The document estimates the equipment needed to produce 80,000 tons of coal per month. It calculates that 5 trucks with a capacity of 33 tons each will be needed to transport the 1,000 tons of coal that can be produced per day from the mine. One loading machine is able to load coal at a rate of 500 tons per hour and can load trucks every 10 minutes, so one loader would be sufficient to meet production targets.
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The document estimates the equipment needed to produce 80,000 tons of coal per month. It calculates that 5 trucks with a capacity of 33 tons each will be needed to transport the 1,000 tons of coal that can be produced per day from the mine. One loading machine is able to load coal at a rate of 500 tons per hour and can load trucks every 10 minutes, so one loader would be sufficient to meet production targets.
The document estimates the equipment needed to produce 80,000 tons of coal per month. It calculates that 5 trucks with a capacity of 33 tons each will be needed to transport the 1,000 tons of coal that can be produced per day from the mine. One loading machine is able to load coal at a rate of 500 tons per hour and can load trucks every 10 minutes, so one loader would be sufficient to meet production targets.
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The document estimates the equipment needed to produce 80,000 tons of coal per month. It calculates that 5 trucks with a capacity of 33 tons each will be needed to transport the 1,000 tons of coal that can be produced per day from the mine. One loading machine is able to load coal at a rate of 500 tons per hour and can load trucks every 10 minutes, so one loader would be sufficient to meet production targets.
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Production Target/Month 80,000.00 TON
Production Target/Day 3,200.00 TON Hauling Distance 19.00 KM Effective working time 30.00 DAY/MONTH 20.00 HRS/DAY 1,200.00 MNT/DAY Job Efeciency 83.33% 1,000.00 MNT/DAY Material Density (BCM) 1.30 T/M3
Truck & Attachment
Average Speed 50.00 KM/HRS ==========> 0.83 KM/MNT
Time/Trip 55.60 MNT Total Trip/Day 17.99 TRIP Truck Max Capasity 33.00 M3 or 42.9 T Tonnage/Trucks 33.00 TON Tonnage/Trucks/Day 593.53 TON Tonnage/Trucks/Month 17,805.76 TON
Estimate Truck Required 4.49 TRUCK
4 TRUCK MA 90.00% 5 TRUCK 17.00
Loading Equipment
KOMATSU 400.00 *Loading 2 MNT
Bucket Capacity (M3) 3.2 M3 *Unloading 1 MNT Cycle Time 0.27 MNT *Manuever 2 MNT Bucket Fill Factor 80% *Queuing 5 MNT Production Capacity/Unit/Hour 554.67 BCM *Total 10 MNT Production Target/Hour 500.00 BCM
Estimate Loading Equipment 0.90 UNIT
0.90 UNIT MA 0.90 1.00 UNIT Jenis Cap. DT Alat Jumlah Target (ton) DT (m3) (Ton) Loading DT EXCA
80,000 MERCY 33 43 PC 400 5 1
150,000 NISSAN CGB 30 29 PC 400 18 1 150,000 SCANIA 17 16 PC 400 33 1 150,000 SCANIA 22 20 PC 400 26 1