Good Earthing All

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Energy Division

Guide TO

Section 1 -
The Basics of Earthing

What is “Earthing”? Earthing may be described as a system of electrical connections to the general mass of earth.
The characteristic primarily determining the effectiveness of an earth electrode is the
resistance which it provides between the earthing system and the general mass of earth.
Purpose of Earthing The earthing of an electrical installation has two purposes -
1. To provide protection for persons or animals against the danger of electric shock.
2. To maintain the proper function of the electrical system.
Chief requirement Soil resistivity (specific resistance of the soil) is usually measured in Ohm metres, one Ohm
of good Earthing is metre being the resistivity the soil has when it has a resistance of one Ohm between the
low soil resistivity opposite faces of a cube of soil having one metre sides.
The other unit commonly used is the Ohm centimetre. To convert Ohm metres to Ohm
centimetres, multiply by 100.
Soil resistivity varies greatly from one location to another. For example, soil around the banks
of a river have a resistivity in the order of 1.5 Ohm metres. In the other extreme, dry sand in
elevated areas can have values as high as 10,000 Ohm metres.
The Earth Path The resistance of the earth path is determined -
1. by the resistivity of the soil surrounding the earth rod,
2. by its contact resistance between the earth rod and the surrounding soil, and
3. by the resistance of the earth rod and connecting conductors.
When an electrical current passes into the soil from a buried earth rod, it passes from a low
resistance metal into an immediate area of high resistance soil.
Reference to Figures 1 and 2 depict what happens when a current flows from an earth rod into
the surrounding earth. The areas of resistance can be described as being that of a number of
sheaths of ever increasing diameters.
The current path passes into the first sheath immediately adjacent to the earth rod and then
into the second sheath which is of a larger cross-section with a greater area for current flow,
and therefore, of lower resistance than the first sheath. And so on into a succession of sheaths
or shells of ever increasing area, and because of this, of ever decreasing resistance.
Fig. 1
Eventually at a distance of three or four metres, the area of current dissipation becomes so
large, and the current density so small, the resistance at this point is negligible. Measurements
show that 90% of the total resistance around an earth rod is within a radius of three metres.
However, it is this resistance at the interface where the current leaves the earth rod and flows
into the main body of the earth that is important and explains why soil resistivity tests are very
necessary in order to secure lowest overall resistance.
Principal factors Factors chiefly affecting soil resistivity are -
affecting soil 1. Type of soil
Soil composition can be - clay, gravel, loam, rock, sand, shale, silt, stones, etc. In many
locations soil can be quite homogenous, while other locations may be mixtures of these soil
types in varying proportions. Very often soil composition is in layers or strata, and it is the
resistance of the varying strata, especially at sub-soil level and lower where the moisture
content is not subject to drying out, that is important in securing a good electrical earth. Refer
Table 1 for typical soil resistivity values.
2. Climate
Obviously arid and good rainfall climates are at opposite extremes for conditions of soil
3. Seasonal conditions
Fig. 2
The effects of heat, moisture, drought and frost can introduce wide variations in “normal” soil
resistivity. Soil resistivity usually decreases with depth, and an increase of only a few percent
of moisture content in a normally dry soil will markedly decrease soil resistivity. Conversely,
soil temperatures below freezing greatly increase soil resistivity, requiring earth rods to be dri-
ven to even greater depths. See Table 2 for variations of soil resistivity with moisture content,
and Table 3 for variations of soil resistivity with temperature.
4. Other factors
Other soil properties conducive to low resistivity are chemical composition, soil ionisation,
grain distribution and homogeneous grain size. All have much to do with retention of soil
moisture, as well as providing good conditions for a closely packed soil in good contact with
the earth rod.
In view of all the above factors, there is a large variation of soil resistivity between different soil
types and moisture contents.

