Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

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Non-Hodgkin lymphoma



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o © Cancerbackup January 2009

o This booklet is an adaptation of “understanding non-Hodgkin lymphoma” produced by

Cancerbackup and is reproduced with their kind permission.

o JASCAP gratefully acknowledges Cancerbackup’s permission to reproduce this booklet.

 What is lymphoma?
 The lymphatic system
 What is NHL?
 Types of NHL

Causes & diagnosis

 Causes
 Symptoms
 Diagnosis
 Further tests
 Grading & staging

 Treatment overview
 Chemotherapy
 Steroid therapy
 Monoclonal antibodies
 Radiotherapy

After treatment
 Follow up
 If NHL comes back
 Fertility

Clinical trials
 Research - clinical trials

Types of NHL
 Anaplastic large cell **
 Burkitt **
 Cutaneous T-cell **
 Diffuse large B-cell **
 Follicular **
 Lymphoblastic **
 MALT **
 Mantle cell **
 Mediastinal large B-cell **
 Nodal marginal zone B-cell **
 Peripheral T-cell **
 Small lymphocytic **
 Thyroid **
 Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia **

Resources & support

 JASCAP resources

** JASCAP has factsheets on each of these sub-types of NHL.

What is lymphoma?
Lymphoma, like other cancers, is a disease of the body's cells. Cells in different parts of the body
work in different ways, but they all repair and reproduce themselves in the same way.

Normally, cells divide in an orderly and controlled manner. However, if for some reason the
process gets out of control the cells carry on dividing. There may be too many immature white
blood cells in the blood or bone marrow, which may cause a lump or tumour to develop in one or
more groups of lymph nodes.

Lymphoma cells generally start to grow in lymph nodes, which are part of the lymphatic system.

Usually non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) affects groups of lymph nodes in one area of the body.
However, the lymphoma cells can sometimes spread through the lymphatic system to lymph
nodes in other parts of the body. They can also go into the bloodstream, which may carry them to
other organs. When the cells reach a new area they may go on dividing and form a new tumour.

There are lymph nodes and lymph vessels throughout the body, so NHL can occur in any part of
the body. The most common place is in the lymph nodes in the neck. The next most common
places are the lymph glands under the arms (axilla), in the chest, or in the groin or abdomen. It can
also occur in organs. In some people NHL can affect the liver, lungs or bone.

Most lymphomas are lymphomas of the B-cells; however there are also some which are
lymphomas of the T-cells. These occur more commonly in teenagers and young adults.

The lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is one of the body's natural defences against infection. It is a complex
system made up of lymphatic organs, such as bone marrow, tonsils, the spleen, and lymph nodes
(also called lymph glands). They are connected by a network of tiny lymphatic vessels. Lymph
nodes are mainly found in the neck, armpit and groin. The number of nodes varies from one part of
the body to another. In some parts there are very few. However, under your arm there may be
between 20 and 50 nodes (see the diagram below).

The lymphatic system

A milky-looking fluid called lymph circulates through the lymphatic vessels. Lymph contains
lymphocytes, which are white blood cells. Lymphocytes are an essential part of the body's defence
against infection and disease. For example, if you have a sore throat, you may notice that the
lymph nodes in your neck get bigger. This is a sign that your body is fighting the infection.

There are two main types of lymphocyte: B-cells and T-cells. All lymphocytes develop in the bone
marrow from immature cells called stem cells. Lymphocytes then mature in different parts of the
body. Lymphocytes which mature in the thymus gland (behind the breast bone) are called T-cells.
Other lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow or lymphatic organs and are called B-cells.

What is non-Hodgkin lymphoma?

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, also known as NHL, is a type of cancer of the lymphatic system. There
are two main types of lymphoma. One is called Hodgkin lymphoma, which used to be called
Hodgkin's disease. The other is non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

About four in five (80%) of all lymphomas diagnosed are non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Over 9700
people in the UK are diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma each year.

The difference between NHL and Hodgkin lymphoma

It is only possible to tell the difference between Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas, when the
cells are looked at under the microscope. Often the cells need to be stained to show their structure
in detail. Usually the cells will be tested for the presence of particular proteins – this is known as

Another test, called molecular analysis, looks at specific gene changes in the cells. This also
helps reveal the type of lymphoma.

In most cases of Hodgkin lymphoma, a particular cell known as the Reed-Sternberg cell is found
in the biopsies. This cell is not usually found in other lymphomas, so they are called non-Hodgkin
lymphoma. This may not seem a very big difference, but it is important because the treatments for
Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas are very different.

There are many different types of NHL, some of which are more common than others.
Types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
There are different ways of dividing up, or classifying, NHL. Different lymphomas are treated in
different ways so it is important that the doctors know which type it is. The cells are examined and
tests done which tell the doctors what type it is. The tests include looking at the appearance of the
cells under the microscope, testing for specific types of proteins in the cells, and looking at genetic
changes in the cells.

The most commonly used classification system groups lymphomas according to the cell type.
There are over 20 different types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

B-cell lymphomas
B-cell lymphomas are more common than T-cell lymphomas. The most common types of B-cell
lymphomas are:

diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

follicular lymphoma.

Other types which are less common include:

extranodal marginal zone B-cell – MALT

mantle cell
burkitt lymphoma
mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma
nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
small lymphocytic lymphoma
lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (also called Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinaemia).

T-cell lymphomas
T-cell lymphomas are much less common. Again there are a number of different types. These

peripheral T cell lymphoma

skin (cutaneous) lymphomas – including Mycosis fungoides and Sézary syndrome
anaplastic large cell
lymphoblastic lymphoma (mainly T-cell but can be B-cell).

For other rare types of lymphoma, contact our cancer information service where we can give you
more information about your illness and its treatment.

