Aavani 24,
Thiruvalluvar Aandu, 2040
2. Accordingly, the Official Committee has submitted its report to Government on
14—08—2009, and the Government has carefully examined the recommendations of the
Committee and pass the following orders:--
(i) There shall be only three designations in respect of teachers in universities and
colleges, namely, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors. However,
there shall be no change in the present designation in respect of Library and Physical
Education Personnel at various levels.
(iii) The pay of teachers and equivalent positions in Universities and Colleges shall be
fixed according to their designations in two pay bands of Rs. 15600-39100 and Rs.37400-
67000 with appropriate "Academic Grade Pay" (AGP in short). Each Pay Band shall have
different stages of Academic Grade Pay which shall ensure that teachers and other
equivalent cadres covered under this Scheme, subject to other conditions of eligibility being
satisfied, have multiple opportunities for upward movement during their career.
I. UG Colleges:
II. PG Colleges:
b) The principle of one Professor for each PG Department would be applicable only
for those PG Departments, which were in existence as on 1.1.2006. Any PG Department
created after 1.1.2006, would be eligible for a Professor post only after 5 years of existence
as a PG Department.
c) In case of aided Colleges only aided courses shall be taken for entitlement for post
of Professor.
(vi) National Eligibility Test (NET) shall be compulsory for appointment at the entry
level of Assistant Professor, subject to the exemptions to the degree of Ph.D. in respect of
those persons obtaining the award through a process of registration, course-work and
external evaluation, as have been/ or may be laid down by the UGC through its regulations,
and so adopted by the University. NET shall not be required for such Masters' programmes in
disciplines for which there is no NET.
The revised pay structure for different categories of teachers, Librarians , Physical
education teachers and equivalent positions shall be as indicated in
Appendix-I and incentives for Ph.D / M.Phil and other higher qualifications shall be as
indicated in Appendix – II.
The pay 'fixation formula' as applicable to the State Government employees shall be
adopted for teachers and equivalent cadres working in University / Government / Government
Aided Colleges governed by UGC. The detailed fitment tables for various existing scales of
pay based on the formula are given in Appendix-III.
(i) Each annual increment shall be equivalent to 3% of the sum total of pay in the
relevant Pay Band and the AGP as applicable for the stage in the Pay Band. The Date of
increment in the Revised Pay Structure will be on par with State Government employees.
(ii) Each advance increment shall also be at the rate of 3% of the sum total of pay in
the relevant Pay Band and the AGP as applicable and shall be non-compoundable.
(iii) The number of additional increment(s) on placement at each higher stage of AGP
shall be as per the existing scheme of increment on promotion from lower Pay Scale to
higher Pay Scale; however, in view of the considerable raise in effective pay between the two
Pay Bands, there shall be no additional increment on movement from the Pay Band of
Rs.15600-39100 to the Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000.
(iv) In the case of calculation of annual increment under the revised pay structure
fraction of a rupee (i.e. 99 paise and below) shall be ignored. But any amount of a rupee or
more shall be rounded off to the next multiple of 10.
(i) An employee may exercise option to remain in the existing scale of pay until the
date on which he / she earns his next or any subsequent increments in the existing scale of
pay or until he / she vacates his/ her post or ceases to draw pay in that pay scale ;Provided
that, if an employee does not exercise his/ her option within the period specified below he /
she shall be deemed to have opted for the revised scales of pay with effect from the 1st
January, 2006.
(ii) The option shall be exercised in writing in the Form as given in Schedule-I,
within three months from the date of issue of this order.
The present system of retirement age shall be continued i.e. 58 years for College
teachers and 60 years for University teachers. There shall be no re-employment beyond the
age of superannuation.
(a) This Scheme shall be applicable to teachers and other equivalent cadres of
Government Colleges / Aided colleges and Universities governed by UGC.
(b) This Scheme does not extend to the Accompanists, Coaches, Tutors and
Demonstrators and to the posts of professionals like System Analysts, Senior Analysts,
Research Officers etc. who shall be treated at par with similarly qualified personnel in
research/ scientific organizations of the State Government. Pay and Grade Pay of the said
categories of employees shall be fixed in the appropriate Pay Bands relative to their existing
Pay in each university/ institution corresponding to such fixation in respect of State
Government employees on the basis of the recommendations of the Official Committee 2009.
