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Honeywell Models M640, M740, M940 Actionator Motors Product Manual 61-86-25-02 11/92 61-86-25.92 Honeywell ious Paget of 1 ‘Actionator Motors Product Manual Models M640, M740, M940 | TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Specification Sheet Function 61-86-03-06 1 Description 1 Options 2 ‘Accessories 2 Specifications 2 instalation Data instalation 61-86-0902 1 Models 640A, M6400, M7404, MSEDA Models M640B, M7408, MS40B Liter Travel Adjustment. ALANINE (MB40A, B Actionator Motors M6400 Motor. M7408, 8 Actionator Motors M940A, B Actionator Motors Technical Data ‘Theory of Operation 5786-0501 Service Data Model M640 Limit Switch Adjustment 6-86-1802 Fans Let Main Pans By-6-14-02 Engineering Drawings 24900510 — 120 Vac motors | Schematics M740 Models only 4300511 — 220/240 Vac motors fndustrial Automation and Contre! Division, 1100 Virginia Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19024 Parma Am © Ceo 1882—eepmat ne, Honeywell Actionator Motors Models M640, M740, M940 Function The Actionator motors position damp ers, butterfly valves, slp stem valves, for any device requiring rotary or linear ‘motion, Optional auxiliary equipment can be ‘used 10 provide position feedback or supply power to other devices. Reter to Table 1. The M640A, B, and D motors are used ‘with either 2 two-position controller with maintained contacts, of a floating con- troller. Each motor has a crankerm with agjustable throw and position. The M740A and 8 motors will accept a 4:20 mA signal ftom a proportional con- troller, Taese motors will position the final control device at any point be- ‘ween full open oF full closed, as deter- ‘mined by the controller signal ‘The M740 motor Hard Manual feature allows the customer to override the ‘motor position to fully open or fully ‘olose the valve or damper when required, ‘The M940A and 8 Actionator Motors ‘provide position proportional control of valves and other devices. 61-86-03-06 492 Page 1 of 8 Specification ‘The MG40B, 740B, 9408 motors can be used to operate slip-stem valves of the irect acting, reverse acting or three- way types using suitable linkage. ‘The M640D motor provides unidirec: tonal travel with adjustable stops, Tactory-set at 180°, ‘The M940 madels may be used with the ‘external electronic motor positioner ‘model R7195. Refer to document num- ber 81-09-2502. Figure 1—Model MS¢0A and D, MSOA Actionetor Motor Figure 3—Model M6408, MB40B Actionator Motors Figure 2—Mode! 740A Aetionator Motor Figure 4—MB40 Motor Cutaway View of intemal Parts ‘Process Control Division, 1100 Virginia Drive, Fert Washington, PA 19034 Printed in U.S.A W © Copyright 1992-— Honeywell, Inc. Specification Page2 Description Reter to Figures 1-4. A sealed, die-cast aluminum case provides excellent dure ity, The motor shatt is sealed with an '0" ring made of oi-resistant Buna-N. |1)s splash-proot and can be hosed ‘down during a cleaning operation if the ‘drain holes are plugged. These motors. meet U.L. and C.S.A. type 4 enclosure ratings, when both drain holes are plugged. Easily accessible switches and adjust. ‘ments simpilfy instalation and field ad justment. Cam postion is easily chang- ed-by inserting a screwdriver into one Cf many slots on the cam and applying slight bias force. Figure 4 shows he simplicity of cam adjustment. An internal dise brake stops and holds the load in any position. power is: removed from tne motor, the brake will ‘maintain the motor position until power is restored. ‘An adjustable crankarm is included with ‘each motor for connecting the motor shaft to a ball joint and push rod. The titer assembiy included on M6408, (M7408 and MS40B motors has an ad- justable eccentric and an internal strain ‘eliet spring to provide strain relief at [both ends of the stoke. ‘The motors are avaliable with timing ‘and torque ratings shown in Table 1 Options Auxiliary Switches and. ‘Slidewires for M640 Actionator Motors ‘Auxiliary switches and slidewires pro- vide additional switening functions for MB40A motors that have @ complete Wire hamess. Reter to Table 2 for ‘models marked with an asterisk (*) With the addition of an auxiliary side- wire, any M640A motor can be con. verted to an MS40A. Auxiliary switches land slidewires cannot be acded to other motors without changing the ter- ‘minal board. /Auxliary switches and slidewires can be combined to provide: f= from one to five auxiliary switches 1 one batancing slidewire with up to four auxiliary switches 1» one balancing slidewire with one retransmitting slidewire and up to three auxiliary switches ‘The following assembly numbers con- tain the auxiliary functions shown. Each ‘assembly contains all the necessary hardware including cams, wipers, ‘Spacers, screws, and a wrench. TABLE 1 ~ Timings and Torque Ratings Available ‘Assembly 7640MA — One auxiliary switch? ‘Assembly 7640MB — Two auxiliary switenes Assembly 7640MC — One 135-ohm sidew ‘Assembly 7640MD — One 1000-ohm sidewire* ‘Assembly 7640ME — One SO0ohm shewire” 01254 — Crankarm with act justable throw and positon 24d00144.001 — Adaptor kit to ‘mount 7195 to MB40IME40 *Oraer speci nao assembiy (part number 1329660) with two wipes to mount Wo Slgewe the same meter {Order an extra spacer (part number 132985) and two 4-40 NC serews.. 18 inches tong (Ban number 8024688). 0 mount fe auxiliary ewiches mt same moto: Accessories Yoke Assembly Used to mount M6408, M7408, MB40B Jon V5011 and V5013 valves. Valves Vaive bodies and linkages must be ordered separately Dampers Damper crank, push roc, and bal joint Jconnected to the motor crankarm ooer: ate camper in combination wih & six Stem valve. Motor Shaft Timing” Motor Shaft Torque {in seconds tor 160° rotation at 90% ‘at 100% (Ga seconds for 150° rotation) rated voltage ‘ated voltage fated voltage. one sone Win Nome tbin Nem. Nem 75625) 9175) aS 50870 785 e227 150125) 18 (15) 90 102 140, 168 © 200 898 280 1245.4 30 (25) 36 (30) 780 203-280 318-300 1334.4 300 1834.4 60 (50) 72 (60) 300 338 © 300 330-300, 13344 30013344 120(100) 144120) 300 339 300 339 300 1334.4 300 1334.4 “Based on 180° rotation without a load at rated votage, proportional syle has 160" {Stem force ratings determined with no load on motor shaft Newton-Mete. Specitications Operating Conditions Operating Temperature Specification (61-86-03-06 Page 3 = 2810 +65°C(—20 10 + 150°F) Power Consumption ‘M640, M940: 23 wants M740: 40 VA Performance Maximum Load Perpen- $0.7 Kg (200 1b) dleular to Motor Shatt Motor Shatt Rotation Auxillary Switch Rating -MG40A: Adjustable from 10 to 360°, reversible M740A, MSEOA: Aajustable from 10 to 150°. reversible 'M640B, M740B, M940B: Adjustable stroke from 0.64 to 3.81 cm (0.25 to 1.5 inches), reversible 'MB40D: Adjustable position. 