Aryabhatta Institute of Management

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Presentation of production & operations management

Topic:- Inventory Management

Submitted To:- Submitted By:-

Mr.Pardeep Kumar Amit chug (157)
Lech. Of POM Sureshtha Singla (182)
Parneet Kaur (175)
Rutesh Khameshra (179)
What is inventory ?
Inventory is any Kind of stock ,including raw
materials, work in progress, finished good and
stores & spares.

For example:- For VARDMAN industry cotton

procured , cleaned cotton, ropes made by that
cotton & thread or yarn stored in stores to be
ready to sell out and boxes to pack that inventory
all are inventory.
Forms of Inventory
 Raw material Inventories.
 Work In Progress Inventories.
 Maintenance, Repair, operating Inventories.
 Finished Inventories:-
Movement / Transit Inventories.
Anticipation / Buffer Inventories.
Fluctuation / Cycle Inventories.
Decoupling Inventories.
Inventory Management
Inventory:- “Tangible property (1) held for sale in the ordinary
course of business (2)in the process of production for such sale or
(3) to be consumed in the process of production pf goods or
services for sale.”

Management :- Management is art and science of planning,

directing, controlling all the activities in a tactful way.

So, Inventory Management can be described as an activity of

Planning a inventory control policy, implementing that
policy, controlling it in a tactful way that can help the
organization in a achieving its goals in a sufficient manner.
 To ensure smooth flow of stock.
 To provide required quality of materials.
 To control investment in stock.
 Protection against fluctuating demand.
 Protection against fluctuations in output.
 Minimizing risk & uncertainty.
 Risk of obsolescence.
 Minimizing cost.
Factors affecting Inventory control
 Quality requirements.
 Product type
 The nature of production system.
 Production capacity & storage facility.
 Degree of specialization &Differentiation.
 Organizational factors.
 Inventory costs.
 Other factors.
To sum up, we can say Inventory management is
an essential part of any organization. Every
organisation have manly two objective One is
Profit maximization &another is wealth
maximization. Inventory management helps
the organisation to achieve its objectives.
Inventory management can use techniques like
TQM, JIT & ABC etc. to have an effective
control on its inventory.

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