The revised Pay in the relevant Pay Band and the Academic Grade Pay together with
the applicable allowances including arrears of salary as mentioned above shall be paid to all
eligible beneficiaries under this Scheme pending issue of Regulations by the UGC. The
revised pay scales shall take notional effect from 1st January, 2006 and with monetary
benefit from 1st January, 2007.
(a) The pay fixation statement in the form of Appendix—IV either as approved by the
Accountant General / Pay and Accounts Officer / Treasury Officer or by the Heads of Offices
shall be attached to the Service Book of the teachers.
(b) The arrears accruing on account of pay revision for the period from 1—1—2007 to
31—08—2009 shall be arrived at as per Appendix –V and the Interim Arrears sanctioned in
the Government Order fourth read above shall be adjusted and the balance net arrears due
for payment shall be arrived. The balance arrears so arrived shall be paid in three equal
annual instalments as shown below:-
3. The Government will take the financial liabilities only for the approved posts and
not for the posts created from University funds.
6. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its U.O. No.
21297/PC II /2009, dated 9-9-2009.
The Registrars of All Universities.
The Director of Collegiate Education, Chennai -6.
The Director of Legal Studies, Chennai -35.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Chennai -15.
The Director, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai -20.
The Director of Local Fund Audit, Chennai – 108.
The Member-Secretary, Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education, Chennai -5.
The Regional Joint Directors of Collegiate Education through the Director of Collegiate
Education. Chennai-6.
The Principals of all Colleges ( Government / Aided ) in Tamil Nadu through the Director of
Collegiate Education, Chennai-6.
The Accountant General (Accounts & Entitlements),Chennai- 600 018.
The Principal Accountant General (Audit.I), Chennai-600 018.
The Accountant General (Audit.II), Chennai-600 018.
The Accountant General (CAB), Chennai-600 009 / Madurai.
The Director of Pension, DMS Complex, Chennai-600 006.
The Pension Pay Officer, Chennai- 600 006.
The Secretary, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education,
Government of India, New Delhi.
The Secretary, University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
The Pay and Accounts Officer, Secretariat, Chennai-9.
The Pay and Accounts Officer,( North / South / East) Chennai- 1 / 35 / 5.
The Pay and Accounts Officer , Madurai - 625 001.
All Treasury Officers in Tamil Nadu.
All Recognised Service Associations.
Copy to:
The Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister, Chenni -9
The Secretary to Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister, Chennai -9.
The Senior Personal Assistant to Hon’ble Minister, Finance, Chennai-9.
The Special Personal Assistant to Hon’ble Minister (Higher Education), Chennai-9.
The Higher Education ( K, F, G, E, D and C sections ) / Finance (Pay Cell/Education)
Department, Chennai -9.
The Senior Research Officer, Pay Research Unit, Ministry of Finance (Department of
Expenditure), Room No.261, North Block, New Delhi.
The Private Secretary to Principal Secretary to Government,
Finance Department, Chennai-9.
The Private Secretary to Principal Secretary to Government,
Higher Education Department, Chennai-9.
Stock File / Spare Copies.
// Forwarded / By Order//
in the scale of pay of Rs……………………......... do hereby elect * to come under the revised scale of
pay before / after earning increment in the existing scale of pay with effect from 1ST January, 2006 / to
retain the existing scale of pay and rate of dearness allowance for the period upto
………………….and come under the revised scale with effect from …………………………
2. The option hereby exercised is final and will not be modified at any subsequent date.
3. I hereby also undertake that any excess payment that may be found to have been made as
a result of incorrect fixation of pay or any excess payment detected in the light of discrepancies
noticed subsequently will be refunded by me to the Government either by adjustment against future
Signed before me
(with date)
Head of the Office
(in the case of Non-self drawing Officers)
Accounts Officer
(in the case of Self drawing Officers)
Received the above declaration.
