Free Download Life's Greatest Lessons 20 Things That Matter
Free Download Life's Greatest Lessons 20 Things That Matter
Free Download Life's Greatest Lessons 20 Things That Matter
Instructor: Ryan McRae
Office: University Village Business Office Email:
Office Phone: 750-3711 Office Hours: By Appointment
You are about to start the adventure of a lifetime! This class is designed to help you chart
the course and handle the challenging currents of receiving a college education here at Cal
State San Marcos! We will cover how to utilize the library and the career centers—vital ar-
eas here at CSUSM—to help you achieve your academic goals.
This class will help you assess your: time management, study skills, learning styles, team-
work skills, test-taking strategies and personal wellness. The library faculty will introduce
you to college level research skills and the technology available on our campus to access,
evaluate and communicate information and ideas. Career advisors will help you clarify your
long term career goals and you will learn the elements of effective résumé writing and how
to research careers. This course will also expose you to opportunities and resources for be-
coming an active member of our campus community outside the classroom.
This class is designed to equip students with the basic skills, concepts, and knowledge nec-
essary to become a lifelong learner. Examination of current theory and research regarding
the information age, health and wellness, career development, and psychological assess-
ment. practical application of the theory and research. Includes information literacy and
technology skills, group and teamwork, and learning styles. It is my goal that at the end of
this class, hopefully sooner, you realize how much there is to learn and that you are excited
about it. This is the adventure of a lifetime.
• Assess personal wellness along a number of dimensions including physical, psycho-
logical, social and fiscal
• Acquire and analyze information on wellness from Student Health Services and
other campus resources
The information for the debate will be forthcoming.
Although I live in University Village, please refrain from coming to my home. Please respect
my privacy—I am available through office hours.
Attendance Policy
You have two excused absences when it comes to my class. After that, you will lose 5% of
your total grade for every absence. If you are absent, it is your entire responsibility to make
up the work, to contact me, come by and find out what you missed; I will not chase you
down. Any absence over two days will require a doctor’s note. Please be aware—if you miss
7 or more classes, you will fail the class (regardless of your grade); there will be no extra
credit, life vest or anything like that.
Students are responsible for honest completion of their work including examinations.
There will be no tolerance for infractions. If you believe there has been an infraction by
someone in the class, please bring it to the instructor’s attention. The instructor reserves the
right to discipline any student for academic dishonesty, in accordance with the general rules
and regulations of the university. Disciplinary action may include the lowering of grades
and/or the assignment of a failing grade for an example, assignment or the class as a whole.
If you cheat blatantly, I will fail you blatantly.
ADA Statement
Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations must be approved for
services by providing appropriate and recent documentation to the Office of Disabled Stu-
dent Services (DSS). This office is located in Craven Hall 5205, and can be contacted by
phone at (760) 750-4905, or TTY (760) 750-4909. Students authorized by DSS to receive rea-
sonable accommodations should meet with me during my office hours in order to ensure
Urban, Hal, (2003 or newer). Life’s Greatest Lessons: 20 Things that Matter.
Maxwell, John C. (2008). Make today count.
Bach, David (2008). Go Green, Live Rich.
Newport, Cal (2007). How to become a Straight A Student.
Pauch, Randy (2008). The Last Lecture.
CCR due
12/2 Presentations
12/4 Presentations