205 °C). This same
type of crystal is used in accelerometers containing built-in, charge-amplified circuits to achieve
high output signals and high resolution. Finally, there are high-temperature ceramics used for
charge mode accelerometers with temperature ranges to 600 °F (315 °C); these are useful for the
monitoring of engine manifolds and superheated turbines.
3.9.2 PE force transducers construction. Most PE force transducers feature similar mechanical
construction. Most are designed with thin quartz crystal discs that are “sandwiched” between
upper and lower base plates as shown in Figure 3-37. An elastic, beryllium-copper stud holds
the plates together and preloads the crystals. (Preloading assures parts are in intimate contact to
ensure linearity and provide the capability for tensile (force measurements.). This “sensing
element” configuration is then packaged into a rigid, stainless steel housing and welded to assure
the internal components are sealed against contamination. When force is applied to this sensor,
the quartz crystals generate an electrostatic charge that is proportional to the input force. This
charge output is collected on electrodes that are sandwiched between the crystals. It is then
either routed directly to an external charge amplifier or converted to a low impedance voltage
signal within the sensor.
Figure 3-37. Typical compression/tension force transducer (courtesy of PCB Inc.).
mass loading effects on the test structure. With this combination of ideal characteristics, shear
mode accelerometers offer optimum performance. Function. Almost all mechanical systems and structures are subjected to vibration. This
vibration has numerous sources, and ranges in its effects from minor nuisance to harmful or even
dangerous. In order to deal with the effects of vibration its amplitude and frequencies must be
measured. One of the most common ways to measure vibration is to use accelerometers, and one
of the most popular is the piezoelectric accelerometer. Some other means for measuring
vibration are piezoresistive accelerometers, capacitive accelerometers, strain gage
accelerometers, servo accelerometers, optical devices, motion picture, interferometry, etc. The
piezoelectric accelerometer is so useful because it has a good combination of desirable
characteristics including; a choice of high or low sensitivity, broad and flat frequency response,
wide temperature tolerance, good linearity, ruggedness, small size, lightweight, and reasonable
Force Appplied
Piezoelectric Electrical
Effect Material Output
Force Appplied
Electric current measurements are made for a variety of reasons and there are several
transducer types, and hence several output signal types, for the instrumentation engineer to deal
with. Current measurements can be made in conjunction with voltage measurements to
determine electrical power consumption of a device or a series of loads. Current measurements
can also be made at or near the typical sources of power such as batteries, generators, alternators,
or utility power lines. AC and DC current transducers exist. Some types of current transducers
can be used to measure both.
3.10.1 Current shunts. Current shunts are nothing more than low value precision resistors
placed in a series connection in the conductor path of which we are interested in measuring
(Figure 3-41). They traditionally have been constructed of a copper plate cut to a particular
shape and thickness to yield a small voltage (IR drop) across their terminals when a specific
current flows through them. Shunts are usually specified by their maximum current rating and
corresponding voltage output. Such an example would be a 300A shunt with a 60mV output.
The output (Vo) is linear such that 150A would then yield 30mV, etc. Large current shunts may
require provisions for adequate airflow for heat dissipation (IR2). In any case, the signal that we
obtain from the current shunt is a low level voltage in direct proportion to the amount of current
flow. This low level voltage can be dealt with in a similar fashion to other low level voltage
signals with signal conditioning, i.e. gain, filtering, etc. AC currents can also be measured with
shunts, but often times there are additional electronics to condition the output to a DC voltage
level to represent a root-mean-square (RMS) current value.
3.10.3 Hall Effect Type Current Transducer. Hall effect type current transducers are useful for
measuring both AC and DC currents (Figure 3-43). The current passing through the conductor
of interest is made to affect the magnetic field in which a Hall device is present. A disturbance
of the magnetic field causes an output voltage change to occur from the Hall device. The device
is a semiconductor with a high Hall constant. It produces an electric field that is transverse to
both the magnetic field it is exposed to, and the excitation current passing through it. Hall effect
current transducers are usually constructed of a ferromagnetic core with an air gap and the
current carrying conductor passed through the middle. The Hall device is supplied with a
constant excitation voltage and is located in the air gap of the core. The presence of a current
flow in the conductor alters the electric field generated by the Hall device, and a corresponding
voltage potential is output. AC currents will generate proportional output AC voltages. Four
connection points will be provided: two for the excitation voltage, two for the output voltage. A
wide range of these transducers is available to suit laboratory and military environments. Open
loop and closed loop devices exist. The open loop types are economical and consume the least
power. Closed loop types are used when accuracy of the measurement is paramount. In either
case, the output is generally high level and types are available with split cores to ease
3.11 Anemometers
Unlike mechanical wind sensors, the sonic does not gain or shed energy with the
environment for measurement purposes. Therefore, sonics can produce wind component and
temperature measurements at fast data rates without inertia, damping, overshoot, or threshold
complications. Instrument response is bounded by the rate of acoustic wave front propagation
between transducers (several hundred microseconds) and the instrument’s data averaging
algorithms. However, the advantages offered by sonic anemometry do not come without
penalty. Sonic electronics equipment is complex, and therefore requiring the services of a
skilled technician for operations and maintenance. Absolute calibration is possible with the use
of a zero wind tube in a controlled atmosphere. The major remaining difficulties are flow
distortion and flow separation due to the physical presence of the sonic array, although
streamlined transducer designs and software corrections have minimized these problems. Sealed
transducers permit operation in a wet environment where the performance of mechanical and
thermal sensors is degraded. Precise array axis orientation is required for sonic anemometers to
eliminate cross-axis signal contamination, and valid wind data can be collected only when flow
is within the instrument’s acceptance angle. Substantial software is needed to convert
measurements made along a fixed axis of orientation to alongwind and crosswind components
(x-axis and y-axis components), or to wind speed and direction.
The typical sonic sampling rate is 10 per second (Hz) or greater. Because of their high
accuracy time resolution, sonics are recommended when high quality wind and turbulence
measurements are needed. Sonic wind component and temperature measurements can also be
used to compute the vertical flux of sensible heat (or momentum) using the eddy correlation
method. This flux is derived from the covariance of vertical velocity and temperature (or
alongwind component) fluctuations. Additionally, sonic vertical wind component measurements
can be paired with high-resolution humidity measurements to compute the vertical flux of latent
heat from the covariance of vertical velocity and humidity fluctuations. The fluxes of sensible
heat, latent heat, and momentum characterize the micrometeorological state of the surface
boundary layer.
N = A + B(Re p )
3.11.3 Hot-wire anemometers. The term anemometer was derived from the Greek words
anemos (wind), and metron (measure). Mechanical anemometers were first developed back in
the 15th century to measure wind speed.
The circuitry of the heated sensing element is controlled by one of two types of solid-
state electronic circuits: constant-temperature or constant-power. The constant-temperature
sensor maintains a constant temperature differential between a heated sensor and a reference
sensor; the amount of power required to maintain the differential is measured as an indication of
the mass flow rate.
Figure 3-44. Hot wire anemometer.
3.11.4 Air duct traversing. Anemometers are widely used for air duct balancing. This is
accomplished by placing multiple anemometers in a cross-section of the duct or gas pipe and
manually recording the velocity readings at numerous points. The mass flow rate is obtained by
calculating the mean velocity and multiplying this by the density and by the cross-sectional area
measurement of the duct.
For cylindrical ducts, the log-linear method of traversing provides the highest accuracy
because it takes into account the effects of friction along the walls of the duct. Because of the
number of measurements, Figure 3-45, air duct traversing is a time-consuming task.
Microprocessor- based anemometers are available to automate this procedure.
Because of the small size and fragility of the wire, hot-wire anemometers are susceptible
to dirt build-up and breakage. A positive consequence of their small mass is fast speed of
response. They are widely used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and
ventilation applications. Larger and more rugged anemometers are also available for more
demanding industrial applications. To ensure the proper formation of the velocity profile, a
straight duct section is usually provided upstream of the anemometer station (usually 10
diameters long). A conditioning nozzle is used to eliminate boundary layer effects. If there is no
room for the straight pipe section, a honeycomb flow straightener can be incorporated into the
sensor assembly.
A hot-wire anemometer consists of a thin (5mm or 12mm) tungsten wire array consisting
of one or more wires, each of which is mounted in a Wheatstone bridge connected through a
series of amplifiers. Wire resistance varies with its temperature; air blowing over the heated
wire reduces wire temperature. A fast-acting bridge circuit maintains the wire at constant
overheat temperature (well above ambient temperature) by sending varying amounts of electrical
current through the wire in response to the wind’s cooling effect. The result is a measurement of
wind flow across the axis of the wire. An array of multiple wires can resolve multiple wind
velocity components. Because of the small size and fast response of the probes, hot-wire
anemometers are used for high frequency (~1000Hz) velocity fluctuation measurements. Hot-
wire anemometry should be used to characterize fine-scale turbulence within the roughness sub-
layer (RSL). Because of the need for frequent calibration, the hot wire anemometers should be
operated on a sampling basis over 15-minute periods.
3.12 Actinometers
The Pitot-static system is the classic method for measurement of aircraft and airflow
velocity. The following subparagraphs describe Pitot-static systems, their basic theory of
operation, properties, characteristics, and transducers used in conjunction with them.
3.13.1 Basic theory of operation. The simplest version of the system is composed of a source of
moving air collected in the Pitot tube, a streamlined, hollow probe located forward on the aircraft
in undisturbed air, and a source of ambient air called the “static port”. The pressure created by
moving air, called dynamic air pressure (from the Pitot tube or probe), and the static air pressure
caused by the weight of the earth’s atmosphere (from the static port), are supplied to the aircraft
instruments (see Figure 3-46). The airspeed indicator uses the dynamic pressure and static
pressure to indicate the aircraft horizontal velocity through the air mass. The altimeter measures
the static pressure to provide aircraft altitude above sea level. The vertical speed indicator uses
changes in the static air pressure over time to determine the aircraft upward and downward
The static port is often located on the side of the aircraft fuselage to receive only outside
air pressure unaffected by aircraft movement. The static port is sometimes combined with the
Pitot tube as openings along the side of the Pitot probe to provide greater accuracy for higher
speed aircraft, or for airframes where there are no acceptable locations for a separate static port.
In more complex systems, a transducer is used to measure the difference in dynamic and
static air pressure, and convert the pressure difference into an electrical signal that is more easily
transmitted throughout the aircraft. The electrical signal is used by an air data computer to
measure the aircraft motion and altitude based on the static pressure and the difference signal
between the dynamic and static pressure. The results of computations are used by a variety of
aircraft instruments beyond the basic altimeter and vertical speed indicator such as autopilots,
altitude alerters, flight management systems, electronic displays, and navigation systems.
A diagram of the Pitot-static system operation is shown at Figure 3-47. In the diagram,
the static port is combined with the Pitot in the same assembly. The transducer utilizes the
difference between static pressure (simply the ambient air pressure surrounding the aircraft and
Pitot probe assembly) and dynamic pressure created from the air in motion as it rams into the
open end of the Pitot tube (note “V” in the Figure 3-47). The dynamic pressure is created by the
velocity “V” of the airflow as it enters the tube. The air entering the tube has both dynamic
pressure from movement, and static pressure due to the weight of the earth’s atmosphere. These
two components are summed together as “Pt”, or total pressure. As shown in Figure 3-47, the
dynamic pressure is proportional to the density of the air, “r”, multiplied times the air velocity
“V” squared and divided by 2. By subtracting the static portion of the total air pressure, and
using the formula shown, the velocity of the airflow, and thus the aircraft, can be computed.
3.13.2 Properties and characteristics. The properties and characteristics of Pitot-static systems
discussed below include the Mach number range, yaw and pitch angle range, boundary effects,
Reynolds number range, turbulence errors, and time constant. Mach number range. The lower usable limit for Pitot-static probes depends on the
sensitivity of the readout device used with the probe. The lower limit is approximately at a
Mach Number of 0.06 or velocity of 70 ft/sec for air at standard atmospheric conditions since a
differential pressure of 1” of water, for example is about the minimum that can be measured with
1 percent accuracy with ordinary slant gauges. While there is no minimum Mach number for the
probe itself, there are viscous drag effects that should be considered when using a probe in a low
velocity fluid field. (See Reynolds Number Range). The upper limit is at about Mach 0.95 for
the total pressure reading and 0.70 for the static as shown in Figure 3-48. The static reading is
accurate to 1.5 percent up to Mach 0.70 and to 0.5 percent to a Mach number of 0.50. Due to the
formation of local shock waves on and around the tip of the probe at this point the calibration
becomes erratic and the reading can vary as much as 10 percent with little changes in flow
conditions or proximity to solid boundaries. Above Mach 1.0, both the total and static readings
vary considerably from true stream values but they can be corrected theoretically. Yaw and pitch angle range. If the fluid stream is not parallel to the probe head, errors
occur in both total and static readings. These are the most important errors in this type of
instrument since they cannot be corrected without taking independent readings with another type
of probe. Swivel Head Probes are used on helicopters and vertical and short takeoff and landing
(VSTOL) aircraft to reduce these effects and for safety purposes. Figure 3-49 and Figure 3-50
show the errors in total and static pressure, velocity and weight flow at various yaw and pitch
VP: Indicated velocity calculated from Ptp and Psp using standard equations.
W: Weight flow rate — lbs. sec x ft2
Wp: Indicated weight flow rate from Ptp and Psp
Note that yaw and pitch angles have exactly the same effects on the readings. For angles
of attack higher than 5 degrees, the errors in total and static pressure increase quite rapidly.
However, they tend to compensate each other such that the probe yields velocity and weight flow
readings accurate to 2 percent up to angles of attack of 30 degrees. This is the main advantage of
the Prandtl design over other types.
3-56 Typical yaw and pitch measuring device. A photo of a typical yaw and pitch
measuring device for aeronautical applications is shown at Figure 3-51. Boundary effects. The static pressure indication is sensitive to distance from solid
boundaries. As shown in Figure 3-52 this error increases the indicated velocity pressure at a
Mach number 0.25. The probe and boundary form a venturi passage, which accelerates the flow
and decreases the static pressure on one side. According to the curve the static readings should
not be taken any closer than five tube diameters from a boundary for a one-percent accuracy. A
distance of ten (10) tube diameters is even safer. Reynolds number range. Pitot-Static probes are not directly affected by Reynolds
Number (except at very low velocities). Therefore, in liquids where compressibility effects are
absent, their calibration is substantially constant at all velocities. The minimum Reynolds
Number for the total pressure measurement is about 30 where the characteristic length is the
diameter of the impact hole. Below this value, the indicated impact pressure becomes higher
than the stream impact pressure due to viscosity effects. This error is only noticeable in air
under standard atmospheric conditions for velocities under 12 ft/sec with impact holes 0.010”
diameter or less. Time constant. The speed of reading depends on the size of the pressure tubes to the
manometer, the length and diameter of the pressure passages inside the probe, and the
displacement volume of the manometer. For any of the standard tubes down to 1/8” diameter the
time constant is very short; but it increases rapidly for smaller diameters. For this reason 1/16”
OD is the smallest recommended size for ordinary use; this will take 15 to 60 seconds to reach
equilibrium pressure with ordinary manometer hook-ups. These tubes have been made as small
as 1/32” outside diameter (OD), but their time constant is as long as 15 minutes and they clog up
very easily with fine dirt in the flowstream. If very small tubes are required, it is preferable to
use separate total and static tubes rather than the combined total-static type. Where reinforcing
stems are specified on small sizes, the inner tubes are enlarged at the same point to ensure
minimum time constant.
The following tables and figures are offered for the reader’s understanding.
Figure 3-55. Type PC probe.
Figure 3-58. Type PT probe.
3.13.3 Transducers for Pitot static systems. As mentioned before, pressure transducers are used
to translate barometric Pitot-static air pressures into electrical signals. Pressure transducers
typically are of two families- differential and absolute. Differential transducers accept two
pressure inputs via separate ports applied to both sides of the pressure sensor, and provide an
output proportional to the difference of the two pressures. Absolute sensors compare the
sampled pressure to an “aneroid”- an evacuated or nitrogen-filled sealed containment.
Differential transducers are used to provide a difference signal between the dynamic and static
sources for airspeed calculations, while absolute sensors are used for altimeters and vertical
speed calculations. Vibrating Element or Resonant Type. This type of transducer typically take two
forms (see Figure 3-59). The first form is a vibrating wire driven by an electromagnetic source.
The second form can be a resonant type such as a piezoelectric ceramic or a quartz element
attached to a diaphragm. The diaphragm can be located either between the two pressure sources
for differential sensors, or between an aneroid and an external pressure source. A pressure-
sensitive element (diaphragm or bellows) develops a force against a tensioned wire or quartz
crystal or ceramic element whose natural mechanical frequency of vibration depends on the
stress due to the force. As a result, the frequency is a function of pressure. The vibrations are
maintained by a feedback loop with an amplifier in the loop.
Pressure upon the vibrating element alters the resonant frequency of an oscillator,
which is then used to provide an output signal proportional to the differential or absolute
Figure 3-59. Vibrating element pressure sensor cross-sectional diagram.
The Rosemount Air Data Transducer (ADT) measures static and impact pressures and
provides digital outputs for static pressure, impact pressure, dynamic pressure, indicated
airspeed, pressure altitude, and indicated mach. The Rosemount ADT contains two high-
accuracy digital sensor modules with each module utilizing a vibrating element. The outputs are
digitized and digitally corrected to minimize temperature effects, before pressure altitude,
indicated airspeed, and mach are calculated. Capacitive Type. Capacitive sensors (no diagram available, but similar to the vibrating
element construction) utilize the variation in capacitance caused by the flexure of thin
diaphragms arranged as the plates of a capacitor. As the spacing between the plates is altered by
applied pressure. Applied pressure can be either differential (both sides of the diaphragm) or
absolute (pressure applied to one side while the other side is sealed). The variable capacitance is
again used as part of a frequency determining circuit of an millivolts whose frequency output is
proportional to pressure. Solid State Type. The solid-state type of pressure sensors (Figure 3-60) use a diffused
silicon resistance element connected to a fully active measuring bridge. The silicon element is
combined with signal conditioning circuitry, often on the same integrated circuit. The
piezoresistive effect causes element resistance to change proportionally with measured pressure,
and the unbalanced bridge produces a differential output voltage that indicates system pressure.
The external pressure can be applied to the passivated silicon directly, or the silicon-measuring
cell is housed in an oil-filled chamber for hostile environments. A stainless steel diaphragm
separates and protects the sensor from the medium.
Figure 3-60. Solid state element pressure sensor cross-sectional diagram. Encoders. Encoders are absolute pressure sensors integrated with signal conditioning
and analog to digital conversion. The pressure sensor signals are calibrated to display altitude
above sea level derived from the static pressure port. If the output is not displayed directly, these
are often called “blind encoders”. The digitized pressure output is supplied to non-direct display
applications such as navigation and flight management systems for vertical navigation guidance,
altitude alerts for altitude determination, autopilots for altitude hold functions, and transponders
for telemetering of altitude to the air traffic control secondary radar tracking systems.
This section provides the reader with background, specifications, and other operational
information relating to the ARINC 429 waveform.
3.14.1 Background. ARINC itself is not a standard nor is it a piece of equipment. ARINC is the
technical, publishing and administrative support arm for the Airlines Electronic Engineering
Committee (AEEC) groups. The AEEC was formed in 1949 and is considered the leading
international organization in the standardization of air transport avionics equipment and
telecommunication systems. AEEC standards define avionics form, fit, function, and interfaces.
The AEEC is comprised of 27 airline and related organizations. Representatives have
engineering, operational, and maintenance experience within their organization.
ARINC specifications are divided into four numbering systems and two basic types. The
numbering systems include the 400, 500, 600 and 700 series. The groups are divided into
general design requirements and terminal design standards (characteristics). General Design
requirements include the 400 and 600 series of documents. Specific terminal design and testing
criteria (characteristics) are set forth in the 500 and 700 series. The 400 series documents are
considered the general design and supporting documents for the 500 series avionics equipment
characteristics. ARINC standards define design and implementation of everything from testing
requirements to navigation (NAV) systems to in-flight entertainment. Some of the newer
specifications cover digital systems, testing, and development and simulation criteria. Generally,
three specifications define the characteristics of avionics buses. These are ARINC 419, ARINC
429 and ARINC 629.
ARINC 419 is the oldest and is considered obsolete. The vast majority of avionics
terminals employ the usage of ARINC 429 for their avionics bus. The predecessor of
ARINC 419 is a collection of the various avionics buses in use at its creation. The ARINC 419
specification was the first digital communications specification for commercial aviation. This
specification was developed in 1966 and last updated in 1983. ARINC 419 was created to
provide a central point of reference for the different variations of buses, providing both electrical
and protocol declarations. Although the 419 specification declares four different wire topologies
and clock rates between transmitter and receiver, all buses use a shout bus topology (simplex)
and the Label identification method for data words (see Table 3-4).
Among the four, the most widely known implementation of 419 is the Serial; one twisted
shielded pair topology used by the Digital Air Data System (DADS system (known as ARINC
575), followed by the six wire (three twisted shielded pairs). Although ARINC 419 is no longer
used in terminal design and is considered obsolete, the DADS 575 twisted shielded pair bus
served as the model for the ARINC 429 topology.
ARINC 429 defines the Air Transport Industry’s standard for the transfer of digital data
between avionics systems. ARINC 429 is formally known as the MARK 33 Digital Information
Transfer System (DITS) specification. The current release of the specification is known as
ARINC 429-15 and is divided into three parts shown in Table 3-5).
The ARINC 429 specification describes the avionics bus as an “open loop” transmission
model. Typically, this type of bus is described as a simplex bus with multiple receivers. Other
terminology would refer to it as a “shout” or “broadcast” bus. When looking at a 429 bus, the
transmitting Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) is known as the “source” while each receiving LRU is
known as a “sink”. Any particular LRU may have multiple sources and/or sinks. A twisted
shielded pair carries the ARINC 429 signal and the sets of information are transmitted at
periodic intervals. The periodic interval of data transmission must be sufficient to provide a
minimal rate of change in the data, so that if a data set were lost, the loss would be of little
consequence. To detect errors, the specification prescribes the use of odd parity indication and
optional error checking.
Typically, a data set is composed of one word and consists of either Binary (BNR),
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) or alphanumeric data encoded per ISO Alphabet No.5.
ARINC 429 also provides for file data transfers, which use more than one word. The transfer of
graphic text and symbols used for CRT maps and other displays has not been defined.
ARINC 429 documents are not standards; they are specifications developed to provide a high
degree of interchangeability between common functional units.
3.14.2 ARINC 429 P1-15 Specification. The ARINC 429 specification provides the electrical,
timing, and protocol requirements necessary to implement design and proper communication on
the MARK 33 DITS bus. ARINC 429 is implemented as a simplex broadcast bus. The
ARINC 429 wiring topology is based upon a 78Ω, unbalanced, twisted shielded pair. An LRU is
typically connected to the bus in a star or bus drop configuration (see below).
Each bus has only one transmitter and up to 20 receivers; however, one terminal may
have many transmitters or receivers on different buses. The transmitter sends out the 32-bit
word, LSB first, over the wire pair in a tri state clocking, RZ methodology. The actual
transmission rate may be at the low or high speed of operation: Low speed of 12.5kHz (12.5kHz
to 14.5kHz) approximately 390 to 453 words per second and high speed of 100kHz (±1 percent)
approximately 3125 words per second. A receiver is not allowed to ever respond on the same
bus where a transmission has occurred. However, since an LRU may have one or more
transmitters and/or receivers (each being on a separate bus), an LRU may respond over another
bus. An LRU on the ARINC 429 bus does not have an address. LRUs have equipment numbers,
which are then further grouped into equipment/system types. Equipment and system
identification numbers are used for system management and are not typically encoded into the
ARINC Word. An LRU is programmed to listen on the bus for ARINC data words. Remember
the data word begins with a Label identifying data of interest.
Transmission of information occurs from a port on the LRU that is designated for
transmission only. Similarly, receive ports are used for receive only. Information cannot flow
into a port designated for transmission. This is the basic definition of a simplex bus. To obtain
bi-directional dataflow between LRUs you must use at least two ARINC 429 buses.
3.14.3 Cabling. The transmission media for the ARINC 429 bus is a 78-ohm twisted shielded
pair. A schematic illustration of a twisted pair appears in Figure 3-61.
One end of the twisted pair should terminate into the data source and the other end should
terminate into the data sink(s). The shields should be grounded at both ends and at all
production breaks in the cable. Only a single source is permitted per bus and a maximum
number of 20 sinks may be connected. Either a star or line drop topology is permitted. A source
must be capable of handling a maximum load of 400Ω. A receiver sink must have minimum
effective input impedance of 8kΩ. No particular bus lengths specified, partially due to the direct
connect nature of bus and that each sink acts like an electrical drain. Most systems are designed
for less than 175 feet.
The two types of topologies are the Star and Bus Drop (Figure 3-62 and Figure 3-63,
respectively). In earlier designs, especially, the star topology was implemented. Many consider
star topology safe since each LRU has its own connection to the source. Therefore, any break
along the bus length results in loss of only one listener. However, the star topology requires
much more wire, which adds more weight and tends to create a “rats nest” within harness areas.
Therefore, many argue effectively for the Bus Drop topology. The same number of connections
is still present and there is a significant reduction in weight from dropping each LRU off a
central bus.
Transmitter Receiver
Receiver Receiver
ARINC 429 has two speeds of operation: 12.5kHz (12.5kH to 14.5kHz) and 100kHz(+/-
1 percent). The 32 bit word is transmitted LSB first over the wire pair with a tri state clocking,
RZ methodology. Separate words are identified by having an inter-message (or inter-word) gap
time of at least 4 bit times, from end of cycle to beginning of next rise or fall time. A “one” is
created by the transmitter when a rising edge goes from zero to 10V +1V, plateaus then drops
down to 0V which is known as the null area (null level +0.5V). A “zero” is created by the
transmitter when a falling edge drops from 0V down to -10V +1V, plateaus then rises up to
return to the null area. This is considered a complete cycle only when followed by a null area
plateau. Every plateau should be of equal length.
The signal waveform generated is a Return to Zero (RZ) bipolar tri-state modulation.
The three states are identified as “HI”, “NULL” and “LOW”. Figure 3-64 depicts each state and
Table 3-6 identifies the output signal tolerances.
HI 10v +/- 1v
* Z = 1/Bit Rate; Bit Rate is the selected rate of transmission of 12 — 14.5 KBPS
** The Pulse Rise © and Pulse Fall (D) times are measured between there 10% to
90% amplitude.
3.14.4 Transmitter. The ARINC 429 Waveform shows boundaries for both transmitter and
receiver conditions. In order to create the wave, the transmitter needs to generate a differential
output signal across the twisted pairs. The transmitter needs to be balanced to ground and should
emit a differential signal as depicted on the left-hand side of the ARINC 429 waveform. The
voltages depicted are when the transmitter line is at open circuit. The voltage scale on the left is
the values that transmitters are expected to generate. Even though a valid signal should not
exceed 13 volts in either direction, a transmitter should be designed to prevent a voltage
transmission in excess of 30VAC across the wire pair and ±29VDC from either wire to ground.
Transmitters should be able to withstand indefinite shorts across the wire pair and/or to ground.
Most ARINC 429 transmitters are designed using an RC circuit to control the rise time. This
implementation is preferred in order to minimize overshoot ringing, typically associated with
rapid rise times. The rise and fall times for the 10kHz rate is 1.5 µsec ±0.5µsec while the rise
and fall times for the 12.5kHz bus is 10µsec ±5µsec. The transmitter should exhibit continuous
output impedance of 75Ω ±5Ω in a balanced fashion between each wire of the twisted pair.
Cable impedance should be selected to match the 75Ω transmitter requirement. However, actual
values from 60-80Ω fall within the expected characteristics.
3.14.5 Receiver. The voltage scale on the right of the ARINC 429 waveform is the values for
which receivers are expected to decode. Even though the receiver should not see amplitude any
greater than ±13VDC, each receiver should be designed to withstand steady state voltages of
30VAC RMS (Root Mean Square) across the wire pair and ±29VDC from either wire to ground.
In proper decoding operations, the 429 specification declares the receiver’s valid null area to be
±2.5VDC, it is not uncommon to have receivers that have a null area up to ±3.5VDC and will not
decode a “one” or “zero” until the signal amplitude reaches +4.5VDC or -4.5VDC, respectively.
These adjusted thresholds are typically implemented to overcome noise problems on the bus. On
the other hand, the specification encourages designers to try a 1-volt separation between
decoding values. Most ARINC 429 receivers are designed around an operational amplifier
matrix, which typically includes a clock speed identifier to establish timing requirements for
differentiating high and low speed signals. The differential input resistance and resistance to
ground of a receiver should be no less than 12kΩ, with a total input resistance no less than 8kΩ.
The differential input capacitance and capacitance to ground should not be greater than 50pF.
3.14.6 Word overview. Each sink is programmed to look for only data relevant for its operation.
Relevant data is identified by the first eight bits of the ARINC word, known as the Label. Each
ARINC 429 word (Table 3-7) consists of 32 bits with the first 8 bits (label) octally encoded to
represent the type of information contained within the 32-bit word. A typical 32 bit word has
five parts: 8 bit label, Data area, Odd parity bit, Source/Destination Identifier (SDI), Sign/Status
Matrix (SSM).
3.14.7 Information Identifier. The Information Identifier (Table 3-8) is a term used in the
specification to associate two different types of information (Label and Equipment Identifier).
The ARINC 429 specification defines these two together as a six-character label that provides
distinct designation for any type of ARINC 429 data. This six-character label consists of a three
character octal identifier known as the Label and a three character hexadecimal identifier known
as the Equipment Identifier. These two are listed together as part of the specification in
Attachment 1 “Label Codes”. Table 3-8 is an example of the “Label Codes” table. The Label
identifies the type of information contained within binary (BNR) and binary coded decimal
(BCD) numeric and the word application for discrete, maintenance, and file transfer methods
(also described in ARINC 429 P2 and P3). Labels can have system instruction or data reporting
functionality. The structure for assigning Label numbers appears in ARINC 429 P1 Appendix 5,
“Guidelines for Label Assignments”. The binary representation of the Octal Label information
and its bit position within the ARINC 429 data word is seen under the “Transmission Order Bit
Position” heading of the table above. The most significant bit of the octal word is located in the
least significant ARINC 429 bit and is transmitted first out onto the bus. Since the LSB of the
ARINC word is transmitted first, this in effect causes the label to be transmitted onto the bus in
reverse bit position order. The Label is part of every ARINC 429 32-bit word and each word
begins with a Label. A Label is always transmitted in the first 8 bits of the ARINC 429 word.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
374 005 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 E-W Velocity — Mag X
3.14.8 Equipment Identifier. The Equipment Identifier (Eqpt. ID) identifies the ARINC 429
bus source, is for administrative use, and must be associated with the source-sink combination.
Each bus source may have up to 255 of the Labels, as defined above, assigned for its usage.
Since each type of equipment (black box) has its own sets of Labels (and data) and a distinct
equipment identity, the ARINC designer can use the combination of the Label and Equipment
Identifier to prevent the conflict of unlike parameters having the same Label. Many times this
Equipment Identifier code identifies a system on the aircraft, such as the “Ground Proximity
Warning System 023.” The Equipment Identifier is not transmitted out onto a bus unless the
Label 377 is used. In association with that label, the number is encoded just following the
Source/Destination Identifier (SDI).
3.14.9 Source/Destination Identifier (SDI). The SDI is optional and when used, occupies bits
9 and 10 of the ARINC word. When used, the SDI is considered to add an extension onto the
ARINC word’s Label and ARINC systems are expected to decode the Label/SDI combination as
a different label than an ARINC word with the same Label and no SDI implementation.
When used in the destination function, subsystems are given an installation number:
01, 10 or 11 (binary). A zero in both bits 9 and 10 (00) conveys that all sinks on the bus should
decode the data or can be used as the address for a fourth listener on the bus. As stated, the use
of the SDI is optional and is not available if transmitting ISO Alphabet #5 alphanumeric data
words or when additional bit resolution is needed for BNR or BCD numeric data (data requiring
a higher resolution than typically provided with the 19 data bits).
3.14.10 Sign/Status Matrix (SSM). The SSM field may be used to report equipment
conditions or the sign (+, -, north, south, east, west, etc.). Bits 30 and 31 are typically assigned
to the SSM with bit position 29 also used for BNR words. In the status function, the SSM field
reports hardware equipment conditions (fault/normal), operation mode (functional test) or
validity of data word content (verified/no computed data).
The Sign SSM is used for two purposes:
a. To provide a sign or direction indicator for data contained within the ARINC
429 word
b. To provide source equipment status information as related to the data word for
the sinks. Each Label has its own unique implementation of the SSM Sign
When used to provide equipment status information the SSM reports three general
Other bit settings within the data word or data within the ARINC word indicating the
type of status or related values may also accompany status information. This additional
information would be specific for each system. The following is valid for BCD, BNR and
Discrete data words. Functional Test status encoding is used with instruction Labels and data
reporting Labels. When an ARINC word has an instruction Label and is accompanied by the
Functional Test being set, the decoding sink should interpret the instruction as a command to
exercise a functional test. When the ARINC word has a data-reporting Label and the Functional
Test is set, the data contained within are the results of a Functional Test. Typical BCD test
report data has values of 1/8th of full scale, unless otherwise defined.
3.14.11 Protocol. Most ARINC 429 data is transmitted integrally as part of the labeled word,
i.e. Binary, BCD, and Alphanumeric. However, a combination of 32 bit words may also be used
in a block transfer (i.e. AIM) mode. The AIM block transfer protocol (now discontinued) was
the original manner defined for data block transfer, being replaced with the Williamsburg file
transfer protocol, as introduced in ARINC 429-12. Each LRU has a transmit bus and a receive
bus and a control protocol is implemented to manage the data transfer. In addition, these buses
are point to point and are typically designed with the ability to perform under typical 429 single
word transfer format. An ARINC 429 data word has a predefined rate at which it must be
retransmitted. The exact data may or may not be repeated. Most systems require data to be
transmitted at the predefined transmission repeat interval whether the data has changed or not.
Each label has a minimum and maximum transmit interval that has been predefined. A label’s
rate and interval are defined in the ARINC 429 specification or in a specification by another
governing body (i.e. General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA)) or by a particular
avionics system supplier.
3.15 MIL-STD-1553
MIL-STD-1553 is a military standard that defines the electrical, mechanical, and timing
specifications for a communication network that interconnects cooperating digital units in a
system. This communication network, also referred to as a data bus, is typically used in military
and commercial platforms utilizing an avionics system. MIL-STD-1553 is a highly reliable bus,
both because of its extremely low error rate (one word fault per 10 million words), and because
of its implemented dual-redundant architecture. The bus operates at 1Mbps.
a. Weight reduction
b. Simplicity
c. Standardization
d. Flexibility
Some 1553 applications utilize more than one data bus on a vehicle. This is often done,
for example, to isolate a weapons store bus from a communications bus or to construct a bus
system capable of interconnecting more terminals than a single bus could accommodate. When
multiple buses are used, some terminals may connect to both buses allowing for communication
between them.
3.15.1 Specifics. The MIL-STD-1553B data bus interconnects up to 31 remote terminals (RTs)
controlled by a single controller unit referred to as the Bus Controller (BC). The RTs and the
BC are connected using two separate buses of twisted-shielded pairs of wires to maintain
message integrity. These are named the Primary Bus (or bus ‘A’) and the Secondary Bus (bus
‘B’). Messages are transferred on both the primary and secondary busses with equal probability.
If a message fails to be transferred over one bus, the transfer is retried on the other bus.
Messages will continue to be transferred on this bus until a message failure occurs. At this time,
the other bus is used for signaling.
There are only three functional modes of terminals allowed on the data bus: the bus
controller (BC), the bus monitor (BM), and the remote terminal (RT). These devices, which may
be capable of more than one function, are described below.
a. Bus controller. The BC is the only terminal that initiates information transfers on the
data bus. It sends commands to the remote terminals, which reply with a response.
The bus will support multiple controllers, but only one may be active at a time. Other
requirements, according to 1553, are: (1) it is “the key part of the data bus system”,
and (2) “the sole control of information transmission on the bus shall reside with the
bus controller.” The role of the bus controller is typically assigned to one of the more
powerful units on the bus (e.g., the mission computer). In a typical MIL-STD-1553
bus, the BC has a predefined sequence of messages that it repeats indefinitely. This
sequence of messages is referred to as a Bus List. The bus list is planned in such a
way that it will cause each message to be transferred over the bus at a rate that is
appropriate for the information that it carries. For example, a message that carries
information about wing vibrations is transferred at a significantly larger number of
times per second, than a message that carries information about fuel quantity.
b. Bus monitor. 1553 defines the bus monitor as “the terminal assigned the task of
receiving bus traffic and extracting selected information to be used at a later time.”
Bus monitors are frequently used for capturing the entire bus or selected information
for instrumentation purposes.
c. Remote terminal. Any terminal not operating in either the bus controller or bus
monitor mode is operating in the remote terminal (RT) mode. Remote terminals are
the largest group of bus components. An RT is usually a single box that has some
information to send out, and needs other information to be sent in. (A sensory unit,
for example, would only need to send data out, while a fuel control unit would need
to transfer data in and out.). An RT can send out up to 30 different messages
(numbered 1 through 30), and receive up to 30 other messages (also numbered 1
through 30). The number of the message in an RT is referred to as a Sub Address.
