CE Physics 2006 Paper2 (E)

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c d t b
1 1 0 0 . m- 1 2 0 0 M ( 1h d 4

.Ct b
0 q
c d R.d dtullv rh. iEhdiN o rb. Aur* Sh*r .nd iMn tn. irfm.rld
a Equrd (iNrudi,srb. subjd cod.) in 6! le|6 p.ovn.d.

D d c d l',habldlooFndlisb..l.yNthdld.lgklb.|l6.qu6liNee
ljor fc d. *sd',E DorPAPEn, 4lh.ltltqB{ioo.
c q t C^
all qrdis q'y.q8l ddd

dr ylr ul6
0 o
NSWDRALL QIJt.srrONs. Y@ rhourddd @ rh.

d d d t YO$oddfirmlyoNE.fuw.ft.Cbqu.nim'r's!'tbmo[

a c U

L \

c c 0
C L b 0 A oc rrB&fl*E
Mdy hfnc Gid46 o hid,'a$ a

Ps.dg6 .ldurd @ s.ar betb.


lhighr nad ft. v.l$ity-iim. gnph

whi.h df rh. folroviia sErn4ts abour !r no.ion of!i. rro .m irm

/ ad , haY. th. sn..Y.d€. @ Inenarb|ehaslhegme{locity*h

I rd , hd $. en. dGpl,..nd
A .tu nopp.d an .mc4.trcy bntirs rh. slid markbn bv th. d *s
22.r m lone A$m. rhar$. fiidid b.ren $. rcrd bd rvG wN 0 65
rins ftd;fi,. w.iah,orft! u E$imr. $. sp..dof'l1. cd !h.n ir

of. hl.y hd r .rd ii fix.d ar rhe

o0q .nd *ith th. dft of ln. 6d 6cins the rd. wh! hiptsns ro rhr
A hish-dlverludps up inb rh. rn 6'on a spnis bodd md lnq rllb sb i hlty vn n rh. d{iic f,n is iun.d oD?

rorhenomdr irn b.for. sh. .ntA rh. v{{ ? (N.8hd an rcsisbdd )

ln. tul.y n0v4 ro4d no abns rhcsmund

rh. e.(redtrM o' obieL dE b sa

s showsr[. coRd Eto.ir] rih.

sraphs for a fie f,rliis obj.d dmeeir'3 ap-riv.t oi rh. Edh.s snrfn.
a sp'ft shurk is covftd by h4r $

\r1i.h ofrh? fo owins$mat pmp.dn. ird. desnabbrn $c nrdiat of

sLolld b. a smd cotrdtrdtrorh.sr

sl'ouldh& hish5p(ific her .alsciry

i veishins sl. ph..n d !Y.1 grcund,hn

ldsi nedlrcd by rh. $al. n ,/. $t.r *ould b. rh. nadiis m rh. $il.
a on r Ebr?rop 6 hn hods *hjl. h. h

lollo*ins id.m.nh ft cotr*r ? ov'ns ndemeft ab.u(h. $bsbn.. r i! i'ord ?

rn. surhe! Prndqtrpri edsilv!
rh. boirinspoidof x k a0.c
Tr. lacum bdwen the doubledN rh. speifichar c.pairyor I ii rhe$Lld:hreissmatter
ooue F qoccdd lh' n1B or th' rurr '! \,fidr ofrhr folbrnig ffid€ ill0ddt ! ul in*. ?
rh.' hlh@worrlr
2r' s|!D;dr ie crb6 mb lh. r
itrc.-v,. * t'. .u-.o "-* \ r fi'h ii ! p.rd blinc obs.d tom rboE rll w
>.6ns.D.id bn n s
l'r.sl." ,h. r'- r. 'r" '.d '.d@
-t "i) . sdas pi.rm m fi. ffi b.ins r&!h.d in r ci'l.ro
cryo Mdt ot.!.h i* db. - 0 l5 ts
sdfk hd rsnv ofjli@'4700 l Lt .'(: -
s;inc h.' .@,tv orwe, - = I ka "c
s;'fi( ltn'hdotrBbnoric' r ra l0'l L3 E)
!j i r
;t{! il::]i.ri
TII jii :"ti:i

fl +5
i i:! :'
-:tf;i 1t+lt,n
,:Hlh 4 A *ri.s of DbG vlc hrcl 6on trdiu ,{ ;ro nedium a Tl. ng@
: IT
ll+i i:+l
TLi :ii:i 'boE
$ow 6. positio$, Pq rld P 9 , or. viv.frld b.rd. Dd rfr'
dbing rh. m.d'um t \rnr muld h8pF. b rh. lpcd an ft.
wsLnsrh of rh. wv. rb.n ir tul' 6dn n did,{ ro n.dim , t