Dated :………………..2009.
Revised Pay Scales, Service conditions and Career Advancement Scheme for teachers
and equivalent positions:
(i) Persons entering the teaching profession in Universities and Colleges shall be
designated as Assistant Professors and shall be placed in the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100
with AGP of Rs,6000. Lecturers already in service in the pre-revised scale of pay of
Rs.8000-13500, shall be re-designated as Assistant Professors with the said AGP of
(ii) An Assistant Professor with completed service of 4 years, possessing Ph.D Degree
in the relevant discipline shall be eligible, for moving up to AGP of Rs.7000 subject to the
condition that Ph.D is in a discipline which is relevant to the Department in which they are
Assistant Professors.
(iv)Assistant Professors who do not have Ph.D or M.Phil or a Master's degree in the
relevant Professional course shall be eligible for the AGP of Rs.7,000 only after completion of
6 years' service as Assistant Professor.
(v) The upward movement from AGP of Rs.6000 to AGP of Rs.7000 for all Assistant
Professors shall be subject to their satisfying other conditions as laid down by the UGC and
should also satisfy any additional condition being laid down by University or the State
(vi) The pay of the incumbents to the posts of Lecturer (senior scale) (i.e. the pre-
revised scale of pay of Rs.10,000-15200) shall be re-designated as Assistant Professor, and
shall be fixed at the appropriate stage in Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100 based on their present
pay, with AGP of Rs.7000.
(vii) Assistant Professors with completed service of 5 years at the AGP of Rs.7000
shall be eligible, subject to other requirements laid down by the UGC and any other
conditions laid down by University or State Government, to move up to the AGP of Rs.8000.
(viii) Posts of Associate Professor shall be in the Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000, with
AGP of Rs.9000. Directly recruited Associate Professors shall be placed at the minimum of
the above Pay band with the AGP of Rs.9000.
(ix) Incumbent Readers and Lecturers (Selection Grade) who have completed 3 years
in the current pay scale of Rs.12000-18300 on 1.1.2006 shall be placed in Pay Band of
Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs.9000 and shall be re-designated as Associate Professor.
(x) Incumbent Readers and Lecturers (Selection Grade) who had not completed three
years in the pay scale of Rs.12000-18300 on 1.1.2006 shall be placed at the appropriate
stage in the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of Rs.8000 till they complete 3 years of
service in the grade of Lecturer (Selection Grade)/Reader, and thereafter shall be placed in
the higher Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 and accordingly re-designated as Associate
(xii) Assistant Professors completing 3 years of teaching in the AGP of Rs.8000 shall
be eligible, subject to other conditions, that may be prescribed by the UGC and the university,
to move to the Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs.9000 and to be designated as
Associate Professor.
(xiii) Associate Professor completing 3 years of service in the AGP of Rs.9000 and
possessing a Ph.D . degree in the relevant discipline shall be eligible to be appointed and
designated as Professor, subject to other conditions of academic performance as laid down
by the UGC and, if any, by the university or the State Government. No teacher other than
those with a Ph.D. shall be promoted, appointed or designated as Professor. The Pay Band
for the post of Professors shall be Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs.10000.
(xiv) The pay of a directly recruited Professor shall be fixed at Rs.43000 in the Pay
Band of Rs.37400-67000, with the applicable AGP of Rs.10000.
(xv) Ten percent of the posts of Professors in a university shall be in the higher AGP of
Rs.12000, however, teachers appointed to the posts shall continue to be designated as
Professor. Eligibility for appointment as a Professor in the higher Academic Grade Pay shall
be as may be laid down by the UGC, and such eligibility conditions shall, inter alia, include
publications in peer reviewed/ refereed Research Journals, and the requirement of at least 10
years of teaching as Professor and post-doctoral work of a high standard and subject to
additional conditions laid down by University/ State Government. The pay of directly
recruited professors in AGP of Rs.12,000/- shall be fixed at Rs.48,000/- along with AGP.