Causes of non-Hodgkin lymphoma

The cause of most non-Hodgkin lymphomas is unknown. However, lymphomas are more likely to
develop in people who have taken drugs to prevent rejection of an organ transplant or who have
lowered immunity, for example due to HIV or Aids. Despite the increased risk, NHL is still
uncommon in people with these conditions.

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is also slightly more common in people who have been treated for cancer
before. Some chemotherapy drugs and radiotherapy treatments can increase a person’s risk of
developing NHL many years later. The risk is very small, however, compared to the benefit of
having the treatment in the first place.

Certain viruses, such as the Epstein-Barr virus, which causes glandular fever, or the human T-cell
lymphoma virus 1 (HTLV1) can contribute to the development of lymphomas. However, like other
cancers, lymphomas themselves are not infectious and cannot be passed on to other people.
One type of lymphoma, which usually affects the stomach – MALT lymphoma – is known to be
caused by a type of bacterial infection known as helicobacter pylori.

People who have coeliac disease (an allergy to gluten which can cause inflammation of the small
bowel) have a slightly increased risk of developing B-cell NHL or a rare type of T-cell lymphoma
called enteropathy type T-cell lymphoma (ETTL).

Symptoms of non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Often, the first sign of a non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a painless swelling of a lymph node in the neck,
armpit or groin.

Other symptoms may include any of the following:

night sweats or unexplained high temperatures (fever)

loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss and excessive tiredness
persistent itching of the skin all over the body
children may develop a cough or breathlessness; they may also complain of abdominal
pain or you may notice a lump in your child’s abdomen.

If you have any of the above symptoms you should have them checked by your doctor. However,
they are common to many conditions other than non-Hodgkin lymphoma and most people with
these symptoms will not have a lymphoma.

Lymphomas that start in another part of the body may have different symptoms. For example, if
the lymphoma is in the abdomen you may have abdominal pain or indigestion.

How NHL is diagnosed

Usually, you begin by seeing your GP (family doctor) who will examine you and arrange for you to
have any tests or x-rays that may be needed. Your GP will need to refer you to hospital for these
tests and for specialist advice and treatment.

At the hospital, the doctor will take your full medical history before doing a physical examination.
You may be asked to have blood tests and a chest x-ray to check your general health.

A definite diagnosis is made by removing an enlarged lymph node, or part of it, and examining the
cells under a microscope. This is known as a biopsy. It may be done under local anaesthetic and
sedation, or a general anaesthetic. Biopsies may also be taken from other body tissues.

Further tests for non-Hodgkin lymphoma

If the biopsy shows that lymphoma cells are present, your doctor will want you to have some
further tests to find out the exact stage of the lymphoma. Staging is a way of describing the extent
and spread of the lymphoma in your body. It is very important because the type of treatment you
have depends on the stage of the disease.

The tests that may be done to find the stage of your lymphoma may include any of the following:

Blood tests
Chest x-ray
CT scan
MRI scan
Bone marrow sample
Lumbar puncture
PET scan
Waiting for the results

Blood tests
Samples of your blood will be taken regularly throughout your treatment to check your general
health, the levels of red cells, white cells and platelets in your blood, and how well your liver and
kidneys are working.

Chest x-ray
This is taken to check for any sign that the lymphoma has spread to the lymph nodes in the chest
or to the lungs.

CT scan
A CT (computerised tomography) scan takes a series of x-rays which build up a three-dimensional
picture of the inside of the body. The scan is painless but takes from 10 to 30 minutes. CT scans
use a small amount of radiation, which will be very unlikely to harm you and will not harm anyone
you come into contact with. You will be asked not to eat or drink for at least four hours before the

You may be given a drink or injection of a dye which allows particular areas to be seen more
clearly. For a few minutes this may make you feel hot all over. If you are allergic to iodine or have
asthma you could have a more serious reaction to the injection, so it is important to let your doctor
know beforehand.

You will probably be able to go home as soon as the scan is over.

Having a CT scan

MRI scan
An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan is similar to a CT scan, but uses magnetic fields
instead of x-rays to build up a series of cross-sectional pictures of the body.
During the test you will be asked to lie very still on a couch inside a metal cylinder that is open
at both ends. The whole test may take up to an hour and is painless – although the machine is
very noisy. You will be given earplugs or headphones to wear.

The cylinder is a very powerful magnet, so before going into the room you should remove all metal
belongings. You should also tell your doctor if you have ever worked with metal or in the metal
industry or if you have any metal inside your body (for example, a cardiac monitor, pacemaker,
surgical clips, or bone pins). You may not be able to have an MRI because of the magnetic fields.

Some people are given an injection of dye into a vein in the arm, but this usually does not cause
any discomfort. Some people feel claustrophobic inside the cylinder, but you may be able to take
someone with you into the room to keep you company. It may also help to mention to the staff
beforehand if you do not like enclosed spaces. They can then offer extra support during your test.

Bone marrow sample

A small sample of bone marrow is usually taken from the back of your hipbone (pelvis). The
sample is looked at under a microscope to see if it contains any lymphoma cells.

The bone marrow sample is taken under a local anaesthetic. You will be given a small injection to
numb the area and the doctor will gently pass a needle through the skin into the bone. The doctor
will draw a small sample of liquid marrow into a syringe to be looked at later under the microscope
(bone marrow aspirate). The doctor will then take a small core of marrow from the bone (a trephine

A bone marrow sample being taken

The test can be done on the ward or in the outpatients department. The whole procedure takes
about 15–20 minutes. It may be uncomfortable as the marrow is drawn into the syringe but this
should only last for a few seconds. You may be offered a short-acting sedative to reduce any pain
or discomfort during the test.