180° stroke, unidirectional 7.4 maximum resistive; 120 or 240 Vac (on each switch), 1/8 Hp at 120 or 240 Vac. 412 amp at 120 Vae; 1/4 amp at 240 Vde Design Input Range 4:20 mA (actor adusieg) (ceadhand adjusted to 1%) (M7404, B only) Guaranteed fully closed: 4.0 mA Guaranteed start to open: 4.3 mA Guaranteed fully open: 20.0 mA Guaranteed start to close: 19.7 mA Input impedance 75 ohms Floating }M7404,8 only) Adjustments. Zero adjustment: 0.8 mA to 16.8 mA (M7404, B ony) Span adjustment: 2.0 mA to 26.0 mA Deadband adjustment: 1% to 5% Repositions Dondband satting —_—Repositions M7404, B only) ™ 190 Stidewire Resistance 135 or 1000 ohms Motor Shaft Mounting Surtece 12.7 mm long by 12.7 mm square (1/2 inch long by 1/2 inch square) Refer to Figures 5 and 6, Dimensions Refer to Figures § and 6. ‘Weight M640A 11.95 tbs. (5.4 kg) M6408 190s. (&6 kg) M740A 1431s. (6.5 ko) M7408 21.3bs. (8.7 ka) M940 1241s. (5.6 kg) M3408 19.41bs. (&8kg) Accessories (Standard) 1. Crank arm for mounting on square end of motor shaft witha starting angle adjustable in 22-72" saps and wth ball radus achutable fom 29.7 mm (1.6 inches) © 68.2 mm 2. Plug for unused conduit opening in the event that only one of the two opening is used. ‘Approval Bodies Underwriters Laboratories: £2 £84572, Guide XAPX Canadian Standards Association: File Number LR 47125, All 120 and 240 volt madels are U.L. and C.S.A. certified for type 4 enclosures. To comply, ‘motors are supplied with both drain holes sealed with selftapping serews. The lowest (evel «drain screw may be removed, if venting or draining is desired; but UL. andC.S.A. enclosure ‘standards are not maintained when drain holes are left open, Specification 67-86-03-08 Page 4 TABLE 2 - M640, M740, M940 Actionator Motors M640 ModelsIM740 Modats Wooe! Timing Number Vote Gecones) Mesom eT 120V 75 = ‘Mpcon 1022 207 ® — Macon 1139" Meson 1186" 240 5 = Macon ape- | '2OY ® oSebr ‘eo 1055, 7207 » a MeWOA 1266 s20v 2 2srot M5s0A 1068 1207 2 18°07 MBAOA 1170" 240 2 = econ 1089 ov % a 601168" 240 @ a econ 1162" 120 120 a ‘Meson 259°" 7207 5 Zer0T Meson tare ov % a Meso 1054" 7207 2 = Meco 1062" 320v = a Meso 1003 320 % ive40D 1017 3207 % SPOT in Taner MrAoR_1008 1200 % aoa Mraoa 1012 1200 2 = 740A 1038 20V = = MT40q_1059 1200 320 = W740 1020 20 x 2eeoT MTAOA 1046 200 2 2eroT 7401061120, # One 1358 Revenaniting Sidewie iuraon_1073 120 5 2eroT MT40A 1087 120V 0 3SPDT = iuraon_1095 2200 = 25POT Mraon 11031207 = 2.SPDT, One 1000.8 Reransmiting Sigewire Mraok 1197 1200 3 = 74081003 1200 & = wraoB 1011 200 2 = rao 1089 120 ® = wwraoe 1007 200 75 2ar0T M7408 1045 7200 5 25ROT 74081060 120v % 25°0T M7408 1076 __120V 120 25POT Specification '61-86.03-06 Page 5 TABLE 2 - M640, M740, MS40 Actionator Motors (continued) M940 Models Model Timing ‘Auntliary Number Voltage (Secones) Equipment M404 1000 120 18 — MB40A 1018 240V 15 — M940A 1028 t20V 20 a M408 102 220V 30 Mg40A 1089 120V 30 28PoT MB40A 1158 120V 30 4 8POT Mo40A 1067 120V 60 MBA 1075 240V 60 MB40A 1083 220V 60 Ma40A 7091 120V 60 ‘One 10002 Balance Slidewire M9404 1109 120v 120 ae M940A 1125 120V 60 (One 1359 Retransmitting Slidewire M940A 1133 120V 60 4SPOT Ma40A 1180 120V 60 (One 1352 Retransmitting Slidewire and 1 SPOT MO40A 1141 120¥ 120 2SP0T M940A 1216 -220V 60 2 SPDT One 10009 Retransmitting Slidewire M9404 1240 120¥ 60. 2SPDT M940A 1265 120V 15 2SPDT One 1359 Retransmitting Stidewire M9408 1273 t20V 30 2 SPDT ‘One 1359 Retransmitting Slidewire M9408 1009 120v 6 aa M9408 1058 120V 6 ‘One 1352 Retransmitting Slidewire and One 10008 Balance Siicewire M9408 1074 120¥ 60. 2SP0T M9<0B 1017 120V 30. —_ M9408 1025 120V 60. — M9408 1041 120¥ 60 ‘One 1259 Retransmitting Sidewire M9408 1082 220V 60 ‘One 1959 Retransmitting Siidewire “Wired tor field addition of auxiliary switches, balancing and retransmitting slidewre. ‘Auxiliary switch cams are momentary make at the switch point stroke. ther than continuous make through the remaining motor Specification 61-86-03-06 Page 6 ilimetres inches Gonduit holes ___.900,___ 31414 NPT 118 2 4 a ee TB 10.4 88 Drain nole ai /_|mithserew | 21 aE ECE asi 2 [—"— aha i 30 Zi m 4 i ‘es Motor snatt | “7a 37 sa across 35 flats Mounting hotes (6) 1/4:20 Side view es Ta ae End view ; Allow 4 incheslat Clearance so end Please Note: x Bottom view—cover can be | SMRPE6 Bimension oi removed M640, M940 Dimension = 7 4 / 18 jy, A? BE min. 2%, max crankarm ottset Figure 5—Motor cimensions — M6804, M740A, MBAOA ‘Specification '61-86-02-08 Conduit noles Drain hole with stew: 51 Please Note: *M740 Dimension on M40, MS40 Dimension = 84 Ds Stun At, maxcrntam et Figure 6—Motor dimensions — M640B, M7408, M408 "0 Hex J] Mounting notes 6) Li ee0 ait Bottom view TAIGDO, 34 oep aoe Allow 4 inches of ‘clearance so end cover-can be | removed | t Specification 61-86-03-08 Pages Ordering Information When ordering, specity Comptete Model Number (Refer to Table 1) Options Hf desired: 2, Asserrbly number of auxiliary ‘switches and slidewires for M40 lect from listing under ) ©. Slidewire resistance for MS40 motor. c. Other option accessories. (Order trom Honeywell 1885 Douglas Drive North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422 (in Canada — Honeyweli Limitec 155 Gordon Baker Road Willowdale Ontario M2H 3N7) For more information, contact the nearest Honeywel sales office or Honeywell, Industrial Controls Division, 1100 Virginia Drive, Fort Washington, Pa 19034, | Specifications are subject to change without notice Honeywell Actionator Motors Models M640, M740, M940 Installation Models ‘M6400, M7. Morale ME4OA, ra0A, |General 1. Determine the orientation of the ‘motor before mounting. Figure 1 ‘shows the locations of the drain holes. ULL. and C-S.A. type 4 ‘enclosure ratings will bé maintained ‘when both drain holes are plugged with sell-tapping screws. Remove the lowest drain hole screw only it ‘drainage or venting is required. Final Control Devices: 161-86-08-02 Page 1 of 9 _|Installation Data 2. Leave clearance around the motor {or adjusting and servicing. 