Each message can hold between 1 and 32 data words, 16 bits per word. An RT sends
or receives data only when instructed to do so by the BC.
The BC can transfer four basic kinds of messages over the bus (Figure 3-65).
The kinds of messages used by the BC include RT to RT, RT to BC, BC to RT and Mode
Commands. Each type is described below.
2) Mode Command messages are used for management of the bus. They
include a variety of messages, including, for example, requests from an
RT to shut down its transmitter, or to send the results of the last built-in-
test that it performed. Mode command messages are short, and contain
one or no data words.
These signals are transferred over the data bus using serial digital pulse code modulation
(PCM). It is encoded as Manchester II bi-phase which breaks down as shown in Figure 3-66.
1. A logic one (1) is transmitted as a bipolar coded signal 1/0 (in other
words, a positive pulse followed by a negative pulse).
2. A logic zero (0) is a bipolar coded signal 0/1 (a negative pulse followed
by a positive pulse).
3. A transition through zero occurs at the midpoint of each bit, whether
the rate is a logic one or a logic zero.
There are three types of words in MIL-STD-1553: Command, Status and Data (see
Figure 3-67). A word is a sequence of 20 bits consisting of a 3-bit synchronizer waveform, 16
bits of data, and 1 parity check bit. This is the word as it is transmitted on the bus; 1553
terminals add the sync and parity before transmission and remove them during reception.
Therefore, the nominal word size is 16 bits, with the most significant bit (MSB) first. This sync
pattern distinguishes between data words (words that carry pure data), and command and status
words (non-data words). The bit transmission rate on the bus is 1.0 megabit per second with a
combined accuracy and long-term stability of +0.1 percent. The short-term stability is less than
0.01 percent. There are 20, 1μs bit times allocated for each word.
Figure 3-67. Word formats.
Command words are only transmitted by the bus controller and they always consist of:
a. 3 bit-time sync pattern (opposite in polarity from command and status words).
b. 16 bit data field.
c. 1 parity check bit.
Status words are transmitted by the RT, in response to command messages from the BC,
and consist of:
The 11 bits in the status field are used to notify the BC of the operating condition of the
RT and subsystem.
Many different kinds of errors might occur on a MIL-STD-1553 bus. Some are related to
electrical or magnetic conditions, and some relate to functional conditions of units on the bus. In
general, there are two main groups of errors:
An RT can report an error by setting the Message Error bit in the status word that it sends
back to the BC. Other kinds of errors involve bit-level errors and word-level errors. Bit-level
errors relate to the bit pattern transmitted on the bus. The BC flags an error if it detects an illegal
sync pattern, or when it detects a parity error. It also flags an error if it detects that a transmitted
word contains too few or too many bits. Word-level errors relate to the transmission of complete
words on the bus. The BC flags an error if it detects an illegal gap between successive words, or
if too many or too few data words are transmitted (according to the number of words indicated in
the command word). Finally, there are RT-level errors. The BC might detect that an RT is not
responding at all, or that whenever the RT responds it causes corruption of the bus (The BC has
the option of shutting off transmission of an RT, by sending the RT a Selected Transmitter Shut
Down mode command.).
a. To try to retransmit the message on the same bus (Primary Bus or bus ‘A’)
b. To try to retransmit the message on the other bus (Secondary Bus or bus ‘B’)
c. To ignore the error and move on to the next message
Typically, there would be a limit to the number of retries. It is undesirable to retry more
than just a few times, as this would stretch the bus list and cause delays in the transmission of
other messages.
MIL-STD-1553 does not specify the internal formatting of data in transferred messages.
In MIL-STD-1553, data in each message is dependent on the system architecture. The various
RT numbers and sub-addresses that are used are specific to the test platform. A defining
document normally exists to provide detailed information at a system level on all the MIL-STD-
1553 bus traffic managed by the bus controller. This document defines every message that the
BC should transfer over the bus. The precise contents of a message and each data field in the
message are defined. It also identifies where each data field resides (i.e. in which word and
bit(s)), the nature of data in the field, and other information used to convert the data into an
engineering-units value. Each RT will have a dedicated Interface Control Document (ICD) that
defines all the interfaces to the RT including the detailed 1553 information.
3.15.2 Physical connection to the 1553 bus. When connecting to the 1553 bus, you MUST
ensure the instrumentation system is properly isolated from the production 1553 bus. Transformer coupled stubs: The length of the 1553 cable from the pick-up point to the
instrumentation system shall not exceed 20ft (Figure 3-68).
3-80 Direct coupled stubs. The length of the 1553 cable from the pick-up point to the
instrumentation system should not exceed 1 ft (Figure 3-69).
3.16 Serial Communications
3.16.1 Concept behind serial communications. The concept behind serial communications is
that data is transferred from sender to receiver one bit at a time through a single line or circuit.
The serial port takes 8, 16 or 32 parallel bits from your computer bus and converts it as an 8, 16
or 32 bit serial stream. The name serial communications comes from this fact; each bit of
information is transferred in series from one location to another. Although this is slower than
parallel communication, which allows the transmission of an entire byte or word at once, it is
simpler and can be used over longer distances. In theory, a serial link would only need two
wires, a signal line and a ground, to move the serial signal from one location to another.
However, in practice this theory does not really work, some bits might get lost in the signal and
thus altering the ending result. If one bit is missing at the receiving end, all succeeding bits are
shifted resulting in incorrect data when converted back to a parallel signal. So to establish
reliable serial communications you must overcome these bit errors that can emerge in many
different forms.
3.16.2 Serial bit error correction methods. Two serial transmission methods are used that
correct serial bit errors are briefly described below. Synchronous communication. The sending and receiving ends of the communication
are synchronized using a clock that precisely times the period separating each bit. By checking
the clock, the receiving end can determine if a bit is missing or if an extra bit (usually electrically
induced) has been introduced in the stream. Asynchronous communication. This method (used in PCs) is to add markers within
the bit stream to help track of each data bit. By introducing a start bit which indicates the start of
a short data stream, the position of each bit can be determined by timing the bits at regular
intervals. By sending start bits in front of each 8 bit stream, the two systems don’t have to be
synchronized by a clock signal. The only important issue is that both systems must be set at the
same port speed. When the receiving end of the communication receives the start bit, it starts a
short-term timer. By keeping streams short, there is not enough time for the timer to get out of
synchronization. This method is known as asynchronous communication because the sending
and receiving ends of the communication are not precisely synchronized with a signal line.
Each stream of bits is broken up in 5 to 8 bits called words. In the PC environment, these
are typically 7-bit or 8-bit words. The 7-bit word is to accommodate all upper and lower case
text characters in ASCII codes (the 127 characters). The 8-bit word is used to exactly
correspond to one byte. By convention, the least significant bit of the word is sent first and the
most significant bit is sent last. When communicating the sender encodes each word by adding a
start bit in front and 1 or 2 stop bits at the end. Sometimes, as a data integrity check, a parity bit
is added, between the last bit and the first stop bit of the word, this is used. This is often referred
to as a data frame.
Parity bits are not required, thereby eliminating 1 bit in each frame; this type of frame is
often referred to as a non-parity bit frame. However, there are four other parity bit options
available for use. The mark parity bit is always set at a logical 1. The space parity bit is always
set at a logical 0. The even parity bit is set to logical 1 whenever the total number of bits in the
data word plus the odd parity bit is even. The odd parity bit is set to logical 1 whenever the total
number of bits in the data word plus the odd parity bit is odd. The latter two methods offer a
means of detecting bit level transmission errors.
In Figure 3-70, you can see how the data frame is composed of and synchronized with
the clock signal. This example uses an 8-bit word with even parity and 1 stop bit also referred to
as an 8E1 setting.
3.16.3 Communications Terminology. Some of the common terms are defined below.
c. Full Duplex. Full duplex devices can transmit and receive data at the same time.
RS-232 is a fine example of Full Duplex communications. There are separate
transmit and receive signal lines that allow data to flow in both directions
simultaneously. RS-422 devices also operate Full Duplex.
d. Half duplex. Half duplex devices have the dubious honor of allowing both
transmission and receiving, but not at the same time. Essentially only one device
can transmit at a time while all other half duplex devices receive. Devices
operate as transceivers, but not simultaneous transmit and receive. RS-485
operates in a half duplex manner.
e. Baud rate. Baud rate is a measure of the number of times per second a signal in a
communications channel varies, or makes a transition between states (states being
frequencies, voltage levels, or phase angles). One baud is one such change.
Thus, a 300-baud modem’s signal changes state 300 times each second, while a
600- baud modem’s signal changes state 600 times per second. This does not
necessarily mean that a 300-baud and a 600-baud modem transmit 300 and 600
bits per second.
3.17 RS-422
RS-422 can be used for point-to-point (one driver, one receiver) or multi-drop (one
driver, multiple receivers) operations. A daisy chain interface is recommended for multi-drop
configurations. A receiver has a unit load of a maximum of 4K ohms. An RS-422 driver can
drive up to ten unit loads. The maximum cable length is 4000 feet and the maximum data rate is
10 Mb/s, although not simultaneously. Cable length and data rate have an inverse affect on each
other. See Figure 3-71 for a graph of cable length versus data rate. The operating region for RS-
232 is included to show a comparison of the two standards.
Operational Region
Cable Length (feet)
50 RS422
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Data Rate (kbps)
Of course, an unterminated network is the most cost effective solution. Because the
driver's worst-case load is the receiver's minimum input resistance (4KΩ), the driver is only
required to source a minimal amount of current in order to drive a signal to the receiver,
diminishing the driver's on chip power dissipation. The higher driver output swing increases the
DC noise margin, diminishing the possibility that system noise will improperly switch the
receiver. The receiver output is in a known logic state when the transmission line is in the idle
or open state. The most significant disadvantage with an unterminated cable is the introduction
of signal reflections onto the transmission line. To limit the effect of these reflections,
unterminated signals should only be used in applications with low data rates and short driving
If termination is required due to longer cable lengths or higher data rates, several
techniques can be used. One of the most popular techniques is parallel termination because
transmission line effects are minimized. Parallel termination uses a resistor (Rt) across the
differential lines at the receiver end of the transmission line to eliminate all reflections. The
termination resistor is typically chosen to be equal to the characteristic impedance (Zo) of the
transmission line. The cable impedance can be obtained from the cable manufacturer or may be
measured using Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR) techniques.
3.18 Gyroscopes
Gyroscopes have been used for decades to determine pitch, roll, and yaw angles and
angular rates of test articles. Historically, simple attitude gyroscopes were predominantly
constructed as illustrated in Figure 3-72.
The spinning mass (rotor) will tend to keep the rotating frame (gimbal) to which it is
attached, fixed in place as the outside case is rotated. By putting a transduction element (such as
a potentiometer or synchro) between the gimbal shaft and outside case, angular displacement can
be determined from this single degree-of-freedom gyroscope. It can be mounted in any
orientation to yield pitch, roll, or yaw angle. The so-called “vertical gyroscope” is a two degree-
of-freedom unit that is constructed with two gimbal assemblies, inner and outer, to yield pitch
and roll angles from a single gyroscope assembly.
With the addition of restraining springs on the gimbal assembly, a basic-rate gyroscope
can be constructed as shown in Figure 3-73. The angular deflection of the gimbal shaft with
respect to the rest (or zero rate input) state is directly proportional to the angular rate input
perpendicular to the spin axis of the rotor.
Figure 3-73. Basic rate gyroscope.
The angular momentum of the gyroscope rotor directly relates to the stability of the
gyroscope. Angular momentum is the product of rotor angular velocity and the moment of
inertia of the rotor. Therefore, a stable gyroscope should have a fairly massive rotor that can
spin at a relatively high velocity. These are design criteria that dictate characteristics such as
size, weight, and spin motor characteristics. Although some are still in use, these devices tend to
be rather large and heavy, by today’s standards. In addition, since these are electromechanical
devices, with bearings, springs, etc., they do require periodic maintenance and have a limited
operating life. These devices require 28VDC or 400Hz 115Vac, primarily for the spin motors.
Their outputs are usually hi-level analog for the DC powered types; synchro output is typical for
the AC powered versions.
Around 1970, the ring laser gyro was developed as an attempt to overcome the
limitations of the electromechanical gyroscope (Figure 3-74). The spinning mass rotor is
replaced by a pair of laser light beams which travel in a ring internally in opposite directions.
Over time, this design evolved into a triangular configuration with three mirrors. A slight
frequency shift occurs between the two traveling light beams in proportion to an input rate
perpendicular to the light path traveled. This frequency difference is sensed by a photodetector
as a series of interferometric light fringes. The resulting fringe count implies the output of a ring
laser gyroscope is inherently digital in nature. Most were designed for using a 28VDC power
In the 1980’s, the fiber optic gyroscope was invented. It works in a similar fashion to the
ring laser gyroscope, but is smaller, lighter, and requires less power. A very long coil of optical
fiber (1-5km) provides the media through which two counter-propagating light beams travel. As
the gyroscope is subjected to an angular rate, a slight change in path length occurs between the
two light beams. One beam travels a slightly shorter distance, and the other travels a slightly
longer distance. A beam splitter puts the two beams initially 180 degrees out of phase with each
other. Therefore, at rest, when the two beams impinge upon the photodetector, they cancel each
other so that the output is zero. When the path length changes, the phase difference will change
and the photodetector output will be non-zero. The maximum output is achieved when the input
angular rate results in the path change being equal to half the wavelength of the light beam. The
output is inherently analog. The power supply requirement is typically 28VDC at 10 watts or
Since about the mid 1990’s, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology has
been incorporated into gyroscope development (Figure 3-75). The new MEMS attitude and rate
gyroscopes require very little power, are very durable, and are very small compared to their
predecessors. Micro-machined tuning fork structures are electrostatically driven to resonance.
These structures measure angular rate by using the Coriolis force, which can be expressed as:
F = 2mωV
A Coriolis acceleration is generated in the device by the angular rotation of the vibrating
MEMS structure. The Coriolis force is converted to a voltage by the detector element and
associated signal conditioning circuitry. Since the mass of the structure is known, as well as the
vibration velocity, the angular rate ω can be derived and output accordingly.
Figure 3-75. MEMS gyroscope.
These chip-size devices are often used in conjunction with MEMS accelerometers to
produce small, lightweight six degree-of-freedom motion sensors (pitch, roll, yaw rate and
acceleration in orthogonal directions: x, y, and z). When located at or near the center of gravity
of a test item, the whole body motion during a test maneuver can be measured and characterized.
These motion sensors, also known as inertial measurement units, are available in a variety of rate
and acceleration ranges. These sensors typically produce output of high-level analog and require
+15VDC or 28VDc power at 10 watts or less.
3.19 References for Chapter 3
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4.1 Introduction
Signal conditioning transforms a signal, typically from a transducer, into another form of
that signal. The reason for doing this is simple. The original signal is not suitable to be used as
an input that is normally sent to a data acquisition system. The original signal might not be
suitable because the voltage level is too low, there is some inherent high frequency noise on the
signal, or a transformation of the signal must occur before being time sampled.
In general, signal conditioning is used to make an optimal match between signal source
and the data acquisition system.
When Instrumentation Engineers discuss signal conditioning, they are usually talking
about analog signal conditioning. Traditionally, data acquisition systems have acquired analog
data in the form of temperatures, accelerations, strains, positions, etc. This type of data has
always required analog signal conditioning in order for the data system to accept it as an input
source. For example, the full-scale output of a transducer may be in the range of 0-20mVDC
where the input range to the data system is 0-5Vdc. In this case, it is obvious that voltage
amplification is required to take advantage of the dynamic range of the instrumentation system.
Another example could be the case where the output of the transducer is a high level signal in the
range of 0-5VDC and the data system input is +2.5Vdc. For this case, the signal conditioning
required would be a zero shift.
Analog signal conditioning types can be lumped into several categories: amplification
(and its opposite attenuation), signal conversion (frequency-to-DC, AC-DC, etc.), and zero
shifting. Filtering can also be lumped into this category but a separate section has been
dedicated for this topic.
Amplifiers are by far the most common piece of signal conditioning because of the wide
range of uses, such as amplification, attenuation, DC-shifting, impedance matching, common-
mode rejection, isolation, and others. Many operational amplifiers exist for very specific
requirements such as voltage-in/voltage-out, current-in/voltage-out, and charge-in/voltage-out
(commonly referred to as a “charge amp”). Determining the type of amplification is the key in
providing accurate measurements through the data acquisition system.
Voltage amplifiers suitable for instrumentation system use typically provide high input
impedance, low output impedance, appropriate frequency response for the parameter, stable gain
over temperature, and sufficient output drive capability. In order to provide an accurate
measurement, the transducer’s output must not be influenced by the voltage amplifier. In the
past this was not a trivial exercise but for today’s high input impedance operational amplifiers
this is accomplished by the amplifier requiring very little current from the transducer and
insuring minimal intrusion into the measured quantity. This minimizes source loading thus
increasing measurement accuracy and insuring minimal intrusion into the measured quantity.
This is true for transducer signals referenced to ground (single-ended) and transducers that
output difference signals (differential). Because the transducers (such as in Wheatstone bridge
implementations) in this second group are very common, an operational amplifier was optimized
for this type of signal. The amplifier is called the instrumentation amplifier or “in-amp.”
The instrumentation amplifier amplifies the difference between two signals. This
difference is usually in the millivolts range. When this number is compared to the common
mode voltage, (the voltage on each terminal of the instrumentation amp referenced to ground) it
is obvious that these instrumentation amps must have very large common mode rejection values.
This value is called the common mode rejection ratio (CMMR), which in decibel (dB) is defined
⎛ Gdiff Vcm ⎞
CMMR(dB) = 20 log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ V out ⎠
Gdiff is the differential gain of the amplifier
Vcm is the common mode voltage at the input of the in-amp
Vout is the output resulting from the presence of Vcm at the input
This is a very important concept in the world of measurements. Common mode voltages
commonly exist in an instrumentation system. It should also be noted that CMMR is tied
directly to frequency with less common mode rejection occurring at higher frequencies. The
graph at Figure 4-1 illustrates this fact.
Errors due to stray common mode voltages are very common in every instrumentation
system. Any common mode noise not rejected will be amplified and introduced as measurement
error. Relying strictly on the instrumentation amp’s rejection capability is not a good design
practice. Pay close attention to cable routing and cable shielding to minimize stray common
mode voltages.
Sometimes the transducer output is at a level too high for the data system to accurately
capture. When this is the case, attenuation of the signal must occur. Sometimes this is as simple
as providing a resistor dividing network provided the transducer has the drive capability so the
impedance of the network does not load the output (see Figure 4-2).
Another method, shown at Figure 4-3, is to use an amplifier configured to provide a fractional
Current amplifiers also exist and most commonly are the current-to-voltage amplifiers
(which usually reside near the data acquisition system input). Another method used is to pass
the current through a precision resistor and amplify the voltage across the resistor with a
common voltage-to-voltage amplifier. These will be discussed below.
If there are accelerometers in the test article, chances are some will be piezoelectric type
transducers. Piezoelectric transducers are operated in two modes. Piezoelectric transducers rely
on the self-generating, piezoelectric effect of either quartz crystals or ceramic materials to
produce an electrical output signal proportional to the physical input. Some of these transducers
have built-in microelectronic amplifiers, which convert the high impedance charge signal from
the crystals into a low impedance voltage output signal. Piezoelectric transducers that do not
contain additional circuitry are known as charge mode or high impedance output transducers
therefore requiring a charge-in/voltage-out amplifier or “charge amplifier” (see Figure 4-4).
Piezoelectric transducers output a high impedance level of charge based upon a dynamic input
such as shock or vibration. The charge amp senses this by charging a highly stable capacitor in
its feedback loop. Making a few assumptions, mainly that the open-loop gain of the amplifier is
very large, the low impedance output of the amplifier can be expressed as:
Vout ≅ − a
Figure 4-5 shows a typical charge mode sensor system including sensor, low noise cable,
and charge amplifier. A piezoelectric transducer has a high output impedance and can be
modeled as a signal source and a capacitor. The piezoelectric sensing element generates an
electrical charge signal. A charge amplifier or in-line charge converter (explained above)
utilizes high input impedance, low output impedance inverting amplifiers with capacitive
feedback. Adjusting the value of the feedback capacitor alters the transfer function or gain of the
charge amplifier. Typically, charge mode transducers are used when high temperature
survivability is required. If the measurement signal must be transmitted over long distances, use
an in-line charge converter near the transducer. This minimizes the chance of noise and prevents
transducer sensitivity loss.
Because of the high-impedance nature of the output signal generated by charge mode
transducers, several important precautionary measures should be followed. Use special low-
noise coaxial cable between the transducer and the charge amplifier. This cable is specially
treated to reduce triboelectric (motion induced) noise effects. Also, always maintain high
insulation resistance of the transducer, cabling, and connectors. To insure high insulation
resistance, all components must be kept dry and clean.
Figure 4-5. Typical piezoelectric transducer, cable, and charge amp.
The last type of signal conditioning to be discussed in this section is zero shifting,
commonly referred to as offset. This involves providing a DC bias, either positive or negative,
usually along with amplification, to the transducer signal. As simplistic as this method is, it is
used throughout the instrumentation community to optimize the transducer signal for data
4.3 Filtering
Entire textbooks and courses have been dedicated to this vast topic. Filters in this
context are used as frequency-selective signal conditioners. Filtering is used to transmit wanted
and attenuate unwanted frequency content in the measurement signal. They reduce the amount
of noise outside of the data bandwidth and can also be used to “select” certain bands of
frequencies. Filtering is always used for analog signals when digitization is done. By nature,
instrumentation systems are band-limited. Filtering controls where the band limiting occurs.
In any instrumentation system, there are two distinct and separate reasons for capturing
the data. Either you want the frequency content of the waveform or you want the waveform
itself. Filtering for frequency content is much easier. The instrumentation engineer must satisfy
two requirements:
a. All frequencies of interest must lie in the flat portion of the filter transfer function
(flat amplitude response)
b. All amplitudes must lie in the linear range of the instrumentation system’s transfer
function (input/output linearity)
c. In order to reproduce the waveform, a third criteria is added: All frequencies must lie
in the linear phase portion of the instrumentation system’s transfer function (linear
phase response).
Improper filter selection can corrupt an otherwise well designed instrumentation system.
Make filter choices wisely.
a. Low pass. As their name suggests, low-pass filters pass frequencies below their
cut-off value.
b. High pass. High-pass filters pass frequencies above their cut-of frequency.
c. Band-pass. Band-pass filters pass frequencies within a given band.
d. Band reject. Band reject filters reject frequencies within a given band.
There are ideal filters, which are nice to talk about, and there are practical filters that we
have to use. Practical filters will provide attenuation in the stop-band but will subject the signal
to attenuation, ripple, phase-shift, or delay in the pass-band. There are two general guidelines
when dealing with practical filters:
a. The closer the practical filter’s amplitude response approximates the ideal filter’s
amplitude response, the less linear will be the practical filter’s phase response.
b. Conversely, a practical filter with an optimized linear phase response will have a less
than ideal (not flat) amplitude response.
Therefore, we have two major categories of filters; there are filters with optimized
amplitude response and there are filters with optimized phase response.
Filters lumped in the amplitude category include Butterworth, Bessel, Chebychev and
Cauer or elliptical filters. Butterworth filters exhibit no pass-band ripple but have a roll-off
characteristic (expressed in dB/decade of frequency) that is not as steep as other filters.
Chebychev filters do have a steeper roll-off characteristic than Butterworth filters but they do
introduce pass-band ripple. For steep roll-off characteristics, elliptical filters are the choice at
the expense of pass-band ripple and stop-band ripple. Bessel filters are considered to provide
linear phase response and little delay distortion in the pass-band. In the end, the characteristic of
the signal to be filtered will determine which type of filter to use.
This section will discuss sampling theory and the limitations in applying it to the typical
instrumentation system.
4.4.1 Nyquist sampling theory. In 1928, Nyquist first put forth his sampling theory. However,
it was not until 1949 that a true legend in communications theory, Claude E. Shannon, proved it!
Consequently, the sampling theory is referred to as both the Nyquist Sampling Theorem and the
Shannon Sampling Theorem. Most literature seems to refer to it as the Nyquist Sampling
Theory so we will use this convention in this handbook.
The Nyquist Sampling Theorem is a very useful tool in understanding sampling rates.
However, the application of it, without considering the real world limitations of a modern
instrumentation system and the reconstruction technique to be used, can result in very poor
signal reconstruction. The Nyquist Sampling Theorem states that the information of a signal can
be recovered if the signal is sampled at a minimum of twice the highest frequency (also called
the Nyquist frequency) contained in the signal. The Nyquist Sampling Theorem is depicted in
Figure 4-6.
The ability to accurately reconstruct the frequency content (without regard to amplitude)
of a signal sampled near the Nyguist sampling rate is crucial to the prevention of aliasing.
Aliasing will be discussed in the next section.
The advent of digital data acquisition systems presented the instrumentation designer
with several new challenges. Paramount among these is “At what rate do I need to sample a
signal to allow reconstructing it to the required level of accuracy?” As pointed out in this
section, the answer to this question requires in depth knowledge of the reconstruction technique
to be used in addition to the instrumentation system. The derivation of a mathematically
rigorous answer is situational dependent and requires error analysis that is beyond the scope of
this handbook. The reader is encouraged to consult the texts in the bibliography for the tools to
definitively answer this question.
4.4.2 Aliasing. Aliasing is a fascinating and often misunderstood concept. In daily life, most
of us have seen several examples of aliasing. An aircraft propeller or the spokes of a wheel
appearing to turn very slowly when in actuality the propeller or wheels are turning very fast.
While watching television you notice the computer monitors in the background seem to
“flicker” due to their slow update rates. The rapid frequency of rotation of the turning propeller
or spokes of a wheel is being “sampled” at a much lower frequency by your vision system. By
under-sampling you have artificially created a frequency of rotation so that the spokes or
propeller appear to turn very slowly. The computer monitors, in the back of the television
studios, are no doubt updated at a comfortable to the eye 60 or 70 Hertz rate, although they are
displayed on your television at a rate of about 30 Hertz. This under-sampling gives the
impression of an artificially low frequency of update rate on the computer monitors. In either
case, aliasing has distorted your perception.
Similar to these examples, in the field of instrumentation, sampling a signal at too low a
rate can produce aliasing. Aliasing distorts the reconstruction of the original signal. When
aliasing conditions are met, the reconstruction of a sampled waveform can contain frequency
components that did not exist in the original waveform! Just like the aircraft propeller, the
spokes of the wheel, or the computer monitor. Unfortunately, it is often never discovered and, if
discovered, cannot be “cured” via post processing of the sampled data. An instrumentation
designer must be knowledgeable and ever vigilant against this silent destroyer of data. Aliasing
is graphically illustrated below at Figure 4-7.
Aliasing is a frequency phenomenon. As pointed out in the previous section, even given
the typical limitations of the instrumentation system and ground station, the frequency content of
a signal can be accurately reproduced if the signal is sampled at greater than the Nyquist rate.
Consequently, sampling at the Nyquist rate will prevent the frequency phenomenon known as
aliasing. If the signal is sampled at a lower rate, aliasing will occur and distort the reconstructed
waveform. To illustrate this point let’s examine what happens to a 900 Hertz sinusoidal signal
when sampled at less than the Nyquist rate. When aliasing occurs, any frequencies above the
Nyquist frequency will be “aliased” to a lower frequency in the reconstructed waveform. For
example, if the 900Hz (Nyquist frequency) sinusoid is sampled at 1kHz, the alias frequency in
the reconstructed waveform would be at 1kHz-900kHz = 100Hz. To accurately acquire
frequency information, and prevent aliasing, requires at least a sampling rate of 1.8kHz.
If you have knowledge of the frequency content of the signal, the prevention of aliasing
simply involves using a sampling rate that is at least twice the highest frequency present in the
signal. In many cases, the instrumentation engineer does not have knowledge of the frequency
content of the signal or does not have the ability to sample at a high enough rate. In these cases,
the instrumentation engineer needs to limit the frequency content of the signal prior to sampling.
This is accomplished via an anti-aliasing filter (sometimes referred to as a presample filter).
4.4.3 Anti-aliasing filters. With the advent of high-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADC)
and their applications in data acquisition systems, anti-aliasing filters play a major role. Anti-
aliasing filters filter out unwanted high frequency content of the signal before digitization. This
places the burden upon the instrumentation engineer to determine the highest frequency required
for the measurement.
4.5.1 Wheatstone Bridge configurations. The Wheatstone bridge consists of four resistances,
R1-R4 and a voltage source V for exciting the bridge (Figure 4-8). The transducer is placed in
one arm of the bridge with a steady-state resistance equal to the other three resistances (this is
known as a quarter bridge configuration). Therefore, there is only an output of the bridge when
the transducer’s steady-state resistance changes. There can be two elements in two arms or all
four resistances can be transducers. These are known as half-bridge and full-bridge
Two additional resistances have been added for completeness. Rs is the source resistance
of the excitation source looking back into its terminals, and Rm is the input impedance of the
measurement device. RI is the input impedance of the bridge and Ro is the output impedance of
the bridge. What follows is a derivation of the output voltage Vo of the bridge. The voltage
between points C and D and points B and D are
⎛ R2 ⎞ ⎛ R3 ⎞
VCD = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟V V BD = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟V
⎝ R1 + R2 ⎠ ⎝ R4 + R3 ⎠
⎛ R3 R2 ⎞ ⎛ R1 R3 − R2 R4 ⎞
V BC = V BD − VCD = ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟V = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟V
⎝ R4 + R3 R1 + R2 ⎠ ⎝ (R1 + R2 )(R3 + R4 ) ⎠
If the balanced bridge is used which is commonly done, this means R1R3=R2R4 which
also means in a steady state condition Vo=0. Now, define a=R2/R1= R3/R4. If the bridge
nonlinearity term η is included, the total equation for the bridge circuit becomes
⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
Vo = V ⎜
1 ⎟⎜ 1 ⎟⎛⎜ a ⎞⎟ ⎡ ΔR1 − ΔR2 + ΔR3 − ΔR4 ⎤ (1 − η )
⎜ Rs ⎟⎜ Ro ⎟⎜ (1 + a )2 ⎟ ⎢ R ⎥
⎜1+ ⎟⎜ 1 + ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎣ 1 R2 R3 R4 ⎦
⎝ Ri ⎠⎝ Rm ⎠
approaches 1. As was stated, most bridge circuits have R1= R2= R3=R4 which makes the fourth
term equal ¼. This leaves the equation in the familiar form
One very important point should be made here. The input is in terms of ΔΩ/Ω which is
normally milliohms/ohm. This makes the output in terms of millivolts/volt, not millivolts!
4.5.2 Wheatstone Bridge (some guidance). Some important notes on the Wheatstone bridge
are shown below.
a. The Wheatstone bridge is very sensitive, on the order of one part per million.
b. The bridge, if mechanically configured properly, allows you to measure what you
want and “throws-out” a number of noise levels (temperature changes, drifts of
transducer, magnetic field effects, etc.)
c. For some applications where ΔR is small, the nonlinearity terms can be neglected,
sometimes not.
d. Use precision resistors when completing the bridge and place them in the same
environment as the transducer when possible to neglect the effects of item 5.
e. The bridge will measure ΔR/R changes no matter where they came from. Intra-
bridge wiring is usually the culprit as is long wire runs between the bridge and the
signal conditioning.
4.5.3 Constant current loop. Constant current excitation, sometimes referred to as the
Anderson loop is a measurement circuit topology alternative to the Wheatstone bridge. The
output voltage of the loop is inherently linear and twice the level available from a bridge for the
same power dissipation in the sensing elements. The loop topology is immune to many lead wire
effects, especially unknown levels of and even random variations in lead wire impedance. Both
topologies provide a differential output signal that represents the algebraic sum of two or more
electrical impedances. The bridge topology accomplishes signal subtraction passively with the
primary disadvantages of inherent nonlinearity and sensitivity to lead wire effects. The loop
topology accomplishes signal subtraction actively by means of either dual-differential or
“triferential” subtraction circuit functions with the primary disadvantages of some added
complexity and the small, but measurable noise inherent in active circuitry.
Digital signal conditioning can be considered as changing one form of digital data to
another form. An example would be the serial-to-parallel or parallel-to-serial conversion. Some
even consider the analog-to-digital conversion as digital signal conditioning. Another example
would be on-board processing of digital data before recording or transmission. This processing
could be as simple as adding two measurements together or as computationally intensive as
performing a Digital Fourier Transform on a vibration measurement.
Digital multiplexing can also be considered as digital signal conditioning, one type of
digital data is transformed into another type. Sometimes it is not practical to place an ADC on
each parameter so one central ADC is used and inputs are multiplexed to it. When multiplexing
analog signals, it is critical to keep noise levels at an absolute minimum as well as utilizing high
quality multiplexer and ADC.
There are two forms of digital filters. They are the finite impulse response (FIR) filters
and the infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. The FIR filters can perform far better than the IIR
filters, but they execute much more slowly. The IIR filters have the advantage of performing
exactly like the analog filters discussed above (Butterworth, Chebyshev, elliptical) and are easier
to design; however, the phase response is nonlinear. FIR filters take more computational power
to design and implement but are much more flexible in terms of frequency response and they
have linear phase characteristics. The test requirement drives which type of filter is chosen, but
it must be remembered that up-front digitization must occur first.
The last type of digital signal conditioning to be discussed is MIL-STD-1553 bus capture.
Upon initial review, most engineers would not consider this to be signal conditioning; however
MIL-STD-1553 bus capture is a type of signal conditioning. From the definition, this is turning
one type of digital data (MIL-STD-1553) to another type (PCM). MIL-STD-1553 is a
command/response bus that makes the captured data asynchronous. The bus is controlled by a
bus controller (BC) talking to remote terminals (RT) operating at a bus rate of 1Mbps. There are
command words, status words, and data words on the bus all of which can be captured. The
digital signal conditioner must monitor the bus and condition the MIL-STD-1553 word into
something usable for an instrumentation system. For a formal definition of MIL-STD-1553 bus
capture refer to IRIG-106, Chapter 8.
4.6.1 Signal conditioning for transducers. There is a wide variety of signal sources that need
signal conditioning before being sampled by a data system. Some transducers are self-
generating (thermocouples) and some are not (RTDs). Some have high level outputs, some are
low level. Information can be contained in resistance, voltage, current, charge, etc. This section
presents information on different types of signals an Instrumentation engineer can expect to
encounter. The signal conditioning for these signals is no different from what has previously
been discussed. This section was meant to cover common signals and shouldn’t be considered
an all-inclusive list. There will always be a special case in any instrumentation design.
4.6.2 Understanding signal specific signal conditioning. A voltage source can come directly
from self-generating transducers or resistive type transducers supplied with voltage or current
excitation. Excitation is a voltage or current providing a means for the transducer to output a
signal. In the case of voltage excitation, the output of a resistive transducer is a smaller version
of the excitation voltage modulated by the information being measured. As you may notice, a
stable excitation source over temperature, shock, vibration, etc. is required and in some cases,
the excitation can be the limiting factor in an accurate measurement. The voltage signal
conditioner must not influence or load the source, must provide isolation and transform the input
signal into a suitable signal for the instrumentation system. This transformation is in the form of
amplification, attenuation, and zero-shifting.
There are various ways to acquire low level current measurements and the signal
conditioning for each varies. The most common method is to use a high precision resistor and
measure the voltage across the resistor. The two methods for current measurements are high-
side (Figure 4-9) and low-side (Figure 4-10). High-side measurement involves the use of a
differential amplifier to measure the voltage across the resistor and report that measurement as a
ground referenced signal.
Most in-amps will perform this measurement but care must be taken when selecting this
differential amplifier. Low-side measurement involves measuring the current flowing to ground.
The voltage at the ungrounded terminal is used for the measurement so a differential amplifier is
not required. In real world scenarios, “ground” can sometimes be a nebulous quantity so
performing high-side measurement even with the resistor referenced to ground is the preferred
method. For both cases, the output voltage can be expressed as
Vo = Av IR
Figure 4-10. Low-side current measurement with op-amp.
Some items to be considered for sources of error are voltage drop across the resistor
interfering with the system under test, power dissipation of the resistor, parasitic series and
parallel resistance biasing the measurement, self-heating and dynamic effects on the precision
resistor. Another method of current sensing is current-to-voltage conversion using an
operational amplifier. These are normally used for very low-level currents. A simplistic
example is shown in Figure 4-11.
Vo = − IR f
For higher values of current to be measured, these methods are not practical. Magnetic
current sensing and current transformers are used for these applications. There is a magnetic
field produced around every conductor given by
μo I
B is the magnetic field
μo is the permeability of free space (1.26 x 10-6 H/m)
r is the distance from the center of the conductor
I is the current flowing through the conductor
Magnetic current sensors measure the magnetic field around a wire. Given this quantity,
the current flowing through the wire is known. Current transformers are normally used for
sensing higher levels of AC current. The current through the windings can be expressed as
is N s = i p N p
is/ip is the current through the secondary and primary windings
Ns/Np is the number of secondary and primary windings
As with all transformers, as the frequency increases (>5-10kHz) mutual coupling effects
and secondary reactance must be taken into consideration.
The first method commonly used for temperature measurement is the use of a resistance
temperature device or RTD. RTDs are very common due to the fact they are easy to work with.