A3 \hod rb*.. d oq.d ir pl(td a t ditu( 20 (h'n 6

i i ""r . - ^ ." t0 *-a " *.o i ..s. Ir onndd!!*' r ' d"*'
d 16rm fi,omth. LB Th. rocrll.nsh
In Dehbs 2004.m.tmqu.r.. ii rh. lidim ocsn.isd i sum'
*nich Dmded vdd MvB hrvins *'vd.n3d'
fitolm\ rbod 2 Hz wrd {r rie r ""- j p--\--i
rdBbe or
I .s )*-i__-_>ut
b h*rhm Fdiod.dft rosn Lur'
";. 'm+
rob dd Td comuh& *irh .
folowins sr.ns e .orer ?
(D Tre $und *av* @mied doDgrh. fi's a. tuys. w&q.
rn. spen of $. soundwvd rrds rhefinc r tur.r rhd rhd io

z blilds rt€ prps .up, Ton

A lotrdee*q L.onh{rd to r Jgnil c6tur to prdB sud wY.r.

r[. ft.ciuhcv n tuid od rh. @rtsDoidins w!v.l.4rh k hesrcd. rr. which of rb. folowins $rtaes pmdr dirtu! rfi.ctim *h4 p@ d
q ( |dg tr P|d.drgdnnurd
ll4'"h ;r d" r"lb.'B r .dld d.dunom obu'n.dfiom
'M '1.
0) n w*l.nsri or rh. $und is inv!6.rv propctional nj
(2) T}-slop.ord.gn G.qrl b d'cspcddr6. $wd
{3} Th. sp..d orrhesod ,Lp.n
v,/hichofrh. tollo*itrs phdmh. rc du. to rh. nrdid oruEs ? a rbb.d pl&lricnh o e.d prp.r sdrs b.fc :fully r.Ehiii rhm.
\r'hich of rhc folo*ins dsiplim .!od rh! cirsd m rh. rubb.d dld
Imd xc ers! db tunov re nln d..p wd, rh. sprins rd dE di3'Dd chr*d d rh. p.De &iF e po6'ibt. ?
h.@n vrEtutu &c'le. (l)
(2) Th. dl.l ed fi. pac $iat ciry opFgib cha*.
a s*imins p&l !pp.d.bdlowr rhs it duily n. (2) pe.r sF ft urlE3.d.
*na sb. *rlks :ms Bod'm. d|d.nd
GJ Mry .d h.e lold sn e'idr .ltutly (r) 'h. pila *npr m utclE8.d.
'nd rhe rukl cui6 cla!6
'nd 'n.

rfrh! crlmr h rh. ciEu shiM ir 0.3 A, vhd k dE !u!r q of .k br

Tn! 6!m sllffi th. l.b.l or r rihrd-nou mb @.rr.d L a mis

$DDly.wh.D r +Dli{e i sildi.d d fc 2 ninuali th. cimlar di{
Tlr dj,sm !ho{s tn..iEuit of..!ipib3lisht *hLh us rM l3 v
c.rh ad fon i&disl lislr bulb.. IrE culHr pistina dnough..ch xsm
bult k I A. wid n tlt.lllmt Fsii3 dEugh dE Point P md wnaris rhrc. i&ntidl lidr bDlbrm trred ro. erl

birnhd of in rcmrininslisht brlb! ?

AD.l€diel sppliM. k p@t d by a f$? ! dotriic cidn. whm rhc

elide k ithrd oi, dr tue 6lowt inm.dinllv. wnich or d! SoF frrs[ foortsm dposedto / ndi4ioit ftm mdi@iiv. t lot s for
f;ib*ii's sdm.d ire posiblel.e(o for $n pn mmmm ? r shonrin. e dd rh. mi.rco!4nh! ii ti. 6.ds cr b. kilhd why t
iha i'.died 6ods id h2mrul b @0L .d rh.m ?
o) Ttu 6i.l.B ofrh. tpplilnc * b |trg.
n rpptz* n lhontimibd.
T]l. nbd vilF orrtu fre n too.mll
z ndi.tioido..mrhN.!hi8r'ionirigDovd
A ce hvrls alongr sradh( rcrd 6on ,{ ro , wilh a unlaom.cclldioi
ft . !p..d df ,n .tu i.,, d rr,eBm, sh.n \rrf of ,h. iohq,im. fron

whdts vr i5 gHh th.n or sn.ll- rhb \ d.padr oi


An dobd i rddiis in th. hiddl. of

le$ rhd 60' which ord'e rollo{in
fie..ble od rn *.ighr r of rh. zmMr is.lftd ? (Nesledth. wei$r

