The document provides data on study visa applications and rejections by nationality for the year 2009. It lists the total number of applications and rejections from over 100 different countries. The top countries by number of applications include Pakistan, Nigeria, China, India, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. Many countries had rejection rates close to or equaling the number of applications.
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The document provides data on study visa applications and rejections by nationality for the year 2009. It lists the total number of applications and rejections from over 100 different countries. The top countries by number of applications include Pakistan, Nigeria, China, India, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. Many countries had rejection rates close to or equaling the number of applications.
The document provides data on study visa applications and rejections by nationality for the year 2009. It lists the total number of applications and rejections from over 100 different countries. The top countries by number of applications include Pakistan, Nigeria, China, India, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. Many countries had rejection rates close to or equaling the number of applications.
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The document provides data on study visa applications and rejections by nationality for the year 2009. It lists the total number of applications and rejections from over 100 different countries. The top countries by number of applications include Pakistan, Nigeria, China, India, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. Many countries had rejection rates close to or equaling the number of applications.
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Visa 2009
Study Visa Applications TOTAL TOTAL
By Nationality 2009 App Ref
Study Visa Applications TOTAL TOTAL
By Nationality 2008 App Ref Afghanistan 4 3 Albania Nepal 757 156 Algeria Niger 51 50 Angola Nigeria 2100 0115 Armenia Oman 224 01 Azerbaijan Pakistan 0137 0134 Bahrain Palestine 52 14 Bangladesh Peru 23 15 48 2 Belarus Phillipines 66 49 Benin Qatar 114 01 Bosnia Russia 2953 122 Cameroon Rwanda 92 92 China Saudi Arabia 1254 200 341 13 Colombia Serbia 15 15 12 0 Congo Senegal 01 10 Cuba Sierra Leone 23 01 Ecuador Sri Lanka 510 15 Egypt Sudan 29 3 811 Ethiopia Syria 21 6 0 10 Gabon Taiwan 21 01 Georgia Thailand 16 310 Ghana Timor 10 `1 16 0 Haiti Tunisia 14 00 Hong TurkeyKong 71 15 India UAE 393 71 174 3 Indonesia Uganda 10 10 01 Iran Ukraine 33 36 85 Iraq Uzbekistan 40 31 Jamaica Vietnam 028 25 Jordan Yemen 10 1 21 Kazakhstan Zambia 32 13 11 Kenya Zimbabwe 75 44 Kirghizstan Uncategorized 187 0 Kuwait TOTALS 191 4034 31140 Lebanon 4 1 Libya 9 8 Macedonia 3 0 Malaysia 1 1 Mauritania 1 2 Moldova 3 3 Mongolia 5 20 Morocco 14 6 Mozambique 1 0