A Practical Guide to Good Earthing

Every earth is an individual and the only way to know that an earthing installation meets code Site Testing Essential
requirements is to carry out proper resistance measurements on site.
Potential (P) Current (C)
There are a variety of test instruments available. However, they can be generally categorised Probe Probe
as three-terminal or four-terminal test instruments.
1. Measuring resistance Depth
Figure 3 illustrates the test setup for measuring the resistance in Ohms between the installed Soil 300 to
earth rod and the general mass of earth. Refer to the instrument manufacturer’s manual on
how to carry out the test. As a general rule, the distance between the earth rod under test and Earth rod
the current probe “C” is not less than 15 metres. under test

2. Measuring soil resistivity C1 P1 P2 C2

Earth tester
Figure 4 illustrates the simple test setup for measuring soil resistivity. The test results give a
resistivity profile of the earth beneath the surface. Fig. 3

A four-terminal instrument is required for soil resistivity. The probes are installed in a straight
Test rods
line with an equal spacing of “a” metres and inserted to a depth of no more than a/20 metres,
i.e. for spacing of 2 metres, depth must be less than 100mm. Now, keeping the centre posi- ‘a’ ‘a’ ‘a’
tion the same, resistance measurements are taken at increasing spacings (e.g. a = 2m, 3m,
4m, etc). Always ensure that the spacing between individual test probes are identical. Depth
Soil ‘a’
The soil resistivity can be obtained from the following formula: 20
ρ = 2π a R (Ohm metres)
where ρ = apparent soil resistivity C1 P1 P2 C2
a = spacing of probes in metres Earth tester
R = resistance value in Ohms (as indicated on the tester) Fig. 4

The use of the resistivity at probe spacing “a” metres as the average resistivity to a depth of
“a” metes is a good enough approximation for most circumstances.
Lower layer
From the calculation, a soil resistivity versus depth profile can be drawn as shown in Figures more conductive
5 and 6. The profile can be used to identify where low resistivity soil occurs so that appropri-
Apparent soil resistivity

ate installation techniques can be used. As the soil resistivity decreases with depth, deep
driving earth rods are recommended.

If the soil resistivity increases with depth, earth rods should be installed in parallel to obtain a
lower resistance reading. Best results are achieved when the spacing of the parallel earth rods
is greater than their depth.
Table 1
Resistivity Values for Several Types of Soils and Water
Type of Soil or Water Typical Resistivity Ωm Usual Limit Ωm
Sea Water 2 0.1 to 10
Clay 40 8 to 70 Spacing (m)
Ground well and spring water 50 10 to 150 (Depth)
Clay and sand mixtures 100 4 to 300 Fig. 5
Shale, slates, sandstones, etc 120 10 to 1,000 Typical curve of apparent soil resistivity for 2 layer soils
Peat, loam and mud 150 5 to 250
Lake and brook water 250 100 to 400
Sand 2,000 200 to 3,000 Middle layer less
Morane gravel 3,000 40 to 10,000 conductive
Ridge gravel 15,000 3,000 to 30,000 Lower layer more
Solid granite 25,000 10,000 to 50,000 conductive
Apparent soil resistivity

Ice 100,000 10,000 to 100,000

Table 3
Table 2

Variation of Resistivity with Temperature

Variations of Soil Resistivity with Moisture Content in a Mix of Sand and Clay with a Moisture
Moisture Content Typical Value of Resistivity Ωm Content of about 15% by Weight
% of Weight Clay mixed with sand Sand Temperature Typical Value of Resistivity
0 10,000,000 --- oC Ωm
2.5 1,500 3,000,000 20 72
5 430 50,000 10 99
10 185 2,100 0 (Water) 138 Spacing (m)
15 105 630 o (Ice) 300 (Depth)
20 63 290 -5 790 Fig. 6
30 42 --- -15 3,300 Typical curve of apparent soil resistivity for 3 layer soils

Section 2 -
About Earth Rods

Types of Earth Rods At one time or another, all manner of conductor materials and shapes have been installed in
the ground to provide an electrical earth. These materials range from cast iron plates, tubes,
galvanised steel stakes, copper strip, metallic rod, wire and water pipe.

Taking into account conductivity, high resistance to atmospheric corrosion and soil attack,
ease and economy of installation and overall reliability, the steel rod clad with either copper or
stainless steel has proven its superiority over all others.

The clad steel rod is simple to install, its connection to the earthing system is easily made, and
the installation is readily accessible for inspection and test.