3. Mount the motor so the motor shaft is horizontal. Mounting on Dampers ‘Use integral mounting bosses to mount the motor either externally on the duct ]wall or other suitable mounting surface, OF internally on a mounting bracket fur- nished on Honeywell dampers 3s specitied. For extornal mounting. connect the motor erankarm to the damper-shatt {tension using balljoints, a pushrod, and |a damper crankarm. For heavy duty use Jot he actionator motors use a stee! ‘mounting plate (Honeywell part number 4097). Refer to Figures 1 and 3 for roughing in dimensions. [Mounting on Valves Use Honeywal’s Q1O0C linkage to use motors with V51 butterfly valves. See linkage and valve instruction for moun- ing details, Figure 1——Dimensions o nearest miimetre (Models M640A, MG40D, M740A, M9404) holes (6) 14-20 {industrial Controls Division, 1100 Virginia Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034 (Proted nUS.A. © Coppin 987 ~ Henares ne. 61-26-00-02 Page2 Thtimetres inches 168 Dimensions: UJ Figure 2—Dimensions to nearest miimetre (M6408, M7408, MG40B) Models M640B, M740B, MS40B General Dimensions for these models are shown in Figure 2. During installation the motor should be through momentary contact ewitches. Connec- tion of the motor coils through the ter- minals indicated below will determine the direction of motor shaft rotation and the position ofthe valve lifter (direction viewed from shaft end): Motor shatt rotation clockwise, litter ‘down, Hot terminal 1, common terminal 2. Motor shaft rotation counterclock- ‘wise, lifter up. Hot terminal 3. common terminal 2. ‘Models M740B Only ‘The direction of motor trave! for the (M7408 motor is determined by connec- ting line voltage to the circuit. With no Input connections to terminals B, Rand \W the motor will run tothe counter- Clockwise limit. Applying a short to ter- mminals B and W causes the motor to run to the clockwise limit, /CAUTION: Whenever the motor yoke, ‘and valve are assembled and power iS ‘used to drive the motor to make ad- justments, do not arive the strain relist mechanism over 1.6 mm (0.06 in.)in ‘either direction on over-travel:other- ‘wise, serious damage may result to the ‘drive-cam and stroke-adjustment ‘mechanism inside the lifter assembly ‘These models are fumished with a ‘crankarm assembly which may nat be needed and can be discarded. ‘shipped with the stroke set for 6.3 mm (0.25 inches) ‘minimum travel and must be adjusted to match the lift of the particular valve Used, Table 1 lists iter travel along with the motor adjustment, Dimension “a'', which must be made. For a par- ticular vaive stem ltt, refer tothe lifter travel column of Table 1, noting Dimen- ‘sion "A". This dimension is measured ‘on the motor trom the bottom of the ‘Motor housing to the bottom of the liter 'shatt (Figure 4) when the lifter is at the ower extremity ofits cownvard stroke. ‘Dimension “A” is for single-seated and ouble-seated, twoway valves and allows a 1.5 mm (0.06 inches) strain ‘relief at the end of tne stroke. = =o |__ 4-20" ex Mounting hol Allow 4 ine Clearance 80: Sovercan be | removed | i Bottom view (On three-way valves, Dimension "A" should be increased 0.7 mm (0.03 in [ches) to give 1.5 mm (0.08 inches) strain-relief at both ends of the stroke, IRs possible on three-way valves, because of tolerance build-up, that only 0.7 mm (0.03 inches) strain reiiet may be available at both ends of the 38.1 ‘men (1.5 inch) stroke. 61-86-09.02 Pages Metricmm) English (inch) Metric mm), English (inch a ug 37s » es Ooms B23 2.034 4 98 0.375 c sr 2313 kK 83 0250 D as 2750 L 8 2000 E 87 2313 Mm 635 2.500 F 2 3739 N 1682 bas G 85 O37 oO 1873 7305 H m2 2.000 Figure 3—Dimensions - Stee! Mounting Pate for Actionator Motors (Part Number 49087) NOTE: The motor shaft rotation is tac- {tory set (M6408—160°, M740B, !M$408—150°). This adjustment should ‘never be changed if the following ac- justments are to provide the correct travel of the iter assembly. tassinoliing) 1. Remove the cap screw (Figure 6) from the top of the motor housing. 2. With power on, crive the motor iter shaft (Figure 5) until the wo act ‘ment screws are in tne with the 2¢- Justment stot visible trough the cap ‘Screw hole (Figure ) in the top of the ‘motor. Al his pomnt the adjustable ec ‘centric cam will have driven the iter shaft tothe lower extremity of ts travel adapter assembly Figure 4—itustration showing connection of valve stem or adaptor assembly to 3, Using a'7/32 inch Allen wrench, coe loosen the outer locking screw. JCAUTION: Do not loosen the tocking [Screw any further than absolutely necessary as this will disturb final ad- ustments which must be made later. 4, Using a 1/8 inch Allen wrench, turn the inner adjusting screw in the airecionrequed to adust Dimen- (Figure 4) as needed to pro- ‘ile the liter travel desired, A scale should be used to measure this ad- justment. Clockwise rotation of the adjusting screw will increase Dimen- sion “A” and lengthen the litter ‘decrease Dimension “A” and short- en the lifter travel. NOTE: The 20 thread per inch screw us- ed in the adjustable eccentric means ‘one counterciockwise revolution of the adjustment screw decreases the travel | Figure S—-lnustration of iter mechanism of circular cam, adjusting serewe and iter | approximately 2.54 mm (0.10 inch). 61-86-09-02 Page 4 Buttertiy valve ‘owner usag in ompination with slistor valve) Mounting serews Varese irasior Position inoteator soale meses ‘This arrangement used to connect Actionator Motor to: Series 1407 In sizes 1/2, 34, and 1 In. ‘Series 1607 In sized 112 through 2in. ‘Series 4707 In sizes 3 through 2 in. Series 4807 In sizes 172 through 2 in, . Series 4907 In sizes 172 through 2 In. Series 8107 In sizes 2-172 through 6 in. Series 9107 In sizes 1 trough 2 in. Series 9207 In sizes 1 through 2 in. \V501TA in sizes 1/2 through $n. (oronze bodes) \V5011A inaizes 2-12 through 5 in. (ron Bodles) ‘This arrangement used to connect Actlonator Motor to: \VSO13A in sizes 1/2 trough 2. (oronze bodies) ‘Series 1607 in sizes 2-12, 3 and 4 in. Vota in sins 22 trough Si. Grom Dodie) Series 9207 in sizes 2-123 and 4 in. INSET B. Figure 6 —Hustration of MG40B, 7408, and S408 Aetionator Motor mounted to Yoke and Valve body with inserts showing variations in ‘adaptors for citferent vaves. A VS1 Butterfly Valve i also Shown mounted to the moter. 5. Cheek the actual Iter travel adjust- ment as follows: 2. Using a scale, note the measure- ‘ment of Dimension "A", Figure 4 . Using power, run the litter fully into the motor and again note tne mea- ‘surement of Dimension "A. To fensure tight closure, tne difer- fence between these two readings should be equal to: 1. The vaive it plus 3.5 mm (0.6 inches} for two-way, single- ‘Seated and doublesseated vanes. 2. The valve lit plus 3.2 mm: (0.13 {inches} for three-way valves. 6. tthe actual liter travel does not follow the valve stroke as noted ‘above, return to Step 4 and continue lagjusting Dimension "A" until actual ‘operation of the motor provides the required travel. 