Medical Mnemonics-Internal Medicine
Medical Mnemonics-Internal Medicine
Medical Mnemonics-Internal Medicine
internal medicine
S - Stone (gallstone ileus)
H - Hernia
A - Adhesions
V - Volvulus
I - Intussusception
T - Tumor
Aphthous ulcers, Pyoderma gangrenosum, Iritis, Erythema nodosum, Sclerosing cholangitis, Arthritis,
J - Joints
O - Obvious (cardiac) - sorry, I know this is kinda weak
N - Nodules (subcutaneous nodules)
E - Erythema marginatum
S - Syndeham's Chorea
Causes of ST Elevation
E - Electrolytes
E - Early Repolarization
V - Ventricular hypertrophy
A - Aneurysm
T - Treatment - Pericardiocentesis
I - Injury (AMI, contusion)
O - Osborne waves (hypothermia)
N - Non-occlusive vasospasm
Hyperkalamia causes large T waves on the ECG, Hypokalaemia causes small ones - ie. large pot - lots of
tea, small pot - no tea.
If QRS complex is wide, consider bundle branch block. LBBB causes a "W" pattern in V1-2 and a "M"
pattern in V5-6. RBBB is the other way round. Remember as WiLLiaM MaRRoW.
Elevation of cardiac enzymes after a M.I. is CPK, then AST, then LDH. Remember as - C AST Le.
-The mnemonic key is Arthur Shawcross (AS), a cannibalistic murderer, a key which immediately
follows the symbol.
Exertional syncope
His victims Swooned [Syncope] with fear when they saw him.
-Physical findings
Loud, harsh, systolic ejection murmur at the upper right sternal border, usually
associated with a palpable systolic thrill.
Arthur Shawcross is a Base [Basal] Thrill-murderer [Thrill].
He is a Harsh Hardened criminal, who attributed his grotesque actions to
incest with his Sister [Systolic].
Paradoxical splitting of S2
AS sent his victims to Paradise [Paradoxical].
1. Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine, 14/e Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998.
2. Maximum access to diagnosis and therapy (MAXX), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, New York, 1999
Hyper H (Acidosis)
Hyper Rx (Drugs/OD)
H - hypoglycemia hypoxia
E - epilepsy
A - anxiety [the "swoon"]
D - dysfunction of brain stem [i.e. brain stem TIA]
H - heart attack
E - embolism of pulmonary artery
A - aortic obstruction [ Aortic stenosis, myxoma, IHSS ]
R - rhythm disturbance
T - tachycardia esp VT
V - vasovagal
E - ectopic i.e. hemorrhage obvious or not
S - situational [micturation, defecation...]
S - subclavial steal
L - low SVR [eg: anaphalaxis]
S - sensitive carotid sinus
Basic management of M.I. is BOOMAR - Bed rest, Oxygen, Opiate, Monitor, Anticoagulate, Reduce clot
Causes of pericarditis are CARDIAC RIND - Collagen vascular disease, Aortic aneurysm, Radiation,
Drugs eg. hydralazine, Infections, Acute renal failure, Cardiac infarction, Rheumatic fever, Injury,
Neoplasms, Dressler's syndrome.
95% of hypertension is primary (idiopathic). 5% is secondary and causes include CHAPS - Cushing's
syndrome, Hyperaldosteronism (Conn's syndrome) , Aorta coarctation, Pheochromocytoma, Stenosis of
the renal arteries.
Takayasu's disease is also called pulseless disease, therefore I can't Tak'a ya's pulse.
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
J - Joints
A - Abdominal pain
R - Renal
S - Skin
Compartment Syndrome
"6 p's"
C--cardiac disease
R--rest (bed-bound)
E--estrogen, pregnancy, post-partum
P--past hx
R--road trip
Shortness of Breath
As Easy as 'LMNOP' : Remember the mnemonic LMNOP when treating a patient with acute pulmonary
Lasix¢ç (furosemide) intravenous (IV), one to two times the patient's usual dose, or 40 mg if the patient
does not usually take the drug.