Additionally, with the use of deep driving techniques, extendable earth rods have been
developed to reach underlying strata of low permanent resistivity unaffected by
seasonal drying.
Steel core Earth Electrically, a good earth rod should have a low intrinsic resistance and be of sufficient section
Rods have the best to carry high currents without damage when called upon.
Mechanically, its physical properties should exhibit strength, have a rigid core for easy driving
and be of durable, corrosion resistant material.

Dulmison has had wide experience in the design and production of a variety of copper and
stainless steel clad earth rods for domestic, industrial and substation applications. The range
includes the specially designed extendable earth rods which may be joined end to end to reach
into the deeper levels of moist soil.
Extendable Earth Rod A key feature of Dulmison’s extendable earth rods is the low profile of the couplings. While the
Coupling Systems flush (pin and sleeve) coupling has proven itself with years of reliable service, the current trend
is to a tapered coupling. This single piece taper coupling is quick and easy to fit to the earth
rod. Both the flush and taper coupling designs provide excellent electrical connection as
proven in laboratory testing and experience in service.

The elimination of coupling “bulges” enables close soil contact throughout the entire length of
the electrode. This is an important consideration in dry/arid countries (such as Australia),
where it may take some time for the soil to close back about the electrode. Close soil contact
will allow true earth resistance readings and may eliminate the need to drive deeper in order
to obtain the desired result.
Earth Rod length Apart from considerations of mechanical strength, there is little advantage to be gained from
more important increasing the earth rod diameter with the object in mind of increasing surface area in contact
than Rod diameter with the soil.

510mm 520mm 510mm The usual practice is to select a diameter of earth rod which will have enough strength to
250mm 250mm 250mm
enable it to be driven into the particular soil conditions without bending or splitting. Large
diameter rods may be more difficult to drive than smaller diameter rods.


The depth to which an earth rod is driven has much more influence on its electrical resistance

characteristics than has its diameter. This is because it is not the actual area of contact with
the soil that counts, so much as the total resistance area of the sheath or shell surrounding the
Shell area ‘A’ Shell area ‘B’ Shell area ‘C’
1.21 m2 1.24 m2 2.01 m2
earth rod. (Refer paragraph “The Earth Path”.)
2.5% increase 66% increase
The resistance of an earthing installation by an earth rod is calculated according to the
Fig. 7
following formula:
ρ ( ln ( 8L ) - 1 ) Ohms
20 R=
2πL d
Resistance in Ohms

15 Where R = resistance of earth rod in Ohms

ρ = soil resistivity in Ohm metres
10 L = length of earth rod in metres
d = diameter of earth rod in metres
The curve shown in Fig. 8 is based upon this formula where the earth resistance using a 25mm
diameter earth rod is plotted against its length for soil having a resistivity of 10 Ohm metres.
0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
Length of electrode in metres
Note that if the diameter of the earth rod is halved (or doubled), the resistance is changed by
some 121/2%. By comparison, it can be seen from the curve, a much more dramatic effect is
Fig. 8 obtained by increasing the length of the earth rod.

A Practical Guide to Good Earthing

The combined resistance of parallel rods is a complex function of the number of rods, rod Earth Rod length
diameter, rod length, rod separation, configuration of earth rods and soil resistivity. In most more important than
cases, fewer rods coupled together for deep driving will achieve a lower resistance than the number of rods
same number in parallel. The earth rod spacing should not be less than the earth rod length in parallel
to avoid overlap of resistance areas.
This is because multiple earth rods, unless spaced well apart, do not follow the law of resis-
tance in parallel as their earth conducting paths overlap - see explanation under “Earth Path”.

Accordingly, the installation of multiple earth rods at sufficient distances apart takes up a large
area, involves long cabling and many connections, all adding up to higher costs in time, labour
and equipment.

The permanence of copper in most soils, its resistance to chemical attack and corrosion, and Copper
its inherent low resistance, brings it into widespread use throughout the electrical industry in vs
Australia and around the world. Stainless Steel
However, there are certain soils where it is inadvisable to use copper, such as in tidal lands,
salt marshes, swamps and land filled with ashes, coke breeze and like materials.

Dulmison stainless steel earth rods have a high resistance to both atmospheric and soil
corrosion, being clad with an austenitic grade stainless steel having a chromium content of
approximately 17%.