You may feel bruised after the test and have an ache for a few days. This can be eased with mild

Lumbar puncture
This test is done on the ward or in the outpatient’s department. First, you will be given an injection
of local anaesthetic. A thin needle is then put through the skin of your back into the fluid around
your spine and a sample of spinal fluid will be taken. This will be examined in the laboratory to see
if it contains any lymphoma cells. You will be asked to stay lying flat for at least an hour after the
test, to reduce the chance of getting a headache.

Most people have no problems with this test, although when the needle is put in it can sometimes
cause a tingling down the back of your legs. This is harmless, but can be worrying if you are not
expecting it. Some people get a headache for a few days afterwards and may need to take

PET scan
PET (positron emission tomography) scans are a new type of scan so you may have to travel to a
specialist centre to have one. They are not always necessary but you can discuss with your doctor
whether one would be useful in your case. PET scans can be used to find whether a lymphoma
has spread, or to examine any lumps that remain after treatment to see whether they are scar
tissue or whether cancer cells are still present.

A PET scan uses low-dose radioactive glucose (a type of sugar) to measure the activity of cells in
different parts of the body. A very small amount of a mildly radioactive substance is injected into a
vein, usually in your arm. A scan is then taken a couple of hours later. Areas of cancer are usually
more active than surrounding tissue and they show up on the scan.

Waiting for the results

It will probably take several days for the results of your tests to be ready and a follow-up
appointment will be arranged for you to discuss them. Obviously this waiting period may be an
anxious time for you and it may help you to talk things over with a close friend, relative or a
support organisation. You can ask your doctor when your results will be available, so that you
know how long you will have to wait.

Grading and staging of NHL

Grading refers to how quickly the lymphoma may grow and develop. Staging is a term which
describes where it is in the body, how many lymph glands are affected and whether it has spread
to other lymph glands or other organs.


Most non-Hodgkin lymphomas fall into one of two main categories:

Low-grade (or indolent) These grow very slowly and may need little or no treatment for months
or possibly years. When they do need treatment they are likely to shrink down, or even disappear
completely. Some types of low-grade NHL can be cured with treatment, but others are likely to
come back again at some time in the future. Follicular lymphoma is an example of a low-grade

High-grade (or aggressive) These types grow more quickly. They usually cause symptoms and
will need immediate treatment. However, they are more likely to be completely cured than low-
grade lymphomas. The usual treatment is chemotherapy. Diffuse large B-cell, and Burkitt
lymphoma are types of high-grade lymphoma.
A commonly used staging system is described below:

Stage 1 One group of lymph nodes is affected.

Stage 2 Two or more groups of nodes are affected, but the lymphoma is only on one side of the
diaphragm. The diaphragm is the sheet of muscle under the lungs that helps us to breathe. The
part of the body above the diaphragm is the upper half, and below the diaphragm is the lower half
of the body.

Stage 3 The lymphoma is on both sides of the diaphragm.

Stage 4 The lymphoma has spread beyond the lymph nodes, for example to other organs such as
the bone marrow, liver or lungs.

As well as giving each stage a number, doctors also use a letter code – either A or B – to show
whether or not you have specific symptoms. Your doctor will ask you whether you have lost weight
or have fevers or night sweats. If you do not have any of these symptoms, your lymphoma will be
classified as A. If you have these symptoms, it is B.

Occasionally, lymphomas can occur at unusual sites outside the lymph nodes, for example in the
stomach. This is called extranodal lymphoma and the stage will include the letter E (for

Once your doctor knows the type of lymphoma and the stage and grade, they can plan the most
effective treatment for you.

Treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Many people with non-Hodgkin lymphomas can either be cured or stay in remission for many
years. Complete remission is where there is no sign of the lymphoma. Partial remission is
where the lymphoma shrinks down so that the person is well, does not have symptoms and does
not need further treatment at that time.

Your doctor will plan your treatment by taking into consideration a number of things, including the
specific type of lymphoma you have, your age, your general health (including any other medical
conditions), which parts of your body are affected and the number of affected lymph nodes and
whether other organs are affected.

Low-grade lymphomas
High-grade lymphomas
Planning your treatment
Giving your consent
Benefits and disadvantages of treatment
Treatment decisions
Second opinion

Low-grade lymphomas
Low-grade lymphomas often grow very slowly and there may be long periods where there is very
little, or no, change in the disease. For many people, regular check-ups are all that is needed and
treatment may be postponed for a long time – this is known as active surveillance or watchful
waiting. Usually the first treatment given is chemotherapy, often in combination with a monoclonal
antibody. If you have low-grade NHL in only one group of lymph nodes, you may just be given
radiotherapy to that area.
After treatment, many people with low-grade lymphoma have a time with no signs of active
disease (known as remission). If the lymphoma then comes back, it can be treated again with
chemotherapy (with or without a monoclonal antibody), radiotherapy or with a monoclonal antibody
given on its own. Often another period of remission may follow. Low-grade NHL can often be
controlled in this way for many years.

High-grade lymphomas
These are faster growing and need treatment soon after the diagnosis. Treatment is usually with a
combination of chemotherapy drugs and steroids. The chemotherapy is given into a vein by drip,
often in combination with a monoclonal antibody. Most chemotherapy for high-grade lymphomas is
given in the outpatients department, although sometimes you may have to stay in hospital.
Chemotherapy for high-grade NHL will vary depending on the type.

If there is a risk that the nervous system may be affected by the lymphoma, an anti-cancer drug
may be injected into the fluid around the spinal cord – this is called intrathecal chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy can often shrink high-grade NHL very quickly. If there is a high risk of the
lymphoma coming back after standard treatment, other treatments such as high-dose
chemotherapy may be recommended. Sometimes radiotherapy is used after chemotherapy,
especially if the lymphoma is in just one area of the body or was very large before chemotherapy
was given.