Nitroglycerin IV, 5 to 10 ug/min. Increase by 5 ug/min q 3 to 5 minutes. Reduces left ventricular preload.
Caution: may cause hypotension.
Position patient sitting up with legs dangling over the side of the bed. This facilitates respiration and
reduces venous return.
Beta-1 receptors are in the heart (you have 1 heart) and beta-2 receptors are in the lungs (you have 2
RA=Rheumatoid arthritis
"4 T's"
T - Thymoma
T - Teratoma
T - Thyroid tumor/goiter
T - Terrible lymphoma
Middle Mediastinal Mass
H - Hhernia, hematoma
A - Aneurysm
B - Bronchogenic cyst/duplication cyst
I - Inflammation (sarcoid, histo, coccidio, TB)
T5 - Tumors (lung, lymphoma, leukemia, leiomyoma, lymph node hyperplasia)
P - Primary TB
H - Histoplasmosis
L - Lymphoma
M - Metastases
P - Pneumoconiosis
S - Sarcoidosis
E-Erythema nodosum
R-Restrictive lung defect (PFTs)
M-Multiple systemic manifestations
A-Asteroid bodies (inclusions)
N-Noncaseating granuloma, Negative TB test
ACE - Angiotensin converting enzyme levels monitor disease activity and response to therapy.
Rat Poisons
"RATS PANIC" I'm sure that you'll easily remember this one!
R - Red squill
A - Arsenicals
T - Thallium
S - Strychnine
P - PNU/Phosphorus/zn Phosphide
A - Alpha naphtha thiurea (ANTU)
N - Norbormide
I - Indanediones
C - Coumadin/cholcalciferol
M - Methanol
U - Uremia
P - Paraldehyde/phenformin
I - Iron/INH
L - Lactic acidosis
E - Ethylene glycol
S - Salicylates
H - Hyperalimentation/hyperventilation
A - Acetazolamide
D - Diarrhea
U - Ureteral diversion
P - Pancreatic fistula/parenteral saline
Osmolar Gaps
M - Methanol
E - Ethanol
Salicylate poisoning
PO= Pulmonary Oedema
PE= Pulmonary Embolism
HEN= Hepatic Encephalopathy
R - renal failure
EX - exogenous
P - pituitary
L - liver failure
A - alcohol
I - insulinoma/infection
N - neoplasm
B-Beta blockers
E-Enzyme defects (glycogen storage diseases)
T-Tumors: Islet beta cell tumors (pancreatic): Insulinomas
Non-islet cell tumors: Large mesenchymal tumors
A-Adrenal insufficiency
U-Under 0.3 (insulin/glucose ratio) to make the diagnosis
C-C-peptide measurement to rule out factitious hypoglycemia
E-Endocrine: Epinephrine, glucagon deficiencies (counterregulatory hormone deficiencies)
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
Dependent on (Pituitary) and
Depresses ( Cortisol) on
Daddy Doses of Dexa(High doses of Dexamethasone).
S - Sarcoidosis
H - Hyperparathypoidism, Hyperthyroidism
A - Alkali-milk syndrome
M - Metastases, myeloma
P - Paget disease
O - Osteogenesis imperfecta
O - Osteoporosis
D - Vitamin intoxication
I - Immobility
T - Thiazides
Hypercalcemia symptoms are Bones (pain), Stones (renal), abdominal Groans (pain) and psychic moans
MEN I is 3 P's (Pituitary, Parathyroid, Pancreas). MEN II is 2 C's (Catecholamines ie. pheochromocytome,
carcinoma of medulla of thyroid) and Parathyroid (IIa) or Mucocutaneous neuromas (IIb).
The most common thyroid carcinoma is P-apillary (P-opular). It also has P-sammona bodies on histology.
It causes P-alpable lymph nodes (lymphatic spread).