RTDs are manufactured from metals whose resistance increases with temperature that follow the
ρ t = ρ o [1 + α (t − t o )]
ρo is the resistivity at a standard temperature to
ρt is the resistivity at temperature t
α is the temperature coefficient (oC-1)
= αt + 1
Therefore, the signal conditioning requirement is nothing new from what has already
been discussed. Excitation must be supplied to the RTD and based upon the type and level of
excitation, whether or not a bridge configuration is used, and knowing the properties of the metal
used in the RTD, the signal conditioning requirement is known.
The second method commonly used to measure temperature is the use of a thermocouple.
Thermocouples are normally used to measure high temperatures but if the material is chosen
correctly any temperature in the range of –185oC to +1650oC can be measured. As was stated in
the Signal Source section, a thermocouple is nothing more than two dissimilar metals joined to
form a junction. When two wires are used, the output is defined as
E net = ∫ (ε
1 − ε 2 )dt
Enet is the net output voltage
ε1 is the total thermoelectric power of material 1, the summation of
the Thomson coefficient and the temperature derivative of the
Peltier coefficient
ε2 is the total thermoelectric power of material 2
To is the beginning temperature
Tl is the ending temperature
This junction is placed where the measurement is to be taken. One very important
concept must be remembered when measuring temperatures and signal conditioning
thermocouple circuits. The thermocouple wire is assumed homogeneous. It is very important
that each thermocouple wire is exposed to the exact same environment and any disconnects are
at the same temperature. Performing a thermocouple measurement also requires a reference
temperature. This temperature must be uniform. Any deviations from these requirements will
cause a measurement error.
Thermocouple voltage varies with the type of material used for the thermocouple. Most
thermocouple voltage tables are referenced to an ice bath. Constructing an ice bath in a test
vehicle is usually not practical; but a reference temperature must be known. A common
approach is to either provide a zone of constant, uniform temperature at the measurement point
or to monitor and record the temperature with the data system using an RTD. The last part is not
a requirement but a good check to verify how constant and uniform the temperature was during
the test. By knowing the type of thermocouple material and the reference temperature, the
voltage signal conditioning will be defined.
Sources of errors are numerous in thermocouple measurements, the main one being a
temperature gradient in the thermocouple wire. Specific types of thermocouples generate
voltages in proportion to strain and vibration. This is a concern because thermocouples are
normally mounted directly to a structure. The second peculiar thermocouple error is galvanic
EMF generation. Since thermocouple wires are indeed wires, common-mode voltages are
common as are inducted currents along the wires due to the fact thermocouple wires usually are
not shielded and appropriately twisted.
It should be clear that a charge amplifier is used in this application. Some accelerometers
have internal signal conditioning. The characteristics of internal conditioning need to be
determined, characterized, and verified so that no internal event affects the measurement
accuracy. Output of the accelerometer will be in picocoulombs per unit of gravity (pC/g) or can
be specified in millivolts per unit of gravity (mV/g) with an external specified capacitance.
There are numerous sources of errors when working with piezoelectric accelerometers. The
output will vary with temperature, the transducer is mounted “incorrectly”, the wrong
accelerometer is used for the measurement, high and low frequency response are not taken into
consideration and transverse sensitivity and special averaging are not thought about. All of these
lead to measurement error.
Lastly, we’ll cover strain gages. As the name suggests, these transducers measure strain
in a given direction. They can be used by themselves or as part of another transducer, a pressure
transducer for example. A strain gage has a nominal resistance value R (350Ω is common),
which changes ΔR due to applied strain. This can be expressed as
= kε L
k is the gage factor
εL is the applied strain
Strain gages are most often used in a Wheatstone bridge, discussed above. There are
quarter, half and full bridge configurations. Regardless of the configuration, an excitation
voltage (or current) must be present and the output of the bridge must be signal conditioned. If
the excitation source was ungrounded, it would be possible to use a standard op-amp to provide
gain and offset for the signal. Since this is usually not the case and since the output from the
bridge is in the millivolts range, common mode voltages can have a significant effect. This
dictates the use of an instrumentation amp to reduce the common mode effects. Another
common practice is to filter these signals to eliminate anti-aliasing effects. In this case, filtering
is accomplished after the instrumentation amp due to the differential nature of the signal.
Differential filters exists, but are not normally used.
4.7 Conclusion
This section has tried to cover general analog and digital signal conditioning concepts.
These basic concepts are used throughout the Instrumentation community and the knowledge is
necessary for anybody working within the field. Filtering was covered to present why there is a
need to filter and where to filter. Lastly, specific types of signals from transducers were
introduced, mainly to highlight to the reader that the basic concepts previously mentioned
covered the signal conditioning needs of these specific examples.
For more in-depth analysis of these concepts, refer to the references. These references
are presented to aid the reader in search of more detailed information on each topic presented.
4.8 References for Chapter 4
A major milestone in the understanding of flow was reached in 1783 when the Swiss
physicist Daniel Bernoulli published his book, Hydrodynamica. In this book, Bernoulli
introduced the concept of the conservation of energy for fluid flows. Bernoulli determined that
an increase in the velocity of a flowing fluid increases its kinetic energy while decreasing its
static energy. Therefore, a flow restriction will cause an increase in the flowing velocity and
also a decrease in the static pressure of the flowing fluid.
The permanent pressure loss through various flow elements can be expressed as a
percentage of the total pressure drop, or it can be expressed in terms of velocity heads as follows:
Orifice 4
Vortex shedding sensor 2
Positive displacement and turbine meters 1 (approximately
Through flow venturis <0.5
Therefore, if an orifice plate with a beta ratio of 0.3 (diameter of the orifice to that of the
pipe) has an unrecovered pressure loss of 100 in H2O, a venturi flow tube could reduce that
pressure loss to about 12 in H2O for the same measurement. Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2 contain
graphical representations of the concept of the conservation of energy for fluid flows described
Figure 5-1. Pressure loss versus orifice.
In 1831, the English scientist Michael Faraday discovered the dynamo when he noted
that, if a copper disk is rotated between the poles of a permanent magnet, an electric current will
be generated. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction is the basis for the operation of the
magnetic flowmeter. As shown in Figure 5-3, when a liquid conductor moves in a pipe having a
diameter (D) and travels with an average velocity (V) through a magnetic field of B intensity, it
will induce a voltage, E, according to the relationship:
where C is the constant for unit’s conversion.
In 1883, the British mechanical engineer Osborne Reynolds proposed a single,
dimensionless ratio to describe the velocity profile of flowing fluids:
Re =
D is the pipe diameter
V is the fluid velocity
ρ is the fluid density
μ is the fluid viscosity
Reynolds noted that, at low Reynolds numbers (below 2,000) (Figure 5-5), flow is
dominated by viscous forces and the velocity profile is (elongated) parabolic. At high Reynolds
numbers (above 20,000), the flow is dominated by inertial forces, resulting in a more uniform
axial velocity across the flowing stream and a flat velocity profile.
Until 1970 or so, it was believed that the transition between laminar and turbulent flows
is gradual, but increased understanding of turbulence through supercomputer modeling has
shown that the onset of turbulence is abrupt.
When flow is turbulent, the pressure drop through a restriction is proportional to the
square of the flow rate. Therefore, flow can be measured by taking the square root of a
differential pressure cell output. When the flow is laminar, a linear relationship exists between
flow and pressure drop. Laminar flowmeters are used at very low flow rates (capillary
flowmeters) or when the viscosity of the process fluid is high.
In the case of some flowmeter technologies, more than a century elapsed between the
discovery of a scientific principle and using the principle in building a flowmeter. Two
examples, discussed below, are the Doppler ultrasonic and the Coriolis flowmeters.
In 1842, Austrian physicist Christian Doppler discovered that if a sound source were
approaching a receiver (such as a train moving toward a stationary listener), the frequency of the
sound would appear higher. If the source and the recipient are moving away from each other, the
pitch will drop (i.e. the wavelength of the sound will appear to decrease). Yet, it was more than
a century later that the first ultrasonic Doppler flowmeter (Figure 5-6) was seen in the
marketplace. This first ultrasonic Doppler flowmeter projected a 0.5 MHz beam into a flowing
stream which contained reflectors such as bubbles and/or particles. The shift in the reflected
frequency was determined to be a function of the average traveling velocity of the reflectors.
The velocity, in turn, could be used to calculate a flow rate.
The history of the Coriolis flowmeter is similar to that of the ultrasonic Doppler
flowmeter. In 1843, the French civil engineer Gaspard Coriolis discovered that the wind, ocean
currents, and even airborne artillery shells would all drift sideways because of the earth’s
rotation. In the northern hemisphere, the deflection is to the right of the motion; in the southern
hemisphere, deflection is to the left of the motion. Similarly, a body traveling toward either pole
will veer eastward, because it retains the greater eastward rotational speed of the lower altitudes
as it passes over the more slowly rotating earth surface near the poles. Because evolution of
sensors and electronics was slow, the first commercial Coriolis mass flowmeter was not
developed until the 1970s.
The computer has opened new frontiers in all fields of engineering, and the field of flow
measurement is no exception. In 1954, mathematician John Von Neumann, another Hungarian-
American, built the Uniac computer. More recently, another Hungarian-American, Andy Grove
of Intel, developed the integrated circuit. Events such as these are already changing the field of
flowmetering. For example, intelligent Differential Pressure (D/P) cells can automatically
switch their range between two calibrated spans (one for 1-10 percent, the other for 10-100
percent of D/P), thereby extending orifice accuracy to within 1 percent over a 10:1 flow range.
Furthermore, it is possible for this accuracy statement to include not only hysteresis,
rangeability, and linearity effects, but also drift, temperature, humidity, vibration, over-range,
and power supply variation effects.
With the development of superchips, the design of the universal flowmeter also has
become feasible. It is now possible to use traceless cross-correlation flowmeters to replace dye-
tagging or chemical-tracing flowmeters (which measured flow velocity by dividing the distance
between two points by the transit time of the trace). The traceless cross-correlation flowmeter is
an elegant flowmeter because it requires no physical change in the process, not even penetration
of the pipe. The measurement is based on memorizing the noise pattern in any externally
detectable process variable, and noting its transit time as the fluid travels from point A to
point B.
5.2 Flow Sensor Selection
The selection process should include intangible factors such as familiarity of plant
personnel, their experience with calibration and maintenance, availability of spare parts, and the
history of mean time between failure at the particular plant site. Another key factor, the cost of
the installation, should be computed only after evaluating the factors listed in the previous
sentence. One of the most common flow measurement mistakes is the reversal of this sequence.
Instead of selecting a sensor that will perform properly, an attempt is made to justify the use of a
device because it is less expensive. The “inexpensive” purchases can result in the most costly
The basis of good flowmeter selection is a clear understanding of the requirements of the
particular application. Therefore, time should be invested in fully evaluating the nature of the
process fluid and of the overall installation. The development of specifications that state the
application requirements should be a systematic process.
The first step in the flow sensor selection process is to determine whether the flow rate
information should be continuous or totalized, and whether this information is needed locally or
remotely. If the information is needed remotely, a determination of the transmission method
(either analog, digital, or shared) needs to be made. If the transmission method is shared, a
decision is needed on the required (minimum) data-update frequency will be. Once these
decisions are made, an evaluation is needed to determine the properties and flow characteristics
of the process fluid and the piping that will accommodate the flowmeter. In order to approach
this task in a systematic manner, forms have been developed, requiring that the following types
of data be filled in for each application:
a. Fluid and flow characteristics. In this section of the table, the name of the fluid is
given and its pressure, temperature, allowable pressure drop, density (or specific
gravity), conductivity, viscosity (Newtonian or not?) and vapor pressure at maximum
operating temperature are listed, together with an indication of how these properties
might vary or interact. In addition, all safety or toxicity information should be
provided, together with detailed data on the fluid’s composition, presence of bubbles,
solids (abrasive or soft, size of particles, fibers), tendency to coat, and light
transmission qualities (opaque, translucent or transparent?).
can occur, or whether special precautions are needed during cleaning and
maintenance, these facts, too, should be stated.
c. Location of piping and flowmeter. Piping placement and the area where the
flowmeter is to be located is critical to accurate measurements. For the piping, its
direction (avoid downward flow in liquid applications), size, material, schedule,
flange-pressure rating, accessibility, up or downstream turns, valves, regulators, and
available straight-pipe run lengths. In connection with the area where the flowmeter
is to be placed, the specifying engineer must know if vibration or magnetic fields are
present or possible, if electric or pneumatic power is available, if the area is classified
for explosion hazards, or if there are other special requirements such as compliance
with sanitary or clean-in-place (CIP) regulations.
The second step in selecting a flow sensor is to determine the required meter range by
identifying minimum and maximum flows (mass or volumetric) to be measured. Subsequently,
the required flow measurement accuracy is to be determined. Typically, accuracy is specified in
percentage of actual reading (AR), in percentage of calibrated span (CS), or in percentage of full
scale (FS) units. The accuracy requirements should be separately stated at minimum, normal,
and maximum flow rates. Unless these requirements are known, meter’s performance may not
be acceptable over its full range.
5.3 Accuracy vs. Repeatability
In applications where products are sold or purchased based on a meter reading, absolute
accuracy is critical. In other applications, repeatability may be more important than absolute
accuracy. Therefore, it is advisable to separately establish the accuracy and repeatability
requirements of each application and to state the requirements in the specifications.
When a flowmeter’s accuracy is stated in percent Calibrated Span (CS) or percent Full
Scale (FS) units, its absolute error will rise as the measured flow rate drops. If meter error is
stated in percent Actual Reading (AR), the error in absolute terms stays the same at both high
and low flows. Because full scale (FS) is always a larger quantity than the CS, a sensor with a
percent FS performance will always have a larger error than one with the same percent CS
specification. Therefore, in order to compare all flowmeter bids fairly, it is advisable to convert
all quoted error statements into the same percentage AR units.
It is also recommended that the user compare installations based on the total error of the
loop. For example, the inaccuracy of an orifice plate is stated in percent AR, while the error of
the associated D/P cell is in percent CS or percent FS. Similarly, the inaccuracy of a Coriolis
meter is the sum of two errors, one given in percent AR, and the other given as a percent FS
value. Total inaccuracy is calculated by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the
component inaccuracies at the desired flow rates.
Table 5-1 provides data on the range of Reynolds numbers (Re or RD) within which the
various flowmeter designs can operate. In selecting the right flowmeter, one of the first steps is
to determine both the minimum and the maximum Reynolds numbers for the application.
Maximum RD is obtained by making the calculation when flow and density are at their maximum
values and viscosity is at its minimum value. Conversely, the minimum RD is obtained by using
minimum flow, minimum density, and maximum viscosity.
Furthermore, if one can obtain the same performance from both a full flowmeter and a
point sensor, it is generally advisable to use the flowmeter. Because point sensors do not
examine the full flow, they read accurately only if they are inserted to a depth where the flow
velocity is the average of the velocity profile across the pipe. Even if this depth is carefully
determined at the time of calibration, it is likely to be altered because velocity profiles change
with flow rate, viscosity, temperature, and other factors.
If all other considerations are the same, it is advisable to select the design that offers the
least pressure loss. Part of the reason is that the pressure loss will cause higher pump or
compressor operating costs over the life of the plant. Another reason is that a pressure restriction
in the flow path causes a drop in pressure; also, the pipe restriction will become a potential site
for material build-up, plugging, or cavitation.
The calculation of fluid flow rate by reading the pressure loss across a pipe restriction is
perhaps the most commonly used flow measurement technique in industrial applications
(Figure 5-7). The pressure drops generated by a wide variety of geometrical restrictions have
been well characterized over the years, and, as compared in Table 5-2, these primary or “head”
flow elements come in a wide variety of configurations, each with specific application strengths
and weaknesses. Discussed later in this chapter are variations on the theme of differential
pressure (D/P) flow measurement, including the use of Pitot tubes and variable-area meters
Figure 5-7. Pressure drop flow measurement.
5.4.1 Primary element options. The relationship between static and kinetic energy in a flowing
stream was first established by Bernoulli in the 18th century. As a fluid passes through a
restriction, it accelerates, and the energy for this acceleration is obtained from the fluid’s static
pressure. Consequently, the line pressure drops at the point of constriction. Part of the pressure
drop is recovered as the flow returns to the unrestricted pipe. The pressure differential (h)
developed by the flow element is measured and then used to calculate the velocity (V), the
volumetric flow (Q) and the mass flow (W) using the following generalized formulas:
⎛h⎞ h
V = k ⎜ ⎟ or Q = kA or W = kA hD
⎝D⎠ D
k is the discharge coefficient of the element
A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe’s opening
D is the density of the flowing fluid
The discharge coefficient k is influenced by the Reynolds number and by the “beta ratio.”
The beta ratio is the ratio of the bore diameter of the flow restriction to the inside diameter of the
The discharge coefficients of primary elements are determined by laboratory tests that
reproduce the geometry of the installation. Published values generally represent the average
value for that geometry over a minimum of 30 calibration runs. The uncertainties of these
published values vary from 0.5 percent to 3 percent. By using such published discharge
coefficients, it is possible to obtain reasonably accurate flow measurements without in-place
calibration. In-place calibration is required if testing laboratories are not available or if better
accuracy is desired than that provided by the uncertainty range noted above. The relationship
between flow and pressure drop varies with the velocity profile, which can be laminar or
turbulent as a function of the Reynolds number (Re), which for liquid flows can be calculated
using the relationship:
3160( SG )
Re =
( ID) μ
ID is the inside diameter of the pipe in inches
Q is the volumetric liquid flow in gallons/minute
SG is the fluid specific gravity at 60°F
μ is the viscosity in centipoises
At low Reynolds numbers (Re ≤ 2,000), the flow is laminar and the velocity profile is
parabolic. At high Reynolds numbers (Re ≤ 3,000), the flow becomes fully turbulent, and the
resulting mixing action produces a uniform axial velocity across the pipe. The transition
between laminar and turbulent flows can cover a wide range of Reynolds numbers; the
relationship with the discharge coefficient is a function of the particular primary element.
Today, many engineering societies and organizations and most primary element
manufacturers offer software packages for sizing D/P flow elements. These software packages
include the required data from graphs, charts, and tables as well as empirical equations for flow
coefficients and correction factors. Some programs include data on the physical properties of
many common fluids. The user can simply enter the application data and automatically find the
appropriate size, although these results should be verified for reasonableness by hand
The accuracy of intelligent transmitters is usually stated as ±0.1 percent CS, which
includes only errors due to hysteresis, rangeability, and linearity. Potential errors due to drift,
temperature, humidity, vibration, overrange, radio frequency interference and power supply
variation are all excluded. If one includes them, inaccuracy is about 0.2 percent CS. Because
intelligent D/P transmitters can (based on their own measurements) automatically switch ranges
between two calibrated spans (one for 1-10 percent, the other for 10-100 percent of FS D/P), it
should be possible to obtain orifice installations with 1 percent AR inaccuracy over a 10:1 flow
To minimize error (and the need for density correction) when dealing with compressible
fluids, the ratio of differential pressure (h) divided by upstream pressure (P) should not exceed
0.25 (measured in the same engineering units).
Metering errors due to incorrect installation of the primary element can be substantial (up
to 10 percent). Causes of such errors can be the condition of the mating pipe sections,
insufficient straight pipe runs, and pressure tap and lead line design errors.
Under turbulent flow conditions, as much as 10 percent of the D/P signal can be noise
caused by disturbances from valves and fittings located either upstream or downstream of the
element, and by the element itself. In the majority of applications, the damping provided in D/P
cells is sufficient to filter out the noise. Severe noise can be reduced by using two or more
pressure taps connected in parallel on both sides of the D/P cell.
Pulsating flow can be caused by reciprocating pumps or compressors. This pulsation can
be reduced by moving the flowmeter away from the source of the pulse, or downstream of filters
or other dampening devices. Pulsation dampening hardware can also be installed at the pressure
taps, or dampening software can be applied to the D/P cell output signal. One such filter is the
inverse derivative algorithm, which blocks any rate of change occurring more quickly than the
rate at which the process flow can change.
5.4.3 Piping, installation, and maintenance. Installation guidelines are published by various
professional organizations (such as the Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (ISA),
ANSI, API, ASME, and AGA) and by manufacturers of proprietary designs. These guidelines
include recommendations as shown below.
b. Similarly, the thermowell used for temperature measurement should be installed at
least 10 diameters downstream of the flow element to prevent velocity profile
c. Welds should be ground smooth and gaskets trimmed so that no protrusion can be
detected by physical inspection.
d. In order for the velocity profile to fully develop (and the pressure drop to be
predictable), straight pipe runs are required both upstream and downstream of the D/P
element. The amount of straight run required depends on both the beta ratio of the
installation and on the nature of the upstream components in the pipeline. For
example, when a single 90 degree elbow precedes an orifice plate, the straight-pipe
requirement ranges from 6 to 20 pipe diameters as the diameter ratio is increased
from 0.2 to 0.8.
e. In order to reduce the straight run requirement, flow straighteners such as tube
bundles, perforated plates, or internal tabs can be installed upstream of the primary
element (Figure 5-8).
The size and orientation of the pressure taps are functions of both the pipe size and the
type of process fluid (Figure 5-9). The recommended maximum diameter of pressure tap holes
through the pipe or flange are shown below. Both taps should be of the same diameter, and
where the hole breaks through the inside pipe surface, it should be square with no roughness,
burrs, or wire edges. Connections to pressure holes should be made by nipples, couplings, or
adaptors welded to the outside surface of the pipe.
Figure 5-9. Differential pressure tap.
On services where the process fluid can plug the pressure taps or might gel or freeze in
the lead lines, chemical seal protectors can be used. Connection sizes are usually larger (seal
elements can also be provided with diaphragm extensions), and because of the space requirement
they are usually installed at “radius tap” or “pipe tap” locations. When chemical seals are used,
it is important that the two connecting capillaries experience the same temperature and are
shielded from sunlight; this is because the capillaries are routed to the D/P cell.
The D/P transmitter should be located as close to the primary element as possible. Lead
lines should be as short as possible and have the same diameter. In clean liquid service, the
minimum diameter is G measured in inches, while in condensable vapor service, the minimum
diameter is 0.4 inches. In steam service, the horizontal lead lines should be kept as short as
possible and be tilted (with a minimum gradient of 1 in/ft with respect to the piping) towards the
tap, so that the condensation can drain back into the pipe. Again, both lead lines should be
exposed to the same ambient conditions and be shielded from sunlight. In clean liquid or gas
service, the lead lines can be purged through the D/P cell vent or drain-connections, and they
should be flushed for several minutes to remove all air from the lines. Entrapped air can offset
the zero calibration.
Seal pots are on the wet leg in D/P cell installations with small ranges (under 10 in H2O)
in order to minimize the level variation in the legs. In steam applications, use of filling tees is
recommended to ensure equal height condensate legs on both sides of the D/P cell. If for some
reason the two legs are not of equal height, the D/P cell can be biased to zero out the difference,
as long as that difference does not change.
If the process temperature exceeds the maximum temperature limitation of the D/P cell,
either chemical seals have to be used or the lead lines need to be long enough to cool the fluid.
If a large temperature drop is required, a coiled section of tubing (pigtail) can be installed in the
lead lines to cool the process fluids.
The frequency of inspection or replacement of a primary element depends on the erosive
and corrosive nature of the process and on the overall accuracy requirement. If there is no
previous experience, the orifice plate can be removed for inspection during the first three, six,
and 12 months of its operation. Based on visual inspection of the plate, a reasonable
maintenance cycle can be extrapolated from the findings. Orifices used for material balance
calculations should be on the same maintenance cycle.
5.4.4 Sizing the orifice plate. The orifice plate is commonly used in clean liquid, gas, and
steam service. It is available for all pipe sizes, and if the pressure drop required is easy to
accomplish, it is very cost-effective for measuring flows in larger pipes (over 6 inches in
diameter). The orifice plate is also approved by many standards organizations for the custody-
transfer of liquids and gases.
The orifice flow equations used today still differ from one another, although the various
standards organizations are working to adopt a single, universally accepted orifice flow equation.
Orifice sizing programs usually offer the user with several flow equations from which to choose.
The orifice plate can be made of any material, although stainless steel is the most
common. The thickness of the plate used (1/8-1/2 inches) is a function of the line size, the
process temperature, the pressure, and the differential pressure. The traditional orifice is a thin
circular plate (with a tab for handling and for data), inserted into the pipeline between the two
flanges of an orifice union. This method of installation is cost-effective, but it requires a process
shutdown whenever the plate is removed for maintenance or inspection. In contrast, an orifice
fitting allows the orifice to be removed from the process without depressurizing the line and
shutting down flow. In such fittings, the universal orifice plate, a circular plate with no tab, is
used (see Figure 5-10).
The concentric orifice plate has a sharp, square-edged concentric bore that provides an
almost pure line contact between the plate and the fluid, with negligible friction drag at the
boundary. The beta (or diameter) ratios of concentric orifice plates range from 0.25 to 0.75. The
point of maximum velocity and minimum static pressure occurs approximately 0.35 to 0.85 pipe
diameters downstream from the orifice plate. That point is called the vena contracta. Measuring
the differential pressure at a location close to the orifice plate minimizes the effect of pipe
roughness, since friction has an effect on the fluid and the pipe wall.
Flange taps are predominantly used in the United States and are located 1 inch from the
orifice plate’s surfaces. Flange taps are not recommended for use on pipelines under 2 inches in
diameter. Corner taps are predominant in Europe for all sizes of pipe, and are used in the United
States for pipes under 2 inches. With corner taps, the relatively small clearances represent a
potential maintenance problem. Vena contracta taps (which are close to the radius taps) are
located one pipe diameter upstream from the plate, and downstream at the point of vena
contracta. This location varies with beta ratio and Reynolds number from 0.35D to 0.8D.
The vena contracta taps provide the maximum pressure differential, but they also produce
the most noise. Additionally, if the plate is changed, it may require a change in the tap location.
In small pipes, the vena contracta might lie under a flange. Therefore, vena contracta taps are
normally used only in pipe sizes exceeding six inches.
Radius taps are similar to vena contracta taps, except the downstream tap is fixed at 0.5D
from the orifice plate. Pipe taps are located 2.5 pipe diameters upstream and 8 diameters
downstream from the orifice. Radius taps detect the smallest pressure difference and, because of
the tap distance from the orifice, the effects of pipe roughness, dimensional inconsistencies, and
therefore measurement errors, are the largest.
5.4.5 Orifice types and selection. The concentric orifice plate is recommended for clean
liquids, gases, and steam flows when Reynolds numbers range from 20,000 to 107 in pipes under
six inches. Because the basic orifice flow equations assume that flow velocities are well below
sonic, a different theoretical and computational approach is required if sonic velocities are
expected. The minimum recommended Reynolds number for flow through an orifice varies with
the beta ratio of the orifice and with the pipe size. As pipe sizes increase, the minimum
Reynolds number increases as well.
Figure 5-11. Orifices for viscous flows.
Concentric orifice plates can be provided with drain holes to prevent buildup of entrained
liquids in gas streams, or with vent holes for venting entrained gases from liquids. The
unmeasured flow passing through the vent or drain hole is usually less than 1 percent of the total
flow if the hole diameter is less than 10 percent of the orifice bore. The effectiveness of
vent/drain holes is limited, however, because they often become clogged.
Concentric orifice plates are not recommended for multi-phase fluids in horizontal lines
because the secondary phase can build up around the upstream edge of the plate. In extreme
cases, this can clog the opening, or it can change the flow pattern and create a measurement
error. Eccentric and segmental orifice plates are better suited for such applications. Concentric
orifices are still preferred for multi-phase flows in vertical lines because accumulation of
material is less likely and the sizing-data for these plates is more reliable.
The eccentric orifice is similar to the concentric except that the opening is offset from the
pipe’s centerline. The opening of the segmental orifice is a segment of a circle. If the secondary
phase is a gas, the opening of an eccentric orifice will be located towards the top of the pipe. If
the secondary phase is a liquid in a gas or a slurry in a liquid stream, the opening should be at the
bottom of the pipe. The drainage area of the segmental orifice is greater than that of the
eccentric orifice, and, therefore, it is preferred in applications with high proportions of the
secondary phase.
These plates are usually used in pipe sizes exceeding four inches in diameter, and must
be carefully installed to make sure that no portion of the flange or gasket interferes with the
opening. Flange taps are used with both types of plates, and are located in the quadrant opposite
the opening for the eccentric orifice, in line with the maximum dam height for the segmental
For the measurement of low flow rates, a D/P cell with an integral orifice may be the best
choice. In this design, the total process flow passes through the D/P cell, thereby eliminating the
need for lead lines. The D/P cells are proprietary devices with little published data on their
performance; their flow coefficients are based on actual laboratory calibrations. They are
recommended for clean, single-phase fluids only because even small amounts of build-up will
create significant measurement errors and/or will clog the unit.
Restriction orifices are installed to remove excess pressure and usually operate at sonic
velocities with very small beta ratios. The pressure drop across a single restriction orifice should
not exceed 500 PSID (pounds per square inch differential) because of plugging or galling. In
multi-element restriction orifice installations, the plates are placed approximately one pipe
diameter from each another in order to prevent pressure recovery between the plates.
5.4.6 Orifice performance. Although it is a simple device, the orifice plate is, in principle, a
precision instrument. Under ideal conditions, the inaccuracy of an orifice plate can be in the
range of 0.75-1.5 percent AR. Orifice plates are, however, quite sensitive to a variety of error-
inducing conditions. Precision in the bore calculations, the quality of the installation, and the
condition of the plate itself determine total performance. Installation factors include tap location
and condition, condition of the process pipe, adequacy of straight pipe runs, gasket interference,
misalignment of pipe and orifice bores, and lead-line design. Other adverse conditions include
the dulling of the sharp edge, nicks caused by corrosion or erosion, warping of the plate due to
effects from dirt, water hammer, grease, or secondary phase deposits on either orifice surface.
Any of the above conditions can change the orifice discharge coefficient by as much as
10 percent. In combination, these problems can be even more worrisome the net effect of which
is unpredictable. Therefore, under average operating conditions, a typical orifice installation can
be expected to have an overall inaccuracy in the range of 2 to 5 percent AR.
The typical custody-transfer grade orifice meter is more accurate because it can be
calibrated in a testing laboratory and is provided with honed pipe sections, flow straighteners,
senior orifice fittings, and temperature controlled enclosures.
Venturi tubes are available in sizes up to 72 inches, and can pass 25 to 50 percent more
flow than an orifice with the same pressure drop. Furthermore, the total unrecovered head loss
rarely exceeds 10 percent of measured D/P (Figure 5-12). The initial cost of venturi tubes is
high, so they are primarily used on larger flows or on more difficult or demanding flow
applications. Venturis are insensitive to velocity profile effects and therefore require less
straight pipe run than an orifice. Their contoured nature, combined with the self-scouring action
of the flow through the tube, makes the device immune to corrosion, erosion, and internal scale
buildup. In spite of its high initial cost, the total cost of ownership can still be favorable because
of cost savings for installation, operating, and maintenance.
Figure 5-12. Venturi versus orifice pressure loss.
The classical Herschel venturi has a very long flow element characterized by a tapered
inlet and a diverging outlet. Inlet pressure is measured at the entrance, and static pressure is
measured in the throat section. The pressure taps feed into a common annular chamber,
providing an average pressure reading over the entire circumference of the element. The
classical venturi is limited in its application to clean, non-corrosive liquids, and gases.
In the short-form venture (Figure 5-13), the entrance angle is increased and the annular
chambers are replaced by pipe taps. The short-form venturi maintains many of the advantages of
the classical venturi, but at a reduced initial cost, shorter length, and reduced weight. Pressure
taps are located ¼ to ½ pipe diameter upstream of the inlet cone and in the middle of the throat
section. Piezometer rings can be used with large venturi tubes to compensate for velocity profile
distortions. In slurry service, the pipe taps can be purged or replaced with chemical seals, which
can eliminate all dead-ended cavities.
There are several proprietary flow tube designs that provide even better pressure recovery
than the classical venturi. The best known of these proprietary designs is the universal venturi.
The various flow tube designs differ in contour, tap location, generated D/P, and in unrecovered
head loss. All of these designs have short lay lengths, typically varying between 2 and 4 pipe
diameters. These proprietary flow tubes usually cost less than the classical and short-form
venturis because of their short lay length. However, they may also require straight pipe runs to
condition their flow velocity profiles.
Flow tube performance is much affected by calibration. The inaccuracy of the discharge
coefficient in a universal venturi, at Reynolds numbers exceeding 75,000, is 0.5 percent. The
inaccuracy of a classical venturi at Re > 200,000 is between 0.7 and 1.5 percent. Flow tubes are
often supplied with discharge coefficient graphs because the discharge coefficient changes as the
Reynolds number drops. The variation in the discharge coefficient of a venturi caused by pipe
roughness is less than 1 percent because there is continuous contact between the fluid and the
internal pipe surface.
The high turbulence and the lack of cavities in which material can accumulate make flow
tubes well suited for slurry and sludge services. However, maintenance costs can be high if air
purging cannot prevent plugging of the pressure taps and lead lines. Plunger-like devices (vent
cleaners) can be installed to periodically remove buildup from interior openings, even while the
meter is online. Lead lines can also be replaced with button-type seal elements hydraulically
coupled to the D/P transmitter using filled capillaries. Overall measurement accuracy can drop if
the chemical seal is small, its diaphragm is stiff, or if the capillary system is not temperature-
compensated or not shielded from direct sunlight.
5.5.1 Flow Nozzles. The flow nozzle is dimensionally more stable than the orifice plate,
particularly in high temperature and high velocity services. The flow nozzle has often been used
to measure high flow rates of superheated steam. Like the venturi, it has a greater flow capacity
than the orifice plate and requires a lower initial investment than a venturi tube; however, it also
provides less pressure recovery. A major disadvantage of the nozzle is that it is more difficult to
replace than the orifice unless it can be removed as part of a spool section.
The use of the ASME pipe tap flow nozzle is predominant in the United States. The
downstream end of a nozzle is a short tube having the same diameter as the vena contracta of an
equivalent orifice plate. The low-beta designs range in diameter ratios from 0.2 to 0.5, while the
high beta-ratio designs vary between 0.45 and 0.8. The nozzle should always be centered in the
pipe, and the downstream pressure tap should be inside the nozzle exit. The throat taper should
always decrease the diameter toward the exit. Flow nozzles are not recommended for slurries or
dirty fluids. The most common flow nozzle is the flange type. Taps are commonly located one
pipe diameter upstream and ½ pipe diameter downstream from the inlet face.
Flow nozzle accuracy is typically 1 percent AR, with a potential for 0.25 percent AR if
calibrated. While discharge coefficient data is available for Reynolds numbers as low as 5,000,
it is advisable to use flow nozzles only when the Reynolds number exceeds 50,000. Flow
nozzles maintain their accuracy for long periods, even in difficult service. Flow nozzles can be a
highly accurate way to measure gas flows. When the gas velocity reaches the speed of sound in
the throat, the velocity cannot increase any more (even if downstream pressure is reduced), and a
choked flow condition is reached. Such “critical flow nozzles” are very accurate and often are
used in flow laboratories as standards for calibrating other gas flowmetering devices.
5.5.2 Segmental wedge elements. The segmental wedge element is a proprietary device
designed for use in slurry, corrosive, erosive, viscous, or high-temperature applications. It is
relatively expensive and is used mostly on difficult fluids, where the dramatic savings in
maintenance can justify the initial cost. The unique flow restriction is designed to last the life of
the installation without deterioration (Figure 5-14).
Wedge elements are used with 3 inch diameter chemical seals, eliminating both the lead
lines and any dead-ended cavities. The seals attach to the meter body immediately upstream and
downstream of the restriction. They rarely require cleaning, even in services like dewatered
sludge, black liquor, coal slurry, fly ash slurry, taconite, and crude oil. The minimum Reynolds
number is only 500, and the meter requires only five diameters of upstream straight pipe run.
The segmental wedge has a V-shaped restriction characterized by the H/D ratio, where H
is the height of the opening below the restriction and D is the diameter. The H/D ratio can be
varied to match the flow range and to produce the desired D/P. The oncoming flow creates a
sweeping action through the meter. This provides a scouring effect on both faces of the
restriction, helping to keep it clean and free of buildup. Segmental wedges can measure flow in
both directions, but the D/P transmitter must be calibrated for a split range, or the flow element
must be provided with two sets of connections for two D/P transmitters (one for forward and one
for reverse flow).
An uncalibrated wedge element can be expected to have a 2 percent to 5 percent AR
inaccuracy over a 3:1 range. A calibrated wedge element can reduce that to 0.5 percent AR if
the fluid density is constant. If slurry density is variable and/or unmeasured, error rises.
5.5.3 Venturi-Cone element. The venturi-cone (V-cone) element is another proprietary design
that promises consistent performance at low Reynolds numbers and is insensitive to velocity
profile distortion and swirl effects. Again, however, it is relatively expensive. The V-cone
restriction has a unique geometry that minimizes accuracy degradation due to wear, making it a
good choice for high velocity flows and erosive/corrosive applications.
The V-cone creates a controlled turbulence region that flattens the incoming irregular
velocity profile and induces a stable differential pressure that is sensed by a downstream tap.
The beta ratio of a V-cone is so defined that an orifice and a V-cone with equal beta ratios will
have equal opening areas.
(D 2 − d 2 )
BetaRatio =
d is the cone diameter, and
D is the inside diameter of the pipe
With this design, the beta ratio can exceed 0.75. For example, a 3 inch meter with a beta
ratio of 0.3 can have a 0 to 75 gallons per minute (GPM) range. Published test results on liquid
and gas flows place the system accuracy between 0.25 and 1.2 percent AR.