Children with non-Hodgkin lymphoma nearly always have high-grade tumours and the main form
of treatment is with intensive chemotherapy. Radiotherapy may sometimes be needed as well.

During the initial intensive period of a child’s chemotherapy, they will probably not be able to go to
school. Many children worry quite a lot about missing school and getting behind with their work. It
is important to reassure them that they will be able to catch up. Your doctor and the social worker
at the hospital can help you to arrange a home tutor for your child during this time.

It may help to talk to your child’s head teacher, to see if the school can arrange to send work home
for your child. There is also a teacher attached to the hospital ward who will help with your child’s
education if they have to be in hospital for extended periods. The teacher will also keep in touch
with your child’s school.

Our children's storybook, Peppermint Ward, covers many of the issues children face when having
chemotherapy. You can order a copy of this publication.

We have a booklet on children’s cancers, which has detailed information about non-Hodgkin
lymphoma in children and its treatment.

Planning your treatment

In most hospitals, a team of specialists will decide the treatment that is best for you. This
multidisciplinary team will include:

a haematologist (doctor who specialises in treating blood disorders)

medical and clinical oncologists (chemotherapy and radiotherapy specialists)
a radiologist (a doctor who helps to analyse scans and x-rays).
It will often include a number of other healthcare professionals such as a nurse specialist, a
pathologist (a doctor who specialises in identifying diseases by looking at cells in the laboratory), a
dietitian, a physiotherapist, an occupational therapist and a psychologist or counsellor.

Together, the doctors will be able to advise you on the best course of action and plan your

If two treatments are equally effective for your type and stage of lymphoma, your doctors may offer
you a choice of treatments. Sometimes people find it very hard to make a decision. If you are
asked to make a choice, make sure that you have enough information about the different
treatment options, what is involved and the side effects you might get, so that you can decide what
the right treatment is for you.

Remember to ask questions about any aspects that you do not understand or feel worried about.
You may find it helpful to discuss the benefits and disadvantages of each option with your doctor,
or specialist nurse.

Giving your consent

Before you have any treatment, your doctor will explain the aims of the treatment to you. They will
usually ask you to sign a form saying that you give your permission (consent) for the hospital staff
to give you the treatment. Before you are asked to sign the consent form, you should be given full
information about:

the type and extent of the treatment you are advised to have
the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment
any other treatments that may be available
any significant risks or side effects of the treatment.

If you don't understand what you have been told, let the staff know straight away so that they can
explain again. Some cancer treatments are complex, so it is not unusual for people to need
repeated explanations.

It is often a good idea to have a friend or relative with you when the treatment is explained, to help
you remember the discussion more fully. You may also find it useful to write down a list of
questions before you go to your appointment. Patients can feel that hospital staff are too busy to
answer questions, but it is important to know how treatment is likely to affect you. Staff should be
willing to make time for your questions.

You can always ask for more time to decide about the treatment, if you feel that you can’t make a
decision when it is first explained to you.

You are also free to choose not to have the treatment. The staff can explain what may happen if
you do not have it. It is essential to tell a doctor, or the nurse in charge, so that they can record
your decision in your medical notes. You do not have to give a reason for not wanting to have
treatment, but it can be helpful to let the staff know your concerns so that they can give you the
best advice.

Benefits and disadvantages of treatment

Many people are concerned about the side effects that may occur with cancer treatments.
Although treatments can cause side effects, these can usually be controlled with medicines. Some
people ask what would happen if they did not have any treatment.

Treatment can be given for different reasons, and the potential benefits will vary for each person.
Low-grade NHL is usually very sensitive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and treatment can
reduce the amount of lymphoma (partial remission) or get rid of it for a time (complete
remission). Many people with low-grade NHL can have the illness controlled for many years and
can live an almost normal life for a lot of that time. Treatment can reduce symptoms and increase
life expectancy for most people.

Without treatment, high-grade NHL would usually get bigger and spread quite quickly, and most
people would not live for much longer. Most of the side effects of treatment can be well controlled
and the treatment is usually effective. A complete cure is possible for many people with high-grade
NHL. Some people will find that their initial treatment does not work, and then another type of
treatment will be used.

Sometimes, if the lymphoma has come back after initial treatment, the treatment may only be able
to control it, leading to an improvement in symptoms and a better quality of life. However, for some
people in this situation the treatment will have no effect upon the cancer and they will get the side
effects with little benefit.

Treatment decisions
If you have been offered treatment that aims to cure your lymphoma or put it into remission,
deciding whether to accept the treatment may not be difficult. However, if your lymphoma has
come back and the treatment you have been offered is to control it for a period of time, it may be
more difficult to decide whether to go ahead with treatment.

Making decisions about treatment in these circumstances is always difficult, and you may need to
discuss in detail with your doctor whether you wish to have further treatment. If you choose not to,
you can still be given supportive (palliative) care, with medicines to control any symptoms.

Second opinion
Even though a number of cancer specialists work together as part of a team to decide on the most
suitable treatment, you may want to have another medical opinion. Most doctors will be willing to
refer you to another specialist for a second opinion, if you feel that it will be helpful. The second
opinion can take some time to organise and may cause a delay in the start of your treatment, so
you and your doctor need to be confident that it will be helpful.

If you go for a second opinion, it may be a good idea to take a friend or relative with you, and have
a list of questions ready, so that you can make sure your concerns are covered.

Chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy the lymphoma cells. The drugs
travel round in the blood and reach lymphoma cells wherever they are in the body.

