CRC 1 DRAFT Minutes 17.02.11-1

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Developing Charlton Together CRC Meeting 1 17 February, 2011

Minutes prepared by facilitator Antoinette Danaher. To be reviewed and adopted at next meeting.

CRC Community Members

 Greg Carmody  Garry ?

 Nola Wright o Charlton Forum / Rotary
o EWHS Board Member  Helen Proctor
 John Harley  Michelle Ryan
o Charlton 2020  Steve (Mouse) Renfrey
 Susan Harley  Tamara Renfrey
 Richard Porter  Jenny Purden
 Kay Cosser  Peter Watts
 Sue McLean  Terry Lane
o Lions
 Brian Heenan

CRC Advisors / Supporters

 Brett Eastwood DHS  Cr. Leo Tellefson - Buloke Shire
 Warwick Heine - Buloke Shire  Cr. David Pollard - Buloke Shire
 Naomi Grant - Buloke Shire  Cr. Stuart McLean - Buloke Shire
 Ken Rowe - Buloke Shire

QUICK SUMMARY of Meeting Actions Arising:

CRC: to decide at next meeting whether to put forward a submission to the Comry Review
Members: to review DRAFT TOR and provide feedback at next meeting

Buloke Shire:
 to convene a meeting with the Insurance Council of Australia
 to locate an expert to inform the CRC about the recent floods and book in a meeting ASAP
 to investigate all funding and report back to CRC as information becomes available.
 to keep a register of opportunities and covenants / funds received and expenditure.

 to propose DRAFT CRC Values for review at the next meeting.
 to allocate relevant priorities (from the existing Community Plan and subsequent input) to
appropriate sub- committees in DRAFT, for review and adoption by the CRC.
 to produce Sub-Committee Terms of Reference once CRC TOR have been adopted.
 to DRAFT a Press Release about the commencement of the CRC – to be approved by Kay
Cosser, John Harley and the Buloke Shire
 to contact Sebastian Zwalf at DHS for PR assistance as required.
 to propose dates, Tuesday’s fortnightly at first (not 2nd or 4th Tuesday)
MARCH MEETINGS: 1st March, 15th March, 29th March

NEXT MEETING: 6pm Tuesday March 1, 2011 Charlton Shire Hall

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Meeting Purpose:

 To form an EFFECTIVE CRC for Charlton

 Set up a workable mechanism including sub-committees
 Develop a forward action plan

The facilitator told the meeting that she was in the employ of the Charlton CRC while being paid by
DHS funds via Buloke Shire. Her role is to serve the CRC and Charlton Community as long as her
services are still meaningful and add value.

She spoke about her lengthy experience working in Victorian Communities and suggested that
spending time laying strong foundations was a key element for success.

A significant amount of time at this first meeting (only) was be spent on identifying behaviours,
personality and learning styles and potential barriers to success.

The facilitator’s first question was designed to help clarify the values the CRC would share.

Q. What is wrong with meetings and committees? (Input from Committee)

 too much talk and not enough action  duplication in discussion / repeating
 not “one meeting” the same sentiments in different
 bad decision making processes words
 not solving the problem they are set  meetings starting/ finishing late
up to address  inappropriate meeting times
 hidden agendas  reiterating what has happened for
 being steam rolled in discussion latecomers
 lack of shared vision

Antoinette outlined her experience and research as to why some Committees struggle and informed
the meeting that the set up of Charlton’s CRC needed to ensure these issues were understood and

 Lack of terms of reference (TOR)

 Lack of role understanding & clarity of expectations
o what can and can't be funded
o what's important and what's not
o who has authority
 Lack of transparency
 Undefined Time Frame
 Make Up – member skills, interests and experience imbalance
 Volunteer behaviour / attitude. Varying degrees of emotional Intelligence – leading to poor
behaviour: bossy, compliant, resentful etc.
 Volunteers over-committing
 Not properly bonded as a team
 Assumptions about people – preconceptions rather than a willingness to engage
 Lack of transparency
 Lack of respect within the group
 Self Interest
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 Poor meeting management
 Lack of understanding about different personalities and learning styles
 Ineffective communication – both within the CRC and beyond to the community.

ACTION: Antoinette to propose DRAFT CRC Values to address these potential issues for review
at the next meeting. (DRAFT VALUES included below in these minutes to give members thinking

DRAFT Values Some Performance Indicators

We focus on solving the problems we were set up
to address;
We work to agreed Terms of Reference
We understand our role &are clear about our
We have efficient processes; we don’t duplicate
C Clarity discussions. .
We are honest and effective in our
H Health We mandate supportive behaviour and attitude
A Action We take informed action rather than just talk
Our agreed processes are followed;
There is no shaming, waffling or steamrolling;
Our meetings start and finish on time;
R Respect Our discussions are not repeated for latecomers
We recognise different styles;
We make no assumptions;
We share skills and experiences to help others
L Learning We are willing to listen
All viewpoints encouraged;
We have no hidden agendas;
T Transparency We have “one” conversation at meetings
O One Team We share a common Vision and Mission
Information is freely shared with the CRC and
N News available to Community members

What does a CRC do?

