Orifice Discharge Lab Report

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Orifice Discharge

1. Abstract
The objective of this experiment was to determine the contraction and velocity coefficients.
Calculation on the discharge coefficient will also be done.

2. Introduction
For mechanics of fluid, a fluid passing through an orifice constriction will experience a drop
in pressure across the orifice. With the time recorded for the required for the level in the
volumetric tank to rise from 10 to 20 litres and the diameter measured, the pressure drop can
then be used to calculate the flow rate of the fluid. This experiment allows us to detect the
effect of friction on water flow. In determining the performance of water through a jet and the
effect of friction on performance, the coefficient of discharge (Cd), coefficient of velocity (Cv)
and coefficient of contracta (Cc) are needed. These three coefficients allow us to understand
the effect of the friction on water flow more clearly. Each of these coefficients is a ratio of
the actual performance to ideal performance as related to discharge, velocity and contraction.
All of the three coefficients are also a measure of pressure loss. From this experiment, it is
evident that the energy loss in the system can be directly related to the difference in head
levels between ideal and actual conditions.

3. Experiment Methods and Materials

The apparatus used in the experiment include flow through orifice unit, manometers, pressure
transmitter, adjustable feet, control panel, water tank, pump, hydraulic bench, stop watch and
The experiment procedures include:
General Start-up Procedures
First, the flow through orifice unit was ensured to be placed on top of the hydraulic bench and
the equipment was ensured to be set up properly. The unit was levelled using adjustable feet.
Water was then filled into the sump tank of the hydraulic bench until approximately 90% full.
The water supply form hydraulic bench was connected to the water inlet using a flexible
hose. A flexible hose was also connected to the overflow outlet and it was made sure to be
directed into the sump tank. After that, an orifice provided was installed at the discharge
opening of the cylindrical tank which is located at the bottom of the tank. Then, the bench
flow control valve was then fully closed. The main power supply was connected and the
pump was switched on. Lastly, the flow control valve was gradually opened for inlet flow
and allows the piping and the cylindrical tank to fill with water until all air has been expelled
from the system.
Flow Through Orifice Procedures
First, the hydraulic bench was turned on and water was allowed to enter the cylindrical tank.
The flow was adjusted until the water level in the tank was just above the overflow. By using
the adjustable inlet pipe, the level of diffuser was raised until it was just below water level.
The level of diffuser was made sure to be always adjusted to meet this condition for best
results. Then, the water level (H o) in the tube connected to the bottom of the cylindrical tank
was recorded. Before that, the tube was made sure to have no bubbles. The Pitot tube was
then moved onto position directly underneath the existing water jet. The water level (Hc) in
the tube connected to the Pitot tube was recorded once equilibrium was reached. Before that,
the tube was also made sure to have no bubbles. After that, the diameter of the existing water
jet was measured using the wire by moving the wire through the water jet until it passes
completely through the water jet and is barely touching the water jet. The diameter of the
vena contracta was measured using the distance traversed by the wire. Time taken for the
water level in the tank to rise from 10L to 20L was also recorded. All the results were
recorded and tabulated.
4. Data Analysis
The specific results from the experiment allow us to determine the flow rate (Q), coefficient
of discharge (Cd), coefficient of velocity (Cv) and coefficient of contracta (Cc).
Hc Ho Time,t Vc Vo Dc Do
(m) (m) (s) (m/s) (m/s) (m) (m)
0.3479 0.3549 36.93 2.6126 2.6387 0.01128 0.012
0.3469 0.3589 30.85 2.6088 2.6535 0.01179 0.012
0.3519 0.3564 34.50 2.6275 2.6443 0.01145 0.012

Ac Ao Qc Qo Cd Cv Cc1 Cc2
(m/s) (m/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)
9.9933x10-5 1.131x10-4 2.7078x10-4 2.9844 x10-4 0.9073 0.9901 0.9164 0.8836
1.0917x10-5 1.131x10-4 3.2415x10-4 3.0011x10-4 1.0801 0.9832 1.0986 0.9653
1.0297x10-4 1.131x10-4 2.8986x10-4 2.9907 x10-4 0.9692 0.9936 0.9754 0.9104

5. Discussion
Calculations are done based on the formulas below:
V  2 gH

Qo = Vo x Orifice Area
QC 
1000  t
CD 
CV  C
CC1  D
CC 2  

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