Low-grade lymphoma
High-grade lymphoma
Intrathecal chemotherapy
Central lines
PICC Lines
Implantable ports
Side effects of chemotherapy
Permanent side effects
Low-grade lymphoma
Low-grade lymphomas are often treated with chemotherapy tablets that can be taken at home, so
you can carry on with your normal activities. At other times, the drugs are given by an injection into
a vein in the arm (intravenously). Many chemotherapy treatments can be given to you as an
outpatient, although sometimes you may need a short stay in hospital.

The most common types of chemotherapy given for low-grade lymphomas are tablets called
chlorambucil, or a drug called fludarabine. Fludarabine can be given as tablets or as a liquid into
the vein.

A combination of chemotherapy drugs called CVP is also used. CVP includes the chemotherapy

and prednisolone (a steroid).

A monoclonal antibody called rituximab is often given alongside CVP.

High-grade lymphoma
Chemotherapy for high-grade lymphomas is given into a vein (intravenously). Usually, a
combination of several drugs is given over a few days and this is followed by a gap of a few
weeks. This allows your body to recover from any side effects before the next treatment. Your
treatment will probably last for several months and during this time you will have regular check-
ups. Sometimes the chemotherapy is given once a week over a shorter time span, perhaps three
to four months.

The most commonly used chemotherapy for high-grade lymphomas is a combination of four drugs
called CHOP. CHOP is a combination of the chemotherapy drugs:

doxorubicin (doxorubicin hydrochloride)
vincristine (Oncovin®)
and prednisolone (a steroid).

A monoclonal antibody called rituximab is usually given alongside CHOP.

Intrathecal chemotherapy
Some people with particular types of lymphoma have a lumbar puncture done at the start of
chemotherapy. This is to check if there are lymphoma cells in the spinal fluid. If lymphoma cells
are found, you will be advised to have chemotherapy directly into the spinal fluid on several
occasions until the lymphoma cells are gone. Even if no lymphoma cells are found, your doctors
may decide to give several doses of a chemotherapy drug directly into the spinal fluid to prevent
lymphoma cells from growing there. Giving treatment in this way is known as intrathecal
chemotherapy. Intrathecal treatment may be given as an outpatient, but sometimes it may mean
an overnight stay in hospital.

Central lines
Some people having chemotherapy may find it easier to have a central line. A central line is a long
tube made from silicone rubber that is inserted into a main vein in the chest. They are also called
tunnelled central venous catheters and can be put in under local or general anaesthetic.
Chemotherapy and other drugs can be given through the line and blood samples can be drawn
out with a syringe. The central line stays in throughout your treatment. Once your treatment is
finished, the line is taken out. Usually this is easily done, using local anaesthetic if needed.

Position of a central line

PICC Lines
A PICC line (peripherally inserted central catheter) is like a central line, but is put into a vein in the
bend of your arm instead of the chest. You can have a PICC line put in as an outpatient, using
local anaesthetic. Your PICC line can stay in throughout your treatment and can be used to give
drugs or take blood. Once you have finished your treatment, the PICC line is easily removed.

The PICC line is threaded through the vein until the end is near to your heart

Implantable ports
Some tubes end in small 'ports' that lie just under the skin of the chest: these are known as
implantable ports (see diagram below). The port can be used to give chemotherapy and other
drugs, and also to take blood samples. You will be given either a local or a general anaesthetic
before the port is inserted. Once your treatment is finished, the port is removed. Usually, this is
easily done, using a local anaesthetic if necessary.

Side effects of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy can cause unpleasant side effects, but these can often be well controlled with
medicines. Not all drugs cause the same side effects and some people may have very few side
effects. Your doctor will tell you about any problems that your treatment may cause.

Lowered resistance to infections

While the drugs are acting on the lymphoma cells in your body, they also temporarily reduce the
number of normal white cells in your blood. When these cells are reduced you are more likely to
get an infection and you may tire easily. During chemotherapy your blood will be tested regularly
and, if necessary, you may be given antibiotics to treat any infection. Injections (growth factors)
may also be given to stimulate the production of white blood cells by the bone marrow.

Contact your doctor or the hospital straight away if:

your temperature goes above 38ºC (100.5ºF)

you suddenly feel unwell (even with a normal temperature).

You will have a blood test before having more chemotherapy, to make sure that your cells have
recovered. Occasionally your treatment may have to be delayed if your blood count is still low.

If the level of red blood cells (haemoglobin) in your blood is low you will become very tired and
lethargic. You may also become breathless. These are all symptoms of anaemia – a lack of
haemoglobin in the blood.

Anaemia can be very successfully treated by blood transfusions. You will feel more energetic and
the breathlessness will be eased.

Bruising and bleeding

Platelets are a type of blood cell which help the blood to clot. If the number of platelets in your
blood is low you will bruise easily and may bleed heavily from even minor cuts or grazes. Let your
doctor know if you have any unexplained bruising or bleeding, such as nosebleeds, blood spots
or rashes on the skin, and bleeding gums. We have a booklet on platelet transfusions.

Feeling sick
Some of the drugs used to treat NHL can make you feel or be sick (nausea and vomiting), but
there are very effective anti-sickness drugs (anti-emetics) to prevent this. If the sickness is not
controlled or continues, even with anti-sickness treatment, let your doctor know. They can
prescribe other anti-sickness drugs which may be more effective.

Chemotherapy affects people in different ways. Some people find they are able to lead a fairly
normal life during their treatment, but many find they have to take things much more slowly.
Tiredness can build up over a course of treatment, and if you have had a lot of chemotherapy, it
can last for several months or more after your treatment has finished. Try to cut down on any
unnecessary activities and ask your friends or family to help with jobs such as shopping and
housework. Gentle exercise can sometimes help with the symptoms of fatigue.