 Overarching / Helicopter view of the recovery and the emerging plan
 Partnership: Community, Shire, Government & Agency liaison
 Made up of representatives of sub committees + Government & Agency reps as required

Sub Committees
 manage action on the ground
 relevant Community priorities allocated to each group

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Three sub- committees were formed:

 re-energising the local economy;
o Greg Carmody
o Garry XXXX

Rebuild / Prevention / Environment

 Addressing future disaster prevention; reconstructing community infrastructure, houses and
other buildings; restoring our natural environment1
o John Harley
o Ian Blair
o Garry XXXX
o Sue Mc Lean
o Tamara
o Brian

 providing information, resources and other supports to local communities to assist in the
recovery of personal and community strength.
o Susan Harley
o Nola Wright
o Richard Porter
o Steve Renfrey
o Jenny Purden
o Terry Lane

Sub Committees:
recruit volunteer resources as required
Provide a direct link to/from community members

ACTION: Antoinette to allocate relevant priorities (from the existing Community Plan and
subsequent input) to appropriate sub- committees in DRAFT for review and adoption by the CRC.

CRC Terms of Reference (TOR)

 Draft TOR based on a combination of Fire CRC’s were tabled and provided to Members with
feedback requested at the next meeting. Members wanting an electronic copy of the DRAFT
TOR can contact
 To be endorsed at next meeting

ACTION: Members to review DRAFT TOR and provide feedback at next meeting

ACTION: Antoinette to produce Sub-Committee Terms of Reference once CRC TOR have been

Environment has been allocated to Rebuild / Prevention as it is assumed that a lot of prevention will involve
environmental issues (e.g. river clean up etc.)

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Potential Funding Sources
A number of potential sources have been identified but further research is required:
 State and Federal Govt.
o need clarity on access / distribution methodology
 Charlton Community Bank Flood Fund
o need clarity on access / distribution methodology
 CEF (B&AB) Flood Fund
o need clarity on access / distribution methodology
 Council funds from other LGA's
o need clarity on access / distribution methodology
 Red Cross Flood Fund Appeal
o need clarity on access / distribution methodology
 CBA Grants Fund
o competitive
o must apply
o Application provided
 Other philanthropics
o competitive
o must apply
 Unknown fundraising events (service clubs etc.)
o need clarity on distribution methodology
 Other
o need to find out sources
o need clarity on distribution methodology

ACTION: Buloke Shire to investigate all funding and report back to CRC as information becomes
ACTION: Buloke Shire to keep a register of opportunities and covenants / funds received and

Further considerations2 for the CRC were noted:

 Emergency Communication – use of fm radio
 Confidence
o people may leave town
o become uneconomic
 flood mitigation is priority 1 2 + 3
o or Charlton is doomed
 people distressed and traumatised
 Charlton to be a better place than it was before the floods (not just “the same as”)

 State Government Comry Review - making a submission on cause and prevention

ACTION: CRC to decide at next meeting whether to put forward a submission

Unless an ACTION is noted, all matters will be devolved to sub committees for inclusion in their plans

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 Insurance
o lack of response
o not calling back from insurance companies
o people need assurance
o availability is ad hoc
 some got insurance from GIO in the last week or so
 other neighbouring towns being black banned by some companies
 Insurance ombudsman / Insurance Council of Australia
o contact is important
o promote the Insurance Council attending Charlton
ACTION: Buloke Shire to convene a meeting with the Insurance Council of Australia

 If we have a flood next week what is going to save us?

o need an action plan
 need assurance to give confidence to invests in biz and homes
 guarantee that funds and equipment are available for next emergency
o need to be very careful – what emergency? how much? what equipment?
 also considerable planning to develop an action plan
o where is the danger coming from
o do we protect the town at all costs and "drown the farmers”
o protection needs to look further upstream as well
o get an expert in to inform the CRC about the recent floods
ACTION: Buloke Shire to locate an expert in to inform the CRC about the recent floods and book in
a meeting ASAP

 Community education / support on self protection

 Medical and health services

 CRC Meeting schedule

ACTION: Antoinette to propose dates, Tuesday’s fortnightly at first (not 2 nd or 4th Tuesday)
MARCH MEETINGS: 1st March, 15th March, 29th March

 Ongoing communication
o Media
o Social media
o Newsletter
o Email
o Posters
o With whom?
o How often?

 Press Release
o Confidence building
o What the CRC is
o How others can contribute / participate
o Ongoing communication from CRC

ACTION: Antoinette to DRAFT a Press Release about the commencement of the CRC – to be
approved by Kay Cosser, John Harley and the Buloke Shire
ACTION: Antoinette to contact Sebastion Zwalf at DHS for assistance.

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