Although the Pitot tube is one of the simplest flow sensors, it is used in a wide range of
flow measurement applications such as air speed for aircraft (see Chapter 3, Signal Sources). In
industrial applications, Pitot tubes are used to measure airflow in pipes, ducts, stacks, and liquid
flow in pipes, weirs, and open channels. While accuracy and rangeability are relatively low,
Pitot tubes are simple, reliable, inexpensive, and suited for a variety of environmental conditions.
Pitot tubes can accommodate extremely high temperatures and a wide range of pressures. A
sample layout of a Pitot tube is shown in Figure 5-15.
Figure 5-15. Pitot-Static Tubes
The Pitot tube is an inexpensive alternative to an orifice plate. Accuracy varies from
0.5 to 5 percent full scale which is comparable to that of an orifice. Its flow rangeability of 3:1
(some operate at 4:1) is also similar to the capability of the orifice plate. The main difference is
that, while an orifice measures the full flowstream, the Pitot tube detects the flow velocity at
only one point in the flowstream. An advantage of the slender Pitot tube is that it can be inserted
into existing and pressurized pipelines (called hot-tapping) without requiring a shutdown.
5.6.1 Theory of operation. Pitot tubes were invented by Henri Pitot in 1732 to measure the
flowing velocity of fluids. Basically, a differential pressure (D/P) flowmeter, a Pitot-static tube
measures two pressures (the static and the total impact pressure). The static pressure is the
operating pressure in the pipe, duct, or the environment, upstream to the Pitot tube. It is
measured at right angles to the flow direction, preferably in a low turbulence location. A Pitot
tube measures total impact pressure.
The total impact pressure (PT) is the sum of the static and kinetic pressures and is
detected as the flowing stream impacts on the Pitot opening. To measure impact pressure, most
Pitot tubes use a small, sometimes L-shaped tube, with the opening directly facing the oncoming
flowstream. The point velocity of approach (VP) can be calculated by taking the square root of
the difference between the total pressure (PT) and the static pressure (P) and multiplying that by
the C/D ratio, where C is a dimensional constant and D is density:
Vp =
Cp ( PT − P )
When the flow rate is obtained by multiplying the point velocity (VP) by the cross-
sectional area of the pipe or duct, it is critical that the velocity measurement be made at an
insertion depth that corresponds to the average velocity. As the flow velocity rises, the velocity
profile in the pipe changes from elongated (laminar) to more flat (turbulent). The change in
velocity profile changes the point of average velocity which requires an adjustment of the
insertion depth. Pitot tubes are recommended only for highly turbulent flows (Reynolds
Numbers > 20,000) and, under these conditions, the velocity profile tends to be flat enough so
that the insertion depth is not critical.
In 1797, G.B. Venturi developed a short tube with a throat-like passage that increases
flow velocity and reduces the permanent pressure drop. Special Pitot designs are available that,
instead of just providing an impact hole for opening, add a single or double venturi to the impact
opening of the Pitot tube. The venturi version generates a higher differential pressure than a
regular Pitot tube can generate.
Wall taps can measure static pressures at flow velocities up to 200 ft/sec. A static probe
(resembling an L-shaped Pitot tube) can have four holes of 0.04 inches in diameter, spaced
90 degrees apart. Aerodynamic bodies can be cylinders or wedges, with two or more sensing
Errors in detecting static pressure arise from fluid viscosity, velocity, and fluid
compressibility. The key to accurate static pressure detection is to minimize the kinetic
component in the pressure measurement.
5.6.3 Single-port Pitot tubes. A single-port Pitot tube can only measure the flow velocity at a
single point in the cross-section of a flowing stream. The probe must be inserted to a point in the
flowing stream where the flow velocity is the average of the velocities across the cross-section,
and its impact port must face directly into the fluid flow. The Pitot tube can be made less
sensitive to flow direction if the impact port has an internal bevel of about 15 degrees, extending
about 1.5 diameters into the tube. Figure 5-16 provides a sample layout of a Pitot tube
Figure 5-16. Pitot tube installation example.
If the pressure differential generated by the venturi is too low for accurate detection, the
conventional Pitot tube can be replaced by a Pitot venturi or a double venturi sensor. This
replacement action will produce a higher pressure differential.
A calibrated, clean and properly inserted single-port Pitot tube can provide ±1 percent of
full scale flow accuracy over a flow range of 3:1. Also, but with some loss of accuracy, a single-
port Pitot tube can even measure over a range of 4:1. Its advantages are low cost, no moving
parts, simplicity, and the fact that it causes very little pressure loss in the flowing stream. Its
main limitations include the errors resulting from velocity profile changes and/or from plugging
of the pressure ports. Pitot tubes are generally used when flow measurements are of secondary
importance, when cost is a major concern, and/or when the pipe or duct diameter is large (up to
72 inches or more).
Specially designed Pitot probes have been developed for use with pulsating flows. One
design uses a Pitot probe filled with silicone oil to transmit the process pressures to the D/P cell.
At high frequency pulsating applications, the oil serves as a pulsation dampening and pressure-
averaging medium.
Pitot tubes also can be used in square, rectangular or circular air ducts. Mounting can be
by a flange or gland. The tube is usually provided with an external indicator, so that its impact
port can be accurately rotated to face directly into the flow. In addition, the tube can be designed
for detecting the full velocity profile by making rapid and consistent traverses across the duct.
A Pitot tube also can be used to measure water velocity in open channels, at drops,
chutes, or over fall crests. At the low flow velocities, typical of laminar conditions, Pitot tubes
are not recommended because it is difficult to find the insertion depth corresponding to the
average velocity and because the Pitot element produces such a small pressure differential.
Although the use of a Pitot venturi improves this situation by increasing the pressure differential,
it cannot help the problem caused by the elongated velocity profile.
5.6.4 Averaging Pitot tubes. Averaging Pitot tubes have been introduced to overcome the
problem of finding the average velocity point (Figure 5-17). An averaging Pitot tube is provided
with multiple impact and static pressure ports and is designed to extend across the entire
diameter of the pipe. The pressures detected by all the impact pressure ports (and separately by
all the static ports) are combined and the square root of the difference between impact and static
pressure is measured as an indication of the average flow in the pipe. The port closest to the
outlet of the combined signal has a slightly greater influence, than the port that is farthest away;
however, for secondary applications where Pitot tubes are commonly used, this error is
The number of impact ports, the distance between ports, and the diameter of the
averaging Pitot tube are all attributes that can be modified to match the needs of a particular
application. For example, sensing ports in averaging Pitot tubes are often too large to allow the
tube to behave as a true averaging chamber because the oversized port openings are not
optimized for averaging, but to prevent plugging. In some installations, therefore, purging with
an inert gas will keep the ports clean and therefore allow the sensor to use smaller ports.
Averaging Pitot tubes offer the same advantages and disadvantages as do single-port
tubes. They are slightly more expensive and a little more accurate, especially if the flow is not
fully formed. Some averaging Pitot sensors can be inserted through the same opening (or hot
tap) that accommodates a single-port tube.
5.6.5 Area averaging. Area-averaging Pitot stations are used to measure the large flows of
low-pressure air in boilers, dryers, or HVAC systems (Figure 5-18). These units are available
for the various standard sizes of circular or rectangular ducts and for pipes. They are so designed
that each segment of the cross-section is provided with both an impact and a static pressure port.
Each set of ports is connected to its own manifold, which combines the average static and
average impact pressure signals. If plugging is likely, the manifolds can be purged to keep the
ports clean.
Because area-averaging Pitot stations generate very small pressure differentials, it may be
necessary to use low differential D/P cells with spans as low as 0.00-0.01 inches water column.
To improve accuracy, a hexagonal cell-type flow straightener and a flow nozzle can be installed
upstream of the area-averaging Pitot flow sensor. The flow straightener removes local
turbulence, while the nozzle amplifies the differential pressure produced by the sensor.
5.6.6 Vibration damage. Natural frequency resonant vibrations can cause Pitot tube failure.
Natural frequency vibration is caused by forces created as vortices are shed by the Pitot tube.
The Pitot tube is expected to experience such vibration if the process fluid velocity (in feet per
second) is between a lower limit (VL) and an upper limit (VH). The values of VL and VH can be
calculated (for the products of a given manufacturer) using the equations below.
M = mounting factor (3.52 for single mount)
Pr = probe factor (0.185 for 3/8-in diameter probes; 0.269 for ½-in; 0.372
for ¾-in; and 0.552 for 1-in)
D = probe diameter (inches)
L = unsupported probe length in inches; calculated as the sum of the pipe
I.D. plus the pipe wall thickness plus: 1.25 in. for 3/8-in diameter
probes; 1.5 in for ½-in; 1.56 in for ¾-in; and 1.94 in for 1-in diameter
Once the velocity limits have been calculated, it is important to make sure the operating
velocities do not exceed them. If this happens, change(s) are required in the probe diameter
and/or its mounting until there is no overlap.
Variable area flowmeters, used for measuring the flow of liquids, gases, and steam, are
simple and versatile devices that operate at a relatively constant pressure drop (Figure 5-19).
The position of their float, piston, or vane is changed as the increasing flow rate opens a larger
flow area to pass the flowing fluid. The position of the float, piston, or vane provides a direct
visual indication of flow rate. Design variations include the rotameter (a float in a tapered tube),
orifice/rotameter combination (bypass rotameter), open-channel variable gate, tapered plug, and
vane or piston designs.
Figure 5-19. Variable area flowmeters.
Either the force of gravity or a spring is used to return the flow element to its resting
position when the flow lessens. Gravity-operated meters (rotameters) must be installed in a
vertical position, whereas spring operated ones can be mounted in any position. All variable
area flowmeters are available with local indicators. Most can also be provided with position
sensors and transmitters (pneumatic, electronic, digital, or fiberoptic) for connecting to remote
displays or controls.
5.7.1 Purge-flow regulators. If a needle valve is placed at the inlet or outlet of a rotameter, and
a D/P regulator controls the pressure difference across this combination, the result is a purge-
flow regulator. Such instrumentation packages are used as self-contained purge flowmeters and
are among the least expensive and most widely used flowmeters. Their main application is to
control small gas or liquid purge streams. They are used to protect instruments from contacting
hot and corrosive fluids, to protect pressure taps from plugging, to protect the cleanliness of
optical devices, and to protect electrical devices from igniting upon contact with combustibles.
Purge meters are quite useful in adding nitrogen gas to the vapor spaces of tanks and
other equipment. Purging with nitrogen gas reduces the possibility of developing a flammable
mixture because it displaces flammable gases. The purge-flow regulator is reliable, intrinsically
safe, and inexpensive.
Purge meters can operate in the constant flow mode, where Pi – Po is held constant at
about 60 to 80 inches H2O differential. In bubbler and purge applications, the inlet pressure (P1)
is held constant and the outlet pressure (P0) is variable. Figure 5-20 describes a configuration
where the outlet pressure (P0) is held constant and the inlet pressure (P1) is variable.
Figure 5-20. Purge flowmeter design.
Purge meters can handle extremely small flow rates from 0.01 cc/min for liquids and
from 0.5 cc/min for gases. The most common size is a glass tube rotameter with 0.24 in (6 mm)
connections, a range of 0.05-0.5 GPM (0.2-2.0 lpm) on water or 0.2-2.0 SCFM (0.3-3.0 cmph) in
air service. Typical accuracy is ±5 percent FS over a 10:1 range. The most common pressure
rating is 150 PSIG (Pounds per Square Inch gauge), equal to 1 Mpa.
5.7.2 Rotameters (tapered tube). The rotameter is the most widely used variable area
flowmeter because of its low cost, simplicity, low pressure drop, relatively wide rangeability,
and linear output. Its operation is simple; in order to pass through the tapered tube, the fluid
flow raises the float. The greater the flow, the higher the float rises. In liquid service, the float
rises due to a combination of the buoyancy of the liquid and the velocity head of the fluid. With
gases, buoyancy is negligible, and the float responds mostly to the velocity head.
In a rotameter, the metering tube is mounted vertically, with the small end at the bottom.
The fluid to be measured enters at the bottom of the tube, passes upward around the float, and
exits the top. When no flow exists, the float rests at the bottom. When fluid enters, the metering
float begins to rise.
The float moves up and down in proportion to the fluid flow rate and the annular area
between the float and the tube wall. As the float rises, the size of the annular opening increases
and causes the differential pressure across the float to decrease. The float reaches a stable
position when the upward force exerted by the flowing fluid equals the weight of the float.
Every float position corresponds to a particular flow rate for a particular fluid’s density and
viscosity. For this reason, it is necessary to size the rotameter for each application. When sized
correctly, the flow rate can be determined by matching the float position to a calibrated scale on
the outside of the rotameter. Many rotameters come with a built-in valve for adjusting the flow
Several shapes of float are available for various applications. One early design had slots,
which caused the float to spin for stabilizing and centering purposes. Because this float rotated,
the term rotameter was coined.
Rotameters are typically provided with calibration data and a direct reading scale for air
or water (or both). To size a rotameter for other service, one must first convert the actual flow to
a standard flow. For liquids, this standard flow is the water equivalent in gallons per minute
(GPM); for gases, the standard flow is the airflow equivalent in standard cubic feet per minute
(SCFM). Tables listing standard water equivalent GPM and/or air SCFM values are provided by
rotameter manufacturers. Manufacturers also often provide slide rules, nomographs, or
computer software for rotameter sizing.
5.7.3 Design Variations. A wide choice of materials is available for floats, packing, O-rings,
and end fittings. Rotameter tubes for such safe applications as air or water can be made of glass,
whereas if breakage would create an unsafe condition, they are provided with metal tubes. Glass
tubes are most common, being precision formed of safety shielded borosilicate glass.
Floats typically are machined from glass, plastic, metal, or stainless steel for corrosion
resistance. Other float materials include carboloy, sapphire, and tantalum. End fittings are
available in metal or plastic. Some fluids attack the glass metering tube, such as wet steam or
high-pH water over 194°F (which can soften glass); caustic soda (which dissolves glass); and
hydrofluoric acid (which etches glass).
Floats have a sharp edge at the point where the reading should be observed on the tube-
mounted scale. For improved reading accuracy, a glass-tube rotameter should be installed at eye
level. The scale can be calibrated for direct reading (air or water) or for reading as a percentage
of range. In general, glass tube rotameters can measure flows up to about 60 GPM water and
200 scfh air.
A correlation rotameter has a scale from which a reading is taken. This reading is then
compared to a correlation table for a given gas or liquid to get the actual flow in engineering
units. Correlation charts are readily available for nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, helium, argon,
and carbon dioxide. While not nearly as convenient as a direct reading device, a correlation
meter is more accurate. This is because a direct-reading device is accurate for only one specific
gas or liquid at a particular temperature and pressure. A correlation flowmeter can be used with
a wide variety of fluids and gases under various conditions. In the same tube, different flow
rates can be handled by using different floats.
Small glass tube rotameters are suitable for working with pressures up to 500 PSIG, but
the maximum operating pressure of a large (2-in diameter) tube may be as low as 100 PSIG. The
practical temperature limit is about 400°F, but such high-temperature operation substantially
reduces the operating pressure of the tube. In general, there is a linear relationship between
operating temperature and pressure.
Glass-tube rotameters are often used in applications where several streams of gases or
liquids are being metered at the same time or mixed in a manifold, or where a single fluid is
being exhausted through several channels (Figure 5-21). Multiple tube flowmeters allow up to
six rotameters to be mounted in the same frame.
For higher pressures and temperatures beyond the practical range of glass, metal tube
rotameters can be used. These tubes are usually made of stainless steel, and the position of the
float is detected by magnetic followers with readouts outside the metering tube.
Metal-tube rotameters can be used for hot and strong alkalis, fluorine, hydrofluoric acid,
hot water, steam, slurries, sour gas, additives, and molten metals. They also can be used in
applications where high operating pressures, water hammer, or other forces could damage glass
tubes. Metal-tube rotameters are available in diameter sizes up to 4 inches, can operate at
pressures up to 750 PSIG, temperatures to 540°C (1,000°F), and can measure flows up to 4,000
GPM of water or 1,300 SCFM of air. Metal-tube rotameters are readily available as flow
transmitters for integration with remote analog or digital controls. Transmitters usually detect
the float position through magnetic coupling and are often provided with external indication
through a rotatable magnetic helix that moves the pointer. The transmitter can be intrinsically
safe, microprocessor-based, and can be provided with alarms and a pulse output for totalization.
Plastic-tube rotameters are relatively low in cost and are ideal for applications involving
corrosive fluids or deionized water. The tube itself can be made from Teflon® PFA,
polysulfone, or polyamide. The wetted parts can be made from stainless steel, PVDF, or
Teflon® PFA, PTFE, PCTFE, with Viton® or Kalrez® O-rings.
Rotameters can be used to manually set flow rates by adjusting the valve opening while
observing the scale to establish the required process flow rate. If operating conditions remain
unaltered, rotameters can be repeatable to within 0.25 percent of the actual flow rate.
Most rotameters are relatively insensitive to viscosity variations. The most sensitive are
very small rotameters with ball floats, while larger rotameters are less sensitive to viscosity
effects. The limitations of each design are published by the manufacturer. The float shape does
affect the viscosity limit. If the viscosity limit is exceeded, the indicated flow must be corrected
for viscosity (Figure 5-22).
Because the float is sensitive to changes in fluid density, a rotameter can be furnished
with two floats (one sensitive to density, the other to velocity) and used to approximate the mass
flow rate. The more closely the float density matches the fluid density, the greater the effect of a
fluid density change will be on the float position. Mass-flow rotameters work best with low
viscosity fluids such as raw sugar juice, gasoline, jet fuel, and light hydrocarbons.
Rotameter accuracy is not affected by the upstream piping configuration. The meter can
also be installed directly after a pipe elbow without adversely affecting metering accuracy.
Rotameters are inherently self cleaning because, as the fluid flows between the tube wall and the
float, it produces a scouring action that tends to prevent the buildup of foreign matter.
Nevertheless, rotameters should be used only with clean fluids that do not coat the float or the
tube. Liquids with fibrous materials, abrasives, and large particles should also be avoided.
5.7.5 Other variable-area flowmeters. Major disadvantages of the rotameter include its
relatively high cost in larger sizes. Additionally, there may not be enough head room for the
rotameter if the requirement is for vertical installation. The cost of a large rotameter installation
can be reduced by using an orifice bypass or a Pitot tube in combination with a smaller
rotameter. The same-size bypass rotameter can be used to measure a variety of flows, with the
only difference between applications being the orifice plate and the differential it produces.
Advantages of a bypass rotameter include low cost; however, its major disadvantage is
inaccuracy and sensitivity to material build-up. Bypass rotameters are often provided with
isolation valves so that they can be removed for maintenance without shutting down the process
Tapered plug flowmeters are variable-area flowmeters with a stationary core and a piston
that moves as the flow varies. In one design, the piston movement mechanically moves a
pointer, while in another it magnetically moves an external flow rate indicator. The second
design has a metallic meter body for applications up to 1,000 PSIG.
One gate-type variable-area flow-meter resembles a butterfly valve. Flow through the
meter forces a spring-loaded vane to rotate, and a mechanical connection provides local flow rate
indication. The inaccuracy of such meters is 2-5 percent FS. The meter can be used with oil,
water, and air, and is available in sizes up to 4 inches. It also is used as an indicating flow
switch in safety interlock systems.
This section discusses various types of mechanical flowmeters that measure flow using
an arrangement of moving parts. These flowmeters measure flow either by passing isolated,
known volumes of a fluid through a series of gears or chambers (positive displacement (PD)) or
by means of a spinning turbine or rotor.
All positive displacement flowmeters operate by isolating and counting known volumes
of a fluid (gas or liquid) while feeding it through the meter. By counting the number of passed
isolated volumes, a flow measurement is obtained. Each PD design uses a different means of
isolating and counting these volumes. The frequency of the resulting pulse train is a measure of
flow rate, while the total number of pulses gives the size of the batch. While PD meters are
operated by the kinetic energy of the flowing fluid, metering pumps (described only briefly
herein) determine the flow rate while also adding kinetic energy to the fluid.
The turbine flowmeter consists of a multi-bladed rotor mounted at right angles to the
flow, suspended in the fluid stream on a free-running bearing. The diameter of the rotor is very
close to the inside diameter of the metering chamber, and its speed of rotation is proportional to
the volumetric flow rate. Turbine rotation can be detected by solid state devices or by
mechanical sensors. Other types of rotary element flowmeters include the propeller (impeller),
shunt, and paddlewheel designs.
5.8.1 Positive displacement flowmeters. Positive displacement (PD) meters (Figure 5-23)
provide high accuracy (±0.1 percent of actual flow rate in some cases) and good repeatability (as
high as 0.05 percent of reading). Accuracy is not affected by pulsating flow unless it entrains air
or gas in the fluid. PD meters do not require a power supply for their operation and do not
require straight upstream and downstream pipe runs for their installation. PD meters are
available in sizes up to 12 inches and can operate with turndowns as high as 100:1; ranges of
15:1 or lower are much more common. Slippage between the flowmeter components is reduced
and metering accuracy is therefore increased as the viscosity of the process fluid increases.
The process fluid must be clean. Particles greater than 100 microns must be removed by
filtering. Since PD meters operate with small clearances between their precision-machined parts,
abrasion rapidly destroys their accuracy. For this reason, PD meters are generally not
recommended for measuring slurries or abrasive fluids. In clean fluid services, however, their
precision and wide rangeability make them ideal for custody transfer and batch charging. They
are most widely used as household water meters. Millions of such units are produced annually at
a unit cost of less than $50 U.S. dollars. In industrial and petrochemical applications, PD meters
are commonly used for batch charging of both liquids and gases.
Although slippage through the PD meter decreases (that is, accuracy increases) as fluid
viscosity increases, pressure drop through the meter also increases. Consequently, as viscosity
increases, both the maximum and minimum flow capacities of the flowmeter are decreased. As
the viscosity increases, both the slippage and the measurable flow rate decrease. As viscosity
decreases, the low flow performance of the meter deteriorates. The maximum allowable
pressure drop across the meter constrains the maximum operating flow in high viscosity services.
Figure 5-23. Positive displacement flowmeter.
5.8.2 Liquid PD flowmeters. Nutating disc meters are the most common PD meters. They are
used as residential water meters around the world. As water flows through the metering
chamber, it causes a disc to wobble (or nutate); the disc then turns a spindle which rotates a
magnet. This magnet is coupled to a mechanical register or a pulse transmitter. Because the
flowmeter entraps a fixed quantity of fluid each time the spindle is rotated, the rate of flow is
proportional to the rotational velocity of the spindle.
Because the meter housing must be nonmagnetic, is usually made of bronze. Housings
are also made from plastic because of its corrosion resistance properties and lower cost. The
wetted parts such as the disc and spindle are usually bronze, rubber, aluminum, neoprene,
Buna-N, or a fluoroelastomer such as Viton®. Nutating disc meters are designed for water
service and their various component materials must be checked for compatibility with other
fluids. Meters with rubber discs give better accuracy than metal discs due to the better sealing
they provide.
Nutating disc meters are available in 5/8 inches to 2 inch sizes and they are suited for
150 PSIG operating pressures with overpressure to a maximum of 300 PSIG. Cold water service
units are temperature-limited to 120°F. Hot water units are available up to 250°F.
These meters must meet American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards for
accuracy. The accuracy of these meters is required to be ±2 percent of actual flow rate. Higher
viscosity can produce higher accuracy, while lower viscosity and wear over time will reduce
accuracy. The AWWA requires that residential water meters be re-calibrated every 10 years.
Because of the intermittent use patterns of residential users, this corresponds to recalibrating
5/8 x 3/4 inch residential water meters after they have metered five million gallons. In industrial
applications, however, these meters are likely to exceed this threshold much sooner. The
maximum continuous flow of a nutating disc meter is usually about 60-80 percent of the
maximum flow in intermittent service.
Rotating vane meters have spring-loaded vanes that entrap increments of liquid between
the eccentrically mounted rotor and the casing. The rotation of the vanes moves the flow
increment from inlet to outlet and discharge. Accuracy of ±0.1 percent of actual rate (AR) is
normal, and larger size meters on higher viscosity services can achieve accuracy to within 0.05
percent of AR rate.
Rotating vane meters are regularly used in the petroleum industry and are capable of
metering solids-laden crude oils at flow rates as high as 17,500 GPM. Pressure and temperature
limits depend on the materials of construction and can be as high as 350°F and 1,000 PSIG.
Viscosity limits are 1 to 25,000 centipoise.
In the rotary displacement meter, a fluted central rotor operates in constant relationship
with two wiper rotors in a six-phase cycle. Its applications and features are similar to those of
the rotary vane meter.
5.8.3 Piston meters. Oscillating piston flowmeters are typically used in viscous fluid services
such as oil metering on engine test stands where turndown is not critical. Although these meters
can also be used on residential water service and pass limited quantities of dirt (such as pipe
scale and fine sand), they cannot pass large particle size or abrasive solids.
The measurement chamber is cylindrical with a partition plate separating its inlet port
from its outlet. The piston is also cylindrical and is punctured by numerous openings to allow
free flow on both sides of the piston and the post. The piston is guided by a control roller within
the measuring chamber, and the motion of the piston is transferred to a follower magnet that is
external to the flowstream. The follower magnet can be used to drive a transmitter, a register, or
both. The motion of the piston is oscillatory (not rotary) since it is constrained to move in one
plane. The rate of flow is proportional to the rate of oscillation of the piston.
The internal components of this flowmeter can be removed without disconnection of the
meter from the pipeline. Because of the close tolerances required to seal the piston and to reduce
slippage, these meters require regular maintenance. Oscillating piston flow meters are available
in ½ inch to 3 inch sizes, and can generally be used between 100 and 150 PSIG. Some industrial
versions are rated to 1,500 PSIG, and can meter flow rates from 1 GPM to 65 GPM in
continuous service with intermittent “excursions” to 100 GPM. Meters are sized so that pressure
drop is below 35 PSID at maximum flow rate. Accuracy ranges from ±0.5 percent AR for
viscous fluids to ±2 percent AR for non-viscous applications.
Reciprocating piston meters are probably the oldest PD meter designs. They are
available with multiple pistons, double-acting pistons, or rotary pistons. As in a reciprocating
piston engine, fluid is drawn into one piston chamber as it is discharged from the opposed piston
in the meter. Typically, either a crankshaft or a horizontal slide is used to control the opening
and closing of the proper orifices in the meter. These meters are usually smaller and are used for
measuring very low flows of viscous liquids.
5.8.4 Gear and lobe meters. The oval gear PD meter uses two fine-toothed gears. One gear is
mounted horizontally, the other gear is mounted vertically, with the gears meshing at the tip of
the vertical gear and the center of the horizontal gear (Figure 5-24). The two rotors rotate
opposite to each other, creating an entrapment in the crescent-shaped gap between the housing
and the gear. These meters can be very accurate if slippage between the housing and the gears is
kept small. If the process fluid viscosity is greater than 10 centipoise and the flow rate is above
20 percent of rated capacity, an accuracy of 0.1 percent AR can be obtained. At lower flows and
at lower viscosity, slippage increases and accuracy decreases to 0.5 percent AR or less.
The lubricating characteristics of the process fluid also affect the turndown of an oval
gear meter. With liquids that do not lubricate well, maximum rotor speed must be derated to
limit wear. Another way to limit wear is to keep the pressure drop across the meter below
15 PSID. Therefore, the pressure drop across the meter limits the allowable maximum flow in
high viscosity service.
Rotating lobe and impeller type PD meters are variations of the oval gear flowmeter that
do not share its precise gearing. In the rotating lobe design, two impellers rotate in opposite
directions within the oval housing. As they rotate, a fixed volume of liquid is entrapped and then
transported toward the outlet. Because the lobe gears remain in a fixed relative position, it is
only necessary to measure the rotational velocity of one of them. The impeller either is geared to
a register or is magnetically coupled to a transmitter. Lobe meters can accommodate line sizes
from 2 inches to 24 inches. Flow capacity is 8-10 GPM to 18,000 GPM in the larger sizes. Lobe
meters provide good repeatability at high flows (better than 0.015 percent AR) and can be used
at high operating pressures (to 1,200 PSIG) and temperatures (to 400°F).
The lobe gear meter is available in a wide range of materials of construction, from
thermoplastics to highly corrosion-resistant metals. Disadvantages of this design include a loss
of accuracy at low flows. In addition, the maximum flow through this meter is less than that of
the same size oscillatory piston or nutating disc meter.
In the rotating impeller meter, very coarse gears entrap the fluid and pass a fixed volume
of fluid with each rotation. These meters are accurate to 0.5 percent of rate if the viscosity of the
process fluid is both high and constant, or the viscosity varies only within a narrow band. These
meters can be made out of a variety of metals, including stainless steel and corrosion-resistant
plastics such as Kynar® PVDF. These meters are used to meter paints and, because they meet
specifications for or sanitary designs (3A), they can also be used in applications requiring clean
or sterile processing such as metering milk, juices, and chocolate.
In these units, the movements of magnets embedded in the lobes of rotating impellers are
sensed by proximity switches externally mounted to the flow chamber. The detectors are
usually Hall-effect detectors as shown in Chapter 3, paragraph 3.5. The sensor transmits a pulse
train to a counter or flow controller. These meters are available in 1/10-in to 6-in sizes and can
handle pressures to 3,000 PSIG and temperatures to 400°F.
5.8.5 Helix meters. The helix meter is a positive displacement device that uses two radially
pitched helical gears to continuously entrap the process fluid as it flows. The flow forces the
helical gears to rotate in the plane of the pipeline. Optical or magnetic sensors are used to
encode a pulse train proportional to the rotational speed of the helical gears. The forces required
to make the helices rotate are relatively small and therefore the pressure drop is relatively low in
comparison to other PD meters. The best attainable accuracy is about ±0.2 percent of rate.
As shown in Figure 5-25, measurement error rises as either the operating flow rate or the
viscosity of the process fluid drops. Helical gear meters can measure the flow of highly viscous
fluids (from 3 to 300,000 cP), making them ideal for extremely thick fluids such as glues and
very viscous polymers. Because the pressure drop through the meter should not exceed 30 PSID
at maximum flow, the maximum rated flow through the meter is reduced as the fluid viscosity
increases. If the process fluid has good lubricating characteristics, the meter turndown can be as
high as 100:1, but lower turndowns such as (10:1) are more typical.
5.8.6 Metering pumps. Metering pumps are PD meters that also impart kinetic energy to the
process fluid (see Figure 5-26). There are three basic designs: peristaltic, piston, and
Peristaltic pumps operate by having fingers (or a cam) systematically squeeze plastic
tubing against the housing; this squeezing action also serves to position the tubing. Peristaltic
pumps are used in laboratories for a variety of medical applications, for the majority of
environmental sampling systems, and for dispensing hypochlorite solutions. The tubing material
can be silicone-rubber or, if a more corrosion-resistant material is desired, PTFE tubing.
Piston pumps deliver a fixed volume of liquid with each “out” stroke and a fixed volume
enters the chamber on each “in” stroke. Check valves keep the fluid flow from reversing. As
with all positive displacement pumps, piston pumps generate a pulsating flow. To minimize the
pulsation, multiple pistons or pulsation-dampening reservoirs are installed. Because of the close
tolerances of the piston and cylinder sleeve, a flushing mechanism must be provided in abrasive
applications. The size of a piston pump is based on the displacement of the piston and the
required flow rate and discharge pressure. Check valves are selected to protect against backflow.
On critical applications, double check valves are selected.
Diaphragm pumps are the most common industrial PD pumps. A typical configuration
consists of a single diaphragm, a chamber, and suction and discharge check valves to prevent
backflow. The piston can drive the diaphragm either through direct coupling to the diaphragm,
or by using the force of hydraulic oil. Maximum output pressure is about 125 PSIG. Variations
include bellows-type diaphragms, hydraulically actuated double diaphragms, and air-operated,
reciprocating double-diaphragms.
5.8.7 Gas PD Meters. PD gas meters operate by counting the number of entrapped volumes of
gas passed. These meters operate in a similar manner to the way PD meters operate on liquids.
The primary difference is that gases are compressible.
Diaphragm gas meters most often are used to measure the flow of natural gas, especially
in metering consumption by households. The meter is constructed from aluminum castings with
cloth-backed rubber diaphragms. The meter consists of four chambers: the two diaphragm
chambers on the inlet and outlet sides, and the inlet and outlet chambers of the meter body. The
passage of gas through the meter creates a differential pressure between the two diaphragm
chambers by compressing the one on the inlet side and expanding the one on the outlet side.
This action alternately empties and fills the four chambers. The slide valves at the top of the
meter alternate the roles of the chambers and synchronize the action of the diaphragms, as well
as operating the crank mechanism for the meter register.
Diaphragm meters generally are calibrated for natural gas, which has a specific gravity of
0.6 (relative to air). Therefore, it is necessary to re-calibrate the flow rating of the meter when it
is used to meter other gases. The calibration for the new flow rating (QN) is obtained by
multiplying the meter’s flow rating for natural gas (QC) by the square root of the ratio of the
specific gravities of natural gas (0.6) and the new gas (SGN):
Q N = QC
Diaphragm meters are usually rated in units of cubic feet per hour and sized for a
pressure drop of 0.5-2 in H2O. Accuracy is roughly ±1 percent of reading over a 200:1 range.
They maintain their accuracy for long periods of time, which makes them a good choice for retail
revenue metering applications. Unless the gas is unusually dirty (producer gas, or recycled
methane from composting or digesting, for example), the diaphragm meter will operate
indefinitely with little or no maintenance.
Lobe gear meters (also known as lobed impeller meters), are also used for gas service.
Accuracy in gas service is ±1 percent of rate over a 10:1 turndown, and typical pressure drop is
0.1 PSID. Because of the close tolerances, upstream filtration is required for dirty lines.
Rotating vane meters measure the flow of gas in the same ranges as lobe gear meters (up
to 100,000 ft3/hr) but can be used over a wider 25:1 turndown. Rotating vane meters also incur a
lower pressure drop of 0.05 in H2O for similar accuracy, and because the clearances are
somewhat more forgiving, upstream filtration is not as critical.
5.8.8 High-Precision PD Systems. High-precision gas meters are usually a hybrid combination
of a standard PD meter and a motor drive that eliminates the pressure drop across the meter.
Equalizing the inlet and outlet pressures eliminates slip flows, leakage, and blow-by. In high-
precision gas flowmeter installations, high-sensitivity leaves are used to detect the pressure
differential, and displacement transducers are used to measure the deflection of the leaves
(Figure 5-27). Designed to operate at ambient temperatures and at up to 30 PSIG pressures, this
meter provides accuracy to within 0.25 percent of reading over a 50:1 range and 0.5 percent over
a 100:1 range. Flow capacity ranges from 0.3-1,500 SCFM.
For liquid service, a servomotor-driven oval-gear meter equalizes the pressure across the
meter. This increases accuracy at low flows and under varying viscosity conditions. This
flowmeter uses a very sensitive piston to detect the meter differential and drives a variable speed
servomotor to keep the differential near zero. This design is claimed to provide 0.25 percent of
rate accuracy over a 50:1 range at operating pressures of up to 150 PSIG. High precision
flowmeters are used on engine test stands for fuel flow measurement (gasoline, diesel, alcohol,
etc.). Flow ranges from 0.04-40 gph are typical. Vapor separators are usually included to
prevent vapor lock.
5.8.9 Testing, calibration, and provers. Because wear increases the clearances, all meters with
moving parts require periodic testing, recalibration, and repair. Recalibration can be done either
in a laboratory or on line using a prover.
Gas systems are recalibrated against a bell-jar prover, which is a calibrated cylindrical
bell, liquid sealed in a tank. As the bell is lowered, it discharges a known volume of gas through
the meter being tested. The volumetric accuracy of bell-jar provers is on the order of 0.1 percent
by volume, and provers are available in discharge volumes of 2, 5, 10 ft3 and larger.
Liquid systems can be calibrated in the laboratory against either a calibrated secondary
standard or a gravimetric flow loop. This approach can provide high accuracy (up to ±0.01
percent of rate) but requires removing the flowmeter from service.
In many operations, especially in the petroleum industry, it is difficult or impossible to
remove a flowmeter from service for calibration. Therefore, field-mounted and in-line provers
have been developed. This type of prover (see Figure 5-28) consists of a calibrated chamber
equipped with a barrier piston. Two detectors are mounted a known distance (and therefore a
known volume) apart. As the flow passes through the chamber, the displacer piston is moved
downstream. Dividing the volume of the chamber by the time it takes the displacer to move
from one detector to the other gives the calibrated flow rate. This rate is then compared to the
reading of the flowmeter under test.
Provers are repeatable on the order of 0.02 percent, and can operate at up to 3,000 PSIG
and 165°F/75°C. Their operating flow range is from as low as 0.001 GPM to as high as
20,000 GPM.
5.8.10 PD meter accessories. PD meter accessories include strainers, filters, air and vapor
release assemblies, pulsation dampeners, temperature compensation systems, and a variety of
valves to permit dribble cut-off in batching systems. Mechanical registers can be equipped with
mechanical or electronic ticket-printers for inventory control and point-of-use sales. Batching
flow computers are readily available; analog and intelligent digital transmitters are available as
well. Automatic meter reading (AMR) devices permit the remote retrieval of readings by utility
Invented by Reinhard Woltman in the 18th century, the turbine flowmeter is an accurate
and reliable flowmeter for both liquids and gases. The turbine flowmeter (Figure 5-29) consists
of a multi-bladed rotor mounted at right angles to the flow and suspended in the fluid stream on a
free-running bearing. The diameter of the rotor is very slightly less than the inside diameter of
the metering chamber, and its speed of rotation is proportional to the volumetric flow rate.