7. Leave the cap screw off and the lock- ing screw loose for final adjustments. |Mount the Motor to the Valves NOTE: Two drain holes are provided in the motor housing for ventilation and Jerainage purposes (Figures 1 and 2). A setttapping screw is not supplied for the lower drain hole. After decicing location of the motor, [determine which crain hole will be at the bottom of the motor nousing and remove the screw fram this hole only it [drainage is required. A mounting yoke [must connect the motor to the valve body (Figure 6). For most applications the Actionator, yoke. and valve body /may be either fied or factory assemb+- [ed (specified when ordering the motor). However, if field mounting is required, the yoke may be ordered separately for the particular valve body (along with the Inecessary mounting screws, loc nuts, and stem adaptor assembly) yoke should be connected firmly to he valve bonnet according to the direc tions furnished with the yoke. ‘Using 1/4-20 mounting screws (Figure 6) and lockang washers, mount the ‘motor firmly fo the yoke. To mount the ‘motor it may be necessary to run the [stem lifter back into the motor, or to screw the vaive stem or adaptor as- ‘sembly into the lifter to clear the stem. 30, refer to the Beginning of this sec: ion for terminal connections required 0 ative the liter up. The tower end of the ttter Figure 6) is provided witha 7/16-20 {nreadec hole to receive the male nveads of the valve stem or stem adap- for. The stem should be threaded up as far as possibe, and the locking nut 61-36-00-02 Pages sapstment of stvain-eliet mechanism ‘should be left ted cown on the stem in the position shown in Figure 4 so final adjustments may be made. Einal Adjustments for Tignt Close-O1 Final adjustments of the stem connec- tion and liter travel are necessary for tight close-off and to ensure the eccen- {Wie is positioned property with respect to the litter shaft (Figure 6). The method for final adjustment will vary depending on whether a straight- ee ee ‘Single-seated and double-seated direct acting straightthrough vaives use the ‘same procedure. The procedures which Hollow provide a method for maintaining 1.5 mm (0.06 inches) override ot slighty ess on tne correct clogure. Any greater Joverride could result in jamming and Jdamage to the motor. Do the adjust ‘ments uncer “Adjusting Liter Travel” in this section first. In making final adjustments, refer to the beginning of this section for terminal [connections required to drive the stem lifter in and out. | Method For Two-way Adjusting y 1..With the vaive titer shaft in the ‘downward position, twist the valve ‘stem until the valve seats with hand tightness. 2. Using a colored pencil, mar the liter assembly. See Figure 4 '3, Using power, back the ier and stem off the seat (single-seated) or seats (Gouble-seated). 4, Twist the stem out of the litter 1-1/4 tums by hand with the aid of the ‘mark made in step 2. This should pro 46" clearance (on upstrox ‘Sgainst upper eat 36 clearance ‘Strain celet Sains! lower an aa Lifter shaft Locking ring ‘Washer Figure 7—internal view of titer shaft assembly showing clearances needed for proper vide 1.5 mm (0.06 inches) (or stigntly Lutter nut Stem less) override against the strain release spring on the down stroke of ‘the motor. Energize the motor and drive the lifter out of the motor to its extreme downward position. . Check that the valve is seating pro- erly. See Figure 7. The lifter shatt ‘Should drive the strain-eliet spring ‘down until approximately 1.5 mm (0.06 inches) (or slightly less) clear- ance (Note B, Figure 7) 1s visible be- tween the lock ring and washer. Re-energize the motor until the iter reaches the top ofits stroke and check as follows to ensure that the lifter travel is correct. a. Using the mark made in step 2, ‘ote the exact number of turns of the stem (Figure 4) required to raise the plug or dise holder to the LUpper surface of the valve body. If ‘his number is approximately one tum, the iter travel adjustment ‘made on the motor is correct. Turn the stem back down by hand the ‘same amount as noted above, then proceed to step 8. If the instroke of he liter nas, ‘caused the plug or disc holder to jam against the unper surface, or to approach within less than one turn of the upper surtace of the valve body as noted previously (step 72), the lifter travel adjust ‘ment is to0 iarge. Using power, ‘ack the lifter away trom the upper ‘surface and turn the stem back im to the lifter. With 2.1/8 inch Alien ‘wrench, twist the Allen screw (Fig- ‘ure 5) one-half turn counterciock- wise reducing the lifter travel, and then return to step 1. Repeat this ‘procedure. gradually reducing the ‘avel unt the correct adjustment is noted as in step 7a, then proceed. 61-86-00-02 Page 6 8. Lock the lifter in position by tighten- ing the locking nut (Figure 4) against the nut on the lower end ot the lifter assembly. }9. Using a 7/92 inch Allen wrench, tighten the other locking screw (Figure 5). Replace the cap screw (Figure 6) on the adjusting hole. NOTE: At no time should the locking ‘screw ever be foosened any further than absolutely necessary if these adjustments are to be correct. Method for Adjusting Three-wa; Valves if 1. With tne valve itr shaft fly out, twist the valve stem out (Figure 4) un- tithe valve seats with hand tightness. : 2. Using a colored pencil, mark the Position of the stem inreaa where it feters the nut in me bottom of the liter assembly Figure 4) 8. Energize the motor until the litter moves up sighty. 4. Twist the valve stem out ofthe litter 1-1 turns withthe aid of the mark ‘made in step 2. This should provide a 415 mm (0.06 inch) or sett less ‘override against ine straineliet ‘pring both on the cownstroke as ‘well as on the upstroke of the mator 23 provided by “Adjusting Liter “Travel” inthis section 5. Energize the motor and orve the Iter shaft fits extreme downward position. 6. Check that tne valve is seating pro- pery against ie lower seat (Figure 7). The iter shat shouia crwve the ‘Strain-reie spring down unt approx: imately 1.5 mm (0.06 inches) oF ‘sghty less clearance (Note B, Figure 7)s visible between the lock- ing ring and washer. 7. Energize the motor and crve the Iie shaft fo its extreme upper pesition. 8. Check tnat the valve is seating pro- erly against its upper seat (Figure ‘The ifter shaft and locking ring should drive the strainreliet spring ‘Up until approximately 1.5 mm (0.08 inch) or slightly ies clearance (Note ‘A Figure 7)'s visible between the fecking ring and iter nut. 9. It the vigual checks noted in steps 5 through 8 above provide the cor- rect seating and override, proceed immediately to step 10. bf the usual checks in steps § ‘through 8 above do not provide the ‘proper seating and overrige Against the stran-relet, further ad- lustments ofthe liter travel willbe required. Refer to the procedure at the end Of this section betore proceeding 10 stop 10. 