(xvi) For initial direct recruitment at the level of Associate Professors and Professors,
the eligibility conditions in respect of academic and research requirements shall be as may be
or have been prescribed by the UGC through Regulations and as may be laid down by the
university and any conditions laid down by State Government.
(2) Pay Scales of Pro-Vice Chancellor / Vice Chancellor of Universities:
(i) Pro-Vice-Chancellor:
The posts of Pro-Vice Chancellor shall be in the Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 with
AGP of Rs.10000 or Rs.12000, as the case may be, along with a Special Allowance of
Rs.4000 per month, subject to the condition that the sum total of pay in the Pay Band, the
Academic Grade Pay and the Special Allowance shall not exceed Rs.80,000.
The posts of Vice Chancellor shall carry a fixed pay of Rs.75000 along with a Special
Allowance of Rs.5000 per month.
Posts of Principal in Post Graduate Colleges shall also be in the Pay Band of
Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs.10,000, plus a Special Allowance of Rs.3000 per month. All
Principals in service shall be appropriately fixed in the Pay Band with the AGP of Rs.10000.
(4) Pay Scales and Career Advancement Scheme for Librarians etc:
(i) Assistant Librarian/ College Librarian in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.8000-
13500 shall be placed in the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of Rs.6000.
(ii) All existing conditions of eligibility and academic qualifications laid down by the
UGC/ State Government shall continue to be applicable for direct recruitment of Assistant
Librarian/ College Librarian.
(i) The posts of Assistant Librarian (Sr. Scale)/ College Librarian (Sr.Scale) in the pre-
revised scale of pay of Rs.10000-15200 shall be placed in the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100
with AGP of Rs.7000.
(ii) Assistant Librarian/ College Librarian possessing Ph.D. in Library Science at the
entry level, after completing service of 4 years in the AGP of Rs.6000, and if otherwise
eligible as per guidelines laid down by the UGC and any other condition laid down by State
Government, shall be eligible for the higher AGP of Rs.7000 with in the Pay Band of
(iii) Assistant Librarian/ College Librarian not possessing Ph.D. but only M.Phil in
Library Science at the entry level after completing service of 5 years in the AGP of Rs.6000, if
otherwise eligible as per guidelines laid down by the UGC and any other condition laid down
by State Government, shall become eligible for the higher AGP of Rs. 7000.
(v) The pay of the existing Assistant Librarian (Sr. Scale)/ College Librarian (Sr.Scale)
in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.10000-15200 shall be fixed in the Pay Band of
Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of Rs.7000 at an appropriate stage based on their present pay,
(i) Deputy Librarians who are directly recruited at present shall be placed in the Pay
Band of Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of Rs.8000 initially at the time of recruitment.
(iv) After completing 3 years in the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100 with an AGP of
Rs.8000, Deputy Librarians/ equivalent positions shall move to the Pay Band of Rs.37400-
67000 and AGP of Rs.9000, subject to fulfilling other conditions of eligibility laid down by the
UGC / University and as per any other condition laid down by State Government.
(vii) Incumbents to the posts of Deputy Librarian/ Assistant Librarian (Selection
Grade)/College Librarian (Selection Grade) who have not completed the requirement of three
years in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.12000-18300, for being eligible to be placed in the
higher Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000, shall be placed at an appropriate stage with Academic
Grade Pay of Rs.8000 till they complete three years of service as Deputy Librarian/ Assistant
Librarian (Selection Grade)/ College Librarian (Selection Grade).
(viii) Pay in regard to the directly recruited Deputy Librarians shall be initially fixed In
Pay Band Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of Rs.8000. They shall move to the Pay Band of
Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs.9000 after completing three years of service in the AGP of
(ix) The existing conditions of eligibility and academic qualifications prescribed by the
UGC shall continue to be applicable for direct recruitment to the post of Deputy Librarian.
Further, any other condition laid down by State Government shall also be applicable.
(I) The post of Librarian shall be in the Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 with the
Academic Grade Pay of Rs.10000.
(ii) The existing conditions of eligibility and academic qualifications prescribed by the
UGC shall continue to be applicable for appointment to the post of Librarian (University) and
also should be eligible as per any other condition laid down by State Government.