Sore mouth
Some chemotherapy drugs can make your mouth sore and cause small mouth ulcers. It is
important to have regular mouthwashes to keep your mouth clean and the nurse will show you
how to use these properly. Using a soft toothbrush can be helpful.

If you don’t feel like eating during your treatment, you could try replacing some meals with
nutritious drinks or a soft diet. You may find our booklet on eating problems helpful.

Hair loss
Unfortunately, some chemotherapy drugs will make your hair fall out. People who lose their hair
often wear wigs, hats or scarves. If you are being treated as an inpatient, or you are on income
support, you can get a free wig from the NHS. If not, you can still get a subsidised wig from the
hospital. Ask your doctor or the nurse about seeing a wig specialist. If your hair falls out it is
important to protect your scalp from the sun. If you lose your hair, it will start to grow back within
three to six months of finishing your treatment.

Although they may be hard to bear at the time, these side effects will gradually disappear
once your treatment is over.

Permanent side effects

Chemotherapy can have long-term (permanent) side effects. Again, these will vary depending on
the drugs you are treated with.

The most common permanent side effect is infertility (although not all chemotherapy drugs affect
your fertility). Men may stop producing sperm, although they will continue to orgasm and ejaculate
normally. Sperm banking can often be carried out before treatment.

Most women find that their periods stop or become irregular during treatment. They may go back
to normal after treatment, but the closer you are to the age of your natural menopause, the more
likely it is that chemotherapy will stop your periods permanently. If this happens, you can be given
hormone replacement therapy. This will not give you back your fertility, but it helps with
menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, dry skin, vaginal dryness and a drop in sexual desire.

Other effects
Some chemotherapy drugs may slightly affect the way that your heart works. With some drugs
there is a small risk that they may cause another cancer many years later. This risk of long-term
side effects has to be balanced against the benefit of the chemotherapy in curing or controlling the
lymphoma. If you are worried about the risk of long-term side effects it is helpful to discuss this
with your doctor or specialist nurse.

Steroid therapy for non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Steroids are drugs which are often given with chemotherapy to help treat lymphomas. They also
help you to feel better and can reduce feelings of sickness due to chemotherapy.

Side effects
Steroids as part of lymphoma treatment are usually only given for short periods of time and usually
have few side effects. The side effects you may notice are:

an increased appetite
feeling very restless
difficulty getting to sleep.

If you have to take steroids for some time, you may have some other temporary side effects, which
can include:

puffiness of the eyelids, hands, fingers and feet

higher blood pressure
a slightly higher risk of getting infections.

You may also have a higher level of sugar in the blood. If this happens to you, your doctor will
prescribe medicines that you will need to take daily to bring your blood sugar level back to normal.
You may have to do a simple daily test to check for sugar in your urine. The nurses will show you
how to do this.

It is important to remember that all these side effects are temporary and will gradually disappear
as the steroid dose is reduced.

Monoclonal antibody therapy for NHL

Monoclonal antibodies are drugs that can recognise specific cells in the body. These drugs are
designed to find a particular type of cancer cell, attach themselves to them and destroy them.

Other monoclonal antibodies

A monoclonal antibody treatment called rituximab (Mabthera®) is used in the treatment of some
types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It may be used on its own or in combination with chemotherapy.

Rituximab attaches to a protein called CD20 that is found on the surface of B lymphocytes, both
normal and cancerous. Rituximab stimulates the body’s natural defences to attack and destroy the
lymphocytes. It attacks some healthy B lymphocytes (white blood cells) as well as the lymphoma
cells, but the body can replace the healthy ones and the level of these cells in the blood returns to
normal within a few months once the treatment has ended.

Rituximab is given as a drip (infusion) into a vein, and can be used in different ways. It is
sometimes given in combination with CVP chemotherapy, as the first treatment for some types of
low-grade NHL. It may also be given on its own as four, weekly sessions if low-grade NHL comes
back after previous treatment. If rituximab works well to treat low-grade NHL it is sometimes
used, on its own, as maintenance therapy, for up to two years.

As treatment for high-grade NHL, rituximab is usually given alongside CHOP chemotherapy.

Other monoclonal antibodies

Some monoclonal antibodies have radioactive molecules attached to them, which give a dose of
radiation directly to the cancer cells. Radioactive monoclonal antibodies that may be used to treat
NHL include ibritumomab tixuetan (Zevalin®) and tositumomab (BEXXAR®).

Other monoclonal antibodies are being developed and you may be offered these as part of
research trials. Some research trials use monoclonal antibodies in combination with

Some people can have an allergic reaction to monoclonal antibodies, particularly with the first
dose. This can cause a flu-like reaction, a drop in blood pressure or feelings of sickness. Because
of this, the first dose is given slowly, over a number of hours. You may be given some other
medicines first to make a reaction less likely. You are less likely to react to further doses.

Radiotherapy for non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Radiotherapy treats cancer by using high-energy rays, which destroy the cancer cells, while doing
as little harm as possible to normal cells.

How it is given
Planning radiotherapy
Side effects

How it is given
Radiotherapy treatment is directed at specific parts of the body and may be used when the
lymphoma cells are contained in one or two areas of lymph nodes in the same part of the body
(stage 1 or 2). It is often given along with chemotherapy.

The treatment is normally given as a series of short daily sessions. The treatments are usually
given daily, Monday to Friday, with a rest at the weekend. The number of treatments will depend
on the type and stage of the lymphoma, but the whole course of treatment will usually last a few

Each treatment takes from 10 to 15 minutes. Your doctor will discuss the treatment and possible
side effects with you.