10.After proper liter trave! has been achieved (as noted in steps 6 and ‘2, lock the lifter in position by tightening the locking nut (Figure 4) ‘against the nut on the lower end of the lifter assembly. 11.Using a 7/82 inch Allen wrench, tighten the outer locking screw (Figure 5). Replace the cap screw (Figure 6) on the adjusting hole, NOTE: Atno time should the locking ‘screw ever be loosened any further ‘an absolutely necessary f these adjustments are to be correct. The following steps are to be used only if improper seating and overrige is noted under step 8b. This procedure will correct the liter {travel adjustment to ensure tight valve ‘closure, and to provide 1.5 mm (0.08 in) ‘or slightly less override on the strain ‘elie spring at both ends of the stroke ‘while the motor is actually installed on ‘the yoke and valve body. 1. With the valve lier shaft fully out, twist the valve stem until the vaive, ‘seats with hand tightness (Figure 4). }2. Using a colored pencil, mark the position of the stem thread where it ‘enters the nut in the bottom of the finer assembly (Figure 4). /2. Energize the motor until the lifter maves up about 6.3 mm (0.25 in) from the stroke bottom. 4, Twist the valve stem out ofthe liter 3-172 turns with the aid of the mark made i step 2, 5. Re-energize the motor until the liter reaches the top of its stroke. a. Twist the valve stem into the lifter Lunt the vaive seats with hang tightness on the upper seat. Using the mark made in step 2, note the ‘number of turns required to seat the valve. If this number is 1_= 1/8 ‘tum, the lifter travel adjustment is ‘correct. Return to step 10. . Ifthe number of turns noted in step Sa is greater than 1-18 turns, the liter travel adjustment is too ‘small. Using power, crive the lifter ‘away trom the upper seat. Then ‘twist the stem several turns back into the liter. Using a 18 inch ‘Allen wrench, twist the Alien screw (igure 5) 172 twin clockwise, in- ‘creasing the travel, and then fetur to step 1 in this section. Repeat this procedure, gradually inereasing the travel until the cor- tect agjustment is noted as in step ‘Sa, Return to step 10. «Ifthe valve seats tight on the ine stroke ofthe lifter, the litter travel adjustment is too large. Using power, back the liter off the upper ‘Seat and twist the stem several turns back into the lifter. Using a ‘V8 inch Allen wrench, twist the Allen screw (Figure 8) 1/2 turn ‘counterclockwise reducing the travel, and then return to step + in this section. Repeat this procedure {gradually decreasing the travel un- {il the correct adjustment is noted agin stp Sa, Thon return to step 10. Mounting Grankarm Assembly (Figure 1. Fitthe crankarm assembly over the ‘motor shaft and tighten screw (Y). 2. If closer adjustment is necessary. first install the crankarm assembly so that itis past the desired starting point in a clockwise direction, then 10 the desired starting point (in 22.5° steps), and replace screw (X) and 61-86-09-02 ge 7 4S Direction of rotation as viewed trom output and of motor Figure M6404, 8 imernal wiring (two auxitary switch mode! shown) installing Butterfly Valves in addition to a slip-stem valve, each M6408, 7408, or M940B motor may e fitted with a V5" Butterty valve as ‘shown in Figure 6. A linkage must be ordered separately for this installation. |Compiete mounting procedures are. available in document number 60-2102 furnished with the Butterty valve. [Final Adjustments tor all Valves ‘Using power, run the vaive to both the ‘upward limit and the downward limit ‘and check all adjustments. Tighten all ‘huts, Bots, and locking nuts. Wiring NOTE: All wiring must comply with local electrical codes, ordinances, and regulations regarcing wire size. type of insulation, and enclosure. Provice [disconnect means and over-current ‘rotection as required. ‘MB40A, B Actionator Motor Figure 9 shows the internal wiring of an MB40A, B Actionator mator with two auxilary switenes. Figure 10 shows typical wiring connections to the ‘MB40A_ B Actionator motor terminal board. The motor may contain up to 18 }terminats depending on the number of auxiliary switches and slidewires; but wil not contain more than are required. ‘M6400 Actionator Motor Figure 17 illustrates the internal wiring ‘of the MB40D motor. Terminals 4, 5, ‘and 6 connect to the controller. Figure 10—MBdo typeial eld wing (two suxllary switch model shown) Figure 11—MB400 wiring connections and operation M740A, B Actionstor Motors Figure 12 shows the internal wiring of the M740A, 8 Actionator motors. |Zero and Span Adjustment eter to Section 61-86-0901 for Sot Range Capabilty 1. Adjust the zero adjust potentiometer P3 (the pot closest tothe quick-connect terminals fully clockwise (maximum zero), and he span adjust potentiometer P+ fuly counterclockwise (minimum span). 2, Set the controler tothe current value at which itis desired to drive the motor just away ftom the closed position. Motor should be closed, 3. Tum the zero acjust pot PS siowly counterclockwise until the motor just drives away trom the closed position. This is defines to be the “zero. 4. Sete contra to ne current valu at which tis desired to eive the motor just way tom ts fll open aston. Motor ‘should be open. 5. Tum the span adiust pot P1 slowiy clockwise until the motor just drives away ftom the full open positon. The ciference ‘between this current value and the zero of (3)is defined to be the “span.” 6, Recheck the Zero and readjust the zero adjust pot P3 as necessary. Turning P3 clockwise will increase the zero value. 7. Recheck the span and readiust the span adjust pot Pt as necessary. Turning P1 clockwise will increase the span. it Range and Paraltel ‘The M740A motors may be used in spit range applications by connecting the 4-20 mA controller signal to the inouts of the ‘ator connected in series as shown in Figure 13. Since the input resistance to the M740A is 75 ohms, an A7355 Dialarol ‘controller can diva up to eight M740 motors. The R7355 controller can drive loads up to 650 ohms. Each motor may then be calibrated anywhere within its calioration range. For example, both rotors can operate in paralel calibrated to 420 mA ‘of one unit can be calibrated to start to open at 4 mA and be fully open at 12 mA and the second motor can be caliorated to Start to open at 12 mA and be fully pen at 20 mA. Procedure Two Motors in Series — Figure 13, 1. Apply 4 mA to the two motors in series. 