(iii) Deputy Librarian completing service of three years in the AGP of Rs.9000 and
otherwise eligible as per conditions prescribed by the UGC and if any by the University /
State Government shall also be eligible to be considered for appointment to the post of
Librarian through open recruitment.
(iv)Incumbent Librarian (University) shall be placed at the appropriate stage as per the
`fixation formula' as stated in para 2 (C) of this order in the Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000
with AGP of Rs.10000.
(5) Pay Scales and Career Advancement Scheme for Physical Education Personnel:
(i) The Assistant Director of Physical Education/ College DPE in the pre-revised pay
scale of Rs.8000-13500 shall be placed in the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of
(ii) Pay of incumbent Assistant Directors of Physical Education/ College DPE shall be
fixed at an appropriate stage in the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of Rs.6000, in
accordance with the 'fixation formula' as stated in para 2 (C) of this order.
(iii) All existing conditions of eligibility and academic qualifications laid down by the
UGC and any other condition laid down by State Government shall continue to be applicable
for direct recruitment of Assistant Director of Physical Education/College DPE.
(b) Assistant Director of Physical Education (Senior Scale)/ College DPE (Senior Scale)
(i) Assistant Directors of Physical Education (Senior Scale)/ College DPE (Senior
Scale) in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.10000-15200 shall be placed in the Pay Band of
Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of Rs.7000.
(ii) Assistant Directors of Physical Education (Senior Scale)/ College DPE (Senior
Scale) possessing Ph.D. in Physical Education at the entry level of Assistant DPE/ College
DPE in the AGP of Rs.6000 shall, after completing service of four years in the AGP of
Rs.6000, and if otherwise eligible as per guidelines prescribed by the UGC / University and
any other condition laid down by State Government move to higher AGP of Rs.7000 in the
Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100.
(iii) Assistant Directors of Physical Education (Senior Scale)/ College DPE (Senior
Scale) possessing M.Phil. in Physical Education at the entry level of Assistant DPE/ College
DPE in the AGP of Rs.6000 shall, after completing service of five years in the AGP of
Rs.6000, be eligible for the higher AGP of Rs.7000.
(iv) Assistant Directors of Physical Education/ College DPEs without the relevant Ph.D.
and M.Phil shall, after completing service of six years as Assistant Director of Physical
Education/College DPE in the AGP of Rs.6000, and if otherwise eligible as per guidelines
prescribed by the UGC/University and any other condition laid down by State Government be
eligible for being placed in the AGP of Rs.7000.
(v) Pay of incumbent Assistant Directors of Physical Education (Senior Scale)/ College
DPE (Senior Scale) shall be fixed in Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100 at an appropriate stage in
the AGP of Rs.7000, as per the 'fixation formula' as stated in para 2 (C) of this order.
(i) After completing service of five years in the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100 with the
AGP of Rs.7000 and subject to satisfying other eligibility conditions laid down by the UGC /
University and any other conditions laid down by State Government, Assistant Director of
Physical Education (Senior Scale)/ College DPE (Senior Scale) shall move to AGP of
Rs.8000 in the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100. They shall be designated as Deputy Director of
Physical Education/ Assistant DPE (Selection Grade)/ College DPE (Selection Grade), as the
case may be.
(ii) After completing service of three years in the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100 and
the AGP of Rs.8000 and subject to eligibility laid down by the UGC/ University/ and any other
condition laid down by State Government. Deputy DPE/ Assistant DPE (Selection Grade)/
College DPE (Selection Grade) shall move to the Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 with the AGP
of Rs.9000. They shall continue to be designated as Deputy DPE/ Assistant DPE (Selection
Grade)/ College DPE (Selection Grade).
(iii) All Incumbents to the post of Deputy DPE/ Assistant DPE (Selection
Grade)/College DPE (Selection Grade) who have completed service of at least three years in
the pre-revised Pay Scale of Rs.12000-18300 as on 1.1.2006 shall be eligible to be fixed in
the Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs.9000.