The most common symptoms of PHEochromocytoma begin with the first 3 letters - Palpitations,
Headache, Episodic diaphoresis (sweating).
K - Kidney
O - Ovarian
T - Testicular
L - Lung
P - Prostate
T - Thyroid
B - Breast
Causes of joint pain are SOFTER TISSUE - Sepsis, Osteoarthritis, Fractures, Tendon/muscle, Epiphyseal,
Referred, Tumour, Ischaemia, Seropositive arthritides, Seronegative arthritides, Urate, Extra-articular
rheumatism (eg. polymyalgia).
C - Capitellum
R - Radial head
I - Internal (medial epicondyle)T - Trochlea
O - Olecranon
E - External (lateral epicondyle)
These appear at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 years of age in order and go away two years later.
The other mnemonic I know for the ossification centers is "Come Rub My Tree Of Love" where the "M" is
medial epicondyle and the "L" is the lateral epicondyle.
Wrist Bones
Proximal row:
N - Navicular
L - Lunate
T - Triquetrium
P - Pisiform
Distal row:
M - greater Multiangular (trapezium)
M - lesser Multiangular (trapezoid)
C - Capitate
H - Hamate
S - Supraspinatus
I - Infraspinatus
T - Teres minor
S - Subscapularis
S - Slip of physis
A - Above physis
L - Lower than physis
T - Through physis
R - Rammed physis
N = Na + water retention
This occurs due to several factors, including compensatory secretion of aldosterone in response to
hypovolemia-mediated release of ADH.
E = Edema
Due to hypoproteinemia + Na, water retention. Edema is soft, pitting and starts in the periorbital region.
O = "Oval fat bodies" in the urine. Lipiduria follows hyperlipidemia. Albumin as well as lipoproteins are
lost. Lipoproteins are reabsorbed by tubular epithelial cells and they shed along with degenerated cells-
this appears as "oval fat bodies" in urine.
I = Infection. These patients are prone to infection, especially with staphylococci and pneumococci.
Vulnerability is due to loss of immunoglobulins.
C = hyperCoagulable state
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
J - Joints
A - Abdominal pain
R - Renal
S - Skin
Causes of hematuria
S: Stone
I: Infection
T: Trauma
T: Tumor
T: Tuberculosis
Causes of secondary nephrotic syndrome ie. not of direct renal origin are DAVID - Diabetes mellitus,
Amyloidosis, Vasculitis, Infections, Drugs.
The following mnemonic aids in remembering the causes of acute and reversible forms of urinary
incontinence - DRIP
D: Delirium
R: Restricted mobility, retention
I: Infection, inflammation, impaction (fecal)
P: Polyuria, pharmaceuticals
Hereditary cystic disorders: Polycystic kidney disease
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is associated with cysts in the kidneys and, in
many cases, in the brain (berry aneurysms), liver, spleen, pancreas, and lungs.
Portrayed ?Polycystic: continued enlargement of the cysts often leads to progressive renal failure.
Carmen ?CT scanning: Enlarged kidneys with multiple bilateral cysts are diagnosed using ultrasound, IVP,
or CT scanning.
Jones - Juvenile nephronophthisis (JN) and medullary cystic disease (MCD) are in the DDx.
-Cardiac valvular disorders: Mostly mitral valve prolapse (MVP) and aortic regurgitation
-Salt-wasting nephropathy, renal tubular acidosis (RTA)
-Chronic flank pain due to the mass effect of the enlarged kidneys
Lusty Carmen Jones powdered her nose, using her Bivalve [MVP] mirror compact, ¡¦
-then she slowly raised her Salt-rimmed [Salt-wasting nephropathy] MargaRiTA [RTA], and seductively
placed her other hand on her Hip [Flank pain].
-Hyperchloremic acidosis
-Salt-wasting nephropathy causing hyponatremia
It was said that Dorothy was not allowed to swim in the hotels Chlorinated pool [Hyperchloremic
When she defiantly swam in the pool, they Drained it [Salt-wasting nephropathy, Hyponatremia].