2: Adjust the zero adjustment potentiometer so that motor #1 just starts to open. 8. Apply 12 mA to the motors. 4. Adjust the span adjustment potentiometer of motor #1 untii motor just starts to close. 5. Aust zero adjustment on motor #2 until motor just starts to open. 6 Apply 20 mA to the motors. 7. Adjust the span adjustment on motor #2 until motor just starts to close. |M940A, B Actionator Motors Figure +4 shows tne internal witing of [the M940A, 8 Actionator motor. Figure 16 illustrates connection to an A7352 DialaTrol Temperature Controlier. Other suitable controllers may De used. AS viewed from the output end of the }motor, the connection shown provides [counterclockwise motor shaft rotation, Jon arise in temperature at the sensor, and will drive the lifter to it downward. To reverse the direction of rotation on this cycle, reverse both the 1 and 3 as well as 4 and 6 connections at the motor. Auxillary Functions Wiring of auxilary switches and slide- wires follows a definite pattern. Ter- minats 1, 2, and 3 are for controller and [power source connections. Each follow: ing numerical sequence of three ter- minals (.e. terminals 4, 5, and 6; ter- minal 7, 8, and 9: etc.) is attached to a [separate auxiliary function with excep- tion to the M740 and M940 motors Ter- minais 4, §, and 6 of these motors are internally connected to the balancing sldewire, The first terminal of each ‘group of three terminais is always con- ected to the normally closed contact, the second terminal to the common ‘switch terminal, and the third terminal to the normally apen contact of each aunliary switen. 61-86-00-02 Page 9 Figure 14—MS40 internal Honeywell Actionator Motors Models M640, M740, Mg40 ‘Theory of Operation In the following description, the direc- tion of the motor shaft rotation referred 10s that of an observer viewing tne end ‘of the motor ftom which the motor shat ‘extends. The auxiliary switches and slidewires are mounted in the opposite ‘end of the motor. An internal brake stops the motor and holds the load in stationary position anytime the motor is. /de-energized. | M6404, B Motors Refer to Figures 1 and 2. with the con- troller contacts made “R to "W" and the motor shat at its counterciockwise cow) limit, the motor is de-energized, and limit switch LS1 is open, When the [controler contacts make “A to "B”, {the motor shatt starts to rotate clock: wise (ow) making limit switch LS1 anc driving the lifter assembly up for the Jmodei ME4OB. I the controller is fur- ished with maintained (2 position) con- acts, the mator shaft will rotate to the ull ow limit, break limit switeh LS2, and he motor will be de-energized. if the [controler is furnished with floating con- acts with a neutral position, the motor may be deenergized at any time, stop- ping the motor shatt at intermediate [positions between the kits. | When the controller contacts again make “A” to "W", the direction of ‘motor shaft travel and litter assembly is reversed. Industria! Controis Divaion, 1100 Vieginis Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034 Final Control Devices 61-86-.05-01 5187 Page 1 ofS Technical Data AS Direction of rotation as viewed from output end of motor Figure 1—MG40A, B Internal Wiring (Two Auxilary Switch Model Shown) Line voltage Figure 2—M640 Typical Hookup (Two Auliary Switch Model Shown) Printed a USA @ © COMER 887 — henapo ne 61-8605.01 Page? ‘M6400 Motor ‘The M640D motor is one-drectional it oes not reverse rotation with a rever- sal in control action). Figure 3 ilus- trates the internal wiring and external connections. The smaller insert of Fig- ‘re 3 describes limit switch action for ‘one complete cycle. When the two-posi- tion controller detects a sufficient fallin temperature in a heating apoli ‘Switch portion between the terminals will close. The motor ‘then rotates for 180° or until the open- ing switen breaks (stops are adjustable, factory set at 180"), and stops in full ‘pen position. A subsequent rise in tem- erature causes the controlier to close the switch between the “A and "W" terminals when the motor will start to rotate (in the same direction) for 180°, OF until the ciasing ewitch breaks. The ‘motor thus stops'in the closed position ‘and completes one cycle. ang AX Direction of rotation as viewed trom output end of motor Figure 8—M6400 Wiring Connections and Operation M740A, B Motors Reter to Figures ¢ and 5. When the temperature at the sensor is above the ‘proportional range of the proportioning ‘controlier, the controller will ransmit a signal of less than 4 ma. The motor positioner circult will drive the motor to ts counterclockwise limit. Limit switch LS! opens and for mode! M7408, tne lifter snatt is down, The wiper on the motor balancing slidewire is at the ex- treme cew position. For a neating ap- plication the motor is closed. When the temperature of the sensor fails into the range of the controller, the controler will transmit a signal within its operating span (4-20 mA). The bridge in the motor Positioner becomes unbalanced caus- ing the clockwise (cw) moter coils to ‘energize through mit switch LS2. The ‘motor shaft starts to rotate cw (motor ‘opening, and for the model M740B the lifer snatt moving us), limit switch LS1 ‘closes, and the wiper on the motor DDalancing slidewire starts to move. The ‘motor shaft anc balancing slidewire wiper continue to rotate until the brian In the Motor Positioner is rebalanced. !wnen the bridge becomes balanced, a eutral position is assumed through the effect of tne amplifier. The motor is de Jenergized and stops with the motor [shatt and stigewire wiper ina position [proportional to the existing load de- /mand at the temperature sensor. Should the temperature at ne sensor {al below tne procartioning range of [controller tne controler will ranemit @ signal greater than its operating span [20 mA). This unbalances the bridge in the mator positioner causing it to [energize the clockwise motor winding. Limit switen LS2 opens. The mator is. then open, and for mode! M7408 the iter shaft is fully up Direction of motor travel is reversed ]when motor winding connections to ter- ‘minals 1 and 3 are mterchanged and feedback potentiometer connections to Herminals 4 and 6 are interchanged. 