(iv) All incumbents to the post of Deputy DPE/ Assistant DPE (Selection
Grade)/College DPE (Selection Grade) whose services in the pre-revised Pay Scale of
Rs.12000-18300 fall short of three years which would have made them eligible to move to the
higher Pay Band, shall be placed at an appropriate stage at the AGP of Rs.8000 in the Pay
Band of Rs.15600-39100 till they complete the required service of three years as Deputy
DPE/ ADPE (Selection Grade)/ College DPE (Selection Grade) in the pre-revised Pay Scale.
(v) Pay of the directly recruited Deputy DPE shall be initially fixed with the AGP of
Rs.8000 in the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100, and after completing 3 years of service directly
recruited Deputy DPE and equivalents shall move to Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 with AGP
of Rs.9000.
(i) Post of Director of Physical Education in universities shall be in the Pay Band of
Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs.10000.
(ii) Post of Director of Physical Education (University) shall continue to be filled through
direct recruitment and the existing conditions of eligibility i.e. the minimum qualification,
number of years of relevant experience and other conditions prescribed by the UGC/State
Government shall continue to be the eligibility for recruitment.
(iii) Pay of the incumbents shall be fixed at the appropriate stage in the Pay Band of
Rs.37400-67000 as per 'fixation formula' as stated in para 2 (C) of this order.
The pay of Registrar/ Controller of Examination shall be fixed with reference to their
pay in their primary cadre. Finance Officer who is a deputationist shall be paid pay and
allowances as applicable to him in the parent department.
The above posts belong to the ministerial categories and hence, the pay scales and
other allowances and all other entitlements as applicable to State Government employees
shall be allowed.
Incentives for Ph. D./M.Phil and other higher qualification of the teachers in
Universities / Government Colleges / Aided Colleges
(i) Five non-compounded advance increments shall be admissible at the entry level of
recruitment as Assistant Professor to persons possessing the degree of Ph.D. awarded in the
relevant discipline as an additional qualification by a university following the process of
registration, coursework and external evaluation as prescribed by the UGC. If Ph.D is
prescribed as an essential qualification for the post, no incentive increment shall be given.
Further, incentive increments shall be given only for one Ph.D. Additional Ph.Ds would not
entitle a person for additional incentive increments.
(ii) M.Phil degree holders at the time of recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor
shall be entitled to two non-compounded advance increments subject to the condition that the
M.Phil., awarded is in the relevant discipline and is an additional qualification. If M.Phil., is
prescribed as an essential qualification for the post, no incentive increment shall be given.
If any person is also a Ph.D degree holder for which he is eligible for incentive increments as
in (i) above, then he would not be eligible for incentive increment for possessing M.Phil.
Further, incentive increment would be restricted for one M.Phil. Additional M.Phils would not
entitle a person to claim additional incentive increments.
(iv) Teachers who complete their Ph.D. degree while in service shall be entitled to
three non-compounded increments if such Ph.D. is in the relevant discipline awarded by an
University which has been notified by UGC and is an additional qualification. If Ph.D is
prescribed as an essential qualification for the post, no incentive increment shall be given.
This would not be eligible if a person has got incentive increments for Ph.D in any other
relevant discipline.
(v) Teachers in service who have been awarded Ph. D. at the time of coming into
force of this Scheme shall be eligible for incentive only if the Ph.D. has been awarded by an
University which has been notified by UGC.
(vi) Only on award of Ph.D. the teachers are entitled for three non-compounded
(vii) Teachers in service who have not yet enrolled for Ph.D. shall therefore derive the
benefit of three non-compounded increments, only on award of Ph.D by a University notified
by the UGC.
(viii) Teachers who acquire M.Phil, degree or a post graduate degree in a professional
course recognised by the relevant Statutory Body / Council, while in service, shall be entitled
to one advance increment. If post graduate qualification in a particular subject is not a
mandatory requirement at the entry level of recruitment, acquisition of such a qualification for
in service candidates shall also entitle them to one advance increment. Further, incentive
increment would be eligible only once and multiple incentive increments for different M.Phil /
Professional degrees in relevant disciplines are not permitted.