Typical of the applications where Dulmison stainless steel clad earth rods are favoured over
copper clad are -
1. Where the chemical composition of the soil reacts more unfavourably than copper - as per
conditions described above.

2. Where the earthed item needs to be protected against galvanic attack and corrosion, e.g.
lead sheathed cables, steel poles, etc.

3. Where the tougher sheathing of stainless steel will provide for a more durable and rigid
earth rod better suited to hard driving conditions than its copper counterpart. Moreover,
the cladding operation imparts an extra toughness to the stainless steel through work

A Dulmison copper clad earth rod which had been installed on the shores of Botany Bay at Test shows
Sans Souci, near Sydney, NSW for 10 years, was submitted to Metal Manufacturers Limited, no “detectable corrosion”
Port Kembla, NSW, for examination. (after 10 years
in salty soil)
The report read in part: “As you can see, there has not been any detectable corrosion of the
copper sheathing.”
The cross section, reproduced here at 4x magnification shows no circumferential irregularities
indicating sheath corrosion. Etching and examination at 100x magnification confirmed this.

Cross section of copper sheathed Dulmison earth rod described above,

at 4x magnification after 10 years in salt-laden soil.

Section 3 -
Everything for Earthing

Earth Rods - General Extendable Earth Rods

Dulmison earth rods have a structural steel core with an Taperlock Coupled - Types CTE and STE
outer cladding of either electrolytic pure copper or The simplest of all extendable earth rods to install is the
austenitic stainless steel. This type of construction taperlock earth rod. Available in either copper or stainless
provides the rods with high mechanical strength for driving steel clad rod, there are a variety of sizes to meet all
and good resistance to corrosion. situations.
Dulmison Earth Rods The extremities of the rod terminate in identical tapers.
• are Energy Authority approved around Australia and
the South Pacific The coupling is a single piece with taper matching that of
the rod. A single blow is all that is required to lock the rod
• are tested to 5kA fault current - 9kA peak with no and coupling together. This is ideally suited to light sandy
appreciable effect to the rod itself soil conditions where there is little driving resistance from
• have bonded-for-life cladding the soil.
• have consistent OD throughout length ensuring fit of Taperlock coupled earth rods present slim profile (less
earth clips comply with AS1882 than 1mm deviation) to ensure minimal soil
• can be formed around footings without damage to displacement.
cladding or core
• are 100% Australian made - labour and materials