-End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
Dorothy was forced to enter through the back door, even while she was contracted to sing under The Big
Tent [Hypertension].
Dorothy was only 41 when she was found DEAD [ESRD].
Dx: Positive family history (autosomal dominant inheritance)
Gross and microscopic hematuria
Ultrasound, IVP, or CT scanning detect the enlarged kidneys with multiple bilateral cysts
1. Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine, 14/e Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998.
2. Bennett WM and Rose BD. Polycystic kidney disease, UpToDate v8.2, (Rose, BD, ed), UpToDate, Inc,
Wellesley, MA, 2000.
WBC Count
Neutrophils 60%
Lymphocytes 30%
Monocytes 6%
Eosinophils 3%
Basophils 1%
Hem - PT, PTT: By M. Pereira (
To remember the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways in relation to what blood test is affected:
Vitamin K-dependent proteins and warfarin sodium [by Sung Kim and S. Levine, MD, PhD.]
--> The Korean [vitamin K] War [Warfarin] was fought Outdoors [Extrinsic pathway].
--> The American PT boats [PT, Protime, or prothrombin time], whose access had been limited
by the rough Seas [protein C], quickly sent out SOS [protein S] messages.
Microcytic Anemia
Iron deficiency
Chronic disease
Sideroblastic anemia
N - Neoplasm
A - Allergy
A - Addison's
C - Cirrhosis, CVD
P - Parasite (visceral larva migrans), Periarteritis nodosa
B-Basophilic stippling
A-Anemia, Anisocytosis
M?MCV is low
A-HbA is decreased
F-HbF is increased
I-Ineffective erythropoiesis
A?HbA2 is increased
T-Tower skull (also frontal bossing, chipmunk facies, and distortion of long bones)
H-Hemolytic anemia with Hepatosplenomegaly in the first year of infant life
I-Intermedia - Beta-thalassemia intermedia presents with abnormalities similar to those of thalassemia
--> Dr. Cooley performed Major surgery [thalassemia Major] as a Cardiothoracic surgeon [Cardiac failure]
on the Internet [Infections].
--> His skilled hands can perform Microsurgery [Microcytic hypochromic anemia] on Fetuses [HbF].
--> His surgical cap [Helmet cells] fit loosely over his Crew cut [Hair-on-end skull].
--> He proceeded to make an incision along the Blue Stippled line [Basophilic Stippling] drawn on the
--> Dr. Cooley's Target [Target cells] academic score had always been an A+ [HbA2 is increased].
--> The surgical staff is a close knit community, like a B-A-D M-A-F-I-A (see below), quick to dispose of
Ineffective [Ineffective erythropoiesis] residency candidates.
D-Dx: D dimer
I-Immune complexes
S-Snakebite, shock, heatstroke
E-Eclampsia, HELLP syndrome
M-Massive tissue damage
I-Infections: viral and bacterial
A-Acute promyelocytic leukemia
T-Tumor products: Tissue Factor (TF) and TF-like factors released by carcinomas of pancreas, prostate,
colon, stomach
E-Endotoxins (bacterial)
D-Dead fetus (retained)
Characteristic features of multiple myeloma on X-ray are ABCDE - Asymmetry, Border irregular, Colour
irregular, Diameter usually > 0.5cm, Elevation irregular.
-Incidence: CLL is the most common adult leukemia in the United States.
50-70 years of age
Songwriter Phil CoLLins [CLL] is Male and probably over 50 years of age. He recently won an
Oscar for his "Tarzan" song.
Lymphocytosis >15,000/mm3
Generalized lymphadenopathy
Tarzan can spring from Limb [Lymphocytosis] to Limb [Lymphadenopathy] above the tree
Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly
Low serum immunoglobulins (immunosuppression)
--> where the Splendid [Splenomegaly] Moonlight [imMunosuppression] streams through the
--> Walt Disney Pictures produced the Animated Animal [Anemia] adventure "Tarzan".
