Create An Interactive CD-Rom With Flash MX
Create An Interactive CD-Rom With Flash MX
Create An Interactive CD-Rom With Flash MX
By Brian Dino
Computer Magnet Program
North High School
Denver, CO
TIE Conference2004
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' FlashMX has a steep learning curve
' ³Now, in case you think that an authoring program with this many
capabilities is a flash to learn, think again. Macromedia Flash does
have a significant learning curve for the groovy stuff, but it's not out of
reach for instructional designers and developers. My QuickBooks
program, for instance, is harder to understand. Developing decent
Macromedia Flash learning content (non-linear and interactive)
requires some study and practice. But if you're worried that
Macromedia Flash is too hard for the average Joe to learn, check out
this math quiz developed by a seven-year-old. ³
' Some good tutorials for newbies: (search for these
titles on the tutorial page)
' Building Buttons
' Using èayers
' Perfect Newbie starter tutorial
' Introduction to flash usability
' FlashMX Scrollpane component
' For the first time Flash is offering a collection of templates to simplify the
production of standard Web documents such as ads, slide shows, and tutorials.
In addition, the templates are smart; for example, a photo album template
includes all the programming necessary for a photo slideshow.
' A lot of UI components, like scroll bars, check boxes, and list boxes, that
previously had to be laboriously created, are now included in Flash MX. The
appropriate behaviors are built into these objects, so adding functional interface
elements to an application is a simple drag-and-drop operation.
' One of the biggest changes in Flash MX is the integration of video. The
integrated video support, provided by the Sorenson Spark codec, can import
standard video formats, such as AVI, MPEG, or QuickTime, and convert them
to a streaming format that is displayed natively by the Flash MX player. The
import filter can also resize the video or sync the frame rate to the Flash movie
when converting a file.