All Dulmison couplings are made from stable materials

compatible with the earth rod core and sheath. They are CTE Series Copper Clad Rods
not prone to de-alloying or stress corrosion which can Rod Pack/ Pack/ Pack/
adversely affect earthing fittings that have been made from Length 13mm Dia. Bulk Qty 15mm Dia. Bulk Qty 19mm Dia. Bulk Qty
inferior materials such as brass. In fact, the Earthing 1200 CTE1312 10/500 CTE1512 10/500 --- ---
Handbook expressly forbids the use of brass in buried sit- 1440 CTE1314 10/500 CTE1514 10/500 --- ---
uations. This design philosophy has been carried over into
1800 CTE1318 5/500 CTE1518 5/500 --- ---
Dulmison’s range of earthing connectors.
2000 --- --- --- --- CTE1920 1/20
Non Extendable Earth Rods 2400 CTE1324 5/500 CTE1524 5/500 --- ---
3000 CTE1330 1/50 CTE1530 1/40 --- ---
Dulmison manufacture a broad range of non extendable
earth rods. Each rod incorporates an integral driving point, Earth Rod Accessories
machined (not ground) to preserve the strength and Coupling CCT13 10/100 CCT15 10/100 CCT19 10/50
rigidity of cold drawn steel. The flat tip was developed for Point DPT13 50/200 DPT15 50/200 DPT19 10/50
penetrating all types of soil.
Star Point SDP13T 10/100 SDP15T 10/100 --- ---
Domestic Rod Pack - CNE1314T
Driving Accessories
10 pcs/pk CNE1314 Domestic earth rod
Hand DHT15 5/25 DHT19 5/25
10 pcs/pk EC13D Earth clip
Kango 950 MDH15K Each --- ---
Domestic earth rod clip EC13D. Suitable A/C Tex 11 MDH15A Each --- ---
for cables in the range 6 - 16mm2 A/C Cobra MDH15AC Each --- ---
Certificate of Suitability CS571N
CNE Series Copper Clad Rods
Rod Diameter Rod Length Cat. Numbers Pack/Bulk Qty STE Series Stainless Steel Clad Rods
13 1440 CNE1314 10/500 Rod Pack/ Pack/
Length 13mm Dia. Bulk Qty 14mm Dia. Bulk Qty
13 1800 CNE1318 5/500
15 1800 CNE1518 5/500 1200 STE1312 10/500 STE1412 10/500
15 2400 CNE1524 5/500 1440 STE1314 10/500 STE1415 10/500
1800 STE1318 5/500 STE1418 5/500
Type SNE Series Stainless Steel Clad Rods
2400 STE1324 5/500 STE1424 5/500
LGR Rod Diameter Rod Length Cat. Numbers Pack/Bulk Qty
3000 STE1330 1/50 STE1430 1/40
13 1440 SNE1314 10/500
13 1800 SNE1318 5/500 Earth Rod Accessories
Consult office for additional information &/or sizes Coupling SCT13 10/100 SCT15 10/100
Point DPT12 50/200 DPT15 50/200
Commercial/Industrial LGR Series 19mm Copper Clad Rods
Star Point SDP12T 10/100 SDP15T 10/100
Rod Length Catalogue Number Pack/Bulk Qty
1800 LGR1918 1/20 Driving Accessories
2400 LGR1924 1/20 Hand DHT15 5/25
3000 LGR1930 1/20 Kango 950 MDH15K Each
3600 LGR1936 1/20 A/C Tex 11 MDH15A Each
4500 LGR1945 1/20 A/C Cobra MDH15AC Each

A Practical Guide to Good Earthing

Extendable Earth Rods Connection Boxes

Flush Jointed - Type CCE These enclosures provide a tidy means of protecting the
connection of the main earth conductor to the earth rod.
This flush jointed, copper clad earth rod series is available Manufactured from high strength aluminium alloy or
in a variety of lengths to 3000mm, with either 13mm or polymer concrete, they are well suited to use in high traffic
15mm nominal diameter. The ends of the rod are identical, areas. Hinged covers allow easy access for inspection or
having a reduced section with precision drilled hole. testing.
Coupling is via a two piece arrangement comprising
copper sleeve and hardened steel pin. The whole coupling 165

mechanism finishes flush with the main body of the rod. 120
Effective contact is established along the entire length of
the driven electrode from day one. This can mean a
reduction in the number of rods required to achieve a 76 240
specific resistance value.
CCE Series Copper Clad Rods 127
Rod 13mm Pack/ 15mm Pack/
Length Dia. Bulk Qty Dia. Bulk Qty
1200 CCE1312 10/500 CCE1512 10/500 Cat. No. ERB1 Cat. No. ERB3
1440 CCE1314 10/500 CCE1514 10/500 Aluminium alloy casting Polymer concrete
1800 CCE1318 5/500 CCE1518 5/500
2400 CCE1324 5/500 CCE1524 5/500
3000 CCE1330 1/50 CCE1530 1/40
Earthing Enhancement Compounds
Earth Rod Accessories
Cat. No. Composition Standard
Coupling CCA13 10/100 CCA15 25/100
Point DP13 25/200 DP15 50/200 EARTHFIL Bentonite, Gypsum, Sodium Sulphate Conforms to
Star Point SDP13 10/100 SDP15 10/100
EARTHRITE Bentonite, Gypsum, Sodium Sulphate N/A
Driving Accessories EARTH5050 Calcium, Bentonite, Natural Gypsum Conforms to
Hand DH15 5/30 AS2239
Kango 950 MDH15DF Each Features: Stable, high conductivity providing long term
A/C Tex 11 MDH15AF Each low ground resistance. High expansion,
A/C Cobra MDH15C Each low shrink characteristics. Non-toxic, non-
Drive Pin MDP10M 100 corrosive.

Packaging: 20kg non-tear, plastic lined bags.