--> The "Tarzan" [Thrombocytopenia] song earned CoLLins an Oscar [Osteo, bone marrow failure]
award for the best original song.
--> Tarzan had Little need for Plates [Platelets <100,000/¥ìL] in the jungle.
--> An African jungle [Autoimmune extravascular] APE [AHA] had Warmly [Warm-antibody]
adopted baby Tarzan.
Differential diagnosis
Malignant lymphoma
Infectious mononucleosis
--> Tarzan is Lord [Lymphoma] of the Jungle and friend of the Monkeys [Mononucleosis].
--> Some may imagine a Ram [ChloRambucil] scrambling about, but others will¡¦
--> recall that Clayton [Chlorambucil] is the villainous jungle guide who was hired by
Professor [Prednisone] Porter, not knowing that¡¦
--> ¡¦Clayton [Chlorambucil] had his captured Prey [Prednisone] immediately Flown
[Fludarabine] out for profit.
1. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14/e Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998.
2. Maximum access to diagnosis and therapy (MAXX), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, New York, 1999.
3. Scientific American Medicine (SAM-CD), Scientific American Inc, New York, 1997.
Risk of underlying malignancy with dermatomyositis or polymyositis is 30% at age 30, 40% at age 40
Malignant Monoclonal Gammopathies: Multiple myeloma
-The mnemonic key for multiple myeloma (MM) is Marilyn Monroe (MM), a key which immediately follows
the >> symbol.
Bone pain and pathologic fractures: predominantly osteolytic tumors and osteoporosis.
>> MM's name was illuminated in marquee Lights [osteoLytic], but she secretly longed for
an Oscar award [Osteoporosis].
Acute renal failure (ARF) due to the effects of filtered light-chain proteins,
hypercalcemia, and amyloid deposits in the kidney.
>> MM's Lightly-Chained ARF dog barked when MM's death was said to be related to her
JFK Army-Lord [Amyloid].
>> MM fluffed White Talcum [hypercalcemia] powder on her delicate white skin...
>> protect it from the movie industry's Large hot Camera lights[hyperGammaglob].
>> MM used hair Rollers [Rouleaux] and Combs [Coombs] to create her famous hairdo.
1. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14/e Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998.
2. Maximum access to diagnosis and therapy (MAXX), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, New York, 1999.
3. Scientific American Medicine (SAM-CD), Scientific American Inc, New York, 1997.
T-Teratoma, Teratocarcinoma
1. UpToDate v8.2, (Rose, BD, ed), UpToDate, Inc, Wellesley, MA, 2000.
2. Scientific American Medicine (SAM-CD), Scientific American Inc, New York, 1997.
J - Joints
O - Obvious (cardiac) - sorry, I know this is kinda weak
N - Nodules (subcutaneous nodules)
E - Erythema marginatum
S - Syndeham's Chorea
"scream fever"
S - sausage fingers
C - conjunctival redness
R - rash
E - extremity involvement
A - adenopathy
M - mucosal erythema
FEVER - fever
Remember the following mnemonic when determining the possible cause(s) of fever in a patient who has
recently undergone a surgical procedure: the 5 W's (or 6 W's)
Wind : the pulmonary system is the primary source of fever in the first 48 hours. ( Atelectasis,
pneumonia ect.)
Wound : there might be an infection at the surgical site.
Water : check intravenous access site for signs of phlebitis.
Walk : deep venous thrombosis and pulmonay embolism can develop due to pelvic pooling or restricted
Whiz : a urinary tract infection is possible if urinary catheterization was required.