51-86-0501 Pages Terminate aumiry sitenaac Rem Siognre ss ecg BReReoo | sen sean says (72 Deadband ast 2; 2erachst "aoe ‘Sormancal won sion Avteprran rac camane co NOT sonnet manu auirmarual swicras acpa: nnea Secae en — te isolators azo Provide RFI protection ‘Also drive tacs. Figure 5—-M740 Block Diagram of Motor Positioner Operation 61-86-0501 Page 4 M940A, B Motors Reler to Figures 7 and 8. With the jremperature at the sensor above the proportional range of the controller, the [motor shaft wil be at the counterclock- wise (cow) limit, with limit switch LSt ‘Open and for model M940B, the lifter shaft is down, The wiper on the motor balancing slidewire is at the extreme ‘cow position. For @ heating application the motor is ciosed. When the tempera- {ure of the sensor falls into the range of the controller, the bridge becomes un- [balanced through an amplifier in the [controller and the clockwise (cw) motor [cols are eneroized through limit switch S2. The motor shaft stars to rotate cw [motor opening, and for the mode! M94OB the litter shaft moves up) limit [switch LS1 closes, and the wiper on the motor balancing slidewtre wiper starts {to move. The motor shaft and balancing slidewire wiper continue to rotate until, the bridge in the controller is rebal- anced. When the bridge becomes bal- anced, a neutral position is assumed through the effect of the amplifier. The ‘motor is de-energized and stops with the motor shaft and slidewire wiper in a position proportional to zhe existing load Jdemand at the temperature sensor. Should the temperature at the sensor all Below the proportional range of the [controler the amplifier in the controller [energizes tne cw motor coils, the motor shaft rotates tothe full ew limit, and jimit switen LS2 opens. The motor is then open, and tor model M8408 the lifter shaft is fully up. ]On a subsequent rise in temperature at the sensor, the foregoing sequence is, reversed. 61-96-0501 Page 5 Figure 7—M940 Intemal Wiring Figure M9408 Connection tothe R732 DialaTrol Temperature Contoter DPDOWDODODOOOOOO DialaTrol temperature controller (Alarm) GND Honeywell Actionator Motors Models M640, M740, M940 Model 640 Motor Adjustments Limit Switch Adjustment: 1. Disconnect leads from terminals 1, 2, ‘and 3 of the motor. Refer to Figure 1 2, Remove the two screws from the end ‘cover and remove the cover. 3. The stroke of the reversible mode! M6404 motor is changed by inserting 4 screweiriver into one ofthe slats on the cam and applying slight Bias force. Figure 4 Hustrates a screw: iver in one of these slots, This view shows changing a wiper cam, Dut the ‘same principle applies for the limit ‘switch cams which are the two inner. most cams.on the motor shaft 4.To change the counterclockwise leit: ‘a. Apply voltage to terminals 2 and 8. . Drive the motor full counterciock- ‘wise and note which cam breaks ‘the counterclockwise switch, .c. Remove power from terminal 3 ‘and rotate the cam assembly to the desired operating point with the screwdriver. '. To change the clockwise limit: 2. Apply voltage to terminals 1 and 2. b. Drive the motor full clockwise and note which cam breaks the clockwise switch. ‘. Remove power from terminal 2 ‘and rotate the cam assembly to the desired operating point with the screwdriver. }6. Reconnect the ieadwires to terminals, 1,2, and 3 on the motor. Apply power ‘and check motor operation, The M640D unidirectional motor is set or 180° stroke. Ian application re- ‘quires a stroke other than 180°, foliow procedure similar to that for the reversi- le mode! M640, except apply voltage to terminal 3 just until the applicable ‘switch breaks the ciccuit. - ‘Auxiliary Switch Adjustment Refer to page 3 of this document. 61-96-1302 5187 Page 1 of 4 tary switches ‘Motor windines, 4X _ Direction of rotation as viewed trom output end of motor cow um aw a 2 0 = use = ae a a cS ae & z z AS Direction of rotation as wiewed from output end of motor Figure 1—MB40A intemal wiring lagram, (wo auxiliary switch model shown) Industrial Controls Division, 1100 Vieginia Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034 Printed nS. © Copyright 187 — Honeywetnc. ‘Service Data 61-86-13-02 Page? Model 740 Motor Adjustments Limit Switch Adjustment “The M740 Actionator motors are tac toty set so the motor shat wil rotate through 150" between mits. Because ‘of the motor balancing slidewire, tne ‘motor stroke may be shortened from 150°, but not increased. Shortening the rotor stroke will teduce the sector Covered by the wipe: on the balancing siidewire as well as the retransmitting slidewire (it 80 equipped, This reduced sector will result In decreased propor {tonal bang. Do not allow the wiper to travel Deyond the rotational limits of the slidewire on either side. even when the stoke is reduced. Rotation beyond these limits wil Gamage the wiper. ‘To shorten the rotation on the M740 Ac- tionator motor: 4. Disconnect the leads from terminals L1vL2, and G of the motor 2, Remove the two screws securing the fend cover and remove the cover 8, Shorten rotation in the clockwise irection as follows: ‘a. Make connections to Lt. L2, ang ‘Ground and turn on power. b. Apply short between terminais B and W to drive motor shat to the Clockwise limit ¢. Remove power and note which cam breaks the clockwise hit switch 4d. Remove short between B and W ‘and apply power to the unit to drive the cam away from the ‘switch by at least the number of degrees the stroke is be shortened. «@. Move the Cam clockwise the de- sired number of degrees rotation 1. Reconnect the short between 8 znd W. Re-apply powe to check rotation n the clockwise direction 4 Shorten rotation in the counterclock: ‘wise direction as follows: a. Make connections to L1, L2, and ‘GND and turn on power b. Allow motor shatt to drive to the counter clockwise limit ¢. Remove power and note which ‘cam breaks the counterciockwise Timi switches. 4. Connect short between terminals B ang W and apply power to the Unit to orive the cam away trom the switch by at least the number (of degrees the stroke is to be shortened. @. Move the cam counterclockwise the desired number of degrees. {, Remove the short between B and W and re-apply power to check the {otation in the counterclockwise Girection, 5. Check the adjustments by alternately ‘tiving the motor shatt to both mits. Ot ern scan agua Dp ra oesensee anes Pateend emg mats Figure 2—Calloration adjustments 6, Reconnect the leadwires and replace ‘the end cover. Align the boss on the ‘end caver with the boss on the motor body. Figure 3 shows the relative position of each boss. Calibration Check NOTE: This check is only done if a span Jother than factory adjusted 4-20 mA /span is required or, if tis desired to [check the adjustment on the 4-20 mA, ‘span. | Span and Zero Check eter to Section 61-86-09-01 for Split Range Capability. z LZ wi “Rater to section 6196-13.2 5 manus + Apres ureeaoen eee ale ase ee A Spore may 00 aterent 0975 anc Figure 2—Boss location on the body and end cover (M740 or M840) 1. Adjust ine zero adjust potentiometer 3 (the pot closest to the quick-con- rect terminals) fully clockwise (maxi- ‘mum zero), and the span adjust po- tentiometer P1 fully counterciock- ‘wise (minimum span). 