Planning radiotherapy
Radiotherapy has to be carefully planned to make sure that it is as effective as possible. On your
first visit to the radiotherapy department, you will be asked to have a CT scan or lie under a
machine called a simulator, which takes x-rays of the area to be treated. The treatment is planned
by a clinical oncologist (a cancer specialist). Planning is a very important part of radiotherapy and
may take a few visits.

The radiographer, who gives you your treatment, will draw marks on your skin to help position you
accurately and to show where the rays are to be directed. These marks must stay throughout your
treatment. Permanent marks (like tiny tattoos) may be used. These are tiny, and will only be done
with your permission. Some people need to have a mould made of the area being treated – this
is to help you keep still during the treatment.

At the beginning of your treatment you will be given advice on how to look after your skin in the
area being treated. Perfumed soaps, creams or deodorants may irritate the skin and should not be
used during the treatment.

Before each session of radiotherapy, the radiographer will position you carefully on the couch, and
make sure you are comfortable. During your treatment, which only takes a few minutes, you will be
left alone in the room but you will be able to talk to the radiographer who will be watching you.

Radiotherapy is not painful but you do have to lie still for a few minutes while the treatment is
being given.

A radiographer watches on a monitor while treatment is given

Side effects
Radiotherapy will nearly always make people tired. Other side effects you have will depend on the
part of your body being treated.

treatment to the abdomen can cause stomach upsets such as feeling sick (nausea),
vomiting or diarrhoea.
treatment to the head can make your hair fall out in the treated area.
radiotherapy to the neck can make your mouth or throat sore and you may notice that
some foods taste different from normal.

The side effects can be mild or more troublesome, depending on the part of the body being treated
and the radiotherapy dose. Your radiotherapist will be able to advise you about what to expect and
your doctor can prescribe medicines to help with side effects such as sickness or diarrhoea. Our
booklet on eating problems has helpful tips on coping with eating problems caused by treatment.

Radiotherapy can have long-term (permanent) side effects. These are rare and, again, will vary
depending on the part of the body treated. You can ask your specialist about possible long-term
side effects.

We have a booklet on radiotherapy, which gives more details about this treatment and its side
Follow-up after treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma
After your treatment has finished, you will be asked to go back to the hospital for regular check-
ups. To begin with, these may be every month but they will gradually take place less often. Your
doctor will ask how you are feeling and examine you. You may have a blood test. From time to
time, you may also have a CT scan, chest x-ray or ultrasound scan.

You should see your GP or hospital doctor if, between your follow-up visits, you have a symptom

you cannot readily explain

lasts more than a week
is not getting better.

For people whose treatment is over apart from regular check-ups, our booklet, adjusting to life
after cancer treatment, gives useful advice on how to keep healthy and adjust to life after

If non-Hodgkin lymphoma comes back

For some people, treatment will completely cure their lymphoma. Other people, however, may find
that their lymphoma comes back. If this happens, it may still be possible to give treatment in order
to provide a further remission.

Even if this is not possible, treatment can be given to shrink the lymph nodes and control the
disease to keep you well, often for long periods. Such treatment might be chemotherapy,
radiotherapy, a combination of both, or a stem cell transplant.

High-dose treatment with stem cell support (transplant)

Transforming from low-grade to high-grade

High-dose treatment with stem cell support (transplant)

Some people may be offered treatment with very high doses of chemotherapy, sometimes
combined with radiotherapy.

Your doctor will discuss with you whether this treatment is appropriate and possible in your case.
High-dose chemotherapy is a very intensive treatment that needs to be given by doctors with
experience of managing the side effects.

Before high-dose treatment can be considered, stem cells (the basic blood cells from which other
cells develop) must be collected from your body at a time when you are well. This is called a stem
cell harvest. The stem cells are then frozen and kept in storage until you have high-dose

Harvesting the stem cells involves giving you several injections of growth factors to increase the
number of stem cells in your blood. The stem cells are then collected by a process in which blood
is removed through a needle in your arm. The blood is then passed through a machine called a
cell separator. The cells are separated out as the rest of your blood flows back in to you through
another needle. Alternatively, stem cells can be collected from your bone marrow. For this, you will
need to have a general anaesthetic.

High doses of chemotherapy destroy the bone marrow, where our blood cells are usually made.
After the high-dose chemotherapy has been given, the stem cells are thawed and given back into
your blood through a drip. The stem cells make their way to your bone marrow where they start to
produce blood cells. This can take a few weeks. You will be very prone to infection at this time
so you are likely to need to stay in hospital.

In most cases, your own stem cells are collected and then given back to you after the high-dose
chemotherapy. This is called an autologous transplant.

Some people may be given stem cells from another person (a donor) rather than using their own
cells and this is called an allogeneic transplant.

Our booklet stem cell and bone marrow transplants gives more information on this treatment.

Transforming from low-grade to high-grade

Over time, some low-grade (indolent) lymphomas can become more aggressive (high-grade). This
happens in about a third of all low-grade NHL and depends upon the type. It can take many years
before an indolent lymphoma becomes high-grade. If indolent lymphoma transforms, it will need to
be treated as a high-grade lymphoma.

Sometimes it is possible for both low-grade and high-grade NHL to be diagnosed in the same
person, at the same time. If this happens the NHL is usually treated as high-grade.

How treatment for NHL might affect your fertility

Unfortunately, some types of chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin lymphoma can cause infertility. Your
doctor will talk to you about this in more detail before you start your treatment. If you have a
partner, you may find it helpful to see the doctor together so you can both discuss any fears or
worries. Some drugs do not cause infertility and these are being used more often than those that
do. Unfortunately, the intensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy necessary before a stem cell
transplant may be more likely to make you permanently infertile.