Type I Anaphylaxis
Type II Cytotoxic - mediated
Type III Immune - complex
Type IV Delayed hypersensitivity
Risk of underlying malignancy with dermatomyositis or polymyositis is 30% at age 30, 40% at age 40
M = Marfans ,
I = Imperfecta ( Osteogenesis )
XE =(pseudo) Xanthoma elasticum
ED = Ehlers Danlos
A - Alcohol/drugs
E - Endocrine
I - Insulin
O - Opiates
U - Uremia
T - Toxins/trauma
I - Infections
P - Psych/porhyria
S - SAH, shock, stroke, seizure, space occupying lesion
Level of consciousness
A - alert
V - resonds to verbal stimuli
P - responds to painful stimuli
U - unconscious
Vertebral/Basilar Ischemia
dizziness (nystagmus)
diplopia (skew deviation)
Cerebellar lesions lead to VANISHeD - Vertigo, Ataxia, Nystagmus, Intention tremor, Slurred speech,
Hypotonic reflexes, Dysdiadochokinesia. ( or Dementia )
Marcus Welby, M.D. "knows". Robert Young was also in "Father Knows Best".
Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH): Rupture of an aneurysm releases blood directly into the cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) under arterial pressure.
Clinical manifestations:
W-circle of Willis
H-Headache: sudden onset of severe headache ("the worst headache of my life")
I-Increased ICP
E-Epileptic seizures
Causes of Syncope: F-A-D-E-O-U-T
M-Meniere's disease
E-Ear: otitis media, labyrinthitis, barotrauma
N-Neuromas: acoustic neuromas
P-Penia ? thrombocytopenia
A-Amyloid angiopathy
T-Tumors associated with bleeding
M-Malformations: AV
D-blood Dyscrasias
Cerebrovascular I-N-F-A-R-C-T-S
Lacunar infarct: "Lacunar" from the Latin for G-A-P or- D-I-S-P-A-R-I-T-Y
D-Dysarthria and a contralateral clumsy hand or arm due to infarction in the base of the pons or in the
of the internal capsule. (20%)
I-Internal Capsule: Lacunae in the posterior limb of the Internal capsule may cause pure motor
involving the face, arm, leg, foot. (60%)
S-Subcortical, capsular, or thalamic lacunae
P-Pontine lesions
A-Ataxic hemiparesis due to an infarct in the base of the pons
R-Rare: Lacunae in the anterior limb of the Internal capsule may cause severe dysarthria with facial
I-Ipsilateral ataxia (arm/leg) with leg weakness: Pontine lesion (rare)
T-Thalamus: Lacunae in the Thalamus may cause pure sensory stroke (10%)
y-V-Ventrolateral Thalamic lacunae
B-Blindness in corresponding half of the visual field (contralateral homonymous hemianopsia)
C-Contralateral Clumsiness of arm, face. -- Leg is somewhat spared.
M-Memorization difficulties
C-Calculation difficulties
A-Aphasia with language-dominant hemispheral involvement
Types of Stroke
Stroke "H-I-T" you!
T-TIA (Transient Ischemia Attack)
Patients often describe it as a shade being pulled over their eyes: S-H-A-D-E-D
Root values of reflexes are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 - S1-2 ankle, L3-4 knee, C5-6 biceps/supinator, C7-8 triceps.
-Symptomatic Neurosyphilis: The small, irregular Argyll Robertson pupil reacts to accommodation but
not to light.
-Tabes dorsalis:
Argyl-Robertson Pupil (ARP) in syphlis - Accomodation Reflex Present (ARP)
but the light reflex is absent, so ARP=ARP.
-General paresis: P-A-R-E-S-I-S*
R-Reflexes are hyperactive
E-Eye: Argyll Robertson pupils
S-Sensorium: illusions, delusions, hallucinations
I-Intellect: decrease in recent memory, orientation, calculations
*From Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine, 14/e Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998.
Radiopaque Ingestants
L - lidocaine
A - atropine
N - naloxone
E - epi
Some like NAVEL, which includes Valium. Others have commented that valium should not go in an ET
"Big Mess"
B - Barbituates
I - Iron
G - Glutethemide
M - Meprobamate
E - Extended release theophylline
SS - Salicylates