(x) Assistant Librarian/ College Librarian and other Library personnel acquiring the
degree of Ph.D, at any time while in service, in the discipline of library science from a
university notified by the UGC shall be entitled to three non-compounded advance
increments. Further, incentive increments would be eligible for only one Ph.D and not for
multiple Ph.Ds.
(xiii) Assistant Librarian/ College Librarian and others in higher Library positions in
service who have not yet enrolled for Ph.D. shall derive the benefit of three non-compounded
increments, only on award of Ph.D. from a University notified by UGC.
incentive increment shall be limited to only one Ph.D and will not be available multiple times
for multiple Ph.Ds.
(xix) Assistant Director of Physical Education/ College DPE and others in higher
Physical Education positions in service who have not yet enrolled for Ph.D. shall derive the
benefit of three non-compounded increments only on award of Ph.D. from a University
notified by the UGC.
(xxi) Not withstanding anything in the foregoing clauses, those who have already
availed the benefits of advance increments for possessing Ph.D./ M.Phil. at the entry level
under the earlier scheme shall not be entitled to the benefit of advance increments under this
(xxii) For posts at the entry level where no such advance increments were admissible
for possessing Ph.D/ M.Phil. under the earlier scheme, the benefit of five advance increments
for possessing Ph.D./ M.Phil. shall be available to only those appointments which have been
made on or after the coming into force of this Scheme.
(xxiii) Teachers, Library and Physical Education cadres who have already availed the
benefits of increments as per existing policy for acquiring Ph.D./M.Phil while in service, would
not be entitled to benefits under this Scheme.
(i) Incumbent Assistant Professor
(ii)Incumbent Assistant Librarian / College Librarian
(iii)Incumbent Assistant Director of Physical Education / College Director of Physical Education.
Existing Scale Revised Pay Band + Academic Grade Pay
Rs.8000-275-13500 Rs.15600-39100+Rs.6000
Pre-Revised Revised
Stage in D.A. as on Pay in Academic
of Dearness
the existing 1-1-2006 Total the Pay Grade Revised Basic Pay
Years Pay
scale ( 24%) Band Pay
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 8000 4000 2880 14880 15600 6000 21600
2 8275 4138 2979 15392 15600 6000 21600
3 8550 4275 3078 15903 15910 6000 21910
4 8825 4413 3177 16415 16420 6000 22420
5 9100 4550 3276 16926 16930 6000 22930
6 9375 4688 3375 17438 17440 6000 23440
7 9650 4825 3474 17949 17950 6000 23950
8 9925 4963 3573 18461 18470 6000 24470
9 10200 5100 3672 18972 18980 6000 24980
10 10475 5238 3771 19484 19490 6000 25490
11 10750 5375 3870 19995 20000 6000 26000
12 11025 5513 3969 20507 20510 6000 26510
13 11300 5650 4068 21018 21020 6000 27020
14 11575 5788 4167 21530 21530 6000 27530
15 11850 5925 4266 22041 22050 6000 28050
16 12125 6063 4365 22553 22560 6000 28560
17 12400 6200 4464 23064 23070 6000 29070
18 12675 6338 4563 23576 23580 6000 29580
19 12950 6475 4662 24087 24090 6000 30090
20 13225 6613 4761 24599 24600 6000 30600
21 13500 6750 4860 25110 25110 6000 31110
22 13775 6888 4959 25622 25630 6000 31630
23 14050 7025 5058 26133 26140 6000 32140
24 14325 7163 5157 26645 26650 6000 32650
(i) Incumbent Assistant Professor [Formerly Lecturer (Sr.Scale)]
(ii)Incumbent Assistant Librarian(Sr.Scale) / College Librarian(Sr.Scale)
(iii)Incumbent Assistant Director of Physical Education(Sr.Scale) / College Director of Physical
Revised Pay Band + Academic
Existing Scale
Grade Pay
Rs.10000-325-15200 Rs.15600-39100+Rs.7000
Pre-Revised Revised
Span Stage in
of D.A. as on Pay in
the Dearness Academic Revised
Years 1-1-2006 Total the Pay
existing Pay Grade Pay Basic Pay
( 24%) Band
(i) Incumbent Readers and Lecturers ( SG) with less than 3 years of Service
(ii)Incumbent Deputy Librarian/Assistant Librarian(SG) / College Librarian ( SG) with less than
3 years of Service.