Turbine rotation can be detected by solid state devices (reluctance, inductance, capacitive and
Hall-effect pick-ups) or by mechanical sensors (gear and magnetic drives).
Figure 5-29. Turbine flowmeters.
In the reluctance pick-up, the coil is a permanent magnet and the turbine blades are made
of a material attracted to magnets. As each blade passes the coil, a voltage is generated in the
coil. Each pulse represents a discrete volume of liquid. The number of pulses per unit volume is
called the meter’s K-factor.
In the inductance pick-up, either the permanent magnet is embedded in the rotor, or the
blades of the rotor are made of permanently magnetized material. As each blade passes the coil,
it generates a voltage pulse. In some designs, only one blade is magnetic and the pulse
represents a complete revolution of the rotor.
The outputs of reluctance and inductive pick-up coils are continuous sine waves with the
pulse train’s frequency proportional to the flow rate. At low flow, the output (the height of the
voltage pulse) may be on the order of 20 mV peak-to-peak. It is not advisable to transport such a
weak signal over long distances. Therefore, the distance between the pickup and associated
display electronics or preamplifier must be short.
In these turbine flowmeters, very small magnets are embedded in the tips of the rotor
blades. Rotors are typically made of a non-magnetic material, like polypropylene, Ryton, or
PVDF (Kynar®). The signal output from a Hall-effect sensor is a square wave pulse train, at a
frequency proportional to the volumetric flow rate.
Because Hall-effect sensors have no magnetic drag, they can operate at lower flow
velocities (0.2 ft/sec) than magnetic pick-up designs (0.5-1.0 ft/sec). In addition, the Hall-effect
sensor provides a signal of high amplitude (typically a 10.8V square wave), permitting distances
up to 3,000 feet between the sensor and the electronics, without amplification.
More recently, the water distribution industry has adopted the magnetic drive as an
improvement over high maintenance mechanical-drive turbine meters. This type of meter has a
sealing disc between the measuring chamber and the register. On the measuring chamber side,
the vertical shaft turns a magnet instead of a gear. On the register side, an opposing magnet is
mounted to turn the gear. This design permits a completely sealed register to be used with a
mechanical drive mechanism.
In the United States, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) sets the standards
for turbine flowmeters used in water distribution systems. Standard C701 provides for two
classes (Class I and Class II) of turbine flowmeters. Class I turbine meters must register between
98-102 percent of actual rate at maximum flow when tested. Class II turbine meters must
register between 98.5-101.5 percent of actual rate. Both Class I and Class II meters must have
mechanical registers.
Solid state pickup designs are less susceptible to mechanical wear than AWWA Class I
and Class II meters.
5.9.1 Design and construction variations. Most industrial turbine flowmeters are manufactured
from austenitic stainless steel (301, 303, 304SS), whereas turbine meters intended for municipal
water service are bronze or cast iron. The rotor and bearing materials are selected to match the
process fluid and the service. Rotors are often made from stainless steel and bearings of
graphite, tungsten carbide, and ceramics. In special cases, rotors are made of synthetic ruby or
sapphire combined with tungsten carbide. In all cases, bearings and shafts are designed to
provide minimum friction and maximum resistance to wear. Some corrosion-resistant designs
are made from plastic materials such as PVC.
Small turbine meters are often called barstock turbines because in sizes of ¾ inch to 3
inches they are machined from stainless steel hexagonal barstock. The turbine is suspended by a
bearing between two hanger assemblies that also serve to condition the flow. This design is
suited for high operating pressures (up to 5,000 PSIG).
The insertion turbine meter is a point-velocity device similar to a Pitot tube differential
pressure flowmeter. The design of the insertion turbine meter allows it to be inserted into either
liquid or gas lines to a depth at which the small-diameter rotor will read the average velocity in
the line. Because these meters are very sensitive to the velocity profile of the flowing stream,
they must be profiled at several points across the flow path.
Insertion turbine meters can be designed for gas applications (small, lightweight rotor) or
for liquid (larger rotor, water-lubricated bearings). They are often used in large diameter
pipelines where it would be cost-prohibitive to install a full size meter. They can be hot-tapped
into existing pipelines of 6 inches or larger through a valve system without shutting down the
process. Typical accuracy of an insertion turbine meter is 1 percent FS and the minimum flow
velocity is about 0.2 ft/sec.
5.9.2 Turbine meter accuracy. Figure 5-30 shows a typical turbine-meter calibration curve
describing the relationship between flow and K-factor (pulses/gallon). The accuracy of turbine
meters is typically given in percentage of actual rate ( percent AR). This particular meter has a
linearity tolerance band of ±0.25 percent over a 10:1 flow range and a ±0.15 percent linearity in
a 6:1 range. The repeatability is from ±0.2 percent to ±0.02 percent over the linear range.
Because there are minor inconsistencies in the manufacturing process, all turbine
flowmeters are calibrated prior to shipment. The resulting K-factor in pulses per volume unit
will vary within the stated linearity specification. It is possible, however, to register several
K-factors for different portions of the flow range and to electronically switch from one to the
other as the measured flow changes. Naturally, the K-factor is applicable only to the fluid for
which the meter was calibrated.
Barstock turbine meters typically are linear to ±0.25 percent AR over a 10:1 flow range.
The linearity of larger meters is ±0.5 percent AR over a 10:1 flow range. Turbine meters have a
typical nonlinearity (the turbine meter hump, shown in the Figure 5-30 above) in the lower 25-30
percent of their range. Keeping the minimum flow reading above this region will permit
linearity to within 0.15 percent on small and 0.25 percent on larger turbine meters. If the range
of 10:1 is insufficient, some turbine flow- meters can provide up to 100:1 turndowns if accuracy
is de-rated to 1 percent of full scale (FS).
5.9.3 Sizing and selection. Turbine meters should be sized so that the expected average flow is
between 60 percent and 75 percent of the maximum capacity of the meter. If the pipe is
oversized (with flow velocity under 1 ft/sec), one should select a Hall-effect pick-up and use a
meter smaller than the line size. Flow velocities under 1 ft/sec can be insufficient, while
velocities in excess of 10 ft/sec can result in excessive wear. Most turbine meters are designed
for maximum velocities of 30 ft/sec.
Turbine flowmeters should be sized for between 3 and 5 PSID pressure drop at maximum
flow. Because pressure drop increases with the square of flow rate, reducing the meter to the
next smaller size will raise the pressure drop considerably.
Viscosity affects the accuracy and linearity of turbine meters. It is therefore important to
calibrate the meter for the specific fluid it is intended to measure. Repeatability is generally not
greatly affected by changes in viscosity, and turbine meters often are used to control the flow of
viscous fluids. Generally, turbine meters perform well if the Reynolds Number is greater than
4,000 and less than or equal to 20,000.
Because it affects viscosity, temperature variation can also adversely affect accuracy and
must be compensated for or controlled. The turbine meter’s operating temperature ranges from
200 to 450 °C (-328 to 840°F).
Density changes do not greatly affect turbine meters. On low density fluids (SG < 0.7),
the minimum flow rate is increased due to the reduced torque, but the meter’s accuracy usually is
not affected.
5.9.4 Installation and accessories. Turbine meters are sensitive to upstream piping geometry
that can cause vortices and swirling flow. Specifications call for 10-15 diameters of straight run
upstream and five diameters of straight run downstream of the meter. However, each of the
following upstream obstructions require more than 15 diameters of upstream straight-pipe runs:
In order to reduce this straight-run requirement, straightening vanes are installed. Tube
bundles or radial vane elements are used as external flow straighteners located at least five
diameters upstream of the meter.
Figure 5-31. Flow straighteners.
Under certain conditions, the pressure drop across the turbine can cause flashing or
cavitation. Flashing causes the meter to read high, and cavitation causes rotor damage. In order
to protect against this, the downstream pressure must be held at 1.25 times the vapor pressure
plus twice the pressure drop. Small amounts of air entrainment (100 mg/l or less) will make the
meter read only a bit high, while large quantities can destroy the rotor.
Turbine meters also can be damaged by solids entrained in the fluid. If the amount of
suspended solids exceeds 100 mg/l of +75 micron size, a flushing y-strainer or a motorized
cartridge filter must be installed at least 20 diameters of straight run upstream of the flowmeter.
5.9.5 Gas turbine and shunt meters. Gas meters compensate for the lower driving torque
produced by the relatively low density of gases. This compensation is obtained by very large
rotor hubs, very light rotor assemblies, and larger numbers of rotor blades. Gas turbine meters
are available from 2 inches to 12 inches and with flow ratings up to 150,000 ft3/hr. When
operating at elevated gas pressures (1,400 PSIG), a rangeability of 100:1 can be obtained in
larger size meters. Under lower pressure conditions, typical rangeability is 20:1 with ±1 percent
linearity. The minimum upstream straight pipe-run requirement is 20 pipe diameters.
Shunt flowmeters consist of an orifice in the main line and a rotor assembly in the
bypass. These meters are used in gas and steam service. These meters are available is sizes 2
inches and larger and are accurate to ±2 percent over a range of 10:1.
5.9.6 Other rotary flowmeters. Other types of rotary element flowmeters include propeller
(impeller), shunt, and paddlewheel designs (Figure 5-32).
Propeller meters are commonly used in large diameter (over 4 inches) irrigation and
water distribution systems. Their primary trade-off is low cost versus low accuracy. The
American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard C-704 sets the accuracy criterion for
propeller meters at 2 percent of reading. Propeller meters have a rangeability of about 4:1 and
exhibit very poor performance if the velocity drops below 1.5 ft/sec. Most propeller meters are
equipped with mechanical registers. Mechanical wear, straightening, and conditioning
requirements are the same as for turbine meters.
Paddlewheel flowmeters use a rotor whose axis of rotation is parallel to the direction of
flow. Most paddlewheel meters have flat-bladed rotors and are inherently bi-directional.
Several manufacturers, however, use crooked rotors that only rotate in the forward direction.
For smaller pipes (1/2 in to 3 in), these meters are available only with a fixed insertion depth,
while for larger pipe sizes (4 in to 48 in) adjustable insertion depths are available. The use of
capacitively coupled pick-ups or Hall-effect sensors extends the range of paddlewheel meters
into the low-flow velocity region of 0.3 ft/sec.
Low-flow meters (usually smaller than 1 inch) have a small jet orifice that projects the
fluid onto a Pelton wheel. Varying the diameter and the shape of the jet orifice matches the
required flow range and provides a flowmeter that is accurate to 1 percent FS and has a
rangeability of 100:1. Higher accuracy can be achieved by calibrating the meter and by lowering
its range. Because of the small size of the jet orifice, these meters can only be used on clean
fluids and they incur a pressure drop of about 20 PSID. Materials used in construction of these
meters include polypropylene, PVDF, tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) and perfluoroalkoxy (PFA),
brass, aluminum, and stainless steel.
5.10 Electronic Flowmeters
While the flow measurement technologies discussed in this chapter (magnetic, vortex,
and ultrasonic) are neither exclusively nor exhaustively electronic in nature, they do represent a
logical grouping of flow measurement technologies. Made possible by modern sophisticated
electronics technology, these devices have no moving parts (other than those that vibrate) and
are relatively non-intrusive.
Magnetic flowmeters, for example, are the most directly electrical in nature, deriving
their first principles of operation from Faraday’s law. Vortex meters depend on piezoelectric
sensors to detect vortices shed from a stationary shedder bar. Success of modern ultrasonic
flowmeters is mainly due to sophisticated digital signal processing.
5.10.1 Magnetic flowmeters. The operation of magnetic flowmeters is based on Faraday’s law
of electromagnetic induction. Magmeters can only detect the flow of conductive fluids. Early
magmeter designs required a minimum fluidic conductivity of 1-5 microsiemens per centimeter
for their operation. The newer designs have reduced that requirement a hundredfold to between
0.05 and 0.1 microsiemens per centimeter.
E = KV
The velocity differences at different points of the flow profile are compensated for by a
signal-weighing factor. Additional compensation is also provided by shaping the magnetic coils
such that the magnetic flux will be greatest where the signal weighing factor is lowest, and vice
The K value obtained by water testing might not be valid for non-Newtonian fluids (with
velocity-dependent viscosity) or magnetic slurries (those containing magnetic particles). These
types of fluids can affect the density of the magnetic field in the tube. In-line calibration and
special compensating designs should be considered for both of these fluids.
5.10.2 Magmeter excitation. The voltage that develops at the electrodes is a millivolt signal.
This signal is typically converted into a standard current (4-20mA) or frequency output
(0-10,000Hz) at or near the flow tube. Intelligent magnetic transmitters with digital outputs
allow direct connection to a distributed control system. Because the magmeter signal is a weak
one, the lead wire should be shielded and twisted if the transmitter is remote.
The magmeter’s coils can be powered by either alternating current (AC) or direct current
(DC). When AC excitation is used, line voltage is applied to the magnetic coils (Figure 5-34).
As a result, the flow signal (at constant flow) will also look like a sine wave. The amplitude of
the wave is proportional to velocity. In addition to the flow signal, noise voltages can be
induced in the electrode loop. Out-of-phase noise is easily filtered, but in-phase noise requires
that the flow be stopped (with the pipe full) and the transmitter output set to zero. The main
problem with AC magmeter designs is that noise can vary with process conditions and frequent
re-zeroing is required to maintain accuracy.
In DC excitation designs, a low frequency (7-30 Hz) DC pulse is used to excite the
magnetic coils. When the coils are pulsed on, the transmitter reads both the flow and noise
signals. Between pulses, the transmitter sees only the noise signal and, therefore, the noise can
be continuously eliminated after each cycle.
This provides a stable zero and eliminates zero drift. In addition to being more accurate
and able to measure lower flows, DC meters are less bulky, easier to install, use less energy, and
have a lower cost of ownership than AC meters. One new DC design uses significantly more
power than the earlier generations and thereby creates a stronger flow tube signal.
Another new design uses a unique dual excitation scheme that pulses the coils at 7Hz for
zero stability and at 70Hz to obtain a stronger signal. Magmeter transmitters can be supplied
with either AC or DC power. A two-wire, loop-powered DC magnetic flowmeter is also
available in an intrinsically safe design, but its performance is reduced because of power
Pulsed AC meters, eliminating the zero stability problems of traditional AC designs, have
also been introduced. These devices contain circuitry that periodically disrupts the AC power,
automatically negating the effects of process noise on the output signal.
When any of the above three conditions exist, the output of a pulsed DC meter is likely to
be noisy. In some cases, one can minimize the noise problem (hold the fluctuations within 1
percent of set point) by filtering and damping the output signal. If more than 1 to 3 seconds of
damping is required to eliminate the noise, it is always better to use an AC meter.
5.10.3 Flow tubes, liners, and probes. The face-to-face dimensions of flanged flow tubes (lay
lengths) usually meet the recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO). The dimensions of short-form magmeters usually meet these guidelines as well.
Magnetic flow tubes and liners are available in many materials and are widely used in all the
process industries, including food, pharmaceutical, mining, and metals.
Some liner materials (particularly Teflon®) can be damaged when pry bars are used
while installing it or removing it from process piping. Liner materials can also be damaged if the
flange bolts encounter too much torque. Liner protectors are available to help prevent such
Any flow tube can generally be used with any transmitter offered by the same
manufacturer. Depending on its construction and features, the cost of a 2 in magnetic flowmeter
can range from $1,500 to $5,000. This cost has been coming down, but is still higher than that of
the least expensive flow sensors.
Magnetic flowmeters also can be packaged as probes and inserted into process pipes
through taps. These probes contain both the electrodes and magnetic coils. The flowing process
fluid induces a voltage at the electrodes, which reflects the velocity at the probe tip and not the
average fluid velocity across the pipe. These magmeters are inexpensive and are retractable so
that the process does not have to be shut down to install or remove them. Metering accuracy is
highly dependent on the relationship between the measured velocity and the average velocity in
the pipe.
5.10.4 Electrodes. In conventional flow tubes, the electrodes are in contact with the process
fluid. They can be removable or permanent if produced by a droplet of liquid platinum as it
sinters through a ceramic liner and fuses with the aluminum oxide to form a perfect seal. This
design is preferred due to its low cost, its resistance to abrasion and wear, its insensitivity to
nuclear radiation, and its suitability for sanitary applications because there are no cavities in
which bacteria can grow. On the other hand, the ceramic tube cannot tolerate bending, tension,
or sudden cooling; neither can it handle oxidizing acids or hot and concentrated caustic.
5.10.5 Selection and sizing. Magnetic flowmeters can detect the flow of clean, multi-phase,
dirty, corrosive, erosive, or viscous liquids and slurries as long as the conductivity exceeds the
minimum required for the particular design. The expected inaccuracy and rangeability of the
better designs are from 0.2 to 1 percent of rate, over a range of 10:1 to 30:1, if the flow velocity
exceeds 1 ft/sec. At slower flow velocities (even below 0.1 ft/s), measurement error increases,
but the readings remain repeatable.
It is important that the conductivity of the process fluid be uniform. If two fluids are
mixed and the conductivity of one additive is significantly different from that of the other
process fluid, it is important that they be completely intermixed before the blend reaches the
magmeter. If the blend is not uniform, the output signal will be noisy. To prevent this situation,
pockets of varying conductivity can be eliminated by installing a static mixer upstream of the
Figure 5-35. GPM versus fps for magnetic flowmeters.
The obstructionless nature of the magmeter lowers the likelihood of plugging and limits
the unrecovered head loss to that of an equivalent length of straight pipe. The low pressure drop
is desirable because it lowers pumping costs and aids gravity feed systems.
5.10.6 Problem applications. The magmeter cannot distinguish entrained air from the process
fluid; therefore, air bubbles will cause the magmeter to give a high reading. If the trapped air is
not homogeneously dispersed, and is in the form of air slugs or large air bubbles the size of the
electrode, the output signal will be noisy or even disrupted. Therefore, in applications where air
entrainment is likely, the meter should be sized so that the flow velocity under normal flow
conditions is 6-12 ft/sec.
Another method of prevention is to use electrodes that protrude into the flowstream to
take advantage of the turbulence and washing effect. In more severe service, a mechanical
cleaning system can be installed and used intermittently or continuously to eliminate coating and
5.10.7 Installation. The magnetic flowmeter must always be full of liquid. Therefore, the
preferred location for magmeters is in vertical upward flow lines. Installation in horizontal lines
is acceptable if the pipe section is at a low point and if the electrodes are not at the top of the
pipe. This prevents air from coming into contact with the electrodes. When the process fluid is
a slurry and the magmeter is installed at a low point, it should be removed during long periods of
shutdown so that solids will not settle and coat the internal materials.
the flow tube. The empty tube zero feature can also be activated by an external contact, such as
a pump-status contact.
Magmeters require five diameters of straight pipe upstream and two diameters
downstream in order to maintain accuracy and minimize liner wear. Liner protectors are
available to protect the leading edge of the liners from the abrasive effects of process fluids. If
the magmeter is installed in a horizontal pipe exceeding 30 feet in length, the pipe should be
supported on both sides of the meter.
The magnetic flowmeter must be electrically grounded to the process liquid. This
grounding is necessary because the magmeter is part of the path for any stray current traveling
down the pipeline or through the process liquid. Bonding, by grounding the meter at both ends
to the process fluid, provides a short circuit for stray currents by routing them around the flow
tube instead of through it. If the system is not properly grounded, these currents can create a
zero shift in the magnetic flowmeter output.
Electrical bonding to the process fluid can be achieved by metal ground straps. These
straps connect each end of the flow tube to the adjacent pipeline flanges, which in turn, are in
contact with the process liquid. Straps are used when the piping is electrically conductive.
When the pipe is non-conductive or lined, grounding rings are used. The grounding ring is
similar to an orifice plate with a bore equal to the nominal size (inside diameter) of the flow
tube. It is installed between the flanges of the flow tube and adjacent process piping on the
upstream and downstream sides. The flow tube is bonded to the process fluid by being
connected to the metallic grounding rings, and is grounded by being wired to a good conductor,
such as a cold water pipe.
In larger sizes and in exotic materials, grounding rings can become expensive. A cheaper
alternative is to use grounding electrodes. A grounding electrode is a third electrode placed in
the flow tube for bonding with the process fluid. Another cost-saving option is to use a plastic
grounding ring with a metal electrode insert.
Theodor Von Karman discovered that when a non-streamlined object (also called a bluff
body) is placed in the path of a fast-flowing stream, the fluid will alternately separate from the
object on its two downstream sides, and, as the boundary layer becomes detached and curls back
on itself, the fluid forms vortices (also called whirlpools or eddies). He also noted that the
distance between the vortices was constant and depended solely on the size of the rock that
formed it (see Figure 5-36).
Figure 5-36. Vortex flowmeter principle.
On the side of the bluff body where the vortex is being formed, the fluid velocity is
higher and the pressure is lower. As the vortex moves downstream, it grows in strength and size,
and eventually detaches or sheds itself. This is followed by additional vortices being formed on
the other side of the bluff body. The alternating vortices are spaced at equal distances.
5.11.1 Vortex meter design. A vortex flowmeter is typically made of grade 316 stainless steel
or Hastelloy® and includes a bluff body, a vortex sensor assembly, and the transmitter
electronics, although the transmitter electronics can also be mounted remotely. Vortex
flowmeters are typically available in flange sizes from ½ inch to 12 inches. The installed cost of
vortex meters is competitive with that of orifice meters in sizes less than six inches. Wafer body
meters (flangeless) have the lowest cost, while flanged meters are preferred if the process fluid is
hazardous or is at a high temperature.
Bluff body shapes (square, rectangular, t-shaped, and trapezoidal) and dimensions have
been experimented with to achieve the desired characteristics. Testing has shown that linearity,
low Reynolds number limitation, and sensitivity to velocity profile distortion vary only slightly
with bluff body shape. First, the width of the bluff body must have a large enough fraction of the
pipe diameter that the entire flow participates in the shedding. Second, the bluff body must have
protruding edges on the upstream face to fix the lines of flow separation, regardless of the flow
rate. Third, the bluff body length in the direction of the flow must be a certain multiple of the
bluff body width.
External sensors, typically piezoelectric strain gages, sense the vortex shedding indirectly
through the force exerted on the shedder bar. External sensors are preferred on highly
erosive/corrosive applications to reduce maintenance costs, while internal sensors provide better
rangeability (better low flow sensitivity). They are also less sensitive to pipe vibrations. The
electronics housing is usually rated explosion-and-weatherproof, and contains the electronic
transmitter module, termination connections, and an optional flow-rate indicator and/or totalizer.
5.11.2 Sizing. Vortex shedding frequency is directly proportional to the velocity of the fluid in
the pipe, and therefore to volumetric flow rate. The shedding frequency is independent of fluid
properties such as density, viscosity, and conductivity, except that the flow must be turbulent for
vortex shedding to occur. The relationship between vortex frequency and fluid velocity is:
St = f ⎜ ⎟
⎝V ⎠
St is the Strouhal number f is the vortex shedding frequency
f is the shedding frequency
d is the width of the bluff body
V is the average fluid velocity.
The value of the Strouhal number is determined experimentally, and is generally found to
be constant over a wide range of Reynolds numbers. The Strouhal number represents the ratio of
the interval between vortex shedding (f) and bluff body width (d), which is about six. The
Strouhal number is a dimensionless calibration factor used to characterize various bluff bodies.
If their Strouhal number is the same, then two different bluff bodies will perform and behave
Because the volumetric flow rate Q is the product of the average fluid velocity and of the
cross-sectional area available for flow (A):
( AfdB)
Q = AV =
B is the blockage factor, defined as the open area left by the bluff body divided by
the full bore area of the pipe.
Q = fK
K is the meter coefficient, which equals the product (A*f*d*B).
As with turbine and other frequency-producing flowmeters, the K factor can be defined
as pulses per unit volume (pulses per gallon, pulses per cubic foot, etc.). Therefore, one can
determine flow rate by counting the pulses per unit time. Vortex frequencies range from one to
thousands of pulses per second, depending upon the flow velocity, the character of the process
fluid, and the size of the meter. In gas service, frequencies are about 10 times higher than in
liquid applications.
The K factor is determined by the manufacturer, usually by water calibration in a flow
lab. Because the K factor is the same for liquid, gas and vapor applications, the value
determined from a water calibration is valid for any other fluid. The calibration factor (K) at
moderate Reynolds numbers is not sensitive to edge sharpness or other dimensional changes that
affect square-edged orifice meters.
Although vortex meter equations are relatively simple compared to those for orifice
plates, there are many rules and considerations to keep in mind. Manufacturers offer free
computer software for sizing, which allows the user to enter fluid properties (density, viscosity,
and desired flow range) and the software automatically calculates the meter sizes.
The force generated by the vortex pressure pulse is a function of fluid density multiplied
by the square of fluid velocity. The requirement that there be turbulent flow and force sufficient
to actuate the sensor determines the meter’s rangeability. The force has to be high enough to be
distinguishable from noise. For example, a typical 2 inch vortex meter has a water flow range of
12 to 230 GPM. If the density or viscosity of the fluid differs from that of water, the meter range
will change.
5.11.3 Accuracy and rangeability. Because the Reynolds number drops as viscosity rises, vortex
flowmeter rangeability suffers as the viscosity rises. The maximum viscosity limit, as a function
of allowable accuracy and rangeability, is between 8 and 30 centipoises. One can expect a better
than 20:1 rangeability for gas and steam service and over 10:1 for low-viscosity liquid
applications if the vortex meter has been sized properly for the application.
The inaccuracy of most vortex meters is 0.5-1 percent of rate for Reynolds numbers over
30,000. As the Reynolds number drops, metering error increases. At Reynolds numbers less
than 10,000, error can reach 10 percent of actual flow.
While most flowmeters continue to give some indication at near-zero flows, the vortex
meter is provided with a cut-off point. Below this level, the meter output is automatically
clamped at zero. This cut-off point corresponds to a Reynolds number at or below 10,000. If the
minimum flow that one needs to measure is at least twice the cut-off flow, then no problem is
posed. On the other hand, it can still be a drawback if low flow rate information is desired
during start-up, shutdown, or other upset conditions.
5.11.4 Applications and limitations. Vortex meters are not usually recommended for batching
or other intermittent flow applications because the dribble flow-rate setting of the batching
station can fall below the meter’s minimum Reynolds number limit. The smaller the total batch,
the more significant the resulting error is likely to be.
Low pressure (low density) gases do not produce a strong enough pressure pulse,
especially if fluid velocities are low. Therefore, it is likely that in such services, the rangeability
of the meter will be poor and low flows will not be measurable. On the other hand, if reduced
rangeability is acceptable and the meter is correctly sized for normal flow, the vortex flowmeter
can still be considered.
If the process fluid tends to coat or build-up on the bluff body, as in sludge and slurry
service, the meter’s K factor will eventually change. Vortex-shedding flowmeters are not
recommended for such applications. If, however, a dirty fluid has only moderate amounts of
non-coating solids, the application is likely to be acceptable. This was demonstrated by a 2-year
test on a limestone slurry. At the end of the test, the K factor was found to have changed only
0.3 percent from the original factory calibration, although the bluff body and flow tube were
badly scarred and pitted.
When measuring multi-phase flow, such as solid particles in gas or liquid, gas bubbles in
liquid, and liquid droplets in gas, vortex meter accuracy will drop because of the meter’s
inability to differentiate between the phases. Wet, low-quality steam is one such application; the
liquid phase should be homogeneously dispersed within the steam, and vertical flow lines should
be avoided to prevent slugging. When the pipe is horizontal, the liquid phase is likely to travel
on the bottom of the pipe, and therefore the inner area of the pipe should be kept open at the
bottom. This can be achieved by installing the bluff body horizontally. Measurement
inaccuracy in such applications is about 5 percent of actual flow with good repeatability.
The permanent pressure loss through a vortex meter is roughly two velocity heads, about
half that of that of an orifice plate. A velocity head is defined as V2/g, where V is the flow
velocity and g is the gravitational constant in consistent units. If the pipe and meter are properly
sized and of the same size, the pressure drop is likely to be only a few psi. However, downsizing
(installing a smaller-than-line-size meter) in order to increase the Reynolds number can increase
the head loss to more than 10 psi. The vena contracta pressure should not be allowed to drop
below the vapor pressure of the process fluid, because that would cause cavitation. Naturally, if
the back pressure on the meter is below the vapor pressure, the process fluid will flash and the
meter reading will not be meaningful.
The main advantages of vortex meters are their low sensitivity to variations in process
conditions and low wear relative to orifices or turbine meters. In addition, acquisition and
maintenance costs are low. For these reasons, they have been gaining wider acceptance among
5.11.5 Installation recommendations. When installing a vortex flowmeter (see Figure 5-38) in
an existing process where the flow range is not known, it is recommended to first make some
approximate measurements (such as using portable Pitot or clamp-on ultrasonic devices).
Otherwise, there is no guarantee that a line-size vortex meter will work at all.
The vortex meter requires a well-developed and symmetrical flow velocity profile that is
free from any distortions or swirls. This necessitates the use of straight upstream and
downstream piping to condition the flow. The straight length of pipe must be the same size as
the meter and its length should be about the same as required for an orifice installation with a
beta ratio of 0.7. Most vortex flowmeter manufacturers recommend a minimum of 30 pipe
diameters downstream of control valves, and 3 to 4 pipe diameters between the meter and
downstream pressure taps. Temperature elements should be small and located 5 to 6 diameters
About half of all vortex meter installations require “necking down” of oversized process
piping by concentric reducers and expanders. Even if flow straighteners are installed, some
straight (relaxation) piping will still be required.
Vortex meters can be installed vertically, horizontally, or at any angle, as long as they are
kept flooded. The meter can be kept flooded by installing it in a vertical upward flow line.
When installing the flowmeter in a downward or horizontal flow, the downstream piping should
be kept elevated. Check valves can be used to keep the piping full of liquid when there is no
flow. Block and bypass valves are required if the replacement of the sensor in the particular
design requires the stopping of the flow and the opening up of the process.
Mating flanges (on the schedule 40 or schedule 80 mating piping) must have the same
diameter and smooth bore as the flowmeter. Welded neck flanges are preferred, and reducing
flanges should not be used. The inner surface of the mating pipe should be free from mill scale,
pits, holes, reaming scores, and bumps for a distance of four diameters upstream and two
diameters downstream of the meter. The bores of the meter, the gaskets, and the adjacent piping
must be carefully aligned to eliminate any obstructions or steps.
Excessive pipe vibration can be eliminated by supporting the piping on both sides of the
meter or by rotating the meter so that the sensor is moved out of the plane of the vibration.
Process noise due to valve chattering, steam traps, or pumps can result in high readings or non-
zero readings under zero-flow conditions. Most meter electronics allow for increasing the noise
filter settings, but increased noise reduction usually also decreases the low-flow sensitivity of the
meter. One option is to relocate the meter to a less noisy part of the process.
The speed at which sound propagates in a fluid is dependent on the fluid’s density. If the
density is constant, however, one can use the time of ultrasonic passage (or reflection) to
determine the velocity of a flowing fluid.
Some manufacturers produce transducer systems that operate in the shear-mode, sending
a single pulse and receiving a single pulse in return. Narrow-beam systems are commonly
subject to “walk-away”, where the signal completely misses the downstream transducer. Wide-
beam systems overcome beam refraction and work better in changing liquid density and
temperature. With the advent of digital signal processing, it is now possible to apply digital
signal coding to the transmitted signal, thereby eliminating many of the problems associated with
noise and variations in liquid chemistry.
5.12.1 The Doppler Shift. In 1842, Christian Doppler discovered that the wavelength of sound
perceived by a stationary observer appears shorter when the source is approaching and longer
when the source is moving away. This shift in frequency is the basis upon which all Doppler-
shift ultrasonic flowmeters work.
Doppler flowmeter transducers operate at 0.640 MHz in clamp-on designs and at
1.2 MHz in wetted sensor designs. The transducer sends an ultrasonic pulse or beam into the
flowing stream. The sound waves are reflected back by such acoustical discontinuities as
particles, entrained gas bubbles, or even by turbulence vortices. For clamp-on designs,
measurement inaccuracy ranges from ±1 percent to ±5 percent full scale (FS).
The meter detects the velocity of the discontinuities, rather than the velocity of the fluid,
in calculating the flow rate. The flow velocity (V) can be determined by
( f 0 − f1 )Ct
V =
2 f o cos(a )
Ct is the velocity of sound inside the transducer.
ƒo is the transmission frequency.
f1 is the reflected frequency.
a is the angle of the transmitter and receiver crystals with respect to the
pipe axis.
Because Ct /(2f0 cos(a)) is a constant (K), the relationship can be simplified to
V = ( f 0 − f1 ) K
Thus, flow velocity V (ft/sec) is directly proportional to the change in frequency. The
flow (Q in GPM) in a pipe having a certain inside diameter (ID in inches) can be obtained by:
Q = 2.45V ( ID) 2 = 2.45[( f 0 − f1 )K ]( ID) 2
The presence of acoustical discontinuities is essential for the proper operation of the
Doppler flowmeter. The generally accepted rule of thumb is that for proper signal reflection
there should be a minimum of 80-100 mg/l of solids with a particle size of +200 mesh
(+75 micron). In the case of bubbles, 100-200 mg/l with diameters between +75 and +150
microns is desirable. If either the size or the concentration of the discontinuities changes, the
amplitude of the reflected signal will shift and introduce errors.
Doppler flowmeters are often used to measure the flow of such fluids as slurries. If the
solids concentration is too high (in excess of 45 percent by weight), or if too much air or gas is
entrained (especially if the bubbles are very fine), these discontinuities will attenuate the
reflected Doppler signal to the point where it cannot be distinguished from the background noise
in the pipe. Figure 5-39 provides layouts of a Doppler shift and a transit time flowmeter.
The reflected Doppler signal is shifted from the transmitted frequency by approximately
6 Hz for every foot per second of velocity. Therefore, if the flow velocity is less than 1 ft/sec,
ultrasonic flowmetering is not practical. There seems to be no upper limit to detectable flow
velocity, as successful installations at velocities in the 40-50 ft/sec range are well documented.
5.12.2 Transit time measurement. In this design, the time of flight of the ultrasonic signal is
measured between two transducers; one is upstream and the other is downstream. The difference
in elapsed time going with or against the flow determines the fluid velocity.
When the flow is zero, the time for the signal T1 to get to T2 is the same as that required
to get from T2 to T1. When there is flow, the effect is to boost the speed of the signal in the
downstream direction, while decreasing it in the upstream direction. The flowing velocity (Vf)
can be determined by the following equation
⎛ dt ⎞
V f = K ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ TL ⎠
K is a calibration factor for the volume and time units used
dt is the time differential between upstream and downstream transit times
TL is the zero-flow transit time
5.12.3 Design variations. Clamp-on ultrasonic meters (Figure 5-40)come in either single or
dual-sensor versions. In the single-sensor version, the transmit and receive crystals are potted
into the same sensor body, which is clamped onto a single point of the pipe surface. In the dual-
sensor version, the transmit crystal is in one sensor body, while the receive crystal is in another
sensor body.
Figure 5-40. Clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter.
Clamp-on transit time meters have been available since the early 1970s. The goal of
these meters is to rival the performance of wetted spool-piece designs (Figure 5-41), but without
the need to break the pipe or stop the process to install the meter. This goal has not yet been
Clamp-on Doppler flowmeters are subject to interference from the pipe wall and from
any air space between the sensor and the wall. If the pipe wall is made of stainless steel, it might
conduct the transmit signal far enough so that the returning echo will be shifted enough to
interfere with the reading. There are also built-in acoustic discontinuities in concrete-lined,
plastic-lined, and fiberglass-reinforced pipes. These are significant enough to either completely
scatter the transmitted signal or attenuate the return signal. This dramatically decreases
flowmeter accuracy to only ±20 percent) and, in most cases, clamp-on meters will not work at all
if the pipe is lined.
Wetted transducer designs (both Doppler and transit time designs are available)
overcome many of these signal attenuation limitations. The full-pipe transit-time meter
originally consisted of a flanged spool section with wetted transducers mounted in the pipe wall;
the transducers were in transducer wells opposite to one another but at 45-degree angles to the
flow. Transit-time flowmeters are either single-path or multi-path designs.
Single-path flowmeters are provided with a single pair of transducers that make a single-
line velocity measurement. They use a meter factor that is pre-determined by calibration to
compensate for variations in velocity profile and for flow section construction irregularities.
In the design of multi-path flowmeters, several sets of transducers are placed in different
paths across the flow section, thereby attempting to measure the velocity profile across the entire
cross-section of the pipe. Multi-path instruments are used in large-diameter conduits, such as
utility stacks and in other applications where non-uniform flow velocity profiles exist.
Transit-time meters can also be used to measure both very hot fluids (e.g., liquid sulfur)
and very cold fluids (liquid nitrogen); they can also detect very low flows. Wetted-transducer
designs for small pipes (down to ½ inch) are called axial or co-axial designs. These devices
(see Figure 5-42) permit transit-time measurement along a path length significantly greater than
the diameter of the pipe, thereby increasing low-flow sensitivity.
