CE Physics 2006 Paper2 (E)
CE Physics 2006 Paper2 (E)
CE Physics 2006 Paper2 (E)
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c d R.d dtullv rh. iEhdiN o rb. Aur* Sh*r .nd iMn tn. irfm.rld
a Equrd (iNrudi,srb. subjd cod.) in 6! le|6 p.ovn.d.
D d c d l',habldlooFndlisb..l.yNthdld.lgklb.|l6.qu6liNee
ljor fc d. *sd',E DorPAPEn, 4lh.ltltqB{ioo.
c q t C^
all qrdis q'y.q8l ddd
dr ylr ul6
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NSWDRALL QIJt.srrONs. Y@ rhourddd @ rh.
d d d t YO$oddfirmlyoNE.fuw.ft.Cbqu.nim'r's!'tbmo[
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C L b 0 A oc rrB&fl*E
Mdy hfnc Gid46 o hid,'a$ a
/ ad , haY. th. sn..Y.d€. @ Inenarb|ehaslhegme{locity*h
I rd , hd $. en. dGpl,..nd
A .tu nopp.d an .mc4.trcy bntirs rh. slid markbn bv th. d *s
22.r m lone A$m. rhar$. fiidid b.ren $. rcrd bd rvG wN 0 65
rins ftd;fi,. w.iah,orft! u E$imr. $. sp..dof'l1. cd !h.n ir
fl +5
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,:Hlh 4 A *ri.s of DbG vlc hrcl 6on trdiu ,{ ;ro nedium a Tl. ng@
: IT
ll+i i:+l
TLi :ii:i 'boE
$ow 6. positio$, Pq rld P 9 , or. viv.frld b.rd. Dd rfr'
dbing rh. m.d'um t \rnr muld h8pF. b rh. lpcd an ft.
wsLnsrh of rh. wv. rb.n ir tul' 6dn n did,{ ro n.dim , t
robrryifumarrycft(cd d he
owinsirarcrh.posrb. Yaru.(,for Th. nore F hd rlE rd*d pnch.
n*i,s rh. fornidiis obj.d dnbm* d'oir Tb. figue sl'orc i labelona hhium.ellora mobil. phoi. rh. capacry
obj.* rdb.'ine
phorosraphed yirl Nurrycnir ir6r.d w,vd
in 3 d:ys *h en the nobih phm. is ii idnd-b' nod.. E$imak rh.
por( of rhe.€rl 'vd's.
Thediigff sho*s r hon?.nad. dcv
d.vi.e. a masndi5 fir.d b rh. bcs. oI . pl&ric cup vha 'lne phdosnpb shors ai adidor fo
rtuoushth. coil, th. b,e vibrats ro pKdu€ r :ouid
follo{ins m.rhods..n ntk rh. souid louds ?
i.*dins a coppd rod iib rh. coil
p --!-a P-r \s
Itr d. cinuir $oy.. th. rc.jsE h.arins elemeft in ! de
.odd rn? rcrituei orih. elemmt 'tF.nii.e tx ud,R r.spdiv.lv 'Ir'.
odA nhd) mol'ng md L..Pitr8
*m. Th. powr ocn.d ty rhed
*hm s is do*d. \rhd k rh. powr @um.d by rherictoo*q in rh.
mod..lk*Diiswdm*h.n s i3oPd ?
E&h quarion ebw {qn.nions 4445) .o6i6 oiMo shrenent Useful Formuhe iD Physica
PN = vttase @4d