2. Set the controller to the current value ‘at which itis desired to drive the ‘motor just away from the closed po- sition. Motor should be closed. +3, Turn the zero adjust pot P3 slowly counterclockwise until the motor just rives away from the closed position. Tis is defined to be the “zero.” 4, Set the controller to the current value at which itis desired to drive the ‘motor just away trom its full open po- sition, Motor should be open. 5. Turn the span agjust pot P1 slowly. clockwise until the motor just crives ‘away trom the full open position. The difference between this current value and the zero of (3) s defined to be the “span.” 6, Recheck the zero and readjust the ero adjust pot P3 as necessary. ‘Tuming P3 clockwise will increase the zero value. 7. Recheck the span and readjust the ‘Span adjust pot P' as necessary. ‘Turing P1 clockwise willincrease the span. Deadband Check — M740 Motors ‘The deadband adjustment is factory set to midrange oF approximately 1-2% deacband. Deadband should never be set narrower than required for good [contro.. A narrow deadband may cause motor oseillation and result in ex- Jcessive wear of the motor and [associated equipment. Some processes ‘may require deadband adjustment to achieve stable control. Unstable pro- cams concstora may be characerced 12 frequent repositioning (hunting) of the ‘motor ‘© oscillation of the process variable around the set point. |Check for unstable process conditions during initial start up of the process. If [unstable operation occurs, increase the [deadoand adjustment (P2) clockwise until the cycling rate diminishes. Hard Manual Check — M740 Motors. Hard Manual allows the customer to ‘override the controller action to fully ‘0pen oF fully close the vaive. Open the ‘Current input to drive the motor to the fully closed counterciockwnse position. ‘Short terminals B to W to drive the motor to the fully open clockwise Position. CAUTION: ‘To prevent Triac damage do not con- ect manual or auto/manual switch to trige output terminals 1, 2, 3. *Cessory manual or auto/manual swit- ‘ches must be connected to input ter ‘minais B, R, of W per Technical Data 61-86-0501, Figure 6. Auxiliary Switch Adjustment — ‘M740 Motors NOTE: Before making any changes in the auxiliary switches, ensure the limit Switches operate at the correct ooints, To adjust an auxiliary switch, follow a procedure similar to that for adjusting limit switches. '. Connect voltage to terminals 1 and 2. Apply sulficient current from an ag- justable current source to W and R terminals, to drive the motor tothe desired switch point. Example: To provide a switch point at 50% of fll stroke, anply 50% of the input spen (4-20 mA}(+) start point (ama) = 12mA, 3. Move the auxiliary switch cam until ‘he switch just makes/oreaks at ins nt. 4. Remove the current source frm er. mminais W and R and reconnect to the Reversing Direction of the M740 or |, B Motors [Reverse the direction as follows: (1) Interchange motor winding connec: ‘tions to terminals 1 and 3. {@) interchange feedvack potentiome- {e* connections to terminals 4 and Service Data 161-86-13.02 Page 3 Troubleshooting Procedure — Printed Wiring Board Assembly Follow this procedure to identify and correct a system related problem, Motor Check-Out Procedure (1) Disconnect leads to controller ter- rminals and operating voltage terminals (2) Connect an chmmeter across the feedback potentiometer terminals. (@ Aoply rated voltage across mato ‘winding terminals. Observe gradual increase or decrease in feedback resistance. (4) Apply rated voltage across the other ‘pair of motor winding terminals. Ob- ‘serve gradual increase or decrease in feedback resistance. It the motor checks out functioning properly, foliow the procedure below: Troubleshooting the Printed Wiring Board — Refer to Figure 4 (1) Connect operating vatage leads to the appropriate terminals and apply power Set the motor at migxrange as follows: Connect input source to ter minals W and & —Aaljust input source to mid range. Disconnect input leads. Refer to Figute 4. Its a logic dia {gram to help you Isolate specific Gomponent failures on the printed ‘wiring boa'a: These component f= Utes are isted below: —shortes triae switches 8 and O4 Oz ane G4 break over at less than rates voltage 03 ang O4 do nat fre MOV (CR12} shorts a) Tee onto crcuns OF esiaceovowtisnco! proved wing bose cing echomsnce apace Os Ye—freoaceoe] “otage S yagr-[peviace Ot na F289] Sa . [Rerace 03 ‘cow = counter ‘SERVICE DATA 61-86-1302 Pages (4) 11 tne logic diagram doesn't identity your component failure, the failure ‘gnot in the output circuit, and the printed wiring board should be re- laced or you may use tne schemat Ie to troubleshoot the board. Reter tothe back of the manual for your ‘Schematic for the appropriate oper- ating voltage Model M940 Motor Adjustments Limit Switch Adjustment ‘The M940 Actionator motors are tac tory set so the motor shaft will rotate through 180° between limits. Because ‘of the motor balancing slidewite, the ‘motor stroke may be shortened irom 150°, but not increased. Shortening the ‘motor stroke will reduce the sector ‘covered by the wiper on the balancing slidewire as well as the retransmitting slidewire it 80 equipped). This reduced sector wil result in decreased propor- tional bang. Do not allow the wiper to travel beyond the rotational limits of the slidewire on either side, even when the stroke is teduced. Rotation beyond ‘these limits will damage the wipe. To shorten the rotation on the M840 Ac- tionator motor. 4. Disconnect the leads from terminals 1,2. and 3 of the motor. 2, Remove the two screws securing the fend cover and remove the cover. 8. Shorten rotation in the clockwise ‘rection, ‘a. Connect voltage to terminals 1 and 2 b, Drive the motor shaft to the clock: wise limit, and note which cam breaks the clockwise limiting switch . Remove the power and move the ‘eam clockwise the desired number of degrees. 4, Apply power to terminals 3 and 2 10 drive the motor back between its timits, 4, Shorten rotation in the counterclock- ‘wise direction: ‘a. Connect voltage to terminals 2 and 3. Drive the motor shatt to the coun- terctockwise limit, and note which ‘cam breaks the counterclockwise limiting switch. c. Remove the power from terminals. Zand 3 and move the cam coun- ‘erclockwise the desired number of degrees. Apply power to terminals 1 and 2 ‘to drive the motor back between its tits. 5, Check the adjustments by alternately

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