Originally, ultrasonic flowmeters were divided into those using the Doppler-shift
principle and those using the transit-time principle. More recently, flowmeters are capable of
measuring the flow of both clean fluids and the flow of slurries with entrained solids or other
acoustical discontinuities. Microprocessors have made it possible to switch automatically from
clean fluid mode to particulate mode based on the “correlation factor”. This figure of merit
dramatically improves the accuracy of overall performance. In some carefully engineered
applications, installed accuracy to within 0.5 percent of reading has been reported.
5.12.4 Applications and performance. Doppler flowmeters are not recommended for clean fluid
applications. Transit-time flowmeters, on the other hand, are often used to measure the flow of
crude oils and simple fractions in the petroleum industry. They also work well with viscous
liquids, provided the Reynolds number at minimum flow is either less than 4,000 (laminar flow)
or greater than 10,000 (turbulent flow). Serious non-linearities are present in the transition
region as seen in Figure 5-43 below.
Figure 5-43. K-Factor Variation versus Re-number.
Transit-time flowmeters are the standard for measuring cryogenic liquids down to -300°C
and are used in molten metal flowmetering. Measurement of liquid argon, liquid nitrogen, liquid
helium, and molten sulfur have often been reported. Spool-section type flowmeters are most
often used for these applications, especially the axial and co-axial designs.
Raw wastewater applications usually have too few acoustic discontinuities for Doppler
flowmeters. On the other hand, raw wastewater is not always clean enough for transit-time
measurement. Other wastewater-related applications are equally problematic because the solids
concentration can be too high for either transit-time or Doppler flowmeters to work properly. In
still other wastewater applications, the problem is that the acoustical absorbency of the mostly
organic solids in wastewater attenuates the ultrasonic signals.
The use of multi-path flowmeters in raw wastewater and storm water applications is
common, while Doppler or cross-correlation hybrid designs are most often used to measure
activated sludge and digested sludge flows.
For mining slurries, Doppler flowmeters typically work well. Among the few problem
applications are those in high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe, because the pipe wall flexes
enough to change the diameter of the measurement area. Therefore, the accuracy of the meter is
reduced. In addition, the flexure of the pipe wall can often cause failure by breaking the acoustic
coupling of the transducer to the outside of the pipe. Another problem area is the measurement
of acoustically absorbent slurries such as lime or kaolin slurries. These applications fail because
highly absorbent solids attenuate the signal below that of usable strength. Lower frequency
(0.45MHz) sensors have been tried for these applications with varying degrees of success.
5.13 Mass Flowmeters
From a production plant point of view, mass flow measurement is the basis of most
recipe formulations, material balance determinations, and billing and custody transfer operations
throughout industry. Since these flow measurements are the most critical in a processing plant,
the reliability and accuracy of mass flow detection are very important.
In the past, mass flow was often calculated from the outputs of a volumetric flowmeter
and a densitometer. Density was either directly measured or was calculated using the outputs of
process temperature and pressure transmitters. These measurements were not very accurate,
because the relationships between process pressure (or temperature) and density are not always
precisely known; each sensor adds its own separate error to the overall measurement error, and
the speed of response of such calculations is usually not sufficient to detect step changes in flow.
One of the early designs of self-contained mass flowmeters (Figure 5-44) operated using
angular momentum. This design had a motor-driven impeller that imparted angular momentum
(rotary motion) by accelerating the fluid to a constant angular velocity. The higher the density,
the more angular momentum was required to obtain this angular velocity. Downstream of the
driven impeller, a spring-held stationary turbine was exposed to this angular momentum. The
resulting torque (spring torsion) was an indication of mass flow.
These meters had moving parts and complex mechanical designs. They were first
developed for the measurement of aircraft fuel, some are still in use. However, because of their
complex nature and high maintenance costs of angular momentum flowmeters, they are
gradually being replaced by designs that are more robust and require less maintenance.
Mass flow also can be measured by batch weighing or by combining an accurate level
sensor with a densitometer. Another method is to mount two D/P transmitters on the lower part
of an atmospheric tank at different elevations. In this case, the output of the top D/P cell will
vary with the level in the tank, while the lower one will measure the hydrostatic head over a
fixed elevational distance. This pressure differential yields the density of the material in the
tank. Such systems have been used to measure the total mass flow of slurries.
5.13.1 Coriolis mass flowmeters. It was the French Engineer, G. G. Coriolis, who first noted
that all bodies moving on the surface of the Earth tend to drift sideways because of the eastward
rotation of the planet. In the northern hemisphere, the deflection is to the right of the motion; in
the southern hemisphere, it is to the left. This drift plays a principal role in both the tidal activity
of the oceans and the weather of the planet.
Because a point on the equator traces out a larger circle per day than a point nearer the
poles, a body traveling towards either pole will bear eastward, because it retains its higher
(eastward) rotational speed as it passes over the more slowly rotating surface of the earth. This
drift is defined as the Coriolis force.
The first industrial Coriolis patents date back to the 1950s, and the first Coriolis mass
flowmeters were built in the 1970s. These flowmeters artificially introduce a Coriolis
acceleration into the flowing stream and measure mass flow by detecting the resulting angular
When a fluid is flowing in a pipe and it is subjected to Coriolis acceleration through the
mechanical introduction of apparent rotation into the pipe, the amount of deflecting force
generated by the Coriolis inertial effect will be a function of the mass flow rate of the fluid. If a
pipe is rotated around a point while liquid is flowing through it (toward or away from the center
of rotation), that fluid will generate an inertial force (acting on the pipe) that will be at right
angles to the direction of the flow.
A particle (dm) travels at a velocity (V) inside a tube (T). The tube is rotating about a
fixed point (P), and the particle is at a distance of one radius (R) from the fixed point. The
particle moves with angular velocity (w) under two components of acceleration, a centripetal
acceleration directed toward P and a Coriolis acceleration acting at right angles to ar:
ar (centripetal ) = w2 r
at (Coriolis ) = 2wv
In order to impart the Coriolis acceleration (at) to the fluid particle, a force of at (dm) has
to be generated by the tube. The fluid particle reacts to this force with an equal and opposite
Coriolis force
Fc = at (dm) = 2wv(dm)
Then, if the process fluid has density D and is flowing at constant speed inside a rotating
tube of cross-sectional area A, a segment of the tube of length x will experience a Coriolis force
of magnitude
Fc = 2wvDAx
Because the mass flow rate is dm = DvA, the Coriolis force Fc = 2w(dm)x
MassFlow =
This is how measurement of the Coriolis force exerted by the flowing fluid on the
rotating tube can provide an indication of mass flow rate. Naturally, rotating a tube is not
practical when building a commercial flowmeter, but oscillating or vibrating the tube can
achieve the same effect. Coriolis flowmeters can measure flow through the tube in either the
forward or the reverse direction.
In most designs, the tube is anchored at two points and vibrated between these anchors.
This configuration can be envisioned as vibrating a spring and mass assembly. Once
placed in motion, a spring and mass assembly will vibrate at its resonant frequency, which is a
function of the mass of that assembly. This resonant frequency is selected because the smallest
driving force is needed to keep the filled tube in constant vibration.
5.13.2 Tube designs. A tube can be of a curved or straight form, and some designs can be self-
draining when mounted vertically. When the design consists of two parallel tubes, flow is
divided into two streams by a splitter near the meter's inlet and is recombined at the exit. In the
single continuous tube design (or in two tubes joined in series), the flow is not split inside the
In either case, drivers vibrate the tubes. These drivers consist of a coil connected to one
tube and a magnet connected to the other. The transmitter applies an alternating current to the
coil, which causes the magnet to be attracted and repelled by turns, thereby forcing the tubes
towards and away from one another. The sensor can detect the position, velocity, or acceleration
of the tubes. If electromagnetic sensors are used, the magnet and coil in the sensor change their
relative positions as the tubes vibrate, causing a change in the magnetic field of the coil.
Therefore, the sinusoidal voltage output from the coil represents the motion of the tubes.
When there is no flow in a two-tube design, the vibration caused by the coil and magnet
drive results in identical displacements at the two sensing points (B1 and B2). When flow is
present, Coriolis forces act to produce a secondary twisting vibration, resulting in a small phase
difference in the relative motions. This difference is detected at the sensing points. The
deflection of the tubes caused by the Coriolis force exists only when both axial fluid flow and
tube vibration are present. Vibration at zero flow, or flow without vibration, does not produce an
output from the meter.
The natural resonance frequency of the tube structure is a function of its geometry,
materials of construction, and the mass of the tube assembly (mass of the tube plus the mass of
the fluid inside the tube). The mass of the tube is fixed. Since mass of the fluid is its density (D)
multiplied by its volume (which is also fixed), the frequency of vibration can be related to the
density of the process fluid (D). Therefore, the density of the fluid can be determined by
measuring the resonant frequency of oscillation of the tubes. Note that density can be measured
at zero flow as long as the tubes are filled with fluid and vibrating.)
Wall thickness varies considerably from design to design; however, even the sturdiest
tubing will be thinner than the process piping. In addition, some designs use small bore tubing,
which drastically increases the flowing velocity (from 5-10 ft/sec to more than 25 ft/sec).
Designs with thin walls and high fluid velocities (that is, small bore tubing) may require the use
of exotic materials because of erosion concerns. The longest meter life will be obtained by
selecting the design with the thickest wall and the slowest flow velocity that can provide the
required accuracy and range.
The Coriolis meter may need to be made out of exotic materials because of corrosion
considerations or to prevent pitting. Carbon or stainless steel can often be used in process
piping, because a small amount of pitting can be tolerated. In case of the Coriolis meter, even a
small amount of pitting cannot be tolerated because the walls are thin and pitting induces stress
concentrations within the tube structure. Therefore, standard corrosion tables (based on weight
loss criteria) are not suitable for selecting Coriolis tube materials, and so the stricter guidelines
of the manufacturers must be used.
5.13.3 Transmitter designs. Transmitters can operate on either AC or DC power and require
separate wiring for the power supply and output signals. The Coriolis flowmeter transmitter (see
Figure 5-47) can be integrally or remotely mounted. The transmitter controls the operation of
the driver and processes and transmits the sensor signals. The calibration factor (K) in the
transmitter's memory matches the transmitter to the particular flow tube. This calibration factor
defines the constant of proportionality between the Coriolis force and the mass flow rate for the
dynamic spring constant of the particular vibrating tubes.
The transmitter does more than convert sensor inputs into standardized output signals.
Most transmitters also offer multiple outputs, including mass flow rate, total mass flow, density,
and temperature. Analog and/or pulse outputs are both available, and intelligent transmitters can
generate digital outputs for integration into DCS systems.
Transmitters are often provided with local displays and keypads to allow easy access to
process data. Coriolis transmitters provide more than just flow information and ancillary
functions. Batch control functions, percent Brix, percent HFCS monitoring, viscosity, percent
solids, PID, API gravity, and specific gravity also are available. When viscosity information is
desired, the meter pressure drop needs to be measured. Other features may require information
to be pre-programmed into the transmitter memory. In addition, transmitters have other
hardware and software options that allow the user to customize them to the application.
5.13.4 Coriolis evolution. The first generation of Coriolis meters consisted of a single curved
and thin-walled tube in which high fluid velocities were created by reducing the tube cross-
sectional area in relation to the process pipe. The tube distortion was measured in reference to a
fixed point or plane. The tubes were excited in such a way that localized high amplitude bending
forces were created at the anchor points, resulting in severe vibration problems; the problems
were alleviated by two-tube designs.
These designs reduced external vibration interference, decreased the power needed to
vibrate the tubes, and minimized the vibrational energy leaving the tube structure. One driver
was used to initiate tube vibration, and two sensors were used to detect the Coriolis deflections.
While this design greatly improved performance, the combination of reduced bore, thin-walled
tubing, and high fluid velocities (up to 50 ft/sec) still resulted in premature meter failure. These
Figure 5-47. Coriolis transmitter.
failures included potentially catastrophic spills when the meter was used on corrosive and
erosive services. In addition, the unrecovered head losses were high (sometimes over 50 PSID),
and accuracy was not high enough to allow users to convert batch processes into continuous
More recent design improvements include the use of multiple drivers, the introduction of
a variety of new tube shapes, including ones that do not split the flow. Improvements in
performance have been made by using thick-walled tubing (five times thicker than early
designs), the use of full bore diameters and heavy manifolds to isolate the tube structure from
stresses induced from piping connections, and flow tube housings that double as secondary
containment vessels.
In some designs, torsional stresses replaced bending, in order to prevent the concentration
of stresses that can lead to tube cracking (Figure 5-48). In other designs, the effects of pipeline
vibration have been minimized by mounting the tube structures transverse to the pipeline.
The above mentioned improvements increased the number of suppliers and contributed to
the development of a new generation of Coriolis meters that are as reliable and rugged as
traditional volumetric flowmeters. The new designs operate at lower fluid velocities (below 10
ft/sec) and at lower pressure drops (under 12 PSID), can be installed in any orientation, and
provide longer service life on slurry, viscous, corrosive, or erosive services. The tubes are
vibrated well below their endurance limits and typically are made of stainless steel, Hastelloy,
and titanium.
5.13.5 Interferences. The effect of the Coriolis force on the vibrating tube is small. Full-scale
flow might cause a deflection of only 0.001 inch. To obtain a flow rangeability of 100:1, sensors
must be able to detect deflections to an accuracy of 0.000001 inch in industrial environments
where the process pressure, temperature, and fluid density are all changing, and where pipe
vibration interferes with measurement.
The elasticity of metal tubes changes with temperature, becoming more elastic as they get
warmer. To eliminate the corresponding measurement error, the tube temperature is
continuously measured by an RTD element and is used to continuously compensate for
variations in tube elasticity.
Coriolis mass flowmeters usually are calibrated on water, because the constants are valid
for all other liquids. Calibration for density is usually done by filling the tubes with two or more
(stagnant) calibration fluids of known densities.
5.13.6 Accuracy and rangeability. Coriolis meters provide 0.1 to 2 percent of rate inaccuracy
over a mass flow range of up to 100:1. In general, curved tube designs provide wider
rangeability (100:1 to 200:1), while straight-tube meters are limited to 30:1 to 50:1 and have
lower accuracy. Overall meter error is the sum of base inaccuracy and zero-shift error, the error
attributable to the irregular output signal generated at zero flow conditions. Zero-shift error
becomes the dominant portion of total error at the lower end of the flow range, where the error is
between 1 and 2 percent of flow rate. Some manufacturers state the overall accuracy as a
percentage of rate for the upper portion of the flow range and as a percentage of span for the
lower portion, while others state it as a percentage of rate plus a zero-shift error. When used for
density measurement, the typical error range of a Coriolis measurement is 0.002 to 0.0005 g/cc.
Errors are caused by air or gas pockets in the process fluid. In the case of
homogeneously dispersed small bubbles, more power is required to vibrate the tubes. However,
if the gas phase separates from the liquid, a damping effect on tube vibration develops and
(consequently) an error develops. Small voids also cause noise because of the sloshing of the
process liquid in the tubes. Larger voids will raise the energy required to vibrate the tubes to
excessive levels and may cause complete failure.
The flow tube is subjected to axial, bending, and torsional forces during meter operation.
If these forces are altered by process or ambient temperature and pressure fluctuations,
performance may be affected and re-zeroing of the meter may be required.
Variations in the density of the process fluid can affect the frequency transfer function of
mechanical systems, necessitating the re-zeroing of older designs to protect them from degraded
performance. Because of their tube configurations, newer designs are unaffected by density
changes over wide ranges of specific gravity variations.
5.13.7 Sizing and pressure drop. Because of the wide rangeability of Coriolis flowmeters (30:1
to as high as 200:1), the same flow can be measured by two or three different sized flow tubes.
Using the smallest possible meter will lower the initial cost and reduce coating build-up, but will
increase erosion/corrosion rates and head loss, resulting in increased pumping and operating
Downsizing (using a meter that is smaller than the pipe) is acceptable when the pipe is
oversized and the process fluid is clean with a low viscosity. Downsizing is not recommended
on corrosive, viscous, or abrasive slurry services. A list of acceptable flow tube sizes and
corresponding pressure drops, inaccuracies, and flow velocities can be obtained from software
provided by the manufacturer.
Different Coriolis meters incur different pressure drops, but in general, they require more
than traditional volumetric meters, which usually operate at less than 10 PSID; the yearly
electricity cost of pumping 1 GPM across a differential of 10 PSID is minimal. This higher head
loss is due to the reduced tubing diameter and the circuitous path of flow. Besides pumping
costs, head loss can be of concern if the meter is installed in a low-pressure system, if there is a
potential for cavitation or flashing, or if the fluid viscosity is very high.
5.13.8 Applications and limitations. Coriolis mass flowmeters can detect the flow of all liquids,
including Newtonian and non-Newtonian, as well as that of moderately dense gases. Self-
draining designs are available for sanitary applications that meet clean-in-place requirements.
Most meters are provided with intrinsically safe circuits between the flow tube and the
transmitter. Therefore, the amount of driving power that can be delivered to the flow tube is
When fluid is unloaded from tank trucks, drums, or railroad cars, slug flow can occur,
making the meter output unpredictable. If a slug-flow recovery feature is provided in the
transmitter, it will stop the measurement when slug flow is detected by the excessive drive power
drawn or by the drop in process density (reduction in sensor output amplitude).
The amount of air in the process fluid that can be tolerated by a meter varies with the
viscosity of the fluid. Liquids with viscosities as high as 300,000 centipoise can be metered with
Coriolis meters. Gas content in such highly viscous liquids can be as high as 20 percent with the
small bubbles still remaining homogeneously dispersed. Gas content in low viscosity fluids, like
milk, will separate at concentrations as low as 1 percent.
Continuous tube designs are generally preferred for slurry and other multi-phase fluid
applications. The total flow is divided by splitters in split-tube designs, and the resulting two
streams do not have to be at exactly the same mass flow rate to maintain accuracy; they do,
however, need to have the same density. Different densities in the two parallel tubes imbalance
the system and create measurement errors. Therefore, if there is a secondary phase in the stream,
a simple flow splitter may not evenly distribute the flow between the two tubes.
Continuous tube designs are also preferred for measuring fluids that can coat and/or clog
the meter. Continuous tubes, if sized to pass the largest solid particles in the process fluid, are
less likely to clog and are easier to clean.
Straight-tube designs can be cleaned by mechanical means, while curved-tube designs are
usually washed out using cleaning solutions at velocities in excess of 10 ft/sec. Straight-tube
designs also are preferred for sanitary applications due to self-draining requirements.
Long, bent tubes twist more easily than short, straight tubes and will generate stronger
signals under the same conditions. In general, curved-tube designs provide wider rangeability
(100:1 to 200:1), while straight-tube meters are limited to 30:1 to 50:1, with lower accuracy.
Straight-tube meters are more immune to pipeline stresses and vibration, are easy to
install, require less pressure drop, can be mechanically cleaned, are more compact, and require
less room for installation. They are also preferred on services where the process fluid can
solidify at ambient temperatures.
Not all meter housings are designed to withstand and contain the pressurized process
fluid in case of tube rupture, particularly if the process fluid is likely to vaporize under such
conditions. If that is the case, secondary containment housings can be ordered that enclose the
entire flow tube, including its housing. Such secondary containment enclosures can be provided
with rupture disks or pressure relief valves, and with drains or vents.
5.13.9 Installation recommendations. There are no Reynolds number limitations associated with
Coriolis meters. They are also insensitive to velocity profile distortion and swirl. Therefore,
there is no requirement for straight runs of relaxation piping upstream or downstream of the
meter to condition the flow.
The meter should be installed so that it will remain full of liquid so that air cannot get
trapped inside the tubes. In sanitary installations, the meter must also drain completely.
Although installations in horizontal lines are also acceptable, the most desirable installation is in
vertical, upward flow pipes. Installations where the flow is downward in a vertical pipe are not
In newer Coriolis designs, normal pipe vibration should not affect the performance of the
Coriolis meter if it is properly supported by the process piping. No special supports or pads are
needed for the flow tube, but standard piping-supports should be located on either side of the
meter. If the installation instructions require special hardware or supports, the particular meter
design is likely to be sensitive to vibration, and the pulsation dampeners, flexible connectors, and
mounting/clamping attachments recommended by the manufacturer should be carefully installed.
Figure 5-49. Coriolis meter installations.
If air bubbles are likely to be present in the process fluid, it is recommended to install an
air release unit upstream of the meter. System design characteristics that can result in the
presence of air (and which can often be eliminated at the design stage) include:
a. Common piping used for pumping into and out of storage tanks
b. Allowing the formation of a vortex in stirred vessels under low-level conditions
c. Allowing air leakage through packing glands of pumps that develop high vacuums on
the suction side (this can occur when pumping from underground storage)
d. Vaporization of stagnant process fluid in pipes exposed to the sun
e. High valve pressure drops causing vaporization and flashing
f. Allowing the pipe to drain for any reason, including lack of check valves
g. Allowing storage tanks, trucks, or railroad cars to drain completely
h. Using the same pipe for pumping different materials at different times
i. Allowing foam formation by high turbulence in high velocity fluids
Figure 5-50. Air eliminator installation.
Prior to zeroing the meter, all air should be removed. This can be accomplished by
circulating the process fluid through the meter for several minutes at a velocity of approximately
2 to 6 ft/sec. On batching or other intermittent flow applications, the meter should stay flooded
so that it does not need to be purged again. All meters should be so installed so they can be
zeroed while filled with liquid.
When zeroing the meter, any associated pumps or other equipment should be running so
that their noise can be zeroed out. This can be achieved in most cases by locating a shut-off
value downstream of the meter and either operating the pump with its discharge blocked; this is
acceptable with centrifugal pumps for a short period or by opening the pump bypass on positive
displacement pumps. Valves used in zeroing the meter should provide tight shut-off; double-
seated valves are preferred.
Meters that are expected to be calibrated in-line must be provided with block and bypass
valves so that the reference standard (master) meter can be installed and disconnected without
interrupting the process. The requirements for in-line calibration for ISO 9000 verification
consist of comparing the output of the meter against a reference standard of higher accuracy,
such as a dead-weight calibrated weigh tank. Before Coriolis meters, the reference standard was
expected to be an order of magnitude more accurate than the meter being calibrated; however,
this rarely happens due to the high accuracy of Coriolis meters.
In less critical installations (where weigh tanks are not used), volumetric provers or
master meters (typically another Coriolis or a turbine meter calibrated at a flow laboratory) are
used. When a volumetric reference is used in calibrating a mass flowmeter, the fluid density
must be very precisely determined.
Control valves should be installed downstream of the meter to increase the back-
pressure on the meter and lower the probability of cavitation or flashing.
When the process fluid must be held at higher temperatures, some Coriolis meters can
be supplied with steam jackets. As an alternative, electrical heating tape can be added to the
housing. Jackets or heating tapes must be installed by the manufacturer.
When flowmetering is not required, the Coriolis meter can be used solely as a
densitometer. In that case, to minimize cost, usually a small (1/2 in.) meter is installed in a by-
pass line. Such a configuration is acceptable only in clean services that will not clog the small
bore of the meter. In addition, a restriction must be placed in the main piping (between the by-
pass taps) to ensure a flow through the meter.
5.13.10 Thermal mass flowmeters. Thermal mass flowmeters also measure the mass flow rate
of gases and liquids directly. Volumetric measurements are affected by all ambient and process
conditions that influence unit volume or indirectly affect pressure drop, while mass flow
measurement is unaffected by changes in viscosity, density, temperature, or pressure.
Thermal flowmeters provide high rangeability (10:1 to 100:1) if they are operated in a
constant-temperature-difference mode. On the other hand, if heat input is constant, the ability to
detect very small temperature differences is limited and so both precision and rangeability are
reduced. At normal flows, measurement errors are usually in the 1 to 2 percent full-scale range.
This meter is available in high pressure and high temperature designs, and in special
materials including glass, Monel®, and Teflon®. Flow-through designs are used to measure
small flows of pure substances (heat capacity is constant if a gas is pure), while bypass and
probe-type designs can detect large flows in ducts, flare stacks, and dryers.
5.13.11 Theory of operation. Thermal mass flowmeters are most often used for the regulation
of low gas flows. They operate either by introducing a known amount of heat into the flowing
stream and measuring an associated temperature change, or by measuring the energy required to
maintain probe at a constant temperature. The components of a basic thermal mass flowmeter
include two temperature sensors and an electric heater between them (Figure 5-51). The heater
can protrude into the fluid stream or can be external to the pipe.
Figure 5-51. Thermal mass flowmeter designs.
In the direct-heat version, a fixed amount of heat (q) is added by an electric heater. As
the process fluid flows through the pipe, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) measure the
temperature rise, while the amount of electric heat introduced is held constant.
The mass flow (m) is calculated based on the measured temperature difference (T2-T1),
the meter coefficient (K), the electric heat rate (q), and the specific heat of the fluid (Cp), as
[C (T
p 2 ]
− T1 )
5.13.12 Heated-tube design. Heated-tube flowmeters were developed to protect the heater and
sensor elements from corrosion and any coating effects of the process. By mounting the sensors
externally to the piping, the sensing elements respond more slowly and the relationship between
mass flow and temperature difference becomes nonlinear. This nonlinearity will result because
the heat introduced is distributed over some portion of the pipe's surface and transferred to the
process fluid at different rates along the length of the pipe.
The pipe wall temperature is highest near the heater (detected as Tw) while, some
distance away, there is no difference between wall and fluid temperature. At the distant location,
therefore, the temperature of the unheated fluid (Tf) can be detected by measuring the wall
temperature. This heat transfer process is non-linear, and the corresponding equation differs
from the one above as follows:
M =
[C (T
p w − Tf )]
This flowmeter has two operating modes. The first mode measures the mass flow by
keeping the electric power input constant and detecting the temperature rise. The second mode
holds the temperature difference constant and measures the amount of electricity needed to
maintain it. This second mode of operation provides a much higher meter rangeability.
Heated-tube designs are generally used for the measurement of clean flows (e.g.,
bottled gases) and homogeneous flows (i.e. no mixtures) at moderate temperature ranges. These
designs are not recommended for applications where either the fluid composition or its moisture
content is variable, because the specific heat (Cp) would change. They are not affected by
changes in pressure or temperature. Advantages include wide rangeability (the ability to
measure very low flows) and ease of maintenance. When using this design the temperature
difference (or heater power), flowmeter geometry, thermal capacity, specific heat, and viscosity
of the process fluid must stay constant.
5.13.13 Bypass-type design. The bypass version of the thermal mass flowmeter was
developed to measure larger flow rates (Figure 5-52). It consists of a thin-walled capillary tube
(approximately 0.125 in diameter) and two externally wound self-heating resistance temperature
detectors (RTDs). Both RTDs heat the tube and measure the resulting temperature rise (“A” in
Figure 5-52). The meter is placed in a bypass around a restriction in the main pipe and is sized
to operate in the laminar flow region over its full operating range.
When there is no flow, the heaters raise the bypass-tube temperature to approximately
160°F above ambient temperature. Under this condition, a symmetrical temperature distribution
exists along the length of the tube. When flow is taking place, the gas molecules carry the heat
downstream and the temperature profile is shifted in the direction of the flow. A Wheatstone
Bridge connected to the sensor terminals converts the electrical signal into a mass flow rate
proportional to the change in temperature.
The small size of the bypass tube makes it possible to minimize electric power
consumption and to increase the speed of response of the measurement. On the other hand,
because of the small size, filters are necessary to prevent plugging. One serious limitation is the
high-pressure drop (up to 45 psi) needed to develop laminar flow. This pressure drop is typically
acceptable only for high-pressure gas applications where the pressure needs to be reduced.
This is a low accuracy (2 percent full scale), low maintenance, and low cost
flowmeter. Electronic packages within the units allow for data acquisition, chart recording, and
computer interfacing. These devices are popular in the semiconductor processing industry.
Modern day units are also available as complete control loops, including a controller and
automatic control valve.
5.13.14 Air velocity probes. Probe-style mass flowmeters (Figure 5-53) are used to measure
airflows and are insensitive to the presence of moderate amounts of dust. They maintain a
temperature differential between two RTDs mounted on the sensor tube. The upper sensor
measures the ambient temperature of the gas and continuously maintains the second RTD (near
the tip of the probe) at 60°F above ambient. The higher the gas velocity, the more current is
required to maintain the temperature differential.
Another version of the velocity probe is the venturi-type thermal mass flowmeter,
which places a heated mass flow sensor at the minimum diameter of a venturi flow element and a
temperature compensation probe downstream (“B” in Figure 5-53). An inlet screen mixes the
flow to make the temperature uniform. This design is used for both gas and liquid measurement
(including slurries), with flow range a function of the size of the venturi. Pressure drop is
relatively low and precision is dependent upon finding the proper probe insertion depth.
A flow switch version is also available that contains two temperature sensors in the tip.
One of the sensors is heated and the temperature difference is a measure of velocity. The switch
can be used to detect high or low flow within 5 percent.
5.13.15 Uses and limitations. Thermal mass flowmeters can have very high rangeability and
reasonable accuracy, but they also have serious limitations. Potential problems include the
condensation of moisture (in saturated gases) on the temperature detector. Such condensation
will cause the thermometer to give low readings and can cause corrosion. Coating and material
build-up on the sensor will also inhibit heat transfer and cause the meter to read low. Additional
potential sources of error include variations in the specific heat caused by changes in the
composition of the gas.
Some common gas-flow applications for thermal mass flowmeters include combustion
air measurement in large boilers, semiconductor process gas measurement, air sampling in
nuclear power plants, process gas measurements in the chemical and petrochemical industries,
research and development applications, gas chromatography, and filter and leak testing. While
hot-wire anemometers are best suited for clean gases at low velocities, venturi meters can also be
considered for some liquid (including slurry) flow applications. Thermal mass flowmeters are
well suited for high rangeability measurements of very low flows, but also can be used in
measuring large flows such as combustion air, natural gas, or the distribution of compressed air.
5.14 References for Chapter 5
aa. "Choices Abound in Flow Measurement", D. Ginesi, Chemical Engineering, April
bb. "Developments in DP Flowmeters," Jesse Yoder, Control, April 1998.
cc. Differential Producers - Orifice, Nozzle, Venturi, ANSI/ASME MFC, December 1983.
dd. Flow Measurement, D.W. Spitzer, Instrument Society of America, 1991.
ee. Flow of Water Through Orifices, AGA/ASME, Ohio State Univ. Bulletin 89, Vol. IV,
No. 3.
ff. Fluid Meters, H.S. Bean , American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1971
gg. Fundamentals of Flow Measurement, J. P. DeCarlo, Instrument Society of America,
hh. "Orifice Metering of Natural Gas", AGA Report 3, 1985.
ii. "Primary Element Solves Difficult Flow Metering Problems at Water Waste Treatment
Plant," D. Ginesi, L. Keefe, and P. Miller, Proceedings of ISA 1989, Instrument
Society of America, 1989.
jj. Flowmeters in Water Supply, Manual M33, AWWA, 1989.
kk. "Turbine Flowmeter Extends Flow Range", E. Piechota, Flow Control, February, 1997.
ll. Water Meters--Selection, Installation, Testing and Maintenance, Manual M6, AWWA,
mm. "An Intelligent Vortex Flowmeter," T. Kamano and others, ISA/92 Proceedings,
Instrument Society of America, 1992.
nn. "Application and Installation Guidelines for Volumetric and Mass Flowmeters," D.
Ginesi and C. Annarummo, ISA Transactions, 1994.
oo. "Clamp-On Leak Detectors Protect Mid-Valley Line," S. Douglas and J. Baumoel,
Pipeline and Gas Journal, April 1993.
pp. "Committee Report: Transit Time Ultrasonic Flowmeters," AWWA Subcommittee on
Ultrasonic Devices, AWWA Journal, July 1997.
qq. "Flow Sensing: The Next Generation," D. Ginesi, Control Engineering, November
rr. Instrument Engineers' Handbook, Bela Liptak, editor, CRC Press, 1995.
ss. “Ultrasonic Clamp-On Flowmeters: Have They Finally Arrived?" P. Espina, Flow
Control, January 1997.
tt. "Air Elimination Techniques for Accurate Liquid Measurement," J. R. Chester,
Mechanical Engineering, February 1983.
uu. Automated Process Control Electronics, John Harrington, Delmar Publishing Inc., 1989.
vv. "Coriolis for the Masses," G. J. Blickley, Control Engineering, June 1995.
ww. "Coriolis Mass Flowmeter is Ready for the Tough Jobs," W. Chin, IandCS, February
xx. "Field Proving Coriolis Mass Flowmeter," R. Harold and C. Strawn, ISA/91
Proceedings, Instrument Society of America, 1991.
yy. Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control, 3rd edition, Norman A.
Anderson, Chilton Co., 1980.
zz. Instruments of Science, Robert Bud and Deborah Jean Warner, Garland Publishing Inc.,
aaa. "Metering Mass Flow," H. van der Bent, Process Engineering, May 1993.
bbb. "On-line Viscosity Measurement with Coriolis Mass Flowmeters," P. Kalotry and D.
Schaffer, ISA/91 Proceedings, Instrument Society of America, 1991.
Process/Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook, 4th edition, Douglas M.
Considine, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
ccc. "Technical Application Guide to Mass Flow Measurement," Wayne Shannon, Magnetrol
International, 1998.
ddd. The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 8th edition, John H.
Zifcak, McGraw-Hill, 1997
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6.1 Introduction.
Determining the structure of a PCM stream depends on the measurements being made.
The piece of information needed to begin building a PCM format is the frequency response of
the individual parameters to be measured, so that the minimum sample rate can be determined.
The goal in creating a PCM format is to maximize the efficiency of the PCM stream by
maintaining the minimum sampling rate for each parameter while keeping the bit rate as low as
possible. The following definitions describe characteristics of the format to make this possible.
These definitions and others are covered in more detail in Chapter 4 of IRIG-106.
6.2 Definitions
a. Minor frame synchronization (sync): This is a fixed digital word with a length of 16 to
33 bits. The bit pattern follows the Barker codes, which are listed in Table C-1 of Appendix C in
The minor frame sync pattern identifies the beginning of a new minor frame (Figure 6-1).
Without it, there would be no way of knowing where a minor frame ended and another one
b. Minor frame. A minor frame is defined as the start of the minor frame sync pattern to the
beginning of the next minor frame sync pattern. Figure 6-2 shows one minor frame.
c. Major frame. A major frame contains the number of minor frames required to include
one sample of every parameter in the format. Figure 6-3 below shows a major frame containing
four minor frames.
Figure 6-3. Major frame.
d. Minor frame length. The minor frame length is defined as the number of words
(including the frame sync pattern) within each minor frame.
Defining the minor frame sync pattern as one or two words can cause confusion in the
length of a minor frame. Instrumentation engineers tend to count the minor frame sync pattern
as two words, so for the example above (Figure 6-3), the minor frame length would equal 8. The
ground station would say there are seven words in the minor frame according to IRIG-106,
Chapter 4. This should be kept in mind when defining the minor frame length.
e. Sub frame identification. The sub frame ID is used to identify the individual minor
frames within a major frame (Figure 6-4).
Figure 6-4. Sub frame identification (SFID).
Usually the sub frame ID is the first word following the minor frame sync word. PCM
systems can sequentially count starting from 0 or 1, but the first minor frame in a major frame is
named the first minor frame. In the example shown above, minor frame 1 has a sub frame
identification (SFID) of 0.
f. Word Position. The first word after the minor frame sync pattern shall be numbered 1.
Each subsequent word is numbered sequentially within the minor frame (Figure 6-5).
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 6-5. Word position.
There can be some confusion on the word position of the minor frame sync pattern.
Instrumentation engineers will give it two word numbers for each of the common word lengths
needed to make up the minor frame sync pattern. The numbering may be the last two word
numbers in the PCM stream, such that the first word that follows is word 1. For example, if you
have 8 words (counting the minor frame sync pattern as two words) per minor frame, the minor
frame sync pattern may be defined to be minor frame word numbers 7 and 8. The ground station
may give it a word number of zero (or none) and say there were seven words per minor frame.
g. Major frame length. The major frame length is defined as the minor frame length
multiplied by the number of minor frames per major frame.
Again, the instrumentation engineer will count the minor frame sync as two words in
making this calculation. In this example, there would be 4 x 8 or 32 words/major frame. The
ground station would say there are 4 x 7 (i.e. 28) words/major frame. For frame synchronization
purposes, a major frame can be fully defined by the frame synchronization pattern, the number of
bits per minor frame, the number of minor frames per major frame, and the minor frame counter
word position and counting sequence.
i. Subframe. A subframe is the column of data words in the same minor frame word
position of each minor frame. In Figure 6-7, subframe 3 has a depth of four minor frames.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Minor Frame Sync 0 A B DATA DATA A
2 Minor Frame Sync 1 A C DATA DATA A
3 Minor Frame Sync 2 A B DATA DATA A
4 Minor Frame Sync 3 A D DATA DATA A
Figure 6-7. Subcommutated words.
Two terms in IRIG-106 are used in describing data word B, which appears twice in the
subframe. TMATS (Chapter 9) uses the term super subcommutation, for words appearing
multiple times within a subframe. Chapter 4 refers to this as supercommutation on a subframe.
k. Bit Rate. The bit rate is the number of bits per second produced from the PCM stream.
There are two classes of PCM formats. A majority of the instrumentation systems uses
Class I PCM formats. For differences between the two classes, refer to IRIG-106, Chapter 4,
section 4.2.1.
When a PCM frame is built, the goal is to make sure that the words are being sampled at
their minimum rate. This depends on the frequency response of the measurement.
Because the instrumentation engineer generates the PCM format, the calculations from
this point on will be done from the instrumentation engineer’s point of view. The assumption
will be made that the minor frame sync pattern is two words and the minor frame sync word
position is the last two words of the minor frame. This assumption makes the calculations easier.