(iii)Incumbent Deputy Director of Physical Education (SG) /Assistant Director of Physical
Education (SG)/ College Director of Physical Education (SG) with less than 3 years of
Revised Pay Band + Academic
Existing Scale
Grade Pay
Rs.12000-420-18300 Rs.15600-39100+Rs.8000
Pre-Revised Revised
of Stage in
D.A. as on Pay in Academic
Years the Dearness Revised
1-1-2006 Total the Pay Grade
existing Pay Basic Pay
( 24%) Band Pay
(i) Incumbent Readers and Lecturers ( SG) with 3 years of Service
(ii)Incumbent Deputy Librarian/Assistant Librarian(SG) / College Librarian ( SG) with
3 years of Service.
(iii)Incumbent Deputy Director of Physical Education (SG) / Assistant Director of Physical
Education (SG)/ College Director of Physical Education (SG) with 3 years of Service.
Revised Pay Band + Academic
Existing Scale
Grade Pay
Rs.12000-420-18300 Rs.37400-67000+Rs.9000
Pre-Revised Revised
of Stage in
D.A. as on Pay in Academic
Years the Dearness Revised
1-1-2006 Total the Pay Grade
existing Pay Basic Pay
( 24%) Band Pay
(i) Incumbent Professor in Colleges and Universities
(ii)Incumbent Principals of Post Graduate Colleges
(iii)Incumbent Librarian ( University )
(iv) Incumbent Director of Physical Education ( University )
Revised Pay Band + Academic
Existing Scale
Grade Pay
Rs.16400-450-20900-500-22400 Rs.37400-67000+Rs.10000
Pre-Revised Revised
Stage in D.A. as
of Pay in Academic
the Dearness on Revised
Years Total the Pay Grade
existing Pay 1-1-2006 Basic Pay
Band Pay
scale ( 24%)
Incumbent Principals of Under Graduate Colleges
Revised Pay Band + Academic
Existing Scale
Grade Pay
( minimum to be fixed at Rs.12840)
Pre-Revised Revised
Stage in D.A. as
of Pay in Academic
the Dearness on Revised
Years Total the Pay Grade
existing Pay 1-1-2006 Basic Pay
Band Pay
scale ( 24%)
Department :
Institution / Office :
Date of :-
(i) Pay :
Total emoluments :
4. Revised Scale of Pay with Pay Band and :
Grade Pay
Head of Office/
Accountant General /
Pay and Accounts Officer.
An Assistant Professor is drawing a basic pay of Rs.8,000/- as on 1--1--2006 in the existing
scale of pay of Rs.8000--275-13500. The revised scale of pay is Rs.15600--39100 plus
Academic Grade pay of Rs.6,000/-. His pay in the revised scale shall be fixed at Rs.20,880/-
with effect from 1--1--2006. The subsequent increments on 1--7--2006 raised his
pay to Rs.21,510/- and to Rs.22,160/- on 1--7--2007 His arrears from 1--1—2006
to 31--8--2009has been regulated taking into account that pay revision has been given
notional effect from 1--1--2006 with monetary benefit from 1--1--2007.
From 1-7-2008 to 31-12-2008
Pay as on 1-7-2008
(20880+ i/c @3%) 22830 8825
Dearness Pay 4413
Dearness Allowance @54% 7149
Dearness Allowance @16% 3653
Total 26483 20387 6096 36576
Pay as on 1-7-2009
(20880+ i/c @3%) 23520 9100
Dearness Pay 4550
Dearness Allowance @64% 8736
Dearness Allowance @22% 5174
Total 28694 22386 6308 12616
Note: Due to revision of allowances w.e.f. 1.6.2009 on par with State Government employees,
the accrual of arrears in respect of allowances for the period from 1.6.2009 to 31.8.2009
will also be paid in three annual instalments as above.
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