Techniques in Immunology

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Techniques in Immunology

Techniques in Immunology are divided into 2 major categories

1- Humoral
2- Cellular

• Humoral technique: is used to measure

o Anti-body
o complement
o acute phase protein except C-reactive protein
o soluble mediators of immune response
For example, if I suspected a disease that affects the complement system, I can
measure C2, C4...Etc.

 Humoral Tech are divided into 4

1- Precipitation reaction
 It is based on antigen-antibody reaction in Solution.
 Both antigen & antibody are soluble.
 It is the simplest, easiest & least sensitive.
 It is based on precipitation curve
 If I have fixed amount of AB and I keep increasing the
amount of AG with I will form immune complex which
will precipitate.
 We have 3 zones:
First  zone of AB excess.
Middle zone of equilibrium.
Last zone of AG excess.

o A kind of precipitation reaction is double gel diffusion, which is

a precipitation reaction that takes place in gel like the one we
saw in lab on agars. It is used in identifying relationship
between different antigens.

o RID (radial immuno-diffusion) It is used in measuring

Immunoglobulin concentration in serum; Quantitaion of AG or

o Immuno electrophoresis used to study gamma region. To

diagnose hypo or hyper-gamma globulinemia or multiple
myloma. I expect from immune electrophoresis presence or
absence of the following: monoclonal band, class of
immunoglobulin, type of light chain.

Done By: Heaven Silk

2- Agglutination reaction
 It is antigen-antibody reaction BUT
 Either AB or AG are INSOLUBLE
 More early, more widely used than precipitation, and is
more sensitive.
 Examples of clinical uses of agglutination:
• RPR ( rapid plasma reaging) for screenings for
• Diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumonia(old
• Diagnosis of certain bacterial infections e.g.
• Measure Rheumatoid factor
• ASO (anti-streptolysin)
• CRP( c-reactive proteinacute phase protein)

3- Labeled immunoassay these include:

 Florescence immunoassay (FIA)
 Radio immunoassay (RIA)
 Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)

(For details ... refer to the original tafree'3 ... this is just an outline)

4- Compliment fixation assay

 Antibody + antigen=activation of complement. The
indicator system is usually sheep RBC.

 Cellular technique: to measure the

o Number of cells of immune system.
o Function of cells of immune system.

Done By: Heaven Silk

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