Feelings about fertility
Preserving fertility

If your chemotherapy does make you infertile, it may not do so straight away. Because of this you
may still be able to get pregnant, or father a child. You will normally be advised to avoid pregnancy
during your chemotherapy treatment and for up to a year afterwards. To prevent this, you should
use reliable contraception, such as a condom. It is important to remember that there are many
couples who have had healthy babies following chemotherapy treatment – there is no increase in
the risk of birth defects in children of people who have had treatment for cancer.

As your doctor knows the exact type of treatment you are having, they are the best person to
answer your questions about fertility. Make a list of any questions you may have so you can be
sure you are clear about your treatment.

Feelings about fertility

If chemotherapy does make you infertile, it can be very difficult to come to terms with the fact that
you can't have children. You may feel that you have lost a part of your identity. Talking about your
feelings with your partner, family or a close friend can help to clarify your thoughts and give the
people close to you the chance to understand how you are feeling.
If it would be easier for you to talk to someone outside your immediate circle, you may find it
helpful to talk to your nurse, social worker, our nurses or a trained counsellor.

Preserving fertility
Some people can preserve their fertility by storing sperm or fertilised (and in some situations,
unfertilised) eggs. These procedures have to be done before you start treatment, but the eggs and
sperm can be stored until you need them. It is important to bear in mind that some of the methods
of collecting eggs or sperm can take quite a while. You may have to weigh up the benefits of
having fertility preservation against the drawback of delaying your treatment.

If men have radiotherapy to the abdominal area, a lead shield may be used to protect the testes. If
there is a risk of infertility it is usually possible for men to have sperm stored before starting
treatment. Parents of teenage boys should also be aware of this so that, where possible, sperm
can be stored for use in later years.

If you are infertile and would like to have a child, it may also be possible for your partner to
become pregnant using donated sperm.

If women are to have radiotherapy to the abdomen it is sometimes possible to surgically move the
ovaries out of the treatment area before the treatment starts.

It may be possible to store fertilised eggs with the chance of re-implanting them later. This may be
worth considering if you and your partner want a child, and you are going to have chemotherapy
that may make you infertile. Your treatment will need to be delayed for several weeks while the
eggs are collected. Your specialist will be able to advise you about any potential risk in delaying

It is sometimes possible to store unfertilised eggs so that they can be fertilised and re-implanted
when needed. However, this is much less successful than storing fertilised eggs and not widely
available. Research is looking at whether it is possible to remove and store ovarian tissue, and re-
implant it after your treatment has finished, but this is still experimental. If you are infertile, it may
be possible to have infertility treatment (IVF) with donor eggs, so that you and your partner can
have a child.

Research - clinical trials for NHL

Cancer research trials are carried out to try to find new and better treatments for non-Hodgkin
lymphoma. Trials that are carried out on patients are known as clinical trials.

Clinical trials may be carried out to:

test new treatments, such as new chemotherapy drugs, gene therapy or cancer vaccines
look at new combinations of existing treatments, or change the way they are given, in order
to make them more effective or to reduce side effects
compare the effectiveness of drugs used for symptom control
find out how cancer treatments work
see which treatments are the most cost-effective.

Trials are the only reliable way to find out if a different operation, type of chemotherapy,
radiotherapy, or other treatment is better than what is already available.
Taking part in a trial
You may be asked to take part in a treatment research trial. There can be many benefits in doing
this. Trials help to improve knowledge about cancer and develop new treatments. You will also be
carefully monitored during and after the study. Usually, several hospitals around the country take
part in these trials. It is important to bear in mind that some treatments that look promising at first
are often later found not to be as good as existing treatments, or to have side effects that outweigh
the benefits.

Current trials
There are a number of different trials for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. These include studies looking at
chemotherapy schedules, the dose of radiotherapy, the use of rituximab and other monoclonal
antibodies, and other biological treatments. There are different trials for different types of NHL.

The process of clinical trials is described in more detail in our booklet understanding cancer
research trials.

Blood and tumour samples

Many blood samples and bone marrow or tumour biopsies may be taken to find out what is wrong
with you. Most of these are needed to make the right diagnosis. You may be asked for your
permission to use some of your samples for research into cancer. Some samples may be frozen
and stored for future use, when new research techniques become available.

The research may be carried out at the hospital where you are treated, or it may be at another
hospital. This type of research takes a long time, so you are unlikely to hear the results. The
samples will, however, be used to increase knowledge about the causes of cancer and its
treatment. This research will, hopefully, improve the outlook for future patients.

JASCAP resources
Talking about your cancer
Practical advice and guidance for cancer patients to help them communicate with family, friends,
carers and health professionals about emotional and practical issues arising from a diagnosis of
cancer and cancer treatment.

Talking to children about cancer

Practical advice and guidance to help parents with cancer talk to their children about their cancer.

Talking to someone with cancer

Practical advice and guidance for friends, carers and family members to help them talk to their
friend or relative with cancer, and provide emotional and practical support.

Note: JASCAP has booklets on each of the above subjects.

Questions you might like to ask your doctor or surgeon

You can fill this in before you see the doctor or surgeon, and then use it to remind yourself of the
questions you want to ask, and the answers you receive.

1. _______________________________________

Answer _______________________________________


2. _______________________________________

Answer _______________________________________


3. _______________________________________

Answer _______________________________________


4. _______________________________________

Answer _______________________________________


5. _______________________________________

Answer _______________________________________


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Services in many ways.

Our Trust depends on voluntary donations. Please send your donation by Cheque or D/D payable
in Mumbai in favour of “JASCAP”.

Note for Reader

This JASCAP booklet is not designed to provide medical advice or professional services and is
intended to be for educational use only. The information provided through JASCAP is not a
substitute for professional care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem
or a disease. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health problem you should consult your


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