$hrch ntrl. ra r]l( ,trdeDrEr d-du. ?ldio1n,e be'$rn

ac..lention md it? nd foc .di4 'oon rh. hll.y ? 'he
fi,eqErcresandehd in€ruit t.vek or son.

robrryifumarrycft(cd d he
owinsirarcrh.posrb. Yaru.(,for Th. nore F hd rlE rd*d pnch.

id ditrfm y ton lhe

sme noc pndu*d by dre piao

osnphets cm fiod obj.d disbn.es by

thg iifrd.d *.Es so ,s ro dlun d. fialrr ouipur whlch orrh. foro{ms
itft rh. 63d(r) ol sms infiiied Mva in!@d ot utrsonic wav.s r Cip&iry:
Tin Grdd-bymod.): abour
I days

n*i,s rh. fornidiis obj.d dnbm* d'oir Tb. figue sl'orc i labelona hhium.ellora mobil. phoi. rh. capacry
obj.* rdb.'ine
phorosraphed yirl Nurrycnir ir6r.d w,vd
in 3 d:ys *h en the nobih phm. is ii idnd-b' nod.. E$imak rh.
por( of rhe.€rl 'vd's.
Thediigff sho*s r hon?.nad. dcv
d.vi.e. a masndi5 fir.d b rh. bcs. oI . pl&ric cup vha 'lne phdosnpb shors ai adidor fo
rtuoushth. coil, th. b,e vibrats ro pKdu€ r :ouid
follo{ins m.rhods..n ntk rh. souid louds ?

i.*dins a coppd rod iib rh. coil

whlch or rh. rollowingis rhebst ds.nflid orrh. .usr sd s. wnig.

of.rch *iE or rh. d.ctic rrplian

ln rhcrhov. cncun,$e hnsrdTs is d.tl (.mciency= 100%)A b€

ddd; +", ."*.

Tm ligh. bulb6 n mdk d
r.sp.diwt. llrh.y u .mmcEd iDsi6 b I 220v A ndioi$roF xha. hall-lireor I d.F *hiG.mds ddiototop. v ha
k th. cl'fur d6wn ftoh rh. ndns IPPIY ? i hrlr'lif. or I day.Inniallyrhd. u. t unde6y?da of ,t od 3 rv
ond..irdromor t Atfthow@d.y5will ,t dd v [.v.d'.sn

p --!-a P-r \s

h th. lboe rm ddy sriA, t adI re tu idop€. wl'ich orrh.

follo*ihg r.i6 ornElid.r aE isrop.s ro .r.h dhs ?
( t)

Itr d. cinuir $oy.. th. rc.jsE h.arins elemeft in ! de
.odd rn? rcrituei orih. elemmt 'tF.nii.e tx ud,R r.spdiv.lv 'Ir'.
odA nhd) mol'ng md L..Pitr8
*m. Th. powr ocn.d ty rhed
*hm s is do*d. \rhd k rh. powr @um.d by rherictoo*q in rh.
mod..lk*Diiswdm*h.n s i3oPd ?
E&h quarion ebw {qn.nions 4445) .o6i6 oiMo shrenent Useful Formuhe iD Physica

Th.n sdd ore oPhona. B. c oi Rddioanips b.$en iniihl ElGity !, uirom


Ti.2id 3d.ftnt k nor a .oftd.rplm ion

(b) Focntiai .nfrry g.in.d by i body6r ms


G) l(iidic .ndry or r bo,ry or ms novinsdhlp..dvis

sr.ard *h.n rlr. ],fr i! mdving

<d) Paw = f04 \ wkitt

(.J Equuldmisrc.of voE isba I md nr:

fi. *tib nd .PP.d,tr8 rbE

PN = vttase @4d

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