Installation: Apply as a dry mix or pourable slurry.

Expansion Jointed - Type SDE (Telstra)
Telstra designed and approved earth rod featuring Dry mix will yield a volume of approximately
corrosion resistant stainless steel clad rods, extendable 0.0176m3 (roughly 57 bags to the cubic
in 1440mm lengths. metre).

The coupling system comprises of a stainless steel sleeve Slurry will yield a vol-
and hardened steel pin having a raised convolution at the ume of approximately
midpoint. A secure and non-detachable joint is achieved by 0.030m3 when mixed
means of the pin’s convolute expanding and deforming the with 20 to 25 litres
ends of the rod into the coupling sleeve as the rods are of water (roughly
driven together. 33 bags to the
cubic metre)
SDE Series Stainless Steel Clad Rods
Rod Length 14mm Dia. Pin Lock Pack/Bulk Qty
1440 SDE1414L 10/500

Earth Rod Accessories

Coupling C14L 25/75
Point DP14 50/200
Star Point SDP14D 10/100

Driving Accessories
Hand DH14 5/30
Coupling Tool CT14 5/25

Section 3 -
Everything for Earthing

Earth Rod Clamps

Single Conductor - Parallel Single Conductor - Versatile
Simple and robust, these pinch and U Bolt type clamps These clamps are designed for either parallel or right
have a vee groove embodied in the casting to accommo- angle connections, as illustrated.
date the earthing cable. Material: High copper content alloy castings with
Material: Copper alloy casting, bronze set screw or stainless steel U-bolt, spring washers and nuts.
stainless steel U-bolt and nuts.
Pack Rod Dia. Conductor Size
Pack Rod Dia. Conductor Size Cat No. Qty mm csa mm2 Diameter mm
Cat No. Qty mm csa mm2 Diameter mm GB1 25 13 - 19 16 - 35 5.1 - 7.7
GRC5 100 13 - 15 10 - 35 4.05 - 7.65 GB2 20 13 - 19 50 - 120 8.9 - 14.2
CLAMP210 10/50 13 - 15 16 - 120 5.10 - 14.21 GB3 10 13 - 19 150 - 185 15.7 - 17.6
EP1 40 17 - 19 16 - 120 5.10 - 14.21 EL21090 10 12 - 15 35 - 120 7.6 - 14.2

Type GRC5 Clamp 210

Multiple Conductor Installations

for multi-conductor earthing
For 2 earth conductors parallel to rod or 2 or 3 earth con-
ductors at right angles to rod.
Material: High copper content alloy castings with
stainless steel U-bolt, spring washers and nuts.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Cat Pack Rod Conductor Size No. of Fig
No. Qty Dia. mm csa mm2 Dia. mm Conductors No.
EP3 20 13 - 19 16 - 35 5.1 - 7.7 2 1
EP4 20 13 - 19 50 - 120 8.9 - 14.2 2 1
ET1 25 13 - 19 16 - 35 5.1 - 7.7 2 2
ET2 15 13 - 19 50 - 120 8.9 - 14.2 2 2
Type EP Type ET ET4 10 13 - 19 50 - 120 8.9 - 14.2 3 3

Earth Mats Earthing Bond

Earth mats and installation kits For commercial earthing installations C70
The Earthing Bond system provides an earth connection
Kit welded to the steel reinforcement, thus offering a virtually
indestructible, stable and low resistance path to earth.

Specification Cat. No. C70

Mains cable 50 - 630mm2
Bonding cable 70mm2
3 sec current rating 10kA
Lug diameter 10mm
Terminal thread M10
Thread depth 20mm
Cat. No. Description
EARTHMAT Material: Galvanised mild steel
Size: 1500mm x 900mm
Mesh: 76mmx 50mm
KITY Installation kit for type RDB rotary
switches with earth switch.

A Practical Guide to Good Earthing

CEC Connectors
A heavy duty compression connector for earth rods and conductors

Dulmison CEC connectors were specifically developed to dissipate surges of high fault current
quickly and effectively to limit any potential damage to equipment, and to safeguard
personnel close to that equipment.

Manufactured from pure wrought copper, the CEC connector is fitted by use of standard
compression tools to form a dependable, tamper-proof joint from conductor to earth rod or
buried earthing cable.