Calculating the parameter sample rate:
The parameter sample rate is determined by the number of time it appears within a major
frame and the bit rate. By using the above calculations, the sample rate of the words presented
earlier (A through D) can be determined.
In our example, if the PCM frame bit rate equals 250K bits/sec, and 12 bits/word, then:
Suppose a project needs to measure the parameters listed below. The minimum sample
rates in samples per second (sps) are determined in order to obtain the desired frequency
response required by the test engineer.
The total number of samples per second required for all the parameters within the major
frame will be the sum of all the sample rates of each type of measurement (calculated below).
Adding all the sample rates yields an aggregate sample rate, which is required to
adequately sample all of the parameters. Taking the lowest sample rate, 100 sps, and dividing it
into the aggregate rate, you get the minimum number of data words needed in your major frame.
The calculation for words per major frame is as follows:
When choosing the number of words/minor frame and the number of minor frames/major
frame, it is advantageous to choose a number that has many integer factors. In other words,
prime numbers like 5 are a poor choice, but numbers like 24, have many integer factors (1, 2, 3,
4, 6, 8, 12, and 24). This will aid in getting a greater selection of sample rates.
If we decide to have 12 minor frames in the major frame, then the number of words in
each minor frame will be calculated as:
(210 words/major frame)/(12 minor frames/major frame) = 17.5 (i.e. ~ 18 words/minor frame)
Note: there are two words for the minor frame synchronization pattern and one more for
the subframe ID counter, bringing the total to 21.
Another three spare words need to be added to make the number of words per minor
frame evenly divisible by several numbers so we can supercommutate evenly. This gives a total
of 24 words/minor frame.
Now that the frame structure is complete, it is time to start placing the words into the
PCM map (see Table 6-1). Remember the assumption that each word in the major frame is
initially sampled at 100 sps. If necessary, increasing the bit rate can increase the base sample
To account for all the words in the frame, the minor frame sync pattern is considered to
be two words and numbered as words 23 and 24. Word numbers 23 and 24 are shown in
parenthesis because they comprise the first word in the minor frame.
Begin with the parameters with the highest sample rate. In this case, the three
accelerometers each need a sample rate of 4800 sps. Since each word in the major frame is
100 sps, it would take 4800/100 = 48 accelerometer words in the major frame to meet the
minimum sampling requirement. This means we must evenly space 48 words within the major
frame. Since we have 12 minor frames/major frame, we can supercommutate this word four
times in the minor frames (Table 6-2).
The parameter with the next highest sample rate is the CVSD digital audio word at 1600
sps. We would need 1600/100 = 16 words in the major frame, or 16/12 = 1.333 (i.e. two minor
frame words). Therefore, the CVSD digital audio would have to be supercommutated twice in
each minor frame (Table 6-3).
The parameters with the next highest sample rate are the pressures at 700 sps. We would
need 700/100 = 7 words in the major frame. Since we can’t evenly space 7 words within the 12
word deep subframe, we will have to place it 12 times in a subframe, which will simply over
sample it at 1200 sps (Table 6-4).
The next highest sample rate are the strains at 140 sps. We would need 140/100 = 1.4 or
2 words in the major frame. We can evenly supercommutate on the subframe (or super
subcommutate) 2 words within a 12 word deep subframe, so each strain measurement will be
spaced 6 minor frames apart and have a sample rate of 2 x 100 sps = 200 sps (Table 6-5).
The remaining parameters are the temperatures with a required sample rate of 100 sps.
We would only need one each of the temperature words in the major frame, which can be placed
once in a subframe (Table 6-6).
Now that the structure of the PCM format is complete, the bit rate needs to calculated.
The same equations as shown earlier will be used, will be worked backwards, using algebra to
get the bit rate.
Depending on the encoding system, there may be limitations on the number of bit rates
available on the encoder. For this example, the next even numbered bit rate greater than 460,800
is 500K bps.
Since the bit rate has been selected to be 500 K bps, the sample rates of the parameters
will need to be changed. The actual sample rates for all the parameters are calculated as:
Now, take each parameter and multiply the major frame rate by how many times it
appears in the major frame.
Other PCM formats, which are identified in the guidelines of IRIG-106, Chapter 4, can
also meet these requirements. The bottom line is that all of the desired sample rate requirements
have been met. By following these steps, the resulting PCM format efficiently utilizes the
lowest choice of available bit rates while providing the minimum sampling rates required.
The instrumentation engineer uses many types of transducers to make many physical
measurements. Examples of these measurements include acceleration, velocity, displacement.
pressure, acoustics, flow, strain, humidity, corrosion, images, video, temperature, heat flux,
position, torque, shaft power, angular rate, time, frequency, and phase angle. Each measurement
may require a different calibration technique. For example, shakers and sound generators can
provide known mechanical inputs to accelerometers and microphones and a voltmeter might
measure the output voltage. Inexpensive transducers may require expensive calibration
techniques and procedures to ensure data validity. This handbook discusses calibration for static
and dynamic measurements. Detailed calibration techniques for different transducer types (e.g.
strain gages, flow sensors, microphones, Resistive Temperature Devices (RTDs) and
thermocouples) are in the signal conditioning section of this handbook.
The purpose of a measurement system is to accurately measure the state of the unit under
test. The transducer converts one form of energy, such as force displacement and acceleration,
to another form such as an electrical signal. The signal conditioner prepares the electrical signal
for input to a data collection device. The transducer usually comes with a transfer characteristic
(e.g. 100mV/g), but the instrumentation engineer needs to know the final calibration through all
components of the signal conditioning system.
The engineer sets up the signal conditioner to receive a known input type and range and
convert the signal to a standard data collection unit. Using information from the manufacturer of
the transducer and signal conditioner, the engineer can calculate an output. However, whenever
possible, the instrumentation engineer should perform an end-to-end calibration. Calibration
involves applying known values to the unit under test under specified conditions and recording
the results to improve the overall accuracy of the measurement system do this. Required data
accuracy determines the need to calibrate. The cost of data acquisition is directly proportional to
the data accuracy.
7.2.1 Transducer calibration. Usually, the transducer manufacturer performs a unit calibration
in their laboratory. The instrumentation engineer should be familiar with the techniques used by
the manufacturer to calibrate individual transducers. Experience recommends that the engineer
perform an in-house calibration on the individual transducer to verify the accuracy of the
manufacturer’s transfer function. If there are deviations from the manufacturer’s transfer
function, the engineer may define a new transfer function for that unit, or in some cases, reset the
device to conform to the original transfer function. Successive calibrations may indicate
upcoming failures. Many engineers stop after performing a transducer calibration. They then
combine the transducer’s transfer function mathematically with the data system signal
conditioner’s transfer functions. This provides a calibration estimate under the assumption that
the engineer precisely knows all the transfer characteristics of the wiring and other signal
conditioning between the transducer and the data storage system. The engineer assumes that all
wiring and signal conditioning will function as designed, but one bad connection invalidates the
data. Relying solely on transducer calibration is too risky for collection of valid data on an
experiment or test.
7.2.2 Data system calibration. For making valid engineering measurements, the most
important consideration is how the transducer operates in the actual test environment with all
signal conditioning attached. Although not always feasible, the transducer should be calibrated
while connected to the same signal conditioning equipment in the laboratory as will be used on
the actual test article. After mounting the transducer on the test article, perform a minimum of a
data system calibration. This can be accomplished by simulating an excitation of the transducer
such as is often accomplished for strain gages by using a shunt calibration resistor to simulate a
change in resistance of the strain gage. In addition, inserting a simulated transducer signal into
the system verifies all signal conditioning transfer function predictions. This calibration
simulates transducer excitation by its physical input. Installation constraints (e.g. the transducer
is inaccessible or glued onto a structure such as a strain gage) often mean that a data system
calibration is the best that an instrumentation engineer can do to ensure acquisition of valid data.
Data system calibration simulates the desired measurand rather than physically stimulating the
transducer’s sensing device.
7.2.3 Physical end-to-end calibration. Physical end-to-end calibration is the best method of
ensuring collection of valid data. As stated in the Institute of Environmental Sciences and
Technology (IEST) recommended practice (RP)”, an end-to-end mechanical calibration means a
full calibration of the instrumentation from the actual physical input to the transducer to the
output where the analog or digital signal will normally be analyzed.” An end-to-end calibration
verifies the measurement system characteristics. Engineers perform these calibrations after
installing the measurement system in the test article. A calibration source stimulates the
transducer. The instrumentation engineer monitors the signal entering the data collection unit to
ensure the calculated value matches the actual system transfer function. It is highly
recommended that an end-to-end calibration be performed before the experiment and after the
experiment is completed but before the instrumentation system is removed. The end-to-end
calibration checks the measurement system (including wiring, connectors, routing, etc) installed
on the test article, so that the engineer can identify and correct many potential problems early
(including phasing and wiring errors).
7.2.4 Calibration concerns. In performing calibrations, concerns include full scale, range,
output signal, linearity, resolution, cross axis sensitivity, thermal zero shifts, thermal sensitivity
shifts, voltage offsets, hysteresis, repeatability, over range, bias errors, recording, record
keeping, test recordings, calibration curves, and calibration reports. An instrumentation engineer
should understand if the transducer manufacturer is presenting specifications as per cent of full
scale or percent of reading. Chapter 1 of IRIG 118-99, Volume 1, defines and addresses many of
these concerns.
The sample calibration procedure format at Table 7-1 can help to obtain accurate, quality
calibrations on each test. Each procedure contains two parts. The first part describes the setup
and provides instructions on how to perform the calibration. The second part consists of a block
diagram of the setup to perform the calibration. Many references discuss acceptable transducer
calibration procedures. Vendor literature often discusses different calibration techniques. Those
who write calibration procedure should work closely with national and international standards
organizations, laboratories, vendors, and manufacturers; the U.S. National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) is an excellent source. The sample procedure format at Table 7-1 may
be modified to meet the measurement needs. The calibration output should normally be a plot or
an equation describing the relation between engineering units and measured output such as
Serial Number
Measurand Type (acceleration, strain, pressure, acoustic, position, etc.)
Transducing Technique (strain gage, capacitive, piezoelectric, piezoresistive. etc.)
Electrical Power Required (+15VDC, 2mA constant current, none, etc.)
Calibration Type (transducer, data system, or end-to-end )
Transducer Full Scale Input Range (± 5 g, ± 100 με, etc.)
Transducer Full Scale Output (± 5 Volts, etc.)
Transducer Calibration Range (± 2 g, etc.)
Frequency Response (resonance, damping, etc.)
Signal Conditioner (specify signal conditioning used)
Input Excitor (shaker, loudspeaker, calibrator type)
Input Amplitude
Input Frequency
Static or Dynamic
Output Recording Method (paper, voltmeter, computer, etc.)
Name of Calibrator
Date of Calibration
Calibration Output
Calibration Instructions A paragraph or two of narrative describing how to
accomplish the evaluation. A block diagram showing the
equipment setup is also helpful.
Static and dynamic are two classifications of calibrations. For this handbook, a static
calibration is a calibration where the physical input does not vary significantly as a function of
time; in other words, the frequency of the physical input is 0Hz. An example of a static
calibration is measurement of the output of an accelerometer excited by a constant instantaneous
value such as +1g. For dynamic calibration, the instantaneous value of the physical input varies
as a function of time; in other words, the frequency content is greater than 0Hz. A example of
dynamic calibration is placement of an accelerometer on a hand held shaker calibrator that
excites the accelerometer at a frequency of 159Hz and amplitude of 1grms. Here the
instantaneous acceleration as a function of time varies as a sinusoidal function and is not
constant as for a static calibration. Static calibrations usually require different techniques than
dynamic calibrations.
Transducers may be designed to measure physical inputs in static, dynamic, or both static
and dynamic mode. Static calibration usually involves applying a sequence of fixed test inputs
to obtain calibration curves of measured output versus measured mechanical inputs as described
in IRIG 118-98. An example of static calibration is to place a load on wings of an aircraft to
calibrate strain gages mounted on the wing. For dynamic calibrations, often a sinusoidal input
(for example a 1kHz sine wave) or random noise input stimulates the transducer. Thus,
calibration time may be shorter; however, these types of signals are difficult to apply to
transducers mounted inside of structures. Some tests require both static and dynamic
measurements of accelerations (vibration), pressure fluctuations (acoustics, boundary flow
turbulence), displacements (strain) and other dynamic motions of flight structures. Instrumentation
engineers need to remember that the goal is to acquire quality and valid data in a timely matter.
7.4.1 Sample static calibration procedures. Examples of measurements that may require static
calibrations include temperatures, flight loads, humidity, and Pitot-static pressure
(see Table 7-2). There are numerous techniques for calibrating devices such as thermocouples
and strain gage bridges using electrical simulation and reference junctions. In the field, a known
input such as a static pressure should be applied. The engineer should understand and refer to
the laboratory and manufacturer’s calibration procedures. Laboratory simulations should be as
realistic as possible. Again, whenever possible, the most desirable calibration is a physical
(mechanical) end-to-end laboratory or field calibration. In addition to the sample procedures,
IRIG 118-03 Chapter 1, contains many other procedures.
A typical calibration plot is shown at Figure 7-1.
7.4.2 Sample dynamic calibration procedures (1Hz to 10kHz). The Handbook for Dynamic
Data Acquisition and Analysis introduces the subject of the calibration of dynamic measurement
systems. The handbook, developed by IEST, provided recommended practice(s) and is
referenced at IEST (2000-IES-RP-DTE012.1 pages 141-152). First, the IEST recommended
practice (RP) discusses electrical calibration procedures including end-to-end electrical
calibration, random signal insertion, sinusoidal signal insertion, pulse signal insertion, and
reconciliation of calibration discrepancies. End-to-end mechanical calibrations include
calibration signal and insertion procedures, random excitation, sinusoidal excitations, step
excitations, and reconciliation of calibration discrepancies. Calibrations can be single frequency,
frequency sweeps, or random noise calibrations. An understanding of manufacturer and
laboratory calibration procedures is essential. When possible, an end-to-end calibration should
be accomplished.
The following sample calibration instructions and information are provided for the
reader’s review.
Transducer Type Accelerometer
Transducing Technique Piezoelectric
Transducer Power Required 2mA Constant Current
Calibration Type Transducer Only
Signal Conditioner
Input Exciter B & K Type 4294 Calibration Exciter
Input Amplitude 10m/sec2 (RMS) +-3% for max load of 70 grams
Input Frequency 159.2Hz
Static or Dynamic Dynamic
Output Recording Method Voltmeter and Paper
Calibration Instructions Mount the transducer on the Type 4294 Bruel and Kjaer
Calibration Exciter. Connect the transducer to required
power and signal conditioner. Turn on the calibrator and
readout the voltage on a voltmeter. Record the
accelerometer S/N and sensitivity on a piece of paper.
Note that the calibrator level is 10m/sec2 , which is
slightly higher than 1grms. Therefore the sensitivity is
Vout x 0.98 to get sensitivity in terms of volts/g. Thus
the calibration equation may be V = 0.01g or g = 100 V.
Figure 7-2. Sample block diagram for transducer calibration.
7.4.3 Sample shock tube calibration technique. Beheim, Ned, Masheeb, Kurtz and Wolff
(ICIASF 2001) show typical response measurements performed in the Wright State University
(WSU) shock tube for a transducer type of calibration. The shock tube generates a step pressure
input which is used to generate a transfer function in the frequency domain as shown in the
magnitude and phase of the transfer function given in Figure 7-3 from their work. Here, the
transfer function shows that the natural frequency of the pressure sensor is 30kHz.
7.4.4 Sample accelerometer frequency response evaluation. A technique to get simultaneous
multiple frequency response evaluations of fifteen accelerometers was presented in reference j at
the end of this chapter. The paper described an end-to-end calibration technique where the final
output was a plot of counts/g versus frequency for each of 15 accelerometers. A typical transfer
function is shown. The technique evaluated accelerometers over a range of 0 to 100Hz. The
paper used excitation of accelerometers on a tabletop shaker with random noise to obtain transfer
functions of the accelerometer output in counts versus a reference input accelerometer. As seen
in Figure 7-4, this calibration contains undesired noise at 60Hz.
Ideally, the instrumentation engineer should look at the transfer function, phase, and
coherence when doing frequency response calibration using this technique.
Peter Stein (Reference e, paragraph 7.8) stresses the need for check channels and
checking procedures in any measurement system. To insure valid data that may be acquired with
great effort and expense, check channels, or checking procedures, are mandatory and cannot be
neglected with the advent of computerized measurement systems. There are numerous tests in
which little or no thought is given to checking whether the recorded data represents the process
of interest and/or one of the environmental factors. Unfortunately, testing can cost millions of
dollars and require hundreds of data channels in hostile environments. Undesired environmental
data may even occupy the same time and frequency scales and create effects even larger than
those of the desired data. Since all transducers respond in all ways in which they can to all
environmental stimuli, every measurement system must prove its data valid beyond doubt.
Whether for the measurement of high-speed transients, pyroshock, explosions, or for steady state
testing such as vibration exciters for modal analysis and observations of operating machinery, or
for simple static testing, diagnostic checks are crucial to data integrity. Check channels occupy
channel capacity and checking procedures take time, but without them there is no way to tell
valid data from “garbage” data. Bad data looks just as believable as good data!
As shown in the signal processing and earlier calibration section, there is a class of
checking procedures where a condition is produced for which a known output is expected. One
example is known as the Shunt-Span-Verification (called Shunt calibration) for resistive
transducers. This section will not discuss earlier procedures, but will discuss the basic principles
and ideas for typical checking procedures.
In differential pressure measurements, the effect of line pressure (common mode
pressure) on the transducer must always be checked. It is possible, by means of pneumatic
switching, to connect both input ports of such transducers to line pressure (reference 7-e). Any
output is now unrelated to differential pressure (since both ports experience the same input). It is
necessary, for dynamic pressures, to make the tubing length to both ports the same. Only
imagination limits the possibilities for these kinds of checks.
7.5.2 Typical check channels. There are two basic types of check channels as follows:
a. Type 1: Those that do not respond to the desired environment, but do to the
undesired ones. Examples of Type 1 include:
b. Type 2: Those, which are not exposed to the desired environment, but are, exposed
to all other environmental factors. Examples of Type 2 include:
1) A strain gage of the same lot-number as the measuring gage is mounted on a
coupon of the same material as the test specimen and in the same direction as the
measuring gage. The coupon is attached to the test specimen in such a manner
that the coupon is not strained (i.e. at one point). It is then in the same
environment as the measuring gage but not under strain; this is also known as a
dummy gage.
2) A pressure transducer mounted in a blind hole but which is vented to atmosphere,
right next to the measuring transducer which goes into the pipe. Both are under
similar environments, but only one is subjected to pressure.
3) An accelerometer suspended from rubber bands, hand-held near each measuring
accelerometer on a specimen on an electromagnetically excited vibration table.
Only the imagination of the Measurement Engineer limits the application of these
principles. Refer to the references for a number of case studies illustrating the usefulness of
check channels.
7.6 Sample Pitot Static Calibration
The calibration process for a Pitot static system consists of supplying a calibrated source
of pressurized air to simulate the dynamic pressure source and a calibrated vacuum source to
simulate the static pressure source at altitude. Test equipment may use calibrated internal
aircraft instruments or more sophisticated test equipment incorporating sensors to drive
electronic displays of pressure or altitude. For example, Barfield ramp test equipment (Figure 7-
5) provides the pressure either externally, or internally using hand operated air pumps. The
operator connects the sources of pressure, or vacuum, to the Pitot inlet (or probe itself) and the
static port. The operator then compares the resulting indications of the aircraft instruments
directly to the calibrated instruments which are part of the ramp test set. Methods have also been
devised to perform calibrations of Pitot probes or static sources by use of simple manometers
(fluid-based pressure meters).
a. After installation, make sure that all tube fittings are tight.
b. Make sure to turn off the heating element of the probe and attach the calibration
fixture to the probe.
c. Verify that there are no leaks in the system.
d. Perform the calibration of the instrumentation system.
7.7 Conclusions
All data experimentally acquired must provide a “yes” answer to the following question:
“Could these data have been acquired by that measurement system without
distortion, contamination and without affecting the process being observed and can you
prove it beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt?”
Check channels and procedures provide one of the means for answering “yes” to the
above question. Another important question is "But where are your check channels?" This
question is often answered by "We don't waste our channel capacity and budget on channels
which record nothing. We only collect real data!" The results of such tests may be good
candidates for the wastebasket. Engineers cannot afford to waste time or budget on data which
have not been validated by check channels or procedures.
7.8 References
a. D0D SD-21, Listing of Specifications and Standards Mandated For Use By Public Law
or Government Regulations
b. MIL-STD-1839, “Standard Practice for Calibration and Measurement Requirements”
c. Army Regulation 750-43, “Army Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment
d. Air Force Instruction 21-113, “Air Force Metrology and Calibration (AFMETCAL)
e. Stein, Peter K., The Unified Approach to the Engineering of Measurement Systems for
Test and Evaluation, 134 pp., 7th revised printing 1995, ISBN#1-881472-00-0.
f. Stein, Peter K., (1999) “Data Insurance”, 19th Transducer Workshop
g. Stein, Peter K. The Response of Transducers to Their Environment: The Problem of
Signal and Noise, Proc. 6th Transducer Workshop, RCC Document 112-70, pp. 91-106,
NASA Langley Research Center, VA, Oct 1969
h. Stein. Peter K., Pyroshock, Impact, Explosions and other High-Speed Transients: Some
thoughts on <TQM> - Total Quality Measurements, Proc. 17th Transducer Workshop,
i. Stein, Peter K., A Unified Approach to Handling of Noise in Measurement Systems,
paper in AGARD, LS-50, Flight Test Instrumentation, W. D. Mace Director, NATO,
Sept. 1972
j. Banaszak, David, “End-to-end Mechanical Calibration of Strain Channels in Dynamic
Health Monitoring Systems”, ESTECH 2001, IEST, Mt. Prospect, IL.
k. IRIG 118-98, Test Methods for Telemetry Systems and Subsystems Volume I Test
Methods for Vehicle Telemetry Ranges, Chapter 1: Calibration/Test Methods for
Transducer-Based Telemetry Systems.
l. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (1990), Handbook for Dynamic
Data Acquisition and Analysis, IES Recommended Practice DTE012.1, Mount Prospect,
m. Beheim, Ned, Masheeb, Kurtz and Wolff (ICIASF 2001 Record pages 240-245-
n. Banaszak, D, (1988), AFWAL-TM-87-195-FIBG, "Frequency Response Evaluations of
Multiple Accelerometers Using a Modal Data Acquisition System", Jan 88.
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8.1 Introduction
As was mentioned in the Introduction (Chapter 1), telemetry is the method of getting
information from one place to another. The information can be from a test vehicle in the air, on
the ground (such as a test course), or stationary in a laboratory.
For this discussion, the telemetry system shall be defined as everything required to
convert baseband data to radio frequency (RF) data and back again at some different location.
This includes modulation of the baseband data (information signal) to an RF carrier,
transmission, acquiring, receiving, and demodulation of the signal back into its original baseband
form. Telemetry system components from the test vehicle side include the information signal,
any required encryption or pre-modulation filtering, a telemetry transmitter, a power splitter if
required, and vehicle antenna(s). Telemetry system components on the receiving side include
reception antenna(s), pre-amps and splitters, telemetry receiver, demodulator, decryptor and bit
synchronizer, if required.
This handbook is not meant to replace the information presented in the three references
listed below. The references cover every aspect of PCM/FM and FQPSK transmission,
reception, and demodulation. The references provide in-depth coverage of definitions,
performance criteria and measurements, and standard telemetry system measurements and
optimization. The detailed information provided therein is considered out of scope of this
A typical Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying (CPFSK), more commonly referred
to as PCM/FM, transmit system is shown in Figure 8-1 below. Figure 8-1 consists of a data
source, pre-mod filter, telemetry transmitter, and transmitting antenna.
Figure 8-1. Typical CPFSK system.
The data source can be anything containing the data required for transmission, including
a PCM encoder, instrumentation system control unit, and laptop computer. The baseband data
signal consists of one’s and zero’s that the PCM encoder uses to encode the captured data. There
are many ways to represent a one or a zero, but the technique most commonly used is
non-return-to-zero, level (NRZ-L) coding (Figure 8-2). In the NRZ-L representation, a bit pulse
remains in one of its two levels for the entire bit interval. Figure 8-2 provides a sample NRZ-L
The baseband data is then filtered, or shaped, to decrease the spectral content of the
baseband waveform. This in turn contains the spectral content of the modulated carrier. Per
RCC Document 119-88, Telemetry Applications Handbook, for NRZ-L data, optimum filtering
for CPFSK can be obtained by using a linear phase low pass filter set at 0.7 x (bit rate) of at least
4-poles, with 6-poles being preferable. After the baseband data is filtered, amplitude of the
waveform becomes a concern because this sets the carrier deviation, which is the amount the
carrier will move from center frequency. Different transmitters will act differently, so
transmitter manufacturer’s specifications normally give this number in Volts/MHz. This number
is called the deviation sensitivity of the transmitter. Again, per RCC Document 119-88, peak
deviation is set to 0.35 x (bit rate) or peak-to-peak deviation of 0.7 x (bit rate). Therefore, for a
1Mbps PCM stream, peak deviation will be 350kHz or peak-to-peak deviation will be 700kHz.
A typical CPFSK waveform is shown in Figure 8-3.
Figure 8-3. 1 Mbps CPFSK waveform.
Usually, the transmitter deviation is set on the transmitter with a potentiometer within the
transmitter. If available, the deviation can also be set by the pre-modulation filter if it has an
amplitude-adjustable output.
One device shown in Figure 8-1 above is an encryption device. This device takes in
baseband data from the data source and outputs ciphered data based upon a key that is loaded for
the mission that day. The device that performs the encryption is approved by the National
Security Agency (NSA) and is packaged in such a way as not to emit or conduct emissions; it
also passes all associated Telecommunications Electronics Material Protected from Emanating
Spurious Transmissions (TEMPEST) tests. These units, or support packages, also provide
filtered power for the telemetry transmitter and (sometimes) the data source.
The CPFSK telemetry transmitter modulates the filtered baseband signal onto an RF
carrier using as shown in Figure 8-4. Figure 8-4 shows the input to the transmitter, m(t), and the
output of the transmitter, x(t). The equation for the output has a varying term, φ (t), which is the
phase. Frequency is the time derivative of the phase and since the phase is proportional to the
integral of m(t) and the carrier frequency is proportional to the baseband signal m(t), the output is
LPF Modulator
NRZ-L x(t )
m(t )
x(t ) = A (2πf t + φ (t ) )
The output signal, S(t) of the modulator can be expressed as the sum of the I and
Q-channels as follows:
S (t ) = S I (t ) cos(2πf 0t ) + SQ (t ) sin(2πf 0t )
A model of a generic FQPSK modulator is shown in Figure 8-6. The diagram illustrates
how a FQPSK modulator might be realized/designed.
The output signal, S(t), of this modulator is expressed the same as the equation stated
above. FQPSK is just a specific case of Shaped Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
(SOQPSK) where the baseband I and Q data paths are shaped, or filtered (Figure 8-6), in order to
contain the transmitted spectrum, much like what the pre-mod filter does for CPFSK. The offset
is also shown in Figure 8-6 as the 1-bit delay.
A modulated FQPSK spectrum is shown in Figure 8-7 below. Notice how much less
spectrum is occupied by the FQPSK waveform when compared to the CPFSK spectrum,
Figure 8-3.
Figure 8-7. 1Mbps FQPSK Waveform.
Although SOQPSK-TG can be generated with the above IQ modulator approach, due to
patent issues inherent with FQPSK, SOQPSK-TG is typically generated utilizing a direct digital
synthesis (DDS) method. A generic DDS SOQPSK transmitter is shown in Figure 8-8.
Notice the waveform is generated directly from the baseband data to some intermediate
frequency by the digital waveform generator. This eliminates any offsets and imbalance
associated with and IQ modulator. Also because of patent issues, T. Hill (reference i at the end
of this chapter) chose to express the entire SOQPSK waveform family uniquely in terms of
impulse excitation of a frequency impulse shaping filter function g(t):
g (t ) = n(t ) w(t )
⎡ A cos πθ 1 (t ) ⎤ ⎡ sin θ 2 (t ) ⎤
n(t ) ≡ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1 − 4θ 1 (t ) ⎦ ⎣ θ 2 (t ) ⎦
θ 1 (t ) =
θ 2 (t ) =
⎧ t
⎪ 1, ≤ T1
⎪ Ts
⎪ ⎡ ⎛ ⎛ t ⎞ ⎞⎤
⎪ ⎢ ⎜π⎜ − T ⎟⎟
1⎟ ⎥
⎪1 ⎢ ⎜ ⎜⎝ Ts ⎠ ⎟⎥ t
w(t) ≡ ⎨ ⎢1 + cos⎜ ⎟⎥ , T1 < ≤ T1 + T2
⎪ ⎢ ⎜ T 2 ⎟⎥ Ts
⎪ ⎢ ⎜ ⎟⎥
⎪ ⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦
⎪ t
⎪ 0, > T1 + T2
⎩ Ts
Parameter ρ β T1 T2
SOQPSK-TG 0.70 1.25 1.5 0.50
These parameters were arrived upon through simulation (Hill, reference paragraph 8.7i)
and testing and found to be a good trade-off between detection efficiency, spectral occupancy,
and interoperability. The waveform is almost identical to the FQPSK waveform in Figure 8-7
with very similar detection efficiency.
Unlike the CPFSK telemetry transmitter, this new generation of telemetry transmitters
requires both baseband data and a synchronous clock. Also, no pre-mod filter is required
because the baseband wave shaping occurs internally to the transmitter. A typical
SOQPSK/FQPSK system can be seen at Figure 8-9.
Figure 8-9. Typical SOQPSK/FQPSK system
The last item on the test vehicle, and quite possibly the most overlooked, is the telemetry
antenna. For aircraft applications, this antenna is normally a dipole antenna in the shape of a
blade. For missile applications, conformal microstrip antennas have been designed and used. It
has also been common practice to install upper and lower fuselage antennas in order to create a
360o sphere of antenna coverage. This attempts to prevent the fuselage from shadowing the
receive antenna from signals sent from the transmit antenna. Unfortunately, this scenario
sometimes causes more problems than it cures due to the co-channel interference introduced by
the second antenna. At the receive station, this interference is indistinguishable from multipath
effect due to the telemetry channel. Great care must be taken when choosing locations for
telemetry antennas in order to avoid co-channel interference and to avoid interference with other
aircraft systems. Normal airborne telemetry frequencies are in the range of 1435-1535MHz and
2200-2400MHz. The lower frequency band is referred to as L-Band while the upper frequency
band is referred to as S-Band. The L-Band frequencies have the potential to interfere with
on-board communication and navigation equipment. One particularly susceptible system is the
Global Positioning System (GPS) installed in most military vehicles. The L1 frequency for GPS
is located at 1575.42MHz, which is located just outside of the L-Band telemetry spectrum.
Numerous programs have interfered with their GPS systems by transmitting L-Band telemetry in
close proximity (in space and frequency) to the GPS antenna. GPS pre-amp saturation, telemetry
transmitter excess noise at L1, and telemetry transmitter spurs are all examples of how a
telemetry signal can cause GPS degradations.
Once the data leaves the test vehicle in the form of a modulated RF carrier through a
telemetry antenna, it will experience anomalies associated with the transmission medium.
Normally, this medium is air. As with any moving test platform, multipath events occur during
the reception of the signal. Most transmission antennas on test vehicles are omni directional,
which means the transmitted signal is sent in all directions. When more than one path, or ray,
makes it into the receive antenna feed, multipath effects occur. Most of the time, there is one
dominant ray received due to the narrow beamwidth of the receive antenna. Larger parabolic
antennas have narrower beamwidths, and narrower beamwidths mean a smaller area in which a
reflected ray can be received). When one or more of these reflected paths, caused by terrain
variations between the test vehicle and receive antenna, are within the beam width of the
antenna, it can either add constructively or destructively to the direct ray. The direct ray is also
known as the line-of-site ray.
Brigham Young University has developed a channel model of the telemetry channel at
Edwards AFB. It was found that a three ray model was able to fit most of the observed
anomalies. The model is composed of three propagation paths; these are a line-of-site path, and
two specular reflections paths. The first specular reflection path is characterized by a relative
amplitude of 70-96 percent to the line-of-site ray with a delay of 10-80ns. The second specular
reflection path has a relative amplitude of 2-8 percent of the line-of-site path with a mean delay
of 155ns with a delay spread of 74ns.
The role of the receiving station is to receive the transmitted signal and to recreate the
original data on the ground. This role includes the following activities:
a. Tracking the test vehicle based on received signal strength (sometimes slaved to radar
b. Receiving the transmitted telemetry (TM) through the antenna feed
c. Amplifying and filtering the received telemetry
d. Sending the TM to a telemetry receiver
e. Applying proper filtering within the receiver
f. Demodulating, either within the receiver or with an external demodulator
g. Creating a data stream with a clock with a bit synchronizer (only for CPFSK), and
decrypting it (if encrypted)
h. Supplying the customer with the original baseband data from the test vehicle
because the optimal AGC time constants are different for tracking and data reception. To
combine these functions and use one receiver for both would be a compromise.
The receiver dedicated to the data stream must be configured for the type of data being
transmitted. Set-up configurations between CPFSK and SOQPSK/FQPSK will differ. For
optimum receiver set-ups and trade-offs in terms of IF and video bandwidths for CPFSK
modulation, refer to the Telemetry Application Handbook. Most telemetry receivers have
built-in FM detectors for CPFSK. The output of this detector is then routed to an external bit
synchronizer. For the demodulation of FQPSK, an external demodulator is required. The
second IF from the receiver (usually 20 or 70MHz) is fed to the demodulator, which produces
data and a synchronous clock. For FQPSK, a bit synchronizer is not required. Out of the
demodulator for FQPSK, or out of the bit synchronizer for CPFSK, is the recovered baseband
data, usually NRZ-L with its associated clock. Ideally, this data is a reconstruction of the
transmitted bit stream. From here, the data is sent to the user(s) through various test range
8.5 Link Analysis
A link analysis is a measure of how well the telemetry link will perform. System gains
and losses are calculated, added together, and the resulting number is called the link budget. For
the telemetry channel, the gains and losses can be grouped together for the transmit system, the
transmission media or channel, and the receive system. A typical equation (Friis equation) for
calculating the received power (Pr)can be expressed as:
Pt Gt Gr
Pr =
L path
Pt is the power measured at the receive antenna
Gt is the gain of the receive antenna
Gr is the gain of the receive antenna
Lpath is the free space path loss.
For the transmit system, effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is calculated. This
takes into account the system losses and gains on the transmit side. A typical equation for EIRP
Pt ∗ Gt
The channel has a loss associated with it. If the media is air, free space path loss is
assumed. The equation for free space path loss is:
⎛ 4πR ⎞
L path = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠
The receive system normally has an amplifier located at the antenna feed. Since the
received signal strength is so low, noise in the receiver system could easily dominate the
received signal strength and render the signal unrecoverable. To characterize the receive system,
a figure-of-merit of G/T is used. For our purposes, it will be referred to Gr /Trsys. For additional
information about receive system G/T calculation refer to the Telemetry RF Systems Handbook.
The result of this work gives us the received power or carrier power. To extend this one
further step, it is also useful to have an idea about carrier to noise ratio at the receiver. To add
this, the received carrier can be divided by kB where k is Boltzmann’s constant and B is the
receiver’s bandwidth (usually the second intermediate frequency bandwidth). Putting this
together, the following equation results:
C ⎛ Pt Gt ⎞⎛ 1 ⎞⎛ Gr ⎞⎛ 1 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
N ⎜⎝ Lt ⎜ ⎟⎜ T ⎟⎜⎝ kB ⎟⎠
⎠⎝ L path ⎠⎝ rsys ⎠
8.6 Eb/No
There is one figure-of-merit test for a telemetry system that deserves some mention. The
ratio Eb/No is frequently used to represent the input signal power required per bit of information
per second in the presence of a given noise power spectral density of No (W/Hz) for a given bit
error rate (BER), Eb/No. Eb is the average signal energy per transmitted bit. No is the noise
spectral density normalized to a one Hz bandwidth. Thus,
Eb = C f
C is the total received power in Watts
fb is the bit rate in Hz
Expressed in decibels,
Eb C
N0 = N0 − 10 log f b
(dB) (dB - Hz) (dB - Hz)
N0 = N B
N is the total noise power measured at the receiver or demodulator input
Be is the receiver effective noise bandwidth.
pass filter with reference power gain gr . The reference gain is taken as the value of power gain
at the center of the receiver IF frequency band. Given gr, actual receiver power gain g(f) is
measured and integrated over a suitable frequency range (f1 , f2 ) to obtain the following:
g ( f )df
Be =
This results in the following familiar equation:
Eb C B
= ∗
N0 N fb
This equation allows the designer a way of checking the system for acceptable
performance. Most system specifications give a value of Eb/No versus a bit error rate. By
calculating the carrier to noise ratio (C/N), the designer knows how much link margin exists in
the telemetry system.
A typical plot of Eb/No versus a bit error rate is shown in Figure 8-12. The values are
typical for a SOQPSK or FQPSK waveform with a well performing receiver in the system.
