Balance Sheet For 2009 & 2008: Assets 2009 (Nu.) 2008 (Nu.)

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ASSETS 2009(Nu.) 2008 (Nu.) current asset09 current liabilities09 current ratio quick ratio09
Cash and Bank Balances 313,773,593 332,971,242 4.91421084 4.7001729568
Foreign Currency Balance with a Bank outside Bhutan 29,960,075 31,100,097 qr08
343,733,668 364071339 4.5931926397
Loans and Investments CA 08 CL08 8 qa
Equity Investment 50,665,300 50,665,300 4.64441656
Treasury Bills 36,179,050
Loans and Advances 2,930,716,814 2,185,581,996 qa08
Assets accquired against Loans 39,245,517 56,694,930
3,020,627,631 2329121276
Less: Provisions
For Diminuition in value of Investment 434,478 434,478
For Diminuition in value of Assets 39,245,517 56,694,930
For loans and Advances 161,745,717 160,685,223
For Interest Suspense 31,128,355 29,747,583
232,554,067 247,562,214
2,788,073,564 2,081,559,062
Fixed Assets
Gross Block-at-cost 169,575,624 164,931,842
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 59,227,255 59,505,140
Net Block 110,348,369 105,426,702
Capital Work in Progress 2,643,015 8,905,511

Other Assets
Interest, Rent and Other Receivables 158,590,601 82,338,799
Due from Reinsurance & Insurance Business 17,565,576 751,220
Advances, Deposits and Prepaid Expenses 146,534,365 29,703,596
322,690,542 112,793,615
3,567,489,158 2,672,756,229
Capital fund
Shareholder's Fund
Athorised Capital
1,000,000,000 100,000,000
Issued, Subbscribed and Paid up Capital 240,000,000 96,000,000
Reserves and Surplus 559,832,891 550,047,947
799,832,891 646,047,947
Others Funds
Insurance Funds 898,524,010 730,975,168
Investment and Borrowing Funds 2,671,483,139 2,061,581,470
3,570,007,149 2,792,556,638
Less:Insurance Funds Investments 1,254,415,650 1,098,163,632
2,315,591,499 1,694,393,006
Other Liabilities
Reinsurance Reserves 653,062 8,797,580
Sundry Creditors 252,355,361 160,045,715
Due on Reinsurance and Insurance Business 2,411,508 12,589,552
Outstanding Claims less Reinsurance 58,263,195 70,970,278
Corporate Tax payable 78,381,642 51,112,150
Dividend Payable 60,000,000 28,800,000
452,064,768 332,315,276
3,567,489,158 2,672,756,229
2009(Nu.) 2008 (Nu.)
Surplus transferred from-
Miscellaneous Insurance Revenue Account 68,285,623 64,416,474
Marine Insurance Revenue Account 2,856,397 3,947,166
Fire Insurance Revenue Account 63,705,381 59,149,719
134,847,401 127,513,359
Life Insurance Revenue Account 1,096,379 974,829
Investment Revenue Account 147,676,794 56,234,373
283,620,574 184,722,561
Rental Income 5,973,385 5,548,903
Profit on Sale of Assets 2,999 1,000
Miscellaneous Income 528,636 1,126,055
6,505,020 6,675,958
Total Income 290,125,594 191,398,519
Operating expenses
repairs and maintenance 1,020,529 1,407,280
contribution to gratuity fund 8,230,371 8,724,604
depreciation 10,540,424 7,400,000
loss on sale of asset 171,739
other expenses 8,890,391 3,492,796
28,853,454 21,024,680
profit before taxation 261,272,140 170,373,840
taxation 78,381,642 51,112,150
short provision for previous years 1,691,585 1,114,788
profit available for appropriations 181,198,913 118,146,902
proposed dividend 60,000,000 28,800,000
transfer to catastrophe fund 5,000,000 5,000,000
transfer to general reserve 116,198,913 84,346,902
181,198,913 118,146,902
Ratio analysis
2009 2008
CA 3,364,361,299 2,693,192,615
QA 3,217,826,934 2,663,489,019
CL 684,618,835 579,877,490
FA 112,991,384 114,332,213
L.CL 2,315,591,499 1694393006
Net sale 290,125,594 191398519
WC 2,679,742,464 2,113,315,125

FA TO 2.5676789126 1.6740559286
WC TO 0.1082662226 0.0905679029
CA TO 0.0862349695 0.0710675196
Cap TO

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