Features and benefits

• Simple installation - One crimp from a standard compression tool
• Range taking - From 35mm2 to 120mm2 (13 to 15mm diameter earth rods)
• Connector design - Current carrying capacity greater than that of the conductor
• Corrosion resistant - Identical material to the conductor eliminates problems caused by
electrolytic corrosion and the corrosive effects to some soil.
• Pre-coated with Coppalube - A specially formulated jointing compound heavily laden
with copper particles, to increase the mechanical and electrical integrity of the connection,
exclude moisture and resist rotation of the connector on the earth rod.
• All weather application - This connector may be installed in damp or fire risk areas with
no adverse effects on the joint or the environment.
• Easy identification - Each CEC connector is clearly stamped with the appropriate
catalogue number, conductor size and installation die reference.
• Individually packed - For cleanliness and ease of handling.

Installation notes
• Standard “C” head compression tool of minimum 12 tonne capacity recommended
• Full compressive force of the tool is utilised as application is not limited by die halves
meeting, but the pressure release valve in the tool
• Regular use of a load test cell to confirm compression performance of the tool is
Catalogue Pack Conductor Die
No. Qty Combination Set

70 - 35
Catalogue Pack Tap off Conductor Die CEC050 50 70 - 50 DUOT
Open Section
No. Qty Dia. mm Cross Set 50 - 50
mm2 50 - 50
CEC15000 50 Conductors Blank Blank CEC070 50 70 - 50 DUOT
CEC15035 40 50 - 120mm2 8.4 25 - 40 70 - 70
CEC15070 40 or Earthrods 11.0 50 - 70 70 - 95
CEC095 50 DU1315
CEC15120 50 13 - 15mm dia. 15.0 95 - 120 95 - 95
Consult office for additional information and/or sizes

Application to Earthing Grid Systems

By joining two Compress-On connectors - either of the same or of
different catalogue numbers - by means of length of bare stranded
copper cable, a number of various combinations of conductor sizes and grid
connections arrangements are readily accommodated, and more to the
point, are quickly and economically made.

Section 3 -
Everything for Earthing

The Cadweld Connection The “Forever Connection” for - Cadweld Connections -

• Electrical systems earthing • Are self contained
• The earthing of heavy duty industrial equipment • Require no arc welding equipment
• The cathodic protection of plant and installations • Require no gas cylinders
• Busbar connections • Require no external power source
• Electric transport and communication systems

Simple, portable and extremely fast, Cadweld is ideal for on-site welding of connections to a
wide range of metals as follows -
Copper to - Mild steel Copper
Stainless steel Bronze
Copper clad steel Brass
Galvanized steel Monel metal

About the Cadweld Connection

A Cadweld connection is a true fusion, or molecular weld of virtually pure copper. Although the
temperatures reached to effect this weld are extremely high, the process itself is so fast
(a matter of seconds) the total amount of heat applied to the connection surfaces is
considerably less than that of a comparable brazing or soldering operation.

Thus it is that insulated cables and thin walled tube may be Cadwelded without detriment to
adjacent insulation or tube wall strength.

The Cadweld connection provides for -

1. A connection with a cross sectional area that is in most cases, twice that of the connected
2. A connection with a high current carrying capacity equal to or greater than, that of the
connected conductors.
3. A connection not affected by high current surges. On short circuit tests the conductors
melt before the Cadweld connection.
4. A connection without contact pressures to loosen or corrode - the Furseweld connection is
an integral part of the conductor system.

Illustrated here are just a few of the many uses for Cadweld applicable to earthing. Consult
office for technical information.

Airport Earthing Terminal For static electricity earthing - Cat. No. AET1918

Standard length: 1800mm, other lengths to special order Pack Qty: 15

Type AET electrodes provide for the earthing of airport tarmac areas where any
generation of static electricity could be hazardous, i.e. aircraft refuelling, servicing
and cargo loading areas. The heavy duty capping has a ribbed design affording a
fast and positive earthing connection by means of earth lead connector clips.
Material: Solid steel core overlaid with copper cladding; heavy bronze cap.
Installation procedure: Drive electrode into ground to required depth. Remove
protruding portion of rod above cap and finish flush.