Eb/No (dB)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
8.7 References for Chapter 8
9.1 Introduction
The purpose of an airborne recording system in the simplest of terms is to store real-time
data on a removable media that can later be used to analyze the test results and to archive the
data for future reference. The reason for recording data onboard an aircraft or test vehicle is that,
in most cases, the onboard recorder is the primary data source that is analyzed after a test
mission. Onboard data recording will also most likely have additional data streams that were
not transmitted to the ground due to telemetry bandwidth limits or other limiting factors. An
onboard recording system will allow test programs (that do not require safety of flight data via
telemetry) to be flown independent of the test range support and to perform test missions at
remote locations. It also allows test mission personnel to collect data where telemetry coverage
is not possible due to schedule conflicts, cost of range support, weather conditions, or the
location of a desired test terrain.
The recording of data can be accomplished using an analog system or a digital system.
This section will be addressing only the digital systems that store data on magnetic tape, solid-
state memory units, and hard disk drives. For those systems or requirements still using FM or
direct analog recording refer to IRIG-106 Chapter 6 for detailed information. Another
informative reference for analog recording is the Magnetic Tape Recording Technical
Fundamentals Handbook by DATATAPE Incorporated (Revised 1986).
Selecting a recording system to meet the needs of a test program for the present and
future is a very important part of completing the onboard instrumentation system.
Considerations for selecting the system must include the record time needed for a mission, the
types of data streams and their bit rates, installation considerations, recorder accessibility,
environmental specifications, compatibility with playback capabilities of data labs and the
overall cost of the system. This section will discuss these selection criteria and information on
recording systems in use today and give the pros and cons of each type.
9.2.1 Longitudinal fixed-head recorder. These systems are identified by fixed record/playback
heads with two 10 to 15 inch tape reels, a supply reel, a take-up reel, and a tape path where the
tape is pulled across the fixed heads in a longitudinal direction or along the length of the tape.
The tape tension across the heads is controlled by various mechanical systems made up of
tension sensors, pinch rollers, capstans, and tape guides. The record/playback heads can have up
to 28 tracks, with each input data recorded onto an individual track. Magnetic tape used on these
systems is generally ½ or 1 inch wide on reels of 4600 to 10,800 feet in length. A built-in
electronics bay contains a direct record amplifier card for each input to condition the signals
prior to being applied to the heads for recording to the tape.
Tape transports pictured in Figure 9-1 are representative of the longitudinal fixed head
a. The capacity to directly record signals of any type that fall within the bandwidth
of the recorder at a given tape speed.
b. Magnetic tape is a cost effective storage medium.
c. Data recorded can be safely archived on the original medium for many years.
d. Magnetic tape recorders can store large volumes of data over several hours.
e. Recorded data is recovered in its native format without an encoder or decoder
during playback.
e. Record time is dependent on tape speed.
f. Bit Error Rate (BER) in the area of 1x10-5 to 1x10-6.
g. Operator needed to manually thread tape through tape path which can create an
opportunity for error and data loss.
h. Tape head life is limited and costly to replace.
i. Obsolescence, new systems and repair parts are limited in the market today.
j. Different data encoding scheme is required which differs from telemetry data
stream encoding.
9.2.2 Transverse scan, rotary, and magnetic tape digital recorders. The most recognizable
characteristic of this group of recording systems is the use of the self-threading ½ inch Digital
Linear Tape (DLT) or 8mm video and Advanced Intelligence Tape (AIT) tape cassettes. There
are various approaches by each vendor of putting data onto the tape. Generally, the system
involves the moving of the tape and record head in a helical motion around a tape drum of some
sorts. These recording systems condition the data streams to a digital format prior to recording
to tape; this is accomplished by using external or internal interface modules to encode/multiplex
the data to multi-stream file formats shown at IRIG-106 Chapter 6, IRIG-106 Chapter 10, or
other vendor proprietary formats. Photos of four different transverse recorders can be seen in
Figure 9-2.
9.2.3 Solid-state memory recorders. Unlike the reel-to-reel recorder, the Solid State Memory
Recorder has no reels, no tape, and no moving parts to wear out and limit lifetime. Photos of
three different recorders can be seen at Figure 9-3. In place of the magnetic tape, the recording
system uses a removable module to digitally store data in computer-like memory chips. It is an
extremely flexible architecture designed with both data rate and memory-depth growth
capabilities. It is similar to the digital recorders in that it records the same types of data and
requires external or internal interface modules to encode/multiplex the data to a multi-stream file
format before recording to the memory module. The data in the memory module needs to be
downloaded to another media before it can be used again. Sometimes the memory module data
is downloaded to a digital magnetic tape for archiving but this does not have to occur. For
example, the data can be off loaded to a Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) type
system utilizing a different solid-state memory for archiving.
a. Temporary storage device; data needs to be downloaded onto another media for
b. Relatively high cost of memory compared to tape and disk media when considering
large capacity (100GByte) applications, particularly when a number of cartridges are
c. Requires additional encoding/multiplexer systems to format data prior to recording to
d. Declassification may require significant coordination and approval signatures to
satisfy security procedures.
9.2.4 Mechanical hard disk drive. These recording systems use high-end computer peripheral
hard drives that have been made ruggedized to improve the environmental specifications by
hermetically sealing the disk drive in a shock-isolated package (Figure 9-4). There are different
ways in which the hard drives can be used. An individual disk drive may be used, or when
greater storage capacities are required, multiple disks may be required. There are two multiple
disk systems to choose from; these are the Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) and
Just a Bunch Of Disks (JBOD). The difference is in the way data are written to the disk. The
RAID system converts the data input to a conventional computer file then writes the file to an
array of disks. A JBOD system simply writes the digital bit stream across all of the available
disk in a continuous fashion to obtain the maximum possible speed. Both RAID and JBOD
systems will support data rates as high as 1Gbps and the storage capacity is determined by the
number of disks stacked together. Recording systems in this class may have the option of using
a drop in solid-state hard disk drive to expand its capabilities.
Heim D5000 Series General Dynamics RMS 1072 Ampex DDRS 400 (disk opt.)
a. Moving parts.
b. Temporary storage, data needs to be downloaded onto another medium for archiving.
c. Installation orientation axis of disk drive may need consideration.
d. No read-while-write capability is possible for monitoring or processing data during
the recording process.
e. Needs to be ruggedized to overcome environmental shortcomings of temperature,
altitude, and low tolerance for shock and vibration.
f. Declassifying units require destroying units.
9.2.5 Solid-state disk drives. Solid state disk drives are recording systems using non-volatile
memory that come in the 2.5 inch and 3.5 inch hard disk drive standard form factors and in
removable Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) memory
cards. Recording capacities range from 64 MBytes for the PCMCIA cards up to 155 GBytes for
the 3.5 inch form factor. These systems use a disk emulation technology and are a drop in
replacement for the individual mechanical Integrated Drive Electronics/ Advanced Technology
Attachment (IDE/ATA), Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), and Ultra Wide SCSI hard
drives. Figure 9-5 provides examples of some systems using solid-state disk drives.
Many of the advantages of the mechanical hard disk drive are shared by the Solid-State
Disk drives. However, there are some differences shown at Table 9-1 that may be important
when selecting one system over the other.
The data types from the instrumentation system and the aircraft systems will vary but the
typical inputs to the recording system will be PCM data streams, analog signals, IRIG time code,
MIL-STD-1553 data bus, ARINC-429, and video streams. The data rates will vary greatly
between low-frequency analog data, medium-speed PCM, high-speed packetized digital
messages and very-high speed (gigabit) protocols. The data types mentioned here were
described in some detail in the previous chapters as to signal format and how they are generated.
Described below are the bit rates you can expect to encounter for the more common types of data
9.3.1 Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) data. The PCM data rate is a function of the
encoding/multiplexer system being used. Class I PCM formats (IRIG-106 Chapter 4) will have
a maximum output data rate of 10 Mbps. PCM systems in use today are recording PCM rates
that are commonly in the 1 to 5Mbps range. Common Airborne Instrumentation System (CAIS)
compliant units have PCM data rates from 125 Kbps to 16 Mbps per stream outputs. Newer test
programs are planning PCM bit rates up to 80 Mbps by additional multiplexing stages where
four of the 5 Mbps PCM streams are combined together to generate a 20 Mbps PCM stream and
then four of the 20 Mbps streams are multiplexed to the 80Mbps PCM.
Bit rates of Class II PCM formats (IRIG-106, Chapter 4) and non-standard PCM data
streams may cover a wide band of data rates and must be addressed per their advertised bit rates.
9.3.4 Analog data. The analog data bit rate will depend on the analog to digital (A/D)
encoding sample rate and the information contained in the input signal frequency. Raw sampled
cockpit voice, acoustical, and vibration data are some examples of these types of data.
9.3.5 IRIG time code. Timing information is often recorded with the data to synchronize the
data with events and other data sources. The RCC time codes (commonly called IRIG time) are
typically used as input to data recorders. The IRIG time code aggregate bit rate will depend on
the encoding format used in the front-end of the recording system. The frequency of IRIG-A is
10kHz, of IRIG-B is 1kHz, and of IRIG-G is 100kHz. When the analog signal is encoded into a
digital word, the word length and overhead bits of the encoding system need to be included into
the total bit rate calculation.
As an example, the MARS II encoding system, a 32-bit word length is used and
aggregate bit rates are calculated as:
IRIG time coded into IRIG-106 Chapter 10 uses a 2880 bit/sec packet for IRIG-A, a
288 bit /sec for IRIG-B and a 28.8K bit/sec for IRIG-G. These rates need to be considered when
calculating the total bit rate/data capacity requirements for your recording system.
9.3.6 Video. Various video sources that may need recording, include gun, missile, IR, and
weapons separation. The most common types of video formats are National Television
Standards Committee (NTSC), Phase Alternation by Line (PAL), Système Electronique Couleur
Avec Mémoire (SECAM), RS170, RS343, and S-Video with bandwidth ranging from
approximately 2.4 MHz to 8 MHz. Video is typically recorded to digital media using digital
compression algorithms Moving Picture Experts Group, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4. IRIG-106
Chapter 10 coding of a NTSC video stream at 6MHz yields an approximate aggregate bit rate of
1.5Mbps of MPEG-2 video. A two hour video recording would require around 1.4GB of
9.3.7 Fibre channel. Fibre Channel uses serial interfaces operating at symbol rates from
133Mpps up to 4.25Gbps. The data protocol is determined by the data being transmitted and is
used to move data from one high-speed device to another.
9.3.8 FireWire (IEEE-1394B). Also known as FireWire, the IEEE-1394B standard is a high-
speed serial interface for PC’s. Traditionally the primary application for this interface has been
downloading data from devices such as memory modules. IEEE-1394B operates over CAT-5
twisted pair cable up to 100Mbps and over optical fiber from 200Mbps to 3.6Gbps. Data rates
up to 1.6Gbps are supported over shielded twisted pair cable over distances up to 4.5m.
Multi-stream file formats are used to record the above data streams that are combined and
then sent to a digital medium. Many different vendor proprietary encoding and multiplexing
schemes exist for recording multiple asynchronous input signals onto a digital tape or other
storage media. Each scheme will accomplish the recording in its own unique way with
satisfactory results, but each will require a system with the native knowledge of the recording
method to extract the data results. IRIG-106 Chapter 6 and Chapter 10 provide the standards for
methods to record data to the storage media. Formats detailed in the IRIG-106 standard include
Asynchronous Recorder Multiplexer Output Re-constructor (ARMOR), Analog Digital
Adaptable Recorder Input/Output (ADARIO), and IRIG-106 Chapter 10. The formats more
widely used today are ARMOR and those at IRIG-106 Chapter 10. They are discussed below.
9.4.1 ARMOR. The ARMOR data format is an encoding scheme that is used to multiplex
multiple asynchronous telemetry data channels into a single composite channel for digital
recording, transmission, and subsequent demultiplexing into the original native channels
(Figure 9-6). Virtually any combination of PCM, analog, digital parallel and IRIG time-code
signals may be multiplexed into a single PCM data stream with aggregate data rates from 128
Mbps and higher depending on the vendor and system. Figure 9-6 shows a simplified block
diagram of a system using the ARMOR format to record and playback data. This block diagram
could also represent the system of vendor proprietary encoding and multiplexing formats.
Figure 9-6. ARMOR block diagram.
9.4.2 IRIG-106 Chapter 10. The Chapter 10 recording format is the latest IRIG standard
approved for digital recording. Bit rates associated with this format are dependent on the mix of
input data types and their respective bit rates; this dependency exists since each data type is
encoded into a data packet with a different number of overhead bits.
The data is recorded to the storage media in a packet format and is retained in the packet
format for data analysis and archiving. It is not converted to its native form (as was done in
ARMOR) or other proprietary encoding and multiplexing schemes. Data is decoded by a
common set of playback/data reduction software, but the packet is left intact for future use and
archiving. Figure 9-7 depicts a simplified block diagram of how IRIG-106 Chapter 10 data is
recorded and played back.
The IRIG-106 Chapter 10 standardizes the unique proprietary data structures into a
format for encoding and decoding test data on recording media other than magnetic tape (see
Figure 9-8 below). The standard addresses a broad range of requirements associated with digital
data acquisition including the following:
The types of data this standard covers are synchronous and asynchronous digital inputs
such as PCM, MIL-STD-1553, time, analog, video, ARINC 429, discrete signals, and
RS232/422 communication data. Under this standard, a common software package will allow
playback and data reduction from this new random access recording media.
A common interface standard has been established for the solid-state digital recording
systems to accomplish the requirements of this standard. They are as follows:
a. Data download and electrical interface, which is the physical interface for data
Access (defined in IRIG-106 Section 10.4)
b. Interface file structure, which defines the data access structure (defined in IRIG-106,
Section 10.5)
c. Data format definition, which defines data types and packetization requirements
(defined in IRIG-106, Section 10.6)
d. Solid-state recorder control and status, which defines command and control
mnemonics, status, and their interfaces (defined in IRIG-106 Section 10.7)
Figure 9-8. Functional layout of standard.
The record time needed for a test will be the total time during the test that data recording
is required. This may be a continuous block of time or segments within the test. Normally, if
the test is too long for continuous recording, the recorder is turned off and on (for example by a
Test Pilot or onboard Flight Test Engineer) at each test point.
Record time of the longitudinal fixed-head recorder is dependent on the size of tape reels
and selected tape speed needed to record the desired bandwidth. Shown in Table 9-2 are some
typical one-inch tape reel sizes and the record time in hours.
In selecting a digital recording system with enough capacity to store mission data, you
will need to know the required record time and the composite bit rate of the input stream. The
composite bit rate is the aggregate bit rate of the data streams to be recorded plus any overhead
bits the system adds during the formatting process. Overhead bits are any bits other than user
information bits. The amount of overhead bits will depend on the type of encoder/multiplexing
format being used and is information that should be available from the vendors you are
considering. Typical overhead percentages for IRIG acceptable formats are as follows:
With required record time and the composite bit rate known, you can calculate the
amount of storage media you will need. The following example shows how to calculate the
storage capacity needed for typical airborne data system for a 3-hour flight.
Using storage capacity = composite bit rate multiplied by the required time yields:
The above calculation can be simplified by using the constant of 0.45Gbytes needed to
store 1Mbps for 1 hour. To calculate the same system above you could use the formula:
C = 0.45 GBytes
B= (Composite bit rate in Mbps)
T= (time in hours)
Presented in Table 9-3 is a comparison of a few systems on the market today. The list
provides the minimum record time in hours based on the advertised storage capacity and the
maximum data rates. There are many other systems and vendor combinations available to meet
your requirements, Table 9-3 is just a sampling of currently available technologies.
9.6 Conclusion
The intent of this section was to provide the reader with some general information about
recorders and to introduce you to questions that need to be asked and answered before selecting a
recording system. Some questions that will need to be answered are:
The answers to the above questions will change over time as will the systems available to
fulfill your test requirement.
The recording and recorder systems are continuously changing to meet ever increasing
quantities of data generated by high performance test platforms and the need to process these
data at even higher bit rates will be required. With the solid-state devices becoming the storage
media of choice, these changes are coming even faster. In selecting a recording system the
Instrumentation engineer will be faced with an array of possible solutions, each with its
advantages, disadvantages, cost, and technical risk.
9.7 References for Chapter 9
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10.1 Introduction
As with any system design, knowing the common pitfalls to avoid helps the designer and
the customer as well. This chapter is intended to give the reader a source of items to consider
when putting together an instrumentation system.
Typical Piezoelectric
Piezoelectric Element
Accelerometer Mass Case
Base Microdot
Two other important variations of the PE accelerometer are the high temperature
accelerometer and the Integrated Electronics accelerometer. High temperature accelerometers
are generally similar to standard PE accelerometers, but the materials and construction
techniques are changed to ones that can tolerate much higher temperatures, up to 1400o F for
some models. Integrated Electronics Piezoelectric (IEPE) accelerometers are the same as
standard PE accelerometers except they have an integrated circuit style amplifier added. Adding
this amplifier gives the accelerometer a low impedance, high level output. The advantage of this
is that ordinary hook-up wire can be used instead of low noise coax cable. The disadvantage is
that the accelerometer costs more and it can’t be used at higher temperatures.
10.2.2 Signal conditioning. One of the advantages of PE accelerometers is that they are self-
generating, that is, the motions they are subjected to cause them to generate an output signal.
The disadvantage being the output has very low electrical energy. Additionally, PE
accelerometers have a very high output impedance (mainly capacitive). Therefore, PE
accelerometers have special requirements for their signal conditioning. Using an ordinary high
input impedance voltage amplifier tends to not give very good results. The reason for this is that
the capacitance of the accelerometer, the capacitance of the cable, and the input resistance of the
signal conditioning amplifier combine to form an RC network with a short time constant. This
acts in the same manner as a high pass filter, blocking the signal below 10 Hz. Even worse, any
contamination of the cable or connections with moisture or oil has the same effect as reducing
the amplifier input resistance, further degrading the low frequency response. Yet, another
difficulty is that if the cable length is changed, the total capacitance is also changed, which
causes the circuit response to change yet again. The result is that the accelerometer, cable, and
amplifier must all be calibrated together, and recalibrated if anything is changed.
Charge Amplifier
PE Accelerometer Charge Converter Voltage Amplifier
Charge Integrating
Generator Cable
Source Cable
Capacitance Capacitance
V out
Signal conditioning for IEPE accelerometers is done quite differently. Because this type
of accelerometer contains a built-in amplifier, it requires an external power source. Usually the
external excitation is a constant current power supply. A common arrangement is for the
excitation and signal to share a single coax cable. The excitation supply contains a blocking
capacitor, which filters out the DC excitation, but passes the AC signal on to the data acquisition
system. The constant current can be provided by a voltage supply through a constant current
10.2.3 Selection. In order to make use of any transducer it is necessary to determine the
electrical output versus the mechanical input it experiences. The process of determining this is
called calibration. Calibrations are performed to determine the sensitivity and frequency
response of a unit, and to ensure it is operating properly, and has not sustained any internal
damage from previous use. Refer to the Calibration section for more information.
a. Sensitivity: How many picocoulombs/g? If the g levels are expected to be low then high
sensitivity is needed, and vice-versa
b. Frequency response: The accelerometer must have a frequency response which covers
the desired range of frequency
c. Temperature range: The temperature where the accelerometer will be installed should be
d. Weight: If the measurements are to be made on a particularly small or light structure, the
unit selected must also be small and light so as not to change the response of the
10.2.4 Mounting. Once the accelerometer has been chosen and calibrated, it can be installed on
the structure to be tested. There are several methods for mounting an accelerometer. Sometimes
for a quick test, only a temporary mounting is needed. In this event, the accelerometer might be
attached using double-sided tape, a magnetic mount, or some other simple attaching method.
While quick and convenient, these methods may not be valid at high amplitude vibrations and
they degrade the response at high frequencies.
The more desirable method is to make mounting brackets or blocks, which attach to the
accelerometer with screws and are themselves screwed to the structure under test. This type of
mount is the most durable, safest (least likely to fall off) and causes the smallest distortions in
the signal from the accelerometer. However, great care should be taken in the design of the
mounting brackets. The best sort of bracket would be rigid, lightweight, and the mating surfaces
smooth so that the base of the accelerometer sits completely flush to the structure under test.
Particular attention must be paid to the bracket’s weight, since if the structure is itself very light,
the vibration measured can be greatly affected.
Sometimes the spot on the structure where the accelerometer is to be mounted has no
fasteners for a bracket to be secured. In this case, the bracket can be made with a flat bottom
with grooves cut in it, then epoxy is used to attach it to the surface. If this is done, the bracket
should also be tethered to the structure with a steel cable. This way if the epoxy doesn’t hold,
the bracket and accelerometer will not fall into any nearby mechanisms.
Regardless of the final form of the mounting bracket, the accelerometer will be secured to
it by screws or a stud of some type. The data sheet for the accelerometer should be consulted to
determine the proper hardware to be used with that model. The data sheet will also specify the
torque to be applied to the fastener. Using a torque wrench to tighten the fastener to the correct
torque is an important step because applying too much torque can distort the accelerometer’s
case causing an error in the output signal. The recommended torques are generally not very high
thus making it easy to incorrectly torque the fastener.
10.2.5 Cabling. Another important aspect of the installation process is the cable used to connect
the accelerometer to the charge amp. Electrical wiring is often not given a lot of attention
because wire seems like such a simple thing, but when working with PE accelerometers, the
cable must be dealt with as carefully as any other item. The reason for this goes back to the
details of how a PE accelerometer works. Since a PE accelerometer outputs such a low signal
level, it is vulnerable to picking up noise from any nearby electrical equipment. Further, the
cable itself can generate noise internally. Because of the low signal output, a coaxial type cable
is normally used. When the cable is subjected to vibration, small areas between the shield and
the dielectric can separate, producing an electric charge. This is called the triboelectric effect,
and it degrades the output signal with added noise. To cope with these problems, special low-
noise coaxial cable has been developed for use with PE accelerometers. It is sometimes referred
to as Microdot cable. This type of cable has a conductive coating applied to the surface of the
dielectric. This prevents build-ups of charge at any shield separations. Noise due to the
triboelectric effect is greatly reduced.
Besides the noise treatment, this type of cable is built thin, flexible and light so as not to
affect the behavior of lightweight structures. Unfortunately, by being made so small and light
this cable and its connectors are relatively fragile, and must be handled with great care to avoid
failures. It must not be tugged on, squeezed, kinked, etc. When installed on the test structure it
must be well supported to avoid excessive flexing. The end of the cable should be tied down 2
to 3 inches from the accelerometer, but with a slight loop to provide strain relief to the
connector. PE transducer cabling may be the most overlooked and least understood potential
problem when utilizing PE transducers in an instrumentation system.
When referring to modem transmission the terms baud rate and bite per second are
sometimes used to describe the speed of the channel. The term baud rate is sometimes used in
low speed communication channels (usually a modem). Sometimes bits per second (bps) and
baud rate (bytes per second) are incorrectly understood to have the same meaning. The root of
the problem is the fact that as communication channels have gotten faster and other methods
such as broadband are now being used they usually use bits per second as an indication of the
speed of the channel. The fact that the terms "baud" and "bits per second" are used
interchangeably and indiscriminately and the fact that they are not necessarily the same, causes
10.3.1 Bits per second (bps). Bits per second are a measure of the number of data bits (digital
0's and 1's) transmitted each second in a communications channel. This is sometimes referred to
as "bit rate." Individual characters (letters, numbers, etc.), also referred to as bytes, are
composed of several bits. While a modem's bit rate is tied to its baud rate, the two are not the
same, as explained below.
10.3.2 Baud rate. Baud rate is a measure of the number of times per second a signal in a
communications channel varies, or makes a transition between states (states being frequencies,
voltage levels, or phase angles). One baud is one such change. Thus, a 300 baud modem's
signal changes state 300 times each second, while a 600 baud modem's signal changes state 600
times per second. This does not necessarily mean that a 300-baud and a 600-baud modem
transmit 300 and 600 bits per second.
10.3.3 Determining bits per second. Depending on the modulation technique used, a modem
can transmit one bit, more than one bit or less than one bit with each baud, or change in state. To
put it another way, one change of state can transmit one bit or more or less than one bit. As
mentioned earlier, the number of bits a modem transmits per second is directly related to the
number of bauds that occur each second, but the numbers are not necessarily the same. To
illustrate this, first consider a modem with a baud rate of 300, using a transmission technique
called FSK (Frequency Shift Keying, in which four different frequencies are turned on and off to
represent digital 0 and 1 signals from both modems). When FSK is used, each baud (change in
state) transmits one bit; only one change in state is required to send a bit. Thus, the modem's bps
rate is also 300: 300 bauds per second X 1 bit per baud = 300bps. Similarly, if a modem
operating at 1200 baud were to use one change in state to send each bit, that modem's bps rate
would be 1200. Now, consider a hypothetical 300-baud modem using a modulation technique
that requires two changes in state to send one bit, which can also be viewed as 1/2 bit per baud.
Such a modem's bps rate would be 150bps: 300 bauds per second X 1/2 baud per bit = 150bps.
To look at it another way, bits per second can also be obtained by dividing the modem's baud
rate by the number of changes in state, or bauds, required to send one bit:
= 150bps
2bauds / bit
In the modem industry, medium- and high-speed modems use baud rates that are lower
than their bps rates. Along with this, they use multiple-state modulation to send more than one
bit per baud. For example, 1200 bps modems that conform to the Bell 212A standard (which
includes most 1200 bps modems used in the U.S.) operate at 300 baud and use a modulation
technique called phase modulation that transmits four bits per baud. Such modems are capable
of 1200 bps operation, but not 2400 bps because they are not 1200 baud modems; they use a
baud rate of 300. Therefore,
Similarly, 2400bps modems that conform to the CCITT V.22 recommendation actually
use a baud rate of 600 when they operate at 2400bps. However, they also use a modulation
technique that transmits four bits per baud:
Thus, a 1200 bps modem is not a 1200 baud modem, nor is a 2400 bps modem a 2400
baud modem.
Now let's look at 9600 bps modems. Most of these operate at 2400 baud, but (again) use
a modulation technique that yields four bits per baud. Thus:
Each frame starts with two consecutive position markers, used as a frame reference
marker ("R"). Furthermore, a frame is divided into 10 "sets" of 10 elements each. Each "set"
contains 2 BCD-coded numbers (4-bit decimal), separated from each other by a "0" and
terminated by a position marker as the 10th element. The sets contain the time of year
and status bits in the following order:
seconds (0...59),
minutes (0...59),
hours (0...23),
days (0...99),
days*100 (0...3).
status word:
A typical frame looks like the one in Figure 10-4. IRIG B uses a 100 Pulse per Second
(PPS) format, which is a 1-millisecond resolution, and a 1 KHz modulated wave. For
specifications on the other formats, see RCC Document 200-04, “IRIG Serial Time Code
10.4.2 GPS and IRIG-B. It is common to have a GPS receiver on test vehicles and to use the
GPS to synchronize the GPS time to the IRIG-B time. Synchronizing is done to reference the
IRIG-B to a standard (GPS time) so that the timing on the instrumentation is known on the
ground during flight and in post flight analysis. It is important to note that GPS time is normally
not used to correlate the relative time between test vehicles. The GPS referenced IRIG B to use
as a stand-alone time reference and is updated at the rate of the GPS receiver. The GPS receiver
timing is not currently used for timing because the accuracy and resolution are not high enough
for data acquisition.
Pitot static systems (see Signal Sources, Chapter 3) require precise installation techniques
in order to assure measurement accuracy. What follows is a quick description of current
installation practices.
Typical Pitot and static installations are depicted in Figure 10-5, Figure 10-6, and Figure
10-7. Probes are installed in the fluid stream with the impact hole facing upstream, the head
parallel to the flow direction and the stem perpendicular. Types PA and PB are well suited to
mounting on thin-walled ducts where the probe is to be inserted from the outside. Types PC and
PD are designed with removable pressure take-offs. This allows for installation from within the
duct where it is not practical to make an insertion hole diameter equal to the length of the probe
tip. Figure 10-8 shows a diagram of a thin wall installation and Figure 10-9 shows a diagram of
a thick wall installation. Figure 10-10 shows a correlation between probe diameter and
minimum wall insertion dimensions for a probe with fixed take-offs.
Figure 10-5. Typical Pitot tube installation, underside fuselage w/o integral static port.
Figure 10-6. Typical Pitot tube installation, underside wing w/o integral static port.
The connection into the MIL-STD-1553 bus is detailed in the standard itself. This
section is meant to supplement what is in the standard.
10.6.1 Existing busses. In some test vehicles, spare production stubs are sometimes located
along the bus run in the vehicle. For this scenario use the following procedure:
a. If your instrumentation system is located less than 20 ft away, simply connect your
1553 bus cables from the stub to the instrumentation system bus monitor.
b. If your instrumentation system is longer than 20ft away, find the end of the bus,
extend the production bus nearer to the instrumentation system and provide a stub
from there.
Sometimes the only way to pick-up the 1553 bus is to tap off a production connector.
For this scenario, use the following procedure:
a. Remove the production connector and insert a jumper cable that passes the
production 1553 bus signals, and taps off the 1553 bus signals to be sent to the
instrumentation system bus monitor.
b. If your instrumentation system is located less than 20 ft but greater than 1ft from the
pick-up point, simply connect the 1553 bus signals from the jumper cable to an
instrumentation bus coupler and run the output of the bus coupler to instrumentation
system bus monitor.
c. If your instrumentation system is located less than 1ft from the pick-up point, simply
connect the 1553 bus signals from the jumper cable directly to the instrumentation
system bus monitor.
10.6.2 1553 Bus couplers. 1553A and 1553B bus couplers can be purchased as a COTS item or
custom built using Table 10-1.
10.6.3 1553 cable information. The 1553 cable information for bus wiring is at Table 10-2.
10.6.4 Typical design questions. Questions and information regarding hardware and
physical connections and programming are outlined below.
a. Hardware/physical connections.
1) Parameter Name
2) Sample Rate
3) Remote Terminal #
4) Parameter Source (Data Computer, Mission Computer, etc.). The Source can
prove to be very important for the engineers interpreting data. Some parameters
have the same name but they are different depending on the source (RT).
5) Sub Address # (Also known as Message)
6) Is the Command Word a Transmit or Receive command?
7) Word Count: How many data words in the Subaddress?
8) Word #
9) MSB value – The Engineering unit’s value of the MSB. For Example: Angle of
Attack, MSB = 180 Degrees
10) Bit Breakout for Discrete Words. For Example: the parameter Weight Off
Wheels is true when bit # 5 = 1
11) Where do I get specific 1553 information for my test platform? For example, the
Remote Terminal (RT) Interface Control Document (ICD); a listing of the 1553
parameters used on the GPS will be in I/O section of the GPS ICD.
Note: The Operational Flight Program (OFP) and Aircraft Operational Program
(AOP) are the preferred sources of parameter information because they take the
entire 1553 system of the aircraft into account and are updated regularly.
Obtaining a current version of each RT’s ICD can prove to be very difficult.
12) What data is required to be telemetered?
13) What data is required to be recorded?
14) Should I record and telemeter all the 1553 traffic on the bus or only the
parameters of interest? The answer to this question will result in evaluating trade-
offs that make the most sense for your particular application. Refer to IRIG-106,
Chapter 4 and Chapter 8 to examine choices for PCM setup.
1) Ensure all physical connections between the aircraft 1553 bus and the
instrumentation system are properly connected.
2) Determine what production equipment in the aircraft must be energized or
activated to exercise data on the parameter of interest.
3) Once you appear to be getting data on the 1553 bus, pick a parameter that has a
known value for a sanity check. Example: The heading indicator in the cockpit
should match the converted 16 bit data from the parameter of interest on the
instrumentation system.
4) Verify that 1553 data is updating for all parameters of interest.
As part of the recording system selection process, there are several issues to be
considered, including installation, cost, security, and archiving.
10.7.1 Installation considerations. Installation issues that need to be considered. They include
such things as: space, location, accessibility, axis orientation, environment, and power and
control options.
The area to install a recording system that would give you the broadest of choices would
be a location that has a cockpit environment. Since few test aircraft will have that space
available, the alternative is to find a location that will provide desirable characteristics for
recorders under consideration.
The area should be easy to access to facilitate loading/downloading of storage media and
access to the electrical connectors for testing or troubleshooting. Keep in mind, some units
require clearance to open a door for the media module. Locate the recording system close to the
data sources and power requirements when possible but not near EMI generators. Is cooling air
available and can the location accommodate axis sensitive mechanical systems?
The environmental specifications of the recorder should be equal to or better than the
environment of the installation location. If they do not, the equipment shortcomings might be
accommodated by adding cooling air, shock isolators, EMI shielding, or pressurizing an area.
These concessions made for equipment specifications can add significant cost to the installation.
Most systems will operate on +28VDC power, but check the revision of MIL-STD-704
called out in the recorder specification sheet. A power filter or some other power concession
may be needed which will add to the overall installation cost. Heater power and battery-back-up
are other options that may need to be considered as part of the installation. Vendor
specifications should provide the information you will need for these considerations but be
careful when taking these specifications at face value.
The control and status of the recording system are other installation issues that you will
need to consider. Control and recorder status information are generally provided by one or a
combination of these three standard interfaces: RS232, RS422 or discrete signals. Vendors who
claim compliance with the standards should provide an Interface Control Document (ICD)
defining the specific subset that they are using. Recorder commands and control mnemonics are
detailed in the IRIG-106, Chapter 6 Section 18 and Chapter 10 Section 10.7.
10.7.2 Cost. Cost associated with the airborne recorder purchase price, installation costs, media
cost, training, spares, and maintenance are items the Instrumentation engineer will be directly
concerned with but also must consider the cost associated with the playback equipment and
software required by the user. The Instrumentation engineer with the attitude “I got it on the
tape, now you get it off “ will not make any friends with the flight line maintainers and this is not
a cost effective way of doing business.
The data handling from capture to archive all starts with the recording format and the
type of recording media used. Is the recording format an IRIG Standard or a vendor proprietary
encoding and multiplexing format that will need unique equipment or software to reduce data?
Determining the total cost of the recording system will require a coordinated effort by the
test team to consider. Considerations include test duration, data requirements, how data products
are to be delivered, processed, and archived, and the need for future requirements. Deciding on a
recording system that best fits the overall requirement is the right selection.
10.7.3 Security. Security issues surrounding recording media should be considered as part of
your selection process when classified data will be recorded. Marking, packaging, handling,
transporting, storing, and declassification are some of the procedures that will need to be
considered by the site security office to determine proper handling of a specific program
classification. Declassification of each recording media and what needs to be done to comply
with regulations is the focus of this section.
When checking the vendor specification sheets you should be aware of the differences
between clearing and sanitizing. Clearing is the process of erasing the data on the media so that
it may be reused in the same protected environment that the data was created in before clearing.
Clearing can be accomplished by overwriting or degaussing. Sanitizing or purging is the process
of removing the data on the media before the media is reused outside the environment that does
not provide an acceptable level of protection for the data that was on the media before sanitizing.
Laboratory techniques cannot retrieve data that has been sanitized/purged. Sanitizing may be
accomplished by degaussing and in some cases overwriting.
Destroying is the process of physically damaging the media to the level that the media is
not usable as media, and so that there is no known method of retrieving the data. Degaussing is
a procedure that reduces the magnetic flux on media virtually to zero by applying an alternating
current (AC) magnetizing field. Degaussing is more effective than overwriting magnetic media.
Overwriting is a software process that replaces the data previously stored on the storage media
with a predetermined set of meaningless data.
Approved methods of clearing and sanitizing media are shown in the US Department of
Defense 5220.22-M Clearing and Sanitization Matrix.
Magnetic tape can be degaussed to an acceptable level for reuse or declassifying with the
proper security level of degaussing equipment. Equipment costs are sometimes expensive but
the same unit can be used for a variety of magnetic tape products and the procedure is quick and
easy to perform. Degaussed tapes can be used repeatedly but generally are not recommended for
new flight tapes.
Solid-state memory devices and solid-state disk hard drives can be cleaned or sanitized to
an acceptable level with extensive approved overwriting procedures. The overwrite procedure as
described in IRIG-106 Chapter 10.8 will provide an acceptable level of erasure for reuse and
declassification of the memory module. This procedure will also provide a quick turn around to
use the memory modules on subsequent flights.
Other secure software programs are offered by various vendors and as long as they
comply with National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) DoD
5220.22-M, NSA 130-2, Air Force System Security Instruction (AFSSI) 5020, Army 380-19, or
Navy Staff Office (NAVSO) Publication 5239-26 requirements as well as site security office
requirements, these programs should be acceptable.
10.7.4 Archiving. The relationship of the recording format to that used for data archiving,
retrieval, and storage needs to be considered in data recorder selection. When magnetic tape is
used as the original flight tape archiving does not require any additional steps other than storing
it in an environmentally safe place. When disk hard drives or solid-state memory media are
being used to capture and store data, a transfer from this temporary media to a permanent
archiving tape or other media is required. Archiving to tape is still one of the most economical
options available and has improved with the high capacity digital recording systems.
The digital recording formats such as called out in IRIG-106, Chapter 10 and the random
access may make archiving to other media more attractive. As the cost of disk storage decreases,
RAID and JBOD archiving systems will become more cost effective and will be more cost
competitive with the tape archiving systems.
How the data will be archived is a very important consideration when selecting a
recorder, recorder media, and recorder format. Significant costs can be avoided downstream if
the instrumentation engineer does some pre-planning and coordination with his data processing
organization to ensure the existing recording system will accommodate future storage and
retrieval requirements.