Also available, new release flush fitted static terminal Cat. No. AET1918F

Survey and Mapping

Datum Marks
SDE Series 14mm rods

• Stainless steel for permanence

• Extendable for deep driving
• Manual or machine driven
• Special stainless steel ‘drive fit’ protective cap
Cat. No. F20634 secures datum permanence
• Consult office for further details

Section 4 -
Getting Down to Earth

Earth rods are installed by one of two methods. More often than not, the rod can be driven into Methods of installing
the ground by either a hand held hammer or mechanically operated hammer. However, where Earth Rods
driving is difficult or progress non-existent, the only option is to drill a hole to take the
earth rod.
Where holes are drilled, the gap between the earth rod and wall of the drilled hole is commonly
filled with a water expanding compound. Such a compound is EARTHRITE. This is a mixture
of Bentonite and Gypsum with a small amount of Sodium Sulphate to reduce the resistivity of
the backfill.
Earth rods up to 3m long can be driven satisfactorily in one length. Where rods have to be Driving Methods
longer than 3m, it is preferable to use one of the Dulmison extendable series earth rods.
There are a variety of methods for driving earth rods into the ground from the simple hand held
hammer to power operated mobile rigs. Their use is dictated by the nature of the soil and ter-
rain, the length of drive needed to secure minimum resistance, and the number of rods to be
driven. The driving methods are -
The Hand Held Hammer is an effective method for most domestic installations encountered
in suburban lots. The earth rod should be driven lightly using a hammer of around 11/2 to 3 kgs,
keeping the force of the blows axial to the rod to obviate the risk of whipping.
A large number of comparatively light hammer blows are more effective, and preferable, to
heavy blows which are destructive to the metal and can cause deformation to the rod end as
well as bending and possible splitting. The fitting of a guide to the rod will assist rigidity and
reduce whipping when the rod comes up against resistance to penetration.
The Mechanical Hammer, which can be one of three types: a. Electric
b. Pneumatic
c. Petrol engine driven
These power operated aids are used when soil conditions are not suited to hand driving and
when long earth rods have to driven to great depths.
A range of machine driving heads are given in the Driving Accessories tables on pages 6 and
7, and they interface between the earth rod driving end and the mechanical hammer.
General note: Very light and very heavy hammers with a long stroke are not suited to earth
rod driving. Medium tools in the 71/2 to 12 kgs range with a stroke of approximately 58 to
108mm delivering 2200 blows per minute are ideal for normal applications.
a. Electric hammers - typical are Kanga models 1800, 900 or 950 and similar weight
equipment suitable for light driving to medium depths - Fig 9. The Kanga model 2500, a
heavy duty hammer, is suited to deeper driving and heavier earth rods but should be rig Fig. 9
mounted because of its size and weight.
b. Pneumatic hammers - typical are Atlas Copco, Cobra, and similar chipping hammers
in the 7kg range with speeds of around 2000 blows per minute.
c. Petrol engine driven hammers - of which Pionjar, Atlas Copco and similar are suited.
These have the advantages of being self-contained and independent of compressed air or
electricity supply for operation.
Driving an earth rod with a mechanical hammer calls for special care to ensure the force of the
blows are axial to the rod. While it may be possible to maintain this when manually using a
light type hammer such as an electric Kanga, it is certainly advisable to use rig mounting to
ensure correct driving especially when it comes to driving the longer earth rods.

Machine drilling equipment is available commercially and ranges from electric, pneumatic and Drilled Installation
petrol-driven drills and augers to hydraulic plant with diamond bits that can penetrate rock.
There are two methods of installing earth rods into the drilled hole. One method is to backfill
the hole with dry EARTHRITE and as extendable rods are driven to the required depth, water
is poured into the backfilled hole.
The second option is to assemble the extendable rods together and insert into the drilled hole.
A thick, well mixed slurry of EARTHRITE and water is then poured in to backfill the hole.
As a rule of thumb, 20kgs of EARTHRITE will yield a volume of approximately 0.0176 cubic
metres (i.e. roughly 57 bags to the cubic metre).

A Practical Guide to Good Earthing

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